View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Heroes

2018-04-01, 11:25 AM
I've been disappointed for a while that there's no GITP thread for this game, so I figured I might as well start one.

Fire Emblem: Heroes is a mobile game based on the Fire Emblem franchise. You assemble a team of four heroes and move them around a map in classic Fire Emblem style, trying to kill dudes without getting killed in turn. There's no perma-death, but it is a gacha game; collecting heroes requires random pulls. There's also very limited PVP; you can fight against other players' teams in the arena, but they're controlled by AI. I found that a little disappointing, but not really surprising for a mobile game.

Honestly, not too bad? I tend to judge games like this with two metrics. First, if you're free-to-play, are you going to find it to progress? And I'd say... no, not really, or rather just the right amount. A team is only four heroes, so you don't really need a massive roster. Yes, it's good to have options so that you can swap in suitable characters for the job - it can be pretty fiendishly difficult on some of the high-end maps - but I've found that, within a few days, I had a pretty competent A-team and have since been working on broadening my options. Also, the stamina is very generous. I accumulate stamina potions much faster than I actually use them, so that's never been an issue.

The second metric is, how much does spending money actually help? Or, how much money are you looking at dropping if you plan on whaling it up? Unfortunately (or fortunately?) buying premium currency with cash in FE:H seems excessively expensive for what you actually get. I've spent money on banners a few times, and have almost inevitably been disappointed because it's just too much for too little. Buying Black Knight isn't a bad deal, though.

On that note... anyone have luck with the M&M battle on Infernal yet? I wanted to take Brave Lyn in and blow everyone up, but the forests on the map are pretty crippling to cavalry, and make it hard to hit-and-run in general. Lunatic was easy enough, but Infernal is always obnoxiously hard to tank anything, heh.

Also, who is the most adorable Easter hero and why is it Alfonse. Discuss.

2018-12-12, 04:07 PM
the gacha for feh is ridiculously good. i find i don't even need to save for banners anymore... which i guess could be seen as a bad thing... for the developers. :smallredface: (i suppose i only want one copy of whatever hero i'm going for though)

2018-12-12, 07:26 PM
Anybody else has the feeling they're focusing a bit too much in making new "original" characters?

2018-12-12, 10:23 PM
Anybody else has the feeling they're focusing a bit too much in making new "original" characters?

in the sense that they are ignoring current ones... yes.

i find it depressing that we have probably heard the last of fjorm.

and generally ignored anna...

i also found it odd that we the summoner wasn't really paid that much mind. i mean we did just save you all from being burned alive but whatever...

2018-12-12, 10:33 PM
I play this a little every now and the but Fate GO tends to eat all of my gacha time. I probably should look back to this though eventually.

2018-12-13, 12:35 PM
I play this a little every now and the but Fate GO tends to eat all of my gacha time. I probably should look back to this though eventually.

yeah, the chapters only take like 20min tops to do. i like fgo (currently try to complete babylonia for the 30 saint quartz) but the dialogue goes on for days... i hope people aren't reading every lick of dialogue while grinding, one quest usually burns me out.)

Red Fel
2018-12-13, 12:46 PM
I played it for a good chunk of time, honestly, but...

Here's the thing. Yeah, premium currency is easy to come by. And yeah, the gacha isn't completely brutal. Especially compared to others.

But I got my alpha team together. An Ike or two, finally got a Hector, solid team. I can handle most PvP pretty solidly. I can handle most brigade battles pretty well. I have a whole lot of characters at max level, with seals, with skills and weapons unlocked.

And at that point, the game got repetitive for me. Chapters were either a cakewalk or obscenely nitpicky about the abilities demanded. Most other content became a chore; log in, do things, get rewards, log off. Brigade battles? Did those. Leveling? Not much left to do. PvP? Might as well.

The only novelty was coming from the gacha, and honestly, aside from the recent release of Surtr, gacha doesn't wow me. Part of it is my lack of investment in the franchise - I was never an FE player the way I was, say, an FF or DQ player - but even so, the power creep is totally real. I mean, there are basically a handful of must-have characters - Surtr is grotesquely powerful, as are several Ikes and Hectors - but everyone else gets gradually (or not-so-gradually) left in the dust.

At least some games, like FGO or Azur Lane, ensure that while new characters come out, very little of what you have is rendered completely obsolete. And others, like FFRK, manage to keep the gacha separate from the characters, so you're able to tap your nostalgia gland even with the crappiest luck. But I feel like FEH was all about getting that one character, and... then what? Wait for the next that one character?
I dunno. I still have the app, I haven't uninstalled it, but I also haven't actually logged in since Surtr dropped - and hadn't for a number of weeks before that, either.

2018-12-13, 01:04 PM
I played it for a good chunk of time, honestly, but...

Here's the thing. Yeah, premium currency is easy to come by. And yeah, the gacha isn't completely brutal. Especially compared to others.

But I got my alpha team together. An Ike or two, finally got a Hector, solid team. I can handle most PvP pretty solidly. I can handle most brigade battles pretty well. I have a whole lot of characters at max level, with seals, with skills and weapons unlocked.

And at that point, the game got repetitive for me. Chapters were either a cakewalk or obscenely nitpicky about the abilities demanded. Most other content became a chore; log in, do things, get rewards, log off. Brigade battles? Did those. Leveling? Not much left to do. PvP? Might as well.

The only novelty was coming from the gacha, and honestly, aside from the recent release of Surtr, gacha doesn't wow me. Part of it is my lack of investment in the franchise - I was never an FE player the way I was, say, an FF or DQ player - but even so, the power creep is totally real. I mean, there are basically a handful of must-have characters - Surtr is grotesquely powerful, as are several Ikes and Hectors - but everyone else gets gradually (or not-so-gradually) left in the dust.

At least some games, like FGO or Azur Lane, ensure that while new characters come out, very little of what you have is rendered completely obsolete. And others, like FFRK, manage to keep the gacha separate from the characters, so you're able to tap your nostalgia gland even with the crappiest luck. But I feel like FEH was all about getting that one character, and... then what? Wait for the next that one character?
I dunno. I still have the app, I haven't uninstalled it, but I also haven't actually logged in since Surtr dropped - and hadn't for a number of weeks before that, either.

really? i find that any character could be made op. like lukas being nigh unkillable to physical reds. i found most of the newer released characters to be a major let down as older characters did what they did but better. (they might have higher base stats but if you don't plan on merging them older merged units outclass them)

granted i suppose that involves being really invested into character building.

on that topic. i pulled surtr just so i could feed him to fjorm. but i keep hearing people say he's op... he doesn't seem that special to me, though i'll hold off on the inheritance just in case i find better use for him.

2018-12-14, 10:45 AM
really? i find that any character could be made op. like lukas being nigh unkillable to physical reds. i found most of the newer released characters to be a major let down as older characters did what they did but better. (they might have higher base stats but if you don't plan on merging them older merged units outclass them)

granted i suppose that involves being really invested into character building.

If you're willing to sacrifice enough stuff for your waifu/husbando of choice then you can make any pretty OP.


on that topic. i pulled surtr just so i could feed him to fjorm. but i keep hearing people say he's op... he doesn't seem that special to me, though i'll hold off on the inheritance just in case i find better use for him.

I got one Sutr. Unmerged, no inheritances, and he can basically solo most PvE maps including bound hero battles in infernal. What's that Seliph, you have weapon advantage and inflated stats and a charged crit at battle start? My basic Surt still tanks you and procceeds to murderize you and the rest of your team.

Then when playing in Aether Raids I often run into merged Sutrs that are even more disgusting. Had to give my Aversa Axebreaker because otherwise I literally couldn't kill them before running out of turns.

So basically yeah old units good if merged and offered enough sacrifices, but new units compete with that out of the box and then can also be merged and offered sacrifices of their own.

2018-12-14, 12:00 PM
If you're willing to sacrifice enough stuff for your waifu/husbando of choice then you can make any pretty OP.

come on, that's like the bread and butter of the game. this is my first fire emblem game so building them is the old real connection i have.

I got one Sutr. Unmerged, no inheritances, and he can basically solo most PvE maps including bound hero battles in infernal. What's that Seliph, you have weapon advantage and inflated stats and a charged crit at battle start? My basic Surt still tanks you and procceeds to murderize you and the rest of your team.

ehh. mines is still at lvl 1 in my barracks. he has no + move skill, no distant counter, and his type is flooded. the fact that he needs to be so close to the enemy for most of his good skills to come into play is bogus. in an abysmal map he's getting slaughtered, pvp is too much of a mixed bag any character could get steam rolled with all the niche builds out there.

Then when playing in Aether Raids I often run into merged Sutrs that are even more disgusting. Had to give my Aversa Axebreaker because otherwise I literally couldn't kill them before running out of turns.

i don't like that mode at all. everyone uses the same lazy map... i just use what little points they give and march blindly in. (currently using the same exact team minus one character in favor of a bonus one)

So basically yeah old units good if merged and offered enough sacrifices, but new units compete with that out of the box and then can also be merged and offered sacrifices of their own.

ehh i find them boring. i like putting my stank on a character. :smallcool:

2018-12-14, 09:16 PM
come on, that's like the bread and butter of the game. this is my first fire emblem game so building them is the old real connection i have.

You remember that when the game came out there was no skill inheritance at all?:smalltongue:

Also some of us just want to collect them all.

ehh. mines is still at lvl 1 in my barracks. he has no + move skill, no distant counter, and his type is flooded. the fact that he needs to be so close to the enemy for most of his good skills to come into play is bogus. in an abysmal map he's getting slaughtered, pvp is too much of a mixed bag any character could get steam rolled with all the niche builds out there.

-Lower movement is not a problem when you're a tank that wants to bait the enemy to close in anyway so you benefit from that +8 defense and special reduction.Then after the enemy breaks their teeth trying to hurt him all his unique abilities trigger opening the way for Surtr to clean stuff up. But if you really worry about movement then just give him an armored boots seal or a buddy with armor march.
-Distant counter, say hello to Brave Lyn/Veronica and all the Wazzle Dazzle healers under the sun. It's good, but it's not the end all of skills.
-True that there's like 3 other top tier green axe armors... But they all had significantly lower chances of actually getting one compared to Sutr (I myself don't have any green Hector or axe Ephraim). And Surtr can beat them all in a straight fight anyway.
-Abyssal? Just give Surtr one merge, aether, a good seal and he's soloing that too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgJkGhF19qk). With an iron axe!
-Surtr can just stomps over most PvP characters, he basically only needs to fear red units with either anti-armor abilities or axe breaker. Which granted are now all over the place, but then it's just a matter of making sure you bring some good blue unit back-up and as soon as you take out the anti-surtr unit, Surtr can clean the rest of the map by himself.

i don't like that mode at all. everyone uses the same lazy map... i just use what little points they give and march blindly in. (currently using the same exact team minus one character in favor of a bonus one)

You know you can get 5 people in an offensive team right? That alone allows for experimenting for quite some fun combinations.

Also not really experiencing the "everyone uses the same lazy map", seeing quite a bit of variety, from cavalry teams, razzle wazzle+dancers, sophia nuke, even thematic teams like 3xIke and Soren.

ehh i find them boring. i like putting my stank on a character.

Again, you can do that with Surtr just fine too.:smallwink:

2018-12-15, 12:29 PM
You remember that when the game came out there was no skill inheritance at all?:smalltongue:

Also some of us just want to collect them all.

Nope. i came in when it was already implemented, i couldn't imagine playing this game without it.

-Lower movement is not a problem when you're a tank that wants to bait the enemy to close in anyway so you benefit from that +8 defense and special reduction.Then after the enemy breaks their teeth trying to hurt him all his unique abilities trigger opening the way for Surtr to clean stuff up. But if you really worry about movement then just give him an armored boots seal or a buddy with armor march.

i already have like 3 units on teams that i have to work around it with. i tried running full armor. didn't like it. there are too many armors in this game, and well the town ain't big enough for all of them.

i have a guidance fodder so i could probably work something out but there just comes a point where it's more about synergy than individualism. IS needs to make more unique niche units. each unit as we speak has at least 2 carbon copies of itself in the game.

-Distant counter, say hello to Brave Lyn/Veronica and all the Wazzle Dazzle healers under the sun. It's good, but it's not the end all of skills.

blasphemy. that skill is everything. nothing in the "a" slot comes close to it. everything has a counter in this game but that skill just adds another dimension to a unit.

-True that there's like 3 other top tier green axe armors... But they all had significantly lower chances of actually getting one compared to Sutr (I myself don't have any green Hector or axe Ephraim). And Surtr can beat them all in a straight fight anyway.

yes but he's a sitting duck for range units. if need be you could just chip away unlike the others. his 20 dmg a turn makes a straight up brawl kind of suicidal.

-Abyssal? Just give Surtr one merge, aether, a good seal and he's soloing that too (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgJkGhF19qk). With an iron axe!

that's disgusting...

-Surtr can just stomps over most PvP characters, he basically only needs to fear red units with either anti-armor abilities or axe breaker. Which granted are now all over the place, but then it's just a matter of making sure you bring some good blue unit back-up and as soon as you take out the anti-surtr unit, Surtr can clean the rest of the map by himself.

yeah i've seen it happen in one of my ar replays. if only they had just ran away. :smallfrown:

You know you can get 5 people in an offensive team right? That alone allows for experimenting for quite some fun combinations.

Also not really experiencing the "everyone uses the same lazy map", seeing quite a bit of variety, from cavalry teams, razzle wazzle+dancers, sophia nuke, even thematic teams like 3xIke and Soren.

meh i don't really care for the mode at all.

i swear i've ran into the same map placement 4 days in a row now.

though i like the defense aspect. been able to get wins with my own little layout.

Again, you can do that with Surtr just fine too.:smallwink:

nah he's getting made into chow. i just don't know if fjorm deserves it. can we merge her. does she only come on legendary banners?