View Full Version : Demon armor, pt2

2018-04-02, 12:53 PM
Howdy all, so a little while back i posted about a pc in a game i run who had been wearing cursed plate mail for a really long time, dispite it giving him disadvantage to pretty much anything after having several chances to have it removed for him, and in that thread i came to the conclusion it would become sentient and start talking to him (the reasoning was because of the chaos magic all around where they've been and being splattered in demon blood several times, the armor now has its own consciousness) and now I'm trying to come up with benefits the armor can give,

I removed the disadvantage to hit it had been giving him, but I'm not sure what else it should give, I'm thinking maybe fire resistance, (sense most demon/fiends have that) and the armor can be used to make unarmed attacks and i was wondering if maybe someone had an idea what to do with that, if anything, also maybe a fearful presents ability once a day?

I'm just kinda thinking out loud here, it usually helps me come up with something lol anyway thanks to anyone from that last thread for the feedback and thanks to anyone new in this one trying to help :)

2018-04-02, 01:32 PM
It only gives disadvantage towards demons' attacks and their spells/abilities... so it would only be a huge problem if it was a campaign where you're constantly fighting demons.

Perhaps an interesting addition would be the Fiendish Resistance from Fiend warlocks.
Perhaps the unarmed attacks could count as +1 Magic weapons
Perhaps a Feat such as alert or magic initiate

One way to tap into potential options is by deciding on what type of demon the demon armor is tied to. I'm AFB, but here's information based on some of the options on Open5e:
Berstuc -

Not requiring food, sleep, or both
Gains a burrow speed of 20ft
The Twisted Path ability, or something like Pass without Trace
Gaining a slam attack

Kishi Demon (Two-headed demons)-

Second head - Advantage on concentration checks or saving throws against being blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened, stunned, and knocked unconscious
Possibly it can awaken you from sleep as a bonus action.
Gaining a Bite attack
Gaining Spear Proficiency, and the ability to generate a spear supernaturally

Psoglav Demon -

Gaining a Bite attack
Blindsight of 30ft
1/day Greater invisibility


Gains a Gore Attack
Sneak attack ability for 3d6 damage
At-will Disguise Self (humanoid forms only)
False Tongue - advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks, and magical attempts to discern lies always report that the PC's words are true.

2018-04-02, 01:57 PM
They are fighting a bunch of demons now, but when he first got the armor i had changed it to anything evil, i thought he'd only have it on for one more game at that point though, two tops, i never expected he would willing keep disadvantage on practically every thing they fought for so long lol, but hey, that's a dm lesson i keep having to learn, you can plan for every possible stupid thing a player could come up with, and they still surprise you.

2018-04-02, 02:06 PM
Have you heard of Demon Armor, the Very Rare magic item, published in the Dungeon Master's Guide?

+1 plate, you can speak/understand Abyssal, and you can make claw attacks with the gauntlets that have a +1 bonus, and do 1d8 slashing damage.

It is cursed, can't be doffed unless remove curse or similar is cast, and while wearing the armor, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against demons and on saving throws against their spells and abilities.

2018-04-02, 02:11 PM
I like the idea of the armour granting traits of a specific demon type. However at this point I would start giving the character opposition from Good aligned factions as they continue to use this armour.

Would be interesting to have the armour grow to become a "new" demon that cannot be banished, only dismembered and pieces scattered.

Going this route would need the rest of the party to gain similar aretefacts in the making though.

2018-04-02, 02:14 PM
Have you heard of Demon Armor, the Very Rare magic item, published in the Dungeon Master's Guide?

+1 plate, you can speak/understand Abyssal, and you can make claw attacks with the gauntlets that have a +1 bonus, and do 1d8 slashing damage.

It is cursed, can't be doffed unless remove curse or similar is cast, and while wearing the armor, you have disadvantage on attack rolls against demons and on saving throws against their spells and abilities.

Yes that's what i used as a base, it was originally animated, and after they had fought it he wanted to wear it, so i just made it regular cursed demon plate,

But maybe if he keeps punching demons with it, it'll soak up their blood making it stronger and start "unlocking" the rest of the regular cursed armor benefits,

Yeah i like this idea, thanks :) if anyone has more to add/subtract/change please share your ideas and thoughts

2018-04-02, 02:16 PM
Sounds like you're effectively creating the demon armor prestige class.

2018-04-02, 02:17 PM
They are fighting a bunch of demons now, but when he first got the armor i had changed it to anything evil, i thought he'd only have it on for one more game at that point though, two tops, i never expected he would willing keep disadvantage on practically every thing they fought for so long lol, but hey, that's a dm lesson i keep having to learn, you can plan for every possible stupid thing a player could come up with, and they still surprise you.

That's not a bad idea, because in most campaigns it wouldn't be much of a downside.

As the PC's gotten better control of the curse of the armor, you could having it change from "disadvantage vs everything evil" to "disadvantage vs fiends, devils & arch-fiends", then back to the original "disadvantage vs demons". Perhaps making it even further nuanced to "disadvantaged only against these types of demons"