View Full Version : Rokugan In the Shadows - Betrayals Unmade

2018-04-08, 02:00 PM
A single torch illuminates the muddy, blood-drenched ground. The only movement other than your breath is a fleshy mound nearby. Blood pools around the white powder lines--an Array for transmutation--and there is no longer any Yellow, other-worldly light, but your eyes still smart from its faded glow. The cicadas around your village have stopped; someone is here.

Through light-blasted eyes you see the vague shape of an armored figure dismount. A single armored Ratling approaches you and grabs you by the shirt. "What have you...what has your tribe done here?!?" You can see a little better. Is that a trick of the light, or are his eyes a shining silver? "Answer me!" You feel your body shake; It feels as if the world is tumbling.

A voice, your voice but not-your-voice answers dimly, "It was a cleansing rite"

Where are the elders?"

"They're gone," you hear your distant voice say.

The lump stirs. It unravels. It's a giant bat and its flesh has the stretched form of...yes, of your tribe's faces. It tries to rise and fails. A few scree sounds fly from its mouth.

A cl--

A hand points to the beast as it stirs. It's your hand. "There the elders are." Your body hits the ground. Pain registers through you and there's the touch of cold on your neck. Cold and warmth. Your body realizes what it is. In the fear of the moment, your vision clears more and you come into your own body. It doesn't feel separated, and it feels the dangerous long blade against your neck.

"Scion of Vile Betrayers, the Nezumi Samurai spits, Your clan is hereby stripped of name! Your family's history will be purged from our Scrolls! The abomination made here will wither and burn! And as for you--

He raises his sword in a swift, precise motion above your head.

2018-04-08, 03:28 PM
As the armored ratling raises his sword Snich squeaks in fear, a single thought going through his head: Must flee!.
Grasping for any chance at survival Snich grabs a handful of dirt and throws it in the vague direction of the other ratling's eyes. Not taking any time to see if it works Snich takes the chance to bolt into the darkness.

2018-04-08, 03:57 PM
The dirt flies in an arc. The ratling barely flinches but the blow doesn't connect in its intended way. Instead, the blow grazes Snich's side as he leaps away, and the second blow hits his back. Attack and Attack of Opportunity from leaving threatened area. Snich takes 9 damage and then 6 damage. Worse, the weapon is Magic.

The Ratling levels his sword into the shadows and flicks blood at Snich with the motion. There is a decision to make, right now. This sword needs to be cleaned. Will it be cleaned of the death of a coward, or just his blood?

Well? Answer!

2018-04-08, 04:13 PM
Being very afraid of the clearly misinformed sword-wielding ratling currently pointing at him with a sword Snich squeaks fearfully: "Please don't kill poor-feeble Snich. Snich run-skitter far-away and mighty-strong ratling go stab-kill bat-elder instead of Snich, yes-yes?" While talking may work out Snich backs up slowly, preparing to bolt at any sign of the other moving closer.

2018-04-08, 05:11 PM
The silver-eyed Nezumi narrows his eyes and cleans his sword, returning it gracefully to his sheathe in two quick motions. His hand stays on the sword, and Snich can feel the air in front of him shimmer with possibility. It's not safe to move yet, his instincts might say. That sword is still very dangerous.

There is a Traitor to the Nezumi whose death would mean that Snich may live. Weapons, supplies, and equipment can be provided to make this happen.

The creature in the background makes another skreee. The ratling gives a cursory glance in its direction and says, A cousin might have just what you need.

Is there an agreement? A life for a life: kill a traitor, and Snich may live?

2018-04-09, 01:38 AM
Flinching at the screech, Snich hurries to agree, nodding his head rapidly: "Yes-yes, loyal-true Snich will kill-kill the traitor-meat." Somewhat pacified by the promise of safety Snich continues: "Who is sneaky-strong Snich going to be hunting? Will need bow and much-many supplies."

2018-04-09, 05:33 PM
The Nezumi Samurai looks across the village ruins. Almost as if his action had brought Snich out of the present danger of his blade, the scents around him rush back: The air is rich with death and decay, rot and bones. "Find and return thirteen long bones of this clan and a bow will be provided. As for this abomination? I have a cousin who can help."

As Snich gathers bones, he thrusts his hand into a pocket and throws out what appears to be a mirror; it grows to a five-foot span in a matter of seconds, and out of it claws a saturnine humanoid with red eyes and gleaming and pointed canine teeth. It has slick, cropped hair that meets in a widow's peak and is flanked by two tiny horns. It wears a luxurious, impeccable leather vest with gold and rubies instead of metal studs. As it fully steps from the mirror-pool, you see it has cloven hoofs instead of feet.

Faxklurgon! The silver-eyed Nezumi speaks in a foul language that causes the air in front of him to writhe and twist as if heated. It instructs the mirror-summoned creature, points to the village around you and then to the bat-like beast. The hoofed humanoid bows to him and heads to the bodies, swipes its hand, and a floating disk appears near it. It then takes a knife from its vest and deftly strips all the flesh from the creatures. It moves quickly and efficiently, and soon it swipes its hand for another disk. They float beside the creature as it moves between bodies with a look of absolute glee.

"Snich! Find and return thirteen more bones of this clan! Quickly now!" When Snich has completed its second (and albeit simple) task, it takes all the bones and plunges them into its mirror, and a moment later again reaches into the reflective surface to pull out just the thing Snich was looking for: a brutal-looking bone bow, and definitely not the bones of his clan members.

The devil-man has made a leather bag and now makes a leather harness at an astounding rate. Soon, it finishes with its tasks and gives them to the Nezumi, who passes them to Snich. The creature takes a vial, turns to one of the now-laden floating disks, puts in offals, spits in the vial, mixes them, and hands it over. The Samurai again speaks in its language; the devil creature procures from its (obviously magical) vest a pair of wicked scimitars and lays one on the ground, and the other to the ratling, who nicks its wrist with the blade. Silver blood emanates from the cut and the mixture churns as it swirls. The silver-eyed ratling bows to the creature, who then slips in to the floating mirror. Its bony, red hands pull the mirror back to a pocket-size and then slip away.

The Nezumi then turns to Snich. This vial must be drunk. The vile potion will give memory-scent of the quarry, and it will help you ride the bat-creature that is your former clan. Here is a harness, a magic bag that will hold many things, and some swords that are razor-sharp.

My brother Tun will make contact tomorrow. There will be poisons to use for this assassination.

Modify Memory (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/modifyMemory.htm) to give Snich the image and scent of the Nezumi Nat-cha-ro and Another, a human-looking man who wields spectral shapes of beasts around his leather-clad body.
"You will be watched, Snich. Head East. Your quarry will be East. And now, away." Just like that, the Samurai mounts a large insect-creature that had blended into a hut. It silently skitters away from the gloomy, torch-lit village into the barren landscape around you. Cicadas return, leaving you to a task and thoughts.

The bat-beast lumbers clumsily towards you. "Skree"

2018-04-10, 01:30 AM
Too fearful to deny the silver-eyed ratling, Snich does as he is told and quickly downs the potion and grabs the gear, quickly making sure it's fitted in place.

Snich looks at the scrambling bat-beast, very happy that he was not forced to interact with the demon.
Approaching the large abomination with the harness. Snich starts talking at his new 'companion', having momentarily forgotten that even though it pales in comparison to the silver-eyed ratling and his pet monster it is still dangerous: "I-I am the master-leader here! You are Skree. You will serve-obey! Bow to mighty-strong Snich!"

2018-04-10, 02:23 PM

The bat-beast opens its mouth to say Skroww and slumps forward with an understanding of Snich's words. It stays in the position until Snich says otherwise.


You feel a pull, a mental tug to the East of you. You feel as if your mind wants to thrust you into another place.

Yes or no will lead to different paths.

2018-04-10, 03:40 PM
Basking in HIS achievement of subduing the beast dubbed as Skree, Snich refuses to leave the moment. As he fights the mental tug he starts attaching the harness to Skree.
He speaks aloud as he wonders why they would check up on him so soon, there has bare been any time for scheming yet: "Yes-yes, I am going east, hunt-track traitor-meat. No need to spend-waste magic on Snich."
As he gets up onto Skree he order it to start moving east as he starts rooting through the bag he has been given, noting the excellent quality of the leather.

2018-04-11, 02:04 PM
Snich feels a sense of death, anger, fire, not-belonging. It is only for a moment, but like a memory squished.

His mount flaps awkwardly but soon manages to bring itself airborne. Soon you fly East, and you travel for much of the night. Skree is fast, three times as fast as Snich, although it is clumsy in its travel. More than a few times you would have fallen were it not for such an excellent saddle.

The land you fly over is broken, barren, and cold. Were it not for your fur and fur-lined hide the Demon gave you it would be unbearable. You pass over areas with horrible stench, where horrific abominations screech and scream and eat each other; you pass by a molten peak where a great orange wound in The ground is accompanied by a great number of giant humanoids dig and bang on steel and, when they spot you, pursue for some time on massive serpent-mounts. Skree's pace, however clumsy, outdoes the flying serpents, and near the break of dawn, brings you into steep and forbidding mountains.

Perhaps the adrenaline of a pursuit helped but after many hours of flying you feel tired and hungry. Just as you might try to search for food you spot a pack of goats jumping about the mountain and chewing on the stubby plants and greens.

2018-04-11, 04:31 PM
Snich quietly squeaks at Skree: "You stay here-here and be sneaky-quiet. I find food-meats."

Taking his time to make sure there are not anyone currently herding the goats, Snich draws his new bow and carefully sneaks around to herd them in the general direction of Skree when he lets the arrows fly. Already salivating at the thoughts of a nice leg of goat Snich mumbles a quick prayer, just in case.

Snich will first move around all sneaky-like to make sure there are no unpleasant surprises.
Spot/listen [roll0]
Hide/Move silently [roll1]

If he gets spotted or doesn't spot anyone not a goat, he will shoot a goat, roll initiative and then shoot another two different goats.
First goat [roll2] for [roll3] if the goat is sneakattackable, another 4 damage and it must make a dc 15 reflex check or be entangled.

When combat starts he will use slinking advance to move closer to the goats to hopefully herd them towards Skree, I guess survival is the check for not messing it up [roll4]

Second goat [roll5] for [roll6] if the goat is sneakattackable, another 4 damage and it must make a dc 15 reflex check or be entangled.

Third goat [roll7] for [roll8] if the goat is sneakattackable, another 4 damage and it must make a dc 15 reflex check or be entangled.

2018-04-12, 04:05 PM
Snich sees no shepherd goatherder in sight as he sneaks by successfully. He spots a few rams that look heartier than most and lets his arrow fly. It hits true and the goats scatter towards Skree, who has waited patiently at the other end of the curved outcropping you're on.
Reflex 1: [roll0] vs DC 15

Snich - [roll1]
Herd - [roll2]
Skree - [roll3] (Bat has better initiative)

Reflex 2: [roll4] vs DC 15
Reflex 3: [roll5] vs DC 15

The ram that Snich shoots first flees as if it didn't have an arrow in its side. A second goat takes a shot that wounds its flank and slows it down considerably; the third manages to stick with the now-fleeing herd, but falls down shortly thereafter as the others flee.

2018-04-12, 09:33 PM

Your bat-mount waits patiently as a herd of goats head around the corner of the mountain-cliff. Skree bites at the wounded ram and lashes out at several others as they bound into its rest area. Many turn away and head for the rocky cliff-face and perilous descent it brings, but the abrupt about-face causes many near Skree to pause as they avoid what could be nasty blows.

Skree has 25 Initiative; Herd has 7.
Skree is Large(tall) in flight but Large (long) on ground, so it has reach on ground.
Has 24 Dex, or 7 AoOs. Any hit inflicts Wounding: Bleed 1HP/hit taken/round

On Surprise Round, Skree gets drop. Skree will injure (hit) 3 and then apply Stand Still to rest (Ref DC=damage dealt or halt movement)

AoO 1 vs (injured) Ram: [roll0] [roll1] & Wounding on hit (miss)
AoO 2 vs (injured) goat 3: [roll2] [roll3] & Wounding on hit

AoO 3 [roll4] [roll5] & Wounding on hit
AoO 4 [roll6] [roll7] & Wounding on hit
AoO 5 [roll8] [roll9] & Wounding on hit Stand Still: Rolled 13 vs DC 15: Halted
AoO 6 [roll10] [roll11] & Wounding on hit (miss)
AoO 7 [roll12] [roll13] & Wounding on hit Stand Still: Rolled 25 vs DC 21: unaffected

2018-04-12, 09:50 PM

The bat, gaining ever more confident about its form, wades into the fleeing herd and hits the one that is bleeding. It strikes again at the bloodied but hearty ram and when the beast drops, gives a cry that descends into a low guttural sound. Skreeauuuu

The goats bleat Bleeeaaaa and some push others over the edge in their haste to escape. However, Skree's vantage allows it to lay waste to many efforts to flee.

[roll0] [roll1] Ram 1 drops! (Unconscious, Wounding 1)

AoOs (Hit 3 & then apply Stand Still to rest); Hits apply Wounding
[roll2] [roll3] Goat 3 takes 6+1W from last round & drops (unconscious, Wounding2)
[roll4] [roll5] Goat 4 takes 9+1W from last round & keeps moving!
[roll6] [roll7] Goat 5 takes 9+1W from last round & drops (unconscious, Wounding2)
[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]

[roll12] [roll13] Stand Still DC 15: Goat 6 rolls 18 & keeps moving!
[roll14] [roll15] Stand Still DC 21: Goat 7 rolls 8 & Halts!

Skree again trumpets its name aloud as its prowess sows confusion amongst the fleeing herd.

2018-04-13, 02:28 AM
Admiring of the sheer success of his ingenius plan Snich fires arrows at the still moving goats. Truly he will feast gloriously tonight and being the generous master he is Skree will be given a part of his truly awe-inspiring amount of meat.

Good old fashioned arrows to hit those pesky goats that still move. Damn you goat 4 and 6 for your superior moving skills!

[roll0] for [roll1]
[roll2] for [roll3]

2018-04-13, 09:53 AM
The first shot of Snich shoots a goat that leaps out of the way, but the second strikes true; the second goat that he'd hit earlier bleats and, with an arrow through its head, collapses.

A few more goats make incredible leaps to escape, deftly descending drop by drop. Several others can do little but bleat, wide-eyed, as Skree rounds the last of them. However, they don't move, preferring to wait for Skree to bite at others before leaping.

[roll0] [roll1] & Wounding

AoOs: Will Stand Still three and hit rest.
[roll2] [roll3] & Wounding 15 vs 20 Goat 6 Halted
[roll4] [roll5] & Wounding miss
[roll6] [roll7] & Wounding 17 vs 21 Goat 7 Halted
[roll8] [roll9] & Wounding miss
[roll10] [roll11] & Wounding 8 vs 19 Goat 8 halted

[roll12] [roll13] & Wounding Goat 9 moves again!
[roll14] [roll15] & Wounding Goat 9 Drops Unconscious

Trying to leap about, another goat, bleeding and wounded, escapes the jaws of Skree and manages to miss Snich's first arrow but its wounds are too great. It keels over, unconscious. Yet another goat drops and Skree gives anothers Skreeauuuu of triumph!

There are five more goats on the ledge.

2018-04-13, 10:39 AM
Judging that enough meat has been collected for a day or so, Snich decides to hunt some more goats for safety. "Get the meat-sheep Skree!"

Two arrows at a taunting goat, damn those goats and their delicious bodies!
[roll0] for [roll1] Die goat die!
[roll2] for [roll3] Become delicious food!

2018-04-15, 07:52 PM
Snich manages to kill two more goats but the last 3 make their escape.

One ram and six seven goats are either dead of unconscious on the ridge and ready for eating or cooking.

2018-04-16, 01:45 AM
"Look-see at what my genius has brought us Skree: Full bellies! I will give-gift the goats to you, the ram is mine." With that statement of his own greatness Snich rips into the ram with claws, teeth, and ravenous hunger.

As he finishes the meal, he makes sure to collect the bones, recent events have shown that they are surprisingly useful.

Contact-brother Tun should be here with our due-tribute of poison. The thought causes Snich to look around as if the other would be summoned by his thoughts.

2018-04-17, 12:47 PM
Skree is famished and hungrily eats through the goats it's offered. By the last two, it begins to slow down and at the last one it happily licks the blood from its hands and mouth and soon after it lumbers over towards the edge of the mountain cliff face and falls asleep with its snout poking over the edge.

Snich finds no contact with Tun this evening. The air is chilly in the mountain and a wind begins to blow. Skree does not seem fazed, however, and snoozes contentedly.

2018-04-17, 01:05 PM
As the expected appearance doesn't happen, Snich offers a quick prayer and a leg of goat to the angry god, just in case.
Deciding that sleeping is probably a good idea, Snich finds a suitable spot with the back to the ridge and a lonely tree. He then quickly digs a bunch of small almost unnoticeable holes in a 50 foot circle around the tree, as well as a smaller 30 feet diameter circle. He then finds a spot underneath the tree and curls up on top of his precious possessions.

Using his ability to make hard terrain (I assume it's meant to say difficult) Snich makes a bunch of small holes and covers them up, unfortunately he does not have a bunch of sharpened spikes, but all days are not happy. Taking 10 on the checks it gives a spot DC of 20 to notice the traps.

2018-04-18, 04:40 PM
With several hours' work, Snich makes himself a very secure position. In the evening, he falls into a deep sleep. A presence like the warmth of a forge begets his thoughts, and then it becomes too warm. He realizes he is indeed asleep but that he can't come out of it. There's a force that keeps him there. A presence, something dangerous and massive can be felt in Snich's mind.

Finally a voice that carries intense heat begins to bellow.

Snich feels released from the dream and a pressure eases away. He finds he can wake up, and is also holding a bag of 13 aerodynamic flasks.

They smell of a foul substance that threatens to knock him on his butt. Even the smallest whiff threatens to make his stomach empty.

These flasks are glass darts that are designed to break upon impact. They may be thrown as normal or as a Touch attack with a range of 45' A non-touch attack deals an extra 1d4 Piercing damage and applies +1 round to the poison's lingering time; a Ranged Touch deals no piercing damage but is easier to hit. Any hit releases the following poison:

"Clenching Gas"
Inhaled Poison DC 19 base, 5' cloud & disperses in 3 rounds.
Initial damage: Nausea (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated) 1d4 rounds
Secondary damage: Nausea (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/conditionSummary.htm#nauseated) 1d4 rounds.

2018-04-19, 01:51 PM
Snich distressed at something obviously powerful noticing his great talents and enormous potential carefully stashes the darts within easy reach.
"Skree it is time to go find-hunt Nat-cha-ro and kill-kill, stop with the sleep-laze and get up." Screeches at the bat as he gathers up more goat to eat and store.
When the preparation is complete he climbs into the harness and flies off, following the directions given by the silver-eyed Nezumi.

2018-04-19, 05:00 PM
Snich can feel the mental tug the moment he's awake. He's sure of the way he should go as if a fish-line were pulling him there. It is a grueling day: Skree travels over 14 hours today, as far as you can push it, before Snich can feel it begin to drag from fatigue.
Skree did a "forced march" of 8 hours' travel and then an additional 4 after that. It passed the first four Constitution Checks for travel past 8 hours (10, 12, 14, 16) and failed with DC 18 check with a 2. It takes [roll0] nonlethal damage for this 1 failed check, and as long as it has this damage, is fatigued.

Snich feels much closer to his quarry than when he woke up. In the land between him he can see a massive range to the Northeast; to the Southeast he sees a large castle well out of his range but he can see the size of it even several miles away.

Skree has landed in what looks like an abandoned village. As you approach it's apparent that a terrible battle has occurred: Schorched building abound, the ground is cracked where dried blood has mingled with dirt, broken and abandoned weapons lie everywhere and confused scents are in abundance.

If you want a tac map I can pull it up, but you're welcome to simply poke around and do a search. Be as thorough as you dare!

2018-04-20, 01:27 AM
Gesturing at Skree to stay silent and hidden, Snich draws his new swords and sneaks around the village, for a very important reason - He had not been given any arrows! The devil-thing is sabotaging me, laughing-mocking me! I need to watch-look out for his foolish-stupid schemes.

Snich takes his time to sneak around and try to locate a blacksmith, or at least some corpses with arrows.

Snich, being the paranoid ball of fur and fury takes no chance with sneaking, taking 10 as he needs to do it for an extended period of time, while looking out and searching for spoils. And enemies.
Hide/Move Silently 20
Spot/listen/search 20

2018-04-20, 03:23 AM
The scenario where Snich is going to Hide, Move, listen, spot and Search a place would mean, RAW, that he takes 100 times as long to investigate a place, and after a 12-hour long ride? I don't buy it. Instead i'm going to delineate a series of decisions he can make.

Snich cannot "take 20" on an action like "Hide/MS" and "listen/spot" because the intent of "taking 20" involves not being under threat or observation. That being said, Search seems fine because it involves inspecting ruins and such.

There's really only two kinds of investigation scenes: One where there's limited time and a need for secrecy, and thus the investigator quickly looks through stuff; or one where the investigator feels safe enough to take their time, but doesn't feel pressured or threatened.

When you have plenty of time (generally 2 minutes for a skill that can normally be checked in 1 round, one full-round action, or one standard action), you are faced with no threats or distractions, and the skill being attempted carries no penalties for failure, you can take 20. In other words, eventually you will get a 20 on 1d20 if you roll enough times. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, just calculate your result as if you had rolled a 20.

Taking 20 means you are trying until you get it right, and it assumes that you fail many times before succeeding. Taking 20 takes twenty times as long as making a single check would take.

Since taking 20 assumes that the character will fail many times before succeeding, if you did attempt to take 20 on a skill that carries penalties for failure, your character would automatically incur those penalties before he or she could complete the task. Common “take 20” skills include Escape Artist, Open Lock, and Search.

Therefore, I reject Snich's proposal to "fail many times until he succeeds" at both hiding from being seen and not making noise AND seeing or hearing threats; this would mean that if there's anything capable of hearing or seeing him, he's going to encounter it before he succeeds on the checks AND that he will neither see nor hear it before he can succeed.

Although Snich feels the need for caution and care in these ruins, he also wishes to take as much time as he needs to remain hidden and strip-search the place, and so has many decisions to consider before he even begins to enter the ruins. But the biggest liability is Skree; it's quite east to see.

He must either Spot or Search for a reasonable hiding place for Skree, whom already seems tired, to rest. With the abundance of burnt-down buildings and general rubble, however, it's not too-arduous a task. Really, he's spoiled for choice. Does he spend time looking for a building, or does he keep to she shadows, hoping to quickly see something of worth? As Snich contemplates the wonderful world where he could do both, his stomach gurgles.
I'll accept one of two sets of checks: Either two Spot checks or a Search combined with one each of Hide & MS checks.

Snich is very hungry after the long trek over land. Will he search for food or risk eating the abudant-but-several-days-old bodies around him? He could also ignore his hunger and insist on looking for arrows.
Black Hunger indicates a need to eat every 8 hours, and it's been 12. That's pushing it, but since Snich had a feast yesterday, I guess it can be pushed back to simply normal hunger, but he needs food. Alternatively, the desire for good arrows is a prudent one, and worth pursuing.

Either way means time Snich needs to spend before he, too, becomes tired and needs sleep, but he must east regardless.

2018-04-20, 03:01 PM
I never intended to take 20, Snich just happens to have a +10 to these skills and taking 10 seemed reasonable. Taking 20 is completely unreasonable for most things.

Snich decides that the most important things are being alive and fed, cursing himself for not bringing some more goat than what made up almost lunch. And to the craven being hidden and being alive are very closely related.

Search [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Move Silently[roll2]

Conserving some energy Snich spends a handful of minutes looking for arrows before his hunger turns him towards more immediate problems before he drops the idea and instead finds a nice corpse to share with Skree.

2018-04-20, 05:47 PM
The ashen buildings and the dirty landscape of this area make for easy cover as he searches. After a long traverse through the ruins, he spots a group of corpses that does have what he desires: shattered longbows and discarded quivers, spilled arrows--many of them stepped upon or warped by the sun's light--but he does find [roll0] excellent arrows.

2018-04-21, 02:52 AM
Having found what he was looking for, Snich peaks out from behind the charred remains of what might have been a temple.
Not having seen or smelled a single living being he scurries over to the corpses and picks up he arrows.
With the arrows being secured, the last important thing is to find something to eat, and before him lies perfectly eatable man-meat. Being assured in his superior stealth and ability to detect enemies, Snich decides that nobody is dumb enough to challenge him, and so he starts dragging back one of the corpses to Skree. Tonight they will once again feast.

2018-04-21, 06:20 AM
There's several hundreds of bodies to choose from; it's not even a matter of how but who to eat. In the confines of the ruined church temple, in which Snich actually finds many a cooked body such that he and Skree need not travel far if they want to enjoy a convenient meal.

The day has been long, grueling, and actually there's only a few hours of light left. There's plenty he could do in this ruined village if he put his mind to it, and should he so desire.
Go ahead and list the actions you might want to take, or things you may desire to find before Snich heads to bed.

Before the sun rises above the mountains in the morning, light flashes from the tranquil and bloody pool of what would have been a sacred pond of the temple. From the reflective surface, a (silver-eyed) human creature emerges. It hovers just a few feet above the ground and drips neither blood nor water from the pool it emerged from. It says nothing to Snich, but instead stops short of Snich and...and the ratling can feel its mind tingling. At first he might resist, but soon that urge fades to acceptance. There is a long-drawn out pause. Attempts to attack it do not work; its resilient flesh is impregnable despite anything the Skaven hits it with.

It mutters, These jobs are beneath me. It sighs and sets down a bag that clinks as it is gingerly placed on the ground; in its other hand it holds a basic leather quiver that otherwise appears sturdy in its construction.

"Craven ratling, the souls of your clan curry favor from my people. We have designed this quiver for you. Each day, it will stock itself with fifty arrows, and it will hold a maximum of three hundred. If you wish to contact me, send your thoughts through this quiver. I can make deals or exchanges of information, of minor items, and you can even pay me with people that I find valuable...but only if you make it truly worth my while.

We have another ratling, like you--an Eshin who procures us excellent poisons and toxins--who can visit you every morning, but you must carry a mirror or an untarnished and reflective metal to receive them. It must be two hand spans wide and tall. Wake as dawn approaches, and you will know when you can get your poisons delivered for the day. That is all for now.

Today, 40 vials of Drow Knockout Poison. (Injury poison. DC 13; Initial unconsciousness 1 minute & secondary 2d4 hours)

2018-04-21, 08:07 AM
Tired and well-fed Snich decides to just make some preparations for the day to come, mostly by gathering a handful bodies to use as a makeshift barrier to the entrance to the burned out temple. And a larder for the coming day.

As the silver-eyed human appears Snich immediately does what a wise skaven would, he hides behind Skree.
After the person assumed to be Tun stops talking a few thoughts spill from Snich's mouth: "Do the people-meat have to be alive? How do I collect-gather souls? Are you Tun?"
As he thinks aloud Snich greedily collects the new gear and prepares to snack on some only partially rotten humans as he prepares to set off after the nezumi who needs to be pin-cushioned.

2018-04-21, 11:18 AM

"Do the people-meat have to be alive? How do I collect-gather souls? Are you Tun?"

I am Tun. People are not valuable. The souls they contain are, so it's best not to kill the container. And you ask how to gather souls? You, Snich, aren't so dim as your thoughts would convey. You act as if you are weak and you talk as if you are strong. The discordance of your being is as disgusting as a tanar'ri. Even if you could learn to collect souls, I would not enjoy dealing with you.

Tun pauses in its consideration.

"If you want to capture this Nat-cha-ro alive, I can make the delivery of it and its soul to me worth your while.

2018-04-21, 11:54 AM
Listening intently to this promise of power Snich carefully continues, quickly growing entusiastisk at the promise of power: "So, you want the man-meat for their soul-power and will share-share with Snich, yes-yes? I bring traitor alive, you supply with much-much power? I have heard about many useful poisons-toxins, I get them from Eshin-kin so I can get you more-better man-meat, yes-yes?

If Tun is willing to listen Snich will rattle off a list of poison he would like, as well as a plead for a piece of metal to be used for contacting the Eshin agent.

As Tun's attention shifts elsewhere, Snich starts preparing for another long day of travel. Mostly by cutting up bodies and tying them to Skree.

2018-04-21, 12:41 PM
"So, you want the man-meat for their soul-power and will share-share with Snich, yes-yes?

Oh, I can share many things with you, Snich.

I bring traitor alive, you supply with much-much power?
Perhaps. What do you have in mind?

I have heard about many useful poisons-toxins, I get them from Eshin-kin so I can get you more-better man-meat, yes-yes?

This is an acceptable agreement. The Eshin would only deliver poisons that last a day, and you'd need a reliable means to contact me. Tun records Snich's list precisely and even courteously reads back the list to confirm the order.

Tun even proffers, If your desire should change, please contact me and we can work out an...agreement.

When Snich pleads for a piece of metal, Tun gives a smile that reminds him of a predatory lizardman. "Of course I can provide you with metal, but it will put you in debt. Tun procures a dagger and carefully shaves off skin from its thigh; as it leaves its body, what should be flesh instead turns to a sharp and perfectly-reflective surface. The burning blood that accompanies the flesh slides off as it turns to metal; it doesn't even seem to tarnish.

With that exchange in hand, Tun begins to leave, but right before he steps into the blood-pool he gets the Eshin's attention. I may find you a despicable being, Snich, but know that I always honor my contracts. So long as you keep my mirror-skin with you, great power and great opportunities will never be far away. Just remember that I am the one to grant it to you.

2018-04-21, 01:04 PM
At the very chilling thought of being in debt to the terrifying 'human', Snich freezes up momentarily. Knowing better than to not accept the 'gift' Snich carefully picks up the flesh-mirror.
"You give Snich much-many trinkets and Snich give you much-many man-souls, forgive debt soon-now, yes-yes. Snich help you much-much, you trust Snich to kill-kill enemies of Tun."

2018-04-21, 01:38 PM
The humanoid's smile widens inhumanly; its mouth-line stretches into the sides of its face. "Oh!! I'm so glad will allow me to be your debt-broker!" It claps its hands together, almost childlike in its glee. "Yes, I think we can get along just fine" With its last words, the Eshin's mind feels both the uplifting feeling of being freed from a bond and the weight of being tied by another. Is it greater? Worse? Only time will tell.

"You do not need to fear the Dark Voice, Skree, as I have an agreement with it. You and I are now partners in the business of taking souls. The more you prove yourself a capable agent the more you will be rewarded." With that, the human-like-being floats back into the bloody pool.

A tingle wriggles inside Snich's head. In a corner of his mind, he finds a whispered message from Tun: I hope you, too, will come to find killing to be as disagreeable an act as I find it.


Skree gives a short skree as Snich begins tying bodies onto its frame, rousing it from sleep, but it doesn't protest further. If anything, the creature looks at the Skaven with...is that fear? It awaits the tying as patiently as it can, and reaches its jaws forward to gnaw on a body that Snich isn't tying down.

Tendrils of sunlight begin to reach upwards into the sky, dispelling dawn. If there's anything else left to do in the village, now is the time.

2018-04-21, 02:17 PM
Staying very very still while Tun monologues Snich briefly thinks Am I making a mistake?, almost accepting that he made a mistake, the thought is discarded for the filthy lie it obviously is.

As the final line weasels it's way into Snich's mind, he inwardly agrees with the obvious message: Tun want's minions to do his killing FOR him, which of course is the right of the powerful. Snich will soon be even stronger than even Tun. It is as inevitable as it is that Tun will see who will be the master in time.


As Skree shows obvious fear at the magnificent power of Snich, he smirks and hastens to fasten their provisions - there is a rat-soul to be collected and traded for much power. With the greed for trinkets Snich abandons the burned down village.

2018-04-24, 07:33 PM
Snich feels the pull to the Southeast. Skree take to the skies and soon you are engaged in a ground-eating flight. You pass over rice fields--the first ones you've seen in this severe land--and you head for tall mountains that spike into the land before you. As you continue to fly you see an extraordinary to the right, a place where seven roads lead into and seems to have a plethora of walkways among the fields. He passes the area by without an adjustment in the feelings of his quarry, but it does become more evident he's much closer.

As you near this mountain, the feeling of proximity grows intense. Skree climbs near the peak of the mountain, and...yes, Snich can spot who clearly is his target. There's another two creatures here, one a human who wears spectral shapes of beasts, and another is a different Nezumi. They look dangerous, as if any melee contact with any of the 3 of them would lead to serious harm or death to Snich. It is at this moment Skree gives a subtle cry of its namesake, as if it was telling its rider that it, too, felt scared of them; that it was better, instead, to attack from the air. They haven't noticed you and seem to be setting up a rest-spot. Strangely enough, your quarry sets up a mirror against a rock and seems to talk with it. The three of them focus on the exchange, oblivious to their surroundings, obviously feeling secure in their position on the mountain peak.

2018-04-25, 11:26 AM
Sensing that it will most likely come to fighting, mostly because Snich himself plans to start peppering the group with arrows. Preparations must be done nevertheless, a quick spell of protection and liberal application of knockout poison to arrows and, in case of emergency, swords as well.

Mage armor, apply poison to both swords, then to arrows. I assume lingering poison will let me poison several arrows with one dose? Either way I will poison 10 arrows thus using either 4 or 12 doses of knockout poison

As he guides Skree into a cloud, just before he enters it he lets an arrow imbued with fire fly towards the least important one - the one he does not recognize as a target described to him by Tun's slightly less terrifying brother.

Using the standard action from the AMBUSH to shoot a single arrow coated in poison with a nice surprise in the form of being enchanted with a nice scorching ray!
Attack [roll0] for [roll1] + scorching ray [roll2]+ 4 from Harass and Slow Down, DC 15 ref or be entangled and dc 13 fort or be knock-outed for 1 minute.

2018-04-25, 04:11 PM
Snich may coat up to #arrows withhowever many doses remain in this use
The cloud that has stalled before the mountain makes good cover. The ray slams into his target and renders it both trapped and unconscious.

Nat-cha-ro looks over his shoulder. Ka-chak!!. He stands, letting the mirror be, and pulls out a wicked-pair of sickle-like objects whose blades are at curved right angles to the handles. The other one takes cover in a rock; one of the spectral shapes disappears from its body and instead becomes a swirling mass.

2018-04-26, 11:55 AM
Not being one to pass up on an opportunity to shoot those that cannot shoot back, Snich lets another two arrows fly at the target too stupid to not be in cover. Offering a quick prayer dedicating the genius ambush to the God.
"Skree go around, don't let the fat one hide!" Snich squeaks at the flying abomination.

Arrows! Of Poisoned!
[roll0] for [roll1] and dc 13 or sleepy time.

[roll2] for [roll3] and dc 13 or sleepy time.

2018-04-26, 05:29 PM
Nat-cha-ro seems to be more concerned about the dropped person than about his safety.

Although the arrows hit home, and one pierces his shoulder, he neither falls unconscious nor drops down dead. Instead, his form seems to shift into the shadow of the peak nearby and he vanishes from Snich's sight.

2018-04-26, 07:16 PM
The spectrally equipped human seems to have recovered somewhat and this time attacks on its own! He gives a grunt of disapproval at seeing his ally's departure but does little to put up a fight. He tosses a flask into the small fire-pit they've gathered around. A small burst of flame causes a larger cloud of smoke to emerge from the pit, obscuring his escape.

When you can see him next, spectral wings sprout from his waist, and he jumps off the mountain, plummeting at a fast pace.

2018-04-27, 04:49 AM
"Skree get closer, we can catch him later, we need to find the hidden one." Snich screeches at his mount, before shooting two arrows at the fleeing human on the off chance he will be thrown enough off kilter to fatally crash.

Confirming crit from last turn, for an additional 16 damage [roll0]

Two shots at the fleeing human [roll1] for [roll2] and dc 13 or fall unconscious, current hit counter for secondary checks: [2]
Two shots at the fleeing human [roll3] for [roll4] and dc 13 or fall unconscious, current hit counter for secondary checks: [2]

2018-04-27, 11:04 AM
human: vs DC 1[5] [roll0] & vs DC 1[5] [roll1]

Although the fleeing human takes a few dire hits he does not slump in the way that registers an unconscious person

Snich does not see the invisible ratling but he DOES see a trail of blood-likely from its previous wound- that leads away from the cloud to a narrow junction of huge boulders that twist and turn; they'll provide nat-cha-ro excellent cover from arrow fire from many angles...unless Skree moves from his cloud cover.

2018-04-27, 01:48 PM
"Go-fly around so the man-meat doesn't hide-flee to the rocks!" orders the murder-happy ratling as he lines up his shots at where the invisible person should be.

Lend me your aim-strength, let this ambush-trick be blessed mighty-powerful Cyric Snich prays the words as he lets the arrow fly, a bit of groveling never hurts when dealing with fickle masters.

Survival to track the hiding human! [roll0]

Concealment roll, low is good if I get to pick. [roll1] attack [roll2] for [roll3] dc [15] to remain conscience, cause I forgot modifiers :(

Concealment roll, low is good if I get to pick. [roll4] attack [roll5] for [roll6] dc [15] to remain conscience, cause I forgot modifiers :(

2018-04-28, 08:27 AM
Skree must be maneuvered so that you are above the stone formation. DC 125: [roll0] [+5!!]
Snich manages to follow the trail of blood and barely manages to get the mount around in time. He takes a shot, hears the sound of a thump and slumps within the narrow stones his quarry had taken cover in.

2018-05-01, 03:05 AM
"Skree get closer! We must find-capture the man-meat!" Snich squeaks at the abomination as he carefully looks for signs for the invisible target moving as he and Skree closes in on their quarry.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2018-05-01, 03:34 PM
Skree lands on top of a huge boulder; it is about 15 feet below Snich's perch that he sees his quarry, unconscious and slumped onto the narrow walls.

2018-05-02, 04:27 PM
Skree look-watch for the ratling-meat! I take-take the man-souls!" Snich triumphantly squeaks at the abomination.
Tun must-shall give me much-much power for these souls, yes-yes the ratling thinks to himself as he sheathes his bow and draws one of his poisoned swords, just in case. As he walks over to the closest fallen human and strips him of his weapons before dragging him to the other fallen enemy and stripping him of weapons as well. After they are stripped of weapons Snich applies several more doses of knockout poison to both downed targets.
As he prepares to loot the rest of their stuff he tries to contact Tun through the flesh-quiver.

Order Skree to look out for the escaped enemy. Loot weapons, apply knockout poison (3 doses to each) to wounds. If no interruptions Snich will loot them for all their stuff and summon Tun.

2018-05-09, 03:46 PM

As Snich loots his quarry, his mount dives down from its perch to pursue the human totemist. Snich's search is fruitful.
From Nat-cha-ro
1 magical shortsword, engraved with two different trees, their shadows, and a thin line connecting them.
1 magical shortsword, engraved with design of what looks like to be this very sword; it is engraved to look as if it's in motion and it is in motion towards various mundane objects (door, wall, tree, wheel)
(bloodied) ninja outfit
A Magic earring
Two scrolls of Change Self
Two scrolls, unidentified

From Ka-chak
Thirty magical shuriken
A magical suit of Padded armor
A Wand
A magical belt

With the loot handled, Snich summons Tun, who appears after a few minutes of waiting. The silver-eyed creature appears, this time, to be a copper-skinned human in a single long robe and matching pants. They are thick cloth of a deep blue color and are adorned with elaborate spearhead designs.

Tun looks coolly at the two bodies and with soft black leather gloves on his hands, checks them. He soon nods solemnly, satisfied. A smile plays on his lips but he masters it to say "You do yourself well to bring me such excellent bounty, and within such a reasonable time span! I observe with some sadness that these items all appear stolen. The engravings on these swords bear script in a language foreign to Rokugan. The scrolls are actually Ofuda of Scorpion-clan Shugenja and not those give to Ninja. Many of these items need to be returned...But I'll let you keep the wand and four scrolls.

And if you can bring me the third...you can have his equipment for yourself. I shall return you Nat'cha'ro's body's head when it is required."

Tun coolly collects the items before Snich can protest, but pauses before leaving. "We don't have any more business for now, do we?"

2018-05-09, 04:05 PM
With a horrified look Snich sees most of the spoils disappear.
"You claim-take more than man-souls, this was not part-plan of deal. You remember-think of Snich for being true-loyal, yes-yes, reward with much-much power soon-later?" The ratling squeaks in horror at this unwelcome development, while in his thoughts cursing himself for not seeing this coming and having hidden their stuff and preparing a well-formulated lie. Stupid-dumb Snich smart-sneaky God-King Cyric warn about betrayal, even for loyal-true Snich, evil-wicked Tun taking more, I must get much-much power-strong to take-keep my-my rightful goods.

2018-05-10, 07:52 PM
Tun gives a predatory smile to Snich and gives him space to brood. "The items these poor souls have were never yours to begin with; They aren't yours to take. But you give me their bodies, alive, and therefore their souls ARE mine to take. These...insignificant magic items would be a useless burden to you! I can give you connections to powerful people. I can give you information that will help you and others live and thrive. I could even tell you other enemies' thoughts and feelings, so you could manipulate them better. What are these powers to some breakable, destructible human things?

Finally, Snich, I can tell you that your companion, this bat-creature might die soon; it has so many souls and minds in it that it's going to die without some aid. I could help your tribe live, I could help you ascend to be their leader. Would you trade their lives, in such a useful form, for a few swords when you already have some?

2018-05-11, 09:02 AM
Completely confused at the idea that ownership is more than possesion, until a more compatible idea enters his mind, Snich looks confused. He wants them for himself, why make up obvious-stupid lies about it. Strange-weird. He then nods in understanding: "Yes-yes, keep Skree alive, no kill-kill, Make strong-smart Snich leader-chief, Tun make smart-wise choice. Skree is good minion, make strong-better, yes-yes"

2018-05-15, 05:28 PM
"That's right, my subject, and your worth is incalculable. Your greed and desire for rewards will do you well. Train your mind, cunning Snich, so that what you hide, you do not even think of as I visit. You will feel this pain of loss yet again, and when you have mastered your thoughts I will give you more dangerous tasks. You will be an instrument of Rokugan whose masters are whispers of a rumor.

Skree returns as Tun addresses you, and bears an unconscious human among him. Tun, contrary to his word, searches the human's body and retrieves a purse of coin from the human's body. He gives a twist of his mouth and says, "This one's soul has already been sold! But he is a magical spirit-binder. You may find him of great use in your next search, but I regret I must take his coins as I cannot take his soul for my own. He has a talisman that will be of great use to you, and you may also put your thoughts into it and find contact with me as well."

Tun then identifies the wand, the scrolls, and the Talisman for Snich.
Wand of (9 minute duration)Greater Invisibility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/invisibilityGreater.htm) (9 round duration), 44 charges
2x Scroll of Extended Animal Growth (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/animalGrowth.htm), 22 min duration
2x Scroll of Alter Self (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/alterSelf.htm) (50 min duration)
The Talisman grants Snich the feat of Mounted Archery (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#mountedArchery) as long as he wears it. He does not gain the benefit of Mounted Combat, but rather it simply negates combat penalties for using a mount. Finally, the Talisman allows Snich to contact Tun as he desires.

"You have another task, cunning one. There are several agents marked by my Patron that you must give aid to. How you help them is up to you, but there is a most determined and capable samurai after them. He has powerful weapons and he could likely kill you or your clan-bat with but a few strikes. Return the agents to safety. As you ride to them, think on the poisons you desire for the coming day. Before you rest for the evening, think of your requests into the talisman and they will be provided."

With that, Tun will return to the mirror unless Snich has any more requests. He can again feel a tug on his chest, this time to the Southeast.

2018-05-16, 10:55 AM
Grinding to a screeching halt at the mention of being able to read thoughts Snich very unconvincingly tries to continue on as if he isn't panicking a bit. His thoughts however are a jumbled mess of apologies, curses, bowing and scraping and yet more curses at an undefined 'them'.

Getting back on track Snich pushes all the thoughts about bloody revenge, apologies and thoughts of loyalty to a corner of his mind.
"I am to bring the man-meat with me to assist-help the agent-minions? I will need much-much supplies, Skree eats for many-big rats. I gave poison list yes-yes? Also, need arrows with more cut than sharp, you deliver for help with willful-samurai? Do you require something from him, when true-capable Snich has his life in my grasp? Much-many souls? You send supplies with poison, I travel now, yes-yes?" Snich speaks even faster than normally, barely keeping the words from being mushed together in something closer resembling his mother tongue. He grabs up the talisman and starts tying the slumbering human up as well as blindfolding him to make sure he stays put while flying, somewhere in easy stabbing range.

As he hopes for no more mindreading, and talking, from the suddenly not just a threat to his life that is Tun he prepares to set out at once to hunt down these agents. Mostly benign thoughts in his mind.

Use rope [roll0]

2018-05-18, 01:24 AM
Tun looks at Snich with a barely tilted-back head. "I accept your offer of a favor. This human's soul is bound to a...competitor of mine, so we shall take his demise directly into our own hands. Summon me the moment you are absolutely and entirely certain this spirit-man's business is concluded with both you and the group of four other monsters. While you wait for me to arrive, make sure the man is alive, conscious and able to experience pain, and fully capable of making noise for others to hear. Prepare a container capable of holding three litres worth of water, then do the following in this order: cut off each finger in his left hand one by one, cut off his right hand, remove all the gentle bits that dangle between his legs, and then cut out his heart. Place each of these parts you remove into the container. Take whatever precautions you need to ensure this procedure will not be interrupted. Your companions may shun you for these actions, but know that if you do this, Skree will live a life unburdened by the unstable existence it now has.

...As for the arrows, I can arrange for you to gain some broad-headed arrows on your deliveries, but I cannot do this for free." Before the ratling can protest, Tun continues I must remind you that the powers and energies to prevent the death of your....mangled clanpeople are significant. I will the expenses of...600 arrows from the coin of the man whom you've abducted, and I can deliver 20 a day. Is that agreeable?" If there's no strong objections, the silver-eyed shapeshifter will consider both matters closed.

2018-05-18, 01:29 PM
Snich eagerly nods his head. "Let the monsters talk-talk to the human, then find shelter-cover, prepare basin for much-many litres, cut off fingers of left, hand of right and manhood. Then heart and place in container while waiting for you, then Skree will be mine-mine. 20 broadheads a day, for 30 days. I go now-now, but why not kill-sacrifice human now? He knows much-much of what is useful, i bring-take him to others. Help-help them not get dead before Tun orders it. Yes-yes."

2018-05-18, 02:10 PM
Yes, Snich, you understand. With that, Tun takes his leave.


Snich feels yet another tug into his mind. It is gentler, more subtle this time, and requires a bit of focus. It leads him East-and-North, past more mountains. His travel blends with the day, and as the sun reaches about noon he runs into his first bit of significant trouble. Particularly, Skree gives a Sssssklorrrtt and pitches mid-flight. Its wings unfurl and it goes into a free-tumble. You are roughly a mile above the ground, so there's plenty of time to accomplish many a contemplation.

2018-05-18, 02:18 PM
At this very unwelcome change in situation Snich does what every sane skaven would do: he starts cursing at the ones responsible, the dumb human, Skree and Tun. "Stupid human, poisoning my Skree! He screeches as he checks up that the human has not done something he is not supposed to, he then slaps Skree to make him fly right, before actually trying to figure out what is wrong with the abomination.

2018-05-18, 02:34 PM
The creature does not register consciousness at the slap, and a cursory go-over reveals nothing.
Arcana [roll0]
It occurs to Snich that something magical could be altering his companion's state. He'd have to find it, of course, but perhaps Skree accidentally swallowed a magical item or somehow activated one such item in its process of capturing the human.

The human, of course, remains (well-tied) to the back of his free-falling mount.

21 seconds (7 rounds).

2018-05-18, 02:43 PM
Snich mutters to himself about at least landing on the human as he mumbles the syllables to the detect magic spell, trying to locate the problem currently ailing his clan.

2018-05-18, 03:02 PM
The Detect Magic works as intented. After three seconds, he can sense that there's something in Skree's throat.
If you want to have Snich cast at all before the location is pinpointed, do say so.

Another three, he identifies that it's only one aura in it's throat

Three more seconds, he sees that it's only eight inches past the beast's tongue, and that it doesn't seem to be moving.

Snich sees the ground approaching him at an appreciable rate. Specifically, he has about 12 seconds left before he, the human, and Skree encounter its unmoved presence.

2018-05-18, 03:17 PM
Doing the first thing that comes to mind Snich plunges his hand into the mouth of the giant abomination and tries to dislodge whatever it is, with his claws.

Disable device seems appropriate!

2018-05-18, 04:31 PM
With considerable deftness, Snich plunges his clawed hand into his mount's throat. It isn't easy given the circumstances, but with an urgency he dares not deny, he locates the offending object. As he clamors back onto the giant bat's back, his mount coughs and splutters, nearly throwing him off again.

Ride[roll0] vs DC 24
Reflex if ride fails [roll1] vs DC 17
Snich takes 6 piercing damage from his mount's jaw (let's consider the circumstances and call it a mercy).

2018-05-18, 05:31 PM
Staying in the saddle Snich does his best to pull Skree out of the death-fall, including screeching at him with all the authority he can muster, while keeping an eye on whatever he just pulled from the maw of the great bat. Even if he is to die here at least he will have an inkling of which enemy has betrayed him and his clan.

2018-05-18, 07:19 PM
Grit prevails. The Eshin clings to his mount and empties his lungs of all remaining air. His mount regurgitates a bit more blood and furls its wings as it receives a wind-rushed stream of instruction. The fall slows but doesn't halt; It leads to a swoop, vigorous flapping that tumbles into an arc and, a few feet above the ground, resolves into a breakneck soar that evens out and eventually slows. Skree gives a throat-sore skree and seems to have recovered enough for now. It resumes its normal flying pattern, albeit much closer to the mountaintops this time.

In the distance, to the south-east, Snich can better-see what had seemed to be a mountainscape is actually a massive column of smoke. He has soon overtaken it, and instead proceeds upwards, past switchbacks and dips, and crests over a mountain-village. His quarry is close. It would do him well to slow down and consider his actions wisely.

2018-05-19, 08:15 AM
"Good Skree, you did good! Extra goat for you tonight. Our quarry is close-close we must sneak-track him, but first we must camp till nightfall."
Snich mumbles as much to Skree as to himself, as he decides that when the shadows gets longer he will have a better chance of not getting caught off guard. Fortunately this also gives him time to figure out what the hell happened to Skree.

Looking for a nice place to hide out till the sun starts setting: Knowledge Geography to find somewhere close but hidden: [roll0]
And then knowledge arcana to figure out what the hell that thing is [roll1]

2018-05-19, 06:18 PM
Mountains will sometimes form knots in their slopes with their intersections. In the rainy months they will form tiny lakes, but they can dry up and form excellent area for cover in the dry seasons (which they are in). With the fading light it takes a while to find such a section of area, but he has Skree swoop down not far from the mountain-village. Only after he's begun his descent does Snich notice that others are in this clearing.

Please write yourself and Skree descending into the clearing where the other monsters are preparing to leave for the night.

2018-06-14, 10:21 PM
The meeting could have gone better--and Snich's departure marks a certain stab at his own autonomy. Without a clear goal, and without a feeling of guidance, the next destination is up in the air. Where does he go?

Excuse the pun. It's up to Snich where to go, what to look for, etc.

2018-06-16, 01:23 PM
Snich, having succeeded in intimidating his future minions, retreats towards a more remote part of mountain. Some sabotage of the humans while they are focused on something else might smash two delicious eggs with one stone: Buy the minions time and maybe find one of those souls to feed to Tun.
At the thought of his boss Snich shivers, and only the pangs of hunger threatening to turn ravenous forces his thoughts to less fearful thoughts.

As he attempts to grab a piece of goat while in flight Snich spots what he thinks might be a small cave and guides Skree in that direction, this time with less screeching and more silent whispers.

Survival/Geography to find an actual cave instead of just a large shadow! [roll0] (Also not sure how much of the terrain I am allowed to make up, is this too much?)

[roll1] fortitude, turns out meat starts going bad in about a day if left refrigerated, so Snich might be getting a bit sick. Although it's sorta strange that the overgrown rats have no resistance to eating garbage. Oh well :P

2018-06-16, 11:40 PM
The evening search only takes an hour and winds him here and there. Halfway through the search, they wing over a large town and (thankfully) are not spotted. While Snich had been munching, Skree manages to gain elevation in time to avoid notice. North and west of the city, Snich finds a promising-looking boulderfield. Although he doesn't find a cave there he does find a respectably-sized outcropping. Only after he's landed and made perparations, however, does he realize there's another already resting. It seems to have already eaten, though, from the (dead) and collapsed bear in front of it.

It appears roughly human, wrapped in a cloak, and rather pale, and...an aura of inhuman strength comes from it, despite its appearance.

Alkiri is keenly aware that none of her "minions" are alive, and she feels the pain of their loss as she wakes.

7 dog knight
2018-06-17, 02:00 AM
Alkiiri rested under a rock as murder of crows rested scattered across the nearby area, some picking at the dead bear's flesh as the feminine form 'slept' under her cloak. A single eye opened to greet the rat like creature's gaze, inhumanly yellow as they glistened like gold in the darkness the form hid in "Ah.... Tis just an overrrgrrrown rrrat... what is your business disturbing my rest hm? are you this Ally prophesized by the dark shadow?..." she hissed out with a disdainful tone, almost condescending as he approached. With a click of her tongue a crow larger than the rest hopped up to rest upon her finger, giving a squawk of eagerness as it looked at Snich with a keenness to it's eyes uncommon for such a beast. the woman closed her open eye once more as she leaned more into the shade of the rock "speak Verrrrmin, what is yourrr name?..." she stated with a commanding tone.

2018-06-17, 10:34 AM
Another? I-I can get more-much for this, he will-must understand.
Snich snaps his fingers at the giant bat abomination in annoyance, before producing a stoppered vial. "You-you will drink this, I will call-ask the master for further instructions. Yes-yes? the red-eyed ratling squeaks, before throwing the vial in a gentle arc towards Alkiiri.

"Quick-fast now, fill vial with blood. Give-gift to me." The rat says, in what is more quick squeaks than normal speech, every word tripping over itself to be out of his mouth as fast as possible.

7 dog knight
2018-06-17, 05:00 PM
Akiiri gave a dark chuckle as a Crow swooped in snatching the vial from midair before flying off into the darkness with it. "oh my.... it appears your Vial is lost... my 'Eyes' aren't known for bringing such trinkets back..." she sneered from beneath her cloak. "My apologies Mr. Rat, but it is rather rude to demand gifts from someone who you just met. even if I did touch that bottle I would not fill it. there are many things that may be used against a person, their blood among many other things." she chuckled again as she rose from her seated position, the crow on her finger squawking and hopping onto her shoulder as she stood. "now, I'll ask nicely again... what is your name?" she gave him a rather malicious if not inhuman smile, her canine teeth glistening softly in the moonlight. "if you'd like an exchange, I could drink you dry of every drop of blood in that little body of yours if you don't wish to be my Ally... Perhaps you'll make a better servant instead hm?..." the purring hiss that escaped her mouth underlying her amused and rather predatory tone.

2018-06-17, 06:08 PM
The large bat-like beast that the ratling had ridden gives a great heaving SKREEEEEE and it lumbers its body to the cloaked lady. The beast breathes her scent in, and she feels eddies of air swirl towards the bat-creature. Its mouth is half again the size of her head, and she can see her own pale visage reflected in its eyes. The creature breathes in again, with its massive stomach, and upon close examination of the creature, she can see that its abdomen, its throat and...well, its entire skin is made from a patchwork of skin and fur from what must be rat-faces. Closer, now, the creature says SKREEaaiiiiioottt.

The moment before she can reach out, the massive bat wheels itself in a tight circle, half lumbers and half wings itself to the ratling, circles around him and then breathes into his face. "Skreeeeannnnddd"

It then heaves itself onto the ground, face towards the (slaughtered, crow-beset) bear, and lets its eyes shift between the lady and the ratling.

2018-06-18, 02:20 AM
Snich shakes his head at the other: "I-I am chieftain Snich, gift-offering not for me. Is for avoiding insult. I-I am messenger of the master. You-you is another of his, bring proof of loyalty. Snich try to help you, but only threats about eating. Is all of you chosen for inability to find-hunt food or offer names first in introduction? Skree is right, dumb to fight rabid dogs, only bite. You give name, proof of loyalty, then we show you to the master. If wish to identify as not tag-along, must give blood for call, else will be seen as unimportant, you pick-choose." Waiting skittishly for a response Snich takes off his quiver and places it in front of him almost reverently.

7 dog knight
2018-06-18, 02:21 PM
Akiiri's tone seemed to shift dramatically the moment he spoke his name to one of respectful amusement if that were even possible.... "Ah, well masterrrr Snich, it is a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Alkiiri. Though, I am afraid I still can't offer you my blood you see..." she takes one of her sharp fingernails and pressed it to the skin of her wrist, cutting it enough to where blood would normally come out, however nothing came. With almost a sad chuckle she gave him a rather predatory smile, though this one seemed to have a hint of kindness behind it despite her vampiric fanged maw grinning at him as if gazing at one's next meal. "my threats were nothing more than words. I serve your master as it suits my needs. an artist is nothing without a publisher." she states confidently "I am rather interested in that bat of yours, it seems to be made of your own kin..." she grinned slightly, as if approving of such a taboo.

2018-06-18, 04:48 PM
Nodding quickly at the words of the toothy affront to decency Snich answers in his high-pitched screeching voice that somehow manages to squeeze words out almost without breathing, repeating words for emphasis instead of using inflection: "Skree is clan, not food. Lack of blood bad-bad, you have nothing to give-gift? Is not good-wise, chain of hunger stretches up-up above, yes-yes? Master has brother, both bring terror-fear, you meet soon, if live, find human-soul to give-gift, I-I help you, you give-owe favor, much good, yes-yes?"

7 dog knight
2018-06-19, 12:47 AM
Alkiiri lets out a hearty laugh at the mention of him thinking she meant to eat Skree "I would never eat such a beautiful piece of art as your friend skree." she smiles warmly at Snich as she looks quizitively at the frantic tone of the little ratling. "though my little friend you might slow down when talking. Fear wraps you rougher than a sword in it's sheath. If this master is as scary as you say, he must be pretty powerful to wrap someone like you into his grasp." she stated in an almost complimentary fashion as she sat down by the bear's head and brings a paw up to her mouth before using prestidigitation to clear the fur from the area where she sank her teeth into the large form. There was a soft sucking sound as she "ate" happily if not eagerly. Pausing for a second she looks up to Snich with a blood covered smile "come, join me. I don't require the meat, so you're welcome to it." she stated in an offer of mutual benefit.

I am rather enjoying this. it's been too long since I was able to let my creatively malicious and conniving juices flow.

2018-06-19, 03:23 AM
Upon seeing the blood-sucking woman having a meal, Skree looks tentatively at the bear. It gets its maw close but decides to shy away from Alkiri. It turns and tries grasping one of the last goats (now smelling nearly spoiled) tied to its body. It completes a tight circle before catching it on a wing-claw and rips the goat apart, freeing it from its bindings. Foul-smelling gore spills over the floor of the rock and the bat devours the organs with gusto, and then attempts to reach the other. Instead, it turns the goat to Snich and huffs expectantly.

7 dog knight
2018-06-19, 10:59 AM
Alkiiri lets out a rather amused giggle as she watched the bat creature struggle with the festered goat corpse upon it's back. With a flick of her wrist (and help from mage hand) the bindings came lose. As the goat body fell with a sickly thud upon the ground she smiled to Snich with a bemused look. "your bat friend is absolutely adorable." she purred out as she finished with her "meal." "now, tell me about this master that you serve... What is his name?" She asks curiously. She was rather interested in knowing who this ratling served, for the sake of her allegiance with the creature as well as of this 'middle man' of sorts between Snich and the dark shadow.

2018-06-20, 08:10 AM
Seeing Skree having gotten fed, Snich scurries over to the carcass and tears into the meat with his claws and fangs. Between inhaling meat in a hurried fashion, like he has been starving, he starts speaking in the same hurried manner as before alternating between hurried speech and brief stops: "You-you wise-smart, not like stupid-dumb others. All have not seen the master, will call, you see-talk, he is make clan into Skree, must get human-souls to keep alive, much-much important, I-I help others, get souls, all better, you deal with Tun, get much-much power if smart-sneaky, yes-yes

7 dog knight
2018-06-20, 11:21 AM
Alkiiri leans back as she processes what the vermin man was saying. "so this Tun... What kind of creature is he? A demon? A devil? Something else? I know of very little else that requires souls as sustenance..." she ponders for a minute, a smile broadens as she sits back further and chuckles. Humming in thought to herself, she sighed softly. an extra planar ally would a most welcome opportunity... This rat has more that fulfilled his uses... I would very much like to stay as an ally with this servant of a demon... His usefulness shall only further my goals of making this world a stronger place as the dark voice wishes it. she thought silently. a while passes as she watched Snich eat his fill. "once you've had your fill of food master Snich. I ask you to call forth your master. I would like to speak with him... Do not worry about gifts I can assure you if he is angered, I will protect you." She states in a rather soothing tone.

2018-06-20, 01:04 PM
Having gorged himself on enough meat to fill the stomachs of several men while Alkiiri was thinking he looks slightly less twitchy.
Shaking his head at her as he cleans his paw and face he starts explaining: "You are too weak-feeble to protect, is why you need gift, Snich is of much-much value. I-I could offer you information, but was hard won, cannot part-give, will sell, you help find human-soul, half a dozen, and I-I tell you dangerous-insidious nature of Tun, yes-yes?" The rat looks up, at the newfound ally, something almost looking like hope in his eyes. Quickly it is replaced by the same mixture of fear and twitching paranoia he has displayed so far.

7 dog knight
2018-06-20, 01:39 PM
Alkiiri chuckles once more. "You need to have more faith in me my little friend. If this Tun is as insidious as you say, then he and I will come to a mutually beneficial stance becoming of our kin. I do not wish to encroach upon your master's domain, I merely wish to make my own without stepping upon his toes so to speak. I assure you, your master will understand if no offering is given for me to speak with him. However, if it will help ease your fears, I feel we can easily get some commoners to offer up... Though I would prefer we do so soon.... I don't do well in the light of day. It prevents me from using my powers." she states as she rises up from the ground and starts to wander towards the town, cleaning her face of blood with the black part of her cloak. She was hungry for more... And was in need of servants... Tonight would be one of hunting for the souls to reap and underlings to keep. A sinister smile crossed her face as she thought of how humorous it will to make an ally of a fellow outsider, If that is what this Tun character was... She just hoped it served the same purpose she did...

2018-06-20, 04:10 PM
"Is evening, I-I get supplies around now, you want talk-contact Tun you touch quiver-flesh, think of Tun, he is mirror and death. As gesture-sign of goodwill for help with gathering humans, I-I warn, He sees what you think-want, you not die-die, need alive." Snich says as he pulls out a mirror and hunches over even more than usual around the mirror. It seems to be made from a flesh-like metal substance.

7 dog knight
2018-06-20, 09:40 PM
Alkiiri smirks in spite of herself "I could too if I so wanted so be careful what you think about~" she gave him a teasing wink as she held her hand out for the mirror.

2018-06-21, 02:48 AM
Snich looks at the outstretched hand and shakes his head: "Mirror is not for you, you use quiver, contact Tun."

2018-06-21, 05:25 AM
Snich feels a pull in his mind. He gets a strong sense of foreboding, and questions force themselves into his brain.
Would Tun be happy to be summoned without the one he asked for? Or would he become dangerous? What if there's someone who wants you to get hurt? What if the vampire secretly wants you to be hurt?

Or...What if you summoned Tun, and he felt deceived, and let the other rat-man kill you?

7 dog knight
2018-06-22, 02:16 PM
Alkiiri tilts her head curiously at the ratling creature. Picking up the quiver she sighed "this quiver? what do I need this for? I don't use bows." She states as she examines the quiver and it's contents.

2018-06-22, 05:29 PM
Tun does not appear right away. In fact, they wait more like 20 minutes...more than enough time for a blood sacrifice. Finally, the form of what appears to be a Rokugani human male with simple, functional clothing appears in the mirror and climbs out. Well, good Snich, I thought you'd be months before you wrested the human away from the others! Consider me---

At this point, his eyes, all silver, have appraised the situation. He sees the other vampire...fondling his minion's possessions, and the humanoid reaches an arm to its hip. Snich...

Tun lets the name hang in the air for a moment. Where is the sacrificed human you said you'd have for me? And why is She touching your stuff?

2018-06-22, 05:52 PM
Upon seeing the 'man' appear from the mirror Snich drops it and retreats behind Skree with a speed befitting of a seasoned and enspelled rogue, the high-pitched squeak he lets out betrays it as simple panic.
Why did he come from the mirror when the quiver was supposed to summon him?

Upon finding himself the center of attention, something Snich does not particularly want when it's between a battle of mindreaders, he peeks out from behind Skree excuses spilling from his mind and mouth:
It was the she-witch! I'm not paid, I mean, prepared to handle mind-readers. Everyone keeps on wanting to eat me. It's not my fault.
"I-I not try to contact-summon you, it was Alkiiri-thing, told much-much of usefulness, said was equal-strong to Tun, wants much-much alliance, loyal-true Snich bring information, was part of trade-deal, yes-yes, helpful-kind Snich is helpful-useful, yes-yes? he looks equal parts groveling and hiding, trying to make himself smaller by bowing closer to the ground and inching behind the abomination that is his clan.

7 dog knight
2018-06-22, 06:12 PM
Alkiiri gave a warm smile as she bowed respectfully to Tun "greetings, ser Tun, your loyal servant has told me much about your power, though as of right now, I am clearly not your equal, in dying and being brought back by the dark voice, I have lost much of what I had." she looks at him with a disarming smile. "as I can assume, you are of course aware that I am not human in the slightest, in fact I am not native to the material plane much like yourself." she states confidently. "Do not blame him for not bringing you a sacrifice, I was the one who summoned you through him as I have not the means to contact you. And of course giving a lowly servant your true name would make for a rather... inconvenient relationship... Anyways, I wish to propose an exchange. Though not contractual as it is with your servant, more of an... agreement that we will not step on each other's toes in our efforts to serve under the dark voice." she gave him another bow and looked up at him with an eager, near lustful gaze as she smirked. though it pains me to bow to one who would in another life be my equal, crossing this demon or devil as I am without the means to defend against him would be suicidal, but if my gamble is right, he works for the same master as I. Though I will not serve him under contract like a fool, I will help him. or... at least not encroach upon his business in this realm knowingly. we are both artists to a higher power after all, to have my work be committed under his name would be an injustice.

2018-06-22, 07:24 PM
The man watches Snich squirm and writhe beneath his gaze and ignores Alkiri's monologue. When she's finished, he speaks to the Eshin. "Poor Snich...let me make this clear to you. I tell you to do these tasks for the benefit of us both. Because your clan-bat will die soon. There's little I can do about it without those souls. Make sure that the next time you summon me, you have the human I desire, how I want it...and if he dies at the another's incompetent hands, then you will find me another THREE humans, like this one that I look like. Make sure they are good, hard-working men, farmers and laborers, that have families, and you'll also prepare them as we've already discussed.

Now...as for that profane and important quiver, I have arranged a network of rat-folk, believers of the Dark Voice's message, to bring you supplies every morning. You will be contacted by them when a delivery is ready. With that, he turns to Alkiri.

There are better ways to summon me than befouling my minion's few possessions with your undead clutch. If you wish to make ANY sort of deal with me, you will respect his items and not use them at your whim, so I ask you kindly, once, to return them to Snich.

Tun waits for a signal that she understands, and for the exchange to happen, before regarding her with what can only be incredible disdain. "You cause my minion distress, you take his things, you pull me from important business when he's already warned you not to, and you speak in hollow words and vacuous ideas. If that's how you think you can deal with me, then I don't even want to know what you're thinking inside that hollow head of yours. What a terrible way to start a potential relationship! I'm afraid you'll have to listen to what you're up against and prove your usefulness to me.

Snich was tasked with finding a Traitor to the Emerald Throne. The one he caught caused the zombification of an entire city, and even then, fled the oni giants and shapeshifters that were released. This one, captured, will bring even more strife to the clans, as the spectacle unleashed upon his release to the Throne will cause other clans to vie for the city! The expense and strife alone will be fantastic, and what's even better is that this one's return at Snich's hands, and to mine, is that the traitor's return will bring shame upon all the clans' bounty hunters that failed to find him. He accomplished in a four nights what others strove for in five human months.

Now...There are other voice-called in the area, and there is only one of the four I would say can be considered useful. He snuck his group into the mountain-home of the clan's regent. He slaughtered a guard, gave them a powerful message from the Voice itself, survived their attacks, and pulled the nobles far from their post and station. The regent himself of this clan went to hunt them!" The man gives an appreciative laugh and starts to giggle. "The Regent Lord Hida is going to be punished for his actions, his willful hunting, and failure to kill the monsters! It is so pleasant to think of!!"

The man' gaze returns to Alkiri. "The Dark Voice tolerates three others that piddle and peddle and walk in the Yrashnal's wake, but if you are to work with me, who has been gifted the means to work here, there will be no meekness. You will be like Snich and Yrashnal. That is to say, I expect you to take risks and I expect you to deliver. If you do not lean into the danger, if you do not risk your life to see the Dark Voice's mission unfold, then this land will be doomed."

He sweeps his hand towards the town. "We have exactly five hours and seventeen minutes until the sun rises. This town is a merchant town, one that conducts trade to all places of the empire. I expect you to find and..persuade some merchants to your way of seeing the world. The traders of this land must be stronger. Imagine, Alkiri, a network of traders with your gift, strong and capable when other men are weak, loyal not to money or to useless clans, but to your cause.

...when I see you next, vampire, I expect to be suitably impressed.

7 dog knight
2018-06-22, 08:49 PM
Alkiiri gave an almost knowing smile, as if expecting such an answer from the start setting the quiver down she used her magic to float it back over to Snich and set it down beside his quivering form before turning back to Tun"Ser Tun you berate me when I give you nothing more than a new ally, though I do respect that you have your business outside of this humble undead's presence I do have but a few questions. As I may not have stated, I do not wish to serve you, I listen to the dark voice's commands. however, that isn't to say the merchants you speak of won't make for valuable pawns. Any greedy man of power wishes for immortality, and so few ever have the chance to taste it." a rather devious smile crosses her lips "the blood of a sinful man does taste rather sweet~" she purrs softly to herself "very well Ser Tun, though you detest my presence, I rather enjoyed this little chat we had. I also appreciate the information that you have given, though I do not know of these lands, so to go into a town without knowing what to expect would be rather stupid. if you may be willing to part with a bit more information, I would be more than happy to compensate you with some souls for reaping." she bows to him with a smirk still crossing her face. yes, this will do nicely... two birds with one stone~ I have received not only information, but potential minions as well~ this Tun is indeed a good Ally to have.

2018-06-22, 09:27 PM
The man's face betrays little emotion as he listens to the vampire. Finally he replies, Since you have already given me your allegiance, you have already agreed to serve me. Don't worry; you will no longer report to the Dark Voice and you'll instead talk with me. As if Tun were performing some un-knowable surgery in her mind, she feels a connection to a very dark power alter and shift. Her mind tingles in a way she's never before experienced. Before she can react, it's done.

If you find what I tell you useful now, imagine what I could tell you if you paid for it. I'll leave you with...an idea. Let's say there's something about a man you wish to know. Or a story about this Land that might be useful to a negotiation. An item you believe could be valuable, but is out of reach...I can help you with their acquisitions, for a price of course. Enjoy the information given to you as a gift of our exchange.

With that the man is no longer where he's standing, and is simply seen climbing into the portal. "POUNCE on all you dare."

2018-06-24, 06:56 AM
Peeking out from behind Skree, Snich exhales in relief before launching into a high-speed and squeaky planning session:
"Told-warned you it would be bad-bad, you help-assist me now-now. Is time to acquire human-soul. Must-must save Skree, cannot be chieftain without clan-mates. Must-must. Bird-you can scout-sneak for night, yes-yes, we find traitor-soul quick-soon, need big bowl-container for essence-blood. You-you, understand-know?"

7 dog knight
2018-06-24, 03:00 PM
Alkiiri held up her hands in an attempt to slow the creature down "calm yourself my little friend, I had no intention of not helping you from the start. when you speak that fast, I barely have any time to comprehend what you're saying... I need you to slow down a bit." She states before looking over at the city. "So this is a merchant town? do you know anything about it's residents?"

2018-06-24, 03:21 PM
Looking like he does not quite comprehend the problem, Snich slowly nods and starts speaking very slowly and uncertainly, starting and stopping often: "The human tongue does not translate very well from my native tongue information is lost and it is painful to think like this."
While not relaxed by any normal standard, Snich seems to have calmed down and only twiches and turns periodically as opposed to constantly.

[roll0] knowledge geography!

2018-06-25, 10:00 PM
Snich pieces together what information he briefly gleaned from an evening flight over the town and from what Tun said.
It's a mountain town, and it lies on the cliffs above a river. Since the town has been noted as a merchant hub, there's likely to be many entrances and exits to the town. The town has river access to the Emerald Throne.

2018-06-27, 01:40 PM
Snich jerks his head from side to side quickly: "No, this human-den is new-surprise to me-us. But much-many entries, can enter-sneak easily. Swim-hide by river. Bird-things can tell-see much-much, yes-yes?"

7 dog knight
2018-06-27, 01:46 PM
Alkiiri nods in thought. "yes, I can look through their eyes. However... I don't do so well with... Rivers... So if we could avoid that, it would be much apreciated. What is this target that you are looking for?" she asks "and may I ask what you are exactly? You're a bowman of some skill, but most bowman I know don't have such an... Interesting quiver.... Do you specialize in dark arts such as poisons or the sort?"

2018-06-27, 02:10 PM
At the question about targets Snich once again grows agitated and starts moving in starts and stops, quickly gathering his supplies: "Afraid-scared of rivers, why-why? I-I am Eshin, got contact-kin, is ratling assassin-killer. Train-use bow with powerful-mighty magic and poison. Only have much-many paralysis-poison, will get supplies tomorrow. Now-soon, find-capture trader-meat. Turn-trick weak-dumb humans into slave-service. You are dead-thing, no breathe, walk through water quick-easy, make-force traders obey-listen."

7 dog knight
2018-06-27, 02:17 PM
Alkiiri hisses in disapproval at him calling her a 'dead thing' "I am a vampire! If I so much as try to cross a river outside of my coffin,it would mean death!" She scowls. "if all you have are paralysis poisons... Then that shall do... It will make conversion easier if they cannot struggle... Will you assist me in such an endeavour? I am not well versed in poisons though I am immune to them."

2018-06-27, 03:34 PM
Clearly mistaking the disapproval as anger at someone deserving, who is definitely not Snich, the ratling continues in his rapid-fire way of speaking, chaining together several questions before launching into planning: "Vampire-thing is not dead, you are cursed-weak, foe-enemy did this? We hunt-kill them when collected-rewarded many-mighty items, we-I was given task-job by Tun, maybe find human-meats to replace human-soul, he is with voice-called, but dumb-angry, must-must prepare for it-his death, you can walk-hide into town, look like human-elf, yes-yes."

7 dog knight
2018-06-27, 05:27 PM
Alkiiri's scowl became even worse at being called weak. A growl escaped her lips before she let out a heavy huff. This ratman was clearly not worth getting angry at for assuming such things, indeed being unable to cross running water was indeed a curse... However the curse of invitation was even worse. "listen snich I do not blame you for assuming that I am weak.... In fact, from what I once was, I am very weak... A shepard is not much with out their herd... Just as you have your clan, I too once had a flock to lead myself... However my arrogance cost me everything. Including my life... The dark voice saved me. And to that I am thankful to our unknown benefactor... However without my flock, I am but a commoner carrying a cane. As the chief of your clan you have a responsibility to keep what is yours... As a shepard of the night... I have a right to take back what was once mine." a snarl most vicious escaped her lips as for a second snich could see the golden eyes and face of a tiger behind the visage of the elven woman glare at him with a fury most unholy, not directed at him in particular, but the rage behind the leering look was not lost on him. "now... My birds will fly into the city and set up watch posts in strategic parts of the city. Please do be quiet as I watch through their eyes." with a cacaphonous symphony of squawks and caws the murder of birds swept into the air, all but one flies off towards the city resting on rooftops or street lights as their watchful eyes scanned the city, the remaining crow, the large one from before hops up to sit on his master's lap, watching vigilantly for any sign of disruption toward her person.

2018-06-29, 12:13 PM
As the birds spread out, Alkiri begins to see a layout of the city and she begins to understand what's where.

This town has a well-regimented set of simple buildings upon a diamond-shaped mountain shelf. From the North, going clockwise you can see the following:
(N) A large warehouse, 40' by 80' and notably is positioned next to a winch that peers over the North-Western (riverside) edge.
(NE) A 2-storied Inn, and tough for you to definitively see if it's well-occupied.
(center) In the middle of the town, there is a large pit (80' wide), with four ten-foot-wide poles attached to winches.
(E to S) A longhall, 40' by ~300' and roughly 2/3 full of people, mostly men. On the Western edge of the building, about 2/3 of the wall is covered by (well-oiled) pick-axes and leather caps. The hall is close to the South-and-East mountain face.
(S to W, below) A river runs close to the town's South. It travels downwards at sharp angles into several rivers below the town that then flow North.
(SW) The nicest-looking building by far, there are also a few people walking to it currently. An elderly man, another man helping him, and two samurai are the only humans outside this town so late. Judging from their fatigue and puffing faces, they have recently come from...
(W) Stone steps lead down to the river-bank below and the Torii that signals the primary entrance to the town.


7 dog knight
2018-06-29, 12:23 PM
Alkiiri frowns and hums in thought, having one of the birds follow the old man and samurai quietly. "hmmm... An old man... Far past his prime... He perhaps could be useful." a snide grin corssed her face. She would monitor where the man went occasionally. "I have enough information to know the lay of the land at least. Snich my little friend, how good are you at stealth?" she asked as she moved over to snich.

2018-06-30, 03:32 AM
Snich sounds eager to be pointed at a target, which does nothing to slow down his speech: "I-I am Eshin, sneakyest of clans, you see-find target? Yes-yes? You guide with bird-things or sneak-hide?"

2018-06-30, 12:41 PM
The raven with Alkiri gives a caw. The birds allow her to notice that the elderly man gets up from his sitting space as other people come out and present tea. They bow and scrape, giving warm words that are lost on her avian spies. Their voices are soothing and controlled, and the people have a tightness to their eyes and shoulders.

Some of the ravens fly to the waterfall, and soon they all discover that there are small fish and crabs among the rocks and eddies of the near-town waterfall, and Alkiri temporarily loses contact with them. She soon sees them again, happily bathing in the water and feasting on fish and crabs recently smashed on the rocks by her flock.

Skreeaooo!! The bat part-flaps its wings, daring the Eshin to take off, but settles when it realizes Snich isn't ready to go just yet.

2018-06-30, 01:18 PM
Calming down the abomination as he waits for Alkiri to answer whether she is joining or not: "We will go-fly soon Skree, find much-many targets, maybe human-meats, old warrior-rats say-tell is very good-tasty."

7 dog knight
2018-06-30, 02:20 PM
Alkiiri smirks at the mention and consumption of human flesh "ah human flesh is quite tasty, though if you've ever had swine before... it tastes rather similar. definitely better cooked than raw..." she states as if she's had many an experience with eating flesh of sentient creatures. "if we get a good specimen, I will teach you how to properly make a human stew.~" she purrs slightly at this, she hasn't had any good cooking in a while. "now my little rat friend. I believe it may be best to leave your clan here... it would cast too much of a shadow flying over the city if we were to take it as transport... besides, I can fly without need of wings. though if you were to go with me, I'll have to... tidy you up a bit." she waves her hands and chants something in a very guttural if not bone chilling speak as she waves her hand Snich is now aware he no longer smells like his natural musk, his clothes are also devoid of dirt.

2018-06-30, 03:53 PM
Looking up at the moon and sneering at it like it is personally standing in the way of his plans Snich weighs in on the topic of eating meat in the breakneck speed he usually uses: "Food always scarce-none, when more food-meat more rat-kin, but with small clan, better, we go quick-now, no fly high, too risky, worry-plan about victory-meat later, squeak-tell strong-smart Snich about human-target, we go now-now." The rat finishes talking as he applies a clear liquid with viscosity like honey to his scimitars, as the poison settles into groves specially made for the purpose. The bottles look suspiciously alike to the one that briefly made an appearance earlier.

2018-07-01, 07:00 PM
As you discuss preparations, Alkiri gets a tug of sensation from her avian connection. Noticeably, there was a small bit of shouting in the town. Not enough to disturb them from their rest, but enough to let her know that time was moving as she prepared Snich to be less...detectable, in the olfactory sense.

7 dog knight
2018-07-02, 10:56 AM
Alkiiri scowled softly before scoffing "we must be on our way. There appears too be a disturbance in the town. I'll see what it is, but once you're done with your poisons we must go." she stated closing one eye to allow her to see through the crows' eyes switching between them until she spotted the commotion.

2018-07-02, 01:10 PM
The rat stows his swords and looks at Alkiiri: "I'm ready, let's go-fly quick-quick, what are the human-meats doing?"

2018-07-03, 02:55 AM
The crows have again settled but from the angle they are at Alkiiri doesn't see much. The only change in the scene she notices is the house closest to the stairs has a soft light coming from within.

2018-07-03, 04:25 AM
The flight to the town is a few minutes, aided by the vague sense of the ravens' location. It is nestled on a shelf of a mountain, and you find a convenient perch in a crag above the town. It's a short 60' flight down to the town. The only lights are a ways off, from the house closest to the steps down to the river below.

Edit: left centre says "80 foot drop"

2018-07-04, 11:25 AM
Whispering, in a much lower pitch than what he normally speaks in, Snich motions towards the inn: "We-I catch sleeping-unaware ones, bind-secure, light fire-distraction, steal-take the weak."

7 dog knight
2018-07-04, 02:12 PM
Alkiiri hums softly to herself as she thinks "that's not a bad idea, however... We do not want to destroy the town... Only take people from the guest rooms. Anyone else would be noticed upon their leaving so suddenly." she interjects just as quietly as she lowers them near the border of the town's first Torii entrance.

2018-07-04, 03:22 PM
Snich shakes his head: "Make distraction-lure, fire is best, can be set and left-fled. Why not go-fly to inn roof, no moon-light out."

7 dog knight
2018-07-04, 03:34 PM
Alkiir adjusts their flight to land them on top of the Inn. "we cannot burn anything in this town... if we do, we put our own welfare in danger... As well as our element of surprise..." she cautions "our job is to turn people to our line of thinking, razing the town will do anything but that."

2018-07-04, 03:44 PM
"Is to weed out weakness, if warned and still die-burn? Not useful." The rat mumbles as he silently crawls to the edge of the roof, looking for windows or hatches to sneak through.

7 dog knight
2018-07-04, 04:00 PM
Alkiiri pinches her nose as she shook her head "alright fine. but only as a last resort... Find some weaklings to take with us. I wish to pay the old man I saw earlier a visit." she stated as she started to fly off, casting message on Snich before disappearing into the darkness towards where the raven that was following The old man was.

2018-07-04, 04:18 PM
"Is bad-bad idea, old is weak-strong, but must be done, be back quick-soon." The rat skitters back towards a chimney and ties a rope to it, before crawling back towards the edge, looking for any signs of life from the windows and patrolling guards or drunk patrons.

Stealth[roll0] Because one can never be too careful even if nobody looks up.
Spot/listen [roll1] to find a suitable window close to someone awake, but not with anyone awake in there.
Spot [roll2] Wouldn't do to be caught mid rappel by a stranger out for a midnight walk.

7 dog knight
2018-07-05, 07:12 PM
here's that listen check [roll0]

2018-07-05, 07:28 PM
Snich skitters on the roof and finds a few chimneys but as the Vampire takes off a glint of metal catches his eye from below. A window is open, and in fact several are open, and they're easy to reach from the roof. The way is easy enough to get inside, and he climbs proficiently enough to not make noise. Soon he is in a room like a warren, where shelves of wood divide the sleeping people onto four tiers. Each of the top two has a ladder to climb and access their beds. People sleep easily and deeply, and all of them have faces that give Snich the impression of needed rest. If he exits this room, he will find a wide hallway and many, many more rooms exactly like this one; in the middle of the hall a large dining area is kept, and there are a few humans in a small room cleaning a floor and clearing what smells like cook pots and so forth.


Alkiiri flies over to the only building that has light coming from it. She does not find an entrance she can enter but she does manage to find window from which she can just barely hear proceedings. After a few minutes she realizes they have finished tea, and are now having a light meal with sake. From the conversation she's heard, the important people are Lord Kodai, the Regent Lord Hida, and two men who both go by the title Tomohaguchi, and it seems the last two are fairly experienced Samurai and (also, apparently) very good with tea & sake ceremony. There are many others at this ceremony but it's fairly simple from the four that they consider each other to be the centre of conversation.

A silence settles over the group and is only broken by Lord Kodai.

"Let me reiterate what I've heard so I can be clear I understand.
You were gathering preparations to retake the city when a guard of yours were attacked.
An oni befouled a wall of the summer palace with a profane message.
Despite your best efforts you and others did not kill it, and you went with others to pursue it.
You are here because you know the oni will attack this town.

"Correct." The Lord Regent's voice sounds tense and strained, like a bowstring that's been flexed too long.

"Well, where are the oni?"

"The oni will come to kill or disrupt our mine here."

"Regent Hida has been here how many days? One? Two?"

A silence stretches.

Regent Hida been here two days and meanwhile Kyuden Hida, the greatest fortress of the Crab, named after his ancestors, was mysteriously evacuated of people, was partially set on fire, AND THE REGENT TASKED WITH HIS CLAN'S PROTECTION IS WAITING!! WAITING FOR, NOT EVEN HUNTING, CREATURES HE CLAIMS WILL ATTACK THIS PLACE?!? WHILE ANY GOBLIN WITH HALF A BRAIN CAN SEE THE FIRE FROM KYUDEN HIDA AND REALIZE IT'S NOT BEING OCCUPIED?"

Lord Kodai--

Another silence stretches, and this time Alkiiri must concentrate on the voices or risk losing what they are saying.

I will take a copy of the message this oni wrote, and I will have others find its truths.

Lord Hida will leave tonight and take his men with him, and in two days' time Kyuden Hida will have repairs started, even if it is done by soldiers and the Lord Regent. Is that understood?


Then I must attend to other business here.

Lord Kodai, I must leave you a warning--
The Regent Lord Hida had credibility. It evaporated when the regent forsake duties to waste time hunting for shadows. Until the regent has retaken Kyuden Hida, the only credibility will be a focus on this objective.
Kiyo Hida has given an excellent list and request for supplies, so there is no more for us to talk about.

7 dog knight
2018-07-05, 11:38 PM
Alkiiri grimaces on concern. using message, she contacts Snich "snich, there is a really powerful man in the city. we should wait to do anything until after he leaves. Otherwise we may find it hard to leave. I'll keep you updated on his position he should be leaving soon." she tells him.

2018-07-06, 07:38 AM
Hiding the rope behind the shutters so it's not visible from the inside, Snich looks around for anyone awake. He prepares to start a string of poisonings before receiving the message. Cursing everyone out in his thoughts he starts sneaking around to find a less populated room. Gotta hide, stupid samurai, stupid dead-thing, stupid lizard, stupid human. Everyone conspiring, must secure much-many serfs.

2018-07-06, 08:11 AM
Past the eating hall, Snich finds many rooms that are...currently un-occupied. Except...except one room. Wet squishy sounds come from the room followed by muffled grunts.

2018-07-06, 12:29 PM
Not wanting anything to do with awake groups or pairs of humans, Snich makes his way into one of the unoccupied rooms and settles down to wait until the vampire contacts him once more. Picking a corner he quickly puts up some cover.

Create some cover! DC [roll0] to spot said cover. He is hidden behind said cover.

2018-07-06, 12:50 PM
Snich conveniently picks a room far from the occupied room in the otherwise unoccupied area. With such blank rooms (there are only beds and communal dressers), Snich must do with hiding himself in a blanket, making himself look like another sleeping human.

7 dog knight
2018-07-06, 03:29 PM
Alkiiri[b] stealthily flew off to near the cliff beside the waterfall. Though she despised the river, if these other monsters the lords were talking about were coming. The ones who barbarically threatened [b]Snich for no reason they may come by water... They were probably scum worse than human, the thought of interacting with such pure muscle brained bufoons made her gag slightly. Perhaps setting something on fire to halt their progress and to help this Lord Hida regain his honor might be helpful... Making allies or minions of the humans of this land might be somewhat easier with these brutes who barely follow the dark voice's call gone... Perhaps it would be easiest to pretend to be a traveling scribe?... She was well versed in calligraphy, putting that skill to actual use might be worth looking into doing... These humans spoke of clans... She would have ask Snich about this later... Speaking of... She should tell him about what she over heard. Using her still active message spell, she described in the best detail she could of what she overheard. "I have a feeling this Lord Hida may be a useful pawn yet... Though we shall not touch him... Or interact with him directly... To do so may well be suicide... Your distraction plan may well be of use as well... However... Not in the middle of town... At least not yet..." she stated with a malicious grin. To raize this town enough to destroy it's defenses, make it an easier target... That may just be worth all the trouble in the end afterall.

7 dog knight
2018-07-07, 01:56 PM
let's see what my vampiric eyes see out there on the waters [roll0]

2018-07-07, 07:23 PM
Alkiiri flies close to the waterfall. Athough she feels nauseous in doing so, and she risks some water contacting her, she makes it a good distance in the air (some hundred feet or so) and must move closer to the docks before she has a good vantage to see what's going on.

A ship seems to be leaving the docks, but lurches suddenly in the water. A mist springs up between it and the piers; if one was on the docks, you likely wouldn't have any idea of the fleeing ship.

A large yacht, so large it's surprising it would be used on a river channel, becomes partially obscured the mist. It has no inconsiderate amount of soldiers; she eyeballs fifty, and they seem occupied in trying to (unsuccessfully) pierce the mist with torches. Conversation they have are lost amongst their scrambling.

Conveniently, while these soldiers are distracted, a wolf-like figure flees a Samurai in pursuit. It's almost as if the man is taunting it! The wolf reaches a junction in piers and pauses.

Finally, on the steps leading from the river up to the town an abomination the size of a large dog but with awful spines and wicked and sharp beak, pursues a samurai that is, incredibly, unaware of its presence. The creature strangely also doesn't cast any shadow even in the pale moonlight. About thirty feet from the top of the steps the aberration pounces. After a flurry of strikes the Samurai slumps against the wall.

7 dog knight
2018-07-08, 03:58 PM
A loud hiss escapes the vampiress's lips as she starts to fly back towards the Inn landing on the roof silently she messages the ratfolk man once more. "Snich where are you?..." she hissed to herself again and sighed "those damnable muscle bound idiots are here in town. we need to hide lest we get wrapped up in their mess."

2018-07-08, 04:24 PM
Remembering that he can in fact cast message himself Snich replies to his partner-in-crime: "Hiding, inside inn, can start-begin poisoning whenever, don't get caught."

7 dog knight
2018-07-09, 01:19 AM
Alkiiri sighed as she moved attop the roof "which room? come to the window..." she urged.

2018-07-09, 12:26 PM
Reluctantly leaving his hiding place, Snich skitters back towards the room that had the window he came in through. Staying out of sight for the trip.

[roll0] Spot/Listen
[roll1] Hide/Move Silently

7 dog knight
2018-07-09, 02:31 PM
Upon seeing Snich, she floats over and pauses for a second as if held back by something before entering through the window. "now... Snich while we wait. Tell me about the crab clan... As well as the other clans." still using message as to be absolutely silent as she floated in the air on the inside of the room.

2018-07-09, 04:44 PM
Snich simply shrugs and shakes his head speaking very slowly and silently: "Know nothing. Start moving cargo?"

2018-07-10, 12:25 AM
Just then, the door opens from the nobles' meeting spot. The elder Lord Yodai comes out with a man dressed in full armor and wild shell-armor with blues and greens. He asks for his horse, and people tun off to his warehouse. A village attendant splits from those heading to the warehouse to yell down to the docks: "By order of Emerald Lord Yodai, all soldiers stationed here are to be sent with Regent Lord Hida! You are to join him at the top of the town, where you will depart shortly!" Nothing can be seen of the docks below but one may assume there is a general stirring of people.

Lord Yodai turns to the Regent Hida and says, "I don't want you to worry about any Oni here. They are not what you seem, and my Tomohaguchi can deal with them. YOUR task, Lord Hida, is to retake the city. All other orders are secondary; I have this letter from the Emerald Throne itself giving you permission to do what you need to make sure the city is retaken and the wall stands.

...Do your cousin a great honor while he's away.

The other man grimaces but says nothing else. He waits for his horse and, meanwhile, adjusts minor straps in his full armor. Since there is little more to say between the two of them, the Lord Regent goes to a section of the town that leads to switchbacks that head upwards. He pulls aside a man who serves him, and they have a whispered conversation.

The Lord Yodai, too, seems occupied in getting ready for other considerations. He and his advisors bring benches, tea pots, small tables, and other items to the centre of the town where they seem to be setting themselves up to wait. He and another sit at a small table, and cards are brought for the two of them. "How long until the miners are done with their shift?"
"Two hours."
"My Lord, if it's not too much trouble, Ochio and I will check the docks."
"Yes, you do that."

2018-07-10, 09:50 AM
At the appearance of people who look like they would pose a very real threat Snich whispers a quiet "In, now-now" before ducking down under the window, thankful for his lack of need for light.

7 dog knight
2018-07-10, 10:20 AM
Alkiiri slinked away from visual range of the window. Using one of her many crows as her eyes and ears to listen to what the men were saying.

2018-07-12, 01:59 PM
Speaking very slowly and silently Snich unsheathes a sword: "Need keep quiet humans. You help?"

7 dog knight
2018-07-12, 02:53 PM
Alkiiri gave him a lascivious grin as he asked that and nodded "yes, Let's go slaughter some of these lowlifes~" she purred out almost in arousing anticipation of the coming slaughter that would befall this inn.

2018-07-13, 08:18 AM
Holding a single finger to his mouth the ratling motions for being a bit more quiet, before almost inaudible speaking: "Must find place to hide bodies after poisoning."
He starts looking around for said place, Might be stuck here, don't know how quickly we can transport bodies, poison doesn't last forever.

Search check! [roll0]

7 dog knight
2018-07-13, 12:40 PM
Alkiiri smiles softly "do not worry." she stated as she casts silence on her cloak. Afterwards she uses message once more "I used the spell silence. It will prevent unneeded noises such as movement or cries for help." she states via the spell.


2018-07-13, 04:08 PM
Snich's exceptional jumpiness and willingness to never settle until he's secure in his finds leads him and Alkiiri on a silent search through the barracks. Aided by their magical silence, they can fearlessly look through the area without fear of being overheard by what seems to be very tired peasants.

Almost every room is the same: Two stacks of four beds, and in the center of each room, two simple racks for people to hang their clothes and leather equipment. Each room also has a small box, presumably to maintain their clothes.

The building has two hallways that lead to a set of rooms on each side. It's far too massive a building to be an inn; it's more like a work-barracks or something.

You find a room (SW edge) labeled "Foreman" with twice the normal room size and one cot instead of eight. It has a good window, curtains, and an exit to the outside to the centre of town. There is a desk in the room, and it contains a well-organized stack of maps, pencils, writing materials, and ledgers. The maps are all underground tunnel maps, and seem to spend an extensive detail showing a detailed history of what's mined where, safe places, supports, etc. It's obvious to Snich that this is no inn; it's the main worker's building for this mining town, and this man's room is the most important one, likely, in the town's operation.
The room also has a shelf for many toolboxes, spare parts to make minor repairs and a (human) chest-high repair table.

On the North-East side of the building, you find a good-sized kitchen. Next to the kitchen, inside the building, seems to be the rest-area for people that work in the kitchen, but this is where Snich had (earlier) heard odd sounds coming from. Instead, you head outside the kitchen to an extensive yard in the back. The yard is clearly used for food and equipment storage; With his excellent perception, you can see that there are many "refrigeration holes," likely where meat is kept very cool, and there are places grain can be secreted away. There are four large sheds in the back, and each with various supplies and replacements for equipment. To boot, the layout of the town is such that this outside-back area is obscured from view of the rest of the town.

2018-07-14, 10:39 AM
Eyes shining with glee Snich snatches every single piece of parchment, map, ledger and writing utensil in the office. Before scouring the repair table for stuff to be sorted later. Continuing his kleptomanic spree food and various items find it's way into his pouches. Gathering up some oil, candles and string he returns to the foremans office and sets up a homemade timed bonfire. Using a needle he pulls several woolen threads dipped in oil through a candle and unto a bundle of cloth, also receiving a liberal splash of oil, stuffed underneath the bed to get the fire started.

Writing a short note he holds it up for Alkiiri to see: After lighting the candle we have about half an hour, how many can you fly out town in that time?

7 dog knight
2018-07-15, 05:41 PM
Alkiiri scowls and uses prestidigitation to clean up the oil shaking her finger and using her great prestidigitation skills she writes out "no burning. this town is an asset to me. If you burn it, I lose a lot of my ability to help you."

2018-07-16, 10:26 AM
Snich continues writing: We talk later, now: trust, traders safe. Before pointing intently on the first question again.

7 dog knight
2018-07-18, 06:28 PM
Alkiiri thinks on it for a small bit before writing to him. I can take about five people in the span of 10 minutes or so.

2018-07-19, 10:54 AM
Let's go acquire some cargo then. Should have enough doses for 15 Snich writes out the message before returning with a couple large jugs and then moving towards the room with the sleeping laborers, drawing a single blade before moving around the room, stabbing people one at a time before dragging them to the ground, leaving the handling of any victims resisting the poison.

Stabbing 15 targets once each before dragging them out of bed, dc 19 fort or get knocked out. Rolling damage for the first 15





2018-07-19, 11:11 AM
Snich needs 2 rooms' worth of victims to do this; the rooms are right next to each other, so this task is simple.



Room 2:

[roll15](16th for good measure. He's RIGHT THERE!)

Of the first room, 3 people wake silently screaming and need to be put down; in the next room, 1 person needs to be similarly put down but 2 of them bleed out onto the others that remain forcibly asleep.

2018-07-19, 02:49 PM
As the last of the laborers are subued Snich starts hogtying, blindfolding and gagging them so nobody runs away should they awaken. He then looks at his companion and nods encouragingly.

7 dog knight
2018-07-19, 06:37 PM
The scowl that inhabits Alkiiri's face speaks of her extreme displeasure in how many laborers were needlessly slaughtered. Using her Vampiric powers before they can die from blood loss she kills them with her draining bite and deposits their bodies into her bag of holding to be raised as her spawn at a later date making sure to use her still active prestidigitation to clean up the blood and other materials that could be used to identify them as being dead. the ones that are successfully poisoned she starts to transport out of the city.

2018-07-20, 11:25 AM
As the laborers are transported Snich watches over the pile of 'cargo', on guard against unwanted attention.

2018-07-22, 03:19 PM
Peasants dropped off: 6
When Alkiiri leaves him and the Silence spell moves away, Snich can hear the marching of soldiers and muted instructions given. After the second drop-off of 3 peasants, he also hears the sounds of a person returning on the other side of the building, where the foreman's quarters are.

2018-07-23, 04:51 AM
Casting a spell of invisibility and sending Alkiiri a message through spell, Snich skitters towards the sound: "Someone here, need charms maybe, near?"
As he nears whomever entered he sends a quick prayer to he who will not be denied.

Stealth check! [roll0] +20 from invisibility I guess.

7 dog knight
2018-07-23, 09:11 PM
alkiiri smirks to herself as she heads back then I have one more minion... one more powerful than the others. as she reached the room she motions to Snich to follow her, motioning for them to take the Foreman with them. in her bag.

2018-07-24, 04:29 PM
Although the Vampire doesn't hear the message (she's in a Silence bubble), Snich feels confident that he's conveyed it properly. He silently stalks into evening, cloaked by darkness; what little light could illuminate his form instead warps around him.

Snich arrives in the room just before Alkiiri. Perhaps it was a vampire's impeccable sense for a good meal that brought her there, or that she felt the vibrations from the room in an otherwise very still and very quiet place. Regardless, the man, obviously anxious about the mess in his room (caused by Snich), widens his eyes at seeing Alkiiri. His shoulders shift slightly back, he bares his teeth, and his eyebrows turn down up as he opens his mouth to yell at her. Oddly, no sound comes out, and after a few moments of looking at her with anger, it turns to dread. She can taste the sweat in the room, see the pulse in his neck-veins. A normal human like this never looked so delicious.

2018-07-25, 05:53 AM
Deciding that this is for his companion to deal with Snich instead sets up in the opening of the door, the new minion is not running away from this.

7 dog knight
2018-07-26, 04:24 PM
Alkiiri licks her sharp canines as she looks at the man with hungry yellow eyes. he was going to be a delicious meal indeed... using her dominate person she through the power of her mind wills him to be still and not struggle for what was about to come.

dc for dominate is 18 will

2018-07-26, 07:34 PM
The foreman is big and strong, but hasn't been breed for great willpower. [roll0]
He turns with great and deliberate movement to Alkiiri...and soon stops as he gazes into her eyes, his fist partially raised to striker her head. Instead he blinks and dazedly says, "__. ___."

7 dog knight
2018-07-30, 06:56 AM
clear that he was complaint, she seized him by the shoulders and sank her teeth deep into his jugular suckling and sipping at the sweet red nectar until he was completely drained of his life force. Once he fell to the ground lifeless, she took her bag of holding and put his body in there with the others. Once done, Alkiiri smirked a bloody smile Snich's way as if in thanks for his help. She went back and started to haul off the other, still living humans to where she'd left the other ones.

2018-07-30, 08:50 AM
Upon noticing the blood on Alkiiri's face, Snich produces a handkerchief recently pilfered and presses it into her hand.

As the vampire leaves the room he starts putting things back into a semblance of order, removing the improvised timed firebomb and adding the components to his now burgeoning pouches. Upon finishing he goes through the rooms and uses prestidigitation to removes any traces of blood and even does the beds, making it appear as if the workers simply got up, did their beds and vanished. Continuing on he grabs any personal belongings small enough to easily grab.

2018-08-01, 08:57 PM
Although the man struggles a bit at first, he has little means to resist once she's taken her first bite. His struggles and writhing only make Alkiiri more hungry. Soon he is dead, and it takes little effort to fit him into her bag.

It takes a bit more time to clean the room than expected, but Snich certainly has a plethora of supplies and Alkiiri feels entirely full off of blood. Once you go outside, you hear the fading sounds of the soldiers outside are fading as they make their march up the mountains.

For a moment, the town is truly quiet. Then the few "eyes" left, Alkiiri's crows, circle back to the docks' area to see what they can find in the water below. One perches on the edge of the town and through those black-pearl peepers she watches Lord Yodai and another from the house. They walk outside with a small tea table, and to the edge of the town; they don't disturb their observer, and hears their voices in her mind.

"Milord, I wish to help your other business"
"You are most kind, Kunjo. I expect we can move forward with our investigation soon. I just hope you're prepared for this investigation.
"We had no idea he was hiding out here. How did you find out?"
"The Emerald throne has means I don't question. I'm just given the jobs and the information. This case has been ongoing for many months."
"Poor girl. What was her name?"
Her characters represented Jade; she changed her name after she pursued a path to be Sohei."
"Did she get there?"
No. She was kidnapped after our criminal in question kidnapped and then murdered her."

The men sit and sip tea and wait for the sunrise in quiet sobriety.

7 dog knight
2018-08-02, 08:39 AM
A frown marks alkiiri's face as she moved back to the inn having carried the last person out. Ushering Snitch forward too be ready to leave. (Mock) signing that the sun would rise soon. They must find shelter soon.

2018-08-02, 11:32 AM
Eating what looks like leftovers Snich crawls unto the back of the vampire, motioning for her to go quickly so they can get an overview of the spoils from this nights venture.

7 dog knight
2018-08-02, 04:09 PM
The Vampire nods and flies off towards where she stored the hostages wasting little time as she is not too fond of the sun despite being able to endure it's rays (to some extent.)

2018-08-06, 03:54 PM
You return to the bear-cave without incident. It takes two trips to return all of the hostages, but they are brought to the cave without incident. You are, again, a 15-minute flight away from the town (Koseki Mura Kyu) so by the time you're back with the second trip, it's been about an hour and twenty minutes (1 hour plus tying and untying time). Although there's not a whole lot of space to spread out the chattel inside, the low-mountain area around you is filled with brush, ample soil, and certainly a small amount of water.

Skree chafes at having to haul such loads and eventually looks hungrily around for food...and when it sees the unconscious humans, Snich can see drool seep from its mouth. SkrOOOooOOOOO! It stretches its neck impatiently and looks from the humans to its "leader" expectantly.

2018-08-06, 04:06 PM
Snich nods at the big beast, completely agreeing with the idea of eating the humans, if not for the heartbreaking fact that they are needed for other things. Thankfully he came prepared to feed the abomination, and more importantly, himself.
Setting up camp for tonight he picks out a large cauldron a small barrel and a large bowl, for now filled with meat and bread for the rat and his clan to feast on.

As he stuffs his face his turns to the vampire: "You still have power-magic left, yes-yes? I-I must do ritual, make up for previous insult, offer-trade Tun spoils, you protect-guard with Skree, understand, yes-yes?"

2018-08-06, 08:53 PM
Skree interprets the nod as a go-ahead to eat humans and hops to a helpless miner who has a little extra around the belly. It brings its mouth over to the body bites out the torso with a single bite; guts spatter around Snich as he prepares the stew. It then seizes the back, wriggles its head to break the spine, catches the upper body, and devours it with a snap. By the time the ratling can protest, it has started to lap at the blood from the body's previous resting spot, and it will look with longing at the (severed, bleeding) legs nearby.

2018-08-07, 05:35 AM
As Skree misunderstands the idea, Snich does what must be done: pretends it was the plan all along: "Yes-yes, one whole human-thing for you, loyal-smart Skree, serve me loyal-well and more-more will come, leave rest, they are mine-mine."
As he continues to prepare the stew for himself he lets Skree eat up that whole human, wasteful as it might be loyalty is worth paying for.

7 dog knight
2018-08-07, 11:49 AM
Alkiiri starts to dig some graves in some of the softer parts of the cave using her magic to help clear some of the earthen matter aside. Taking out the bodies to be resurrected as her minions one at a time as to not risk Skree accidentally eating her minion. She had faith Snich could command his companion, however she would not risk her own (soon to be) loyal minions. here's hoping for low rolls

2018-08-08, 07:23 AM
Eagerly finishing enough stew for a handful of people Snich looks more energized than before as he waits for Alkiiri to finish burying the bodies, spending the time making sure the prisoners are securely prepared for the sacrifice, removing any excess clothes and trinkets.

As the vampire finishes digging and the sacrifices-to-be are pre-pared Snich explains what is about to happen: "I-I will prepare them, you-you and Skree must-must prevent any-all interruptions, is much-much important for plans-future. Much-much squeak-screaming, no flee-run, understand, yes-yes? The ratling looks expectantly at Alkiiri while picking out a wickedly sharp knife from the spoils.

7 dog knight
2018-08-08, 10:06 AM
[B]alkiiri grimaced at the Ratman's squeaking about how there would be a lot of screaming. "would it not be more effective for me to use my spell of silence on the entrance so that only we can hear their delicious screams?~" she purred out.

2018-08-08, 10:28 AM
Shaking his head quickly the motion slows and stops with the ratling looking thoughtful: "Noise-screams must be made for others to hear, but Tun did not-never say not to limit-reduce, is good-smart idea, if-else have many-much human-tries."
Eager to begin Snich manhandles three of the prisoners into close proximity to a container each and none too gently pours water on them to wake them fully.

7 dog knight
2018-08-08, 11:14 AM
The Vampire creates an orb of silence that covers the entrance to the cave making sure she got it cast properly before stepping back inside to hear. The wonderful waking whimpers of fear that these helpless humans let out.

2018-08-08, 11:38 AM
As the humans start coming into full conscience Snich starts on the first one: Cutting off each finger on this left hand in turn, starting from the thumb and working towards the pinky. Placing each of them in the waiting cauldron as they are removed.

Having started the clock he picks up a meat cleaver and starts on the mans right wrist, thankful that he is tied down.
As the hand is removed and in turn placed in the cauldron he scrunches up his face in dislike at the next part, but a sickle sharpened to make it as quick as possible makes the castration that follows almost painless.
For Snich that is.
Placing the gentle bits in the cauldron the last part quickly follows: he plunges his sword into the man's chest and cheerfully removes the heart and places it in the cauldron on top of the rest of the cut off parts.
Ignoring the now mutilated corpse like the piece of meat it is he turns to the next man, thrice the price must be paid.
And for personal power, Snich would let others pay it a thousand fold.

2018-08-09, 07:13 AM
Before he starts on the second man a niggling worry worms it's way into the ratlings head Intent is important to rituals, technically not silencing them would be the same as silencing them if it is effective. Which means... Tun will be... As he finishes the thought he turns to the vampire, eyes visibly wider than normal, a musk of fear flowing from him.
"Drop-cancel the silence-spell" he screeches "It-it will cancel-ruin the ritual, will make-turn reward into punishment, quick-quick now, sound will attract much-much attention, must finish quick-fast."

7 dog knight
2018-08-09, 03:55 PM
As Silence was technically a concentration spell, she had lost focus on it the moment the man's screams of pain kissed her ears. A sickening and tingling pleasure washed over the vampiress as she watched the Ratling go about his ritual. It was a shame that this wasn't a ritual to apease her, she might reward such a creature such as Snich with her unholy blessing of immortality. Gasping softly she recovered herself just enough to shake her primal wants for blood. She was filled with the blood of her new minions. She had no need to over eat. It would do nothing for her, no matter how badly she wanted to she couldn't allow herself to over eat... It was part of the problem that led to her previous demise. Her previous minions were weak of will. Unable to stop themselves from turning feral in the presence of mortals... She must not become the same. She wouldnt become the same. With that thought she shrugged off her blood wants completely and watched the entrance diligently.

2018-08-09, 04:31 PM
The spell soon dissipates more easily than it's been put up. The second person screams so loudly that the sound reverberates in your ears as he bleeds, writhes against his bonds and even defecates the floors before he degenerate into hollow sobs and dies. Others have woken up and watch in absolute terror--even cry for help--as they witness the horrible slaughter of the second person.

The third follows the same pattern, and the pleas of the others reach a terrifying pitch. Blood from the floor pools together and soon a silver-eyed human emerges from the reflective surface. He is clothed in crimson silk robes, and the blood and offals of the sacrifices cling to the now-soaked clothes as he regards Snich and his procedure. He eggs the ratling on, and cackles wickedly as the third sacrifice is performed. He turns his devilish countenance to the other bound people and talks to Snich with an air of absolute glee. "My dear ratling, you are most excellent to give all of these over! This will be more than competent, and it will be my pleasure to reward you both with both a boon to your natures and even a few items from my...personal stash.

Continue the ritual! He waves Alkiiri forward as well, and encourages her, "I know you lust for their blood and suffering as well...you know how this is done! Maim and slaughter them all! Let their suffering, terror and screams FILL THIS CAVE!!!

7 dog knight
2018-08-09, 05:29 PM
Alkiiri's face morphed into a a smile of malicious glee. Walking up to one of the survivors, she leaned in close, her yellow eyes glowing like sunlit orbs of pure evil, borring into the hapless person's damned soul. "Do you wish to live?~"

2018-08-10, 02:49 AM
The survivor, still not awake despite others around making various pleas to all the kami and spirits soon grasps the gravity of Alkiiri's question. With fear-ridden eyes, the man replies "...y-yes!! I want to live!!" Other chime in, professing their desire, too, to avoid the horrific harvest that awaits their limbs and bodies.

7 dog knight
2018-08-10, 03:08 AM
The woman laughs maliciously as she regards the rest of them "Then you must kill the others as you have seen this ratfolk do." She sneered "now... which one of you will forfeit the lives of their own comrades for the sake of their own?~" she mused aloud. The question was open to them all, but also a chance at making the soul of the survivor all the more damned to eternal suffering, an even greater gift to Tun in her eyes. Not to mention it was always so fun to see what lengths humans would try to go to for the sake of survival. Would they turn the knife on their comrades? Or try to stab and run, either way, they would die in the end.

2018-08-10, 09:24 AM
Enjoying the slaughter like most would a particularly dirty piece of heavy work, Snich nevertheless smiles at the boons being offered as he continues the ritualistic maiming, although he finds that he bought no more than 3 containers of the right size. As he looks at Tun he voices this shortcoming.

2018-08-14, 10:53 AM
The people hush as they look at each other. One man stammers at first but manages "I...I will?" Others gasp at him and whisper admonitions and he sobs, "I d-don't want t-to die like--" an older man stomps the younger one's with his own foot. "You bring dishonor to your family if you do this! Endure with us! G-give yourself to the spirits' will!"

Another speaks up, yelling with red eyed and a tear-marked face, "FRACK YOUR SPIRITS CRAP!! FRACK YOU ALL! I NEVER WANTED TO BE A MINER!"
"Hoshi-gomo, no!"
"NO, FRACK YOU TOO!!" This human, a young male, thrashes in his bonds and though he can't see Alkiiri he yells, "I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU ASK, JUST DON'T HURT ME TOO!!!"
"Hoshi-gomo, these oni will have you do acts that will mark your soul fo--"

Tun pulls Alkiiri aside. He whispers, This one will become a fine slave for you, but do not make it a vampire. That human's soul will be all the more damned when it dies if it enslaves itself entirely to its own emotions.

2018-08-16, 09:45 AM
Seeing that Tun is not forthcoming with a solution to the problem Snich mumbles to himself about making more containers.
With a resigned look at the monster and a sigh he starts making one, by hollowing out the chest cavity of the first sacrifice with his claws and, when bones get in the way, teeth.

7 dog knight
2018-08-16, 01:16 PM
Alkiiri smirks at Tun as if she'd planned to keep them human from the beginning a gift to soften their spotty relationship."I wouldn't dare turn a potential walking and willing blood source into a vampire... it'd be bad for my well being. but I guarantee, upon his death, his soul is yours ser Tun." she purred out. stepping back over she sneered down at the man willing to damn the souls of his friends "you are a very smart lad. Survival should always be your first priority... But Loyalty I prize more...~" she snickered as she pulled out a dagger and ran the blade across his cheek drawing a bit of his blood before licking it off the blade. "I shall grant you safety... A haven from this ritual as well as future ones... If you serve me loyally, unquestioning, and devoted to my very whim. That is the condition you must meet. Are you prepared for such a task boy?" her eyes glow in the dim light like sickly stars tainted by vile and rotten magics. The miasma of death sinking into the noses of the surrounding people. This was truly a bountiful harvest, even for her the rewards were as equally rewarding. If this boy chose wisely, he'd find a rather rewarding life. One of moraless pleasure, devoid of pain except that of others.

2018-08-17, 01:09 AM
Tun stops looking so much like a human. His flesh temporarily shifts to a reddish-brown cast as he watches Snich make a new container. Quickly, before Snich can change his mind, Tun grabs the (now discarded) knife the Skaven used and makes his way to Alkiiri as she talks with her (soon to be) new subject. He cuts into the person right next to the man, dutifully maiming an otherwise well-muscled fellow who issues out terrible screams. Tun says, Oh shut up, will you? His hands, normally a human's, turn reddish and leathery as heat shimmers in front of them. The man's face melts and Tun shoves the hot, melted flesh into the man's mouth.

The young man Alkiiri is talking to blubbers, "Y-Yes, yes, I-I'll d-d-do it!! A-anything!!"

Tun, ever the pragmatist, interrupts the exchange the moment after the man issues those words and demands, "Swear it!
"I swear it!"
"You will let this Alkiiri direct you, your actions and your words?"
Y-yes! I swear it!!
"Then swear it on your ancestors!"
"I swear it on my--"
"The whole thing!! Swear it on your ancestors!" Tun takes the arm of the man with a melted face and stabs him in the arm. Blood spurts from it as he lets out a muffled scream, and the blood sprays across Alkiiri and her subject.
"I swear it! I will let Al- I will let Alkiiri direct you--"

Tun takes the knife and severs the biceps of the poor man's arm. Despite the flesh barring his mouth, he gives a terrible and anguished cry.

Tun breaks the arm he just cut and then rips it from its socket. Before he can do any more damage, the young man before Alkiiri gazes deep into her eyes and yells,

"I I- I REVOKE ALL ALLEGIANCE TO MY CLAN, MY FAMILY, MY PEOPLE! I- I GIVE MY LIFE TO ALKIIRI TO DIRECT! MY LIFE, MY ACTIONS, MY WORDS, BELONG TO HER!!" The man gasps and continues, "I-I dedicate my life to serving Alkiiri's every direction, for as long as I live, I swear it on all my ancestors and family!!"

Tun cackles and removes the searing flesh from the poor man's face, whom has passed out. Tun's skin has a silver-and-red cast to it, a leathery complexion, an uncannily long face and a wicked crown of antlers atop his head; it's somewhere between a man and a stag's head, but the eyes face forward like a human. His entire form is muscular and strong, and he looks as if he could pick up a small ship with ease. He eases the knife into the human's hand and says, "Be free from the weak restraints of your kin. Join us in completing this glorious sacrifice.

The man, for his part, looks for approval from Alkiiri before following Tun's directions who, for that matter, has cast away its attention on Alkiiri and admires the work of the Skaven. "Resourceful as always. And here I was thinking I had to punish you for not having enough containers!" Suddenly Skree gives a loud bellow as it enters the hollow. It can smell the blood, clearly, and starts eating the entrails all the way between the two (non-humanoid) urns. Tun directs Snich to handle his animal as he "prepares more bodies."

Soon, there are fifteen bleeding bodies all maimed, not dead but dying, in a circle around Skree. The two of you (and minion) are instructed to step back, and soon the Bat is left in a circle, sated and a little confused. Before it can go anywhere, a torrent of white-blue energy bursts from the chest of the bat and swirls around the blood-bound circle. Tun chants in some terrible language that twists and warps the air around his mouth. Soon the energies divide and fly into the three jars, which it then promptly hefts into an extradimensional bag of its own. He then turns to the remaining tormented people and, cackling, instructs the three of you to evacuate Skree (whom is calmer and seems content) and bring them to the circle.

This done, Tun again speaks words that, this time, hurt your ears and make your eyes twist before they dissipate. The remaining people and the dead expel the remaining blood from their bodies and, in the midst of a terrible storm of screams, whirling fluid and crackling energy, a blackness so completely dark and empty it overloads your senses. Sound comes back to you first: the area is silent except for the dripping of a little blood from the roof of your cavern. Tun is gone, and instead are a few items and a note.

Thank you for my freedom. In return, I have left a few boons for each of you.
First, Snich will be able to stay a companion. It has been purged of its unstable energies, and some intelligence has been lost, but it will live well now.
I leave you a Talisman of Undying Fortitude.

Alkiiri, I leave you with this scroll of Permanent Telepathic Bond. It will grant you and your minion a mind-link that will function as long as you and him are within the same plane.
I also leave you with this urn; inside is a Lesser Shadow Sibling, a silent, wordless symbiont that will, among other benefits, grant you a shadow.

The instructions to the two of you are as follows: First, ensure that this mining town will be prepared for the coming Conflict. They must know about the danger and be able to defend themselves.

Next, find the Incarnum-user. It will soon be time for me to claim him. I will be in touch.

2018-08-17, 04:28 AM
As the ritual concludes Snich quickly snatches the note, vary of the items. As he scans the contents he grabs the talisman and hands the note to Alkiiri before turning to the new minion and giving him a bloody smile while addressing him: "Human-thing, must know your place-position, you-you are dirt-crap, below Skree, will obey-listen, if disobey-betray, will wish-want death, sold-damned you are, only live-breathe if allowed."

Waiting for Alkiiri to read the note Snich starts packing the meat into packages and saving it as he mutters happily at Skree about his price and the progress bought by others blood.

2018-08-17, 05:52 PM
The young man, for his part, gives a gulp and nods but says nothing.

7 dog knight
2018-08-19, 01:00 PM
Alkiiri glared at snitch "I would prefer that you did not refer to my servant as less than dirt snitch, insulting my property is as bad as insulting me. I'll have you know i don't take insults to my person lightly." she warned him. after reading the note, she took the jar and proceeded to bind the aberrational shadow to her form, the damage she would take would be temporary and she had every intention of sleeping it off as well as to regain her spells. ushering the young man over she looked him over with interest "mmm..... yes, you will do nicely. What is your name?"

2018-08-19, 02:06 PM
The man looks around the cavern. The twisted bodies, drained of blood, are leathery shells of the former people. All the intestines and guts are bloodless flesh, and the stench of feces reaches you as the only remaining water here, except for the small bit of blood on the cavern cieling. The young man shutters and...sighs in..is that relief? Sadness?

I-I have let go of my past. I am now who you say I am.

2018-08-20, 03:15 AM
Responding to the warning with a degree of vitriol, particularly focused in the first word Snich sneers:"Tun's property, you mean, but if you want to be equal-same as dirt-man you can lower-debase your self-standing"

7 dog knight
2018-08-20, 03:46 AM
Alkiiri smirked at the ratling vilely "be careful how you refer to Tun my dear friend, he still has you bound by a contract. At any time should he determine you have broken your side of it, he could reverse what he has done to your clan with a mere snap of his fingers." she warned a hint of teasing to her voice. Turning back to her newfound minion she pondered for a while on a name. "from here on you are my eyes, my ears and an extension of my will. Among humans you will hold your former life's name as it is a familiar name to your kind. But to me, you are my precious little Raven among the lonely crows known as mortals.~ You are Icarus and with my guidance, you shall never have to fear death." she purrs out. A wicked smile spreads across her face. He will make great aprentice. Having an aprentice who can walk freely in daylight is truly a blessing. Though, she doubted her ability to teach him anything more than minor magics such as prestdigitation or the like. She would take what she had at the moment however. he served many purposes, an extra set of eyes and ears, a future investment, and most importantly, a walking blood generator. She was very pleased with how things were looking for her.

2018-08-20, 10:37 AM
Eyes darting from side to side as he thinks over what the vampire said Snich deliberately and slowly straightens his back and stands up straight. Looking more sane and less paranoid, he starts speaking his voice smooth and silky with no hint of the previous awkwardness obvious: "Actually, with this my debt is repaid. From now my involvement with Tun is that of a contracted agent. I provide him with my services and he pays me for my service.

Tilting his head he continues, the unnatural pleasantness of his voice extending to his speech patterns. "You, however, failed to make an escape clause to your contract if I remember correctly. I could be persuaded to help, but I would require you to take the role of iron fist to the hidden blade I myself would provide. In the future of course. For now, rest assured that Skree is quite safe due to the sacrifice we just underwent." pointing at the blood still dripping from the ceiling he produces a vial from one of his pouches: "Could you get that, I suspect our little event has empowered it somewhat and I would like to use it as a base for a concoction"

As he finishes speaking the transformation seems to end as he once again huddles over and twitch.

7 dog knight
2018-08-20, 10:52 AM
The vampiress was art first depressed at the perfect speech that the ratling brought up. Doubting that he could comprehend what had transpired between herself and Tun or of her extra planar origins. She was unownable. Not that a devil would want the soul of an undead creature such as herself, it's hard to collect on something that can't die or if something that tastes of rotting flesh. She knew quite well such souls were an... Acquired taste... Tun was repulsed the minute he saw her, she felt she was safe for the moment. She simply shrugged, she need not argue with the rat man. "You obviously have no idea what I am little rat. But that is for the better I suppose." She let out a snicker as she waved her hand and let her magic get to work gathering up the blood for the rat. Using more of her lesser spells to clean up what ever gore was left. Presence was everything, and it's best they make as little of one as possible.

2018-08-21, 03:21 AM
Greedily grasping the vial Snich, offers up what insight he has gleaned in his quick and disjointed squeaks: "Arrogant-dumb dead-failure, in much-much debt, should think-change on death-undeath, much-true potential, vulnerable-weak, must adapt-learn, have new-much job to plan-prepare, must warn-lie to humans, more-much raids to come, must be ready-strong."

2018-08-25, 12:45 PM
Alkiiri"from here on you are my eyes, my ears and an extension of my will. Among humans you will hold your former life's name as it is a familiar name to your kind. But to me, you are my precious little Raven among the lonely crows known as mortals.~ You are Icarus and with my guidance, you shall never have to fear death."

The young man bows eagerly and repeats the name until he gets it right. " So I am Raven Icarus, he says, ordering his name in the typical Rokugani way of "Family" (last) name followed by "Personal." Are there others I will guide or work with? Are there...magics...you might pass on to this humble one?

7 dog knight
2018-08-25, 05:36 PM
Alkiiri nodded warmly, smiling almost motherly if such a thing were possible for an Oni. "In due time my little Raven... for now we will start with a couple cantrips that you will practice when your services are not required." she stated taking about two hours or so she went about teaching him basic magicks near the mouth of the cave. letting him get the warmth of the sun as she hid in the shade of her cloak. after a while of practice she decided to change the subject slightly "you are free to wander. but do not go too far... or speak of what has transpired in the cave... I do not wish for harm to befall you for helping us... what did the other villagers call us?.... Oni... that's right... it's a strange title... but one I'll be more than happy to wield for my own benefits..." she purred softly as she leaned against the shade of the rock "now tell me about the town in which you used to live... I may be considered an 'Oni' by them... but that does not mean I am any less human than they are." she snickered at her own joke. "what can you tell me of the different clans that inhabit these lands?" she seemed to be treating him almost as if he were a child, her voice stained with a sickly sweetness that would leave a bad taste even in Snich's mouth if she directed such a tone at him.

2018-08-26, 07:19 AM
While the vampire deals with her new minion, Snich pours over the documents recovered from the town, hoping to learn something useful. As dawn approaches the ratling starts casting longing glances towards where his delivery of poisons will appear.

2018-08-27, 01:01 PM
Not used to long hours of reading Snich eventually goes for a light snack of a full meal, caringly shared with Skree.


2018-08-27, 09:29 PM
The young man answers Alkiiri's question the best he can. G-Great mistress, I...I know very little of the clans, except that the Crab are the ones to defend the Kaiu Wall from the shadow! We trade our minerals to other clans for profit, and we take valuable rock and make it into great weapons. Here we work with...Earth Shugenja and we mine the mountains of this region for Saltpeter, silver, and Tin. Every few years we move to a new mining location, and the work starts over again, or at least thats what the older ones tell me.

But...but I'm a farmer, you see? I come from a village to the south, that was run over maybe eleven years ago by the Shadowlands creatures, and instead of being a farmer, I have to live in these filthy mines. I know lots about animals, though, a-and crops, and even trapss-making!! What's the worst about these mines is...well I love the feeling of sunlight on my skin. Me and others, we work and sweat and sometimes we spend a week without the sunlight. If only there was some magic to let go those fears of the underground and...well, even the Shugenja can't fix that, can they?

He kicks at the ground. "A-Anyways, we trade our minerals to the Crane a-and the Scorpion clan peoples, but it's the Foreman who has our stuff sorted. The town magistrate deals with most of these issues, but we never get to see the Magistrate. What...what could you do?" He looks with hope to his new mistress. I bet there are a number of great and powerful magics at your disposal if that..Oni...could even lay you two low. You were unconscious for a while. He seemed to really care what you two were to him, you know?


As Snich reads he indeed finds many maps to the mines but they are all labeled and detailed in a code; likely the only person who has this code is the foreman. Without the knowledge of how to decode the maps, all he has are a patchwork series of shafts, sections and scribbled details. To further complicate matters, map sections seem to interlock and be modular; intricately designed, many of the items are so-designed to be impossible to orient or place correctly without exceptional time and effort.

2018-08-28, 04:10 AM
Annoyed at having to wait for the foreman to rise from the dead before interrogating him, Snich curls up in a corner and goes to sleep. Or at least the paranoid rabid cousin of sleep that does not include actual sleeping for longer than a few minutes at a time.

7 dog knight
2018-08-29, 07:13 PM
Alkiiri smiles "I do believe I have a few spells to ease fears of darkness... I have gifted your foreman as well as a couple other workers with a gift." she stated to the freshly dug holes and buried bodies within. "come a few days from now, they will rise as immortals. though the sun will be a mortal enemy for them... henceforth... well... until they reach my current power... but that will take a long time." she stated with a vile chuckle. "but do not fret. I shall not ruin your love of the sun... I require you to be mortal..." she stated with a warm smile.

2018-09-03, 06:54 AM
As he rouses from his sleep in a foul mood Snich sullenly points Skree at corpse as he sullenly mumbles to himself. While waiting for the Eskin agent to contact him he starts rending meat from bones on one of the corpses. Devouring the meat as he ponders on the uses of a freshly sharpened spine.
"I-I will warn-lie the town-humans about coming dark-death, will use-paint you-you as agent of dark-death, when will dead-humans be living-dead?" The ratling grumbles in something that might be an attempt at an intimidating voice, but the squeaking somewhat ruins the effect.

2018-09-05, 12:12 PM
The young man grins as Alkiiri extracts from Raven the methods and the means of burial in Rokugan. "It's fairly simple, he says, as he inspects the soil around you. "Finally, my learning about soil pays off! This is soft earth; we can start here. Since Alkiiri's claws are better-suited for this task than his hands, he manages to find a strong maple branch, a simple tool that allows him to pry away rocks, and otherwise uses the branch or his hands to move dirt. As the two of you work through hole after hole, he explains, "the only proper way to bury corpses are as if they'd be unearthed by scavenging critters, which is bad luck. The spirits' passing could be marred and they'd return as a vengeful force.

You two take a break when Snich confronts Raven. "I'd be a willing agent, but I'll need to be clearer about this..dark-death.." What could be a long conversation is instead soothed over by the minion slowly taking bits and pieces from Snich. "So you're saying that the Shadowlands is amassing great powers, and...and we need to prepare for it?

Further discussion is delayed by the appearance of a ragged-looking human with glazed eyes. "...Deliver...ratling..." he murmers. He heads towards Snich and places a canvas bag of supplies near his feet. He unwraps it, and all of the potions, as well as some specialty arrows, are there. The human, still with a faraway look asks in the general direction of the ratling, "...this satisfies...for now?"

2018-09-05, 01:41 PM
Looking at the human talking Snich tilts his head in thought, before nodding. As he opens his mouth to respond more in-depth his supplies arrives. Eager to replenish his stores and get his hand on a wider variety of options. While going through the potions and stowing them safely he chitters happily in time.
"Is good. Take this." In appreciation Snich hands the human a salted fish, freshly liberated.

2018-09-05, 09:58 PM
The human mutely nods its head, and as he runs away back towards the town, the fish slips from his fingers.

2018-09-06, 05:10 PM
Raven gives both Alkiiri and Snich seeking looks. "If the Shadowlands are amassing power, how was this information given to you? Was it that...Oni fellow? And also, if it's an Oni, isn't it working for the Shadowlands? Are you two double-agents, working for some secretive society? His eyes glitter with eagerness, and he leans forward on his stick, ready to hear more about what they've had going on.

7 dog knight
2018-09-06, 06:09 PM
Alkiiri gave him a near motherly smile if it weren't for the malicious chuckle that followed "no my little Raven, we are not double agents. Well I'm not at the very least... my purpose is to amass power and make sure that this crab clan as well as the other clans are prepared for the coming darkness, my goal is to do so through any means necessary. I wish to protect this world... Through struggle and strife the clans will grow stronger, that is the only way they will survive." she explained to the young lad. "if that means that I must be the one to start the tragedy that shall cement this point in mortal history, then it shall be done without hesitation. You serve me, but more importantly, you serve the greater good, even if it means becoming the villain in some childish bedtime story."

2018-09-08, 09:42 AM
Overly joyous by his recent delivery of ordered goods Snich looks at the minion with mistrust before butting into the conversation: "Must warn human-crabs, letter would be good-best, you can write-lie good-much, yes-yes, write-warn dumb-weak crab-souls, no share secrets-words with slave-bird, he is traitor-liar, must not trust."

2018-09-08, 04:21 PM
Raven shakes his head. "We are expected from birth to live in a system of honor and respect, but if you're burakumin-or a person who has an unclean job-then there is no honor and no recourse. There was no betrayal; I was born into a system that deserves to die, and I will do everything I can to crush it into dust."

He looks again to Alkiiri. "If I give up my love for light, could I become stronger like you?

7 dog knight
2018-09-13, 04:33 AM
Alkiiri gave him a kind if not sad smile. "I'm sorry my little Raven, but I need an envoy who can walk in the light unhindered. though I promise to make you stronger, I do not wish for you to give up your love of the light." she stated kindly ignoring Snich's comment about Raven being a traitor. "we shall warn the Village, however, I feel it necessary to wait until they realize their foreman is missing." she purred out. "I doubt any lord would take lightly the fact that they have lost what keeps their town productive..."

2018-09-13, 07:27 AM
Shaking his head at the conclusion reached by Alkiiri, Snich adds more in a breakneck fashion, apparently not too happy about more waiting around.
"Must tell-warn soon-now, shape-change story-lie quick-fast, tell-lie that shadow-lands is sending sneak-scurry raids to steal-kill, must train-prepare, will be much-many later, must act-lie as scout, you write-lie warning, must pick name, oniwaban, is good-good, yes-yes, fast-quick, write-warn soul-humans, quick-quick." as he speaks he picks out paper and ink from the liberated supplies and shoves them into Alkiiri's hands.

Got bored, thought: 'Hey, what kind of eastern name can we find for some sort of not well know, but tried-and-true name can I find for people who guards against the shadowlands". Wikipedia came to the rescue and oniwaban apparently means garden keepers or something to the effect and was used for some sort of spies in the early 18th century. So... yeah.

2018-09-13, 12:21 PM
The man's eyes bulge. "Oniwaban is a slang term for spy. Khh... he looks at Snich and keeps silent, but he turns his grimace to his master. "I don't know how to write, but he does... He points to the corpse of the foreman. "I can tell him what's going on, and can we expect his cooperation?"

7 dog knight
2018-09-16, 06:24 PM
Alkiiri sneered with satisfaction, her ploy of making the ratling impatient working wonderfully. "very well, we will warn them of the shadow land's incursions to steal folk away... though I'm sure they already know all too well..." she reasoned. taking the paper she started to write a long winded and rather convincingly official 'report' from a spy in the shadowlands and the movements of the Oni and their ploys to steal good folk away. remarking that the town should be on high alert for such unholy beings. signing the paper as 'Onmyo Natsuki Oniwaban'

2018-09-17, 05:53 PM
Images enter the Skaven's mind. A river boat with familiar figures of those that would not accept the cooperation of Snich travels South and West. A village of diligent and productive villagers build ships at the edge of a great bay and the river's mouth. The villagers gift the monsters with a map, and then a document that looks like a contract of sorts. As the party return to their ship, the bay has a fleet of ships pursued by a dark, malevolent cloud.

2018-09-26, 07:29 PM
The past week has been full of preparation for the coming revival of those Alkiiri has slain. It seems that Snich has left to do...whatever he does...but the events of the week have not entirely been without excitement in his absence. Both Raven and Alkiiri's crows have proven to be very effective spies and a perfect means to listen and gain information remotely.

Since the sudden disappearance of the yacht a week ago, the town has been on high alert. With the arrival of the note, the visiting Emerald Magistrate has been trying to find its origin. However, in his investigation, he found that a similarly ominous note had been left at the Hida resort to the North in a bloody message by sacrifice of a guard. Since the messages matched somewhat--warning of a terrible coming shadow--the Magistrate has put out a request for backup. Alkiiri was able to delay their arrival, and although her powers were not substantial enough to defeat them, the Shugenja and the Shaman have decided that the town is not under attack but that it is in danger. Arrangements have been made to bring in a supply of soldiers and arms to train the villagers into a militia.

The loss of the Foreman has further-complicated matters. Neither the Shugenja nor the shaman have neither been able to communicate with him post-humously, and this has alerted them to no end. Worse, maps to the mine and crucial supplies to its operation were stolen, so replacements for the operation have also ground the mining operations (excuse the pun) to a stall, a development that's brought the town's magistrate no end of distress. He hasn't been sleeping well, and with his deteriorating state, Raven reports a coming restlessness of the townsfolk. If nothing else, they are eager to be useful in the means of becoming a militia.

Finally, a report came into the town for the Emerald Magistrate in the (very) early morning of the fourth day that efforts to retake Kyuden Hida, the Crab Capitol, have been complicated by the appearance of Wang-Liang. They have tried to talk with many of the Crab-Clan legions, insisting that this city used to be theirs, and that they'd be willing to bargain with the Rokugani; if the Crab ceded control of the location, they'd agree to join the clan and fight for the Empire. This has caused the Emperor himself and the heads of the Crab clan to a moral impasse.

Tun has reported to you that the Dark Voice is very pleased with her progress, and has granted you a boon.
Gain 550 XP
Raven becomes a full base-class spellcaster from Grod's class list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=16920452&postcount=4) (Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?392463-The-Bard-v2-%28Spell-less-and-Fixed-List-Caster-Project-Versions%29), Beguiler (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?361143-Beguiler-Revised-%28Fixed-list-Caster-Project%29-3-5-PEACH&p=17747556), Cleric (with 1 domain I'll choose) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=319556), Conjurer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=317495), Dread Necro (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?348151-Revised-Dread-Necromancer-%28Fixed-List-Caster-Project%29&p=17455632), Druid (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=321588), Mage of the Unseen Hand (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16705607), Night Soul (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?380350-The-Night-Soul-Stealth-and-Shadow-Magic-%28Fixed-list-Caster-Project%29-3-5-PEACH&p=18322301), Psion (with changes), Seer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=314601), Shaper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16668927), NOT Shugenja, Warden (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16543702), Wilder(with changes)) at level 1.
You gain EITHER 2 wands, each with 50 charges of any 1st-level Cleric or Druid spell OR 1 wand with 50 charges of a 2nd-level Cleric or Druid spell

2018-09-27, 03:54 PM
Having made sure his plan was explained and perfect, Snich decides that if they are friendly towards the ones who threatened to eat him. They must be informed of their wrongdoings, mostly by the sudden increase in people missing or ending up dead. Taking Skree and several bodies, kept safe by a mixture of ropes and meat hooks, the ratling sets off towards the shipbuilders. A game of hide, kill, and burn already taking place in his mind

2018-09-29, 10:20 AM
The travel takes five days; it is a journey that takes him to a divergence in a river, and for a while Snich follows a path that, while leading north, does not end up with him feeling the presence of the others. He travels south, back down the river and follows its course to a village on the edge of it and there he can feel the presence of the others.

The village lies at the junction between the river's mouth and a large bay. It has a large drydock and ship-yard, and many lumber piles can be seen even from far away. What would have been a delta to the north is instead rich and ripe farmland with many uses likely to find upon examination; but that is far from his purpose. A ship casts off from the docks of the village, towards what is almost certainly a clash of epic proportions.

Out on the bay, a dark shadow sprawls into its entrance and pursues a fleet of what seems to be eleven ships; a twelfth seems enveloped in darkness, and is sinking beneath the water. The ship of the...four others is there, along with two "flithy" humans and...well, the ultimate prize: the man who had escaped his grasp before, the Incarmun-wielding man who had so adeptly escaped his grasp before.

Snich, please join the Main Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?532206-Rokugan-in-the-Shadows-Ch-1-Gathering-Dark&p=23399625#post23399625)!

2018-10-06, 05:33 PM
Tun looks about the village in disgust. Standing on a ledge jutting from the waterfall that overlooked the town, he recounts his losses. The Magistrate and his family, all of whom he had bent to his will, had been slain - replaced by Raven, who had proven, despite all odds, to be an astoundingly effective new Magistrate. ALL of his agents and spies here had been turned by Alkiiri, Vampire Lord and Beguiler; the Foreman; and other vampires Alkiiri had sired. Tun could normally influence all manner of demonic folk, especially vampires, who by nature were Demons forced into mortal bodies. These vampires, though, are of Alkiiri's nature, Lawful--he spits in disgust with the very idea of being so despicably like the Rokugani--and the vampires do not truly desire to overturn the Rokugani rule. Raven, too, had SOMEHOW found the means to void himself of the Contract he'd made with Tun. These vampires subsist just beneath notice and have reorganized the town to great benefit; worse, they are training with a Hida soldier and are forming into a militia force. She is gone, it seems. Outmaneuvered, the creature steps into the waterfall as it forms a momentary reflective surface. This project needs to be placed aside; there is still opportunity elsewhere.


Emerald Magistrate Lord Yodai stretches after a long trek. The last two days had been a grueling journey to Mizu Muza, but finally, he is here. Even afternoons are cold in the mountains, and his bones ache and his muscles long for rest. Oshida, one of his two retainers, presents a scroll to the Magistrate.
"Incident report for Mizu Muza. This area has seen Oni activity."
Lord Yodai reads the report, diligently taking in each item. Crab-clan nobles are a blunt folk, mildly insane, but at least you know where they stand and what is going on in their lives. As he reads the account of a guard's murder, the long-winded poem and escape of the perpetrator, a chill runs across his spine. "Bring me the scrolls of the Serene Prophet Uikku."
"My lord?" his retainer pauses, unsure if he’s heard correctly.
"And take me to these grisly writings here. NOW!!"
The retainer leaps to obey, and despite the warmth he still feel from their hike, hairs on his neck raise themselves unbidden. Lord Yodai is never prone to emotional outbursts; something like this means trouble, he thinks.


Lord Yodai stands over and reads the sanguine scrawlings that, by order of the Regent Lord Hida, the Nobles of Mizu Muza still hadn't cleaned up:

♦Soon the end will come.
The sky crumbles, the land rots
And death will taste you♦

There was a confrontation with the offender, and he spoke as follows:
How much...for your caution?
This message upon wall?
Stilled heart under dagger?
Or a city of silence?
Your empire to fall.
Blood staining fur,
World without balance.
For this small matter?
Place. Time. Happenstance.
Would you offend this Yhrashnal [name written phonetically]
At a glance?

The offender then cast off his hood, showed his bloody hands his half-human half-dog face, and meets the eyes of the Lord Regent Hida.

You see blood and death.
You ask ‘who?’ Seeking justice
You do not ask ‘why?’

Why leave this message?
Why him, your proud warrior?
Why here, in your home?

In this well so deep
Walls so vast, Beyond sight...touch
Frogs chase. Vipers hunt…

You follow ripples
Endless waves all closing in.
But see no stones thrown.

Ignore the water
Stand ready. Then strike the hand
Before bones strike true

This is not the end. It comes.
The enemy of an enemy.
Different? The same in your eyes.

Enemy after enemy
Enemies all...so where is your army?
Your grain? Smiths of war? Scholars of battle?

This Yhrashnal warns you:
Death comes for this city.
It will be strong."
The creature waves a hand at the mutilated body of the guard.
Stronger than this. Stronger than me. Stronger than you. And it is hungry.

Lord Yodai scanned the Unmatched Prophecies of Uikku until he found it.

Hear me! A wolf-man speaks!
How much caution will you give?
A Blood-writing upon a wall,
Stilled heart from fangs?
Heart of Crab brought to silence?
Blood stains fur,
World without balance.
Place. Time. Happenstance.
[Uikku descends into strange yips before becoming understandable again.]
How much for your caution?
For this small matter?
Soon the end will come
The sky crumbles, the land rots
And death will taste you.
So the wolf-man speaks, and so shall it be true.

Lord Yodai, his hands shaking, puts back the scrolls. Nearly a thousand years ago, a mad raving returns as a chilling prophecy. He scrawls orders to copy and relay both the message and the relevant piece of prophecy to the other Emerald Magistrates at once. Not all would accept this, of course, but it is a sign that Rokugan is on the cusp of great change. Nothing for it, then, for a rest before they continued on their journey.


Oshida, retainer to Lord Yodai, listens with his left hand on the pommel of his Katana. It quivers and shakes, and he rotates his hip and presses the ornate sheath into the ground. Spirits grant me peace, he pleads. The besmeared and filthy streets need cleaning. The stench of many bodies, burned and heaped in the centre of the fortress-city, still lingers. His memory of Kyuden Hida, juxtaposed with the ceremony before him, makes him feel ill. Oshida has given up many things to serve the Emerald Throne: His family name, his clan, and now he faces the forfeiture of his family home?. Before him, Emerald Magistrate Lord Yodai DARES to talk with Oni.

The Wang-Liang have just finished telling of THEIR side of a story; how they'd once lived in the mountain passes, and that this fortified citadel was once their home before the humans had arrived. The empire of the Nezumi offered some of their clan a chance to live lives in rule of their other giant kin, and many of the Wang-Liang had abandoned their city; not long after, many Naga had shown up and taken the city and forced the remainder of their kind to let it go. The Wang-Liang felt betrayed by their own kin, and sorrowful at the loss of their capitol. With the arrival of Fu-Leng, however, the Trolls and many Giants gave their lives to their fell cause, and it seemed the Wang-Liang had cast their lot with them, though this was entirely untrue.

The noble giants have been seen as foul traitors and evils and have endured many centuries of mistrust and mistreatment, even though (they say) they resisted and fought their own wars against their fell brethren. They'd even given aid to the original Lord Hida to demolish the Trolls long ago, though they'd needed to disguise themselves as Nezumi at the time. The Wang-Liang had a list of deeds they'd done in secret, both honorable and damaging to the Rokugani, and in their own twisted way, showed proof that they had acted honorably, even of they'd still employed less-than-savory means. They'd found their own ways of resisting the Shadowlands Taint, it seemed, through battle and ritual sacrifice of Nezumi. It was all for the greater good, they claimed, and they'd never taken more Ratlings than any of the chittering clans could bear. Oshida didn't want to hear it, but listened all the same. A time would come when the Wang-Liang would be killed again, he was sure of it. Then Emerald Magistrate Lord Yodai said the unspeakable.

"On this date, Day 28, Month 5, Year 1314 in the Great Emerald Empire of Rokugan, I, Emerald Magistrate Yodai have, with permission on behalf of the Emperor Himself, reached an agreement with Kikonan VI, Chiefmistress of the Wang-Liang.

First, they have agreed to rebuild Kyuden Hida, to care for the city, and to work in coordination with the the Hantei family of the Great Crab Clan as a Vassal-State.

Second, Chiefmistress Kikonan VI has agreed to aid the Hantei family of the Great Crab Clan to build a new capital city upon the Kaiu Wall once reconstruction of Kyuden Hida has been completed to the satisfaction of Hida Clan engineers.

Third, Chiefmistress Kikonan VI has pledged to share knowledge of her own warriors and siege-engineers with the Empire, that we may all benefit from their great ingenuity.

Fourth, the Wang-Lian all have pledged to remain loyal and steadfast in cooperation with the Emerald Empire. They understand that any breach of loyalty or honor to the Emerald Throne will result in retaliation of the highest extent of our laws.

Finally, the Wang-Liang understand that, in Nineteen Years' time, should they remain honorably and loyal to the throne, they will be evaluated for Minor Clan Status."

Oshida felt faint, but he remained standing. He did not have to like it but he still would obey his superiors. If this was the case of Rokugan, though, what will they preserve if Oni were allowed to be in possession of the land? This act might stand, but he would countenance no other like it. As he gripps his blade to strike down his lord--for the good of the empire--a powerful wind stays his hand. For only time in in his life, Retainer Oshida hesitates.

Gusts of wind, columns of air and dirt and blackness, swirl around each of the Wang-Liang. Where onyx-skinned monsters stood are now still dark-skinned giants, but their long faces and frightening teeth are gone. Ten-foot-tall and dark-skinned versions of the Rokugani stand before them, now, and they bear faces of great relief. The columns of darkness swirl into the sky together and along with another great blast of a West-traveling wind, disperses into a great gust that passes into the mountains.

What in the fortunes is this? Oshida looked to Emerald Magistrate Yodai for answer.

The aging man laughed and beckoned Oshida forward, both commanding and confident.

Oshida eases his hands off his sword, and turns to his eta, nodding his head for the banner. Pure white, it is a sign of both peace and purity, of a new beginning that would allow the Giants to make their own symbol. He strode forward to Chiefmistress Kikonan VI, who, for her part, knelt to receive it. Were those tears he saw at the edge of her eyes. He straitened, masking his face from expressing surprise. How can they truly be this deceptive? he wondered. Only time would tell.

"The Kami have spoken: A betrayal of your people, made long ago, has been unmade this day. The Fortunes smile upon you all, Wang-Liang."

2018-10-06, 05:35 PM
~ Resolved ~

These are the resolutions so far. More may come.