View Full Version : DM Help Help me construct a conjured weapon

2018-04-03, 06:15 AM
One of my players is playing a gish (sorcerer with some variants going for abjurant champion), where he wishes to conjure a weapon by spending a spell.

By spending a spell use per day (of any level), the weapon can be conjured. The idea is to have this be an item suitable for a level 6 character (who will scale up to level 9 or so). The weapon lasts for a limited amount of time. The level of the spell can affect the duration, the raw power (i.e., gives bonus damage), or something else.

Is there an item that has a similar mechanic? It's hard for me to determine the price and power level for the weapon that is tied to this mechanic.

2018-04-03, 06:33 AM
There is a class I know about that can give you ideas.

Look at the Shadow Craft ability of the Shadowsmith. He is in ToM p132 if I remember correctly.

2018-04-03, 06:47 AM
You could make this a feat equivalent to a 'reserve feat'. A bunch of those are something like:

"Take this feat. As long as you have at least one uncast X spell, you can toss a bunch of X energy all day, with the damage equal to the level of the spell d6."

In this case, trade duration (maybe length of time in rounds equal to level of the spell?) for breadth of effect (any spell effect).

So, if the PC uses up a scorching ray, you'll get a weapon with 2d6 fire damage for two rounds, or more damage and time if it came from a higher spell slot. If you use a disintegration spell, you get 6d6 disintegration damage for 6 rounds.

I think that would keep it relevant in the higher levels.

2018-04-03, 08:33 AM
Something something Soulbound Weapon (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070214a)?

Uncle Pine
2018-04-03, 08:58 AM
You could have him research an arcane Call Weaponry (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/callWeaponry.htm) as per DMG, with Lesser, normal and Greater versions since augmentation isn't a thing for spells, take inspiration from the Soulbond Weapon ACF linked above to make a similar one for Sorcerers, or both.