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2018-04-08, 09:15 AM
7:30 AM

The sun is just rising, casting the cold morning in a warm glow. News of the Black Citadel Incident, as others have begun to call it, spread fast, and thankfully some people of the world chose to respond to a call for help from Lord Gyr of House Gixx. To meet him in Absalom, and then head to Diobel. He met with each of you in brief, giving you thanks and praising your swiftness, leaving you in the company of a ship named Iron Pilgrimage, and a temporary badge of authority, recognizing you as an Officer of the Law of Absalom when displayed. Iron Pilgrimage left when it had its company of strangers gathered: two humans, two aasimars, two tieflings, and a dwarf, all in strange armors and garb, most with a noticeable presence of power. The captain is a stern woman, who, from word of her crew, fought for years against pirates, before testing her mettle in the more dangerous seas of the world, and what monsters it hides. Captain Ains, a tall half-orc with a fist of metal and rubies, sits on the deck of the ship eating a meal currently, her cook offering the same eggs, bread, and fish to you. Her crew work on the ship, many of them on alert for any sudden dangers in waters the Captain says they've sailed for years without much incident. The still air moves past you as you travel the side of the island. Despite the cold, and the wind, and the crew, and the water... its a quiet morning.

What do you do?

OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?549404-OOC-PF-Sevidical).


Pajură Vultur, Seeker of the Lost Kiss (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1458535)

Tanelia Sulvam (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1454249)

Braso Russala (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1452853)
Tiefling (Oni-Spawn)
Shifter (Fiendflesh)

Iskander of Manaket (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1452668)

Emilie Penell (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1452599)
Aasimar (Angelkin)

Baelann Truehammer (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1454384)

Sigrid the Deathless (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1453901)
Aasimar (Angelkin)
Skald (Fated Champion)

2018-04-08, 10:34 AM
Sitting on a coil of rope with a thin metal plate balanced on his knee, his helm on the deck beside him, Baelann is eating egg and bread with gusto. The fish, he refused with a bit of a grimace.

Baelann Truehammer is obviously a warrior -- he is clad in thick adamantine plate from head to toe. On his back, he is carrying a massive mithral shield, covered in spikes; it is almost as much of a weapon as the three axes hanging from the belt at his waist.

With his helm off, his light brown hair and long beard is occasionally blowing in the wind.

2018-04-08, 11:02 AM
Sigrid is sitting on the deck, her empty plate resting beside her. She seems entirely comfortable with the ship, despite wearing heavy, silvery plate armor and carrying a massive black greatsword. She cast a quick incantation upon boarding the ship, conjuring over a dozen invisible entities to help with the sailors' tasks, and now she watches them go about their work with a faint smile, slightly twisted by the scars on her face.

2018-04-08, 11:26 AM
Emilie sits by the side of the vessel, clad in metal like Baelann. She has pegged him as a fellow warrior. Her armour is plain in design, though each individual plate has angelic engravings. She has taken to the food with conflicting feelings. On the other hand, she loves food, but she is somewhat self-conscious about her appearance. She is also quite at home aboard a ship.

She has taken off her helmet, revealing light hair gathered in a braid. She wears a mask underneath it, covering the lower part of her face. Her face, the portion that is visible at least, is quite pretty. She eats with her back turned to the crew and the party.

2018-04-08, 11:29 AM
Tanelia takes the morning at a slow pace, finishing her meal halfway up the main mast. She stays out of the way of the busy crew and stares out toward the sea, looking for anything of interest that can help her overcome the impatience that has built up during this journey. She needs a fight, she needs progress in understanding the Black Citadel Incident. But without a clear path to them, she has to keep her frustration in check.

Active effects:
Nondetection on herself (17 hour duration).
Pass Without Trace on herself (17 hour duration).
Mind Blank on herself (24 hour duration)

Spells: 1st: 7/7 2nd: 6/7 3rd: 6/7 4th: 7/7 5th: 6/6 6th: 6/6 7th: 6/6 8th: 3/4
Arcane Pool: 16/16
Stygian Step: 11/11
Razor's Edge: 17/17

2018-04-08, 12:05 PM
Pajură spent the morning in prayer and reflection on the trouble that the Black Citadel may bring. The priestess swore that no matter what arose, she wouldn't shy away from helping others to the best of her power and ability. Afterwards, she left her quarters with her hair bound up tight in her sash, very make-do, but still serving a purpose. She had accepted the meal from the cook as gracefully as one can while on a ship surrounded by a working crew, the sash was unwound from her hair, letting it fall about her. It glimmers and glows softly in the light. Pajură called on the grace and glory of the sun, pressing a hand to her heart in prayer, and feeling herself grow in confidence. She lifted her head up at the sky, tracing where the sun was, before wrapping the sash about her eyes a few times to block it all out.

With that done, she began to speak in a clear, raised voice, her Qadiran accent growing stronger as her connection to the land and the culture grew also. She was about to tell tales from her childhood and the clergy, and wanted to do it the proper reverence that it deserved.

"The Dawnflower is known for her mercy and grace in all places. It's all too often that the people forget that while one hand holds mercy, the other holds a Scimitar for those who turn away from the light, or cannot be saved. The Scimitar is not a tool of destruction and murder, it is better used as a tool of surgery, a scalpel to cut away disease and illness. The Scimitar heals the land, abomination by abomination. Many stories you may have heard will be related to the healing miracles of Her Grace. This one is similar, but this isn't the healing of cuts and bruises, this is a healing on a greater level, the cleansing of an entire village.

There is evil all over the world, but it is said that Ustalav holds the most horrific examples of awfulness, all hidden beneath the gloom of the lands. One follower of the faith found himself alone one night in these lands, with no help to be found anywhere nearby. Lost, and feeling abandoned, he called out for Her guidance, and received it in the form of a blade, a forgotten blade that had not seen use for many years. With the light of the blade, he made his way to a local village, only to discover the place was tainted deeply. The dead shambled about as if still living, and one who consorts with the dead had taken up residence in the church, corrupting it's divinity.

This lone follower was no warrior, but with the blade in hand, he purged the monstrosities and horrors that rushed at him, one by one with his blade!" At this, a hand goes to the scimitar scabbard she typically wears, and with a flick of her wrist draws her flaming scimitar. She holds it out in front of her for a second, before letting the magic fall apart in her hand.

"They say that this scabbard once held that blade, and I mean to find it and reunite them once more. But... Back to our Sarenite...
After defeating the minions of the one that dealt in death, the man found himself face to face with the source of darkness himself. With nothing but his blade and prayers, he pushed forward through the curses and fell magic thrown his way, and promised that the wizard could find his way back onto the path of light. The Evil tried one last trick, a particularly nasty death wish on the man, but with the power and blessings of Sarenrae, he sliced through once more, ensuring that the violations of death couldn't rise again."

She'd found the sun through her blindfold, and unravelled it, to find it's brightness clear in her eyes. She closed them quickly, as not to spoil them with the brilliance.

"I don't know where the blade went after that, but I swore that I'd find it on my pilgrimage through the world to help others."

The sash is wound about her hair once again, and she takes a deep breath in, feeling somewhat invigorated, empowered.

Perform Touch of Glory on Self +7 Sacred Bonus to one Charisma skill check within an hour.
One use of Scabbard of the Lost Kiss.
Perform (Oratory): [roll0]
Performed Deific Obedience

2018-04-08, 01:58 PM
He would be back safe and whole, like always. That was his promise. It had been enough for the children, Leo even asking for him to bring him something from the flying castle, to which he'd laughed and nodded. "A peacock's feather, perhaps!"

Ticia was awake before he was, and their meeting had a tone far from their children's awe and fantasy. She'd gone over his supplies with him, again, and at the last minute, seperated two of the scrolls from the ones in his pack, tucking them within his cloak's inner pocket, always within reach. He was to use them if it came to it, no hesitation. No making light, he would, he swore it. They both knew this could be very different from his previous outings. Still, he bid farwell with a long embrace, leaving before dawn.

Braso sat cross legged, back to a wall, trying to stay out of the way of the crew. A tiefling with long, well cared for hair, beginning to gray, a single horn and a pure black eye, dressed in a fine shawl and cloak. Hints of light darkleaf could be seen between the layers of fabric. He had accepted his meal with a deep bow of thanks, and seemed to be appreciating every forkful.

At Pajură's ritual, he rested the plate on his lap and watched with outmost attention. He let key words bounce in his head, 'tool of surgery', 'purged the monstrosities', 'blade and prayer', but let them stew for now. They were secondary to the artistry. When the sash returns to her head, Braso puts the plate to the side and stands. With confidence, he claps at what he had been lucky enough to witness.

2018-04-08, 02:12 PM
"An no one object, I would share a story of my own," Sigrid says as Pajură finishes hers. She reaches into her packs and pulls out a small drum, rapping on it once before settling into a steady beat. "Many years have passed since the day this story took place, but it lives on in my memory, as it now will live on in yours. I was in the land of Osirion when this happened. A small village there was in thrall to a dragon, a great beast with scales as blue as the sea we sail on today. It held them captive and forced them to live as its slaves. No man nor woman nor child should live as a slave, and so I and a few brave companions set out to free them. It conjured spirits from the air and earth to do battle with us, and we struck them down. It breathed death upon us, and we survived. When it saw us still standing after the lightning struck, it fled, for it was a craven beast, and unwilling to face an equal foe in battle. It was a work of many days, but in the end we tracked it down to its lair, deep beneath the earth in caves outside the town. Only there did it finally stand and fight, and oh, the fight it put up! It laid waste all about it with claws and teeth and darkest magic, and all around me I saw my companions reeling under the assault. I myself fared no better, for it drove its talon full through my leg, here." She gestures at her leg between beats of the drum.

"But I stood firm under the assault, and struck back. It was already wounded dearly by my blade and those of my companions, and Gorum granted me the strength to strike true into a crack between its scales. My sword sank deep into its flesh, and it faltered, and it fell. And just as that day I stood firm against a dragon and emerged victorious, so too will we find glory today." She stands, drawing her greatsword, and clashes it against her armor with a loud clang of metal on metal. "Gorum!" she shouts. "That means war! Gorum! That means victory!"

Perform (percussion): [roll0]
Perform (oratory): [roll1]

2018-04-08, 04:33 PM
Pajură smiles. Her performance was well received, it seems, and she inspired another to speak too. She claps politely, then moves over to Sigrid and whispers: "Glory to you indeed. The Gods look down fondly on those that are not afraid to seize their own fates despite the challenges that face them." The priestess would offer one dainty, delicate hand, hoping to grant the same rush of power that she'd invested in herself early, a touch of the Glory that is Sarenrae and the sun.

"I will be glad to have you by my side until we part. I hope that I can match your immense strength."

I will attempt to use Touch of Glory on Sigrid, granting +7 to the next Charisma based check within an hour.

2018-04-08, 10:43 PM
Sigrid looks the other woman up and down, noting her slight frame, and her lips quirk in a wry smile. "We all fight in our own way," she says, accepting the offered hand. "I have faith that yours will prove as vital as mine to our victory in this affair."

2018-04-08, 11:23 PM
Iskander of Manaket had spent the morning preparing his spells and casting his "routine" effects. Swathing himself in protecting and concealing magic was as much a part of his everyday life as his morning ablutions. In contrast to some of his heavily armed and armored companions, the slight, bronze-skinned man wore no weapon, and only a flowing white robe over sky-blue clothing. As he finished casting his spells, his spellbook vanished in arcane tracery, and he turned to join the group with a slightly worried look.

"Each and every one of our skills may yet be needed: We've no clue what awaits us. Ordinarily, I would make every attempt to ascertain our foe's location and nature, but given the failure of magical escape from and communiques about them, I fear that such would only serve to alert them."

Mage Armor
Mind Blank
Detect Scrying
Overland Flight
Secluded Grimoire (on primary spellbook)
Aroden's Spellbane (vs Antimagic Field, Mage's Disjunction, Source Severance)
Contingency: When rendered unconscious, use Teleport to return to the Arcanamirium's infirmary.

Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights

Level 1: (7+1)
Mage Armor
Secluded Grimoire
Heightened Awareness
<2x Vacant>
School Bonus: Heightened Awareness

Level 2: (7+1)
Protection from Evil (Communal)
Create Pit
Investigative Mind
<2x Vacant>
School Bonus: See Invisibility

Level 3: (7+1)
Resist Energy, Communal
Resist Energy, Communal
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Seek Thoughts

Level 4: (7+1)
Detect Scrying
Dimension Door
Greater Invisibility
Emergency Force Sphere
Emergency Force Sphere
Black Tentacles
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Scrying

Level 5: (6+1)
Overland Flight
Life Bubble
True Strike (Quickened)
Fickle Winds
Wall of Stone
School Bonus: True Strike (Quickened)

Level 6: (6+1)
Flesh to Stone
Greater Dispel
Greater Dispel
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: True Seeing

Level 7: (5+1)
Greater Teleport
Plane Shift
Force Cage
Prismatic Spray
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Vision

Level 8: (4+1)
Greater Possession
Mind Blank
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Moment of Prescience

Level 9: (2+1)
Aroden's Spellbane
Time Stop
School Bonus: Foresight

2018-04-09, 04:42 AM
Baelann listens with interest to the oration, and when Sigrid begins drumming, he puts the plate down and starts tapping his heel on the deck in rhythm with the beat--though considering his heavy armored boots, it's more of a stamp.

"Ah, that's impressive, that is, lass," he laughs in his deep baritone when she's done. "I once faced one of them fell beasts in the depths of the Darklands. Terrifying creatures, dragons."

He then notices Emilie sitting off by herself, and he gets to his feet with a small hop. Though he doesn't seem to be particularly comfortable on the rolling deck of the ship, he keeps his feet with no particular trouble, which is quite impressive considering the armor he's wearing. He walks over to her, clapping a heavily gauntleted hand on her shoulder. "Come, lass, join the rest of us. Don't sit off by yourself. Best to get to know one another afore we venture into danger, eh?" he suggests in a gentle voice.

2018-04-10, 11:48 PM
Emilie lisrens to the performance too, thanking the Dawnflower for the new day, and for the second chance she gained long ago. She adjusts turns around when addressed. "Of course. I'm just not...
comfortable with people watching when I eat." she explains. She turns to Pajură, saying "Splendid performance. I'm glad that there is one that enjoys the favor of Sarenrae with us."

She takes silent note of the deeds of the others. She has a record to match, but preferred not to dwell in the past.

2018-04-12, 10:06 PM
Braso listens to the second performance with just as much care, this time dwelling on the drums and battlecries. He still claps, but feels a bit of pity. The performance was great, better than what most could hope for, but it followed something that was on another level. It had taken him back though.

He listens to Iskander's worries, nodding slightly, but unphased. "If we find nothing, it might be worthwhile to try even if it means alerting them. For now, lets see where the captain takes us."

"Dragons? I'm afraid I've never faced those monsters. I fought in Isger, during the war, and at its end came and made the island my home. I was tracker and a footsoldier, a sculptor now." He speaks in a matter-of-factly manner. "My name is Braso, may we bring justice."

2018-04-14, 12:56 AM
"They're dangerous beasts, but they bleed the same as anything else." Sigrid seems to wilt after saying this, and goes to stand by the edge of the ship, looking out over the water with her back turned to the group.

2018-04-21, 06:57 PM
The water rushes past as the ship moves with rising wind, its sails carrying it faster and faster. More small talk passes, a great deal shared among crew members who see the work invisible little things of "wicker n' spice", as they put it, hustle about on ship duties. Captain Ains writes down in a leather journal, and for a few hours still, all is calm and gentle. As the ship turns the corner on the island in a widened arc, a task is brought to mind again.

Diobel's infamous maze of wreckage and debris is scattered in the bay and the waters it breaks into, and what ships were kept in its bay are scattered and in different states of submergence. Much of its boardwalk is broken as well, missing much of its walkways, leaving only splintered wooden posts jutting from the water. Much of the town's work is known to be done before "ol' lady sun" rises, but even now, around mid-day, are people working all over. Buildings are being inspected, worked on, demolished. A tent is seen on a a southern cliff face, which itself is scarred from this tragedy, as people overlook where their defensible wreckage once was. And at a distance you can see a bridge being slowly rebuilt. But despite these efforts, there is still signs that something was lost. The buildings nearest the shore and not on a high rise are broken or in disrepair. Cloth and wood clog up the inner bay of the city. The Hall of the Teriarch, the seat of power in Diobel, can be seen with a broken and carved roof.

The Iron Pilgrimage sails across the waters, you can see a few, intact, unknown ships at dock. One is from Absalom, its crest and colors on its sails. Another bears blackened sails, though no warship at all, but a junk. And the third is longship of unusual size, with no inhabitants aboard. On what's left of the intact boardwalk are a few assembled people, wearing filthy and worn uniforms of status: a human male, an elven female, and a kenku.

2018-04-21, 07:01 PM
"I believe it's time for us to begin our work," Sigrid says, taking the initiative with the casual confidence of someone who's seen more than a few scrapes. "Someone bring me a barrel of water. Fresh or salt, it's no difference to me." Her fingers flex as she surveys the wreckage, though her face remains calm beneath the scars.

Once the barrel is there, she intones a brief chant over it, passing her hands over it. As she finishes, the seawater inside bubbles as it transforms, giving off a strong scent of alcohol. "Everyone have a cup," she says, filling her own. "To quicken your mind and sharpen your senses."

2018-04-22, 05:07 PM
Tanelia watches the wreckage in the city with interest as the ship approaches, taking note of what is still relatively intact. She descends down from the mast once the ship docks, and prepares to greet and question the survivors of the attack. Sigrid's offer of the wine only briefly confuses her before she catches on to the magic present, taking a nearby cup so that she can consume her dose of the enchanted liquid. She gives a nod of thanks before continuing off the ship to meet the trio waiting for them on the boardwalk. "Are you the town leadership? I'm Tanelia Sulvam, here to investigate the incident on behalf of Lord Gyr." She maintains a professional demeanor as she shows her badge of authority and then offers a handshake with each person.

Knowledge (Local) to identify the Absalom ship [roll0]

2018-04-24, 12:04 AM
Iskander stayed back a moment to cast another pair of spells on himself.

"Iskander," he introduced himself simply with a small bow. "Rest assured, Lord Gyr and the Grand Council are keen to solve this puzzle and exact justice for this atrocity."

Iskander cast Investigative Mind and Heightened Awareness on himself (each lasts 3 hours, the former lasts until discharged).

Should the people we're talking to require an attitude adjustment, in case they're too nervous, cynical, etc. to open up to us, he'll attempt to reassure them:
Diplomacy (using Linguistics via Orator): Best of [roll0] or [roll1]
(can adjust attitude by up to 3 levels)

=== Cast at Start of Day ===
Mage Armor
Mind Blank
Detect Scrying
Overland Flight
Secluded Grimoire (on primary spellbook)
Aroden's Spellbane (vs Antimagic Field, Mage's Disjunction, Source Severance)
Contingency: When rendered unconscious, use Teleport to return to the Arcanamirium's infirmary.

=== Cast upon arrival at Diobel ===
Investigative Mind: Advantage on Appraise, Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks. Lasts 3 hours or 18 uses.
Heightened Awareness: +2 competence bonus on Perception checks and on trained Knowledge checks. Lasts 3 hours or until dismissed to gain a +4 bonus to Initiative.

Level 0:
Detect Magic, Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights

Level 1: (7+1)
Mage Armor
Secluded Grimoire
Heightened Awareness
<2x Vacant>
School Bonus: Heightened Awareness

Level 2: (7+1)
Protection from Evil (Communal)
Create Pit
Investigative Mind
<2x Vacant>
School Bonus: See Invisibility

Level 3: (7+1)
Resist Energy, Communal
Resist Energy, Communal
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Seek Thoughts

Level 4: (7+1)
Detect Scrying
Dimension Door
Greater Invisibility
Emergency Force Sphere
Emergency Force Sphere
Black Tentacles
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Scrying

Level 5: (6+1)
Overland Flight
Life Bubble
True Strike (Quickened)
Fickle Winds
Wall of Stone
School Bonus: True Strike (Quickened)

Level 6: (6+1)
Flesh to Stone
Greater Dispel
Greater Dispel
Chain Lightning
Chain Lightning
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: True Seeing

Level 7: (5+1)
Greater Teleport
Plane Shift
Force Cage
Prismatic Spray
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Vision

Level 8: (4+1)
Greater Possession
Mind Blank
<1x Vacant>
School Bonus: Moment of Prescience

Level 9: (2+1)
Aroden's Spellbane
Time Stop
School Bonus: Foresight

2018-04-24, 08:34 AM
The usual jovial smile on Baelann's face is marked by its absence as he stands by the side of the ship and observes the remnants of the town.

He raises an eyebrow at Sigrid as she enchants the water, and he shrugs as he takes a cup and fills it with wine. "To your health, and the success of our venture," the dwarf says, lifting the cup up in the air for a moment, then drains it in one.

He nods in greeting to the people on the dock, but beyond a brief "Baelann Truehammer, at your service" he lets the others speak for the group.

2018-04-24, 10:19 PM
Braso watches as the water turns to wine, raising an eyebrow at the offer. Still, he graciously accepts and after swirling the liquid in a cup, drinks it down. His eyes widen as the effect comes over him and a scarred hand runs through his hair. "You weren't joking, this is... amazing." He looks over the ruined city, and feels almost back in the hunt. Nooks and crannies jumped out at him, he could find a trail here.

He joins the others, but keeps his distance, focused instead on the scene and what was left behind.

Perception, in case something would stand out in the ruins. [roll0]

2018-06-11, 09:34 AM
The human and elf seem reticent as they shake hands and take curt nods, deferring to the tengu who apparently speaks for the three of them. "Oi, welcome be ta wha's left a Diobel. Ah'm happy ta see such folks of high renown at our doorstep. And ta help along you folks' search, ah'll be tha first ta say, we don't be knowin' why they came. We've got a city in ruin, we got temp'r'ry leadership, and we got folks dead by the dozen. And the Consortium members ain' said a ting since, lockin' themsels up in their offices. We ain' had time ta break down their doors. Figure the real people a' Diobel take pri'rty. We got some oth'r guests from outside the wat'r, but we be glad to have ye as well. As much auth'rity as it holds, Guard Captain Raskit welcomes ye' to Diobel, and I be at y'r service. Y'got any more a tha' wine? Can smell it on the lot of you, and it smells divine."

A mishap. My notes indiciate a kenku, not a tengu, even though all things use tengu statistics. So the man is a tengu.

2018-06-11, 09:49 PM
"More and plenty," Sigrid responds, surveying the scene. "I can't speak for my associates, but I believe my place in this affair will be breaking down those doors while you tend to the people. Do you know what Captain Shokun plans to do?"

2018-06-12, 01:09 AM
"Have the Consortium members said literally nothing? If so, and if none have passed their doors, I daresay they may be dead or fled," Iskander suggested glumly. "If not, we will convince them to talk."

2018-06-21, 06:56 PM
Tanelia considers openly objecting to Sigrid's plan, but decides to flow with it. "Yes, the townsfolk should take priority for the recovery efforts. The Consortium may know enough about these attackers to piece together who they are or where they came from, so I'll take my investigation there. And Captain Raskit, I must make clear my personal regrets about this situation. In addition to representing Lord Gyr, I act on behalf of Absalom's security and business interests. It is a failing on our part to allow this disaster to happen to Diobel, especially with no clue as to the greater circumstance. While I investigate the Consortium and take witness accounts from their survivors, may I ask that you talk with your townsfolk to identify anything Diobel may be lacking to be properly rebuilt? I intend for the reconstruction to receive assistance from associates of mine, who will be better able to assist if provided with this knowledge before they depart."

2018-06-30, 02:22 PM
"I'll be happy to find out, if'n ye be gen'rous. But, Captain Shokun? Ah'm not certain, truly. His and his own been waltzin' the town helpin' when they can, but as f'r the man himself, not cert'n." Raskit says, pondering. "And aye, not a peep. If actions be speakin', they be sayin' to piss off." He turns to Tanelia, a more serious expression on his avian face. "Well here, Miss, let me give you my regrets. I regret to inform ye that any standing member of The Consortium no long'r has the status of safety that Diobel presented to 'em. And they ain't ta be havin' 'em any time soon. So when you go, un'erstand that ye won't have ta face any repercussions. And aye, I can talk with the builders, get a more updated listin'."

2018-06-30, 05:47 PM
Braso listens, but mostly pays attention to the workers in the distance. "That is... good to know, Captain Raskit. How they got what the invaders were after, why a quill would be so valuable, would be a good place to start. If they refuse to do anything when there is so much they could, then they will be forced to provide answers. Could you point us to their offices?" There isn't malice in his voice, just a sort of indignation at the Consortium's appearent actions.

2018-07-04, 12:41 AM
"Indeed. I am now especially keen to find out what's going on at the Consortium office."

2018-07-04, 09:59 AM
"Thank you, Captain." Tanelia gives a respectful nod. "Time to see what the Consortium knows." As she walked towards the Kortos Consortium building with the others, she began pondering how to handle her immediate task. Letting the other investigators take the lead could let her gauge what the merchants actually thought of the situation. If they held back too much then she could find some ways to pry out the information they wouldn't share.