View Full Version : RHoD - Newly recruited Tiri Kitor. How to catch them up to WBL?

2018-03-26, 01:56 AM
I have two new PCs entering a campaign soon. Both are Tiri Kitor Elves.
How would I catch them up to the 20k+ wealth for PCs?

Note that the elves in the version of RHoD I'm running are as poor as the swamp they subsist off.
Any magical item of significant ability/cost would have been bartered off to the humans years ago in a desperate effort to stave off their declining population and the endless lizardfolk swarm that plagues them.

Thoughts so far: An elven bow is found. Masterworked and basically an artifact to the Tiri Kitor as it is a reminder of a time long past.
If the characters use wooden armour I can drop "magical seeds" that act as enhancements for their armour. Basically, their armour grows and adapts when the seed is "planted" into the armour.

Edit: Should add some more info.
I want them to get at least SOME of their gear before fighting at the Ruins of Rhest. One of the PCs is very similar to Saarvith's build, and would like much of his items. But without gear, it's going to be incredibly difficult due to their lack of range (current party members are melee).
I'd rather not have the rest of the party metagame the giving of wealth over to these newcomers. It's not in their character's natures. At all. Even using intelligence and common sense.

2018-03-26, 10:46 AM
Have the Tiri Kitor scouts pick up info about a shipment of treasure/weapons/armor from Rhest being sent back to the main army that the group can intercept.

Fouredged Sword
2018-03-26, 01:47 PM
They find an old bag in the nook of an old oak tree. The bag seems heavy, weighing exactly 30lbs despite seeming empty.

The oak tree grew out of an acorn that fwll out of the bag. The bag is a bag of holding containing some basic adventuring gear like weapons and armor.

2018-03-26, 03:44 PM
Tiri Kitor experts, recognizing the urgency of the situation, bust their tails and produce a plethora of alchemical items for the new PCs, including possibly some potions and scrolls?

Antitoxin, oil, thunderstones, tanglefoot bags, smokesticks, acid, alchemist's fire, sunrods; these should allow the new PCs to contribute and claim their share of the new loot.

2018-03-26, 11:01 PM
I may have to take the two elves and have a pre-session session with them.

The two that they are joining have met WBL and have things in the works that will take them up to next level's WBL in the future. The in-game issue being that their characters will demand, at minimum, their fair share of loot. Which is what I would expect of them.

I don't particularly want to break the immersion by having these two elves decked out, while the rest of their race is struggling to survive. Nor do I want to drop "elf only" stuff everywhere as that will strain belief, and the other two will still want their equal share.

Fouredged Sword
2018-03-27, 04:39 AM
You can also solve this with an Ooc talk about loot distributions.

2018-03-27, 10:25 PM
You can also solve this with an Ooc talk about loot distributions.

Which doesn't solve the issue of the two players having to change fundamental aspects of their character's personalities.

My players and I are very capable of having this discussion OOC. That's not an issue.
The two older players are more than happy to throw loot at the newcomers. Also not an issue.
Their characters are not the type to do this. The issue.

So, I would like to solve it in a way that doesn't force the characters to... act out of character.

2018-03-28, 04:51 AM
Their gear is entirely of non saleable items crafted via local rituals from material gathered from the local swampland. Their armor is moss covered and moldy, their bows are third hand and showing signs of wear. They're currently housing powerful ancestor spirits that give them the effects of +2 gear, but comercially they're a dud that would be almost impossible to trade and insulting to the tribe to even try.

2018-03-28, 06:50 PM
Their gear is entirely of non saleable items crafted via local rituals from material gathered from the local swampland. Their armor is moss covered and moldy, their bows are third hand and showing signs of wear. They're currently housing powerful ancestor spirits that give them the effects of +2 gear, but comercially they're a dud that would be almost impossible to trade and insulting to the tribe to even try.

This was, really, all I could think of too. But for these two elves to have it in this small area irked me for some reason. Luckily, or unluckily depending on your view, one of the elves decided to take VoP. I'm happy with one set of heirloom items, and might look into an ancestral weapon/set of armour for the other.