View Full Version : Campaigning in the land of Tanton

2007-08-30, 06:16 PM
I'm going to post all the back stories and area back-grounds I've come up with over the years I've run this world.
Please feel free to use what you want, just tell me what you think and what you use.


If you ask the inhabitants of the known lands what the name of their land is, you will get a differing response, dependant on where you are when you ask. If you ask the southern elves, they will say we stand upon Gaea, the Mother of all. In the west, across the sea if you ask the small men there, who follow a Daimyo who in turn follows an Emperor, they will say we are of Niouwn. But the one thing all of these differing cultures share is the legends of the past. Everywhere in the world, what ever you call it, there is this similarity, this shared prehistory. When you boil away all the culture inspired changes to the stories, keeping only the part agreed upon, you get a very plain story.
The Story:
I have read these stories, walked in the ancient places, found artifacts from forgotten cultures , and I will write what I have learned for future use. I will not put down the myth, the legends that have grown up around the pre-histories of the world. The tales of a forgotten heaven, a wondrous world of peace and magics beyond our reckonings. This so-called lost age has only a few unsubstantiated tales left of its existence. If such things interest you, read my mythography work, in this I compile fact, not fiction.

First, it is known that there was some unknown race, some think these were the forerunners of today’s elves, a race sometimes called ‘Eldrin’. However in my researches I have found that this is a corruption of a term from the old tongue that means ‘elder’, and so I a have named this mysterious forgotten race ‘Eldar’, for they are the elders to us all. These people came from the south, in the warm areas, where once it was lush and fertile; I have found entire forests turned to stone, ancient seas that have dried into entire fields of salt. And in the warrens of the Dwarves, I have seen markings depicting massive cities and worked lands crisscrossing the south. Then, these people changed, something happened to drive them into the wild, a war, some cataclysm that was sudden and changed their whole way of life. After this it is unclear, but much time passed, it is unclear how much or exactly what happened. But it is this time that other distinct rases began to make their marks on time, in this time, millennia ago the Dwarves began their first delves into what appears to be preexisting tunnels. The elves began to build their first cities, Ill’Shadune and Nartendo. The first Orks and goblinoids appeared. It to be assumed that the first humans, and their relations, the Gigans and halfings appeared also, but this early the real evidence of their existence is in elven depictions of ‘barbarians’ in the mountains and plains. This whole era is clouded in time so I will not delve further into its mysteries.

No, the first civilization is where the first real concrete history is found. I speak of the Empire, or rather better translated from the old tongue, The Realm. This was the natural inheritor of the first elvish civilizations. Form what I have found, humans were a strong majority, but considered a second class citizen. Now this does not mean they were treated badly, I have records showing that humans owned trading companies, were accomplished sailors, is even the habit of the lords of Nartendo to take at least one human mate. But the humans of this time had no authority in the running of the Realm, as they were barely removed from their tribal origins and still fought over such things as gods and farming rights.

This realm streched from the Eastern sea to the western river country. It was ruled from the city of Naru by a council of elves, known as the circle of twelve. However this council met only every fifty years so the day to day running of the Realm was given over to one of the oldest families, Andorana. The head of this family was much like human kings of today, they had total control over the military, the Legions, and made their home in Nartendo. The city itself was guarded by an elite unit of the legion, the Sandur Kai, or ‘Last Legion’. Many of the legends and stories surrounding the Legions are directly related to the exploits of this unit. But I will discuss the exact nature of this city later.

This era of the Legions and of the Wild Times is known collectively as the ‘First Age’ although it is deceptively simple to call this era spanning many millennia by such. However this era came to a violent close with the first Barbarian Wars, although some historians may say it ended much earlier, when Nartendo fell to necromaster invaders. But while the end of this great city, and the hole it opened for every manor of invader to take a nibble at the Realm, was a cause in the end of this era, it was not until the Thousand Years Dark that things really changed. In the years leading up to this time the northern barbarian attacks grew and grew, the seeming never-ending hordes of Orc, Human and Goblinoids whittled down the once massive Legions to a shallow core. The remnants of the Realm dragged them selves into the Naru peninsula and made their last stand on the Ishar Cliffs, on which the tree of life grows.

Now here you may ask, the tree of life is a legend, why do I mention it? Because I have seen it. In my travels I encountered a guide, who knew the waste and led my party to the roots of this great tree. It was a wonder to behold, I doubt if the myths surrounding it are true, that all life sprang from this one place, but this one tree, covering the cliffs as far as I could see, and spiraling up into the sky, even I a man of science and fact was moved by its grandeur. It went from the needles of pine to the wide leaves and branches of oak and the leaning trunks of the palm. But as we approached a masked figure appeared from the sands and said that to approach further would be to invite death, and as we were low in supplies and not paretically armed, we left the guardians of the tree in peace, taking only one massive leaf, the size of a pack horse and strong as wood, as proof of its existence.

But that is another story. After the fall of this empire this realm, there cam the era known as the thousand years dark, a time when there are not many records. This time started when the Sundering happened. This cataclysm of unknown source is a major cause of the lack of records from before this time. This even effected all the known land; the South once just a warm place with a small dune sea surrounded by plains, was turned in the great Waste. In the north, the once verdant hills of Kaslo were broken and volcanic vents killed the soil, even to this day, nothing but the most hardy of plant will grow there. But the biggest change was the loss of the center of the old world, where once there was land there is now the Sundered coast, its broken shores and impact craters show the violence that occurred here ten thousand years ago. The Maze, that ragged collection of razor-sharp rocks and shoals that pirates find so inviting was formed by this same event.

During this time many races scattered across the remaining land. Some of the elves went north, forming the Illion Woods, the Grey elves, always close to humanity, took their friends and lovers to the open sea, and the Rasarine, the elves of the wood; alas, I was unable to access any of their records, or even access their forests. The dwarves at this time scattered, they went west to the Ibern lands, and north to Grossneghgrok. But, it was the Orcs who suffered most, previously they were just warlike, but now they took to raiding as a cultural motive, indeed, the Orcs of today bare no resemblance to yesterdays Orc. Where once they held honor, and fought for glory and the right to be remembered in song, now they only fight for fighting sake. Here too in my travels I saw a few tribes who clung to this former way, south in the eastern end of the Divide Mountains in a few lost vales they exist. This is also when the Goblin races split, the Gnomes retreating underground like the dwarves, and the wandering Hobgoblins joining with human villages. The remaining ‘proper’ goblins emulating the Orcs and raiding and pillaging for sustenance.

I should pause here and clarify some things, when I write of travels I speak of my twenty year sojourn from the Imperial Vialene Collage. It began as a debate, I questioned the insinuation and assumptions of the professor of history, he was an intelligent man but had never questioned the so called histories that came before. Each one was geared toward some motive, most having been put out by religious organizations. I, in my youth questioned this acceptance of materials that had obviously never been researched and said so openly. In the end I was laughed out of my station as assistant chancellor to the history department and was quite despondent for some time.

Then I met a elf, who took to be of the Grey variety, as his high build and demeanor would indicate, I learned later that he was in fact half Gray elf, his father being a High elf of some importance. Anyhow, my new friend, calling himself Tybalt , said I should prove my theories, bur I told him I would have to mount an expedition, such things take gold. It was not until Tybalt introduced me to Queen Isabella Dalvia of the Impero De los Aldavir, The Empress of all Ibern, that I really believed I, a young scholar, actually visit the places of history and delve their secrets. But in the end, the ruler of one of the wealthiest nations gave us the needed finances for our purely research undertaking.

From the far frozen north, with the Burning Forest and Barbarian lands; the south, where desert nomads roam, fending off Wyrm attacks and raiders; the west where Kaslan and Door naval ships clash on the open sea and play hide and seek in the collection of razor sharp rocks known as the Maze. But even in the heartland, the old Kingdom of Ragnarok, or rather what’s left of it, a massive incohesive stretch of land ruled by any who can take over. But even amidst all this chaos, there are a few bright points; the nation of Ibiern to the south west with their new ways of thinking and advancing technology; Bastion of the North, the great walled city of Tanton that has stood for more than a thousand years; and the Illion Woods, home to the largest known settlement of High elves. All this I have seen, and more.

This is a excerpt from a story based on this land:

“What do you know of history Argyle? Specifically the Old Kingdom of Ragnarok and the Alliance that came after?” After the captain slowly shook his head he continued, “Without getting into a lecture suffice to say they both lasted about a thousand years; first the Kingdom started out a golden age, forged from the various human tribes by Hektor the Great, it was ruled by his decedents for almost five centuries by his heirs and an elite noble class, similar to our lords of the realm, except each was responsible for the defense of his own realm. There is even indication that the various lords would fight among themselves.”
“That’s pure lawlessness ” Argyle exclaimed.
“No, not exactly, each lord was THE law in his land, even the smallest of which were many times the size of Tanton’s holdings. You must remember, this was a chaotic time, a clear authority was paramount to keeping order.” Now Waintree had shifted into full headmaster mode, there would be no stopping the flow of information now, “Also recall that the land was untamed and wild, if you think a few orc raids from across the Dorn sea is a hard year, spend a day in the past A time when every manor of creature, from goblins to dragons roamed freely about the land. You and I my friend are the product of a calm age when the monsters and things that go bump in the night stay far to the north and the south, a time when the only ‘goblins’ we see are their stunted cousins, the Gnomes.
Argyle interjected, “The gnomes are related to goblins?”
“Well, related to them in the same way the wood elves are related to the high elves and the dwarves are related to us, once possibly having a common ancestor but millennia of separation has made each their own race. But I digress, the old kingdom fell not because of outside threat, or rather not purely from outside threats, no, it fell truly from the internal fighting its peers. We don’t know much of that time, it’s not called the hundred years war for its great records, but the historians do know that it was a minor tiff between two lords, coupled with the death of the currant High King and an abnormally large and active orc hoard, and the second kaslan invasion, all within the span of a year. In the confusion old hatreds, old feuds, the old tribal wars, thought long forgot, were rekindled. For example, you and I, in that time would be blood enemies. Your blond hair, stern features and slightly squared jaw line clearly define you as of the Teution peoples and me, I have the long face, low and clearly defined cheekbones and rather slender build of Galuian tribes, our ‘people’ fought over the same farming lands for generations, even though there was enough for both parties.”
“All this is very interesting, but what has it to do with us?” interjected Argyle testily.
“Everything! Look, when Edward Tanton founded the city he had already done the impossible, united the tribes, under one cause Before during the old kingdom and the alliance, they were united under a banner, but they did not intermingle, each tribe stayed in their own lands. But when Edward came recruiting for his mercenary army he recruited from all tribes, and when they settled they began to mingle, crossing the bloodlines, until what we have now in Tanton, and the surrounding lands is a hodgepodge of the so called ‘races’. You my friend are proof of this, your features might be Teution, but your name marks you as Angleas. It's because Edward Tanton was no fool, if he settled near his troops’ home lands the old feuds would just be rekindled, so he built a city far to the north of any tribal lands basically forcing them to intermarry if they wanted to stay. They stayed and became united by blood, strong ties indeed.”


The Federation of Door

Door has a long seafaring tradition and to the current day boasts the best navy in the known world, Kaslo having the largest. When the name Door is mentioned pirates quake and old sailors will launch into stories about how they saw a Doran battleship come out of the mist, strike and leave, all while leaving naught a wake. They exaggerate some.
For thousands of years there were massive seafaring tribes, they lived, traded, and fought on the open sea. This lasted until the third Kaslan invasion when they were nearly wiped out by the Kaslan Navy. Afterwards a conclave of ‘driftmasters’, their elders and leaders, decided a safe harbor was needed, an eternally safe one, a land to call home and defend in time of need. While having this safe harbor united the tribes under one banner, they are still spread out over thousands of miles. In all the world the island of Door is unique in that it possess the only so called ‘free’ style of government in the known lands; a Republic. This fact has made most of the other major nations wary of the federation’s strongest member, they distrust the ‘chaotic’ form of government where the ruling power changes hands as often as eight years. Where most nations have a royal family to provide a steady foreign policy, Door elects a new Chancellor every eight years.

Kaslo; The broken land

Kaslan, just saying the name of the folk that inhabit this frozen north waste will bring shudders to people in the heartlands. This barren land allows only the strongest and most cunning to survive, let alone succeed. Ancient history indicates that before the sundering Kaslo was a plentiful land, rich in minerals and timber. Now it is half frozen tundra, the sundering released strange creatures and toxins from the earth and nothing will grow for long in the ashen earth for five hundred leagues around Kaslo. The only real plant life left is strange and twisted, great lichens and fungi grow from twisted scrub trees, their wood only good for burning.

The Kingdom of Tanton

The gray city. Bastion of the North. Tanton. It is a large city, housing half a million inside its massive stone walls, only once in its two millennia history did an enemy breach it. The actual city, like many other major cities is more of a state in fact, if not name. The lands claimed by Tanton include everything southwest along the Dorn sea cost till the Rolk river, and everything on that river till the city of Outpost. In the other direction, toward the north-east it spreads for more than fifty leagues to the city of Northridge.
The city itself juts out into the clear cool waters of the sea, in fact, the rear third of the wall was open to the water except for that which was taken up by the citadel, its massive girth leaving open 'only' the two miles of docks on either side of it that are the city's source of wealth.
The first thing someone who was familiar with cities would notice when looking upon it was the height and shape of the wall, it was more egg shaped then round and it rose to more then ten stories above the ground. The next thing one would notice was the Citadel, the massive plateau that rose more than twenty stories from the edge of the water. That massive thing was a city unto itself, there were miles of tunnel carved throughout it and a good part of the population lived there. The last thing the observer might notice is the uniform light shaded gray the whole city was, the walls, most of the buildings, and the Citadel all were a uniform unique grey stone. It was that stone that first attracted the eye of Edward Tanton, he had heard rumors of a place where there was a stone that even magic could not break.
Spaced around the city there were ten towers, each a fortress unto itself. Starting in the north-west going clockwise the towers are called; Demon tower, Kraken and Hydra set right into the citadel, Dragon tower-like Demon this one was set right where the city wall ended four furlongs out into the Dorn sea; then Fire and Water towers at the east gate, Griffin and Manticore-the largest of all the towers-placed near the main gate, and then finally Air an Earth towers guarding the west gate. Each of these towers was well armed with guards cannon and mortars. Each of these towers commanded a stretch of open ground a good mile wide around the city wall, by royal decree nothing was to be built with in this stretch, this killing field.
From the main gate there ran a wide thoroughfare starting as wide as the gate then narrowing till it reached the Citadel where it turned into a switchback trail that led up to the top. This main street is bisected only at one point, right in the center of the city where a road connected the east and west gates. If ever the impossible happened and the city wall was breached, any attacking force would either be forced along these routes in order to take the Citadel or slog their way through the narrow streets that wound labyrinth like through the four quarters of the city. When the city was first built the streets were planed carefully, allowing for easy movement but after the city was taken by the Kaslan during their first invasion it was decided to let each quarter plan their street's in whatever way they wished. This led to one of the most convoluted city scapes known. The mages quarter was filled with web-like street pattern that had some magical meaning, the artisans quarter had geometric circles that all seemed to blend together, the merchants quarter was planned, to some extent, near the docks there was a plain grid pattern of streets but after that it degenerated into a random sprawl. And the craftsman's quarter was much the same, only more random, with switchbacks and dead ends at random places. The point of all this was so any attacking force would either march straight through the preplanned killing fields that were the main streets or would be subject to bloody street fighting while under constant fire from the cannon and mortars in the citadel. If such a force actually made it to the citadel they were made to make another choice, attempt to climb right up the switchback trail, under fire from the towers that lined it or try the cargo ramp that sloped gently up the side while still facing fire and attacks from the tunnels that permeated the citadel and emptied right onto the ramp.
In short, any direct attack on Tanton was suicide. The only reason the city had fallen once before was because of a series of flukes; the Dorn sea had frozen over, not the northen end that froze every winter, but the entire thing solid as a rock, and most of the city had been emptied of troops because of the attacks coming from the south. No one expected the Kaslans to march a second force right across the frozen sea and take Tanton from the rear. It did cost them dearly but with orcs and goblins swelling their ranks they, for a time, conquered the unconquerable city.
The government of Tanton is made up of two main parts, both bodies are responsible to the compact. The compact is the main legal document from which all laws of Tanton come, it defines the areas of authority for each division of government, chiefly the Crown and the Council. The Tantonnian government is ruled by two separate and distinct offices; the Council is a gathering of selected leaders chosen from the separate sectors of the city; the High Magus of the mages guild, master of the Mages Quarter; the Head Foreman of the Craftsmen’s Quarter; the Magistrate of the Artisans Quarter; the Guild master of the of the Merchants Guild, oft referred to as the Tradesmaster; and though he had no quarter to command, the Marshal of Guard, the commander of the city watch. The Marshal was an odd position, he was chosen by the guard captains who where themselves chosen by the councilors; so in effect their subordinates chose their equal. Each of these councillors have near total control over his sector and a equal say on the council. In turn the council had final say over all taxes, in-city trade, law keeping and law making. The Crown comprised of the King, or Queen, at the head with various Dukes, Barons, Marquis, Counts (sometimes called Earls), and Viscounts under the royal family. There aren’t many and most live outside the city itself on large plots of land bequeathed to them from the founder of Tanton, Edward Tanton the first. It was they who are law in the hundred leagues around the Idreasa peninsula, Where the city is.

Even though this forest is located far to the north in the cold the snows rarely touch the trees. It is not known why, but there are massive vents of steam located all around the forest and on cold days, the moisture put off by these vents looks almost like white smoke from a long distance.
Mostly unclaimed and unexplored, the dangers from this place are too numerous to set in word..
[DM use: I’ve never actually used this in campaigns (yet). But it’s a deciduous forest in a far north (icy) environment. I put it there as part of Raydawn forest. (It protects their western borders)

Ah, the wild and untamed lands of the barbarians. Here it is strength and fierceness that get noticed. It is only they that know the pathways through the maze of rock east of Tanton and north of Illion Wood.
They use this knowledge to raid and pillage the villages on the road between the elven wood and the human city. Sword and warhammer are the law, allegiance is to the tribe.
[DM use: the landscape is akin to Iceland or Norway, and so are the people. Any large barbarian type character is likely to be from here.]

Once, in millennia past, there was more to the known lands, where the Maze is, once there was land stretching down to the far south. The Sundered coast was once a great inland plateau, and the Broken isle was a paradise.
But that time has past, the land is broken and has recovered. After the Dark Time, a two thousand year stretch when there were no real kings or lords or laws but that which were made by the strongest, came the Kingdom of Ragnarok. The high king united all the warring human tribes under one banner. And for a millennia there was relative piece. Then the Kaslans attacked. They invaded killing and purging the land of all they deemed ‘unworthy’. That was the first of three Kaslan invasions over the next thousand years. The second, combined with the death of the high king, a massive orc horde that year caused the fall of Ragnarok Castle and then the Kingdom itself.
About the same time there was mercenary General Named Edward Tanton, who, seeing the chaos coming took his loyal troops and their families north to the Idreasa peninsula and settled there in a village named for him.


starting zone

Wellspring wood
here on the north the gigans clash with giants and beasts, to the south is the Shadow road where only the bravest go across the mountains to the Waste and the death that awaits in the sands there.
The east is guarded by one of the oldest raysarine (wood elf) forests, beyond that the Vialene Empire. Effectively cut off from the outside these people have their own ways and standards, often at odds with the outside.
Notes: warm climate, sub-jungle forests

The Old Kingdoms
The remains of a once great nation this place is now ruled by every manor of lord or lords. Great forests and rivers are found here among ruined aqueducts and towers holding lost tomes.
This is the most vast region on maps, its wild politics and natural dangers make it hard to map, or rather, keep map makers alive long enough to do their job. A thousand leagues stretching from the center, it is bordered on the north by Tanton, the south by wild lands and the southwall moutains. The east is covered by endless ocean, and the west, the broken coast and the maze, an impassable maze of rocky shoals that ships avoid.
Notes: Cooler, north American climate

This was once a large desert, inhabited by nomads and all types of warm blooded creatures. The Sundering (what they call the event that changed the face of the land) changed what was once a small dune sea into a vast wasteland, monstrous beasts and vicious tribes preying on the nomads that dwell here. The once great elf city, Est’illion located on the edge of the desert, called by others the city of brass because of its great brass covered roofs was abandoned with the elves retreating into Illshadune.
[DM use: the ‘flavor’ of this area is kinda Arabian Nights, Jinn, wyrms, any large hot environment creature can be found here.

relatively safe and free from monster attack, this land with its gently rolling hills and grasslands has seen more peace than most. It is ruled by Queen Isabella Dalvia of the Impero De los Aldavir, The Empress of all Ibern.
[DM use: the people and lands here are akin to a renaissance Spain. (They even speak a different language.) Small firearms are found in greater number and adventures tend toward ‘high court intrigue’ rather then ‘smash em ups’ ] NOTE; geography nuts will recognize Ibiern as a corruption of Iberian, the peninsula Spain is located on



Spell points. Magic is kept track of through spell points as shown in Unearthed Arcana. However, the extra cost for extra damage dice is ignored.
Any spells that take use of dimensions or planar travel are out. As is teleport and all teleport related spells. Resurrection all its related spells are non-existent.
Any spell over the level of fifth is rare and powerful. Casters who gain spells over this rank instead just add spell points as normal.
NOTE: if you REALLY want to, you can use spell slots. i wont be though.COMBAT:
Armor as damage reduction. As shown in Unearthed Arcana.
Debilitating Attacks; any time a character takes damage equal to or more than their Constitution SCORE, (NOT modifier) PLUS his character level in one attack he takes -1 to all skills, attacks, and AC. This penalty stacks with itself. This includes nonlethal damage. For monsters use their hit dice plus CR to determine this if necessary.
quick change: for now its if you take that much in ONE ATTACK. the stacking caps at -5 for now.
Wounded: when a character is at half of his hit points he is wounded and takes -2 to all actions and saves and -10 to all movement modes. minimum speed: 10
Massive damage threshold: 25 or more damage in one blow the target makes a save, he may add his hit dice+ one stat modifier, or he becomes stunned. 50 or more, a save is made or unconsciousness occurs. The DC is twenty-five for both these saves.
Parry Mode: taking a full round action the character may add his base attack bonus to his armor class.


Maximum hit points all levels

All characters start at level two.

Point Buy System: All stats start at ten. You have 22 points and each stat point is one for one. No stats over 20 allowed before adding racial bonuses. You may ‘buy down’ stats to 8.
‘0' level: In the Unearthed Arcana book there are three ‘generic’ classes these along with the NPC classes from the dungeon masters guide, one level of one of these may taken at character creation. This zero level does not count toward cross-classing limits.
Skills: Spot and listen are now Awareness. Hide and Move Silently are now Stealth. Balance, Climb and Jump are now Athletics. All Craft skills are now just Craft.
All knowledge skills are now just Knowledge (if a class gives you a specific knowledge you may take it as a Focused Skill that does not count toward your limit of focused skills) All Perform skills are now just Perform.
Focused Skills. Each is a specific thing that the character does well. A character may have five skill focuses. Each counts as a class skill. The character must have at least three points in the parent skill to have a focus in that skill. A focused skill rank may be no higher than the characters level. Effect: when using that specific skill one may add the focus bonus to the skill check roll. Skill focus does not add any external modifiers such as any stat modifiers or bard song. Example: Repositioning, while using Tumble to move around a single opponent add your skill focus. So this focus does not apply when moving through a opponents space, out of combat tumble checks, or when threatened by more than one opponent.

2007-08-30, 06:23 PM
The main D&D races are found, to some extant, across the lands. Humans, Dwarves, Halflings, and what-not. Presented here are the modifications and outright changes I've made the core races. changes are in red.

Stat adjustments:

+2 Constitution, -2 Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, dwarves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Dwarf base land speed is 20 feet. However, dwarves can move at this speed even when wearing medium or heavy armor or when carrying a medium or heavy load (unlike other creatures, whose speed is reduced in such situations).
Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet. .
Stonecunning: This ability grants a dwarf a +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework, such as sliding walls, stonework traps, new construction (even when built to match the old), unsafe stone surfaces, shaky stone ceilings, and the like. Something that isn’t stone but that is disguised as stone also counts as unusual stonework. A dwarf who merely comes within 10 feet of unusual stonework can make a Search check as if he were actively searching, and a dwarf can use the Search skill to find stonework traps as a rogue can. A dwarf can also intuit depth, sensing his approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves may treat dwarven waraxes and dwarven urgroshes as martial weapons, rather than exotic weapons. The hand axe, light pick and warax count as Simple weapons.
Stability: A dwarf gains a +4 bonus on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped when standing on the ground (but not when climbing, flying, riding, or otherwise not standing firmly on the ground).
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against orcs and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature looses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
+2 racial bonus on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
+2 racial bonus on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal.
Automatic Languages: Common and Dwarven.

Here we go. The D&D elves are to generic and much the same to me. And then the Drow, a race of COMPLETELY evil black skinned elves. Silly, that is; as Yoda would say. So here are my elves, in all their splendor with my names for the various types in brackets.

All elves have low-light vision and +2 Spot, listen, search and Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.

High Elf (Elsarine)
This rather haughty breed stands from about 5'8 feet to 6'8 and rarely break 180 lbs and can live upwards of 900 years. Their slender sharp jawed faces are flanked by a pair of pointed ears about three inches long, narrow and easily hid under a full head of hair, with green eyes being the most common light shades of blue being next.
Thick facial structure is unheard of and there has never been a lantern or square jawed high elf.
Their movements, even in combat, are flowing and precise. They never move with more force than is necessary, why should the exert themselves when one precise strike will do?. Their patience, like their life span, is great and they have been known to spend years perfecting even the most 'mundane' of tasks.
From a combat stand point they like to fight defensively, an elvish fighter has spent years training and will just wait for his opponent to make a mistake or get tired. Certain battles involving high elves have lasted weeks, the one battle humans know where high elf fought high elf lasted two months.
Skin tends to be rather pale by human standards but is a perfect counter to their dark hair, which runs along the human norms.
Stat adjustments:

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
Not as strong as most races but this tends to be a matter of preference, High Elves don't 'work out'.
A high elf passing within 5 feet of a hidden door may attempt a search, even if he didn't know it was there.
Arrogant: Elves come off as more than a bit arrogant to the other races. -4 to diplomacy checks made to improve the attitude of nonelf races.
Elven Stamina: Elves do not get tired because of running or fighting and they may, instead of 'sleeping' for their two hours a day they may choose to ‘put off’ sleep for as many days equal to their Constitution Modifier +1. However, when they do next sleep they fall into a deep trance and fail all attempts to wake up, and must rest a number of hours equal to 4x the number of days they skipped.
Grace: High Elves have trained to use light weapons to their advantage, expertly slicing and thrusting with grace rather than force. They get the weapon finesse feat.
Weapon Familiarity: High elves are profficant with the, Bide Blade, Raiper, Elven Cort blade, Elven Light Blade, Long bow, Short Bow, Short Sword, and Scimtar.
Automatic Languages: common and elven
Preferred class: Any arcane casting class

Grey Elf , also, Sea Elf (Nauphtsarine)
[note: the 'dark elf' or Noxsarine falls under this catagory]
Not as long lived as their 'High' cousins, only about 700/800 years at the outside. This is the most seen elf in human lands and they have been known to take a human mate, or two, as the local customs dictate.
Fun loving and adventurous, the grey elf is at home on the road wandering the country side and finding his fortune or sailing the sea, waiting to crest the next wave.
Standing about the same height and build as humans, they are often mistaken and a glance or distance for a beautiful human. But when they get closer the distinctive pointed ears of an elf are made plain. Longer, more triangular and jutting straighter than a high elf's ears they can still be hid under a wide hat or scarf, as many grey's do.
A sea elf's eyes are always distinctive, they have a certain gleam in them. Shades of blue, grey and sea green are the most common but all have a certain steely look to them.
And although their natural hair colors tend to the pale grey's and light blueish whites, they like to die their hair vibrant colors, all colors have been known, most are unnatural; neon blues and reds being the most popular.
In combat grey elves see a chance to 'show off', they tend to be flamboyant, darting in and out as if teasing their opponent(s). This showing off is although, controlled; they're not stupid and will stay within their limits.
Stat Adjustments:

+2 Dexterity -2 Constitution
Like their high elf cousins they are dextrous, but they are more vulnerable.
Keener Sense: +2 spot. This stacks with the +2 they already get.
A high elf passing within 5 feet of a hidden door may attempt a search, even if he didn't know it was there.
Resistant: Grey elves are naturally able to avoid and resist damage, they get +1 to all saves.
Sea elves get these also: +2 profession (sailing) +2 balance +2 sense motive
Dark elves get these: +2 stealth & Dark Vision
Combat panache: the grey elves like to use advanced tactics in combat, darting, weaving and what not. They get the effect of the improved disarm and improved trip feats.
Grey Elves are immune to any spell that has the sleep effect, they are resistant to charms and enchantments and compulsion effects, they get +2 to resist them.
Weapon Familiarity: Grey elves are profficant with the, Bide Blade, Raiper, Elven Cort blade, Elven Light Blade, Short Sword, and Scimtar.
Sea weapons: sea elves can use certain weapons normally found on boats. The boarding ax*, the harpoon, the pike, and the cutlass* are all weapons they are familiar with.
Stealth Weapons: Dark elves prefer to do things quick and quiet-like, they are proficient with, Short bows, Short swords, the Kukri, and Katar(punching dagger)
Preferred class: (sea) swashbuckler (Dark) rouge
Automatic Languages: common and elven

Wood Elves (Raysarine)
Out of all the elven races the elves of the wood are the most secretive and unknown. The only ones that seem to know of the history of the Raysarine are the high elves, but if pressed on the subject they will change it or say that it is not the time to talk about ancient history.
Identifiable by their short stature, they are barely four and a half feet high, and have large ears that are highly mobile, they twitch and swivel around; in fact, it is odd to see them talk, ears pointed at one, then another sound.
Rasarine are short and described as ‘child like’ , writers having focused on their stature and long ears, but it is their eyes that are fascinating. They are over large and usually brown, not brown like a human's, but deep pools of shining brown, soft grey is seen the most after that, not the striking steel blue/grey of a sea elf but soft like the winter fog. Their hair is usefully dull brown, jet black, or black with a greenish tinge.
Although shorter lived than their larger kin, about 500 years old, wood elves are not to be underestimated, their connection to the spirits and elementals of the wood are powerful and one should not underestimate them.
Stat adjustments:

+4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, -2 Charisma
Keener Sense: +2 listen — they many NOT search for a hidden door just by passing it. —
Natural spells: Add the following spells as spell like ability: Camouflage 2/day (+10 to hide) work wood 2/day, light 2/day, mend(natural items)/atwill, Vine spike 2/day(one D6 dmg within 30ft, entangles creature, natural surroundings only) the stat used for casting is wisdom.
Active ears: a wood elf actively searching for something (IE out of combat) gets an extra +2 to listen (if he has the keen eared scout feat or the Awarness feat this is +4 all the time as long as he is not wearing a helmet of any type.)
Slight Build: although wood elves are medium creatures they count as small for combat purposes.(-2To resist bull rush, overcome grapple ect. ect.) However, they do use medium sized weapons, as long as they are not overly heavy.
Naturalist: wood elves get +4 to stealth and survival and may ignore speed penalty due to undergrowth.
Honest: due to their honest nature, childlike appearance and emotion showing ears, most races find it easy to 'read' the wood elves. -2 to bluff and disguise.
Weapon Familiarity: Long Bow, Short Bow, Elven light blade, Raiper, short sword and raysarine leaf blade.
They get the effect of the run feat and the track or brachation feats.
Base land speed: 40ft
Automatic Languages: zil’sylvan (not common. A wood elf must spend skill points speak common)
Favored classes: Druid, ranger and scout

Stat adjustments:

Note: the whisper gnome is a common alternative to the 'regular' gnome.
+2 Constitution, -2 Strength.
Gnomes are cunning alchemists, +4 to all Craft (alchemy) and any roll involving alchemy. Craft (alchemy) is always a class skill for a Gnome.
Prestidigitation/at will, ghost sound 3/day, dancing lights 2/day, mend 1/day. Save DC 10 + gnome’s Intelligence modifier + spell level.
Small: As a Small creature, a gnome gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but he uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Gnome base land speed is 20 feet.
Low-Light Vision: A gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Weapon Familiarity: Gnomes may treat gnome hooked hammers, heavy picks and picks as martial weapons rather than exotic weapons.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against illusions.
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against illusion spells cast by gnomes. This adjustment stacks with those from similar effects.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds and goblinoids.
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class against monsters of the giant type. Any time a creature loses its Dexterity bonus (if any) to Armor Class, such as when it’s caught flat-footed, it loses its dodge bonus, too.
+2 racial bonus on awarness checks.
Automatic Languages: Common and Gnome.

Strong and forceful Gigans tend to smash their way through rather than talk. That and their wild ways mean they come off as 'brutish'.
These very tall people look at first glance to be humans with some sort of growth disorder. Then they hit you. And you fall. And you never mistake a Gigan for a human again.
The standard Gigan pushes the boundaries of height, 6'6 to 7'8 tall.
They have been described as 'tall dwarves', very tall and muscular. Although their size and great girth tend to put 'normal' people off, Gigans love to party and drink, and fight. Which is odd because Dwarves like the same things yet Dwarves and Gigans don't really get along. Not at first at any rate.
Stat Adjustments:

+2 Strength -2 Wisdom or Charisma
Abrupt Start: Gigans may make standing long jumps and high jumps without running.
Acclimated: Gigans are used to high altitudes. They are used to them and do not take negatives because of them.
Massive Frame: they have a incredible strength, even for their size. They count as one size category larger for all combat purposes which favor them. Including wielding larger weapons.
Bigger, meaner, louder: +4 on intimidate checks. -2 on hide and move silently.
Just smash something: Gigans like large weapons. They are proficient with the great spear, great sword, warmace and great bow. Although the bow is actually a rare weapon for them, they prefer the spear or javelin as a raged weapon.
Gigan base land speed is 30ft
Automatic Languages: Common and Gigan
Preferred class: fighter or barbarian

Its simple, 2 Feats at first level, and TWO skill points at each level in addition to the FOUR at first level.
In addition, the human may select one skill based feat, Athletics, Acrobatics, Alertness, Deceitful, Diligent, Deft Hands, Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Skill Focus, Stealthy.
Human base land speed is 30 feet.

Stat adjustments:

+2 Dexterity, -2 Strength.
Small: As a Small creature, a halfling gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.
Halfling base land speed is 20 feet.
+2 racial bonus on Climb, Jump, Listen, listen, search and Move Silently checks.
+1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear: This bonus stacks with the halfling’s +1 bonus on saving throws in general.
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown weapons and slings.
Automatic Languages: Common and Halfling

Automatic Languages: Common and Elven
Low-Light Vision: A half-elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
+1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information checks.
Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells or effects.
Half-elf base land speed is 30 feet.
Then choose either:
Two extra skill points at every level.(including first)
One extra feat at first level.

Stat adjustments:

+4 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Half-orc base land speed is 30 feet.
+4 on intimadate checks.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and half-orcs can function just fine with no light at all.
Orc Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-orc is considered an orc.
Automatic Languages: Common and Orc.

These Hobgoblins are the result of unions between their wild kin and humans. Their decedents now live peaceably in many of the smaller towns that range throughout the frontier along with others of their own kind, humans and halflings.
Stat adjustments:

+2 constitution -2 charisma Though tough, Hobgoblins are brutally abrupt in conversations, having not the patience for ‘silver tonguing it’
Darkvision 60ft. Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and Hobgoblins can function just fine with no light at all.
Base land speed is 30ft
+4 racial bonus on bluff and intimidate checks.
Automatic Languages: Common and Goblin
Bonus Feat: toughness, Just take it(homebrew feat)

2007-08-31, 03:41 AM
Feat Weapons
these weapons, when combined with certain feats, and the feat allowing their use, allow for special maneuvers to be used. The weapon name and what feats you need are listed.

Critical |
Damage Type


Raysarine Leaf Knife|

Thrust Blade|


Gnome Worked Crossbow|

Capstan blade|

Spin Blade|

Bide Blade|

Battle Sword|

Mantis Hooks|
20(for 2)|
1D6(for both)|


this light weapon has a spring loaded blade that pops up from the handle.
50 GP
10 ft. range
+4 to any hide check made to hide this weapon on oneself.

the user of this weapon can ready his weapon faster. +6 to Initiave rolls

Precise Shot
using the blade to pin a targets clothes to an object, the user may attempt a ranged pin. The target must be against a wall or other object.

Rasarine leaf blade

20ft range

The thin construction of these blades allows them to be thrown up to four at a time. (Full base attack bonus -2 per attack)

The wielder may apply any ranged combat feet to the use of these weapons.

Elvish thrust blade (in elvish dar'Sha)

usually about 3-4 feet long this strange blade takes years to master because of its off-center balance, and the hilt coming off at such an odd angle.
this blade is never made with anything less then the best, so it is always considered masterworked. this cost has been worked into the price.
at least 60percent of these blades were made using a combination of mithrill/steel with a adamantine reenforced edge. this makes the blade very light and gives the effect of a sharper edge. these blades are known as 'Master Blades'. if the blade is made like this, it adds one to its crit range from (18-20x2 to 17-20x2) this effect stacks with keen or improved crit as it is a natural blade enhancement.


Thrust Blade
1000 GP
18-20x2 crit range
6 Lbs

Master Thrust Blade
1900 GP
4 Lbs

Gnome Worked Crossbow

this is a light repeating crossbow, with a twist.
it can reload its five shot cartridge with a new cartridge as a move action.
it also allows the user to fire with his FULL ATTACK ACTION as this bow automatically re-loads itself for the next shot.

1300(MW) GP plus it MUST be made of a mix of adamantine, mithrill, and True Steel.(for an extra 200 gp)
1500 total price

50 foot range increment
1d6 damage
crit range 20x3
4 Lbs
cartridge cost: 10gp

because of the extreame speed one may ready this weapon on the first round you draw these weapons you may make an attack as an immediate action, one attack at -4 full BAB.

however, because of their fragile construction, you may not get the benafits of two weapon defence. (or any related ability/feat)


'Capstan' blade

this enormous blade starts with a two-handed pommel with a wide cross guard. after that it gets interesting. the blade is easaly twice the width of a longword, starting much like a full blade would. but instead of enging in a tip there is a large two sided 'head' rather like a standard wood cutting ax head writ large. the main blade area itself is thicker than normal and very heavy. this strange weapon must be wielded in both hands to use unless you have Exotic Weapon proficiency [capstan blade].
the weapon was first used by a group of sea farers who used them to defend their ships from hostile boarders. each sailor standing and 'twirling' like the capstan used to haul anchor.

Damage 2d6
Piercing /Slashing/Bludgoning(yup all three)
due to the weight of this weapon and the rather thick 'blade' it does bludgeoning. with the 'spike' head it can do piercing. and the 'blade' of course does slashing. it can do all three these at once or any two in combination.
Weight: 12 pounds
cost: always master worked; 450 GP

Special: this weapon counts as a long sword.

this weapon may be used with the Dervish prestige class ability as long as the wielder has 15 strength.

Over-balanced: any non-proficient user of this weapon is not used to the weight at the end of the extra wide blade so when any foe attempts to trip, disarm or sunder, the user of the Capstan Blade gets -4 to resist the attempt.

Defensive Spinning: the wielder may add a plus 2 bonus to ac (in the form of a shield bonus) this is only effective with medium or less armor and with no shield (or buckler) in hand. this may not be used in any round the user has moved more than five feet. the user only gets this in the round after an attack and must hold the weapon with two hands.

Mighty Cleaving: due to the way you wield this weapon the user gets plus 2 to any cleave attempt. This bonus stacks with any you receive from other sources.

Follow through: you may take a five foot step after a cleave attempt.

Dar'Rouk, Elvish Spin Blade


This is a rare and exotic weapon. always wielded in pairs and made from the finest mithrill and adamantine. when properly sized for the user they fit the curve of the for-arm, being used much like the human weapon called 'tonfa', although with a bit more style, befitting their elven origins.

850 GP (for one)
light weapon
Critical 17-20 x2(beacause of the adamantine edge)

On any round where the user takes a defensive or full defensive action, double the bonus you receive to Armor Class.

The user of these weapons receives the benefit of the two weapon defense feat for free when using these weapons. if they have this feat already, increase the bonus by one. this only aplies to melee attacks.

Chaotic Defense: Due to the strange dance like movements needed to use these weapons your opponents don’t quite know how to respond; they take a -2 to hit a user of these weapons while the weilder is in melee.


Bide Blade

the high elf bide blade is their main military combat weapon. elven legions using this weapon are a common sight.
normal tactics for this weapon are unit based.

19-20x2 crt
medium one handed weapon
may be used with two hands

you may set this weapon against a charge, it deals twice normal damage. it takes a readied standard action to set.

whirlwind trip: after a successful trip, you may make one attack against the same target as your trip. (full BAB -2)

in place of an attack of opportunity you may detract your opponent from your allies. the same opponent that provoked the attack of opportunity gets a -2 to hit any one else but you


Originally a rare weapon from the south, this weapon has seen a rise in popularity.
Its curved blade and long handle allow for powerful overhead sweeps.

90gp (not masterworked)
Two-handed heavy slashing weapon.

When ever using power attack, exchange each point of you base attack bonus 1 for 2. With this it is possible to get more damage than you have BAB.

blade-back parry: Any time you could make an attack of oppertunity you may instead use you blade to set yourself up to parry. for each attack of oppertnity given up you get +2 to in the form of a parry bonus.(this is a 'other' bonus)

running slash: make one attack against each target that enters your threatened area as you move, up to your character level in targets may be attacked like this. Attacks are made at full BAB -4. you provoke attacks of opportunity as normal. each attack is resolved separately. if one fails, or an opponent strikes you with an attack of opportunity your movement is stopped. this can only be used as part of a full-round move action and not combined with any other attack that takes movement.(like a charge)


these are a set of claws that are worn strapped to the forearm. mostly a defensive weapon they have been used with devastating effect to disarm and pull foes off balance.

20gp(for two)
*1D6 piercing*(for both)
always used in pairs
may be used with fury of blows
*when damage for flury of blows increses in damage, so to does the damage with mantis hooks.(at fourth level damage is 1D8 piercing, ect. ect. ect.)

when you win a grapple check, immediatly do normal damage with these weapons. (1D6)this damage goes up with with monk level.

Weapon Enhancements

Rune Enchantments

A weapon that is at least master worked may be temporally enhanced with damage runes. A master worked weapon may have only one rune stamp on it.
a magical may have up to its magical allowance. IE: a stamps' bonus level counts toward its magic enhacement maximum.
The runes are a simple magic effect implanted into the weapon by way of a stamp of alchemical silver. The stamp is a cylinder about five inches long; when you depress the plunger a core of magnesium heats against the sides and heats the raised rune on the other end, so it melts into the weapon, leaving only a small silver mark.
The runes are temporary, lasting anywhere from a month to a year.

{table=head] Rune Damage| Cost Multiplier | Minium Time Length| Minium Spell Level|Bonus Level

+1 Month|

+2 Month|

+2 Month|

+3 Month|

+3 Month|

To determine the cost of a rune stamp multiply the number of months it will last by the cost multiplier of the damage die. The result is hundreds of gold pieces. This is the cost to implant the spell. Add 50 to the cost for materials. If the damage type is force, add 150.
So using these, a 1D10 damage rune that does force damage lasting 1 year (4x12=480 +150=630gp)

Constructing one

In order to make a rune stamp one must cast a damage dealing spell with an energy descriptor in the into the rune and be able to cast permanency .
The energy type of the spell also determines the damage type of the stamp. So if a wizard uses burning hands to make a rune, the extra damage done by the rune is fire. If he uses, say, magic missile, the damage type is force.
To construct the stamp plunger itself follows the standard item creation rules and requires artisans tools, and a suitable environment. It is a DC 20 craft(alchemy) check to make a plunger.
After the plunger is made a mage must then cast the spell he will imbue into the item followed by a permanency spell.
The total cost of the stamp in XP and gold is: 2 x the cost multiplier + 2 per month of the duration = Experience cost. For the materials its fifty Gp, plus another hundred if its to be force damage.

Worked Weapons
All worked weapons must be masterworked. All stats given assume that the item is already masterworked.
All enhancements stack with masterworking bonuses.
All worked weapons must be made as such at item creation and can not be added afterwardsAll magic weapons must be worked.


Gnomeworked is the term commonly used to describe a ‘tricked out’ yet still mundane (IE non-magical) weapon. Most of these weapons are made by Gnomes, but not all.
A single weapon can never have more than two of these enhancements.
Hidden Compartment +50 GP
this is a compartment inside the weapon somewhere. It take off 42hit points from the weapon
This compartment is big enough for one potion. This potion may be drunk or used as a swift action. And no, poison may used in this compartment.
Spring Loaded +75 GP
This is more of a sheath modification than a weapon one. Only swords may have this one. This is a spring mounted in the sheath that makes the sword pop up when a catch is released.
The wielder of this may draw his weapon as a free action as long as he has both hands free.
Mercurial +130 GP
Yes, there is already a version of this. Mine’s different.
Only hafted weapons may be made like this. It confers the effect of the cleave feat. If you have cleave, you get great cleave.
Rending +30 GP
This weapon is precisely barbed in such a way that it leaves large bleeding wounds. This causes the target to bleed for two hit points on the next round after struck.
Weighted +70 GP
This weapon is specially weighted to allow for more powerful strikes.
The wielder must have a at least a 15 strength. 13 if it is a light weapon.
This weapon does an extra 2 points of bludgeoning damage.
It also multiplies the weight of the weapon by 1.5.
Guarded +50 GP
An extra large cross guard, a basket hilt, these are guarded weapons. A weapon like this is easer to make special attacks with. The drawback is that the extra weight and width makes it harder to deal direct damage. The user of this weapon deals one less (-1) damage but has the effect of the feats; Improved Trip, Improved Disarm, Improved Sunder.
The user of the guarded also gets +2 to resist getting disarmed or sunderd.
Notched +10 GP
Simply these are small notches cut into the weapons cutting edge to catch the opponents weapon. The weapon grants +2 to all Disarm attempts. The weapon also loses four hit points.

Armor Enhancements
Locking +60 GP
Hidden pins and locks that lock the suits weapons and joints in place. On rounds where the user remains still the wearer gets +4 to resist getting bull rushed and tripped. The user may not be disarmed by normal means.
Pneumatic +200 GP
Pneumatic cylinders enhance the wearers ability to pull back from a swing. The user may make one extra attack at his full base attack taking -4 to hit.
Stabilized +200 GP
If the armor already has the Pneumatic enhancement this only costs an extra 120 Gp This gives the armor the Stable effect as a dwarf. (+4 to resist overrun, trip, and bull rush)

Dark Steel
Technicly, only one of the weapons called 'darksteel' is actualy Dark Steel, a fuision of adamantine, steel and obsidian. The others are made from a varying slew of materials, but all include Steel and Adamantine.
Due to their unique nature, these metals rare and hard to construct. The effect of each type of blade is associated with its construction, and can vary.
Only weapons may be made with these materials.
Each one must be masterworked with materials not valueing less than 3,000 Gp.(add 3000 to the bace price of the weapon)
Any of these weapons may hold up to a +4 enhancement in addition to the abilities.
Dark Steel: the dark energy infusing this blade causes creatures extra pain when struck. Add 5 to the weapon damage and the target becomes wracked with pain, taking -1 to all skill rolls, saves, and attacks. this negative stacks with itself, but can not exceed 5. It can be negated with a remove curse, or restoration spell.
Armor can be made with this material. Any time the one wearing Darksteel armor is struck in melee, the one who struck him is hit (no save) for 3 points of damage and must make a DC 17 FRT save or be sickened for one round.(starting after damage is dealt) Armor like this costs 8000 gold pieces and must be Elven worked, True steel, or Dwarven worked.(Adding more to the price)
Blood Steel: this weapon thirsts for blood. It removes a small part of the targets blood through their skin. Every time a living creature with BLOOD is stuck with this weapon, ignore all damage reduction and/or natural armor and armor. However, once the blade tastes a creature's blood twice, it will not drink from that same creature again until 24 hours have passed.
Shard Steel: This blade constantly grows, leaving small bits itself in whomever it attacks. These bits are drawn to the original blade, which points to the bits, unerringly. The holder of the main blade can track any of the ones stabbed, even without the track feet. The bits worm themselves out after five days, doing 10 points of lethal damage and 1D4 of CON damage.
Ion Steel: the charge in this weapon discharges when the wielder strikes true.
The critical multiplier of the weapon is made one higher.(so a long sword, crits on a 19-20x3)
Grey Steel: made from the same stone as the wall of Tanton, it is now illegal to make this blade, making the remainder quite valuble.
When a caster is struck with this weapon he must make a DC 21 Fort save or looses half his remaining spell slots. (round up)
This ability can be used once per day, if it it used again the same day, it explodes with magical energy, doing 1D6 per spell level absorbed in dmage to svery thing in a thrity food burst raidus. A failed attemt does not count toward the one a day use.

True Steel:
+2 to hit
Ellven Worked:
+2 to hit +1 Damage
Dwarven worked:
+1 to hit +1 Damage

True Steel
100 GP per ten pounds of the weapon/armor, minimum of 100 GP
True steel is realy a prosess of heavily working, lightening, and folding steel. This working gives it a light bluish hue, although dyes are often added to chage it to other light hues.
True Steel can hold up to a +5 enhancement
A true steel weapon is lightened by 1 pound and recives a +1 on attack rolls.(this bonus does stack with the bonus from masterworking)
Armor is reenforced by 2 Hardness and +5 hit point per ten pounds, max Dex increased by 1 and is 10% lighter. Armor check penaltys are reduced by 2.

Elven Worked
150 Per Ten pounds of the weapon/armor, minimum of 150
Taking steel elvish smiths alloy it with mithrill, making it lighter and stronger.
The masters among them will take adamantine and work it into the edge of the weapon, giveing it a keener blade. Large or bludgioning weapons are never elven worked.
An elven worked weapon can hold a +8 enhacement
An elvish worked weapon recives +1 to attack and damage rolls(this bonus does stack with the master worked bonus), is 1 pound lighter (after cost)and incresess its hardness by 2.
Armor is hardened by 2 and is 20% lighter, (which allows the wearer to move his total movement rate) and reduces the armor check penaltys by 3. Max DEX is increased by 2. Hit points are reduced by 5 per ten pounds though.
Shields are the same as armor.

Dwarven Worked
150 Per 5 pounds of the weapon/armor, minium of 150
Master dwarven smiths never use anything less than the best steel, mithrill, adamantine, and dark steel. their weapons are stronger and more resiliant to damage than most others. They should be, teams of master smiths take years to forge just one weapon or suit of armor. Items must be metal to dwarven worked
A dwarven worked weapon can take a +6 total of enhancements.
A dwarven worked weapon recives a +1 to damage rolls. (this bonus DOES stack with the master worked bonus)However, the weapon does not need to be magicly enchanted already to recive a damage enhacement or special ability.( example, a dwarven worked, shocking, flaming, war ax is only a +2 enhacement total)
Dwarven worked weapons are useuly large bashing and/or slaching weapons. They are rarely, almost never, piercing or light.
The get +10 hit points per ten pounds and their hardness incresses by 3.
Armor is +5 hardness, and +10 hit points per ten pounds. Also the wearer gets an extra DR 2/-.
Shields are the same as armor except they do not get the DR 2/-

2007-10-03, 08:41 PM

Evocation (Force) [law]
Level: Cleric 2, Paladin 2, Druid 2, Wizard 2
Components: Holy symbol, or a branch of oak, or a small mirror
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Target: Self
Duration: One minute per 2/caster levels AND one round per 2/caster levels
Saving Throw: No
Spell Resistance: Yes
After the caster uses this spell, it remains dormant for one minute for every two caster levels, or the caster is struck by a any type of weapon. After the caster is struck he has two rounds per caster level to make a melee attack against the one who struck him, if the attack hits, the damage done to the caster is added to the damage of the melee attack. This is non-aligned force damage. Any effect that absorbs force damage like a brooch of shielding, will absorb this damage also.

Retributive Strike
Evocation (force) [law]
Level: Cleric 4, Paladin 4, Druid 5, Wizard 4
Components: Holy symbol, or a branch of oak, or a small mirror
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Close (25 feet +5 for every 2/caster level)
Target: One creature, special
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
You launch a bolt of pure force gives your target a taste of his own medicine. The target takes damage equal to the last amount of damage it delt with a weapon.
Special: for a cleric or paladin the bolt of force springs down from over the creature.

Abjuration/Evocation (force)
Level: Cleric 6, Wizard 6
Components: Small mirror
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One creature
Duration: One round per caster level
Saving Throw: Will negates & Fortitude, see text
Spell Resistance: Yes
Surrounding the target with a shield of energy, you turn all attempted damage back on him.
If The target makes his will save when the spell is cast, the spell has no effect.
Every time the target of this spell attempts a damage dealing attack he instead takes that much damage. The target may make a fortitude save each time he attacks. If he succeeds, he only takes half damage.

Shared Experience
The mind thinks its real, so it is.
Enchantment [mind effecting]
Level: Cleric 5, Wizard 5
Components: Small mirror
Casting Time: One standard action
Range: Medium (100 +10 per two caster levels)
Target: Two creatures within range with discernable anatomy, and a brain.
Duration: One round per caster level
Saving Throw: Will negates, See text
Spell Resistance: Yes
As the caster performs this spell he points at two creatures, linking them together. Every time anything effects one creature, the other must make a will save or receive the exact same effect. All effects including: negative levels, damage, enhancements, poisons, and healing.
(This spell effectively makes the minds of each creature think both bodies are its own. Mind over matter, in a bad way, or a good one.)

Tigreans Instant Camouflage
Now how often has your wizard or sorcerer needed to fade into the woodwork? Now you can quickly blend into your surroundings, folding them over and around with a little illusion to top it off.
With a touch the surrounding terrain bends and folds to fit your body shape, allowing you to hide in the most strange of places.
Transmutation (illusion) [glamor]

Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 1
Components: Somatic
Casting Time: 1 Move action
Range: Touch
Target: one adjacent square per caster level (max 6)
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: none

This spell has a the effect of 'softening' the target area so someone may blend into the landscape, in effect providing a +10 competence bonus to a single hide check made by one creature attempting to hide in that square.
As this spell effects the surrounding terrain the caster may choose combine and divide any extra squares he may have.
For example, a tenth level sorcerer chooses to bestow two of his uses on one square for his companion and the rest on his square, giving his companion +20 to hide and himself +30.
Only the caster of this spell notices something strange about the terrain, anyone passing simply sees the normal terrain unless they make their spot check.

Impossible Pocket
conjuration [summoning]
you reach into a small pocket and bring forth items not your own.

Level: Bard 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2
Components: Somatic, special: focus; one pocket or pouch.
Casting time: one standard action
Range: close (25 ft. +5 ft. every two caster levels)
Target: one object
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell resistance: no

You target one small item within range and pull it from your pocket.
The item can me no more than five pounds per caster levels.
The caster must know of the object, and where (in general) it is.
The caster does NOT need line of effect.

enchantment [mind effecting]
The target of this spell finds himself doing things over, and over, and over.
Level: Bard 3, Cleric 2, Sorcerer/wizard 2
Components: Verbal, somatic, focus (a small hour glass)
Casting time: one standard action
Range: Touch
Target: one living creature with discernable anatomy
Spell resistance: yes
The target must repeat his last action for 1d4 +one rounds. The target may make a will save every round to act as he wishes.


Tempest Blade Style [tactical feat]
Prerequisites: Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense, Improved Two Weapon fighting, Weapon Finesse, INT 15, DEX 15
Using this feat gives you the following fighting styles. They may only be used with light weapons and when in light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load. The user of this feat may not apply strength to their base attack or damage when using the styles presented here. All normal negatives for fighting with two weapons still apply. You may activate these abilities as a immediate action. Youe may change stances as a MOVE ACTION. While useing this feat you may not use any other feat that allows alternate uses of DEX or INT.(including Weapon finesse) these can only be used when wielding two weapons.

You apply yourself totally to the offence, losing your dexterity modifier to AC but gaining both your DEX and INT modifiers to attack and damage.

You retain your attack, buy try to defend yourself in the process.
You apply your DEX as normal, but your INT modifier is applied as an insight modifier to your base attack.

You put yourself on the total defensive, merely trying to stay alive.
You use both your INT and DEX modifier as a parry bonus to your armor class, losing their addition to your base attack bonus.
NOTE: this means you add DEX TWICE to AC

Sanctified Strike [reserve feat]
Prerequisites: must be able to cast third level Devine spells, WIS 15, must be able to turn undead, alignment must match deity, and have the feat Extra Turning.
To use this feat you must permanently sacrifice one of your third level, or higher, spell slots; this spell slot may NOT be a domain slot. The sacrificing of this slot takes 24 hours of meditation and prayer but can be changed with another 24 hours of mediation and prayer.
In exchange for this sacrifice of personal power a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier you may expend one turn undead attempt to attack once as a standard action with a plus to your base attack bonus and damage equal to the level of the spell sacrificed.
For purposes of overcoming damage reduction the sanctified strike attack counts as your deity's alignment.
For example, a paladin of Moradin using this feat counts as Lawful and Good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction when he activates this feat. Also, a cleric of Lolth striking with this feat counts as Chaotic and Evil for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction.

Main Gauche Style[General, Fighter]
Main Gauche means simply 'left hand', but it is often applied to a left-hand parrying dagger and the fighting style that goes with it. The forerunner of modern fencing, it uses an off hand weapon to deflect attacks, but not to attack with. This feat represents the early fencing styles.
Prerequisite: Two-Weapon Fighting, Two weapon Defense
Benefit: If you are using a light off-hand weapon or holding a buckler, you can use your off-hand weapon to defend. It also works with a double weapon. You must make a full-round attack, giving up all off-hand attacks for the round. This gives you a +4 bonus to Armor Class and a -2 penalty to attack.
Special: If you use a buckler this way, you do not get its normal armor bonus.

Einhander Note: this is not the same as the feat from PHP2
Einhander, meaning simply 'one-handed'.
Prerequisite: weapon focus with any weapon
when useing the weapon you have focus with, and have nothing in your off hand, are carring a light load and not encumbered, you add a plus two
(+2) parry(shield) bonus to AC.
also, if you get weapon specialzation with the same weapon, you get plus two (+2) to resist getting disarmed, tripped and sundered (with that weapon)

Just Take It
Prerequisite: CON 15
You've never been the most Dextrious type, but boy can you take a hit.
Apply your constitution modifier instead of your reflex modifier to all reflex saves.

2007-10-04, 11:19 AM
I'm surprised you haven't gotten any comments on this yet, since you've obviously put some good work into it. What I'm most impressed with are your feats (Tempest Blade and Maine Gouche in particular), as well as your weapons (especially the Elvish Spin Blade) - what software did you use to render those.

What I'm most interested in is hearing about the different lands and cultures, in particular concerning The Waste, The Burning Forest, and The Northern Steppes. What kind of people live there? Looking over the map, it seems like there are a lot of "barren stretches of land." Is this a post-apocalyptic setting? An exploration setting? Something else entirely?

2007-10-04, 02:41 PM
I'm surprised you haven't gotten any comments on this yet, since you've obviously put some good work into it. What I'm most impressed with are your feats (Tempest Blade and Maine Gouche in particular), as well as your weapons (especially the Elvish Spin Blade) - what software did you use to render those.

What I'm most interested in is hearing about the different lands and cultures, in particular concerning The Waste, The Burning Forest, and The Northern Steppes. What kind of people live there? Looking over the map, it seems like there are a lot of "barren stretches of land." Is this a post-apocalyptic setting? An exploration setting? Something else entirely?

first, thanks.
the weapons were orrgianly a hard copy draft (im a drafter in real life) im just not so good with scanners and what not. so i used MS paint to replicate the shape and up loaded in jpeg form onto imageshack.com.

as for lands and cultures, i'm been realy buisy actualy running the campaign, but i'll put overveiws in soon.

2007-10-04, 04:31 PM
Map Of Tanton

Another excerpt:

The gray city. Bastion of the North. Tanton. It is a large city, housing half a million inside its massive stone walls, only once in its almost two millennia history did an enemy breach it. They had entered the lands claimed by Tanton earlier that morning but had only just now seen the actual city because like many other major cities the 'city' was more of a state in fact, if not name. The lands claimed by Tanton included everything southwest along the Dorn sea cost till the Rolk river, and everything on that river till the city of Outpost. In the other direction, toward the north-east it spread for more than fifty leagues to the city of Northridge.
Standing some distance from the city looking down from the hills that rose gently up from the lush green lowlands that are the areas closest to the Dorn sea, two observers stood gazing from a hillock. The city itself jutted out into the clear cool waters of the sea, in fact, the rear third of the wall was open to the water except for that which was taken up by the citadel, its massive girth leaving open 'only' the two miles of docks on either side of it that were the city's source of wealth.
The first thing someone who was familiar with cities would notice when looking from this elevated position was the height and shape of the wall, it was more egg shaped then round and it rose to more then ten stories above the ground. The next thing one would notice was the Citadel, the massive plateau that rose more than twenty stories from the edge of the water. That massive thing was a city unto itself, there were miles of tunnel carved throughout it and a good part of the population lived there. The last thing the observer might notice is the uniform light shaded gray the whole city was, the walls, most of the buildings, and the Citadel all were a uniform unique grey stone. It was that stone that first attracted the eye of Edward Tanton, he had heard rumors of a place where there was a stone that even magic could not break.
Spaced around the city there were ten towers, each a fortress unto itself. Starting in the north-west going clockwise the towers are called; Demon tower, Kraken and Hydra set right into the citadel, Dragon tower-like Demon this one was set right where the city wall ended four furlongs out into the Dorn sea; then Fire and Water towers at the east gate, Griffin and Manticore-the largest of all the towers-placed near the main gate, and then finally Air an Earth towers guarding the west gate. Each of these towers was well armed with guards, cannon and mortars. Each of these towers commanded a stretch of open ground, a good mile wide around the city wall, by royal decree nothing was to be built with in this stretch, this killing field.
From the main gate there ran a wide thoroughfare starting as wide as the gate then narrowing till it reached the Citadel where it turned into a switchback trail that led up to the top. This main street was bisected only at one point, right in the center of the city where a road connected the east and west gates. If ever the impossible happened and the city wall was breached, any attacking force would either be forced along these routes in order to take the Citadel or slog their way through the narrow streets that wound labyrinth like through the four quarters of the city. When the city was first built the streets were planed carefully, allowing for easy movement but after the city was taken by the Kaslan during their third invasion it was decided to let each quarter plan their street's in whatever way they wished. This led to one of the most convoluted city scapes known. The mages quarter was filled with web-like street pattern that had some magical meaning, the artisans quarter had geometric circles that all seemed to blend together, the merchants quarter was planned, to some extent, near the docks there was a plain grid pattern of streets but after that it degenerated into a random sprawl. And the craftsman's quarter was much the same, only more random, with switchbacks and dead ends at random places. The point of all this was so any attacking force would either march straight through the preplanned killing fields that were the main streets or would be subject to bloody street fighting while under constant fire from the cannon and mortars in the citadel. If such a force actually made it to the citadel they were made to make another choice, attempt to climb right up the switchback trail, under fire from the towers that lined it or try the cargo ramp that sloped gently up the side while still facing fire and attacks from the tunnels that permeated the citadel and emptied right onto the ramp.
In short, any direct attack on Tanton was suicide. The only reason the city had fallen once before was because of a series of flukes; the Dorn sea had frozen over, not the northen end that froze every winter, but the entire thing solid as a rock, and most of the city had been emptied of troops because of the attacks coming from the south. No one expected the Kaslans to march a second force right across the frozen sea and take Tanton from the rear. It did cost them dearly but with orcs and goblins swelling their ranks they conquered the unconquerable city.


A deep cold mist had fallen over the city, thick enough to with stand the coming of dawn and foretelling the rain and the snows to come. But the undercity was another matter entirely. Here in the shadowy corridors and narrow streets under the citadel it was a perpetual twilight, untouched by the sun, except for the outer areas where there were some few rooms that had small slit-like windows. But it was not all darkness, there were runes marking the edge of walkways, glowing signs that broadcast the wares of whichever shop it adorned, and every so often, a hand cart or pedestrian that had a glowing band across them. This maze-like under world had its own method and code, it was a veritable city within a city; strange shops, stalls and vendors lined the way, small branching paths led off the sides leading to more of the same and the homes that were spaced every so often. Indeed, people lived here, there are instances of people being born in this other-world, living their whole lives only seeing the sky through glimpses and then dying here. Granted it was uncommon for this to occur, but it was possible. A proud folk existed down here, used to the darkness and constant feeling of enclosure. They were an introspective and tight knit group who were able to tell their families back ten or more generations, all the way back to the original miners who dug out this maze of convoluted passageways, following the original dwarven plans. This resourcefulness and impetuous attitude had won them a grudging respect from the people that existed in the outer city. There was a saying: ‘stubborn as an ender’, used to indicate a stubborn attitude that pays off. Some say this phrase came from the time they refused to leave the under-world when the dwarves first started mining into it but most scholars believe it comes from they time they were the only defenders left in the city after the Kaslans took it. Indeed, they never even cleared out the tunnels deeming it not worth the risk after they lost a few hundred troops in one ambush while trying to take it. They were referred to as ‘the warren dwellers’ in ‘polite’ society while in polite company, any other time they were called enders, a supposedly derogatory name taken from the fact they lived at the ‘bottom end’. But even the enders called themselves that in some sort of proud backhanded way. But it was only they who could find their way around the under city, having some sort of intuitive direction sense. But the enders also had a strong sense of self reliance, and a super-human ability to mind ones own business, a necessity in the closely packed tunnels if one wanted sanity. And surprising to some, even outsiders who would probably just cause trouble and end up leaving anyway were left to their own devices.

2007-10-18, 06:42 PM
-20,000? The icons of power are found/built/harnessed

-10,021Tybalt Aran Hallieun: Illiancaj Andorana is born

-9,942 Kaj is believed to kill Theonas at the expense of his own life. Kaj is found, reverted to an infant, raised by humans.

-9,927 fighting with the northern barbarian tribes intensifies

-9,877 the first 'shadow' creature found. The wars intensify.

-9,864 new allies help the southern lands, most shadow forces killed.

-9,764 Kaj regenerates for the third time.

-9,771 shadow is discovered possessing a human king, the shadow purges begin.

-9,424 the southern lands who are losing the shadow wars, in a last desperation move focus all arcane energy into the source of the shadow. The back blast from the energy produces the Sundering, 1/4 of all land mass is lost, the face of the land is forever altered.

-9,420 to 8,420 the thousand years dark time. The high elf families break apart, leaving the smaller clans scattered.

-8,421 various human tribes form.

-8,000? The Shards of Thoias are forged from the remnants of the forge of life.

-5,000 seeing shadow return, several high elf houses start to plan against it, including rebuilding the places of power, readying to perform another sundering if need be.

-4,970 the shadow wars ‘start’

-4,560 a fight between high elf houses culminates in the battle of Forlan Plain.

-4,470 the shadow war ‘ends’

-4,460 the Shadow Guard is formed from various religious and militant orders to hunt out and eliminate shadow creatures and protect anything that would be used by shadow.

-4,350 the various human kingdoms are united under one ‘High King’ , the Great Kingdom of Ragnarok is formed.

-3,149 Dwarves abandon the mines of Taruk, along with the forge. They resettle in the iron hills.

-2,392 Shallia is born possessing the fire of life, the phoenix fire.

-2,329 Shallia finds someone to teach her about her power, a wild elf known simply as ‘the kaj’.

-2,297 Shallia and Kaj settle in the Vale

-2,185 Several dwarf clans move to the north, to the mountain of Grosneghgrok.

-2,240 Shallia dies

-1,208 Eamandar Tae'tonn is born in the south

-1,188 Moving north, Tae'tonn crosses the Vale and discovers Kaj living there.

-1,186 the old kingdom is attacked from within while the second Kaslan invasion occurs. Several shadow minions are caught in high places in Ragnarok.

-1,180 the final remnants of the Kingdom of Ragnarok fall into chaos. The final remnants of the Shadow Guard vow to guard the last places of power.

-1,171 the city of Tanton is formed from the remnants of Edward Tanton’s mercenary army.

-1,167 Orc attacks pester Tanton constantly. The only help is from dwarves across the Dorn sea. Ambassadors sent to the nearby Illion wood are turned away.

-1,150 the blade of the king forged. It is the first icon forged in millennia. Kaj’s Master Blade is formed from the same material by the same smith.

-1,131 Edward Tanton dies

-1,023 the final part of Tanton City is finished

-598 various seagoing tribes form the Confederation of Door, claiming the island of Door as theirs.

-513 King of Tanton commissions an elf by the name of Hallieon Andorana to explore in the name of Tanton and make allies wherever they can be made.

-502 the third Kaslan invasion succeeds in taking Tanton. The most part of the Tanton army escapes when a flotilla of ships from Door arrives. The ships are led by the Renegade, Kaj’s ship.

-499 The elves of Illion wood once again refuse to help Tanton.

-501 Nolan the great, king of Tanton retakes the city with help from allies.
The City of Northridge is formed, rebuilt from the ashes of the old village of the same name. The Northridge Lancers calvary unit is formed.

-497 Nolan is killed after signing the Tanton compact which gives full authority in matters within the city to the city council, the crown only retaining control of lands outside the city and the army of Tanton and all matters concerning defense.

-200? Attacks on the southern elven lands become so frequent, they seek alliance from those they cast out.

-87 an alliance through marriage is formed between the north and southern clans for the first time in millennia.

-80 the forest of Raydawn is burnt. The rumors of a ‘shadow lord’ filter down from the north.


-26 Kaj befriends the heir to the Tanton throne, Michael. Adventure ensues. The two befriend Waintree, Jackson and one Rebecca Northrop.

-23 Rebecca and Michael are married.

-20 Eileen Tanton Donovan is born, Rebecca dies in childbirth.

-15 Michael the second, king of Tanton is killed in a battle with barbarian hordes. The dwarven house of Wedgewielder is formed. Arch Duke Kellon Donovan is appointed regent to the throne.

-1 Kaj returns from the far north. Comes back to a changed Tanton.

NOW: Tanton is under strict law. Nonhumans are distrusted

2007-10-19, 02:02 AM

CON 17
Feats: Cleave, Combat Expertise, Heavy Armor Proficiency
BAB +4

Bastion gains the following:
Proficiency with all shields.(including tower shields)

Skill points: 2+Intelligence MOD per level
Skills:Balance, craft, climb, intimidate, sense motive, use rope

Hit Die: D10

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special


+0|Just Take It, Shield fighter

+1| Arrow Block

+1|Momentum Shift

+2|Stance Mastery

+2|Armor Specialization

+3|One With The Ground[/table]

This is the true power of the bastion. By entering into a defensive stance this class can hold out against the toughest opponents.
To enter the stance takes a move action. Bastion may not move on the round he enters stance. The Bastion may not take more than a five foot step while in stance. The bastion MUST be in contact with a horizontal stable surface to enter stance.
When in stance Bastion gets +2 to resist; over-runs, bull rush, charges and trip attempts.
Also, while in stance, Bastion may add his constitution modifier +1/2 Bastion level as an insight bonus to AC.

Just Take It
The Bastion Receives the Just Take It feat for free.
(with this feat you use CON instead of DEX on reflex saves.)

Shield Fighter
The Bastion specializes in defensive fighting; as such they receive extra training in the use of shields as offensive weapons. The Bastion may use two shields in combat. The Bastion may only add 1/2 the AC bonus from his off-hand shield. On any round where the Bastion attacks or takes any standard action he loses the AC bonus from his off-hand shield until the end of his next turn. The Bastion gains improved shield bash.

Arrow Block: At third level the Bastion knows how to defend against ranged attacks. While in stance he gets +2 competence bonus to AC against all ranged attacks.

Momentem Shift
whenever any opponent attacks Bastion while he is in stance, any non-magical attack effect or ability that adds to opponents Base attack bonus is instead given to Bastion. This attack bonus must be used before the end of Bastions next turn. This bonus can not be used to power any abilitys. (like power attack)

Stance Mastery
The Bastions ability to take damage and deny an area improves.
+4 to resist; over-runs, bull rush, charges and trip attempts.
While in stance Bastion may not be flanked or cleaved into. Also, any square Bastion threatens counts as difficult terrain. (+5 to the DC for tumbling per square tumbled through.)

Armor Specialization:
As the feat. Bastion gains DR 3/- for one chosen armor type.

One With The Ground
Bastion may not be moved from his chosen spot as part of any effect or action. Any spell or damage effect still goes off as normal. The bastion may allow himself to be moved.
The Bastion may now enter stance as a swift action, but may not move more then ten feet in the round he enters stance. He may still only take a five foot adjustment when in stance.

Storm Blade

The Storm Blade is whirling tempest of steel,blocking, dodging and darting accross the battlefield.
Elven legions often employ fighters trained like these to act as skirmishers, suporting their heaver troops and archers.

Feats; Two weapon fighting, Dodge, Mobility.
Skills; Tumble 6 ranks
Base attack bonus; +3

Skills: 4+ Intelligence modifier per level
Balance, bluff, escape artist, hide, jump, move silently perform(dance), sense motive, spot, tumble

Hit die; D6

Storm Blade
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0| Defensive Style, Storm of Steel

+0|Rain of Blades -4, Swift Movement +10

+1|Dancing Style, Uncanny Dodge

+1|Duel Strike, Whirlwind Attack, Swift Movement +20

+2|Rain of Blades -2, Deft Style

+2|Insightful Style, Evasion

+3|Combat Focus

+4|Rain of Blades -0, Skirmish Style

Storm of Steel: The Storm Blade is the ultimate finesse fighter, totally ignoring strength and focusing on fighting insightfully, landing blows more often, but each blow doing less damage than a traditional fighter. From first level on, the Storm Blade may never add strength to any damage or attack roll.
Also, once per round as a swift action the Storm Blade may make an additional attack at her full base attack bonus -4. This is in addition to any attack(s) gained through two-weapon fighting.
The storm blade also gains the effect of the Combat Reflexes feat.

Defensive Style: At first level the Storm Blade learns how to defend herself. As long as she is wearing light or no armor, not carrying a shield and armed with a weapon she is proficient with, she gets a +1 shield bonus to AC. At third level this improves to +2 and then +3 at fifth level and +4 at seventh level.

Rain of Blades: at second level the Storm Blade knows how to use her mobility to her advantage. As a full round action, when armed with a light weapon and not wearing armor of any sort, she may make an attack against every opponent that enters her threatened area as she moves a minimum of twenty feet. All attacks are made at her full base attack bonus -4. At fourth level these attacks are made at full BAB -3. At sixth level the attacks are made at full base attack -2 and at eighth the Storm Blade takes no negatives when using this attack. These attacks provoke attacks of opportunity as normal as the Storm Blade moves in and out of threatened areas. If an opponent hits with an attack of opportunity the movement of the Storm Blade is halted, and her actions for the round are halted.

Swift Movement: The base land speed of the Storm Blade increases by ten feet at second level. She only gets this bonus when in no armor and carrying a light or no load. At fourth level speed increases to +20 feet.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 3rd level, the Storm Blade gains the extraordinary ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. At 3rd level and above, she retains her Dexterity bonus to AC, regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. She still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized, or otherwise incapacitated.

Insightful Style: At third level the Storm Blade knows how to react to her opponents better, she adds her intelligence modifier as an insight bonus to armor class.

Evasion: At fourth level the Storm Blade gets Evasion as the rogue. If the Storm Blade already has Evasion, it becomes Improved Evasion.

Duel Strike: At fifth level as part of a charge attack the Storm blade may make two attacks at her full base attack bonus. Both attacks must be on the same target, and while the Storm Blade is wearing no armor.
Whirlwind Attack: At fifth level the Storm Blade gets the effect of the Whirlwind Attack feat, even if she does not meat the prerequisites.

Deft Style: at fifth level the Storm blade can react to opponents on any side as easily as she can to opponents in front of her. The Storm Blade can no longer be flanked. This ability denies rogues the ability to use flanking attacks to sneak attack her. The exception is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the Storm Blade can flank her, and thus sneak attack her.

Dancing Style: At sixth level the Storm Blade may make feint attempts as a swift action. Also, she receives the feat: Improved Disarm.

Combat Focus: The storm Blade may take a Ten on all Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks, even if distracted.
Also, the Storm Blade adds her hit dice to Initiative, Saves; Jump, Tumble or Balance checks, or to one single attack made at her full base attack bonus. She may use this three times a day. The effect lasts one round. It may be used as a Instantaneous action.

Skirmish Style: At eighth level the Storm Blade no longer provokes attacks of opportunity for moving within or out of a creature’s threatened area while wearing no armor and carrying a light or no load.


Feats: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus (any ranged), Precise Shot
Skills: Hide 5 ranks, craft(bow making) 5 ranks
Base Attack Bonus: +3


Hit die: D6
Skills:4+Intelligence Modifier
Balance, Heal, Hide, Knowledge(Tactics), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope.

{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special

+0|Aim, Ranged Fighter +2

+0|Sudden Shot, Top Shot


+1|Ranged Fighter +4, Top Shot

+1|Fast Movement, Put It Where It Hurts

+2|Top Shot

+2|Ranged Fighter +6,Master’s Shot

Aim: As long as Archer does not move and takes no other action except to use a ranged weapon, he may remain in Aim mode. At sixth level the Archer may enter AIM mode as a move action.
After studying a target area and his surroundings, the following round the Archer may choose ONE of the following:
Double damage. Critical damage is doubled with this effect. Can only be used when within sixty feet of the target.
Aimed Shot: With this a Archer may apply his Ranged Fighter bonus and any bonus damage, such as sneak attack, so long as he meets the perquisites for the attack, as normal to shots within one range increment.
Hit The Weak Spot: after focusing on a target, the archer may make a spot check verses the target's armor class, if it succeeds, the archer may make attacks as normal. If any these attacks hit, the target is denied his armor for a number of rounds equal to ½ Archer level.
Ranged Fighter: At first level the Archer gets +2 to ranged attacks within thirty feet. At fourth level, the archer gets an additional plus 2, for a total of +4. Then, at seventh level gains another plus 2, for a total of +6. At fifth level this bonus applies to all shots made within sixty feet.

Top Shot: At second level and every even archer level thereafter, the Archer may select and take a ranged combat feat.
(i'm to lazy to look in every single book and list all the feats used with ranged weapons)

Sudden Shot: as an immediate action, only in response to combat initiation, the Archer may draw and fire one ranged weapon. This is a normal attack, no special abilities(IE: feats) may be applied.

Skirmish Fighting: the Archer gets the effect of the shot on the run feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

Snipe: To be able to snipe the archer must first Aim. Then spending two rounds taking no more action than a five foot step. The archer must have a clear line of sight, and line of effect to his target during the these two rounds. The target must also be no more then one range increment from the archer. After this time, if the Archer still has line of effect and sight, he makes one attack at his normal full base attack bonus. If this attack hits it automatically scores and confirms a critical hit.
The Archer may apply any normal Aim bonus he may recive as long as he still qualifies for it.

Put It Where It Hurts: Once per Target, once per round the Archer may make a single attack as a standard action. For each point of base attack bonus the Archer takes off his shot the Archer does one point of temporary Physical ability damage to any ability(archers choice, Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity)

Find The Chink: The Archer gets the effects of the Quick Requnoiter feat.

Fast Movement: the archer's base land speed increased by ten feet.

Master Shot: the Archer chooses ONE ranged weapon with which he has the weapon focus feat for. All criticals with that one weapon are improved by one. For example, a long bow has a critical of x3, if the Archer chooses that weapon it becomes x4. This applies to all shots made.

2007-10-22, 11:42 PM



Tanton Army Issue|

Kaslan Pistol|

Holdout Pistol|

Blade Gun|

Pintucker Pull-fire|

Pintucker Twin-shot|

Cardhas Swivle-gun|

Firearms in the known lands are based primarily upon the flintlock design but there are exceptions to this rule. The most noted of which are the spring-hammer weapons favored in the city of Tanton.. But then again, rare materials are, comparatively speaking, easer to find in Tanton.
The standard firearm is a reenforced steel tube in which is drilled a small hole. One loads the weapon my pouring a small amount of flashpowder down the barrel and ramming a lead sphere down behind it.
More powder is placed in a small ‘pan’ located near the hole where a small flint is kept suspended above it by a steel spring. By pulling the trigger of the device you dis-engage the spring causing the flint to spark across a rough surface directly into the pan igniting the powder there which in turn ignites the power in the barrel. It is his rapid expansion of the powder causes the lead sphere to be driven out at killing speeds. In only the method for igniting the powder in the barrel does the style of firearm really change.
For game play all firearms do ‘ballistic’ damage. This means that at point blank range (within five feet) the weapon ignores up to ten points of armor, shields and natural armor. Only armor gained through force magic (mage armor and shield spells) overrides this. So, for example, a magic suit of armor ignores this and provides normal protection.
Also, firearms are very devastating when they find a chink in armor so any critical hit scored with a firearm (not a cannon or mortar) is treated like the user has Power Critical feat (+4 to confirm critical hit).
Any who are subject to a hit critical from a firearm must make a Fortitude save Vs. The amount of damage taken or be stunned for two rounds.
All firearms have a critical threat range of 20 unless noted.
note: a cannon must confirm a critical on all of the targets hit.
One never adds strength or any stat except for intelligence , if one has a way, to firearm damage.
To reload a pistol takes a full round action preceded by a Craft(firearms) skill roll Vs. DC-10. So taking ten on reload rolls always succeed. So with that it takes a standard action followed by a full round to reload a pistol. Cannon are much the same except it take TWO full rounds to reload one.
A one rolled in combat for an attack roll means the gun has jammed, if a second roll is low this means the shot failed also. If a third low roll is made something very bad may happen. A jammed firearm takes 1D6 rounds to clean and a successful Craft(firearms) roll Vs. DC-10.
The feat Rapid Reload allows one to make the Craft check in the same round you reload the weapon.

Tanton Army Pistol
Produced by Carson Gunworks, one of the first pistol manufactures, this light firearm is standard issue for most Tanton army troops that make it past Corporal. The weapon is about eight inches long and fires a 50 caliber lead bullet. Although this is a rather small bullet this gun is widely claimed as one of the best firearms made. The secret is the fine craftsmanship put into the gun, while being smaller than most readily available small arms and doing less perceived damage per shot, the weapon fires its projectile at a faster speed while being more accurate than most others, giving its users a decided advantage in combat.
This weapon always counts as master worked. This cost has been worked into the price.
Due to the extreme muzzle velocity of this gun, you may ignore the first three points of AC gained through armor, natural armor, or shields for shots made at no more than its full range increment.
This weapon threats a critical on 19-20.

Kaslan Pistol
This rather large heavy caliber pistol is used primarily by the armies of Kaslow and is rather uncommon in the south. Popular with a tough crowd because the oversized firearm looks heavy and deadly. It also looks as heavy as it really is. And it kicks harder. in fact this weapon is so heavy it can be used as a weapon in melee, I counts as a heavy club doing a D8 of damage. The other thing about this weapon people like is that it kicks like mule, any medium creature shot with one must make a fortitude save Vs. the damage taken or become shaken for two rounds.

Holdout Gun
These are small pistols usually only seen a seedy under world, or so all the nobles who carry them would like everyone to believe. Any attempt to hide these weapons on your person get +4.

Blade Gun
Well, it was only a matter of time before someone thought to attach a short sword blade to a gun. The wielder must be proficient in both swords and guns to use this. The blade does a D6 in melee and has a 20x2 critical range.

Pintucker Pull-fire
Pintucker, the top name in gunsmiths. Hailed as the best gunsmith yet living, it is strange that he chooses to live in the port town of Teon. Here he produces some of the best light cannon and firearms in the north. The Pull-fire is just the most well known of his creations. Named for the way in which one ‘cocks’ the weapon it always counts as master worked. Also, a one rolled on a reload skill roll or an attack roll does not jamb the weapon.

Pintucker Twin Shot
Yet another creation form the skilled workmen under the direction of Thadic Pintucker, the Gnomish weapon smith. Basically it is a standard Pull-fire with a second barrel underneath the first. To fire the second barrel one just pulls farther back on the pull-pin and when you pull the trigger both barrels go off. Or you can set off one barrel, to save ammunition and gain another ten feet in range.


Cardhas Swivel gun
Named for a great general from history, and an ancestor of the company owner, the Cardhas is a pintle mounted light cannon used primarily as a close in ship defense. They are also often loaded with grape shot and used in boarding actions; it is this use that got them the nickname ‘deck sweepers’. These ‘guns’ have also been heavily used on the walls around the city of Tanton, indeed it was the huge order made by the city that gave Cardhas Cannon Works the money needed to become one of the largest makers of heavy armaments in the world. Their methods have been emulated by the rest of the world.
One noted use of these weapons is with the Knights of the Kings Own, the heavy battle armor they wear is heavily enhanced and they have several of these weapons modified to be used by hand. (As noted in the picture)The addition of a Fire Stone igniter on the underside and quick access to the barrel by way of a rotating breach allow one man to hold, load, and fire these weapons, but are so heavy that ONLY the great strength granted by battle armor allows them to be used by one man. But the great success in use by the Kings Own caused Cardhas to start a line of these weapons for use in a mobile pintle mount; a heavy iron base that is portable by a three man cannoneer squad.
Grape Shot: instead of a single blast line doing damage, these guns are often loaded with small grape sized iron balls. When this is used, this weapon does 3D6 of damage to all creatures in a thirty foot cone.

Behind the scenes
You may be wondering why there are no rifles or long arms in the setting presented here.
Well, truth be told, I didn’t want long arms and the inherent change in warfare they come with. What type of fantasy is one where a legion of elves die under a hail of bullets? There are sone fantasy settings that try to keep both the swords and guns but what happens is either the guns aren’t realistically powerful, or they are and no one can use a sword because they’d just get mowed down before they got in range. Neither was for me, I wanted the keep the sword play, and have guns be realistic. The way to do that was to take the most powerful versions, rifles, out of my setting. The other thing I wanted still include though was cannons, for great naval battles. So how to explain the absence of long arms, but not cannon or pistols, I asked and thought it over. The answer was the gunpowder itself.
Allow me to explain further. It started when I was watching a black powder rifle hunter clean his weapon. You see, standard gunpowder is corse and comes in rather large ‘chunks’ like sand rather than a fine powder and when it burns the dust from these ‘chunks’ his heated and fills the imperfections or rifling of the weapon. This residue must be cleaned from the weapon after every shot or the buildup will caus the weapon to jam, or worse, explode. In order to explain the absence of long arms and not cannon and pistols all I had to do was change the gun powder. In stead of large sand sized particles gunpowder, or rather ‘blastpowder’ is an incredibly fine material akin to the dust one gets when one files down steel. When you have such a fine material with the combustive power of gunpowder, it burns hotter and melts down more, caking to the inside of the barrel making it incredibly hard to clean out it every shot unless it is very short or wide enough to actually reach in and scrape out the build up.
And thus in my fantasy realm only the short barrels of pistols or the wide ones of cannon can be used safely.

2008-07-29, 09:13 PM
The great houses of the Elsarine;
Southern houses:

Northern houses:

Western Houses:

Houses of the Sea:

The lost:

The high clans of Dwarven kind:





Zeta Kai
2008-07-31, 01:41 PM
Honestly, i can'r say enough good things about this campaign setting. This is one of the best homebrewed worlds that I've seen in a while. It's so full of detail & imagination. A very, very good job, Ajax. Kudos.

I particularly enjoy the spells. They are are unique, fun, & reasonably balanced. Keep up the great work. I'll be watching.

2008-07-31, 03:17 PM
OH. thanks! and i didn't even mean to bump the thread.:smallsmile: