View Full Version : Pathfinder Turning creatures in to objects. How interesting can we make it?

2018-03-27, 02:07 AM
So, in Spheres of Power, there's the Sphere Magus, which lets you use any touch attack spell with spell strike. Thought of the "Disfigurator" which uses primarily Alteration and acid-based Destruction talents to just completely slick over the enemy. And then I came across Object Transforemation.

A creature that takes the form of a ranged weapon must be supplied with ammunition as normal, but is capable of loading and firing itself. A creature under the effects of this talent that is used as ammunition is not destroyed when used as ammunition, but takes damage equal to the damage dealt by the attack it was used for.

And I instantly thought about having a familiar transform in to a gun....and then enemies in to ammunition. And it can autonomously shoot (although, really, you want to shoot it so you can fire spells through a touch attack weapon)....although you actually only gain a small bit of damage, since only the crit range is transferred to the actual spell, and not the multiplier for some reason.

ANYWAY! Here's the full talent. (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/alteration#toc31) What else, aside from turning enemies in to wooly puffballs, can you think of doing with this?

Also, assuming you are turned in to a ranged weapon....does it count as a natural attack for you? lol.

2018-03-27, 08:20 AM
Size changes will limit the use of ammo somewhat. I don't know if the size category of a bullet was ever defined, but its not very big even compared to a bolt or arrow.

An idea that occurred to me in writing the talent was to shoot allies over a wall of into other inaccessible places. Niche, since you would need to get the ally small enough before you have easy flight to really be worthwhile. Tossing a javelin would be easier, though has less range. Combine it with the Lancer sphere impale abilities to get an ally in place to grapple a flying enemy maybe?:smallbiggrin:

2018-03-27, 03:09 PM
Size changes will limit the use of ammo somewhat. I don't know if the size category of a bullet was ever defined, but its not very big even compared to a bolt or arrow.

An idea that occurred to me in writing the talent was to shoot allies over a wall of into other inaccessible places. Niche, since you would need to get the ally small enough before you have easy flight to really be worthwhile. Tossing a javelin would be easier, though has less range. Combine it with the Lancer sphere impale abilities to get an ally in place to grapple a flying enemy maybe?:smallbiggrin:

Hrm. Yeah. You'd expect Javelins to be no more less than a one handed weapon, so you'd just need to reduce their size by one to be usable by you, to throw them (if you're both the same size). How does that interact with Lancer though? Do they become the controller of the imaple, while being the impaled weapon itself? Does it stop them from using another impale of their own? Can you impale them on an enemy and then they use their talents like Cruel Reverberation on their turn?

OOOOO. Giant Traits. You could turn your ally in to a literal boulder that's your size well, a boulder 2 sizes smaller than you, but with the base damage of a greatsword as a medium creature, and throw them, impaling someone with it.

Given that a cat is considered tiny (the size of a boulder 2 sizes smaller than a medium creature), and a cat is about 648 cubic inches (https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS556US556&ei=AaO6WvewB8aUzwKw7ob4Aw&q=volume+of+a+cat&oq=volume+of+a+cat&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l8.12996.16232.0.16456.15.15.0. i131i67k1.0.-OMQqUg1B3I), which converts to about 10,618.8 cubic centimeters, and the density of rock is about 2 grams per cubic centimeter...comes out to about 46 pounds.... Well...that was anticlimactic. Also don't really need a buddy to do this.

Well, screw it. Pincushion Punishment with 46 pound boulders is still a fun idea.

2018-03-27, 03:20 PM
My thought was more than you end the effect so your ally can grab the target normally, just using the transformation to allow an amusing delivery.

2018-03-27, 03:31 PM
My thought was more than you end the effect so your ally can grab the target normally, just using the transformation to allow an amusing delivery.

Mmm. Yeah. That's kinda what I thought you meant. Just tried to build on it, and went off on a tangent.

Dys Dogeater
2018-03-27, 05:03 PM
Any reason that It does not work with oversized weapons or siege engines or can't be made to with other talents? Like fire a bolt (usually one size category smaller than the weapon firing it if I recall) for a huge size ballista into a ship and then: "surprise! it's a bear below deck!"?

2018-03-27, 07:12 PM
Don't think anything prevents it.