View Full Version : Item Leeching + Dragonlance

2018-03-26, 09:57 PM
Has anyone ever used the Item Leeching rules from Dragonlance? Was curious about maybe using them for a cleric who had fallen out of favor with his/her deity, but leeched power from magic items to cast spells instead. I know this isn't how the rules were made to be used, but theoretically it would work the same as a cleric who lost his powers because their were no more gods to grant him spells.

If I understand the system right a 20th level cleric with say a 20 Wisdom, would have an effective caster level of 0 and be unable to cast any spells, but if he used the Improved Leech item feat, he could increase his caster level to 15 (1/2 of 20th level cleric, + 5 for a 20 wisdom) and be able to cast a spell of up to 8th level at caster level 15 for 1 round, following the draining.

2018-03-27, 09:48 AM
The only problem is that falling from grace does not change your cl: it instead makes you unable to cast cleric spells until you get penitence or change god.
So you might allow a fallen cleric to cast spells through item leeching but it would be a houserule(but it could make an awesome plot so feel free to make this house rule)