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View Full Version : Suggestions for an... interesting build

2007-08-31, 02:12 PM
So, I have a character, a Dragonborn(Races of Dragon), Good Incarnate(Magic of Incarnum). He took the Breath weapon aspect as a dragon born, and opted for the wings, improved wings, dragon tail feats for the dragon side. Additionally, he has taken the 'shape soulmeld' feat to give him the Claws of the Wrym soul meld(Dragon Magic).

He's just hit level 9, and I'm having trouble choosing a feat for him. His basic abilities are as follows:
Natural Attacks:
2 claws (1d6+3)
1 tail slap (1d8+4) (secondary)
Breath Weapon: 3d8 DC 19 save (20 Con)

He tends to enjoy the Mantle of Flame and lightning gauntlet soulmelds, and reciently discovered the usefulness of the Spellward Shirt.

So, what would you suggest as to feats?

2007-08-31, 02:14 PM
If you or anyone you know has Draconimicon then check out the metabreath feats. They're great on a dragon, and great on anything that has a breath weapon. This is of course if you use your breath weapon in combat a lot. If you don't then I have other suggestions.

2007-08-31, 02:18 PM
I do actually. Its a (as of this level) 45' line of whatever I want (Ok, no 40' lines of Receses pieces, but...) I'm kind of looking at Shape Breath, a cone could come in handy from time to time when I can't get people to stand in a nice, clean line.

I was curious what other suggestions there were too. :D

The Mormegil
2007-08-31, 03:05 PM
Well, the obvious Improved Natural Attack, for instance.

Tar Palantir
2007-08-31, 03:32 PM
When in doubt, there are some things you can't go wrong with. Combat Expertise, if you have decent Dexterity, is always helpful. Improved Initiative is ALWAYs helpful, period. Power Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave can be nice if you think they might come in handy. Play to your strengths.

Neon Knight
2007-08-31, 03:48 PM
When in doubt, there are some things you can't go wrong with. Combat Expertise, if you have decent Dexterity, is always helpful. Improved Initiative is ALWAYs helpful, period. Power Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave can be nice if you think they might come in handy. Play to your strengths.

Combat Expertise requires 13 INT, not 13 DEX.

2007-08-31, 04:31 PM
When in doubt, there are some things you can't go wrong with. Combat Expertise, if you have decent Dexterity, is always helpful. Improved Initiative is ALWAYs helpful, period. Power Attack, Cleave, and Great Cleave can be nice if you think they might come in handy. Play to your strengths.

Combat Expertise isn't all that useful. Improved Initiative takes up a feat slot that many times could be spent on something more useful. Cleave and Great Cleave aren't that great. There is some merit in cleave, if you have a spare feat (much like the feat you would use for Improved Initiative).

2007-08-31, 07:52 PM
forgot to mention one of the most useful feats of all time. Quick draw.

2007-09-01, 06:48 AM
Leadership for your clan of Kobold followers particularly if you were a Dragon Descended Human and they know it.

2007-09-04, 01:16 PM
You know, I actually tried to get a following of Kobolds, with limited success...

We captured 4 of them that were mutated due to an outsider landing a fortress in their cavern system. Taken out of the influence, they were ok, and were impressed by the dragonborn and were on their way to being converted.

Then we went back into the cavern (leaving them back in town supervised), and destroyed the outsider, which ripped his fortress back to the original realm. We went back to town to discover the four kobolds had more or less exploded when the mutation's source had been violently ripped out of the plane. The villagers of the town just burnt the barn we were using as a base of operations to the ground.... I still miss those kobolds.

BUT, back on topic:

I decided to go with the Shape breath feat. A 20' cone in fact came in handy, especially when the rogue was surrounded by fighter/clerics of Timat...

2007-09-04, 02:47 PM
I recommend Entangling Exhalation over any of the Metabreath feats, first off.

It's from Races of the Dragon, it halves the damage from your breath weapon, but any creature which takes damage is entangled and takes 1d6 damage for 1d4 rounds. It makes you a damn good battlefield controller with your breath weapon.