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View Full Version : OotS #500 Predictions [Spoilers up to #484]

2007-09-01, 05:51 AM

The title says it all.

Post your predictions for what will happen in comic #500.

Please spoiler anything from SoD or OtOoPCs

2007-09-01, 06:29 AM
500 will not exist. Instead, The Giant will jump from 499 to 501, just to irk you

2007-09-01, 06:32 AM
Roy will be resurrected only to get killed by belkar who found miko's pokéball and summons Windstriker right above Roy's head.

How can't you know?

(btw windstriker will die from the shock of being summoned by a CE character causing belkar to double-fulfill his prophecy which makes the oracles head explode and gives Belkar a triple-fulfillment)

2007-09-01, 06:58 AM
Roy beeing resurrected is a possible bet. But is it likely?

16 more strips until #500 is not very much. I expect some afterlife-strips with Roy and Eugene. And: The order must reunite again and must find diamonds worth several thousand GP.
Is this possible in only 16 strips?

2007-09-01, 07:01 AM
im hoping for a nother intermission.
" we have become unto like tiny refreshing gods"

2007-09-01, 09:42 AM
Well, so far there's been Haley-Elan action, Xykon's horde moving out, and a 4-page capture by Miko. So it has to be something that drastically changes the plot. Maybe Roy being unwilling to return from the dead, or an assassination attempt on Hinjo.

2007-09-01, 10:11 AM
Or, of course, something normal.

2007-09-01, 10:25 AM
I don't know. I think the giant planned this page (484) to be 500. I think he rushed it a bit because he really wanted/needed his break. I think 500 will not be that special.

The Hop Goblin
2007-09-01, 01:26 PM
It might be one of those 'filler' comics like "taking questions from the fans" they did once or twice.

I'm hoping Giant, during this break, builds up a buffer that he has up to 500 already done by that point. That way he can relax and take time off when he needs and use up his 'reserves'.

2007-09-01, 01:32 PM
He could, but I think that the whole point of this break was for him not to have to work at all. You never know tho.

2007-09-01, 01:35 PM
it would be cool if mitd revealed himself to fight off hinjo and the nobles

2007-09-01, 02:04 PM
It might be one of those 'filler' comics like "taking questions from the fans" they did once or twice.

I'm hoping Giant, during this break, builds up a buffer that he has up to 500 already done by that point. That way he can relax and take time off when he needs and use up his 'reserves'.
He said a while ago (back when he posted her regularly...long time, that) that he can't build a buffer because, if a strip was written before it got posted, he wouldn't be able to resist tinkering with it until he'd ruined it.

2007-09-01, 06:54 PM
I'm hoping it will be somthing with the villains. so far, the "big numbered" strips were centered on the OOTS, weren't they?
Number 500 centering on Xykon, Redcloak and CitD could be neat.

By that point, I don't imagine a lot will have changed, though. 16 strips is not that much. I think the situation should be close to what it is now: Roy dead, the order split, Xykon in control of the city.
Team evil would have some information about the other gates, though, thanks to O-Chul, and Haley, Belkar and Roy would be trying to find a way to meet with the others.
I think Hinjo will either have renounced his plan of reconquerring the city, or will have split with V, Durkon and Elan. The 3 of them need to keep going for the third gate.

Plus, I really want some action that would not be in or directly outside of Azure City. So I hope at least one of the groups will get away from the city.

2007-09-01, 08:15 PM
I sense O-Chul getting his ass in to gear (literally), explaining that Miko did kinda actually do the right thing. Miko AND Roy get ressurected. I know that Miko isn't neccessarily an amazing character, and that Rich likes to make something that isn't neccessarily stereotypical of the genre, but Miko is this awesome little ball of frustration and anger for the team, and conflict is always good.

2007-09-01, 08:30 PM
alot of things can happen in comic #500. Just a couple of things, like a few people said CiTD could be revealed, maybe roy is ressurected, Also[spoiler i guess] maybe the mysterious red speech bubble guy is revealed.

David Argall
2007-09-04, 01:50 AM
#500 has little more than a random chance of being a dramatic change. 100 was even remarked in the comic as not special. 200 is rather mid plot. 300 of course was the end of a book, and we see with 484 that this is rather a coincidence. 400 is dramatic for Haley and Elan, but for plot purposes, much more dramatic were to follow shortly.

2007-09-05, 09:37 AM
The valiant effort to ressurect Roy hits a snag, since he has become a ghost -due to the blood oath.

2007-09-05, 09:45 AM
Ghost-Miko kills Ghost Roy.

Then she goes to hell.

2007-09-05, 10:23 AM
I'd like to see more afterlife strips too - however, it has been suggested (I don't know who by, sorry) that Rich might be intending to continue until Roy is rezzed online, and make the next book (not from online) set in the afterlife. This seems quite likely, since the afterlife stuff would be good for character development, but won't really move the quest forward at all.

2007-09-07, 04:52 PM
alot of things can happen in comic #500. Just a couple of things, like a few people said CiTD could be revealed, maybe roy is ressurected, Also[spoiler i guess] maybe the mysterious red speech bubble guy is revealed.

Not to toot the whole, "Too soon" horn again, but going on past precedent, "the mysterious off panel speaker" in panel 120 wasnt revealed til panel 266ish...

It could be revealed really soon, but it seems too large of a jump

2007-09-09, 05:22 PM
in comic 500 what will happen is
:roy: will be resurrected
:mitd: will be revaled
:vaarsuvius: sex will be find out
redbubbleguy will be revaled
:belkar: will fulfill prophecy
:xykon: will be destoryed again (but come back)
:roach: will get stepped on
:sabine: and :nale: break up
:thog: wins the lottery
:redcloak: comes out of the closet
:miko: come back then spontaioinly combust
:durkon: gose insane
:elan:takes over the world
:haley: gose to rehab
banjo leads a revolt of puppets and take over d@d and makes puppets the only pc class
ok maybe i should stop now:smallbiggrin:

basilisk 89
2007-09-09, 05:36 PM
Strip #500 will detail Mr. Scruffy's heroic escape from the castle. Duh.

2007-09-09, 05:48 PM
Ghost-Miko kills Ghost Roy.

Then she goes to hell.

she is probably already in hell.

David Argall
2007-09-09, 07:03 PM
Well, possibly in the sense that she is in a location where she has to admit others are right and she is wrong... But she seems to be in the LG part of heaven.

2007-09-14, 06:17 AM
I don't think there's any particular guarantee of that. I was, however, mildly surprised to see Eugene in the same plane of the afterlife as Roy. We hadn't seen much to indicate Eugene was even slightly cast in the 'heroic' mold.

I guess it all depends on the precise cosmology Rich is using for his setting. Elan's dirge would indicate there's at least some division between chaotic and lawful afterlives, and we're reasonably dure there's a G/E split. If there's a seperate destination for Miko and Paladins proper- which Windstriker can nonetheless visit- that suggests either a Neutral plane, or subdivisions within an LG afterlife. I'd favour the former.

So, I'm guessing there are planes for LG, LE, CE, CG, and TN, TN being Miko's 'best fit' at her time of death. In which case, some of will be relieved to hear, we might not see anything of her for quite some time.

On other points, I presume some familial Greenhilt bickering will be featured, V and Durkon will find Haley is uncontactable (courtesy of Cloister,) Haley will discover Miko's bisected body and have mixed feelings on the subject, and Hinjo will be busy securing provisions for the fleet. Nothing non-obvious that I can see. But you knew that already.

2007-09-15, 03:56 PM
Roy will be resurrected only to get killed by belkar who found miko's pokéball and summons Windstriker right above Roy's head.

How can't you know?

(btw windstriker will die from the shock of being summoned by a CE character causing belkar to double-fulfill his prophecy which makes the oracles head explode and gives Belkar a triple-fulfillment)

ya know the words belkar and triple fullfillment just sound dirty when used in the same sentence.......

2007-09-15, 06:03 PM
Roy being resurrected, for sure.