View Full Version : The Road goes ever on and on / Out from the door where it began...

2018-03-28, 02:09 PM
The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

Lindsay Ellis just posted Part 1 of 2 of the Hobbit introspection.

The Hobbit: A Long-Expected Autopsy (Part 1/2) *Screaming Internally*


A fan asks?
It will eventually be 3 parts video... right?

Lindsay responds:
Nope. Two.

Juuuuuuust two.

Two will be the number of videos in this series. Two.


Yep. #two

2018-03-28, 11:02 PM
Watched it. Enjoyed it. Still like the Hobbit movies precisely because they're so cartoonish and yet very serious-looking. The amount of canned emotion she shows in her commentary is quite funny. And that ending :biggrin:
Looking forward to the next one.

2018-03-28, 11:04 PM
And that ending :biggrin:
Looking forward to the next one.

The ending is perfect, I will not cry :smallcool:, Ramza00 is now crying!!!:smalleek:. Like you Elan I can't wait for the next one.

2018-03-29, 02:04 AM
Oof, I'm not sure my fandom can survive Lindsay defending Go Set a Watchman.

Kitten Champion
2018-03-29, 06:02 AM
Eh. I like Lindsay's work, it's well presented here, and it's just the first part thus far, but still... The Hobbit's flaws are kind of obvious without deep textual analysis. That's really the main issue with the Hobbit. its flaws are so easy to point to. The flab it takes on to fit it into the trilogy format and the awkwardness of trying to connect the Hobbit material to the very different Lord of the Rings in the contemporary concept of a prequel making an aggressively mediocre experience out of a potential great one,

It's like finding the material Lucas changed in his Star Wars Special Edition set, it stands out so much for how weird and unnecessary it is.

I think the most damning thing I can say about the Hobbit is I don't want to see it again. Particularly if I have to sit through The Battle of the Five Armies, which was painful in the amount of visual noise it has without anything interesting underlying it. Other than a few scenes with Martian Freeman, there's nothing in that movie I'd miss if it wasn't made.

Though admittedly, I didn't catch them using the Ring Wraith theme in Unexpected Journey. I would've said the worst part of the movie, where it moved into the space of being passably entertaining to a chore to sit through, was Smaug's death. I can see her point that, as much as I thought Smaug's anti-climactic conclusion was awful and a complete let-down, at least it's a creative decision rather than... asset flipping.

2018-03-30, 06:20 AM

You're welcome https://www.racocatala.cat/imatges/smileys/1/1155.gif

2018-04-03, 03:23 PM
I have not yet watched Part 2, but the second video is out. I am sharing it so others can benefit.

The Hobbit: Battle of Five Studios (Part 2/...)


I still have not seen the 2nd video yet, but the book poem / song I quoted earlier may be apt if this is Part 2 / ... "The Road goes ever on and on / Out from the door where it began..."

2018-04-03, 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by Kitten Champion
I think the most damning thing I can say about the Hobbit is I don't want to see it again.

You’re kinder than I would have been. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so betrayed by a movie as when I saw the first Hobbit installment. I was simmeringly angry after I saw the second, and I didn’t even bother seeing the third in the theater. I watched the sequence of Smaug’s death on TV with appalled disgust at its sheer stupidity. (You do not shoot a longbow by breaking the longbow.) After that I saw no need to stay with it any longer.

No idea what the Ellis video is, but I doubt I need to watch it.


2018-04-03, 04:44 PM
You’re kinder than I would have been. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so betrayed by a movie as when I saw the first Hobbit installment. I was simmeringly angry after I saw the second, and I didn’t even bother seeing the third in the theater. I watched the sequence of Smaug’s death on TV with appalled disgust at its sheer stupidity. (You do not shoot a longbow by breaking the longbow.) After that I saw no need to stay with it any longer.

No idea what the Ellis video is, but I doubt I need to watch it.


Do you remember when people complained that we did not get the Scouring of the Shire in Return of the King :smallbiggrin:



Such a good song that no body can remember the words to. Maybe that should teach us something about memory and experience.

[Verse 1]
Do you remember the 21st night of September?
Love was changing the mind of pretenders
While chasing the clouds away
Our hearts were ringing
In the key that our souls were singing
As we danced in the night
Remember, how the stars stole the night away, yeah yeah yeah

[Chorus 1]
Hey hey hey
Bada Ya, say do you remember
Bada Ya, dancing in September
Bada Ya, never was a cloudy day

Ba duda, ba duda, ba duda, badu
Ba duda, badu, ba duda, badu
Ba duda, badu, ba duda

[Verse 2]
My thoughts are with you
Holding hands with your heart to see you
Only blue talk and love
Remember, how we knew love was here to stay
Now December found the love that we shared in September
Only blue talk and love
Remember, the true love we share today

Hey hey hey
Bada Ya, say do you remember
Bada Ya, dancing in September
Bada Ya, never was a cloudy day

There was a
Bada Ya, say do you remember
Bada Ya, dancing in September
Bada Ya, golden dreams were shiny days

[Verse 3]
The bell was ringing
Our souls were singing
Do you remember every cloudy day

[Chorus 2]
There was a
Bada Ya, say do you remember
Bada Ya, dancing in September
Bada Ya, never was a cloudy day
And we'll say
Bada Ya, say do you remember
Bada Ya, dancing in September
Bada Ya, golden dreams were shiny days

Bada ya da ya da ya
Bada ya da ya da ya
Bada ya da ya da ya da ya
Bada ya da ya da ya
Bada ya da ya da ya
Bada ya da ya da ya da ya

Kitten Champion
2018-04-03, 06:25 PM
After watching the second video, I couldn't help but notice how much of the same Studio-based focus-group-think that obviously and clumsily got patched into the Hobbit is evident in the WB's Fantastic Beasts series as well. Except they're apparently making four of them. That, and the actual author is directly involved despite how much it still feels like unfocused, broadly marketable fanfiction of her own works.

2018-04-03, 06:35 PM
That, and the actual author is directly involved despite how much it still feels like unfocused, broadly marketable fanfiction of her own works.

Hehe Auteur Theory


2018-04-03, 06:40 PM
That, and the actual author is directly involved despite how much it still feels like unfocused, broadly marketable fanfiction of her own works.

That said my favorite video on this subject is not really about Auteur Theory and it is not a Lindsay Elllis video. No it is about Westworld and remember Westworld returns in 3 weeks.

ScreenPrism's "Westworld's Deep Reading: How Stories Shape Us"
