View Full Version : Dungeons of Malice 9/9 (D&D 3.5)

2018-03-28, 09:26 PM
The guild the outside of the guild hall was built more like a temple to a god. As you enter the hall has marble floors and pillars with a long rows carpets with groups of adventures lined up on them. As they head towards the caged tellers. To exchange their stones, form the adventurers. The only thing this place is missing is burning incense and priests to be a temple. To the side of the tellers there are areas were advisers will talk with adventurers infect you your self have an appointment with one such advisers. As you walk by the front desk a man in the guild uniform comprising of a simple black vest and pants with a white collared long sleeve shirt underneath and a grey bow tie. When you are asked how he can help you. You answer him and he points you to the sitting are. There you can see a table with a slender woman is putting files on the small coffee table.

As you approach she notices you and smiles as she asks you to take a seat in front of the folder with your name on it. The elf has a slim body, pointy ears, shoulder length brown hair, and emerald colored eyes. As she then introduces her self as Azshara. As you all gather she then says “Good day to you all I am Azehara and I will be your dungeon adviser. It is my job to help mitigate the dangers of the dungeons here in Malice. As you all came here as solo adventurers we at the guild discourage such things as there is a very high chance that a solo adventure will go down there and never be seen agene. As one werewolf of the Shadowmoon clan nicely put it. Down there you will have to combine both skill and strategy, but that will not be enough. The dungeon is a very cruel hunter. It will try to were you down with little threats and once you reach your breaking point. And when it’s tried pray cries out in pain tired and existed. That is when the true fangs will emerge. … …” As she closes here eyes for a moment in pause. Before continuing. “So to avoid situations like that we highly recommend forming parties of adventures. As well we also by and sell maps of the dungeon at a rate of 5 gold coins per level. But only for the first 15 levels. Now there two currently unexplained things that happen there. One the monsters coming out of the walls. But when you kill then they drop the fragments. The you bring here and we exchange for gold. But this is also important. The staircases to the second floor once a day at mid night the walls will clasped and one of the other stare cases will open. To our knowledge there are 7 possible locations. All are marked on the map. But there will be also a floor guardian emerging. You will recognise it when you see it. It looks like a giant Kobold that breaths Fire. With a big sword and shield. I don’t think you are ready for him yet. But the main threats you will encounter in level one will be Hellhounds. little White axe rabbits. You can also hire a supporter and I can arrange some introductions of some that I have vetted. There main job is to support your group by caring supplies. Gathering the crystals. Some are capable of using healing magic as well. The can be very helpful. Put they prefer to avoid fighting. Is there any question that you will like to ask me. Also feel free to take a moment and get familiar with each other.”

2018-03-29, 07:37 AM
A small halfling, dressed in chain mail and a long travellers robe sticks his hand up to ask a question.

So While we’re in the dungeons will there be other groups delving in the same area at the same time as us? It’s best to know these things to avoid any, bad accidents.

2018-03-29, 10:27 AM
A red haired male human warrior in glimmering chain shirt stands to the side. His clothes were green/white and he stood with a strange bladed shield in his hand. "Hellhounds and axe rabbits seem a strange ecology."

"I'll definitely be buying a map and maybe a supporter. So who are ye? "

2018-03-29, 11:15 AM
The beefy dwarf, a little surly at having being lumped with a group he has never fought with, appraises his newfound companions with an eye of a master cutter eyeing a cache of uncut diamonds.
They may do. he thinks to himself.
Removing his helm, it slaps against his chain armor as he tucks it under his arm before regripping his Guisarme as he looks at the others and addresses them. "Since we be going down in da dungeons together, it's best we know each 'ther a bit, first. I am Khuzum Il Gdruk, of Clan Gzurd." he says in a gruff voice.

2018-03-29, 01:00 PM
A cocky looking human who has clearly never even grown the first hair of a beard let alone look to have done any manual labor in his life walks in late. He wears a fine looking Chain Shirt stained black along with a black cloak. He carries a book in his hand and has a scythe strapped to his back. The blade of the scythe is stained and beginning to rust.
"Apparently you are the group that I am supposed to adventure with. My name is Varen Suul. Make sure to remember it."
The human sighs to himself and mutters, "Looks like I'll be the brains of this group."

2018-03-29, 01:15 PM
A draconic humanoid garbed in a simple blue tunic and pants listens patiently to the advisor's explanation, smiling slightly at the fact that he'll have others to work with in the dungeon. His amber eyes swing across the group as he examines his new allies, and he says in a rough voice, "I'm Cyrian. It's nice to be working with all of you!"

Stormwolf, can you provide a link to the OOC topic? You mentioned one in the recruitment thread, but never linked it. Thanks!

2018-03-29, 01:32 PM
As Khuzum, the only fellow he can see eye to eye with speaks Garret turns and adds his own remarks. I’m Garret, simple as can be, I’m what some would call a post mortuary item retrieval specialist, and other more sensible folk would call a tomb robber. That’s tombs only though, not graves. Regardless pleasure to meet you sir, I’m rather looking forward to these meanderings through the city if I’ve got the likes of you for company.

As the human arrives Garret turns to address him, rather startled at the late arrival. Got it Mr Maroon Soul, though your a little bit late for that brains business, frankly I’ve seen lone-dead corpses that had more evidence of brains than you have, and they smelled better to, slightly less like death.

2018-03-29, 01:54 PM


2018-03-29, 03:12 PM
"I realize I forgot to introduce meself, it is Brock Ericson. "
extending a hand to shake his fellows

"Guess we will be working together. I am what you call a healing sword, I heal while I kick butt."

2018-03-30, 09:00 AM
Ashie, small humanoid with butterfly like wings in color of pale white, nearly see through glances over her companions. "hello, my name is Ashie. There is quie a bit of us so I'm some are deffinly going to get mixed up". She says as her feel a twich in her wings. She is used to flying on a hight on human rather then standing on the ground for convresieson but considering there is halfing in the room she decides to stay on her hight

2018-03-30, 09:57 PM
Azshara smiles as she opens a folder and places a map on the table. As she turns to the dwarf she says. “As to your question. Most try to go around other groups. But it is highly discouraged if you are fleeing form a group of monsters to not lead them into another party and pull them into the other group. As you use them for cover. It there has been a few incidents of groups getting into fights over that. Also, under normal circumstances, there is no traps in the dungeon but there has been cases of groups or psychopaths putting traps in the dungeon. Or some one trying to settle a score. Also, in the case of minitours in the lower levels of the dungeon. The ones made by the dungeon don’t talk. Also nude with a huge great sword. So, I would advise not shooting first and asking questions later. As for the supporters I will get there info files for you to review. Would you excuse me for a moment.”

As she walks a way to the back area. Leavening the party alone to talk.

2018-03-31, 10:45 AM
"So, I be a guessin' that they would look at it cross'eyed iffin we get otha's killed, eh?" says with a loud chuckle. "Fair'nough. Alright, who is ready to reap some rewards?"

2018-03-31, 11:43 AM
"So, you can fly, Asher? What is that like?" Brock exclaimed toward Asher.

"Aye, let the games begin I say, thought we may want a porter to carry any treasure."

2018-03-31, 12:38 PM
"Hahaha. Yes indeed we should get a porter.

With that said we should work out some sort of strategy before we go down. I personally have limited power over the dead. I focus mostly on debilitating our enemies. I have the Alarm spell prepared so that if we need to rest in the dungeon we can do so with an alarm system in addition to my friend here. Finally I can create minions from the dead. It seems this city does not have laws against the creation of the dead on legally procured corpses. As this dungeon is a legal endeavor there will be no problems with creating the dead from it's denizens. As for actually hurting the enemy I do not have much in the way of ability to do so. I carry a crossbow and this scythe although I prefer not get too close and I'm not too great a shot."

As Varen explains what he can do he does beckon towards a foul creature appearing more or less humanoid, but has mottled, decaying flesh drawn tight across clearly visible bones. It is mostly hairless and has a carnivore’s sharp teeth. Its eyes burn like hot coals in their sunken sockets, it has a sickly looking Leather Armor and is carrying a backpack.

2018-03-31, 03:34 PM
Ashie wings twitch ones more. As they are mentioned. Now when addressed she becomes self aware about them. "well, it's not much, almoust like walking, altho they aren't made for saving and other high speed maneuvers, I would like to try that one day. As per combar I mouststly avoid getting perosnal blasting from range and cousing fear. I also have few control spells"

2018-03-31, 05:30 PM
"I've got a magic bag, and generally travel light, so I should be able to help with carrying stuff," Cyrian comments. "As for what I can do... well, I can breathe fire. Or acid. Or ice...
If I get in a fight, I generally try to rely more on my breath than on my spear. And don't worry, because I did learn how to protect my allies from my own breath's effects." After a moment's thought, he continues, "I also can provide some extra support to us all - I can create a couple of different auras, either to help us react faster, to recover a bit faster when we're hurt, or to make it easier to interact with people." As he speaks, his presence seems to shift slightly, and the others within the group begin to notice their sight and hearing are sharper, and their reflexes just a bit more acute.

Activating my Senses Aura - all allies within 30' get +2 to Initiative, Spot and Listen until I change the aura, stop it, or get knocked unconscious.

2018-03-31, 06:06 PM
" Well, I can conjure a fire or acid ball at the enemy. I also can heal friends while I strike the enemy. Other than the occasional blast and dazing effect, I mostly just beat things to death and guard others. I do have a magical item that feeds me each day.
Brock says.

2018-04-01, 12:37 AM
"Well, it be good knowin' dat I the rest of ya have da magic covered. Me, on the other hand, have this" the dwarf says menacingly as he raises his polearm and spins it around in a deadly arc "and I prefer it close and personal. Can track above an belo' ground, too. Handy to 'ave around, in any case." he finishes as he plants his Guisarme butt into the ground with a self-satisfied grin on his face.

2018-04-01, 03:23 AM
And I mostly do that which you don’t ever need to see, of course I have a few magic tricks as well should this fail. Garet then looks round impatiently. We should probably press on into the dungeons before it gets to late unless anyone has anything they need to buy first?

2018-04-01, 07:32 PM
"How long are we planning to be down there?" Cyrian asks, thinking for a moment. "We'll want to make sure we've got things like basic provisions covered."

2018-04-01, 09:26 PM
Azshara comes back as she Says. Well there are for choices available. Two are novices form the temple of Pelor. That are looking to make a little extra gold on the side. With young Tim, Jonny and Tommy. They are willing to go with you for 30 gold a day. They are very inexperienced. But as supporters they should not be a burden. And then there is Robert, Form the Shadowmoon Clan. He is willing to do this for 120 per day. Do to most of he is party being out of action for the next few mouths. He is looking for extra jobs for gold to send back to the clans. You know it is odd, How for the last five hundred years. These clans a have been living in the Northern great woods. But they are very secretive. And they don’t act like other werewolves or werebears for that manner. They are Very, very organised. And do a lot of trade with the Elven kingdom in the north and the dwarf keeps. But there is something off about them and I know a few of them.” As she shakes her head. “But any who should I send out messengers to have meet you at the dungeon entrance.” As she looks at you waiting for your choices of who you want to hire.

2018-04-02, 09:57 AM
"I will take a Tommy, I can afford a little help for 30 a day. That should keep us with water and healing while we adventure." Brock explains.

2018-04-02, 02:44 PM
"I myself don;t really need help, maybe aside from carring the loot and the other guy seounds like tuble, I woudn't take him"Ashie replaies

2018-04-05, 03:39 PM
"Azshara I thank you for the chance to enter the dungeon, is there anything else that we need or can we meet our hired help at the dungeon? Our time would be better spent learning by doing."

2018-04-06, 12:10 AM
"Not a bad 'dea. I can pitch in for a porter, too." the dwarf says.

Going for a rainy camping trip. Leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Wednesday night.
If needed, can someone bot me?

2018-04-06, 02:22 PM
Azshara smiles as she then calls over a messenger to inform the two boys to be ready for the adventures. As she says “well let’s give the messengers a short head starts and we will meet the boys at the dungeon.” As she then gets up as she says “shell we start walking.”

As the group makes there way down the large main city streets for a few whiles past the main temple district. As more religious members of the party would quickly recognise the ones devoted to there deities. As pass a large fountain. You come to another more fortified building as there are Black and dark red armoured guards all around it. As she says “Well the guards change every fort night. But it looks like the Order of the Ruby Knight Vindicators are on guarding the entrance. But they also rotate in with military orders form the churches take turns as it keeps the dungeon some what neutral ground. Also, there is a bounty for recovering bodies of fallen adventurers. Of 50 gold per body.”
After a moment you notice two boys about the age of 15 or 14. As they were running. Toward the group, As Azshara says well here comes Tommy, and Tim. As the two boys had backpacks the size of them. As Azshara points out that the redhead with freckles is tommy and the brown-haired boy is tim. As they both look very young. As you see their leather armour over there robes.

As the Elf wishes you all the best of luck as you make your way down into the Building on top of the Dungeon. It was set up like a fortress as you see a mixture of guards and healers. As you make your way through the vaulted rooms down a staircase to odd room with looks of murder holes and men with crossbows. As they say the dungeon is just down that rope ladder. And welcome to the last safe spot Room A1 your entrance and exit form the dungeons. As you climb down you find your self in huge Room. The floors are earthy. As the walls look rough’s edgings but the room is dimly lit with the odd stone lighting up areas of the room spaced out apart. Now as the time to start choosing your path through the dungeon. As there were four options. (reminder you are in A2)

2018-04-06, 02:44 PM
Kadusk appears behind the party, brandishing two curved blades. Ah yes, my party... I hope we can get to the monsters soon, I'll get their backs and you get their fronts! he says, attempting to hide his happiness to exemplify his skill.

Let's go over here to begin he said, pointing towards the room on his left (A4).

2018-04-06, 02:54 PM
Garret greets the young boys with a relitivly cheery wave, and chats with them amicably as they progress through the fortress.

Once they get to the dungeon though his manner becomes much more business like, grimly he replies to Kadusk ”Everyone wants to get their backs, takes some luck or a lot of talent to always make it there though. I hope you’re up to it. In response to the door being pointed out Garret moves up to it, and gives it a quick look over for traps, provided he doesn’t see any he takes his dagger and slowly pushes to door open, keeping his profile low and ensuring he’s ready to spring back at any moment.

2018-04-06, 11:29 PM
As the group walks towards the dungeon, Cyrian says, "Since we're heading into the dungeon, I probably should ward everyone..." He then begins whispering an incantation, periodically tapping one of his allies on the arm or shoulder before starting the incantation once more, until everyone in the group has been imbued with the protective magic, including the two young boys who join them at the entrance. Once finished, he says, "I'll stay right behind the front line... the ward I cast protects you from my breath. It doesn't help against the breath of other dragons, or anything else, though." Taking a moment to focus and reinforce the draconic magic protecting him, he steps into line just behind the frontmost members of the group.

When Garret moves to open the door, Cyrian moves just behind him, just in case any threats lurk behind the door.

Using Endure Exposure on each party member. This Invocation grants the effects of Endure Elements, plus immunity to Cyrian's breath weapons, for 24 hours. (I will do this at the start of each day, so this can be assumed to be a permanent effect unless dispelled.)

Also casting Mage Armor on myself to refresh its duration. (I will take the turn to recast this at the end of each combat, so I will be treating it as permanent unless dispelled.)

2018-04-07, 03:24 AM
"looks good, I will like to see room 5E afterwords" Ashie says rembering that room being odd chamed and having someform of marking indicating there is something psecial about it. Then she calls on fay magic imuing herself with it entrance isn't long. Then she tranforms into a cat.

I;m using see the unseen, just like with Cyrian it's best assume it to be a permanent effect unless dispelled and resumed anzthing out of combat.

2018-04-07, 05:32 PM
Varen will step to the back of the group, "I'll watch our back, so those of them that are 'skilled' dont get us unawares."
Varen pulls out a thin baton and taps himself with it muttering to himself

Varen's pet skulks off into the shadows.

Varen uses his Eternal Wand of Mage Armor (caster level 1) on himself, he now has Mage Armor for 600 rounds, granting him an AC of 15.
The ghoul attempts to stealth
[roll0] Hide
[roll1] Move Silently
The ghoul has 60 ft darkvision and is watching for creatures in the rear

2018-04-10, 11:51 AM
"Ready to go!"
Brock says as he gets into position creeping along to not be seen by enemies.

Movesilently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2018-04-12, 07:56 PM
As the party looks into the room the dwarf (or anyone with darkvision) is able to see two white rabbit-like creatures starting to come out of the walls. From the other side of the room. 30ft a way form you. (next update they will be completely out)

(OCC ok guys anyone knows of a die roller so we can roll for init.

2018-04-12, 10:38 PM
Ashie notices the rabbits but cannot talking in this form. She focuses fey power on a softly glowing outline come in be. Enough for get teammates to notice. Dwarf probably already did but it not this should be alarm enough.

OOC: I'm using SAL Aerie fire on the rabies and any creature that maybe with area. For dice roller we can use one on the forums or if you want to get everyone's inti at ones excel. Anyways if we use forums here is mine. [roll0] (edit: cat form has +2 to dex so modier is 1 higher, total 15)

2018-04-13, 07:03 AM
(OCC: The forum has a roller, explained here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22975613&postcount=20) or here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?360837-This-is-how-you-use-the-Dice-Roller)

I'll roll for Kadusk -- I'd roll for other people but I dinnae see their sheets.

2018-04-13, 10:32 AM
Looking at the rabbit-like creatures, Khuzum growls as he says to the others " 'Ware the beasties in the room. Look harmless 'nough, but'chya never know. Heard of da beasties like this down near Caerbannog. Lolth's spawn or some such." Gripping his Guisarme, he continues "Could hit it with me bow, eye suppose."

AC ~17; Current ~ 17
HP ~ 58; Current ~58

Cyrian Senses Aura = +2 to initiative

2018-04-25, 07:41 PM
As you can now all see the outlines of the rabbit's thanks to your companions spell. you notice that they go and take out of the wall form were they came a small little axe. that for there size would be scalled to a great axe. As you realies that they may not be food for the hell hounds.

2018-04-29, 07:49 PM
Varen will cast a blindness/deafness on one of the ones in the middle. My ghoul will hold action until a melee attempts to swing, and then will get into a flanking position and attempt a bite attack.

Blindness will make a targeted creature blind on a failed fortitude save of DC 17. This is permanent.
Ghoul might roll to hit with a bite
If ghoul hits the creature must make a fortitude save against paralysis, DC 16 or be paralyzed for [roll1] rounds. He must make an additional fortitude save DC 12 or begin to suffer from Ghoul Fever.
Ghoul's to hit is 1 bab, 1 stat, and 2 flanking

2018-04-30, 01:58 AM
Ashie opens her mouth agerting energy and then shoots it out with a sneeze. Shen she runs back to her team hiding behind them

Eldridge Blast as standerd acion:
to hit: [roll0]
DMG: [roll1]
Moving back as move acion

2018-04-30, 10:02 AM
Seeing the creatures, seemingly innocent at first but with more menace, Khuzum snarls as he moves forward, keeping his guisarme in front of him as he decides they might be tastier on a spit.

Khuzum Il Gdruk
AC ~17; Current ~ 17
HP ~ 58; Current ~ 58



Critical 20/x2

If he hits and does 10 or more points of damage, it triggers a trip attack via Knockdown

[roll4] touch attack

If successful, opposed strength check
[roll5] includes +4 from Improved Trip but not any bonusses from size (not sure if they are small or tiny, +4 for every difference)

If successful, follow up attack granted by Improved Trip
[roll6] includes +4 for prone


Critical 20/x2
[roll8] includes +4 for prone

Effects ~

2018-05-08, 10:12 AM
As your rounds of attacks leavening. the first rabbit leavening it going puff. In a small amount of spiky dust as a small crystal drop to the ground. The other is left paralysed on the ground.

Ass you hear one of the posters saying, "Man, you guys are lucky that rabbit turned into a shard."