View Full Version : Asking my DM for a custom magic item (uncommon)

2018-03-24, 03:21 PM
Hey everybody, I'm trying to come up with a good magic item that's uncommon that my DM can give me that won't A. break the game and B. won't be overpowered compared to what the other classes can get but is still worth having.

Background: I'm a moon druid. The rest of the party is a Samurai Fighter, Whispers Bard, and a Hexblade Warlock. So far everything that I've looked at would be better off in one of the other party members hands. We are playing through Storm Kings Thunder and my DM is a first time DM.

The Item: What I'm thinking is a x of spiritual Weapon (wand, circlet, ring, amulet)
Requires attunement by a paladin, cleric or druid. (not really necessary but it is a spiritual weapon)
This item has three charges. While holding it you can expend 1 charge to cast spiritual weapon as a bonus action from it.
This item regains x charges at the end of a long rest. (I'm thinking either a single charge or 1d4-1 or letting the dm decide.)

Basically this would give me the ability to pull out a spiritual weapon and then go to town in my dire wolf form. (possibly while focusing on a buff spell or control spell)

Is this a good idea?
Is it balanced?
Would you allow it in your game?
Are there any changes you'd recommend?

Edit: I did base this off of the wand of web but intentionally reduced the frequency since this would be technically more powerful even though it's the same spell level.

2018-03-24, 03:42 PM
It depends what everyone else is getting. Spiritual Weapon is a very important and iconic cleric spell (it's virtually a class ability) and I'd be hesitant to hand it out to an already strong class like Moon Druid, especially if there's a cleric in the group. I'd probably require you to maintain concentration so you can't double up on summons. It's still a free summon.

That being said it's impossible to say it's too strong or weak without knowing your group's game style or what other players are getting.

2018-03-24, 03:42 PM
I would do one of:
make it a rare item
make it have only one charge
make it only usable by clerics (which won't help you)

The reason is that it is too useful for a druid or paladin to not take it.

Spiritual Weapon is almost a class feature for clerics, as it is non concentration and clerics don't get extra attacks.

I am aware that conquest paladins have access to it but that is a big perk for the subclass.

2018-03-24, 04:36 PM
It depends what everyone else is getting. Spiritual Weapon is a very important and iconic cleric spell (it's virtually a class ability) and I'd be hesitant to hand it out to an already strong class like Moon Druid, especially if there's a cleric in the group. I'd probably require you to maintain concentration so you can't double up on summons. It's still a free summon.

That being said it's impossible to say it's too strong or weak without knowing your group's game style or what other players are getting.

I'm 100% thinking ahead, But looking into any uncommon items that are in the DMG. Armors would go first to the Fighter then the Warlock as they both need the AC and it doesn't help me in beast form. Weapons will go in the same order, wand of the warmage, rod of the pactkeeper, pearl of power. all of these would be better off in the hands of the warlock.

Also thus far the style has been Bard and Fighter rush in to fight things, one of them goes down in the first round. I come in and throw down a healing word and then pick them up and everybody runs because they cannot seem to hit anything and everything hits them. We've had three battles and of those three we've had five party members go down.

I would do one of:
make it a rare item
make it have only one charge
make it only usable by clerics (which won't help you)

The reason is that it is too useful for a druid or paladin to not take it.

Spiritual Weapon is almost a class feature for clerics, as it is non concentration and clerics don't get extra attacks.

I am aware that conquest paladins have access to it but that is a big perk for the subclass.

The rare level, I would just ask for a staff of the woodlands at that point *droolworthy for a druid.
When you say only have one charge, do you mean period or one charge that recharges on a long rest?
I would 100% MC to cleric to get this spell but the DM is really against MCing for some reason.

2018-03-24, 04:51 PM
While it's not custom, I think a Decanter of Endless Water is good. Not so much for combat, but for puzzles and traps. Fill a pit and swim across, hit a switch, use Control Water and freeze the water that came out, that sort of thing. In combat, while not optimal, it can be used to knock enemies prone, and if your DM lets you, off high surfaces.

2018-03-24, 06:59 PM
While it's not custom, I think a Decanter of Endless Water is good. Not so much for combat, but for puzzles and traps. Fill a pit and swim across, hit a switch, use Control Water and freeze the water that came out, that sort of thing. In combat, while not optimal, it can be used to knock enemies prone, and if your DM lets you, off high surfaces.

I am probably focusing too much on combat capability, This would be a solid utility object. (It would also allow me to keep pretty much any number of people alive when combined with goodberry.)

Other options for OOC that would be good?

Goggles of night-this would be amazing actually~even better if my wolf form could wear them.
Immovable rod-sure why not rope and this could be great especially once I get a flying form.
Bag of Holding- I actually didn't realize that this was an uncommon item. I would much rather hold on to the loot then have the Shifty bard holding on to it.
Gloves of thievery-I am the closest we have to a rogue til the bard gets expertise.
Headband of intellect-Sure I'll take a boost to investigation.

Human Druid (3) 9 16 17 12 17 14.