View Full Version : Feats

2018-04-10, 02:09 PM
Are there any fears across all of D&D that allow you to increase ability scores?

2018-04-10, 02:13 PM
No. They made some custom ones that do this in E6, so you can ask your gm if he'll allow them. There are a couple that allow you to treat your score as 2 higher, but usually just for some circumstances, such as determining bonus spells.

2018-04-10, 02:16 PM
Are there any fears across all of D&D that allow you to increase ability scores?

Depends on what you mean by "all of D&D". But, considering that you post this in the "D&D 3e/3.5e/d20" sub-forum, in those editions, none (that I know of).

2018-04-10, 02:18 PM
There are Epic feats that do this, but those are generally outside the scope of most games.

2018-04-10, 02:26 PM
Epic Strength (+1 strength)
Epic Dexterity (+1 dexterity)
Epic Constitution (+1 constitution)
Epic Intelligence (+1 intelligence)
Epic Wisdom (+1 wisdom)
Epic Charisma (+1 charisma)

Willing Deformity: Obesity (+2 con, -2 dex)
Willing Deformity: Gaunt (+2 dex, -2 con)

there are probably more out there, but those are the ones I know offhand

2018-04-10, 02:29 PM
There is one in d20 Modern / d20 Future which uses mechanics derived from D&D 3.5: http://www.d20resources.com/future.d20.srd/feats/planetary.adaptation.php

2018-04-10, 04:25 PM
Mark of twelve moons gives a +1inherent bonus on an ability score depending on your dragonmark

Blue Wizard
2018-04-10, 08:47 PM
AEG Feats page 109, feat Divine Wisdom, requires divine spellcaster level 3rd, and access to the Knowledge domain.
"Your wisdom is permanently increased by 2 points."

They have another one for constitution, and possibly others. I could ferret them out if it is important. Pretty sure each has different requirements.

2018-04-11, 12:37 AM
Vow of Poverty allows you to increase your ability scores at certain levels.

2018-04-11, 12:42 AM
Vow of Poverty allows you to increase your ability scores at certain levels.

Do you mean the Enhancement bonus (+8/+6/+4/+2)? Or is there something else?

== == ==

Deformity (gaunt) and Deformity (obese) each give you +2 to one stat and -2 to another stat.

2018-04-11, 12:47 AM
Are there any fears across all of D&D that allow you to increase ability scores?

To repeat my response from your last post:

But why do you ask?

2018-04-11, 10:38 AM
To repeat my response from your last post:

But why do you ask?

Why do you say no, when multiple people in this thread have proven that, in fact such feats DO exist?

2018-04-11, 11:06 AM
BoEF has some, but that book is off limits at most tables.

2018-04-11, 11:11 AM
Why do you say no, when multiple people in this thread have proven that, in fact such feats DO exist?

Ack. I'd stopped reading after the epic feats part. Totally forgot about Deformity feats.
I had no idea about the A&EG feats.

Blue Wizard
2018-04-11, 02:20 PM
I had no idea about the A&EG feats.

Slight misunderstanding. Should you go looking in the Arms & Equipment Guide you won't find any. What I was referencing was the book entitled "Feats" by Alderac Enterainment Group. Very different. But still a D20 product, and since this is a D20 forum...

2018-04-11, 02:22 PM
Slight misunderstanding. Should you go looking in the Arms & Equipment Guide you won't find any. What I was referencing was the book entitled "Feats" by Alderac Enterainment Group. Very different. But still a D20 product, and since this is a D20 forum...

Ahhh I see. Tricky.

2018-04-12, 12:56 AM
The (incredibly awful and underpowered) feats Kihu-Sherem Guardian (Ghostwalk, pg. 36) and Sherem-Lar/Sherezem-Lar Sorcery (Ghostwalk, pg. 38) allow you to treat certain ability scores as being higher than they are for certain very narrow purposes. They don't actually increase your ability scores, though.

There are certain feats that allow you the ability to temporarily boost certain ability scores, as well, though I can't think of any that haven't already been mentioned that provide permanent boosts.

Of course, if you're in an item-stingy environment, a feat that allows you to gain an enhancement item that you wouldn't otherwise have (Craft Wondrous Item, Ancestral Relic, etc.) might be construed as counting, no?

As Zombulian asked, though, what's your end goal? In most circumstances, unless you're stacking "X stat to Y bonus" abilities or applying your stats to a wider variety of things than usual, a feat should generally have a stronger return on investment than a +1 here or there. There may be a more efficient way to do things.

2018-04-12, 01:24 AM
for reference, x stat to y bonus (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?125732-3-x-X-stat-to-Y-bonus) if that's all you need.

2018-04-12, 09:14 AM
Do you mean the Enhancement bonus (+8/+6/+4/+2)? Or is there something else?

The enhancement bonuses.