View Full Version : Side Scenes of Aranth

2018-04-02, 03:23 PM
This thread is for any side scenes players in the Aranth games want to have. You're welcome to do whatever scenes you want, and if you want to do crossover scenes that's fine too (although keep in mind time disparities; scenes that occur further in the future than a given game is at may wind up becoming non-canon if events in play change things too much).

I will probably not be posting in any of these scenes, because I've got enough on my plate running the games :smalltongue:. You may include existing NPCs (but no active antagonists), and have limited control over them to flesh out the scene. I'll let you know if anything goes too far beyond their personality or the needs of potential future plotting, but just in general safe bet is don't have them make any major decisions or changes, although you may have some leeway here for a scene detailing the effects of a Downtime Action that influences that NPC, within reason for the effect of the action. If it's an NPC who is connected to your character personally and who hasn't had much/any screen time yet, feel free to flesh them out. If you want more back-and-forth feel free to ask other players if they would be interested in playing an NPC in a scene with you.

Have fun!

Hyperbolic sine
2018-05-07, 11:01 AM
The Hospital

When news of Kate's awakening reached him, Aidan cleared his schedule, checked with the others so as their visits wouldn't overlap - overwhelming her with a crowded room didn't really seem ideal - and headed for the hospital, stopping along the way to buy a box of chocolates (he wasn't sure she could eat them right off the bat, but then when she did it would mean she was recuperating - a better get-well gift than flowers, if you asked him).


Once in front of her room, he nodded at the two Sentinels obviously standing guard, one directly besides the door, the other in the hallway a short way away, glanced at those in plain clothes (he couldn't give them away by greeting them too, though) and knocked, stepping inside shortly after.

"I hear you're back from the land of the dead."

2018-05-08, 11:00 AM
The Hospital
Kate smiled ruefully. "I suppose you could say that," she replied, reaching down to push the button that raised her into a more-or-less upright position.

Kate hadn't really expected Aiden to visit, though it wasn't an entirely unpleasant surprise. There was a slight tension to her body language as she continued, "Would have been nice not to have made the trip, but my information didn't come through fast enough for that. How bad were the casualties?"

Hyperbolic sine
2018-05-08, 02:22 PM
The Hospital

"Aside from your heart? Nothing worse than a few scared children." Aidan replied with a grin. "Mostly thanks to you." he added, matter-of-factly, approaching the table to put the chocolates with the other gifts.

"So, how are you feeling?"

2018-05-08, 03:57 PM
The Hospital
Kate started to laugh a little and winced. "That's something at least. I'm content being the only casualty, given the potential."

After a moment, though, her face fell and she looked away from him. Her hands had curled themselves into fists, her shoulders tense. "I'm recovering, but... I owe you an apology," she said softly.

Hyperbolic sine
2018-05-08, 04:33 PM
The Hospital


Aidan could hazard a guess as to what she was referring to, but if it was indeed about when she was discharged from FIRE-SIDE, then...he didn't feel like anyone needed to apologise - and if someone really had to, it surely wouldn't have been her.

He slightly cocked his head to the side, quizzically peering at her face.

2018-05-09, 09:18 AM
Kate nodded, but fell silent for a full minute before continuing. "I have been... barely civil to you at times since we joined the Task Force. It was... uncalled for."

She shifted uncomfortably. "My discharge was not your fault. I was the one who stepped outside the bounds of the rules," she said finally, as much to herself as to Aiden.

Kate was visibly struggling with her own emotions. She had quite a bit of pride, and while this wasn't admitting that she had done the wrong thing, exactly, this was more of an admission than she'd ever allowed, certainly more than at the hearing in which she had been removed from FIRE-SIDE.

Hyperbolic sine
2018-05-09, 12:39 PM
So it was that.

"I see. Apologies accepted, then." Aidan replied. "Although...personally, I don't think it was entirely underserved."

He let out a long sigh, turning to look at the scenery outside the windows while summoning memories of the past.

"It's not like you tried to frame an innocent, or were doing it for your own gain. You were just trying to put known criminals were they belonged, and I should have never let you be fired, especially given your level of skill. Unfortunately, at the time the only thing on my mind was the Chlorine case."

After a last glance at the horizon, he turned back to Kate.

"I went through yours without concerning myself with the outcome, and for that I apologise. It might not have been my fault, but I definitely share some measure of responsibility."

2018-05-09, 01:40 PM
Kate blinked. She certainly hadn't been expecting that. She wasn't about to argue with being told she was doing the right thing, though. She shook her head. "Still. I am supposed to be a professional, and in my dealings with you, I wasn't. You have more than proved yourself competent, professional, level-headed, and moral," she said, unable to suppress a smile at the last bit. "At least, relatively moral. For an IN-SIDE agent," she added, teasing slightly.

Hyperbolic sine
2018-05-11, 04:35 AM
Aidan let out a hearty chuckle at Kate's last comment. "Come on, it's not like IN-SIDE is a bunch of evil agents. We just need the reputation."

"And, well, my powers can only destroy."

For a blink-and-you'll-miss-it instant, a hit of sadness passed over Aidan's face. Or were it just shadows playing a trick on the eye?

"But I don't see why I should stop you lot from doing what you do, since you do it well." he said, shrugging, then waived his hand to dismiss the whole matter. "And I wouldn't really call unprofesional saving my sister when I couldn't...but we shouldn't be talking about me. Apolgies accepted, water under the bridge, etcetera etcetera."

"Speaking of her, though. Did I ever tell you that she gave your name to my niece?"

2018-05-16, 09:53 AM
A slightly haunted tone crept into Kate's voice as she replied, "I know a little something about lethal powers, Aidan." It was probably the first time she'd ever called him by name rather than codename or simply 'Agent'. Still, she wasn't about to acknowledge the significance of that- this had been enough of an effort.

Kate was caught off guard as Aidan continued, and she blinked over at him. "I... no, I didn't know that," she admitted, color rising in her face despite herself. "I hope they're doing well."

2018-05-22, 09:55 PM
Continued From Here
Hospital Ministry

"They're all ok. Everyone else made it out just fine. Wraith says I made a wonderful statue," he attempted to joke but couldn't quite keep it from crossing into rueful.

"The good news is that the bystanders are all unhurt and the base is safe. Killswitch escaped, but we caught all the others."

2018-05-23, 08:54 AM
Hospital Ministry
Kate nodded vaguely, though she blinked a bit at his attempt at humor. "I can find her."

There was conviction in her tone, but it came out weak nonetheless. If nothing else it was obvious that sheer exhaustion had drained the heat from the statement. After a moment of silence, Kate seemed to rouse herself a little. "Caleb... when do you know if you have recovered from an emotional wound?" she asked quietly.

Kate was not the type to ask directly for help in a non-professional sense. Sidling up to a topic from an oblique angle, however...

2018-06-16, 10:09 PM
Hospital Ministry

Prophet offered an encouraging smile and folded his hands in front of him. The question wasn't unusual, but it was unusual for Kate. Kate was tough as nails with an unbending sense of justice. She had to be to be successful in her field, and he respected her for it, but she rarely let herself be seen vulnerable. The implicit trust wasn't lost on him. "Hmm... well, a lot of people will tell you that time will heal an emotional wound. That isn't quite right. Its what you do with that time that will heal it. Honor the pain, share your sorrow with others, find a way to take a break if you can, learn from it. You'll reach the point where the pain stops being so paralyzing, where the wound is no longer the only thing on your mind. Is there something on your mind now?"

2018-06-21, 11:09 AM
Hospital Ministry
Kate's lips tightened, but she didn't respond immediately. Instead, she reached over, tugging Max's card from the flowers and pushing it towards Prophet. She gave him a moment to read the note (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23044708&postcount=1338), and seemed to gather herself up in that time.

"When I saw him... there was an immediate fight-or-flight response. I thought I was okay, but... one look and I was a mess..." Kate said, trailing off. Her eyes were wet as she fell into a brooding silence, gazing out into the middle distance.