View Full Version : The Chase Begins [IC]

2018-03-28, 07:41 PM
Sir Percidal is sitting on the wall of the fortress, dangling his legs over the side. Down in the courtyard below, you can see Floppin and Elely, his two children, playing with each other. Well... Elely is moreso messing with Floppin, but you can see a paternal grin on Percidal's face.

He turns to face you all. I've made no secret of what I feel. Not to you, at least. But... I can't find it in myself to tell the Elely and Floppin. I... You know me. I'm a brave man. I've faced down dragons and demons, devils and... Um... Dinosaurs? I think I've fought some, at least. Let's see... he says, drifting off a little in thought. Forget it, not important right now. I just don't know how to tell my own children I might be gone soon. No, that I will be gone soon. After Eva died, they were a mess. I mean, I was too, but I had a goal for myself-to make sure they could live good lives, even without the most wonderful mother in the world. But what can their goal be?

2018-03-28, 08:06 PM
"I think I understand. Death is a hard thing to face, especially to those so young." Terim feels he really does understand Percidal's difficulty. The mountain man strokes his beard, contemplating. "This may be the last time I ever speak with you. I wanted to thank you for all the guidance. I wouldn't be half the man I am without your help."

2018-03-28, 08:19 PM
Percidal gets up, and claps Terim on the back, sending the man stumbling for a brief instant. Please-you'd've found someone else to guide you. There's a good heart under all that muscle, you know, he says with a smile.

2018-03-28, 09:28 PM
Dirmyx squints a bit. "Sir, I know I've asked before, but are you sure there's nothing we can do to protect you? I still have much to learn from your experiences, and..." (he coughs) "...and I don't know if I can do what you're asking of us." Although he tries to hide it, Dirmyx is worried for the future; both his own and the children's. He glances at his companions, hoping someone will agree.

2018-03-28, 09:30 PM
Dirmyx. If I tried to kill you, right now, what would you do? Percidal asks. There's no malice behind his words, just a simple power of a man who knows he can kick the asses of everyone else present. Look, we all know I'm not the brightest. Maybe I'm wrong-I really, really hope I'm wrong. But if I'm not...

2018-03-28, 09:41 PM
The Dragonborn nods, and responds with a simple "Okay." He's only slowly becoming accustomed to feeling emotions other than righteous fury (and, on occasion, hunger), and isn't sure what else to say. But his mind is made up. If Percidal trusts him, he can trust himself.

2018-03-29, 08:20 AM
Bartholomew Crumble looked up at the master , he had been part of the household since he could remember . This man always strong and fearless was finally showing concerns about his mortality and his children . Bartholomew wiped his inked stained hands on the cloth, he kept tucked in his pocket, it was a nervous habit , having not touched any ink today.
"Sir, you know we will guard the children no matter what happens , but you are still strong and very much alive."

2018-03-29, 09:02 AM
Ser, perhaps we should review again your orders related to the children, there may be some stratagem to aid in the escape we have not yet considered.

With a wave of his tiny gnomish arms, Lucas made one of the doorways below disappear and be replaced with an illusion of a solid stone wall.

While Lucas' service to the Lord was compelled by his patron, the Lord was kind and benevolent. Lucas liked and respected him and would genuinely mourn his passing if the premonition proved true.

2018-03-29, 12:01 PM
Right, right. Well, he says, You're to be bringing them to the Sadida kingdom. I've already sent a messenger to Armand, so he'll be expecting you. Once you've gotten the kids safely to there, I'll want you to find ways to make sure they'll be safe, and maybe some way to handle whatever is coming. The reason I want you staying for now is that maybe you can get some knowledge about what it is-I'll fight it, but I don't have a plan. If you can make one... That'd help.

As he talks, you hear a faint melody, seemingly coming from far away. Percidal ***** his head. You hear- he starts, when suddenly, every single window in the fortress below shatters at once. An explosive outpouring of glass goes in and out, and you can hear some screams from within, from people unfortunate enough to be near a window when it burst.

Percidal leaps into action, vaulting over the wall and down to where Elely and Floppin are. Dad, what's- Floppin says, but is cut off.

Something bad, Floppin! Go with my friends, like I've told you!

But dad, you're gonna kick whoever just did that's butt, right? Elely says, a brief smile coming to her face before she looks towards the windows and screams.

I don't know, Percidal replies.

Armand is the king of the Sadida kingdom. The Sadida are an earthy, planty people, with their nobility being part-plant themselves. A long time ago, Percidal was part of a group that saved the Sadida kingdom, and beyond that, it's a kind place. Armand will certainly ensure the safety of Elely and Floppin, as much as he is able to.

2018-03-29, 12:06 PM
Terim pulls his cannon off his back. "Do as your dad says. Come on!" At the same time, he watches for threats, keeping his eyes peeled for hostile movement.

2018-03-29, 12:12 PM
Elely and Floppin start running for the fortress. Percidal casts his eyes about, trying to find the source of the threat.

Just as the children reach the fortress door, a man can be seen at a distance, running for you all. He's almost naked, wearing just scraps of clothes, and his feet are raw and bleeding.

2018-03-29, 01:06 PM
Lucas' attention follows the children to the door, summoning another Silent Image of a stone wall covering and hiding the doorway.

He then hustles off to find his way down from the wall and into the fortress to rendevous with the children.

Stryx, stay with the children Lucas commands his invisible sprite familiar to fly down and stick with the children until he can meet up with them inside.

2018-03-29, 01:22 PM
Bartholomew quickly finds something to hide behind and casts invisibility . Having seen the door and the now blank stone wall he hopes he can enter the door and follow the others, if not he will see what happens with the man coming towards his master . If he has to, he will climb the wall with his slippers of spider climbing to join the others.

2018-03-29, 01:35 PM
Dirmyx helps hasten everyone through the illusion-covered door, then turns to face the approaching man. As he readies his shield and longsword, he shouts "You there! What's going on?" in Draconic, but then immediately corrects himself and repeats in Common.

Once the man is within 60ft, Dirmyx will use his Divine Sense on him and the surrounding area.

EDIT: Scratch waiting for the man to approach, just saw DM's OOC post.

2018-03-29, 02:23 PM
Terim trains the cannon on the strange man. He doesn't seem like a threat, but appearances can be wrong. Terim's finger itches on the trigger, but he doesn't fire yet.

2018-03-29, 02:29 PM
The man reaches Percidal, who's sword is at the ready. However, the man simply stops. "They're coming," he says.


"They're coming," he repeats, and then begins to dissolve. You can see him liquefy before your eyes, his skin sloughing off and the muscle beneath turning to viscous red liquid. His bones are as jelly within, plopping down with a sickly wet thud, and leaving nothing behind but a puddle of scum.

2018-03-30, 12:16 PM
Styx flies down off the wall to stay near the children as they flee. Lucas, still concentrating on the illusion of the stone wall, dashes down the stairs and into the interior courtyard to meet the children.

2018-03-30, 12:18 PM
Soon enough, you're with Elely and Floppin in the courtyard. You see Elely, who never wears shoes, has some cuts on her feet from the broken glass, but doesn't seem overly bothered by them. Floppin, though, seems very concerned, both with Elely and what's going on. What did he mean? What's going on?

2018-03-30, 12:26 PM
Terim is quick to reply. "You two are coming with us. We'll keep you safe while your dad deals with the bad guys."

2018-03-30, 12:27 PM
Aw, but I want to watch him! Elely says.

Floppin rolls his eyes, and replies with Elely, what if they get past him for a few moments? Or what if they trick him, or something? You know he cares about us more than anything else, and he just wants us to be safe.

Elely pouts, but nods.

2018-03-30, 04:31 PM
Seeing that the man is now obviously dead, and that everyone is gathering in the courtyard, Dirmyx rushes down the stairs a few seconds after the others. When he arrives, he almost yells to no one in particular, ""We need to get the children out of here! Whatever busted the windows might be inside the fortress."

He then looks in the direction the man came from, checking to see if there's anyone else in sight.

Perception Check, if I need to make one: [roll0]

2018-04-01, 06:41 AM
Bartholomew stops his invisibility spell and quickly gathers his belongings. He makes his way to the stables, yelling to the stable hand. Quickly we need horses for the master's children
and for myself , the others should be here soon.

2018-04-01, 10:59 AM
The stablehand, who seems to be a in a bit of shock, snaps out of it and nods. "Yes sir, at once!" he replies, and goes to the horses. He takes a few moments to calm them down, then opens the stables.

Soon, you're all mounted, with saddlebags of provisions ready for you. "Gods give you strength," the stablehand offers before you leave.

Nothing yet, other than the horizon.

2018-04-01, 04:38 PM
Lucas pulls up onto his mount and commands Styx to fly 80 feet above and relay anything significant he sees.

2018-04-01, 06:54 PM
Terim mounts his own horse and takes the rear, checking behind himself often.

2018-04-01, 09:25 PM
Dirmyx mounts his horse, putting away his shield in order to use the reigns. Assuming he knows where to go, he'll lead the group.

2018-04-01, 10:27 PM
You set off. You see a flurry of activity in the fortress behind you, likely more people preparing to leave.

Elely looks back, as you ride off. She whispers quietly, saying Go get 'em, dad.

2018-04-02, 08:05 AM
[Assuming Stryx reports there is no immediate threat to the party]

Lucas telepathically recalls Stryx to his shoulder, the sprite flies down and awaits further orders.

Stryx, fly back to the fortress and from a safe distance try to observe Ser. See what you can learn about whatever threat he is facing and then return to me and report.

The sprite flies off and Lucas turns to see how the children are coping with the sudden departure. Then to try to keep their minds occupied he says to the group...

Does anyone know some good traveling games? Perhaps 'I spy'?

He also uses the opportunity of the suggestion to take a keen look about the road and their surroundings.

If you would instead want perception for this [roll1]

2018-04-02, 09:56 AM
"I spy too many place for an ambush." Terim didn't survive as long as he did in the wilderness without a healthy (or perhaps unhealthy) dose of paranoia. He's an unusual sight, unkempt, ragged hair and beard prematurely streaked with grey, wearing a suit of jet-black half plate armor and a magnificent red cape with gilt edging.

2018-04-02, 01:01 PM
The group travels for a few hours. As you reach some of the more thickly wooded and hilly portions, you hear a crashing through the trees.

Two sources, actually-coming from the same direction.

2018-04-02, 01:39 PM
Lucas moves alongside the children's mounts leads them just off the road and then summons an illusion of a large flowering bush between them and the sounds. He then whispers to them.

Stay still and quiet

2018-04-02, 01:41 PM
But- Elely starts, before Floppin covers her mouth with his hand.

Elely, please, he whispers. Now is not the time.

Everyone, give me a stealth check, with advantage from the illusion.

[roll0] [roll1] for Elely
[roll2] [roll3] for Floppin

2018-04-02, 02:07 PM
adv. [roll1]

2018-04-02, 02:58 PM
Check: 1d20

Disadvantage: 1d20

I have disadvantage on Stealth because of my armor. If there's room for me behind the illusion, just use the first roll.

Also, since my first Divine Sense didn't find anything, I'll use it again once the sources of the sounds get close enough.

2018-04-02, 08:11 PM
I also have disadvantage, so they cancel.

2018-04-02, 10:47 PM
You hear two voices, as your heavy armor clanks into cover.

"Wuzzat?" one loud, bleary voice goes.

"Somethin'..." the other says, as the stomping grows closer.

2018-04-03, 05:16 AM
Terim levels the cannon at the location of the first voice, tensely gripping the trigger.

2018-04-03, 06:32 AM
Bartholomew uses his slippers climbing and goes up a tall tree, he readies himself for danger.

2018-04-03, 07:55 AM
While still concentrating on the Silent Image, Lucas uses minor illusion to create the sound of clanging metal as far as possible off the other side of the road (and if feasible to try to create the impression it is moving away in that direction, at least have it fade from loud at first to a bit fainter after a few seconds).

He also looks to the children and points in the opposite direction, preparing to lead them off a bit away from whatever is coming.

2018-04-03, 08:40 AM
Dirmyx tightly clutches his sword, readies his shield, and clenches his teeth in anticipation.

2018-04-03, 10:23 AM
Two massive humanoids-hill giants, by the look of them-stumble drunkenly into the area. "Didja hear that?" one of them says. "Went dat way," he adds, pointing to where the illusory sound was.

"You check dat out-I'll check the other thing out," the other one replies, and sways over to where you're hiding.

You've got just moments before he finds you-the illusion would've helped, had you not been in heavy armor, but alas, twas not the case. It certainly won't protect you from being found by his active searching, so should you wish to get the drop on him, now's the chance. Should you wish to try to resolve this some other way, now is also your chance.

2018-04-03, 10:38 AM
Bartholomew seeing the giant move towards the children and the illusion of the bush,sends a message to the giant . "Hey,why aren't you following me, come on you stupid cow."

2018-04-03, 10:42 AM
"You hear dat?" the giant nearer to you says.

"Wut?" the other one replies.

The giant shrugs, and says "Guess it was nothing."

Bartholomew has taken his action, so nothing more from you, Gryff, till everyone else (including the giant) have acted.

2018-04-03, 10:55 AM
Terim rides back as fast as he can, maybe 40ft back, and steadily aims his gun at the nearest giant. BLAM! The shot rings out.

[roll1] piercing damage and [roll2] thunder damage, on hit.

He swiftly pops open the breach of the cannon, loading another shell into it.

2018-04-03, 11:17 AM
The giant reels back, and roars in pain.

Everyone, roll init.

[roll0] Giant 1
[roll1] Giant 2

Giant 1: 15 damage dealt

2018-04-03, 11:41 AM

Lucas gestures for the children to follow him and attempts to lead them a little further from the road keeping a keen eye to see if they are noticed or pursued. (still concentrating on illusion)

[readies action to cast eldritch blast at first giant to move towards the children]

2018-04-03, 12:42 PM
Terim takes aim at the giant again.

2018-04-03, 01:09 PM
Dirmyx recognizes the brutish voices of the approaching creatures immediately. "Blech, hill giants.", he thinks. He's had to deal with them before, and he launches into the nearest one without much remorse. After all, he has to protect the kids, right?

First Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If Critical: [roll2]
Expending a 1st Level Spell Slot for Divine Smite: [roll3]
(The rules of Divine Smite state that it can be used on a hit. If this attack misses but the second hits, use it there.)

Second Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
If Critical: [roll6]

Initiative: [roll7]

2018-04-03, 01:52 PM
Giant 1: 42

2018-04-04, 12:47 PM
Terim fires again.

[roll0], [roll1] + [roll2] damage

2018-04-04, 06:55 PM
The giants move towards Dirmyx, the further one scooping up a rock to toss on his way over. The near one swings his club twice, great, sweeping blows with crushing force behind them, while the further slings his massive rock towards Dirmyx.

Multiattack and hucking a rock.

Club Attacks



2018-04-04, 08:26 PM
Lucas leaves the children in some natural cover off the road and spurs his own mount away from them and fires bolts of magical force at giant 1, trying to knock it away from Dirmyx.

Blast [roll0]
Dmg [roll1]
If crit [roll2]

Blast 2 [roll3]
Dmg [roll4]
Crit [roll5]

Any hit pushes target 10 feet

2018-04-04, 08:29 PM
57 on Giant 1

The giant is knocked away, reeling back as the Eldritch Blast slams into him.

2018-04-05, 10:49 AM
Bartholomew 25 feet up a tree, casts Scorching ray as a level 3 spell.

Causing 4 rays to shoot out.2 at giant 1, 2 at giant 2.
1st ray
[roll1] 2nd ray

[roll2] 3rd ray
[roll3] 4th ray

First ray gets +4 elemental Affinitiy
[Roll]2d6 damage 1
2d6 damage 2

2d6 damage 3
2d6 damage 4

2018-04-05, 10:59 AM
Bartholomew 25 feet up a tree, casts Scorching ray as a level 3 spell.

Causing 4 rays to shoot out.2 at giant 1, 2 at giant 2.
[roll0] 1st ray
[roll1] 2nd ray

[roll2] 3rd ray
[roll3] 4th ray

First ray gets +4 elemental Affinitiy
[roll0] damage 1
[roll1] damage 2

[roll2] damage 3
[roll3] damage 4 hoping damage shows

2018-04-05, 11:30 AM
77 on Giant 1
6 on Giant 2

A single ray scorches into the further giant's flesh, sending him howling in pain and rage. The other giant takes two solid blasts to his chest, and his hair starts smoldering. He also lets loose a cry of agony, but seems pretty damaged.

2018-04-06, 09:54 AM
Terim fires again, the cannon bucking in his hands.

[roll0], [roll1] + [roll2] damage.

2018-04-06, 11:42 AM
The giant reels back, and calls out "Please! We give, we surrender!"

The other giant glares at him, but when the injured one gives him a plaintive look, and the mostly unharmed one softens, and drops his club.

2018-04-06, 12:28 PM
Lucas uses prestidigitation to amplify his own voice for the giants to hear better:

Identify yourselves and state your business here!

2018-04-06, 12:35 PM
"We live in the area! Was just wandering around, and then you shot us!" the less injured one says.

If anyone has Spare the Dying or a healing spell, feel free to cast it on your dying party member.

2018-04-06, 01:06 PM
Bartholomew uses his ring of spell storing and casts cure wounds level 1 on the paladin . [roll0]

2018-04-06, 05:37 PM
Dirmyx suddenly gasps awake. He looks up at the giants still looming over him, crawls backwards a bit, and prepares to exhale a cone of fire onto them... until he notices that the battle has stopped. He looks towards his companions and asks, "Did... did they surrender?"

He also expends 15 hit points of Lay On Hands to heal himself further.

2018-04-06, 05:58 PM
"As much as I am loath to believe it, they did." Terim inspects his gun, cleaning the barrel and checking for damage.

2018-04-06, 08:36 PM
If you live near here, tell us, what other dangers await us along this road?

Bellows Lucas to the giants

2018-04-06, 11:54 PM
The nearer giant backs away, slowly, as he drops his own club.

You can make an AoO... If you want to.

"My family," the further giant says. "They don't take kindly to trespassers."

2018-04-07, 06:47 AM
We don't want to trespass, we are travelers on our way to (insert name of distant place not our actual destination but in same general direction). How can we safely travel through this area without further angering your family?

Lucas tries to soften his tone.

2018-04-07, 02:39 PM
The two giants look to each other, and then back to you. The nearer speaks, saying "Travel lightly and try to avoid notice. None of us are the most percep... perpec... good at noticing stuff."

2018-04-09, 07:42 AM
Do you have the authority to grant us permission for safe passage? Could we perhaps pay a toll of some sort for the privilege? Perhaps you have a leader or chieftain we should speak to?

2018-04-09, 12:12 PM
Do you have the authority to grant us permission for safe passage? Could we perhaps pay a toll of some sort for the privilege? Perhaps you have a leader or chieftain we should speak to?

The two look at each other. The further one says "My family... They don't like me much. Ever since Dorvak and I began... Um..."

Dorvak, the closer one, blushes, the redness faintly visible under the grime on his face. "You know," he says.

"Yeah. My family cast me out," the further one finishes.

2018-04-09, 12:24 PM
"Come join us, we would love to have you travel with us." Bartholomew says coming closer to the giants.

2018-04-09, 12:33 PM
Dirmyx interjects at this proposition, still smarting from his recent wounds. "Uh, wait, Bartholomew." He leans in close and whispers, "Are you sure we can trust them? While I admit that our attack was... a bit premature... they are still violent, dangerous brutes. And we are traveling with children."

2018-04-09, 01:15 PM
Bartholomew whispers back, " I just thought we could use their strength and who ever is looking for us, won't aspect three children and two giants with two retainers. We just need to look different."

2018-04-09, 01:46 PM
"I... Uh..." Dorvak says.

The other adds on, asking "Could you find us someplace safe to be, away from my family?"

2018-04-09, 02:12 PM
Unfortunately it sounds like we'll be heading straight for them

2018-04-11, 10:56 AM
If you truly mean us no harm and are not up to acts of evil intent you may be on your way.
We do apologize for our hasty hostilities, and forgive your squashing of our friend in your own defense. Good day to you.

2018-04-11, 01:46 PM
Dirmyx grumbles a bit, and is about to agree, when something stops him. These giants may not be the most peaceful folk, but they are asking for his help, and he does owe them something after how badly he hurt Dorvak. They probably didn't mean to bring him so close to death, right? And even if they did, it was only in self defense. He nods to Bartholemew, and steps forward, saying, "Lucas here is just a bit concerned; we are in a hurry. But maybe we could help you find someplace to live, if you'd be willing to help us pass through your family's lands safely. He lowers his voice a bit, looks at Dorvak, and says "And, er, sorry."

2018-04-11, 09:20 PM
Dorvak shrugs. "S'okay. I take hits all the time."

"I'm Amox, by the way," the other giant says. "And... Well, if you can promise us that you can find a place we can live away from here, we'll help you through my family's lands. Okay?"

2018-04-12, 08:49 AM
I am confident we will be able to find a place for you to live somewhere, I will make that promise.

Although I imagine your company is likely to make it that much harder to travel discretely and avoid notice.

We do have need to move with some haste, shall we continue on then?

2018-04-12, 01:21 PM
They nod. Amox asks "Should we stay back a little, or somethin'? Or just go right with you guys?"

Determine marching order and whatnot, and then I'll skip ahead a little.

2018-04-14, 11:58 AM
"Actually, it might be better if you go ahead of us, since you know the area better. We'll follow you with our horses."

2018-04-14, 12:09 PM
" My name is Bob, I will travel ahead with you. " Bartholomew says to the giants. He turns to the others, "I will message you if we run into trouble. "

2018-04-19, 11:00 AM
The group starts to head off. Elely, now that the danger has passed, starts talking to the giants, and when you stop for a brief meal, actually challenges one of them to an arm wrestle. She loses, which makes her a touch mad, but she seems to be able to focus it inward on driving herself to get stronger, rather than getting mad at anyone else.

Amox says, while you're eating, "My family's probably gonna find us soon. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened already."

2018-04-19, 12:52 PM
Lucas is a bit surprised he hasn't heard back from Stryx yet about what was happening at the fortress with Ser. He dismisses the familiar, wherever he is, into his extra dimensional holding space then summons him forth in front of him a moment later.

Stryx report, I had thought you would have caught up to us by now. What did you observe?

2018-04-20, 07:07 AM
"If your family finds us, what should we do? Should we run or should we fight ? We need to know so that we can plan ahead." Bartholomew says to the giants and his friends .

2018-04-20, 07:14 AM
"I run from no one!" Terim doesn't like the idea of fleeing from the giants.

2018-04-20, 09:51 AM
Perception checks, all.

2018-04-20, 08:27 PM
Something big is coming from the north. Several somethings big.

2018-04-21, 08:46 AM
"We need to hide as best as possible , we can't take them on by ourselves , our new friends will have to fight their family . I can haste them,giving them a boost in battle . I will climb a tree to get a good advantage point . "Bartholomew says to his friends .

2018-04-21, 10:28 AM
"What? We can't just-" Amox starts, but Dorvak cuts him off.

"Amox, we won't kill them. Just rough them up a little, and make it clear we're leaving and they aren't doing anything about it. Okay?" he says.

Amox nods, though a touch reluctantly.

2018-04-21, 03:55 PM
Dirmyx doesn't see what Bartholomew is talking about, but knows better than to argue. He dashes off to one side of the path, assuming his stealthier companions will take the other, and hides as best he can.

Stealth: [roll0]

Disadvantage: [roll1]

2018-04-21, 06:13 PM
Terim moves into the bushes near Dirmyx, and hunkers down, training his gun on the sound.

At disadvantage

2018-04-21, 09:12 PM
Lucas guides the children's mount off to the side oof the road away from Drymix and again summons the image of a large flowering bush to hide them.

2018-05-21, 07:59 AM
A large hoard of vicious giants appears and kills everyone.


2018-05-21, 08:27 AM
The children turn into demons and rip the heads of every one. The end.