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The Giant
2018-04-04, 11:13 AM
New comic is up.

2018-04-04, 11:15 AM
Not what I was expecting, but I'm not going to complain. :smalltongue:

2018-04-04, 11:18 AM
I love that Roy used his Bag of Tricks :) Why not?

2018-04-04, 11:19 AM
I was expecting them to show up at a different hall, with a completely different party/faction getting involved with the vampires. Obviously I sensed a surprise coming, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting that. I totally get you, Vamp Durkon.

2018-04-04, 11:22 AM
I wanna know what the animals from the Bag of Tricks will do. Start a race?

2018-04-04, 11:23 AM
I have no Idea what thos are but the are Awsome!

2018-04-04, 11:23 AM
This is amazing. I doubt anyone could imagine this as the beginning of an epic combat. Attack of the jiraffes! :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 11:23 AM
I agree with Greg. What am I looking at?

2018-04-04, 11:24 AM
Okay, Greg's expression at the end there made me legitimately laugh out loud. Perfect timing.

2018-04-04, 11:25 AM
New comic is up. And it made me grin.
Love the giraffes.
I like what Durkon had to say: "It's def'nitely time fer the big fight scene."
Roy's bag of tricks in the next panel wasn't clear to me until the last panel.

"What? They're cheap to summon and have a ton of hit points." :smallbiggrin: Nice.

2018-04-04, 11:27 AM
I was expecting them to show up at a different hall, with a completely different party/faction getting involved with the vampires. Obviously I sensed a surprise coming, but I sure as hell wasn't expecting that. I totally get you, Vamp Durkon.

I was expecting the same thing but with The Giant's constant inventive surprises, I should have known better.

And I'm glad I was reading this at home. I was laughing so hard, the birds outside flew away!

2018-04-04, 11:27 AM
HPoH's face was simply perfection incarnate. Haven't laughed like this in a long time.

2018-04-04, 11:28 AM
Fiendish giraffes. Bold move, Hilgya.

Reddish Mage
2018-04-04, 11:28 AM
I find the outcome greatly satisfactory. :smallcool:

I notice Durkula's strategy is strictly by-the-numbers, taking out the casters first (the ones he knows about), even casually treating Elan as the biggest threat after V and the cleric of Thor.

2018-04-04, 11:30 AM
Fiendish or Anarchic?

Either way . . . hilarious. 😊

2018-04-04, 11:30 AM
I laughed out loud for a solid half minute, and I never do that.

Well played.

2018-04-04, 11:31 AM
Heh, the vampire's surprise is priceless. I like that Durkon is just completely surly and checked out at this point.

Hm... Belkar's not getting tapped with Protection From Law? It's not exactly redundant to his clasp. Wouldn't hurt him, for starters.

2018-04-04, 11:33 AM
I agree with Greg. What am I looking at?

Summoned badger riding an anarchic giraffe.

2018-04-04, 11:37 AM
That is a thing of beauty.

I just love Durcon's expression there.

2018-04-04, 11:37 AM
Yeah, my response was just like Greg until I started giggling aloud.

2018-04-04, 11:38 AM
Incredible comic, instantly one of my favourites! Durkula's face is truly something special. XD

2018-04-04, 11:39 AM
Ha! I don't expect anyone called that one!

2018-04-04, 11:40 AM
Welp, I laughed!

I wanna know what the animals from the Bag of Tricks will do. Start a race?
Get HP-drained by the Symbol of Death (etc) so the OotS won't. (See also: Giraffes with "a ton of hit points").

Fiendish or Anarchic?

Those colours and you have to ask?

2018-04-04, 11:40 AM
I wonder how much damage can that do. :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 11:42 AM
There's still the question of why OotS is bothering with the hall. They know the vampires want to take over the dwarven kings but the kings aren't in the hall. The vampires have to leave and they can ambushed then.

2018-04-04, 11:43 AM
I wonder how much damage can that do. :smallbiggrin:
Probably very little, especially since unless their hooves are silver and magic every blow they land will be reduced by 10, but the point isn't to do damage, the point is to soak up Greg's traps and let the Order reach the vampires.

Lord Torath
2018-04-04, 11:44 AM
Oh, man! That was priceless! I really needed that laugh! Many thanks!

2018-04-04, 11:45 AM
I wonder how much damage can that do. :smallbiggrin:
Trample damage for something in its weight class should be pretty sold.

Lord Raziere
2018-04-04, 11:45 AM
That Durkon face! I think anyone would make that when you get attacked by something THAT RANDOM. that face should get something, like an smiley, or a meme or being framed upon somebody's wall as a work of art.

2018-04-04, 11:46 AM
Probably very little, especially since unless their hooves are silver and magic every blow they land will be reduced by 15, but the point isn't to do damage, the point is to soak up Greg's traps and let the Order reach the vampires.

Well, not sure about DnD Manual, but their kicks are powerful though.

2018-04-04, 11:48 AM
Well, not sure about DnD Manual, but their kicks are powerful though.

And don't underestimate the damage they can do by whipping their necks, either. Unfortunately, I suspect that this, despite being one of their primary methods of fighting IRL, is not stat'ed in D&D.


2018-04-04, 11:50 AM
Don't forget Loki-an magic going underneath Roy on the panel that is the summoning of the Giraffes. Neat subtle Detail!

2018-04-04, 11:51 AM

2018-04-04, 11:51 AM
To my knowledge, they're not statted in D&D 3.5 at all. This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/herd-animals/herd-animal-giraffe/) is probably the closest you'll get.

Hooves can barely penetrate DR; slam can't at all. Does not have Power Attack by default.

2018-04-04, 11:51 AM
It's basically trap springing 101, with the upside of providing cover.

2018-04-04, 11:53 AM
And don't underestimate the damage they can do by whipping their necks, either. Unfortunately, I suspect that this, despite being one of their primary methods of fighting IRL, is not stat'ed in D&D.


Can't find an official 3.5 giraffe online, so here's the PF (1) version: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/herd-animals/herd-animal-giraffe/

EDIT: Dang, ninja'd while I was double-checking...

2018-04-04, 11:54 AM
top5 loudest laughs of my year

2018-04-04, 11:56 AM
First: Protection from Law really seems like it should protect you from the need to wear pants.
Second: OH THOR, THAT LAST PANEL! :) You think it's just gonna be some cool OOTS poses or something, and you scroll down and your like, "WHAT THE....." That was completely hilarious. Well played Giant.
Third: Using multi-coloured war Giraffes to PRETTY bloody chaotic. Seems right up Hilgya's alley.
Fourth: Always skip point #5
Sixth: It took me a minute before I noticed the title again after actually reading it, and it just made it that much better :).

2018-04-04, 11:56 AM
There is also some stuff in the anarchic creature template but not that useful (Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5, and sonic 5, darkvision).

Giggling Ghast
2018-04-04, 11:57 AM
OK, the rat going “WOOOO!” kind of has me bewildered.

2018-04-04, 12:01 PM
To my knowledge, they're not statted in D&D 3.5 at all. This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/herd-animals/herd-animal-giraffe/) is probably the closest you'll get.

Hooves can barely penetrate DR; slam can't at all. Does not have Power Attack by default.

Though we're probably looking at stampede/trample damage here. Which, since it's not stat'd out, is as good a claim as any. :)

2018-04-04, 12:03 PM
Does "A Monster for Every Season" contain giraffes?

2018-04-04, 12:03 PM
I wonder how many rounds it'll take before Durkula realizes he's accidentally ordered his spawn not to attack the summons until they've killed the elf.

2018-04-04, 12:04 PM
So can we, like, induct Hilgya as an honorary member of the Order on the spot, or what's the process for that :smalltongue:

2018-04-04, 12:04 PM
First off, let me say that I don't have a reputation for laughing out loud.

This particular strip was an exception.

That will be all.

2018-04-04, 12:05 PM
I wonder how many rounds it'll take before Greg realizes he's accidentally ordered his spawn not to attack the summons until they've killed the elf.

1) His spawn are not as stupid as the sand elemental
2) The summons will soon be killed by the traps
3) Even if some survive, their ability to contribute to the fight is close to nil - they are too weak to pose a threat to vampires.


2018-04-04, 12:12 PM
To my knowledge, they're not statted in D&D 3.5 at all. This (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/herd-animals/herd-animal-giraffe/) is probably the closest you'll get.

Hooves can barely penetrate DR; slam can't at all. Does not have Power Attack by default.
Damage aside, it is nice to see that the PF giraffe has a slam attack, which would adequately represent the neck-whipping @Grey_Wolf_c was concerned about.

2018-04-04, 12:13 PM
Loved the Chaos Giraffes. And Roy did literally put a magic trick out of his... bag. Of tricks.

I wonder how Durkon will react when he sees Hylgia and finds out he has a son, soon.

2018-04-04, 12:13 PM
What a great surprise!

(for them and for us :) )

Are giraffes really cheap? I couldn't find any real D&D references to this, and they seem like they wouldn't be too cheap. Just curious.

2018-04-04, 12:15 PM
Hahahahaha!! This is the first OOTS strip in a while to make me laugh out loud, so I had to post. Well done, Giant! :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 12:21 PM
I love that Roy used his Bag of Tricks :) Why not?

I'm re-reading and literally just thought yesterday (during the Bandit scene) "I wonder if Roy still has that Bag of Tricks?".

2018-04-04, 12:22 PM
Are giraffes really cheap? I couldn't find any real D&D references to this, and they seem like they wouldn't be too cheap. Just curious.
The anarchic giraffe seems like the kind of monster that would fit in on either the summon monster III or summon monster IV list. To stand a chance of getting four of them with one casting, then, we're looking at Hilgya having casted summon monster V at least.

Not super-cheap, but probably not the height of her (unspent) power either. About the right expenditure of resources for trap-clearing.

2018-04-04, 12:23 PM
THAT is great. Thank you Giant. I needed that. :smallbiggrin: :smallcool::smallamused:

2018-04-04, 12:24 PM
I'm so very glad that I immediately zoomed to the first panel and didn't even see the last two panels, until after I read the rest.

Well played Giant!


:haley: "You still need to wear pants in public babe"

:elan: "Awww, magic never does anything the fun way"

So sad.

So true.

Keep up the fight Elan!

2018-04-04, 12:26 PM
Are giraffes really cheap? I couldn't find any real D&D references to this, and they seem like they wouldn't be too cheap. Just curious.

The Pathfinder statblock would be a reasonable custom Summon Monster IV summon, but Rich might be treating it as a Summon Monster III minion with a weaker statblock. In either case, the four were likely summoned by a single casting of a summon spell two levels higher.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 12:27 PM

I take it these are Chaotic Giraffes? Ridden by beavers and so on?

Not FIENDISH Giraffes?

Once again, a little evidence Hilgya is more chaotic than anything else.

Or was this Roy's bag of tricks? I'm confused.

But so is Durkula, and that's the key thing. Whatever he thought was going to happen, he wasn't expecting giraffes.

2018-04-04, 12:27 PM
What a great surprise!

(for them and for us :) )

Are giraffes really cheap? I couldn't find any real D&D references to this, and they seem like they wouldn't be too cheap. Just curious.

Assuming they are a Summon Monster 3 creature (same as a Celestial Bison), with a single 5th level slot (summon5) she gets 1d4+1 of them. 30+hp each.
With that same Summon5, she could get a single creature with maybe 60hp tops. And better combat abilities, but not enough better to matter.

4 creatures set off 4 traps. Or soak 120hp out of a Symbol, etc. All the Bag of Tricks critters help as well.

They are cannon fodder. Their whole purpose is to run through the minefield and die gloriously.

2018-04-04, 12:29 PM
Or was this Roy's bag of tricks? I'm confused.

The giraffe's are Hilgya's. The riders are Roy's.


2018-04-04, 12:31 PM
If it looks stupid, but it works, it's even better because the enemy is gonna underestimate it.

2018-04-04, 12:35 PM
Should the death traps already been triggered?
Will the giraffes trigger them all?
I don't know the rules, it looks like there are many traps, more than there are giraffes... Can they trigger them all? Can a giraffe trigger more than one symbol?
I think I remember someone saying that the death trap is only triggered when it can kill... or only attacks those it can kill (it doesn't cause hp loss). Is it so?


2018-04-04, 12:36 PM
Does "A Monster for Every Season" contain giraffes?

I don't know, but I hope the Giant puts out a giraffe printable miniature after this.

I wonder how many rounds it'll take before Durkula realizes he's accidentally ordered his spawn not to attack the summons until they've killed the elf.

What a great surprise!

(for them and for us :) )

Are giraffes really cheap? I couldn't find any real D&D references to this, and they seem like they wouldn't be too cheap. Just curious.

If they are using similar rules to the bison (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/bison.htm), then they would show up on the Summon Monster 3 list. If they are a bit better than a Bison, they might get bumped up to summon monster 4. So it looks like Hilgya could get the 4 out of either 1 level 5/6 slot or 2 level 4/5 slots. Since the party is about level 15 at this point, Hilgya will have level 7 slots and anything below 5th level is probably not a good use of her time. A divine smite on the lot of the vampires might do all sorts of cool things, but it would only do half damage at this point (since they probably have protection from fire up.

And I love that Hilgya, and by extension Loki, is more chaotic than anything. Anarchic Giraffes are indeed the most random ungulate that could have come storming through that door.

2018-04-04, 12:36 PM
Ye gods. This'll learn me to read a new strip while at the office again. Actually laughed out loud hysterically. Had some coworkers look at me funny :P

This is my favourite start to any epic battle scene ever.

2018-04-04, 12:38 PM
Should the death traps already been triggered?
Will the giraffes trigger them all?
I don't know the rules, it looks like there are many traps, more than there are giraffes...

"As a default, a symbol of death is triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as you select: looks at the rune; reads the rune; touches the rune; passes over the rune; or passes through a portal bearing the rune."

Since giraffes are animals and have no reason to look at runes written on the floor, the symbol will trigger next panel as the herd passes over them.

2.5 cats
2018-04-04, 12:39 PM
Summoning Anarchic monsters isn't the sort of thing done by either V or by a cleric of Thor. Will Durkon figure out that they have a friend...and who it is?

Lord Torath
2018-04-04, 12:39 PM
Does "A Monster for Every Season" contain giraffes?Not that I can find...

2018-04-04, 12:39 PM
And I love that Hilgya, and by extension Loki, is more chaotic than anything. Anarchic Giraffes are indeed the most random ungulate that could have come storming through that door.
More random than anarchic onagers? Anarchic oryxes?

Yeah, probably.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 12:41 PM
Alright, you guys have helped me process what I'm seeing.
Hilgya summoned the giraffes, Roy added the miscellaneous small creatures from his Bag of Tricks, and a somewhere around 125 HP worth of traps get soaked by temporary allies. Plus it appears at least one spawn is knocked prone.

Of the 3.5 SRD creatures, the giraffe is closer in weight to the rhino than the bison. I think they'd be CR 3, so Hilgya thinking pulling 4 of them is "cheap" implies an ability to cast Summon Monsters V as "cheap". I'm saying that makes her level 12, minimum, and probably Durkon's level (15 or 16) by the rule of Nemesis.

2018-04-04, 12:42 PM
If it looks stupid, but it works, it's even better because the enemy is gonna underestimate it.

if it looks stupid but it works, it's not stupid, but merely enforcing a will-save against a confusion-effect :D

2018-04-04, 12:43 PM
Sometimes the Giant's mind goes off the deep end and it's possibly one of the most beautiful things ever. Chaotic giraffes? That's comedy gold :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 12:43 PM
Yes, giraffes might seem big and powerful, but they're still don't last nearly long enough and when they go, they take your childhood with them.

There's still the question of why OotS is bothering with the hall. They know the vampires want to take over the dwarven kings but the kings aren't in the hall. The vampires have to leave and they can ambushed then.

Because the alternative is to find and protect the dwarven kings (who probably haven't assembled yet, so you have to guard multiple targets and multiple places) while the vamps vamp everyone else and then attack in overwhelming force.

2018-04-04, 12:47 PM
I must admit, when I read the title, I thought "ah, a vampire-related pun! The big fight probably starts now". I thought myself clever.

Giraffes hadn't crossed my mind.

2018-04-04, 12:47 PM
Yes, giraffes might seem big and powerful, but they're still don't last nearly long enough and when they go, they take your childhood with them.
Oof, right in the 'nineties!

2018-04-04, 12:48 PM
And don't underestimate the damage they can do by whipping their necks, either. Unfortunately, I suspect that this, despite being one of their primary methods of fighting IRL, is not stat'ed in D&D.


I choose to believe you speak from experience, and have fought at least one giraffe.

2018-04-04, 12:49 PM
Should the death traps already been triggered?
Will the giraffes trigger them all?
I don't know the rules, it looks like there are many traps, more than there are giraffes... Can they trigger them all? Can a giraffe trigger more than one symbol?
I think I remember someone saying that the death trap is only triggered when it can kill... or only attacks those it can kill (it doesn't cause hp loss). Is it so?

The rune doesn't target anything it cannot kill in one go, which doesn't apply to these animals (only applies to Roy and other individuals with 150 HP or more). In this case, if the trap is set to trigger when a living thing gets close enough, the summons will indeed trigger it.

That said, there was speculation that the vampires set the traps to be activated only by touch, and so these animals are mostly chaff to block vision and either delay the trap activation, or force them to activate it and waste them on the summons.

Grey Wolf

2018-04-04, 12:51 PM
Should the death traps already been triggered?
Will the giraffes trigger them all?
I don't know the rules, it looks like there are many traps, more than there are giraffes... Can they trigger them all? Can a giraffe trigger more than one symbol?
I think I remember someone saying that the death trap is only triggered when it can kill... or only attacks those it can kill (it doesn't cause hp loss). Is it so?


They are splitting up. Whichever Symbol is closest to that giraffe will fire (or when they touch one). When it triggers, it hits everything, closest to farthest. Using a bunch of it's total hitpoints of allotted effect. Enough that the party can maybe move in and be relatively unaffected (at least until they take some damage). The high hitpoint people (Roy, Belkar) can charge in immediately, while the casters work on Dispelling what is left or something.

Regal Procession (for characterlevel horses - so 12-16? of them out of a 3rd level slot) would be a good call too. But it's Conjuration school, which V has banned, and it's not on the Cleric list. Plus it's not as funny as Anarchic Giraffes.

2018-04-04, 12:52 PM
Greg's expression is fantastic
Can't... stop... laughing...

Hiro Quester
2018-04-04, 12:54 PM
the anarchic giraffes are hilarious. But are they distracting us from the other important line?

Greg said that Xykon will be dead tomorrow.

Is that just because everyone will be dead? Or is there a related Xykon-relevant part of Greg's plan I have missed?

2018-04-04, 12:57 PM
the anarchic giraffes are hilarious. But are they distracting us from the other important line?

Greg said that Xykon will be dead tomorrow.

Is that just because everyone will be dead? Or is there a related Xykon-relevant part of Greg's plan I have missed?

Xykon's dead today, he was dead yesterday, and he'll be dead tomorrow.

Ok, Greg probably meant actually all the way dead as opposed to undead. In which case he's probably talking about the plan by the gods to unmake the world, which he expects to go into effect by tomorrow.

2018-04-04, 12:57 PM
I must admit, when I read the title, I thought "ah, a vampire-related pun! The big fight probably starts now". I thought myself clever.

Giraffes hadn't crossed my mind.
Definitely this! I love that anarchic creatures come in randomized colors. I also love that Durkula has his minions bring out a chair on top of the table for his dramatic evil speech (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0105.html).

2018-04-04, 01:00 PM
*wheezing with laughter* Beautiful, Giant. Just beautiful.

the anarchic giraffes are hilarious. But are they distracting us from the other important line?

Greg said that Xykon will be dead tomorrow.

Is that just because everyone will be dead? Or is there a related Xykon-relevant part of Greg's plan I have missed?

I think it's just because his plan is to destroy the world before then, which will include Xykon.

2018-04-04, 01:01 PM
the anarchic giraffes are hilarious. But are they distracting us from the other important line?

Greg said that Xykon will be dead tomorrow.

Is that just because everyone will be dead? Or is there a related Xykon-relevant part of Greg's plan I have missed?

Well. Hell wants to destroy the world, and Xykon has previously explained that he is part of the world. So, transitive property and all.

2018-04-04, 01:02 PM
WHEN THE CHAOS GIRAFFES ARRIVED! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75zmIj_4LFQ)
A cry for help in time of need
Await relief from holy moot
12 hours of siege, outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the skies
Wounded Clerics left to rise
Will they hold the door or will the temple fall
Dedication, dedication
They're outnumbered eleven to six
And the battle's begun
Coming in the montain's inside
Coming in they turned the tied.
As the morn is passing by
And the dead are climbing high
No escape no salvation
Traps in explosive hall
Are carved deep inside the walls
Plant the spells there andwatch the Order fear
Desperation - desperation it's a desperate race against the dwarves
And a race against time
Coming in the montain's inside
Coming in they turned the tied.
Fireballs are coming down from the foof
Vampires are you ready to die
We will seek our veangeance eye for an eye
You will be smoked upon the steps of that chair
On this field you're only facing our hate
But back home the goddess' sealing your fate
We remember
In september
That's the night Firmament was freed
We made the ennemy bleed
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves

This is amazing. I doubt anyone could imagine this as the beginning of an epic combat. Attack of the jiraffes! :smallbiggrin:
I have actually seen this before. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.

Heh, the vampire's surprise is priceless. I like that Durkon is just completely surly and checked out at this point.

Hm... Belkar's not getting tapped with Protection From Law? It's not exactly redundant to his clasp. Wouldn't hurt him, for starters.
He seems to be hiding that Protection from Evil harms him, for some reason.

There's still the question of why OotS is bothering with the hall. They know the vampires want to take over the dwarven kings but the kings aren't in the hall. The vampires have to leave and they can ambushed then.
Because Durkon* is there.

That Durkon face! I think anyone would make that when you get attacked by something THAT RANDOM. that face should get something, like an smiley, or a meme or being framed upon somebody's wall as a work of art.
I vote this is added to the Order of the stick smiley thread as soon as humanly possible.

1) His spawn are not as stupid as the sand elemental
2) The summons will soon be killed by the traps
3) Even if some survive, their ability to contribute to the fight is close to nil - they are too weak to pose a threat to vampires.
Indeed I counted three more traps on the last panel.

Also Greg had more vampires with him than we knew of (three Clerics!)
I wonder how many more there are.

Also also the dwarves' habit of ridiculously disproportionnate tunnels and buildings finally pay off!

Also also also if avampire bites a giraffe, at what height would he do it?

2018-04-04, 01:03 PM
I choose to believe you speak from experience, and have fought at least one giraffe.

Perish the thought of me disabusing you of such a wonderful belief.


2018-04-04, 01:09 PM
But are they distracting us from the other important line? Greg said that Xykon will be dead tomorrow.

I do think they're trying to distract us from an important line, but I don't think it's that one. Durkon said "It's def'nitely time for the big fight scene," which is obviously supposed to be about Roy & Co. crashing in.

But I think it's Durkon who's about to start something.

2018-04-04, 01:12 PM
OK, either I'm failing my search rolls, or D20 SRD doesn't have recitation. What does that spell do?


2018-04-04, 01:13 PM
I choose to believe you speak from experience, and have fought at least one giraffe.
Wolves don't typically eat giraffes, but he is a predator, still.

OK, either I'm failing my search rolls, or D20 SRD doesn't have recitation. What does that spell do?


Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Cleric 4, Purification (CD) 3,
Components: V, S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Area: All allies and foes within a 60-ft.-radius burst centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

By reciting a sacred passage or declaration, you invoke your deity's blessing upon yourself and your allies while causing confusion and weakness among your enemies. The spell affects all allies and foes within the spell's area at the moment you cast it. Your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls and saving throws, or a +3 luck bonus if they worship the same patron deity as you. Enemies suffer a -2 luck penalty on attack rolls and saving throws. After casting the spell, you are free to take further actions during the spell's duration as you see fit.

Divine Focus: In addition to your holy symbol, this spell requires a sacred text as a divine focus.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 01:14 PM
The symbol of death (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfDeath.htm) was scribed on the ceiling; unless a giraffe looks up, they won't trigger it. It will depend if Durkula chose "looks at the rune" or "reads the rune"; giraffes can't read.

It appears that the symbols shown are all different; all symbols have the same triggering mechanism choices, but not all have hit point limitations. The possible symbols are Death (known to be on the ceiling), Fear, Insanity, Pain, Persuasion, Sleep, Stunning, and Weakness. These are variously level 8, 6, 8, 5, 6, 5, 7, and 7.

Persuasion seems superfluous for a bunch of vampires. Insanity is unlikely as it would also consume an 8th level slot, probably leaving Durkula without any remaining. I guess the symbols are Fear (L6), Pain(L5), and Weakness(L7). That means that unless one of the other clerics helped, Durkula has really blown through a fair share of his high level spells.

Both Weakness and Pain would remain active for 10 minutes after being triggered. If, then, the giraffes set them off, the OotS would need to wait for 10 minutes before coming within 60 feet - which makes casting Protection spells a little premature.

It's still a good move, especially if the summoned creatures set off the Symbol of Death, but it might not help as much as one could hope.

2018-04-04, 01:15 PM
1) His spawn are not as stupid as the sand elemental
2) The summons will soon be killed by the traps
3) Even if some survive, their ability to contribute to the fight is close to nil - they are too weak to pose a threat to vampires.


Giraffes are a cc force not a direct damage force. It appears they are in the midst of a bullrush attack, and can presumably physically move spawn away from the party as well as disrupt concentration and spell casting (although probably not by RAW [not enough hp damage], although how you would maintain concentration after being physically knocked 10' (3m) is beyond me).

Still, getting rid of the traps is enough. If they manage to scatter the enemy that is a bonus (unless V' wants to use something like fireball). After V's evocation habits, it is a sudden surprise to watch a caster lock down (ok, maybe only for a round at best) the combat *and* deal with traps in one go. I'd certainly expect her to get off a few more spells (and find out if Hilgya can't cast sunlight-based spells) as well as V.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 01:16 PM
OK, either I'm failing my search rolls, or D20 SRD doesn't have recitation. What does that spell do?


Google search produced only hits on bad wrong websites, but it appears that it is an improved Bless; +2 to your side, -2 to theirs. But it also appears to be "those within range when cast", so the Order won't be negatively affected.

2018-04-04, 01:23 PM
Google search produced only hits on bad wrong websites, but it appears that it is an improved Bless; +2 to your side, -2 to theirs. But it also appears to be "those within range when cast", so the Order won't be negatively affected.

Newer Spell Compendium version is a Luck bonus to AC, Attacks, Saves. +2, or +3 if they worship the same deity. Which all the vamps do. And because it's Luck, it'll stack with Morale from effects like Bless.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 01:25 PM
I'm not sure if this is an artistic choice or significant, but the symbols shown in panel three don't match those shown in panel 10 - so, perhaps, there are 8 symbols in the room.

Or Rich just didn't bother trying to make them match.

If there are 8 (Death on the ceiling, 4 from #3, 3 from #10) then a truly significant share of Team Durkula's spell casting has been used.

2018-04-04, 01:25 PM
Well. Hell wants to destroy the world, and Xykon has previously explained that he is part of the world. So, transitive property and all.

Avast, spoilers (hey! don't start here, go back to the beginning):

Greg doesn't know that Xykon moved his phylactery to a pocket plane
But Xykon doesn't know that it was a fake, his phylactery is still with Red Cloak.

So to Xykon, what looks like a temporary issue (it would mean that he wasted the last few centuries, but he can always find a new kick) would actually finish him off. Note that since all the gods were able to summon their high priests, I would certainly expect the Dark One to be able to tell Red Cloak if he finds out.

Red Cloak will be in quite a bind trying to convince Xykon that losing the world is not an option.

2018-04-04, 01:27 PM
That rat is all of us. Ride on, little dude. Ride on.

2018-04-04, 01:30 PM
The symbol of death (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfDeath.htm) was scribed on the ceiling; unless a giraffe looks up, they won't trigger it.

They're Giraffes. They eat the upper foliage of trees. They need to know when to duck. Of course they will look up. What's up to giraffes (food, head dangers) matters at least as much as what's down (predators).

2018-04-04, 01:33 PM
The symbol of death (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfDeath.htm) was scribed on the ceiling; unless a giraffe looks up, they won't trigger it. It will depend if Durkula chose "looks at the rune" or "reads the rune"; giraffes can't read.

"As a default, a symbol of death is triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as you select: looks at the rune; reads the rune; touches the rune; passes over the rune; or passes through a portal bearing the rune."

Emphasis mine. I assume the universe is smart enough to treat "passes under" and "passes over" as basically the same.

2018-04-04, 01:34 PM
The spawn may not be as stupid as a sand elemental, but they definitely stick very closely to their orders as given.

Does anyone else think it's going to become significant that Durkula ordered them to attack "the elf first, then the cleric of Thor"? Minrah definitely seems like she should be less of a tactical priority for Team Bloodsucker than Hilgya. Most of the spawn have hosts who personally knew Minrah, so they know from their hosts' memories that she's definitely a cleric of Thor. We don't know whether they know who Hilgya is, though she has been living locally and most likely trying to spread the good news of Loki. (See strip 1114 for Hilgya's take on Loki's good news for dwarfs.)

2018-04-04, 01:37 PM
Well, that was amusing. I like that the giraffes come in multicolor, really brightens up the room decor! :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 01:39 PM
And I had assumed that Roy had lost his bags of critters when he died. Silly me.

I'm not sure what they are supposed to do here.

Besides answering Lurkon's request, of course. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1004.html)

Silent snark is best snark.

2018-04-04, 01:47 PM
And I had assumed that Roy had lost his bags of critters when he died. Silly me.

I'm not sure what they are supposed to do here.

Besides answering Lurkon's request, of course. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1004.html)

Silent snark is best snark.

It reappeared early on in the last book when they were looking for the Gate:


It's being used in the 7th panel.

2018-04-04, 01:52 PM
It reappeared early on in the last book when they were looking for the Gate:


It's being used in the 7th panel.


2018-04-04, 02:02 PM
Avast, spoilers (hey! don't start here, go back to the beginning):

Greg doesn't know that Xykon moved his phylactery to a pocket plane
But Xykon doesn't know that it was a fake, his phylactery is still with Red Cloak.

So to Xykon, what looks like a temporary issue (it would mean that he wasted the last few centuries, but he can always find a new kick) would actually finish him off. Note that since all the gods were able to summon their high priests, I would certainly expect the Dark One to be able to tell Red Cloak if he finds out.

Red Cloak will be in quite a bind trying to convince Xykon that losing the world is not an option.

True enough, if either of them knew anything about it.

2018-04-04, 02:05 PM
That may be the best use of Summon Monster ever.

2018-04-04, 02:09 PM
Thanks for the laugh, Giant. I was much needed on a bleak week.

2018-04-04, 02:14 PM
I had an interesting thought. Durkon must know that the cleric of Thor cannot have summoned the anarchic giraffes. Does he have enough information now to know that it's Hilgya?

2018-04-04, 02:18 PM
I had an interesting thought. Durkon must know that the cleric of Thor cannot have summoned the anarchic giraffes. Does he have enough information now to know that it's Hilgya?

You mean, besides the fact that she's about to come through the door?
Yes, taking Narrative Causality into account.

2018-04-04, 02:18 PM
...This is why I love this comic. Because we can go from dramatic character moments to this, and it doesn't even feel like tone shift.

2018-04-04, 02:19 PM
I had an interesting thought. Durkon must know that the cleric of Thor cannot have summoned the anarchic giraffes. Does he have enough information now to know that it's Hilgya?
For all he knows it could be a looted or purchased scroll.
And I doubt Greg knows ought of Hilgya, she hasn't appeared in the memories we've seen him review.

2018-04-04, 02:21 PM
I had an interesting thought. Durkon must know that the cleric of Thor cannot have summoned the anarchic giraffes. Does he have enough information now to know that it's Hilgya?

Depends on whether he subscribes to the same school of thought as V with regards to probability and its willingness to tart it up to service drama.

I.e. there is more than one cleric capable of casting this spell, but narrativium really suggests the one from their backstory, chances be damned.


2018-04-04, 02:26 PM
"A cleric of Thor cannot have summoned anarchic giraffes" is only true if 1) Thor, or 2) the cleric in question is Lawful.

2018-04-04, 02:26 PM
This update, possibly more than any other in the entire history of OOTS, reminds me of how my D&D games usually go. Can't wait to see what happens next

2018-04-04, 02:26 PM
Anarchic giraffes.



That's it, Hilgya, show them how a Chaotic fights!!! :smallbiggrin:

"A cleric of Thor cannot have summoned anarchic giraffes" is only true if 1) Thor, or 2) the cleric in question is Lawful.

Not to mention the giraffes will kind of preoccupy Greg a bit too much for him to go "Hmm, must be a Chaotic Cleric that cast this, so that means..."

2018-04-04, 02:27 PM
Depends on whether he subscribes to the same school of thought as V with regards to probability and its willingness to tart it up to service drama.
If I remember well, when Elan mentioned Tarquin was his long-lost father, it took him only a slight moment to realise that of course the odds of Elan meeting his father during the adventure were of 100% in the comic. I'd say he is aware of narrative power.

The Pilgrim
2018-04-04, 02:38 PM
The Bag of Tricks never gets old.

2018-04-04, 02:38 PM
If I remember well, when Elan mentioned Tarquin was his long-lost father, it took him only a slight moment to realise that of course the odds of Elan meeting his father during the adventure were of 100% in the comic. I'd say he is aware of narrative power.

I don't recall Elan and Greg having any such conversation. Link please?


2018-04-04, 02:47 PM
Good. I love a little randomness.

Jaxzan Proditor
2018-04-04, 02:54 PM
The Bag of Tricks animals really made this comic. I also like Durkon’s last little side comment at the end.

2018-04-04, 02:55 PM
Nobody mentions the buff cast by our favorite halfling?

Sure, the Anarchic giraffes are great and all...

:vaarsuvius: : Bears Endurance!
(pic to add) : Bulls Strength!
:belkar: : Cat's Disgrace!

Thats my sort of humor :smallbiggrin:

Draconi Redfir
2018-04-04, 02:56 PM
unexpected surprises are the best kind:smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 02:56 PM
ah yes, the old "stand-before-the-bossfight-door-and-summon-away"-trick

get rid of traps and inmediate ambushes, bussies minions, hell even if the boss just drops a death spell then you've still gotten rid of that for lower cost

2018-04-04, 02:58 PM
I imagine that Rich had this idea 6 months ago and has been waiting for this moment since then.

Holy herbivores, that was funny. I am at work and I barely managed to keep my laughter in.

What a great strip. This battle will be awesome.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 03:00 PM
"As a default, a symbol of death is triggered whenever a creature does one or more of the following, as you select: looks at the rune; reads the rune; touches the rune; passes over the rune; or passes through a portal bearing the rune."

Emphasis mine. I assume the universe is smart enough to treat "passes under" and "passes over" as basically the same.

It depends on the trigger chosen - I would think Durkula would want them to have to look up to see the vampires clinging to the ceiling, and then see the Symbol. If he chose "passes under", though, the poor animals are about to set it off.

They're Giraffes. They eat the upper foliage of trees. They need to know when to duck. Of course they will look up. What's up to giraffes (food, head dangers) matters at least as much as what's down (predators).

Except there are predators at ground level right now, drawing attention in that direction. One of the giraffes just knocked one flying.

2018-04-04, 03:10 PM
I don't recall Elan and Greg having any such conversation. Link please?


Here it is. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0740.html)

EDIT: Elan's rubbing off on him.

2018-04-04, 03:16 PM
Just awesome!
Thanks Giant!

2018-04-04, 03:19 PM
Here it is. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0740.html)

EDIT: Elan's rubbing off on him.

Yeah, Greg didn't exist yet at that time. That tells us nothing about what Greg thinks about drama and probability.

TL;DR: Greg is not Durkon.


Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 03:20 PM
I just had a thought: Durkon's line "It's def'nitely time fer the big fight scene" as he looks away to his left? That may be his poker face. Remember back in #1088 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1088.html), when Durkula was suspicious of how readily Durkon showed him a memory? At the time there was considerable speculation that Durkon was up to some trick.

If so ... Durkon's line is foreshadowing, and his evil good plan is about to spring.

2018-04-04, 03:25 PM
Yeah, Greg didn't exist yet at that time. That tells us nothing about what Greg thinks about drama and probability.

TL;DR: Greg is not Durkon.


Who's talking about Greg?

2018-04-04, 03:28 PM
I just had a thought: Durkon's line "It's def'nitely time fer the big fight scene" as he looks away to his left? That may be his poker face. Remember back in #1088 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1088.html), when Durkula was suspicious of how readily Durkon showed him a memory? At the time there was considerable speculation that Durkon was up to some trick.

If so ... Durkon's line is foreshadowing, and his evil good plan is about to spring.

I agree. I think Durkon has figured out a way to make a difference. I dunno what that is, though.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 03:28 PM
Who's talking about Greg?

That is precisely the point Grey Wolf is making. Durkon and Elan had a conversation about probability as regards Tarquin; but we have no evidence that Durkula has dredged up said memory from Durkon, so Durkula may not realize that the odds that the new cleric assisting the OotS is Hilgya approach 100%.

2018-04-04, 03:32 PM
The long necks probably also serve to provide access to the Vamps on the ceiling. I bet the animals will jump up at them.

2018-04-04, 03:45 PM
About Greg knowing Hylgia is there, I believe that:

1) She's about to show up. There's no point (narratively speaking) on him discovering this half a second before she shows up.

2) When she shows up, he will know who she is. He has access to Durkon's memories instantly, so the moment he looks at her and thinks "Who the Hel is that?", he will have the answer. (EDIT: He will probably have the answer in full detail, with much more biology he would want to...)

3) That said, discovering now prevents him from doing proper preparations to fight a high level cleric such as her. He may still have options against her, but those options would have been far more dangerous if he had the time to prepare previously.

2018-04-04, 03:46 PM
I had an interesting thought. Durkon must know that the cleric of Thor cannot have summoned the anarchic giraffes. Does he have enough information now to know that it's Hilgya?
Depends on whether he subscribes to the same school of thought as V with regards to probability and its willingness to tart it up to service drama.

I.e. there is more than one cleric capable of casting this spell, but narrativium really suggests the one from their backstory, chances be damned.

GWIf I remember well, when Elan mentioned Tarquin was his long-lost father, it took him only a slight moment to realise that of course the odds of Elan meeting his father during the adventure were of 100% in the comic. I'd say he is aware of narrative power.
I don't recall Elan and Greg having any such conversation. Link please?


Here it is. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0740.html)

EDIT: Elan's rubbing off on him.Yeah, Greg didn't exist yet at that time. That tells us nothing about what Greg thinks about drama and probability.

TL;DR: Greg is not Durkon.

GWWho's talking about Greg?That is precisely the point Grey Wolf is making. Durkon and Elan had a conversation about probability as regards Tarquin; but we have no evidence that Durkula has dredged up said memory from Durkon, so Durkula may not realize that the odds that the new cleric assisting the OotS is Hilgya approach 100%.

But they is the only one who is talking about Lurkon. Nobody said anything about what Lurkon believes about drama and probability.

2018-04-04, 03:48 PM
I don't usually care about fight scenes too much, but I've been waiting so much for this one. Anarchic Giraffes are the best start for it, too! :smallbiggrin:

There's still the question of why OotS is bothering with the hall. They know the vampires want to take over the dwarven kings but the kings aren't in the hall. The vampires have to leave and they can ambushed then.

They don't want to waste more time. They want to dust Greg and resurrect Durkon as soon as possible and then get to Xykon. Besides, If they just protected the elders, they'd give Greg a chance to escape if he figured out he won't be able to influence the vote and they'd lose their Cleric.

2018-04-04, 03:52 PM
I don't usually care about fight scenes too much, but I've been waiting so much for this one. Anarchic Giraffes are the best start for it, too! :smallbiggrin:

They don't want to waste more time. They want to dust Greg and resurrect Durkon as soon as possible and then get to Xykon. Besides, If they just protected the elders, they'd give Greg a chance to escape if he figured out he won't be able to influence the vote and they'd lose their Cleric.

Their first plan was to head over to the chamber where the vote is held and look around a bit (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1108.html).

2018-04-04, 03:52 PM
They don't want to waste more time. They want to dust Greg and resurrect Durkon as soon as possible and then get to Xykon. Besides, If they just protected the elders, they'd give Greg a chance to escape if he figured out he won't be able to influence the vote and they'd lose their Cleric.

Yeah, especially when the vamps can quite easily escape using mistform, as they showed during the ambush in the corridor. They need to be taken down in order to ensure they can't influence the vote tomorrow.

2018-04-04, 03:54 PM
Giraffes are a cc force not a direct damage force. It appears they are in the midst of a bullrush attack, and can presumably physically move spawn away from the party as well as disrupt concentration and spell casting (although probably not by RAW [not enough hp damage], although how you would maintain concentration after being physically knocked 10' (3m) is beyond me).

By RAW, "violent motion" forces a Concentration check, DC 15. Violent, check. Motion, check.

An actual DM would likely rule being knocked 10 feet is "extraordinarily violent motion" based on the "earthquake" example, increasing the DC to 20.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 03:56 PM
But he is the only one who is talking about Lurkon. Nobody said anything about what Lurkon believes about drama and probability.

OK, I see your point. Grey Wolf introduced Durkula into the conversation about Durkon realizing who must have summoned anarchic giraffes.

For it to matter to Durkula's next decision, he will have to talk to Durkon, and Durkon will need to have come to the realization that there's, narratively speaking, only one chaotic cleric in the world. :smallsmile:

2018-04-04, 04:00 PM
Their first plan was to head over to the chamber where the vote is held and look around a bit (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1108.html).

Because they would be looking around for him, because they didn't know where he was.

2018-04-04, 04:03 PM
Their first plan was to head over to the chamber where the vote is held and look around a bit (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1108.html).

Their first plan was stoopid :smalltongue:
And their best bet at the time because they didn't have scrying available before Hilgya showed up.

2018-04-04, 04:05 PM
You know, it also occurs to me that there's a specific reason that we see giraffes.

They're the same size as a tyrannosaur.

Which means a tyrannosaur would fit in the room.

Just sayin'.

2018-04-04, 04:11 PM
Potion of cure light wounds: 50 gp

Handy Haversack: 2000 gp

Ring of three wishes: 120,000 gp

The look on Durkon's face: priceless

There are some things gold pieces can't buy. For everything else there is murderhoboing.

2018-04-04, 04:16 PM
That's ... not what I expected from the title

2018-04-04, 04:18 PM
Those colours and you have to ask?

I had meant to reply to SaintRidley's mention of fiendish giraffes right above me, but I didn't set it up right. 😳

2018-04-04, 04:24 PM
The symbol of death (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfDeath.htm) was scribed on the ceiling; unless a giraffe looks up, they won't trigger it. It will depend if Durkula chose "looks at the rune" or "reads the rune"; giraffes can't read.

Ordinary giraffes can't, but the Anarchic template bumps a creature's intelligence score up to 3 if it's not at least 3 already. A giraffe - or any other creature for that matter - with 3 intelligence should be able to read, write and speak. (Unless it's a barbarian, in which case it just speaks. Creatures with intelligence at least 3 can have class levels...)

Rogar Demonblud
2018-04-04, 04:36 PM
Okay, this so calls for a swirly eyes smiley.

Also, the HPoH is now making a check for Knowledge: Limits of My Sanity.

2018-04-04, 04:38 PM
Stupid question time: How do you all know they're "anarchic" giraffes?

2018-04-04, 04:42 PM
They'd probably have evil-looking red eyes if they were fiendish giraffes; Hilgya would be established nonevil if she had summoned celestial giraffes; and I presume I don't need to spell out why they're definitely not axiomatic giraffes.

2018-04-04, 04:44 PM
I don't need to spell out why they're definitely not axiomatic giraffes.

Maybe they're the "work hard, party hard" kind of giraffes ?

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 04:47 PM
They'd probably have evil-looking red eyes if they were fiendish giraffes; Hilgya would be established nonevil if she had summoned celestial giraffes; and I presume I don't need to spell out why they're definitely not axiomatic giraffes.

Also, non-standard colors.

2018-04-04, 04:53 PM
Stupid question time: How do you all know they're "anarchic" giraffes?
They're red, purple, blue and green.

2018-04-04, 04:56 PM
Since the OOTS hadn't discussed how to deal with the symbols of death, I have been wondering what the plan was.
It's great that the Order will be getting a ton of XP before heading on to deal with Xykon. I am assuming they will win this battle... Of course they still have to go prevent the vote from being fixed somehow, even after they will this battle. And hopefully manage the resurrection of Durkon. I just can't imagine not having the full team when going into the final battle with Xykon.
Wow, there is lot do in this underground city.

2018-04-04, 05:01 PM
I am assuming they will win this battle...
Oh heavens no. That is not how this works.

2018-04-04, 05:02 PM
Durkula's expression is amazing.

2018-04-04, 05:06 PM
Fiendish or Anarchic?

Either way . . . hilarious. 😊

Protean, actually.

2018-04-04, 05:06 PM
Summoned badger riding an anarchic giraffe.

Neat thing, is Roy may very well have a circus act in that bag of holding if he ever wants to start one!

2018-04-04, 05:06 PM
Stupid question time: How do you all know they're "anarchic" giraffes?

They look like their colours were chosen by a three-year old with a random assortment of crayons.

Rogar Demonblud
2018-04-04, 05:08 PM
They look like their colours were chosen by a sugared up three-year old with a random assortment of crayons.

Fixed that for you.:smalltongue:

2018-04-04, 05:20 PM
Chaotics, man. Chaotics. :smallsigh:

Ted The Bug
2018-04-04, 05:32 PM
Does anyone know why that rat is cheering? Roy's animals haven't talked before.

2018-04-04, 05:35 PM
I'm not sure if this is an artistic choice or significant, but the symbols shown in panel three don't match those shown in panel 10 - so, perhaps, there are 8 symbols in the room.

Or Rich just didn't bother trying to make them match.

My reading: 4 symbols in panel 3, let me label them A, B, C, D left-to-right;
in panel 10 the perspective is reversed, so let me call them X, Y, Z but right-to-left this time.
I get the impression from available squiggles that X==C. (it's the same symbol seen from another angle.)
If that is true we'd also have Y==D, but not enough of the symbol shows to confirm or infirm that.
Also, Z looks like B, but it would be a repeated symbol since B was close to the wall.
So I count five symbols, of four kinds.

2018-04-04, 05:37 PM
Does anyone know why that rat is cheering? Roy's animals haven't talked before.

It's riding a magical giraffe into battle. Cheering is mandatory.

Yes they have. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0174.html)
Cue arguments that Roy should be Lawful Evil since he uses sapient being as ranged weapons and is in fact worse than Belkar, Xykon and Tarquin combined.

2018-04-04, 05:43 PM
You know, it also occurs to me that there's a specific reason that we see giraffes. They're the same size as a tyrannosaur. Which means a tyrannosaur would fit in the room. Just sayin'. One can only hope that this is the connection. Bloodfeast is overdue for a romp.

Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 05:48 PM
One can only hope that this is the connection. Bloodfeast is overdue for a romp.

We have not seen Bloodfeast, although Belkar has been talking to Mr. Scruffy. I can't believe he was left behind. Therefore ...

SECRET WEAPON. V attracts the vampires, Belkar produces the lizard, V casts Dispel Magic, and suddenly there's a rampaging allosaurus, rampaging.

This must happen.

2018-04-04, 06:00 PM
Proof that chaos is the best! Go team Loki!

2018-04-04, 06:05 PM
Cue arguments that Roy should be Lawful Evil since he uses sapient being as ranged weapons and is in fact worse than Belkar, Xykon and Tarquin combined.
Meh. He's in a party that has Vaarsuvius in it. Roy's sadism, no matter how blatant, will always be eclipsed :smallamused:

2018-04-04, 06:20 PM
My favourite part is Durkula's reaction to the giraffes.

Zack Norglad
2018-04-04, 06:23 PM
Is that... A howling Grasshopper Mouse?


Shining Wrath
2018-04-04, 06:37 PM
My favourite part is Durkula's reaction to the giraffes.

Followed closely by exuberant rodents atop the giraffes.

2018-04-04, 06:41 PM

2018-04-04, 06:41 PM
Look, I just have ONE question. Anyone know where I can find stats for giraffes? 3rd or 5th edition is fine, I can work from those. I just have a sudden very real urge to throw summoned anarchic giraffes at my DM/Players.

2018-04-04, 06:41 PM
With all the previous jokes about PC's vs NPC's, failed Spot Checks, and discussions of Levels and Spot Checks, this is the strip that feels most like an actual game session. Because as a DM, I recognize that face. I make face at least once a week with my players. :smallamused:

2018-04-04, 06:47 PM
Heh, the vampire's surprise is priceless. I like that Durkon is just completely surly and checked out at this point.

Hm... Belkar's not getting tapped with Protection From Law? It's not exactly redundant to his clasp. Wouldn't hurt him, for starters.

This may have been mentioned by someone else, but I don't think Durkon is checked out. I think he's subtly foreshadowing his own epic battle is about to start... for control of his body. (Or at least some kind of partial, momentary control that will lead to Durkula's defeat.)

2018-04-04, 06:49 PM
As hilarious as this is, I'm still nothing but fearful and terrified for Durkon's tragic fate.
Even magic attack giraffes aren't enough to shake me from this dispair.
And that's saying something, isn't it.

2018-04-04, 06:57 PM
Look, I just have ONE question. Anyone know where I can find stats for giraffes? 3rd or 5th edition is fine, I can work from those. I just have a sudden very real urge to throw summoned anarchic giraffes at my DM/Players.
PF's version was linked to by @Kish in this very thread. Should be a cinch to convert to 3.5, dunno about 5E.

2018-04-04, 06:59 PM
Greg has so far demonstrated incredible skill on preparing and deploying complex plans. He planned this battle specifically with V and Roy on mind, as these pose the largest threats to him. He also has deep knowledge of how V and Roy think, and he has built multiple layers to protect him from these threats. His conclusion is that his victory is all but guaranteed. Hell, he's even preparing for his round of evil gloating.

Hilgya completely changes the dynamic. Not only will Greg have to adapt to the fact that there is a powerful cleric opposing him, but he will have to deal with the fact that even after perusing through all of Durkon's memory there's very little tactical intel on how Hilgya fights.

I think Greg is definitely not the kind of warrior that deals with surprises well. If he's smart he will try to escape, but most likely he will make a rash decision to try and salvage his plans. Like sending all the spawn to attack Roy simultaneously. That would be a good time for a great cleave/roy has boobies joke.

2018-04-04, 07:01 PM
This one was awesome. Neck and neck, indeed. Well played, Giant.

Is that a badger or sloth clinging to blue giraffe?

2018-04-04, 07:02 PM
This one was awesome. Neck and neck, indeed. Well played, Giant.

Is that a badger or sloth clinging to blue giraffe?
That's a badger. You can tell by the snout.

2018-04-04, 07:06 PM
I was definitely not expecting a giraffe:smallamused:

2018-04-04, 07:06 PM
The thing is Greg does not have practical experience. So he is smart, but he could easily make naive mistakes. Like someone who has read books about being a general and today is his first non-trivial battle.

Roy and team keep upping their game -- I doubt perusing Durkon's memories is sufficient to counter that on a good day.

And as Noodz says, he is completely unprepared for Hilgya.

2018-04-04, 07:11 PM
I don't know, but I hope the Giant puts out a giraffe printable miniature after this.

Would be wonderful advertising for the Monster for every season series - a little pdf of the Chaos giraffes with some bag of tricks randoms... and Hilgya;)

The MunchKING
2018-04-04, 07:19 PM
I agree with Greg. What am I looking at?

Are those Chaos Giraffes?

I thought you could usually only summon Celestial or Fiendish variants, but it looks like Hylga is STILL dedicated to that Chaos theme. :p

Fiendish or Anarchic?

Either way . . . hilarious. 😊

Anarchic! That was the word I was thinking of.

2018-04-04, 07:31 PM
Yes, giraffes might seem big and powerful, but they're still don't last nearly long enough and when they go, they take your childhood with them.

... late comment, but I just got this and :smallfrown:

The MunchKING
2018-04-04, 07:34 PM
The spawn may not be as stupid as a sand elemental, but they definitely stick very closely to their orders as given.

Does anyone else think it's going to become significant that Durkula ordered them to attack "the elf first, then the cleric of Thor"? Minrah definitely seems like she should be less of a tactical priority for Team Bloodsucker than Hilgya.

That's because Durkon* shut them down when they tried to tell him there was another Cleri (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots1111.html)c, and he just assumes Minrah got lucky on the turning check.

2018-04-04, 07:52 PM
Oh heavens no. That is not how this works.
Actually, I expect them to basically win this, like the Holy Word fight against Tarquin & the LG. If they lose, they're (un)dead. If they win, Durkula, Ponchola and a couple of the cannon fodder can escape, join up with the Ex-Arch and continue the main plan while licking their wounds.

Look, I just have ONE question. Anyone know where I can find stats for giraffes? 3rd or 5th edition is fine, I can work from those. I just have a sudden very real urge to throw summoned anarchic giraffes at my DM/Players.

Pathfinder (1)'s probably as close as you'll get: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/herd-animals/herd-animal-giraffe/

2018-04-04, 07:55 PM
"Is that a swarm of psychedelic giraffes trampling my vampire spawn and triggering all my traps while being ridden by rodents?"

"I think they are. Also, I think that no one has ever asked that exact question in the history of civilization, so bonus points there."

2018-04-04, 08:07 PM
Don't forget Loki-an magic going underneath Roy on the panel that is the summoning of the Giraffes. Neat subtle Detail!

There's also a whooshing effect around Roy's arm. I think that's coming from Roy flinging animals as he pulls them out of his bag.

2018-04-04, 08:16 PM
Surprised me and made me laugh to boot :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-04, 08:32 PM
Durkula's expression CRACKED ME THE F*** UP!

Thank you for that laugh!

2018-04-04, 08:41 PM
"Is that a swarm of psychedelic giraffes trampling my vampire spawn and triggering all my traps while being ridden by rodents?"

"I think they are. Also, I think that no one has ever asked that exact question in the history of civilization, so bonus points there."

All the cookies on the internet for you.


2018-04-04, 09:09 PM
There's still the question of why OotS is bothering with the hall. They know the vampires want to take over the dwarven kings but the kings aren't in the hall. The vampires have to leave and they can ambushed then.

As much as they are sticklers for tradition, it is likely the council will only meet in the hall. Which means the Order has to take the hall before they arrive, lest they be vampirized, because the vampires won't leave.

The MunchKING
2018-04-04, 09:17 PM
With the way the mouse is posed and his eyes being closed, it looks like he's humping the giraffe's neck.

Necris Omega
2018-04-04, 09:18 PM
Question: How do you afflict a high-level, undead cleric with Confusion?
Answer: This.

HPoH's expression is the facial version of a BSOD, and I love it.

2018-04-04, 09:19 PM
As much as they are sticklers for tradition, it is likely the council will only meet in the hall. Which means the Order has to take the hall before they arrive, lest they be vampirized, because the vampires won't leave.

The hall is just some random meeting hall used by Odin worshipers. It was recommended to Greg by Durkon on the basis that on this day it should be empty. I don't think it has anything to do with the Council of Clan leaders.


2018-04-04, 09:21 PM

I love it! This is the best off-the-wall thing Roy and the team has done in I don't know how long!


Rogar Demonblud
2018-04-04, 09:30 PM
As much as they are sticklers for tradition, it is likely the council will only meet in the hall. Which means the Order has to take the hall before they arrive, lest they be vampirized, because the vampires won't leave.

The hall is just some random meeting hall used by Odin worshipers. It was recommended to Greg by Durkon on the basis that on this day it should be empty. I don't think it has anything to do with the Council of Clan leaders.


Yeah. This is just a feast hall that you can rent for parties (like Durkon's consecration). The conference room is on another floor.

2018-04-04, 09:46 PM
The hall is just some random meeting hall used by Odin worshipers. It was recommended to Greg by Durkon on the basis that on this day it should be empty. I don't think it has anything to do with the Council of Clan leaders.


Well, that's one reason. I have no doubt it is a true reason. I'm not certain that makes it the only reason, however.

I have a suspicion that there is some magic in the room that will end up aiding the OOTS. Something that was discussed during the workplace orientation... perhaps we didn't see it either, but Durkon showed it to Greg and Greg ignored it. I'm going to guess it has something to do with a name on the list of very rich donors.

I have no idea what it is. Just that 1112 was foreshadowing something, in my opinion.

Grey Watcher
2018-04-04, 10:07 PM
I love the whatever-the-chaotic-equivalent-of-celestial giraffes.

Also, glad to see the Bag of Tricks making a reappearance.

And come on, Greg. You've reviewed enough of Durkon's memories at this point that this can't be that surprising to you!

2018-04-04, 10:29 PM
My reaction to the last panel was:

See Spots.
See Spots run.
Run, Spots, run.

Say, do you suppose that the spots on an anarchic giraffe would run all on their own?

2018-04-04, 10:37 PM
It depends on the trigger chosen - I would think Durkula would want them to have to look up to see the vampires clinging to the ceiling, and then see the Symbol. If he chose "passes under", though, the poor animals are about to set it off

It doesn't have to be one trigger. It can be one or more.

2018-04-04, 10:37 PM
When this comic gets converted to a movie, the background music for this battle simply MUST be "Ride of the Valkyries"

Rogar Demonblud
2018-04-04, 10:39 PM
My reaction to the last panel was:

See Spots.
See Spots run.
Run, Spots, run.

Say, do you suppose that the spots on an anarchic giraffe would run all on their own?

Maybe. Or maybe they keep changing fur hue, like the Horse Of Another Color in Oz.

2018-04-04, 10:46 PM
We have not seen Bloodfeast, although Belkar has been talking to Mr. Scruffy. I can't believe he was left behind. Therefore ...

SECRET WEAPON. V attracts the vampires, Belkar produces the lizard, V casts Dispel Magic, and suddenly there's a rampaging allosaurus, rampaging.

This must happen.

He's in the bag of holding.


2018-04-04, 10:48 PM
I will be rather surprised if Vaarsuvius chooses to use an action in combat betting on their dispel check beating Miron's caster level.

2018-04-04, 10:58 PM
... late comment, but I just got this and :smallfrown:

Could you explain it to me? I feel like I’m missing the reference. :smallconfused:

Rogar Demonblud
2018-04-04, 11:08 PM
Dead giraffes make her sad. Hence the sadface.

2018-04-04, 11:09 PM
Not-Durkon's stunned "What the fu-" face was perfect! I was stuck laughing at that panel for minutes and giggling all throughout the day. Bravo to The Giant, as always.

I think Hilga needs to add "psychological warfare" to the list of advantages. If I pulled that in a campaign, I think I'd have a decent case for forcing disadvantage on saving throws concentration; or at least they'd have to make a saving throw to maintain composure first.

What...What even are those? Giraffes, obviously, but...what?

2018-04-04, 11:09 PM
"Is that a swarm of psychedelic giraffes trampling my vampire spawn and triggering all my traps while being ridden by rodents?"

"I think they are. Also, I think that no one has ever asked that exact question in the history of civilization, so bonus points there."

You are obviously unaware of the Battle of Tormin's Pass and Duraka's Folley.

2018-04-04, 11:10 PM
Could you explain it to me? I feel like I’m missing the reference. :smallconfused:
Toys'R'Us, a popular chain of toy stores, has recently gone into liquidation, and will soon disappear from the face of the Earth. Its mascot was a giraffe named Geoffrey.

Doctor Awkward
2018-04-04, 11:19 PM
I just noticed that Vampire Durkon doesn't have fangs when he is inside his head in this comic.

Then I went and checked older strips to find that he never had fangs in the internal conversations.

...It bugs me that I haven't noticed this until now.

2018-04-04, 11:50 PM
I'm actually laughing too hard to breath. Send help!

2018-04-04, 11:51 PM
"Nice try, but vampires are immune to sleep and confusion effects."

Care to retract that assertion, Greg?

2018-04-04, 11:53 PM
My reaction to the last panel was:

See Spots.
See Spots run.
Run, Spots, run.
I think, in this situation, some different punctuation might be applicable.

See Spots?
See Spots! Run!
Run! Spots! Run!!!

2018-04-05, 12:02 AM
Those last three panels is how I envision Rich thinking of this comic. I like the idea that Rich was thinking "how can I really start this thing off the rails...," enter thought of multicolored giraffe attack, Rich's expression as Greg's, and then the though "What? They're cheap to summon and have a ton of hit points." So why not? Who here needs a shirt and/or coffee mug with the giraffe attack? I know I do.

Rich, please make it happen!

2018-04-05, 12:54 AM
I just hope Ponchola/Ponchula gets out of this okay, I'vs grown fond

(I almost posted "out of this alive", but that's not right).

2018-04-05, 01:00 AM
There are so many things I love about this strip.
Belkar's buffing, Haley knowing exactly what Elan's going to ask, the look on Greg's face...

I'm seriously thinking about having the last one as my phone wallpaper. But the journey wallpaper is just too beautiful to get replaced

Love it!

2018-04-05, 01:13 AM
Well, Haley's just jealous that Elan doesn't need a magic wand to become invisible.

Oh wait, I think I phrased that very, very badly...

2018-04-05, 01:22 AM
More random than anarchic onagers? Anarchic oryxes?

Yeah, probably.

Iunno, if I was going to go for a really anarchic artiodactyl, I'd put in for the serow, saiga, or the world's smallest antelope. Imagine a chaotic antelope, charging into battle, going straight for the unsuspecting's knees.
It'd be a real dik-dik move.

(alternately, WHALE. 'cause they are the best "hoofed animals" to drop onto the battlefield. From a decent height, at least.)

2018-04-05, 02:09 AM
I just hope Ponchola/Ponchula gets out of this okay, I'vs grown fond

(I almost posted "out of this alive", but that's not right).

So do I, but hands off of her, I saw her first! :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-05, 02:10 AM
Ordinary giraffes can't, but the Anarchic template bumps a creature's intelligence score up to 3 if it's not at least 3 already. A giraffe - or any other creature for that matter - with 3 intelligence should be able to read, write and speak. (Unless it's a barbarian, in which case it just speaks. Creatures with intelligence at least 3 can have class levels...)
Also, “reading” the rune means any attempt to study it, identify it, or fathom its meaning. (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/symbolOfDeath.htm)

2018-04-05, 02:28 AM
WHEN THE CHAOS GIRAFFES ARRIVED! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75zmIj_4LFQ)
A cry for help in time of need
Await relief from holy moot
12 hours of siege, outnumbered and weak
Sent a message to the skies
Wounded Clerics left to rise
Will they hold the door or will the temple fall
Dedication, dedication
They're outnumbered eleven to six
And the battle's begun
Coming in the montain's inside
Coming in they turned the tied.
As the morn is passing by
And the dead are climbing high
No escape no salvation
Traps in explosive hall
Are carved deep inside the walls
Plant the spells there andwatch the Order fear
Desperation - desperation it's a desperate race against the dwarves
And a race against time
Coming in the montain's inside
Coming in they turned the tied.
Fireballs are coming down from the foof
Vampires are you ready to die
We will seek our veangeance eye for an eye
You will be smoked upon the steps of that chair
On this field you're only facing our hate
But back home the goddess' sealing your fate
We remember
In september
That's the night Firmament was freed
We made the ennemy bleed
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves
Storm clouds, fire and steel
Death from above made the ennemy kneel
Coming in the montain's inside
Fighting, power and grace
Death from above it's an army of hooves

Has anyone complimented this yet? It is magnificent.

Baron Pineapple
2018-04-05, 02:35 AM
It took me a minute of jaw-dropped blinking before I realized the riders were from Roy's bag of Tricks.

I also just realized Hilgya's choice is in fact not bad at all given the fact that each of those anarchic giraffes gets a Smite Law attack. :-)

2018-04-05, 02:52 AM
Fiendish giraffes. Bold move, Hilgya.

Looks more anarchic giraffes? Does not have horns or bat wings.

2018-04-05, 03:02 AM
Check my logic guys - is it possible those small rodents are not actually from Roy's Bag of Tricks at all?

When I noticed that rat saying "wooooo" my first thought is that it's obviously Elan in disguise. He has the Ride skill, he loves animal rides, he would think this is the best thing ever, he has Disguise Self... Of course you can't use Disguise Self to look like something as small as a rat.

Then I thought that the other two could be Haley (sitting close to Elan), and Belkar, the other character that we've shown has the Ride skill and is good with animals.

Roy could have his bag out to clue in Durkula to think that's where they came from so as not to notice them. Can small rodents even ride other animals anyway? Surely normally they would just be charging on the ground, the fact that they're riding seems like more of a PC thing than a small animal thing.

It's definitely a stretch but there's just a number of things that seem off. Especially the rat screaming out "woooooo", I think at the very least that one is Elan. I don't know my 3.5e spells well enough to know what spells could be responsible for this though.

2018-04-05, 03:25 AM
Check my logic guys - is it possible those small rodents are not actually from Roy's Bag of Tricks at all?

When I noticed that rat saying "wooooo" my first thought is that it's obviously Elan in disguise. He has the Ride skill, he loves animal rides, he would think this is the best thing ever, he has Disguise Self... Of course you can't use Disguise Self to look like something as small as a rat.

Then I thought that the other two could be Haley (sitting close to Elan), and Belkar, the other character that we've shown has the Ride skill and is good with animals.

Roy could have his bag out to clue in Durkula to think that's where they came from so as not to notice them. Can small rodents even ride other animals anyway? Surely normally they would just be charging on the ground, the fact that they're riding seems like more of a PC thing than a small animal thing.

It's definitely a stretch but there's just a number of things that seem off. Especially the rat screaming out "woooooo", I think at the very least that one is Elan. I don't know my 3.5e spells well enough to know what spells could be responsible for this though.
I was having exactly the same thought.

The woooing rodent is a weird thing for a bunch of conjurations. I don't if their illusions at stakes or if some things more powerful are here (like Polymorphy), but that would be a good way to disturb Greg's plan.

The OotS know the vampires are after V. Hiding him in a swarm of invoked critters will destabilize the vampires' strategy. If giraffes can pump the death symbols and allow then the wizard to pass through, get a safe place and start spamming spells out of range of harm, it can bring the battle in a really good position for the good guys.

I don't know if that's possible or a viable strategy, but it would be a good way to surprise Greg once more.
If that's true, then I would say that the rodent is probably Elan and the badger is V. The beaver is a real animal from the bag of tricks, here to confused the ennemies.

Does the protection from Law might allow Elan to pass the death symbols without harm? :smallconfused:

And to add more to it: At the last panel, we see Roy with the two clerics, at the left side of the door. No sign of Elan or Haley, so that means they move to the right side of the door. Minra moved to the left side, after casting. It may be nothing, but that may be as well a way to hide the "missing characters", transformed/disguised into animals. :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-05, 03:30 AM
I was having exactly the same thought.

The woooing rodent is a weird thing for a bunch of conjurations. I don't if their illusions at stakes or if some things more powerful are here (like Polymorphy), but that would be a good way to disturb Greg's plan.

The OotS know the vampires are after V. Hiding him in a swarm of invoked critters will destabilize the vampires' strategy. If giraffes can pump the death symbols and allow then the wizard to pass through, get a safe place and start spamming spells out of range of harm, it can bring the battle in a really good position for the good guys.

I don't know if that's possible or a viable strategy, but it would be a good way to surprise Greg once more.
If that's true, then I would say that the rodent is probably Elan and the badger is V. The beaver is a real animal from the bag of tricks, here to confused the ennemies.

The animals from the bag of tricks do talk. Miko had a conversation with the weasel, before meeting The Order.

Looks more anarchic giraffes? Does not have horns or bat wings.

It's half-fiends, not Creatures With The Fiendish Template, that gain bat wings. That said, horns, red colour, yellow eyes, do seem to be the standard, going by the Battle of Azure City arc.

2018-04-05, 04:13 AM
Explosive Runes can go home, Anarchic Giraffes is the new best spell.

Oh, and looks like Roy for once got lucky with his bag of tricks! Badgers are terrifying in a fight.

2018-04-05, 04:51 AM
The OotS know the vampires are after V. Hiding him in a swarm of invoked critters will destabilize the vampires' strategy. If giraffes can pump the death symbols and allow then the wizard to pass through, get a safe place and start spamming spells out of range of harm, it can bring the battle in a really good position for the good guys.

Below, someone has noted that the conjured animals *have* spoken before, but that could be more for Comedic Effect.

What just occurred to me was, what happens if the vamps catch on, and cast something like Dispel Magic, to reveal V?

And what happens if one of the "animals" there is BLOODFEAST?

Yyyyeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D

2018-04-05, 05:31 AM
The closer they get to winning this fight, the more worried I become about that inevitable fight with Hilgya when she announces that she's obviously not down with the "resurrect Durkon" plan, and pulls out a shroud of disintegration.

2018-04-05, 06:09 AM
That is a tactic that I did not expect: Using summoned creatures to discharge the Symbol.

That created a lot of chaos also which just threw the vampire's plan completely off.

Outstanding move.

2018-04-05, 07:00 AM
Could you explain it to me? I feel like I’m missing the reference. :smallconfused:

Dead giraffes make her sad. Hence the sadface.

Toys'R'Us, a popular chain of toy stores, has recently gone into liquidation, and will soon disappear from the face of the Earth. Its mascot was a giraffe named Geoffrey.

That's the one, yup.

2018-04-05, 07:48 AM
It's like the old saying goes -- no plan survives first contact with the enemy's rampaging herd of anarchic giraffes.

2018-04-05, 08:03 AM
They are splitting up. Whichever Symbol is closest to that giraffe will fire (or when they touch one). When it triggers, it hits everything, closest to farthest. Using a bunch of it's total hitpoints of allotted effect.

I assume that means it would also hit, for example, that vampire that's being trampled?

2018-04-05, 08:12 AM
WHALE. 'cause they are the best "hoofed animals" to drop onto the battlefield. From a decent height, at least.

As usual, Doraleous and Associates have a good handling of this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkS42Kl_ts8).

2018-04-05, 08:13 AM
It's like the old saying goes -- no plan survives first contact with the enemy's rampaging herd of anarchic giraffes.
I don't see a "like" button, so I'll just laugh out loud at this..

2018-04-05, 08:24 AM
I assume that means it would also hit, for example, that vampire that's being trampled?

It would, but I believe that the symbol of Death, being of the Death subtype, doesn't affects the undead. Vampires are likewise immune to mind-affecting effects, so any Symbols of Insanity they might have inscribed will also only target Roy's side.

Grey Wolf

Coolio Wolfus
2018-04-05, 08:29 AM
"Nice try, but vampires are immune to sleep and confusion effects."

Care to retract that assertion, Greg?

Immune to those effects, but it appears not to confusion EVENTS...
It may not be a high stun confusion, that BSOD confusion look will at least stall him.

2018-04-05, 08:30 AM
Toys'R'Us, a popular chain of toy stores, has recently gone into liquidation, and will soon disappear from the face of the Earth. Its mascot was a giraffe named Geoffrey.

Thank you.

I completely forgot about that mascot. Considering how much time I spent poring over their catalog before every Christmas, I'm embarrassed by that lapse. Or maybe my brain is just protecting me from the sadness.

Now I'll have to go back and read the entire OOTS archive again to find some joy.

2018-04-05, 08:31 AM
Iunno, if I was going to go for a really anarchic artiodactyl, I'd put in for the serow, saiga, or the world's smallest antelope. Imagine a chaotic antelope, charging into battle, going straight for the unsuspecting's knees.
It'd be a real dik-dik move.

Kudus to you!

2018-04-05, 08:42 AM
I choose to believe you speak from experience, and have fought at least one giraffe.

You can't assume he's fought a giraffe. In principle it's just as likely he is a giraffe.

The MunchKING
2018-04-05, 08:47 AM
You can't assume he's fought a giraffe. In principle it's just as likely he is a giraffe.

Awaken is pretty high level isn't it? And being able to type on the Internet is tricky for a giraffe.

But even if he was, IIRC giraffes fight other giraffes all the time. roughhousing as kids, dominance displays as adults, all that other fun stuff.

2018-04-05, 08:54 AM
Kudus to you!

I gnu someone was going to say that!

2018-04-05, 09:01 AM
You can't assume he's fought a giraffe. In principle it's just as likely he is a giraffe.

Peelee has known me long enough to know I am a grey wolf.


2018-04-05, 09:02 AM
I will be rather surprised if Vaarsuvius chooses to use an action in combat betting on their dispel check beating Miron's caster level.
Same, but a cleric can also cast it. I wonder if Team Vampire will try, go for the area effect, and get lucky on the check. Of course, I never really bothered much with dispelling, so I could be getting how it works completely wrong.

Also, it's nothing to build a plan off, but it would be a nice bonus. It's at the risk of Bloodfeast staying in lizard form and dying, though, so Belkar would likely be reluctant.

You can't assume he's fought a giraffe. In principle it's just as likely he is a giraffe.
That's why I didn't assume. I chose to believe. Love that phrase.

Also, what Grey Wolf said.

2018-04-05, 09:16 AM
That was flippin' awesome and totally unexpected. The look on Greg's face is priceless, and the Giraffes were totally unexpected. Terrific!


Brian P.

2018-04-05, 09:36 AM
Nobody expects the Anarchic Giraffes!

(No, they really didn't.)

2018-04-05, 09:40 AM
Also, giraffes friggin' MURDER trees. So, there's that.

Lord Joeltion
2018-04-05, 10:06 AM
I choose to believe the crazed shrew/mouse is screaming "JUMANJI" in his own Squiken dialect :smallbiggrin:

After reading the title, I expected the punchline to go along something about drinking blood but clearly the giant delivered it better than expected. Durkon*'s face is worthless!

I wonder if the Anarchic Giraffes are that colour each or they have some sort of iridescence (or they simply change color after a while). Honestly, I'm unsure which one would be cooler.

BTW, if at least one giraffe survives, they would pose a decent cover for the casters, which may come nifty for a couple of rounds.

2018-04-05, 10:39 AM
Same, but a cleric can also cast it. I wonder if Team Vampire will try, go for the area effect, and get lucky on the check. Of course, I never really bothered much with dispelling, so I could be getting how it works completely wrong.
I'm quite sure that Vaarsuvius has the highest caster level, and thus stands the best chance of beating Miron's caster level, of anyone in the room.

Durkon has, of course, succeeded on literally-impossible caster level checks to dispel before, though.

Random Poster
2018-04-05, 10:46 AM
Well now this would really have been a good time for Roy to pull a rhinoceros out of the bag (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0167.html).

2018-04-05, 10:48 AM
I'm quite sure that Vaarsuvius has the highest caster level, and thus stands the best chance of beating Miron's caster level, of anyone in the room.

Durkon has, of course, succeeded on literally-impossible caster level checks to dispel before, though.
Is this the Azure city greater invisibility thing that to my knowledge was possibly if not probably impossible (don't have the books and it's been awhile) or something else that is definitely impossible?

2018-04-05, 10:56 AM
Is this the Azure city greater invisibility thing that to my knowledge was possibly if not probably impossible (don't have the books and it's been awhile) or something else that is definitely impossible?
Yeah, I was referring to Durkon dispelling Xykon's greater invisibility.