View Full Version : The Champions of Eberron

2018-04-05, 08:57 PM
Sharn, The City of Towers
The Middle Central Plateau
The bustling business area of Sharn with it's large marketplace, Temple to Kol Korran, and the dragonmarked wards. Here all the various guilds at least have a representative and more often than not have completely set up shop. Here you can hire a Deneith Sentinel, a Tharaashk Tracker, a Jorasco Healer, or even a Medani Prophet. Here you can spend your coin freely, however you are not here to spend your coin. Your here at the behest of House Cannith.

You have been asked by House Cannith to guard Sark. They are paying for all repair expenses and have given you a document that you may show to any Cannith Representative to garner free repairs. They will also pay you 500 Gold if Sark comes back from his mission unharmed and alive, 250 Gold if Sark comes back alive.
House Cannith has requested you get an audience with a woman simply known as, "The Queen". She will give no other name, no other title. She is of significant importance, but no one seems to know why or be willing to share why. Many other heirs of House Cannith have been given the same task, but they each return saying simply, "I'm not the heir she's looking for." You are to recruit a small adventuring group to complete whatever mission she gives out. You have been given 1,000 gold to complete the task. Bulwark has received permission to come with you and a separate commission. You are to report directly to Merrix d'Cannith with any information once the task is completed.
You were recently at the Temple of Kol Korran in Sharn. There you heard a rumor that House Cannith is practically handing out money to any who claim to be an adventurer. Apparently you claim to be an adventurer, go and meet some high royalty, get payed and go home. She keeps claiming that the Cannith children are, "Not the heir she is looking for." The acolyte claimed to be paid 100 gold for a half hour of light labor, and would do it again, but House Cannith doesn't hire someone twice for this job.
You have been summoned by House Cannith to perform a job. They said the job will more than likely be simple, but there may be a complication. You have just arrived this morning, and now you see the person you are supposed to speak to, a young Cannith Heir by the name of 'Sark'. Apparently having a connection to House Tharaashk helps.

2018-04-06, 06:05 PM
A tall young human is wandering the Plateau, talking to the various trackers, healers, and more. He seems to be searching for something specific, as he can be seen shaking his head more than a few times and leaving to talk to the next person who seems to have an adventurer's air. He leans over to the warforged accompanying him Bul, I'm not sure any of these people are right. We aren't even sure what this woman wants yet, but our funds aren't exactly overflowing. What do you think?

2018-04-06, 10:08 PM
If anyone ever questioned that shifters are descended from lycanthropes, they would only have to look at Gerhardt to find their answers. Thick sandy brown hair covers his body, from his hair and heavy lambchops and beard, to his arms and legs, chest and back. A heavy chain shirt is his concession to defenses, but everything about him screams aggression. On his belt, throwing axes hang in pairs on each hip, and twin belts cross his chest with daggers strapped to them. A careful observer might also notice the hilts of daggers peeking from the tops of his boots as well. Solidly built but lithe, Gerhardt gives the impression of being constantly ready to move.

Now standing in the Plateau, the shifter's hazel eyes spot his quarry speaking with a gleaming warforged. He rolls his eyes at the classic joining, does a habitual check of his weapons, and approaches. His stride is smooth and confident, his body barely shifting as he flows across the ground. "Hey, Cannith. You Sark? I'm told you need some muscle."

2018-04-06, 10:15 PM
Sark's eyes widen slightly at the sight of the shifter warrior and he nudges the warforged beside him, but he nods I am. You've certainly a look about you that's different than some of these others I've been talking with. You have much combat experience?

2018-04-06, 11:08 PM
The shifter looks at the warforged, his hands open and slightly spread at his sides, his expression clearly saying really?

"... Yes, yes I do. If you need credentials, talk to the Brellish army."

2018-04-06, 11:17 PM
Sark nods My apologies, I had a nasty run-in with some less than friendly shifters not terribly long ago. It's left me a bit jumpy. I'm trying to move past it. He seems sincere, but not devastatingly worried he has offended you. He then gestures to the warforged This is Bulwark, a friend of mine who will be joining us. He's a fair hand with a blade as well, not to mention something of a holy man. I think our little team will work well; one more ought to do. Sark then continues scanning the crowd.

2018-04-09, 11:20 AM
Dwarfing both men by half a foot, the Warforged, designated as Bulwark by those he has traveled with, keeps himself relatively quiet and slightly hunched while flanking Sark through the town, seeking not to draw attention to himself or anyone else. Past attempts at socializing were disastrous enough on his part to stave of any desire he might have to attempt any conversation that was not, strictly speaking, necessary. The Warforged's eyes glow slightly brighter, as Sark makes conversation with the bestial Gerhardt. "Greetings", he introduces himself in a low, deep rumble as Sark identifies him, accompanied by a respectful enough nod to the newcomer, before returning to his near silent contemplation on their current objective. "Senses are what might be most useful right now." he speaks aloud after a moment. "Perhaps a Tracker of sorts..."

2018-04-09, 12:36 PM
Gerhard smiles, his teeth bared in a way that seems almost feral. "Tracking is most certainly a thing I can do. What are we hunting?"

2018-04-09, 12:47 PM
Currently, our final companion. Then we'll meet with our employer. We might have something to track then or you might go home today paid just for your time.

2018-04-10, 06:58 PM
A 100 Gold for half an hours work, how could I say no? Billy thought to himself as he was walking around the Plateau Just think of all the ways I could invest this money, turn it around, this will be a great start up Capital. The only problem was, he wasn't really told who to go to, just that it was someone from House Cannith and while he would recognise the sign he could hardly go up to every random Cannithian and ask them if they had a job. I mean, that would take WAY to long and he wanted to go and spend the money he was about to earn. So he decided to do what comes naturally to any would-be Merchant, he would just have to promote himself. And so, he started shouting

"Adventurer for Hire"
"Reasonable Prices"
"Limited Supply, Mint Condition!"

Let the customer come to him

2018-04-11, 02:02 PM
Gerhardt's ears perk at the sound of the merchant-adventurer's call. "I found one. Should be affordable. Wait... mint condition? Not sure if that represents a good thing."

2018-04-11, 02:06 PM
Sark considers for a moment, picking up on the sound after they've come closer. He eyes the man calling out and responds to Gerhardt On the upside we know he isn't broken. But if he isn't broken in yet, I might not have to worry how much he costs. He walks up to the man and holds his hand out as if to shake, but it also displays the unmistakable design of a Cannith dragonmark on his arm You say you're an adventurer? What exactly do you do?

2018-04-12, 05:11 AM
Billy sees three men approaching him, an agressive almost feral looking fellow, a tall warforged and a man who, when he offers a handshake reveals the dragonmark of the House of Cannith. Clearly this is a group of Adventurers and, seeing as one of them belongs to House Cannith these are probably the people who gave the guy from the temple that basically free gold! Time to sell yourself Billy!

In fasr pace, Billy replies to man from Cannith:
"What do I do? What do I do? What don't I do good sir! When you hire me you don't just get an excellent tracker and occasional trapfinder, no! You also get someone who is a great shot with his crossbow, trained by one of the best hunters from the Eldeen Reaches. And that is all on top of the fact that I am also Priest of the great god Kol Korran"
as he's saying all this he's making grandiose hand gestures to emphasise his points, like slapping on his crossbow when he talks about his marksmenship and revealing his silver Holy Symbol when he mentions his Priestly abillities.
"Which means you'll have good magic at your dispossal, guaranteed by the god of Trade himself! All of this and more can be for you for the low low price of 150, no, wait, 120 Gold Pieces. An once in a life time opportunity good sir! Going once, Going Twice..."
and now Billy stretches out his hand, waiting for his deal to be accepted.

2018-04-12, 11:11 AM
Sark grinned at the man's offer. True, he hadn't expected to spend the full amount he had been allowed on his companions, but he'd also not expected to spend less than 200 without haggling. He takes the man's hand and gave it a firm shake A jack of all trades? Sounds like you can back us all up then. Sark d'Cannith. You are?

2018-04-12, 01:24 PM
Billy grins, he managed to up the price, getting more than the 100 GP the guy from the temple had gotten. Now all he needed to was work half an hour and he could return to his normal work. "The name is William A. Turms, but you can just call me Billy. Everyone does. It's a pleasure doing business with you, but tell me what does the job entail?"

2018-04-12, 01:46 PM
We're meeting our employer on the skyway, in the park. I'm sure they'll explain everything. If you're all ready, we'll head there now. He turns and heads in the direction of the park, clearly eager to be on his way. He carves a path through the crowds as best he can, leading the somewhat eccentric group onward.

2018-04-12, 02:46 PM
Sark leads everyone back to House Cannith's Enclave in the city, where they promptly rented a Skycoach, a smaller version of a Lyrandar Airship for you. You notice that the pilot of the Skycoach doesn't possess a dragonmark.

If anyone asks questions of the Skycoach pilot he will tell you about the manifest zone that Sharn sits in. A manifest zone to Syrania, The Azure Sky. How it makes all flight magic much more powerful and potent.

You fly around town always going up, up, up into the clouds. Your destination: Cloudpool Park.
Near the center of Skyway, where Azure and Brilliant meet, Cloudpool Park stands as a testimony to the fantastic power of magic. Wispy cloudstuff is shaped throughout the park to resemble exquisitely detailed trees, whose leaves rustle in the ever-present breeze. The cloudscape rolls in gentle hills, forming beautiful lawns where the residents of Skyway enjoy picnics and long walks. At the center of the park lies a large “pool” of crystal-clear ice that affords a spectacular view of the city below to those brave enough to stand on it or peer over the edge.

As you near your destination you see more and more little creatures flitting about near to where a woman sits on a throne in the middle of the "pool" literally looking down on the whole of the city. A battalion of Deneith Sentinels and several Honor Guard guard the area, although most look relatively relaxed.

The little creature that flit around the woman are all Faerie Dragons and Pseudodragons.

The Skycoach lands at the edge of the "pool" and allows you to get off the coach.
"The Queen" awaits.

2018-04-13, 04:29 PM
The Warforged nicknamed Bulwark moves as slowly as possible when aboard the Skycoach. The magic of the area might keep the impressive machine aloft, but he was not interested in seeing what would happen were he to fall over the edge, particularly as the vehicle advanced further through the air. Yet even someone as stoic as he could appreciate the view that awaited this group. The blue glow of his eyes appear to twinkle as he beholds Cloudpool Park. Even he gave off the impression of staring in wonder, his metal jaw slightly agape, as they advanced.

Being present to act as guardian to this ensemble, the Warforged is content to walk ahead and to the side of their approach, allowing the more important members clear view of the throne to which they approach, yet maintaining the vanguard position. As they come forward, his gaze turns to the miniature wyrms flocking about this woman. "Might these be native to the area, or possibly drawn to her?" He asks Sark in a low utterance. Regardless, he comes to a stop a distance before the Queen's throne, enacting a brief nod of introduction and a moment for her to address them first, should one of his companions old or new not do so first.

2018-04-13, 04:41 PM
The artificer had been too focused on his task to notice the creatures flitting back and forth across the skyway; he simply shrugs at Bulwark's question I can't be sure. I'll see if I can figure it out later. Sark approaches their prospective employer and bows at the hip, coming to a near perfect ninety degrees. Sark d'Cannith, my lady. These are my companions, fine adventurers all. We are at your service. He completes his bow and rises, waiting patiently for a response.

2018-04-13, 05:39 PM
The following text is if no one else decides to speak before she addresses the party, if someone else would like to please do so and I will edit accordingly
"The Queen" stands up and claps her hands once. It almost sounds to be amplified by magic
"Excellent, the Maker's Heir, a pet, a mongrel, and a Master of the Hoard. Yes you will do nicely!"
She then speaks to you instead of aloud to herself, "Maker's Heir I am a powerful seer. I have seen far off events that dwarf the lifespans of elves, and I have seen that a major conflict can be avoided if you complete this task. It can be no other. You must travel to a city called Varna. You must assist the Handlers. If you succeed I will reward your clan with secrets most beneficial. Fortune's Friend will find you along your journey, if you can recognize him as such."

2018-04-13, 06:18 PM
A deep rumbling sound that could easily be taken as either a growl or a chuckle comes from the chest and throat of the shifter, who stands at unnatural ease on the solid air. He glances at the "adventurer" they collected last.

"Heh, she called you a hoarder!" His eyes harden as he turns back. "I have no problems going back to the Reaches, woman, but NO ONE calls a soldier a pet.
Fancy language or not, they are free since the Treaty was signed. He may serve or follow, but he is Not. A. Pet." As he speaks, he shifts slightly so that he is standing in front of the warforged, his stance tense and large, his hair and skin bristling.

2018-04-13, 07:05 PM
Sark places a hand lightly on Gerhardt's shoulder. He knew he couldn't hold the shifter back, but it was more a gesture than anything. Peace, please. He looks to "The Queen" We are honored by your selection, but it is as he says, Bulwark goes where and does as he pleases. He is a friend. His tone is calm, cordial even, but it is also serious. He bows again, though this time not lowering his gaze You honor my house by bringing this matter to us. If there is anything more you would have us know or do, please continue. If not, we will being our journey posthaste.

2018-04-13, 07:14 PM
Billy listens to the woman speak and can't help but think to himself: "Why do I get the sudden feeling this is going to take a lot longer than the half hour it took the other guy..". He then turns to the Shifter, whose comment seems to proof that the Animal ears don't provide Animal-level hearing, and Billy was about to correct him when he starts going of against the Oracle-lady. "Hey now Buddy, let's calm down here. I may not have been in this business for long but I know enough to say it ain't wise to attack things that can look many many times into the future. Especially when that thing is a person that your boss has dealings with. Right now she is basically our boss his boss, and if you attack her he might not get this reward which means we won't get payed! You gotta think long-term here buddy!"

2018-04-15, 04:42 AM
Unsure of whom the Queen was referring to, the Warforged makes no comment, only to stand by while contemplating her request. He does keep in pace with Gerhardt, particularly after Sark and Billy start to object to his objection. While the Warforged continues to be silent, his grip on his polearm (consistently also used as a walking stick) does shift subtly, as the lights of his eyes darken.

2018-04-16, 04:30 PM
Gerhardt's shoulder shivers for a moment under Sark's hand, and although visibly nothing changes Sark can feel the trembling muscles still. The slightest motion of his head acknowledges him, before their mint-condition adventurer speaks. The posturing shifter rolls his eyes dramatically, doing his best to include the queen in the gesture.

"I'm not threatening anyone. I was making a point. Is there more to know, or are we done here? If the air gets any thinner my sinuses might actually get clear of all the city reek, and that would just be sad."

2018-04-16, 05:45 PM
"Yes you all will no doubt be able to prevent the war. I have no further instruction for you all, accomplish this task with haste and diligence."

If you wish to ask any other questions here now is the time, otherwise let me know out of character to move on and I'll whisk you towards your destination, just figure out how you are planning to get there, and what your route is. The city and its whereabouts are on the Eberron Map, and you do have access to it during your planning of how you will get there.

2018-04-17, 03:09 PM
After everyone gets off of the Skycoach again back where they left, Sark quickly gathers up some maps from House Cannith's Enclave and brings everyone down to Tavick's Landing taking one of the many elevators around the city. It takes roughly an hour from the time you met with the queen to get down to where Sark finally lets up, eases his pace as he leads everyone into a literal hole in the wall. Everyone feels a sweltering heat and a telltale orange glow that betrays that lava is near. Sark gets you all a table very easily, the owner of this hole in the wall apparently has served Sark before.
The owner quickly brings the rest of you menus, even one for Bulwark. Across the way you can hear dwarves and other craftsmen hard at work at their forge. There is a single Coldfire Chandelier lighting up the area.
Each meal comes with your choice of exotic BBQ from the Shadow Marches, and a glass of wine or mug of ale of your choice from a fairly sizable list.

Your menu consists of a relatively small selection, however it is advertised that even a warforged can taste it, and it includes things like, "Meat" "Fruit" "Vegetable" and "Alcohol"

2018-04-17, 06:05 PM
Sark nods to the owner. It had been a simple matter, some time ago, to mend the broken items in the restaurant before the House Ghallanda inspectors had arrived, but ever since then he had been treated particularly well whenever he visited. He leans back in his chair, already knowing what he plans on ordering. So. I've never actually been to the Reaches. Anyone else?

2018-04-17, 06:30 PM
Gerhardt chuckles, his teeth bared slightly. "Been there? It's home. I can get us there, but it's a long hike. Fastest would be Lightning Rail to Passage, then overland through the Duskwood. Oh, hey." He waves at the waiter. "Meat, potatoes, ale. Thanks."

2018-04-17, 10:31 PM
A train car won't be cheap. I can see about drawing more funds from the House, I'm sure it can be arranged now that we have the job

2018-04-18, 06:37 AM
Billy looks through the menu as well, and without really looking up he also replies to Sark "I grew up in the reaches as well, though I wouldn't call it home. I couldn't leave that place fast enough. Out here in the big cities, that's where it is happening! I hiked my way out here, no way I was going to pay those extortionist prices for a journey I could do on foot. No sir no! If you could get your House to pay then it certainly would be a lot faster, but's perfectly doable on foot." he then picks the cheapest thing on the menu and orders it.

2018-04-18, 09:53 AM
Gerhardt’s face is a study of expressions as the merchant speaks. Delight at hearing he is from the Reaches falling to a flat expression on hearing his distaste for that land. Finally, a mix of amusement and respect as the merchant orders with ease the most affordable meal.

”The journey is one thousand eight hundred miles by rail, a bit more by road, less overland - but more risk. That’s two months by foot, or half that if we can find a horse for you. He nods to Bulwark. “By rail, we would be there in sixty hours instead of sixty days, and the cost would be less than the cost of four horses. Unless we want the fancy seats, but that would be on you.”

He turns his attention back to the waiter who has been hovering and tapping his shoulder. “What? What is... I don’t care what kind of meat. Just meat and potatoes. How... cooked? Just cook them, put them on a plate, and I’ll eat. ... kinds of ale? The wet kind.” He turns to Sark. “Can you help me with... this?” he gestures at the waiter in annoyance.

2018-04-18, 01:32 PM
"I am unfortunately as indecisive about our means of travel as I am about this... men-yu." The Warforged pips in, tilting his head to the side while staring at the choices of offerings presented to him. "Whatever would get us to our destination the safest, fastest, and still remain within you budget is fine with me. These rails might be expensive, but if we still profit from using them, they also seem the most likely to transport us without fuss." After careful contemplation, even setting his hand on his jaw as if considering a difficult new spell, the Warforged stands up. "I WILL HAVE THE FRUIT!" he declares, seeking the attention of a server or the owner.

2018-04-19, 02:04 AM
Sark addresses the waiter "Steak, medium rare. Same for my friend here. We'll also have dark ales. Surprise me with a good pairing and I'll make it worth it for you. I suppose I'll have potatoes as well." He nods at Bulwark's loud declaration as well "Good choice. I'm not sure how taste might effect you for the first time, hopefully fruit will be an easy introduction. Though I don't know how we'll handle you developing a sweet tooth". While they wait, Sark falls into a contemplative silence for several minutes, seemingly studying the grooves in their table.

He looks up after a long moment of silence at his companions and seems to have come to a descision "House Cannith should be persuaded to give me more money. I'd prefer to be there within the week, rather than in three months. I'm sure my Merrix will love to know what the job is before we start, anyway. He'll probably have questions about how Bul reacted to taste as well, come to think of it... He looks to each of his companions "This... "Queen". I'm not sure who she is. She may just be a seer, but if so, she seems to have a habit of referring to the Houses as dragons do. I suggest we take this as seriously as we can. With that said, I think reintroductions are in order. I think I got off on the wrong foot with you He looks to Gerhardt and failed to actually ask your name. Bulwark and I have known each other for some time, of course, but if he'd like to make his own introduction I think it's only fair. And Mr. Turms, I don't believe you've had more than six words with our other companions."

He adjusts himself, sitting up straight "I am Sark d'Cannith. I'm pleased to be working with each of you." It's possible he was taught some manners after all, but it's clear this doesn't come as naturally to him as he would like you to believe.

2018-04-19, 02:15 PM
"Gerhardt Esperk, tracker and hunter. I deal with things.... up close."

2018-04-19, 06:11 PM
"Tracking appears to be a reaches speciality, I too am quite the capable tracker, though it's by no means my trade of choice. I've left that place behind me to become a merchant. I do my best to things and people; to sell stuff you gotta know stuff after all. To be honest, I only got into this adventuring game because a guy at my church said it was an easy to a quick buck but if we are to go back home then it's certainly outside of his suggested time frame. Which kind of makes me wonder what is going on... you thanked the seer from bringing the matter to your house but you went to her not even knowing what the job was.... has your house been sending people to this seer hoping that she would eventually tell one of your people what SHE needed help with?... That sounds so ineffecient!!!"

2018-04-19, 06:15 PM
Sark shrugs "I was being polite. But I largely thanked her because, whoever she is, she is obviously quite powerful and influential. To give her my House's gratitude was a trivial price to pay if it meant avoiding insult. And yes, she had been looking for the right member of my House for some time He looks somewhat pleased with himself as he notes that I suspect our leadership knows more about her than I do or they wouldn't have bothered sending anyone."

2018-04-19, 06:39 PM
"Your house must put great stall by these promised secrets of her given that they kept sending members in the hope one would be accepted..." he then mumbles to himself "I wonder if I can get in on that action, maybe it's stock tips like 'stock up on apples because this winter everyone will want then' or something" before continueing "if the price of the ticket doesn't come out of my fee of wallet then I'm all for it. Would you want us to go along to tell this Merrix or should meet up later after you've done it"

2018-04-20, 08:09 PM
After about twenty minutes the waiter comes back around with several plates, mugs, and a small cup for Bulwark. The food smells like fresh barbecue.

You have enjoyed this food before, and it is up to what you expect from them, perhaps a little better. You know that no matter how long you are going to be away not being able to eat meals like this in the wilderness will be something to be missed.

The meat is surprisingly good, if not a little different than what you were expecting, but the road is calling, and meals like this will make you fat, and smelly, not good for the wilds.

This meal is one of the best meals you have ever had! It is Free! And you know what they say, your favorite food is free food. Perhaps sticking to this Sark fellow won't be all bad.

You look at the cup with a healthy dose of skepticism. Inside is a rather murky liquid. It doesn't look like anything else the fleshy companions of yours seems to enjoy and consume daily, however Sark bought it for you, so you might as well try it. You bring it up to your lips and drink a little. You've drunk things before, mainly potions, and you know the consistency is different. But then a sensation hits you. It is strange. You believe this is what the others may call... "taste". It is very enjoyable. Soon enough you have finished your cup, although you know not to be hasty. You wouldn't know how to describe the flavor however.

Bulwark's drink is a cup of water mixed with a diluted potion of Prestidigitation. The "fruit" flavor tastes vaguely like strawberries. The spell Prestidigitation is able to flavor things, however the flavor is entirely magical, meaning even a warforged should be able to taste it.

2018-04-23, 09:49 AM
Gerhardt samples the meal, eating the meaty portions with little appreciation for the marbling of the cut, and leaves a good portion of the fat on the plate. The potatoes suffer a similar fate, the healthiest portions consumed leaving the heavily fried and buttered skins behind. The ale is accepted without hesitation, and by its end the hint of a smile can be obsenin the shifter’s face.

”So... to House Cannith then? I’ll stay with you. Can’t be having ‘the chosen one’ stabbed in an ally before we do the job.”

2018-04-23, 10:44 AM
Billy eats his wood quickly, it was a habit he hadn't been able to shake from the hunter-gather lifestyle. You don't want the smell to attract wild animals, especially since you're pretty defenceless while eating. Once he's done though he asks his question once: "What do you want us to do boss, follow you to the House or wait for you? It's your decision."

2018-04-24, 06:09 PM
Sark eats with clear enjoyment. He would have to pay up after all, the ale and meat did pair quite well. After a moment, he answers We can split up for now, if there are supplies you'll want to gather. If we split, then meet at the Cannith enclave in a few hours. It shouldn't take longer than that to secure the funds. When the group is finished eating, Sark pays (leaving a decent tip), and will lead the way to the Cannith enclave for those who are joining him.

2018-04-26, 03:25 PM
The Warforged is the last to finish, though not at all due to appetite or a desire to savor a meal-merely the exploration of the unfamiliar caused him to take so much time enjoying his food. "I have nothing I am want for." He adds as they travel. "I would merely wait at the enclave until all are ready to go, but it is my duty to, 'stick around', as they say."

2018-04-27, 03:07 PM
"I've got no bussiness in this town yet, so if we're all going I might as well tag along. Gives me a chance to learn how one of these great houses of commerce operates!"

2018-04-29, 07:34 PM
You guys leisurely walk back to one of the magic lifts that are around Sharn, taking the lift up and towards House Cannith's Enclave. You pass through the markets and the Church to Kol Korran, before finally arriving. You ask after Merrix d'Cannith, and learn that he is expecting you. You are quickly ushered into his office, a grand place truly showing off the wealth of House Cannith. All due to it's success. Mostly due to The Last War. Innovation truly driven by the needs of the people, and the people apparently needed war. The entrance is guarded by two golems that look like Tigers, and upon entering you see half finished gizmos all around. Merrix stands inside just behind a desk made entirely of Adamantine engraved with a stunning picture of a warforged mid combat. The edges of the desk have small basic pictures of golems.
"You have visited the Queen. You appear before me with guests and an eager look. What news do you bring?" He asks with an almost excited look on his face.

2018-05-01, 02:46 PM
Sark nods respectfully to Merrix The Queen is a seer and her visions had her seeking the right member of our house. She's asked us to assist House Vadalis in Varna. Apparently, we're to thwart a great conflict. She has offered what she insists is "valuable information" to our house in exchange if my team solves this problem. Additionally, we will benefit greatly if we can recognize "Fortune's Friend". She was... cryptic and used the old names for the houses, as the dragons do.

2018-05-03, 11:29 AM
"Ahhh. Excellent. Curry The Queen's favor at the same time that we gain a debt from House Vadalis. Be sure to be professional. Our ties with House Vadalis have been.. Strained of late. I have confidence in your abilities as an artificer and heir to house Cannith. You also have Bulwark here, a fine creation, and a stalwart one at that. I am unsure of your other companions here, however I will trust in your judgement in that manner. If you need funds to complete the mission please feel free, however please do not draw more than what is necessary. Once you have returned I expect a full report."

2018-05-04, 02:48 PM
Sark smiles and nods again to Merrix Thank you, cousin. I'll ensure the House is honored through our actions and our allies in Vadalis will know they can rely on us. I'll return as soon as I can. Please let my family know I hope to see them again shortly and give my regards to my parents. He turns to leave, making calculations in his head about how much money they would need to withdraw.

2018-05-05, 12:46 AM
The trip to and through Cannith left an ache in Gerhardt’s jaw. He despised austentation, and everything in the house oozed with the pretentious of wealth. It was only as they were leaving that he spoke. ”I ache for the wilds. When do we leave?”

2018-05-10, 03:27 PM
The trip to the Lightning Rail and northward to Passage is an uneventful one. Everyone is beginning to ache from being on the Lightning Rail for a prolonged period, and are ready for adventure. You have arrived in Passage, and may choose how to proceed.

2018-05-10, 10:05 PM
As they exit the lightning rail, Sark examines their surroundings, stretching his limbs which had grown stiff from sitting for the last few hours of the trip Not a bad looking place, I must say. I've never been this far out of Breland; what might be good to know about the area? He looks to Billy and Gerhardt as he asks.

2018-05-14, 10:19 AM
"I can tell you that Trade in this town is booming, it's a very common route to take for us Merchants and so there always plenty of travelling salesmen around these parts. This is always a great place to pick up supplies before entering the more dangerous forests, but I think we're plenty stocked. And, luckily for us, our destination, Varna is one of the closer cities. Quite doable on foot." William pauzes for a second before slightly ammending his statement "of course, when I left here I did the whole journey on foot to save on gold, so you might want to make that particular call yourself"

2018-05-15, 04:36 PM
"Are the surroundings too dangerous to travel through the night?" The Warforged inquires, possibly the least to be bothered by the long stiff ride, though intrigued by the nature of the rail itself. "I must only rest briefly at each dawn, and may even stand guard over us should we need to stop and rest. I still have nothing I want for, if we are ready."

2018-05-16, 11:22 AM
The rhythmic shaking of the car was a staccato counterpoint to the bouncing of the soldier's knee. Swathed in dark browns and blacks, each soldier in the car was sitting quiet and ready, hands reaching by habit from time to time to check the seat and draw on a weapon, a bolt, a narrow cord.... implements of the job. The car was poorly lit, and the shadows... suited the team. The one soldier, knee bouncing, thick hair covering head and jawline... looked about and smiled at these companions he had found.


The shifter had been very quiet for the duration of the journey on the lightning rail, barely speaking a word, eating sparingly and refusing any drink but water. From time to time, his knee would start bouncing as he sat and his hands had snapped down to it before he rose and paced back and forth. He didn't speak on it, but the space clearly bothered him.

Now, stepping out onto the platform and down into the bustling streets of Passage Gerhardt stretches out to the length of his arms, rising up onto the tips of his toes and making a satisfied sound somewhere between a yawn and a growl. He looks about, the shadows cleared from his eyes, and lets out a chuckle.

"Safe? This is the Reaches, friend. You are as safe as you are prepared to be, day or night here. Luckily for you... you have me." His smile is feral and confident. "Now, is there anything else we need to do in this joke of a city, or shall we make away from this chaos and find some real world to walk on?"

2018-05-18, 05:54 PM
How long is the trip to Varna on foot? I'd consider horses, but I'm not sure we'll find one that can support Bulwark He pats the warforged on the back in a friendly gesture. If it won't be too long, I won't worry about it. As for danger, I'm sure the four of us are more than capable of defending ourselves.

2018-05-20, 01:14 PM
"What's the rush Gerhardt? This is a great place my friend. In that forest of yours, of ours, you can't find nothing but wild beasts and wild people. No, the city is where life is at. In fact, come to think of it, some of my old contacts might still be around, and if not, I could make some new ones." Billy then turns to his employer and continues "It's going to take us a few days, maybe 5 or 6 to walk there. Depending on setbacks. It's not as quick as on horses but you really don't want to go through these woods on a mount unless you completely trust them and to my father's shame, I never learned to ride one myself. Horses are a thing of the past now that we've got the Iron Horse! Seeing that it is going to be quite the track, I think it might be wise to make the best of this place while we're still here. The seer said we should help 'the Handlers' but gave us no indication as to what they need help with" he then slaps Sark on the shoulder and keeps his arm there while he continues further getting slightly faster with every sentence again "but we must never forget that the more you know, the more you can charge! You don't want to go in there and just say "I'm here to help", you'll charge them for a day what might take you a week. No, sir, no. You want to KNOW what they need you for, that way, when it comes to negotiating our fee we'll be on more solid ground. In fact, unless you know their troubles before hand, they might not even trust you can help. I mean, if someone came up to you and said 'hey, I can solve your big secret problem' would you be like 'great, let me tell you my secret problem', no, sir no! You would want to know how much he knew before you decided to spill your own beans. So let's get in the know, let me go ask around for a few hours. I'll meet you guys here in like, 4 hours or so. Or, I'll find you again. I'm a tracker after all, but when I'm back I should know more, I should be able to tell you some more rumours about House Vadalis that could tell us what they need from us!" and of Billy went, running away looking for either his old contacts or to find some knew ones. "

So, I'm mainly going to inquire to any rumours around House Vadalis, specifically about any problems they seem to be trying to keep hidden. I'm mainly asking my fellow travelling merchants, whether they be out side selling their stuff or inside drinking an ale at the bar, but also asking criminals (my business is generally on the up and up but I may occasionally have taken in an item whose provinance was not quite known to me. Kol Korran is worshipped by rogues for a reason ;) )
Gather Information [roll0]
Duration [roll1]

2018-05-22, 02:54 PM
Gerhardt barely manages to listen through William's speech, and he rolls his eyes quite dramatically towards the end of it.

"Yes, do your hunting here in the town. I'll go do my hunting in the wild, where I can breathe the air freely. Sark, stay with close to your ally and I'll find you outside the city."

With that, he is off and before too long finds himself outside of the city, ranging about seeking prey. A single bear catches his eye, unaware of his approach. Normally he might have passed it by... but he has been gone from the Reaches for a long time now, and the urge to recapture some of his natural place here overwhelms perhaps his own good sense. With a careful approach, he moves tactically and throws one of his axes.

Moving 10' to activate skirmish, then attacking. Flatfooted because surprise.

[roll0] to hit with a throwing axe for [roll1] Damage
[roll2] to confirm crit for [roll3] Damage

[roll4] Initiative.

2018-05-22, 03:17 PM
The bear catches the axe with his bulk. It charges at you
[roll0] and swings its claw at you for
[roll1] damage.

Successful Spot check: The creature seems to be bleeding heavily from where your axe hit it

2018-05-22, 03:38 PM
Moving back 10' to activate skirmish

[roll0] Tumble check to avoid attack of opportunity (DC 15)

[roll1] to hit with a throwing axe for [roll2] Damage
[roll3] to confirm crit for [roll4] Damage

2018-05-22, 03:58 PM
The bear fearful because it has become the prey flees. It takes the Run action and dashes into a cave.

You follow the bear into the cave. As you enter you see the bear against the back wall of the cave staring at you aggressively.

2018-05-22, 04:14 PM
Gerhardt retrieves his axes and follows the bear to its cave, and takes a careful look around looking particularly for cubs (young bears).

[roll0] Spot check

If he sees none, he goes in for the kill, stepping forward 10’.

[roll1] to hit for [roll2] damage

2018-05-22, 04:19 PM
"Well, Bul, I'd suggest a cafe, but I'm not sure they'd have anything for you out here. Anything you want to see before we hit the road?" If Bulwark has no suggestions, Sark finds a cafe and checks the warforged over for any minor damages.

Just some fluff while im at work. I might prep some things when I get home. It would be good to have access to some on-the-fly magic before we head out.

2018-05-22, 04:40 PM
Gerhardt walks the rest of the way into the cave and retrieves his axe from the bear's head, wincing as the claw wound across his ribs pulls. Taking a moment to bind some strips of cloth around himself, he sets to skinning and harvesting the bear's meat and parts, keeping everything.

[roll0] Survival check, takes [roll1] hours.

Bringing everything with me, using the skin and a few poles (cut from nearby trees or branches) to make a travois to pull.

2018-05-22, 04:46 PM
The bear dies a clean death. It fought according to the laws of nature, and fell to the same.

2018-05-24, 12:09 PM
After a lpng and exhaustive search through town for information on thr Vadalis bussiness struggles, Billy puts together a possible image of their situation, and boy is it a doozy. He tracks his employer to a cafe and once all four are together he starts talking: "Well my friends, this might be THE time to invest in the animal trade, if we can find some that is. Maybe the people of House Cannith can build some construct creatures? I know there is already thd Lightning Rail, the big old Iron Horse, but people will probably want something a little more portable. We should start work on it as soon as possible!!!" he then looks at the confused faces around him and realises he should start from the beginning "Alright, so I checked in with some of the traders, and a friend of mine told me that he tried to purchase a Vadalis Horse to pull his wagon, because of course you want the best. If you skimp on that it will only hurt your bussiness down the line. Anyway, so this guy goes to stable after stable but he keeps being turned down because guess what? All the horses are gone." he pauses for a second, before continueing at the same incredible speed "Now you might think this means bussiness is booming for House Vadalis, being sold out means you just earned a lot of dough but I find it hard to believe that's what happened. This is like their main thing, I find it hard to imagine that they managed to sell ALL those horses. No I think they are going missing. I've heared stories of other animals going missing, one man told me that 'the druids' stole his Vadalis Warhorse. Not sure if his accusation is correct but it was certainly true that his property got taken. Some boys dog went missing and although frankly that's an every day occurance, I managed to overhear Vadalis Member trying to comfort the boy by telling him his trusty dog was just doing his job and that he would "bring the sheep back". So apparently the sheep are gone too. In fact, I checked out one of their stables only to find no horses" He pauses for breath one more time and now slows down for his final point: "What really clinches it for me is that I just spend a good amount of time helping another Vadalis Worker by playing translator. This guy was desperate for a Dwarf's Mules and I mananged to help him buy them. But why? The House of Vadalis breeds the best animals, all over the country people come to them to buy their animals, why would they ever bother to buy ours unless their shotage isn't from the biggest sales year in their history but instead the result of theft. I'm willing to bet that someobe or something in this forest is taking or luring the Vadalis Beasts away and they need fresh eyes on the problem. Or maybe a Guard Golem to protect their stock"

2018-05-24, 04:55 PM
The Warforged stays non-verbal, almost uncommunative aside from a shrug to Sark when questioned. He had no business, other than to his current duties. Though, Billy's mention of animals and further talk of transport and duty did slightly stir his curiosity. "Is there a breed of animal large enough to carry my weight, that would not shatter the bank?" he asks Sark aside in a minute groan. "I am quite bulky."

He does decide to properly address Billy's information directly. "Are you saying that we might need to go and rescue the potentially stolen transport, or at least stop the continued theft? Do we have time for such a quest?"

2018-05-24, 05:28 PM
Surprisingly, it's usually silent warforged who speaks first, so billy turns to him and answers: "I'm saying that this is a problem House Vadalis seems to be dealing with. Now I don't know and I can't know what they might need of us, so our next course of action hasn't changed, we will still need to walk to Varna which will take us a couple of days. However, having insight into ther situation should give us more leverage when it comes to talking to House Vadalis. The seer wanted us to assisst the Handler's so we need to get House Vadalis to allow us to help with whatever problem they are facing that could turn into a 'Major Conflict' so that the Seer will tell us a secret that the boss can then give to his 'clan' so that his House pays him and he can pay us.... Is business between two of the houses always this convoluted?"

2018-05-24, 06:19 PM
The stripping down of the bear had gone remarkably well, the fatty meat releasing the skin easily to a sharp knife and the meat coming free in easily stored chunks. A few felled saplings formed poles for a travois, and the bear was quickly repackaged: meat, organs, bones and all wrapped back in the skin from whence they came, all loaded onto the travois to be pulled more easily across the ground. It was as he prepared to leave that Gerhardt remembered the old, half-blind Moonspeaker who had guided his first steps towards the life he now led... and the honor the old mystic had always shown to fallen prey. Murmuring a quick prayer, he knelt and sketched what he could remember of a druid symbol for rebirth and sustenance into the bloody mud of the cave floor before taking his leave.

Though he had intended to meet his companions on the road, he quickly became impatient waiting by the road with his kill and decided to return and meet up with his allies within Passage once more. Feeling much more at home, though still somewhat injured and well-dirtied with the blood and gore of his kill, he made his way back and found his companions.


Having listened to William's tale, Gerhardt thinks long on the druids of the local lands. "Druids took them, eh? Hrmph. Not the main body of them, I'd say. Seems like Ashbound behaviour if any, though who's to say whether other sects have started taking up their ways. If we need to tangle with them...." He glances side-long at Sark and the warforged. "Well, let's just say we'd best be on our guard. They don't take kindly to the arcane." He pauses, lost in thought for a moment, then brightens. Thumping the travois (which he had dragged into the cafe when he entered, ignoring complaints), he smiles broadly. "I've found us some fresh meat for the road, friends! And a clean hide, I'm sure I can find something to do with that. So.... when do we leave?"

2018-05-24, 06:30 PM
Sarl nods to Billy Business between Houses is always complicated. It's business, if it were easy we would've been replaced by now. He absorbs Gerhardts words, wondering if it truly was druids interfering in Vadalis business It seems ideal we leave sooner rather than later. Beyond the fact that we'll have an easier time the less damage they can do, I don't like that someone has involved the livelihoods of regular folk in their grudge against a House. Seems unfair. He pays (extra, in apology for fresh meat the bloody Gerhardt dragged into the cafe) and stands Gerhardt, I know a trick for your wounds. Would you like some healing?

2018-05-24, 07:08 PM
Gerhardt pauses, rolling his shoulders to test the pull on the wound, the poles of the travois already in his hands. ”Yes, I think I have carried this long enough. I will accept your healing, Sark.”

2018-05-24, 08:54 PM
You set out for Varna. A good week's travel on foot. I am assuming Bulwark will pull watches as needed, and you guys are sticking to roads as you can. You trust in Gerhardt and William to keep you on course. Very rarely do Gerhardt and William bicker about their course or which way is better. Only once does Gerhardt aggressively say that William is wrong and that his way would lead you into trouble. William submits to Gerhardt as angering him would prove useless. A short while later Gerhadt finds a Den of Dire Bears in the path he had chosen.

(I am assuming you guys decide to avoid the den of dire bears, however if you guys would like to come back here just ignore the rest here and we'll start up there) Gerhardt then realizes that William is a better tracker than he realized. (up to you guys how you roleplay it)

It's a fairly easy travel, however on the fifth night you had to camp outside. Something set Gerhardt's hair on end, and it wasn't until later that evening that he realized what. Wolves. The sound of a dozen howls went out into the night, and Gerhardt suggested a double watch this night.

Spot from Bulwark (1d20+0)[20]
Spot from Gerhadt (1d20+7)[15]

Bulwark sees it first, but only just a moment before Gerhardt. The largest wolf either of you have ever seen flanked by 3 ordinary looking wolves.

The large wolf is missing it's left ear, and has a scar across it's muzzle, Bulwark's inherent knowledge helps him recognize that it is scar from a bastard sword. Gerhardt's knowledge of animals helps him recognize that they are clearly beginning to circle their 'prey'.

2018-05-24, 08:57 PM
Average: 10


Wolves go first, and begin to circle the group

2018-05-25, 01:17 PM
Gerhardt tenses, eyes tracking from wolf to wolf as they circle the party. Under his breath in a low growl, he says: "Bulwark, keep the non-coms safe. I'll split their focus. Be ready to move..... NOW!"

With a surge of energy, the shifter dashes to one side, aiming to intercept the largest of the wolves as they circle the party. He looses a savage roar as me moves, a throwing axe springing to hand as he moves. He stops just short of the circle, his whole body uncoiling as he flings the axe forward at the wolf.

Skirmish active (moved 30')
Throwing Axe: [roll0] to hit, for [roll1] damage
Potential Crit: [roll2] to hit, for [roll3] damage

*Note* I forgot to add Point Blank shot previously in my battle against the bear. It is now included, as my throws will pretty much always be within 30'.

2018-05-25, 03:18 PM
Sark awakens, dazed for a moment, until he sees the approaching wolves Why the... Non-com? He moves to stand and whips out an ashen wand.

So, I've got my wand of Burning hands out and I'm on my feet, I think that's all I can do this turn.

2018-05-27, 01:37 AM
"It means your safety..." the Warforged declares, coming out of his watchful stance as the battle begins, twirling his weapon above his head and bringing it down as he prepares for combat with the beasts, his eye sockets flashing a malevolent red. "...is the primary concern."

For now, Bulwark does not perform a specific action, other than, as a swift action, entering the Stance Iron Guard's Glare (any enemies that he can threaten that attack other characters but him take a -4 penalty to their attack rolls). However, not only does he intend to make an Attack of Opportunity on any Wolf that first enters into the range of his reach weapon, but he is readying to strike them with a Maneuver, too! Lets see which ones he might do. In order:

1. Crusader's Strike
2. Vanguard Strike
3. Charging Minotaur
4. Stone Bones
5. Leading the Attack


Hm. Crusader's Strike, Vanguard Strike, and Charging Minotaur. I'll have him use Vanguard Strike if he moves before any of his allies, and Crusader's Strike if not. If that's okay.

2018-05-29, 07:39 AM
"Why? Because to the barbarian mindset smart fighting shouldn't count as real fighting" Billy response to Sark's question as he too stands up. He picks up his crossbow and studies the wolfs

Knowledge Devotion Roll
Knowledge Nature: [roll0]
Now, depending on what I roll, I either get +1 (15 or lower) +2 (16-25) or +3 (26 - 30) on Attack and Damage rolls against wolfs (and other Nature creatures if they join in later) until the battle ends.

EDIT: +2 it is

2018-06-12, 03:15 PM
With a surge of energy, the shifter dashes to one side, aiming to intercept the largest of the wolves as they circle the party. He looses a savage roar as me moves, a throwing axe springing to hand as he moves. He stops just short of the circle, his whole body uncoiling as he flings the axe forward at the wolf.

The axe crunches into the wolf, but the wolf seems to only get angrier.

Sark jumps up a wand seemingly pulled from nowhere

Bulwark braces for impact

Billy pulls out a crossbow.

The bloody wolf takes a step towards Gerhardt and takes a bite (it missed)
One of the smaller wolves heads over to flank Gerhardt, but Bulwark catches it (it provokes an attack of opportunity and triggers your held action)
The other two wolves seem to be going for the physically weaker looking members of the group


2018-06-13, 04:46 PM
As the wolfs approach Billy calmly loads his crossbow. He doesn't let the danger of the situation pressure him, when it comes to preparation you should always take your time. It's in the execution where you can speed things up, and boy does he. He runs towards Sark, embolded by divine speed and fires his crossbow bolt at the wolf coming at them from the top as he stops next to his employer. "Don't worry boss, I've been in this situation before."

I load my crossbow as a move action, than use Travel Devotion to move as a swift action for 30 ft (appearing in the square above Sark) and then, as my standard action I fire my Crossbow bolt, gaining +1 on ATK and Damage from Precise Shot for being within 30 ft of my target, as well as +1d6 Skirmish Damage from having moved more than 10 ft. on top of the +2 on ATK and Damage I get from Knowledge Devotion, making my roll:

Attack Roll Hand Crossbow: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + Skirmish [roll2] = Total of 7

2018-06-19, 01:44 AM
I should've grabbed my crossbow Sark steps forward, just putting the wolf within range of his wand, and channels his will, pushing the magic from the wand despite his lack of innate casting power.

I think I only need to move 5 feet to hit the nearest wolf. 10 at the most.

UMD [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2018-06-23, 03:22 PM
Bulwark strikes at the wolf with his Vanguard Strike
[roll0], [roll1]
Then Bulwark's held action triggers, allowing him to attack the wolf again [roll2] +4 if Vangaurd strike hit, [roll3]

Billy vanishes appearing beside his employer a nocked crossbow in hand, less than a second after he arrives he fires.
Sark steps around Billy and flourishes his wand, saying the command word, and... nothing. Smoke comes out of his wand

Not all shifters are feral, however at this point in time it definitely looks like Gerhardt is a feral shifter, as he leaps upon the wolf clawing and biting at it. Although Gerhardt's attacks seem to be landing only one of them drew blood.

2018-06-23, 03:31 PM
The wolves retaliate

The Big Wolf angered at the feral shifter bites down. 18 to hit, and deals 16 damage.
The wolf that got stabbed at by Bulwark retaliates with a bite of his own 17 to hit, and deals 5 damage. The wolf near Billy charges Billy 10 to hit misses Billy.
The final wolf charges Bulwark's flank getting a 27 to hit, and dealing 7 damage. Bulwark is knocked prone from the attack.

2018-06-27, 01:29 PM
Loosing a feral scream, the transformed shifter shifts to the side, circling around the large wolf again before lashing out with claws and teeth once more.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] Claw 1
[roll2] to hit for [roll3] Claw 2
[roll4] to hit for [roll5] Bite

Crit confirms....
[roll6] to hit for [roll7] Claw 1
[roll8] to hit for [roll9] Claw 2
[roll10] to hit for [roll11] Bite

2018-06-27, 04:50 PM
As the wolf comes at him he manages to dodge thanks to his divine speed, the others fighters are not so lucky though. His fellow tracker's family reunion seems to have taken a bad turn and the Warforged thing is on the ground. He jumps back and reload his crossbow and for a bit he hesitates as to at which one to shoot, but finally he decides to fire another shot at the one he hurt early. If he manages to drop that one he can start focusing on helping his allies. These wolves are being such a hassle "You know, things like this is why I left this place in the first place"

I move to N9 as a swift action, as a move action I reload my crossbow, as a standard action I fire it and as a free action I complain about the dangers of the Eldeen Reaches. After moving I get the same modifiers as the last round.
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2] (Total = 8)
and, in case I get lucky
Critical Confirmation: [roll3]
Critical Damage [roll4]

2018-06-28, 03:23 AM
If this is normal, remind me to never come back. Sark is notably annoyed at the wand's lack of response and smacks it against his leg as if he believes that will help, before pointing it back at the wolf and willing the magic through it again.

UMD [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2018-07-02, 01:49 PM
Gerhardt circles the wolf and hits twice more. Gerhardt knows after what he's done this thing shouldn't be standing, let alone as hearty as it is.

Billy fires off another bolt, sinking the bolt into the wolf's snarling mouth. The wolf falls over, not quite dead, but definitely down for the count.

Sark tries to cook the wolf, but it seems his wand is really just a stick. (seriously though isn't it a DC 20?)

Bulwark rolls stone bones for his recovered maneuver, and very quickly puts it to use. He uses Travel Devotion to appear behind a wolf and strike it.
If he hits he gains DR 5/adamantine for the round.

2018-07-02, 01:53 PM
The wolves retaliate. The big one attempts to bite Gerhardt again, and rolls a total of 15, missing narrowly.
The smaller wolf attempts to get at Billy however Bulwark defends his small ally.

The final Wolf rushes around the clearing to get at Sark preferring flesh to hard wood. In doing so it does provoke an attack of opportunity for Gerhardt.

2018-07-03, 06:50 PM
While Billy focusses his aim on the wolf threathening his employer and therefor his future pay day, a different wolf charges him. Luckily for the Billy, the Warforged had gotten up and is ready to intercept the beast aa he fires his arrow. The wolfs go down together, leaving only 2 more to threaten them

"Thanks.. Bulwark! You should go and help Gerhardt with the big one while hunt down the running one!" Billy says while reloads his crossbow. He then makes yet another godly dash around the tree before firing the arrow at the last small wolf!

As a move action I load my crossbow while thanking bulwark for the protection, then as a swift action I move to P4 (posting from my phone, so I can't edit the sheet yet) before firing my shot as a standard action.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2] = 6

2018-07-04, 07:03 PM
With a snarl, Gerhardt lashes out with claws and fangs at the wolf, seeking to drive it into the ground and tear the life from it.

[roll0] to hit for [roll1] Bite
[roll2] to hit for [roll3] Claw
[roll4] to hit for [roll5] Claw

2018-07-04, 09:12 PM
Sark curses and drops the wand on his bedroll, dipping to grab his heavy mace I guess I'll just have to hit things with a big metal stick, then. He prepares to move and attack the large wolf

Ah, 3.5 action economy. I can pick up a heavy mace in six seconds, but doing so prevents me from moving even 5 feet

2018-08-05, 10:42 AM
You hit the wolf, and the wolf snarls much like Gerhardt did rather recently.

Your claws both miss however your bite does sink in, you get the feeling that you are losing this fight alone

You have a big metal stick out.

Bulwark: Crusader Strike Recovered and Leading the Attack Recovered as free actions.
Bulwark moves towards the Large Wolf as a move action.
Bulwark activates Crusader Strike hitting the wolf with a 20 to hit, dealing 10 damage, and healing Gerhardt for 8 points of damage as a standard action.
Bulwark activates Iron Guard's Glare as a swift action.

2018-08-05, 10:48 AM
The final small wolf leaps for Billy's throat, 20 to hit, 3 damage. Billy needs to make an opposed trip save against the wolf if the wolf hits, DC 5.

The big wolf attempts to ignore the fact that Bulwark is here attempting for more juicy prey, 15 to hit -4 from iron guard's glare is an 11 to hit Gerhardt, 14 damage.

2018-08-06, 05:00 PM
Glancing between his allies, Sark realizes Billy is most in need of assistance and rushes the wolf, swinging at it with his heavy mace.

Not a charge due to difficult terrain


2018-08-08, 08:05 AM
The bolt he fired at the fleeing wolf was enough to get his attention, enough of his attention to get charged by him in fact. Billy manages to stand his ground against the wolf and even before Billy can get to his crossbow his employer comes towards him and smacks the wolf away, which in turn allows Billy to move towards the final wolf, reload and shoot!

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

2018-08-14, 09:15 AM

Gerhardt offers a swift feral smile at Bulwark before diving and tumbling to reach the far side of the wolf, lashing out with his fangs in an attempt to end the battle.

[roll0] Tumble to avoid AoO square 1
[roll1] Tumble to avoid AoO square 2
[roll2] to hit for [roll3] Damage

2018-08-14, 06:17 PM
Sark will rush over, quickly working his way around the dead wolf to smack the wolf upside the head. Dropping it dead

Billy sees his employer quickly take down the distracted wolf and fires at the final wolf left, hitting it's flank, however the bolt seems to not have penetrated the wolf's thick hide as it falls to the ground harmlessly.

Gerhardt spurred on by his ally moves to flank, although he stumbles slightly giving the wolf a moment to attempt to strike. The wolf gets a snap at gerhardt's throat, but Bulwark's glare unnerves him (making him miss his critical confirmation) however the wolf still manages to deal 15 points of damage. Gerhardt pays the wolf back in kind.

Bulwark as a free action feels the power of Dol Dorn as he recovers Leading the Attack.
As a standard action he strikes using Leading the Attack, 23 to hit, 7 damage, all allies gain +4 to hit for the round.

2018-08-14, 06:18 PM
The final wolf will bite at Bulwark, getting upset at Bulwark's constant glare, hitting Bulwark for 17 damage. The brave bulwark crumples under that attack and falls backwards.

2018-08-17, 08:04 PM
Bulwark! seeing his companion fall, Sark rushes the wolf. As Gerherdt falls with him, Sark fills with dread. He offers a prayer to any gods that might listen and moves to strike the oversized beast.

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]

2018-08-19, 11:18 AM
"And here I thought this job would be easy" Billy mumbles to himself as he see his companions fall to the massive beast. As his boss charges in he makes another half circle before firing again, hoping, praying for the kill.

Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage Roll: [roll1] + [roll2]

2018-08-26, 06:56 PM
Sark charges in and hammers at the wolf getting it in the knee. It turns to face Sark as the only melee combatant standing, and Billy prays as he fires a final shot. The shot sinks into the wolf's eye finishing the beast off.

[roll0] Stabilization attempt for Gerhardt, 1-10 is success.

2018-08-26, 07:04 PM
You are each awarded 788 experience for the combat. Going to skip a little bit. I am going to assume that one of the following happens
A) Sark uses a repair light damage infusion to bring Bulwark back, who then spontaneously casts cure light wounds to bring Gerhardt up.
B) Sark uses a repair light damage infusion to bring Bulwark back, while Billy uses a healing spell to bring Gerhardt up.

Either way you all live through the encounter. You arrive at Varna two days later. Nothing else exciting happens on the remainder of the journey.

2018-08-27, 12:38 PM
Sark acts oddly confident through the remainder of their travel, making comments about destiny and how he knew they'd make it through. However, it seems obvious it's mostly bluster and that he's relieved they all survived. When they arrive in Varna, he seems to relax slightly and any remaining false confidence is replaced by a far calmer readiness to get this job done. He'll begin seeking out the House Vadalis enclave here, so he can make proper introductions.

2018-09-17, 02:24 PM
The shifter had been very quiet for the balance of the journey. The brush with death had been unwelcome, a reminder of past troubles he had faced. Still, there was some benefit to the battle. Seeing their mercantile ally in battle had softened Gerhardt’s demeanor towards the human, and over the course of the journey he had offered to work together preparing the furs for sale.

The city, on their arrival, was at once familiar and strange. Still largely silent, he joined Stark in seeking out their client to move forward with this job.