View Full Version : Pathfinder Gunsmoke Mystic Animus Ammunition VS Phantom Sun Stance

2018-03-29, 01:48 AM
I've been trying to figure out which one would make more sense...and generally work our better to use.

Gunsmoke Mystics Animus Ammunition (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/classes/mystic/archetypes/gunsmoke-mystic/) or Phantom Sun Stance (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/disciplines-and-maneuvers/solar-wind-maneuvers/#TOC-Phantom-Sun-Stance)

Notes: Going more of a Sniper Concept. So 1 bullet used per turn is ok with me on a firearm (I have rapid reload because it does make a difference)

So the Short version is: Animus Ammunition Allows me to Lower Misfire, and is a Free Action Reload for one bullet per animus. Animus is built up at a rate of 1 per turn with an extra whenever a maneuver is used. It can also be used towards other bonuses.

Phantom Sun Stance is a Swift Action to reload the firearm with Rapid Reload. But it uses up a rare thing Mystics Have, Stances.

I'm thinking Pound for Pound, Phantom Sun stance is going to give me the better support as then I am using my Animus to boost my shots otherwise or defense depending on maneuver/counters. But I'm just looking for outside opinions on it.

Side note: Phantom Sun Stance also does Thrown weapons which could make a quieter backup?

Thanks for Any replies

2018-03-29, 01:46 PM
The biggest thing I see is that Phantom Sun has the swift action cost, while Animus Ammo can be a free action. If you're going for more than two shots with a single-capacity weapon you are pretty much stuck with Animus Ammo.

On the other hand, Phantom Sun "fully" reloads the firearm for a single swift which can put you ahead if you're using a revolver, pepperbox, or such since Animus explicitly scales up the cost to reload those.