View Full Version : How to kill ghosts

2018-03-27, 10:58 PM
Are there any spells that can outright kill a ton of ghosts or force them to become corporeal?

2018-03-27, 11:48 PM
The following spells could be useful:

Ghost Trap: Turns incorporeal creatures corporeal. (Libris Mortis))
Incorporeal Nova: Destroys incorporeal undead. (Libris Mortis))
Undeath to Death: It's like circle of death, but for undead. (Ghostwalk))
Repel Ectoplasm: Doesn't kill, but pushes away. (Ghostwalk))
Ectoplasmic Decay: Burst of 1d6/level to ghosts. (Ghostwalk))
Celestial Brilliance: MASSIVE area burst dealing 1d6/level to undead. (Book of Exalted Deeds))

There might be a few others, but these are the specific ones I found. As for class abilities, a Cleric could turn/destroy them and a Spirit Shaman could chastise them.

2018-03-28, 04:08 AM
Been awhile since I read up on ghosts, but isn't the big issue with them that they cannot really be destroyed?

I believe they can Rejuvenate(?) if reduced to 0 HP and keep haunting a certain area they have been assigned to. In fact, the only sure way of permanently getting rid of ghosts is setting right whatever caused them to become ghosts in the first place.

But again, it has been awhile since I read up on them, so the above mentioned spells may in fact be able to outright destroy them without fear of them coming back.

2018-03-28, 04:26 AM
You don't kill ghosts, you make them pass on, by resolving their grudge.

2018-03-28, 06:20 AM
It needs to pass a level check to rejuvenate:


so, for low level ones, "keep killing it till it fails the check" might work.

For high level ones, "set the issue right" becomes necessary.

2018-03-28, 07:24 AM
Just roll a will save to disbelieve. They don't really exist.

2018-03-28, 07:29 AM
It needs to pass a level check to rejuvenate:


so, for low level ones, "keep killing it till it fails the check" might work.

For high level ones, "set the issue right" becomes necessary.

There are a few class features that stop a ghost from rejuvenating, hunter of the dead from complete warrior for example has the ability "True Death" which they get at level 5, any undead they kill can never again rise as an undead, they are forever destroyed. Also happens to make them very good lich hunters.

2018-03-28, 08:24 AM
To effectively kill one, and make sure it does not respawn, Ghost Trap + Flesh to Stone / Glasstrike (Depends if you think a corporeal ghost has flesh).

If you want to be sure, and really evil, use forcecage to capture the ghost, then use its soul to craft a scroll of something (counts as 10 xp). You can use souls to craft items as per Book of Vile Darkness pg. 33 "Souls as Power", and you can use incorporeal undead if they can be imprisoned somehow (hence the forcecage).

Note that you cannot use the first method to consider the ghost captured because it is not longer incorporeal and the Book specifies incorporeal undead.

2018-03-28, 08:30 AM
Just roll a will save to disbelieve. They don't really exist.

And they would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those meddling adventurers and their animal companion.

2018-03-28, 11:32 AM
1 - Ghost-Touch Gauntlets (item)

2 - Gape of the Serpent (feat)

Who you gonna call?


2018-03-28, 04:46 PM
There are a few class features that stop a ghost from rejuvenating, hunter of the dead from complete warrior for example has the ability "True Death" which they get at level 5, any undead they kill can never again rise as an undead, they are forever destroyed. Also happens to make them very good lich hunters.

Thats its name! i had been looking for that prestice class for ages. I recalled i had seen some prestice class with that ability a while ago during one of the lich phylactery discussions (the hiding places keeps getting more and more absurd).
But i was unable to find the prestice class, and managed to convince myself it had been something from 3.0

2018-03-28, 05:29 PM
Thats its name! i had been looking for that prestice class for ages. I recalled i had seen some prestice class with that ability a while ago during one of the lich phylactery discussions (the hiding places keeps getting more and more absurd).
But i was unable to find the prestice class, and managed to convince myself it had been something from 3.0

There's also a spell that does so. Combine Charnel Fire (Book of Vile Darkness, p. 87) with anything to make the critter temporarily corporeal (such as Ghost Trap). You'll probably want to duplicate it to avoid the casting time, though.

Undeath to Death: It's like circle of death, but for undead. (Ghostwalk))

Note that Undeath to Death (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/undeathToDeath.htm) was moved to Core in 3.5.