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View Full Version : So I've been playing a lot of FF XV lately...

2018-03-28, 03:54 PM
I've been playing Final Fantasy XV lately, and was thinking the whole "rest at camp, and cook up a meal with the stuff you've found for bonuses the next morning" thing would really add to our tabletop roleplaying.

We use Dungeon World, which uses "rations" as a pseudo-unit of distance. Basically, the DM says "This trip will take you three rations." and the players use up three of however many rations they have, then they arrive, barring any interruptions on the way.

We have, thus far, been completely ignoring the rations, because they're as boring as keeping track of ammunition for your bow, or the weight of your gear for encumbrance mechanics...

But now, I'm thinking we might bring back the rations rules, and expand on them, because I like the idea of how creative we could get with it. Just exactly what kinds of dishes can you make with Griffon meat and Mandrake Leaves?

But what sort of boosts could we tie to the things we prepare? It shouldn't be anything huge and overpowering, but it shouldn't be so minor as to be pointless either. We're not sure what to do as for actual in-game effect.

In FF15, the effects of meals are all fairly random-feeling. This meal might boost your attack by 50, but that nearly-identical meal might boost your max HP by 2000.

I'm hoping for some way to:
1. Make up a list of effects that are in-line with Dungeon World's power level.
2. Make up some kind of predictable means of translating ingredients into effect.

Any ideas?