View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Shadow Master base class [PEACH]

2018-04-10, 01:50 AM
The Shadow Master has mastered ancient and lost magic that allows them to conjure a shadowy copy of themselves, made from a physical shadow pulled from the Shadowfell and molded into a lethal combatant in its own right. A Shadow Master has many tools to remain deadly yet unseen, though his true potential lies in his Shadow Double.

Hit dice: 1d8 per Shadow Master level
Hit points at first level: 8 + CON mod
Hit points gained at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + CON mod per Shadow Master level after 1st.

Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, longbows, rapiers, scimitars, shortswords
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth


(a) longsword, (b) shorsword, or (c) rapier
(a) a shortbow, a quiver of 20 arrows and leather armor, or (b) a chain shirt and a shield
(a) a burgler's pack, (b) a dungeoneer's packm or (c) an explorer's pack

Prof. Bonus
Shadow Double Damage
Shadow Strike Damage

Shadowsight, Shadowed Strikes

Shadow Double

Shade Mastery archetype


Shadowy Transposition

Magical Darkness

Shade Mastery archetype feature


Double Vision, Improved Shadowsight

Shadow Blending

Shade Mastery archetype feature


Shadow Triples

Enduring Shade

Shade Mastery archetype feature


Gift of Shadows, Superior Shadowsight

Shade Mastery archetype feature


Army of Darkness

1st Level
You can see normally in dim light, darkness, and magical darkness out to a range of 60 ft. If you already have Darkvision, the range of your Shadowsight is increased by 30 ft.

Shadowed Strike
Once per turn, when you hit a creature that cannot see you (either by attacking from stealth, from darkness, or some other means), you do 1d6 additional damage on that attack. This damage increases as you gain levels, as shown by the Shadowed Strike column on the Shadow Master table.

2nd Level
Shadow Double
As a bonus action, you can conjure a semi-corporeal Shadow Double in an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet. This Shadow Double looks like a pitch-black shadowy silhouette of yourself when you conjure it. You must concentrate on your Shadow Double as if you were concentrating on a spell, and the Shadow Double disappears if your concentration ends. You only have one Shadow Double, but you can dismiss it as a bonus action. The Shadow Double disapears if its HP reaches 0, and cannot be re-conjured until it regains HP as detailed below. The Shadow Double has the following statistics:

Its maximum HP is equal to half of your maximum HP when you conjure it. This can't be increased in any way once the Double is summoned.
The Shadow Double regains all of its HP when you finish a Long Rest, and when you spend Hit Dice during a short rest, you can choose for your Shadow Double to regain HP instead of you. The Shadow Double cannot regain HP in any other way.
The Shadow Double's AC is 10+DEX mod+proficiency bonus
The Shadow Double has you ability scores and proficiency bonus, and is proficient in all weapons you are. It is also proficient in all Strength- and Dexterity- based skills you are proficient in.
The Shadow Double has shadowy facsimiles of all the equipment you have when you conjure it, including your weapons or armor, though it doesn't benefit from armor to its AC as it is not fully physical. Your Shadow Double is proficient in all shadowy facsimiles. Any shadowy facsimile that leaves the Shadow Double's immediate possession disappears until the Double is resummoned, except for ammunition or thrown weapons, which disappear after their attack is resolved if used in such a way. The Shadow Double's items are never magical. For example, if you are wielding a Flame tongue longsword when you summon the Double, it will have a nonmagical shadow facsimile of a longsword that does no fire damage.
The Double disappears if it takes an amount of damage in one instance equal to or greater than your Constitution score.
The Shadow Double cannot speak or understand any languages, nor does it have senses; it is merely a semi-sentient construct of shadow manifested by you.
No matter what weapon the Shadow Double is wielding, its damage die for all attacks it makes is determined by the Shadow Double Damage column of the Shade Striker table. For example, an attak made by the Double with a longsword at level 2 will deal 1d4+STR mod slashing damage.
The Shadow Double is immune to the Blinded, Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Posioned, and Unconscious conditions, and cannot contract any diseases. In addition, if it were to become Petrified, it becomes Paralyzed for the same duration instead. It also has Immunity to Posion damage, as it is not a living creature. Any condition except for Grappled or Restrained placed on the Double remain for its normal duration, even if you dismiss and re-conjure it.
The Double is considered to be the same creature type or types as you for the purposes of spells or abilities that effect creature types.
The Double does not need to breathe, drink, eat, or sleep to survive.

You can use a bonus action on your turn to cause the Shadow Double to cause it to move up to your speed to a space you can see and do one of the following:

Make an attack against one creature you can see within range of the Double's weapon. The Double cannot critically hit.
Make a shove or grapple attempt
Interact with an object you can see
Use the Aid action for a creature you can see
Use a skill (such as Stealth)
Do something else appropriate to its situation (such as breaking free from a grapple)

If you and the Shadow Double both attack and hit the same creature on your turn, the second attack to hit automatically deals Shadowed Strike damage, even if you were seen by the target, as long as you have not already used Shadowed Strike this turn.

3rd Level
Choose a Shade Mastery to pursue

4th Level
Ability Score Improvement.

Level 5
Shadowy Transposition
As a reaction when you or your shadow Double take damage, you can instantaneously swap places with your Shadow Double as long as you can see it. Whichever one of you would have taken damage might now not take any, but the replacement one will. For example, if you are attacked by a longbow for a total of 7 damage, you can use your reaction to swap places with your Shadow Double. Your Shadow Double then takes 7 damage, but you take none as you are no longer in the arrow's path. If you and your Shadow Double are both in the area of a Dragon's Fire Breath, you may use your reaction to swap places, but both of you will still take damage as you are both in the area.

Level 6
Magical Darkness
Your Shadow Double's attacks count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance or immunity. In addition, you can cast the spell Darkness at 2nd level without requiring spellcasting components. Once you cast this spell twice in this way, you must complete a Long Rest before you can cast it again. At 14th level, you can cast it an additional time between rests.

Level 7
Shade Mastery archetype feature

Level 8
Ability Score Improvement

Level 9
Double Vision
You can use an action to perceive as though you were in your Shadow Double's space until the start of your next turn. Use your senses while using this feature, but as though you were your Double. While using this feature, you cannot see or hear using your body's senses.

Improved Shadowsight
The range of your Shadowsight increases by 60 feet.

Level 10
Shadow Blending
While in an area of dim light, you and your Shadow Double have advantage on Dexterity(Stealth) checks. While in an area of darkness, you can use your action to become invisible until you leave the darkness or until you make and attack or cast a spell, and you can use your bonus action to confer the same benefits to your Shadow Double if it is in an area of darkness. In addition, when your Shadow double makes an attack from an area of darkness, it has advantage on its attack roll.

Level 13
Shadow Triples
When you conjure your Shadow Double, you can choose to conjure two instead. The two Triples share the same pool of HP as the normal; any damage taken by one is subtracted from this pool. Each Triple also does one step of damage less (so a d12 becomes a d10, a d10 becomes a d8, etc). When you use your bonus action to control your Shadow Double, you may have each Triple perform one of the allowed actions. For example, you could use your bonus action to cause one Triple to make an attack, and the other to use the Aid action, or both to attack. Any combination of two hits from you and/or your Triples will trigger the automatic Shadowed Strike damage. You may only have a maximum of two Shadow Triples at a time, and cannot conjure a Shadow Double or Triple as long as you have at least one of these active.

Level 14
Enduring Shade
The maximum HP of your Shadow Double(s) is now equal to your maximum HP, and the damage threshhold required to make one disappear is now equal to twice your Constitution score.

Level 17
Gift of Shadows
You treat bright light as dim light and dim light as darkness for the purposes of cover and stealth. Darkvision and Devil's Sight cannot detect you if you are in an area of darkness. You can cast the spell Pass Without Trace without spellcasting components and without using a spell slot. Finally, you may use the Hide Action while standing in a creature's shadow as long as the creature is the same size category as you or larger. You cannot hide from the creature whose shadow you hide in.

Superior Shadowsight
Your Shadowsight now has no maximum range, and you can see into the Ethereal Plane with a range of 60 feet.

Level 20
Army of Darkness
When you conjure your Shadow Double, you can choose to conjure up to four, all sharing the same health pool. All follow the standard rules for Shadow Double and Shadow Triple, but with the following changes:

If you conjure two, each does one step of damage less. If you conjure three, two steps less. If you conjure four, three steps less.
When you use a bonus action to control them, you can only cause up to two to move and take actions.
If you conjure one or two, each has its full damage threshold of twice your Constitution score. If you conjure three, each has a damage threshold of your Constitution score + Proficiency Bonus. If you conjure four, each has a damage threshold of your Constitution score.
If you conjure one or two, each has an AC of 10+DEX modifier + Your Proficiency bonus. If you conjure two or three, each has an AC of 10 + DEX modifier.

Shade Mastery Archetypes

The Shadowmage has expanded upon the magical principles of the shadow magic they employ to conjure their Shadow Double. With practice, learning, and sheer force of will, the Shadow Striker has learned to harness the raw power of the Shadowfell into magical abilities that compliment their Shadow Double.

Level 3
Shadow Magic
The Shadowmage has learned to weave the shadowstuff they control into subtle forms and effects that mimic arcane spells.

Cantrips You learn two cantrips from the Warlock spell list. At 7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels, you learn one additional cantrip from that list.
Spell Slots The Shadowmage table shows how many spell slots you have. The table also shows what the level of those slots is; all of your spell slots are the same level. To cast one of your Shadowmage spells of 1st level or higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. For example, when you are 5th level, you have two 3rd-level spell slots. To cast the 1st-level spell Hellish Rebuke, you must spend one of those slots, and you cast it as a 3rd-level spell.
Spells Known of 1st level and HigherAt 1st level, you know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the warlock spell list. The spells known column of the Warlock table shows when you learn more warlock spells of your choice. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than what's shown in the table's Slot Level column for your level. When you reach 6th level, for example, you learn a new warlock spell which can be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level. Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the warlock spells you know and replace it with another spell from the warlock spell list, which also must be of a level for which you have spell slots.
Spellcasting AbilityCharisma is your spellcasting ability for your Shadowmage spells, so you use your Charisma whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a Shadowmage spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
Spell Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier
Arcane FocusYou can use an arcane focus (see "Equipment") as a spellcasting focus for your Shadowmage spells.

Spells Known
Spell Slots
Slot Level




















Level 7
Duplicate Casting
When you cast a spell using Shadow Magic, you can cause the origin of the spell to be your Shadow Double's space rather than your own, as if your Shadow Double had cast it. You must be able to see both your Shadow Double and the target of the spell to do this, and the Shadow Double must perform any somatic components and use a shadowy facsimile of the spells's material components or your Spell Focus, if applicable. If you cast a spell this way, you cannot use your bonus action to cause your Duplicate to attack this turn.
In addition, when you cast a spell using Shadow Magic, you can cause your Shadow Double to mimic the casting of the spell, going so far as to create an illusory copy of the spell's visual or auditory effects, making it difficult to determine which one of you cast the spell. For example, if you cast Eldritch Blast, you can cause your Shadow Duplicate to create an illusion of the sound of your voice speaking the verbal component, move its arms to simulate the somatic component, and an illusory beam of energy identical to your Eldritch Blast will streak from your Shadow Double to the target. The target of course only takes damage from the real spell.

Level 11
Dark Rites
You learn how to cast ritual spells, fueled by your increasing connection to the Shadowfell's magic. You gain a Ritual Book containing one 1st-level spell with the ritual tag from any spell list, and you can cast Warlock spells you know as rituals if they have the ritual tag. You can add more spells to your Ritual Book; for each level of the spell, the process takes 2 hours and costs 100 gp. The cost represents material components you expend as you experiment with the spell to master it, as well as the fine inks you need to record it. You can only add spells to your Ritual Book if they have the Ritual tag, and only if they are of a spell level for which you have spell slots.

Level 15
Shadowspell Fragments
When you see a spell being cast, you can use your reaction to attempt to capture a shadowy fragment of that spell. To do so, you must make a Charisma(Arcana) check against a DC of 10+ the spell's level. If you are successful, you gain a Shadowspell Fragment. You can hold a number of Shadowspell Fragments no greater than your charisma modifier, and you lose all Fragments when you complete a Long Rest. You can expend a Fragment to do one of the following:

You may use an action to cause both you and your Shadow Double to become invisible until you or it make an attack or cast a spell
You may use an action to regain one Shadowmagic spell slot you have previously spent.
When you or your Shadow Double hit with an attack, you may spend two Shadowspell Fragments to deal your Shadowed Strike damage to the target if you have not already used Shadowed Strike this turn.
You may use an action to cause your Shadow Double to regain 2d8+CON mod HP. If your Shadow Double is not conjured when you do this, you may conjure the Double to an unoccupied space you can see within 30 feet of you as part of this action.

Level 18
Dark Arcanocopy
When you see a spell being cast, you can use your reaction to spend three Shadowspell Fragments. If you do, on your next turn, you can cast the triggering spell at the same spell level, using the same casting time, but choosing new targets, and using your Charisma as the spellcasting ability modifier.

Shadow Duplicitor
Level 3
Shadow Twin
When you conjure your Shadow Double, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may cause it to appear as its standard shadow-black silhouette form, or as a true-to-color copy of yourself. If you choose for it to copy your appearance in this way, it looks just like you do when you conjure it and is visually indistinguishable from you. This effect is illusory in nature, so any effects that reveals illusions (such as Truesight) sees through the guise and recognizes your Double for what it is.
When you make an attack, your Shadow Double can appear as if it is attacking the same target, as long as it is in range of the Shadow Double's weapon. This effect extends as far as creating illusory duplicates of ranged ammunition, which disappears after being used. This apparent attack does no damage, but can make it difficult to know whether it is you or the Double making the attack, especially if you are both using the same weapon. A creature can discern which is the true attack with an Intelligence(Investigation) check against a DC of 8+your proficiency bonus+CHA mod. If you and your Double are using the same kind of weapon, this check is made with Advantage. The target of the attack makes this check with Advantage, and does not suffer Disadvantage even if both you and your Double are wielding the same kind of weapon. This check requires no action, but can only be made by a creature specifically trying to tell the two attacks apart.
Finally, you can choose to speak through your Shadow Double. You can only do so if you can see your Shadow Double, and if you do, you may choose for your body to not actually vocalize the words spoken, so only the Double "speaks".

Malleable Appearance
You can cast the spell Disguise Self without using a spell slot or using components. Once you cast the spell this way, you cannot do so again until you complete a Short or Long rest.

Level 7
Mutable Darkness
When you conjure your Shadow Double, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may cause it to appear as a pitch-black shadowy silhouette mimicking the appearance of a creature you can see, or a creature whose appearance you know well, provided that creature is the same creature type as you. Its statistics are the same in this form, but its Shadowy Facsimile items might change. It does not have Shadowy Facsimiles of items you cannot see, but it might have different weapons than what you have. If you are familiar with the creature's voice, you can choose for your Shadow Double to sound like the creature if you speak through it using Shadow Twin.

Level 11
Pale Imitation
When you conjure your Shadow Double, or as a bonus action on your turn, you may cause it to appear as a true-to-color copy of a creature you can see, or a creature whose appearance you know well, provided that the creature is the same creature type as you. If you do, follow the normal rules of Mutable Darkness with regards to voices, statistics, and Shadow Facsimiles. In addition, any creature your Double copies with Mutable Darkness or Pale Imitation must succeed on a Wisdom Saving through against a DC of 8+CHA mod+Proficiency Bonus. If it fails, you gain all of the knowledge that that creature might share with a friendly acquaintance such as hometown or good friends, but not secrets. This knowledge fades from your memory after your Shadow Double has been dismissed for 1 minute, or immediately if it becomes a copy of another creature. You can only have this knowledge of one creature at a time.

Level 15
True Copy
You can imbue your Shadow Double with a semblance of sentience and individuality when you conjure it, but only if you conjure one. If you do so, it gains the personality of the creature it is mimicking with Mutable Darkness or Pale Imitation, or you if it is not mimicking another creature. The creature mimicked must make a Wisdom saving throw as in Pale Imitation. On a failure, the Shadow Double (not you) gains the knowledge available from Pale Imitation. While doing this, you cannot use a bonus action to control your Shadow Double in any way, except to dismiss it. Instead, it acts on your turn as an independent creature controlled by the Dungeon Master, though it behaves as if Charmed by you, and regards your allies as its own allies. The Shadow Double also gains all languages you know, as well as all of your senses. The Shadow Double is aware that it is merely a copy of a creature (and suffers no existential crises for this), but still retains the personality traits of its template. If it is dismissed and re-conjured as a copy of the same creature it was before, it can retain the knowledge of a failed Wisdom Save, as long as it was not dismissed for more than 1 minute.

Level 18

2018-04-13, 02:54 AM
Got everything done except the final ability for Shadow Duplicitor