View Full Version : Phantasmal Force Rocked Tonight

2018-03-25, 02:13 AM
Tonight we did pretty good. Our strategy to divide up our enemies was sound and our infiltration as prisioners then worked as well.

The DM sent an arrogant high level Rogue in to check on us prisioners with only one true bad guy ally smuck around.

Man that was a recipe for Phantasmal Force to do its thing. Even whe the bad guy saved out of one casting of it, PF wasted his Action.

The DM said he was going to investigate the spell's limits. I pointed out it was a D6 of damage at the cost of a Level 2 spell slot where my other level 7 party members roll off 40 points of damage. Plus the second casting which the bad guy never saved from did use up my Concentration for a few rounds. I chose not to mention how we went a dozen sessions with this or that demon or devil always saving out of it with advantage.

Man that spell is swingy but if the bad guy doesn't bring a friend to break your concentration it can stop an encounter.