View Full Version : Rules Q&A Question about enchanting robes

2018-03-29, 06:16 PM
Here's a question for you guys. If I have robes as as a body slot item, can I enchant them as I would normal armor? I know that you can add armor bonuses to them, but what about other enchantments?

For example, I have Robe of the Archmagi on my character. It has a +5 armor bonus amongst other properties. It costs 75,000 GP. I know that non-epic items can have a max value of 200,000 GP. Theoretically speaking, would I be able to add +X enchantments (like Soulfire) or even flat cost enchantments (like Speed) to this item? I don't see why not. Furthermore, what about armor crystals? Sure you can affix a crystal to some robes somehow. What is the consensus?

edit: Can I also upgrade my resistance bonus? What about SR? Obviously the cap of the value of the item has to stay under 200k...

2018-03-29, 07:03 PM
Adding armor bonuses to robes or other normal clothing articles in the body slot is a houserule, not in the books per se. It isn't explicitly forbidden as far as I know either though. As houserules go, it's pretty reasonable.

As to if you can add armor effects in addition to armor bonuses, I don't see how someone could justify denying allowing armor effects while allowing an enhancement bonus to AC.

2018-03-30, 12:44 AM
I think I remember MIC making the option of putting armour special abilities on bracers of armour official.

That said, the robes of the archmagi set a precedent for armour enhancements on robe/ armour slot items and the custom item guidelines support it implicitly if not explicitly. A DM would have to be awfully uptight to veto such an item.

2018-03-30, 07:39 AM
There are a number of examples where robes are enchanted to provide an armor bonus.

The DMG/SRD has all three Robes of the Archmagi (that you have), for example, and the Magic Item Compendium has Impervious Vestements and the Robe of Arcane Might. All of these include additional enchantments.

It's doable. It's just that all custom items have to be approved by the DM.