View Full Version : [Private Conversations] The Storm on the Horizon

2018-03-29, 05:01 PM
Any conversations that the entire group is not party to, post here with spoiler tags for who is allowed to read what.


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Title of Post: Name of Conversation

"dialogue here"


For example, see next post:

2018-03-29, 05:11 PM
"That's a crazy story, lad. Tell me more."

2018-03-29, 05:36 PM
"Have you seen an eagle before?"

2018-03-29, 06:51 PM
"I haven't! What are they like?" Chadwick said, playing along.

2018-03-29, 09:40 PM
"I haven't seen one either. At least... not in real life. I've just heard about them."
There is a pause, followed by the sound of Seamus wetting his dry mouth. "But in my dream, I saw one. But it was black, like a crow. Jet black. And its beak was silver,"
Seamus recalls, his skin begins to crawl up from his finger tips.
"I saw a man with his back turned to me. Standing atop a hill. The black eagle was perched on him--its claws puncturing through his shoulders with such grasp!"
Seamus looks away from Chadwick.
"And it was tearing the flesh from the top of his head! It's beak stabbing and stabbing through his hair! Then cracking through his skull like a walnut... Then ripping little shreds of his brain and gobbling them down."
Seamus looks back at Chadwick.
"And the man just stood there! He didn't mind at all! I thought, at first, maybe the man couldn't feel it. Maybe he didn't know. But with every bite of brain the eagle took, his fingers twitched. As if... he were enjoying it!"

Seamus breathes heavily now, panicking once more. He looks above their heads in the tree, searching its branches for an eagle's black frame waiting to eat his own brains. But there is none.

2018-03-29, 10:11 PM
Chadwick shifts uncomfortably. "That's some screamer there kid, but I've been around awhile and I've never seen anything like that. Even down south, where there's all kinds of fantastic creatures you wouldn't believe. Besides, you're safe while I'm around, not to mention your wolf buddy. Try and go back to sleep."

2018-03-29, 10:42 PM
Chadwick stares at Gideon, shaking his head. "Oh ok, well I guess just pout."

2018-03-29, 10:47 PM
"What do you want Chadwick? It's good to see you again, but I'm not the man you knew when we stood side by side in battle."

2018-03-29, 11:00 PM
"You're still the same pain in the ass, I see," Chadwick said, half-joking but with a twinge of irritation in his voice. He chose to swallow that in light his concerns. "What the hell happened while I was back home??"

2018-03-29, 11:11 PM
Gideon looked up at his old friend and smiled, looking out over the horizon, his face and tone changed as he talked about his past for the first time, ever,"My kingdom and people were taken from me, my family was burned alive by some focking cult, and i almost died myself as I slew 40 of them with my bare hands. A rage took me that day. A rage that had never came over me before or since that day. But my family is dead. And my people are living under the rule of a usurper called Genji."

2018-03-29, 11:27 PM
Chadwick listened with growing anger, hiding it poorly. "All them? No one else got out? Your mother and father, Braya? Where did they come from? Where did you go? Are...*they* back?"

2018-03-29, 11:39 PM
Gideon stood up, visibly enraged, though not at Chadwick, at an enemy neither of them could see, his languages started to mix between Ul Vadr and common as he spoke of the cult that murdered his family, "It wasnt orcs, Chad! It was a group of crazed people following the focking god of fire! They murdered my father, my mother!" he fell to his knees and punches the ground. He picked up a handful of dirt and tossed it to the ground in front of him, "My sister, Chad, they burned Braya alive." he got back to his feet, a renewed fire in his eyes, he walked right up to Chad, his face inches away from the paladin's, "I killed forty of them, with my bare hands, and I will find the rest, the man called Unun, and wipe their fire worshipping cult from this earth. And then I will take back my kingdom. If you are my brother, now is when I would call on you. Help me reclaim my honor, Chadwick." he extends his arm to the holy warrior.

2018-03-29, 11:55 PM
Chadwick's eyes mirrored the fire in Gideon's. He pushed is hand away and embraced him, "I am so sorry brother. I knew we declared victory too soon. It's my fault." The words seemed to stick in the Paladin's throat. He stepped back and met his companions stare, the old air of determination slipping back into his voice. "I no longer have an army on my side but I swear by Hyroneus, I will help you win your lands back, and end this scourge once and for all."

2018-03-30, 12:02 AM
"You can keep your armies and your god, brother, but I'll take your steel, and your counsel. he turns and stands shoulder to shoulder with Chad, "Bring 'em home." he mutters.

2018-03-30, 12:05 AM
"The lord'll sort em."

2018-03-30, 12:06 AM
All Listen checks take -10 penalty for being asleep.
DC to wake from Gideon's shouting: -5Listen check: [roll0]Listen check: [roll1]Listen check: [roll2]

2018-03-30, 07:45 PM
Gideon extends his hand and helps the youngster up. Beckoning Seamus to follow him, he leads him to the place where he was sitting on watch. This is where I was standing watch Seamus, gives you a decent vantage point of the entire camp." he turns to leave. Then over his shoulder he says, voice cold as ice, "Where'd you learn to shoot that fireball, boy?"

2018-03-30, 07:53 PM
Seamus opens his mouth, about to answer in full, but looks to decidedly abbreviate. "A man I once knew and trusted. But you should get some sleep, I think."

2018-03-30, 07:58 PM
Gideon turns to face the boy. "I'm not asking because I'm interested in your past. I'm asking for reasons of my own. Now please tell me where you learned that."

2018-03-30, 08:05 PM
Seamus looks sternly at Gideon, as if challenging his mettle. Unsure of who to trust, and unsure of what Gideon might do with such information to belittle him or discount his character. "His name was Emmett. He claimed to be my uncle. A druid like me. He taught me many virtues of the druids, most importantly not to trust others so quickly, evem himself."