View Full Version : Empires!4- Crabbin' Fever Talks in Yondar

2018-04-10, 08:25 PM
Crabbin' Fever Talks


It was after midday in the Forests of Yonder, though it would hard to tell. Fog swirled amid the tall trunks the Darkwood trees casting a grey pall the city of Hearth Meera. It had been the first major settlement of Yondar in its foundation. The bustling city was divided into two levels, the lower common district where the everyday bustle of life for citizens took place, and the upper canopy district which held the Queen's meeting hall and the administrative offices resided, nestled under the giant shadow of one of the elder Darkwood trees.

Varia Chalun va Meera was being trailed by two of her ladies in waiting as she entered the dining hall. Ebony tables were laid out at one end while allowing for clearing at the other for end for people to mingle and talk. Over the tables were several antler chandeliers supporting candles that provided light to the room below. Small cuts of meat, cheeses, and bread had been set out on a table for people to much on, but the aroma of food wafted in from the kitchens indicating that it was an appetizer to a much fuller course that was being prepared. The wine celler had been opened in anticipation to her guests thirst. Messengers had been sent out, informing the others of the details for today, all that the Yondorian had to do was to wait for them to show up.

Time: Afternoon
Place: Main Dining Hall of Hearth Meera in Yonder

2018-04-11, 10:36 AM
Tassadin was beautiful, his half mask of sky blue dye and unique cuts revealed a striking visage, and his dark skin had been harder to find the further north he went becoming even more exotic among these northern peoples. The diplomat was also exhausted, traveling this far north for an event was leaning toward the absurd but the disease was a risk to everyone and so they had ordered him to make his way up there.

He had not been given a contingent of guards, he had not been given a carriage just a lot of treasures to gift or give and of course to pay for any needs on the trip and a single bodyguard a man who wore all black and who bore a full face mask mixed with blood red and black, a horrifying visage Tassadin had never seen before. He was sure he was dealing with his first Mask maker, one of the most horrifying beings from his country... He could not imagine the crimes this being had committed for the nation. Still the only thieves foolish enough to pick a fight with them, had been humans starving in the Pician territories they had to cross and he had dispatched them without even grabbing for his blade. Half a dozen men disappeared with barely a thought from his silent protector.

When they had arrived in Glen Gwitna before heading north it was just to pick up supplies and avoid trouble with the wild pirate population AND the coatl priests rumored to sacrifice outsiders at every oppurtunity... Add to the risk of contracting the disease and it was a horror to move through. Avoiding seafood of all types and drinking the water they purchased further south was the only means to avoid contracting this illness.

Getting to this tiny kingdom was truly a blessing. Tassadin was not made for the cold add to the fact he finally had people to talk to, being able to leave his companion to his own devices while they sorted out the diplomatic end of things.

What did matter though was they were here and when he stepped forward he bowed to Varia Chalun va Meera. “Greetings, I am diplomat Tassadin the chosen voice of Khirus we are grateful to be welcomed to your kingdom.” He rose and his silent bodyguard without a word presented the gift for their host and Tassadin grabbed it and presented it. A blade made of obsidian glass, a stunning piece beautifully glowed and the black sheen allowed her to see herself in the blade despite how it swallowed all color creating a dark reflection. “Her eminence the High Chancellor Kathine sends her deepest regards and hope we can reach a favorable conclusion to this crabbing fever menace from the far east."

2018-04-11, 03:04 PM
Intro and Dining Room

Crexa Whitefeather was honestly glad to have arrived finally at some bastion of civilisation. After many weeks of travel by both land and sea, and with many checks to ensure her party avoided the diseased regions, she had finally arrived at the isolated forests of Yondar, of which few apart from possibly the Gwitnan had probably ever heard about. Casually she wrapped her feather cloak around her. Almost all the Inyoni were wearing similar ones, many woven from their own feathers. Rioj, bless him, had offered his cloak to a provisioner as a proof of purchase the merchant could be reembursed by, and he was suffering for it, shivering in the cold.

Finally, her delegation moved through the city itself, in their bright cloaks, with skyfarers flying overhead to ensure their route remained clear. Crexa had a look over the city itself as she went, a city with a very close connection to the forest. In a way, it reminded her of Laica, though that was half a world away.

When she reached the dining room, Crexa untied her cloak, ensured her crown was on straight in her flowing blonde hair with a light touch, and then moved in, her servents and Rioj only a step behind.

"Greetings Queen Varia of Yondar, I am the Queen of Whitefeather and the Inyoni, and I thank you for helping to organise this event. It is my hope that we may find a way to resolve this crisis before all of Emjata suffer at the hands of Pestillance." Crexa gave a gesture to Rioj, who, still shaking slightly from the cold, brought out a small box, which had a slightly pungent scetm.
"Please accept this gift of some of the Incense of the Inyoni Crescent. It has both the Maiden's Kiss, as well as other more mundane types in there as well."

2018-04-11, 03:43 PM
"Varia Chalun va Meera, Queen of Yonder receives you." Varia returned Tassadin's bow with one of her own. Though she was wearing an absolutely criminal amount of cloth in her dress by Yondarian standards, as the queen her dress was elegant and refined trimmed with soft furs. A metal crown in the shape of twining antlers rest upon her long auburn hair as a fluffy tail the same color trailed behind. "I can only hope that my home will brighten your stay after your travels. It is my understanding that such a journey from your Homeland of Khirus was a long one indeed."

As Tassadin produced an obsidan dagger as a gift, Varia couldn't help but think that giving a gift of a dagger might be construed as poor taste, despite how finely crafted it is, at a peaceful meeting, but the lessons of her upbringing staved off any outwards sign of distaste. She smiled as she accepted the blade, carefully, and said, "Thank you, you may tell High Chancellor Kathine that I am honored by her generosity." She passed the blade to Lady Galea Birchan, one of her Lady's in Waiting before returning to Tassadin. As another one of the delegates had arrived in the hall.

Varia's attention turned to Crexa Whitefeather as she introduced herself. "It is a pleasure to have you Queen Whitefeather my home is at your disposal." She motioned to the Khirusian delegate. "As I was about to say to Tassadin, the voice of Khirus, we can ill afford confusion and idleness to aid the plague's progress across the continent."

As the gift of incense was offered to her, Varia smiled again and said. "Thank you for such a fine gift, though I notice your servant is still throwing off the chill of our woods. Perhaps some libations to fortify the body?" Varia handed the box of incense to Lady Galea Birchan to take away, while turning to her other companion, Lady Nani Misstle, asking her to bring some servants with drinks who would be coming out shortly.

2018-04-11, 08:17 PM

The forests of Yondar were strikingly similar to those of Glen Gwitna. Large trees and precipitation seemed to be the staples of the forest here as well, though the largest trees in Yondar seemed to be slightly bigger than those back home.

Suvlin Cuahuey had travelled north to meet the Yondarians with a small group of bodyguards. Thinner and darker-skinned than most Gwitna due to his mother's coatlian blood, he was wearing the traditional Chilkat blanket and cedar bark rain hat of the Gwitna over elkskin trousers and a shirt, and used his badge of office; a well made bladed canoe paddle, as a walking staff, enjoying the pleasant thump of the handle hitting the ground.

He had learned from the messengers sending out invitations that the ruler of yondar was Queen Varia Chalun va Meera, and her regalia made her easy to separate from the crowd. Hopefully she was interested in peace. The Yondarians apparently had a large army, and the Gwitna coalition had enough problems on its hands with the plague and now an unruly vassal.

He approached the queen of Yondar and knelt respectfully, introducing himself in the process. "Queen Varia Chalun va Meera, I am Grand Warden of the Badan Suvlin Cuahuey, ruler of the Gwitna Coalition. I have come with a gift, as well as a sincere desire for peace between us."

While Suvlin cuahuey was preoccupied with getting out the Chilkat blanket he had brought as a gift, his guards snuck some quick swigs of the spirits that were being offered. You didn't turn down free booze, no matter how "disciplined" you were supposed to be.

"Here you are, this is a chilkat blanket. They are woven from dog hair and cedar bark, and are a luxury in Glen Gwitna.

In truth, I came more to this gathering to learn about you and your people than to provide any effort towards halting the plague, and although I would be willing to answer questions about that subject as well, my main concern is our relations with your nation and your people. I apologize for my forwardness, but I hope that you are not planning any southward conquests into our lands?"


"I take it one or both of you are delegates from Khirus?" Suvlin Cuahuey asked to the only two mask-wearers in the room.

"I am the Grand Warden of the Badan, and it has recently come to my attention that some of the traitors from your lands that fled to the Theocracy of Coatl have revealed themselves to be Vampires. I share your goals of executing them, and I would like to offer to do so in Glen Gwitna so that they might be afforded less time to use whatever unholy magic is at their disposal to escape before they can be destroyed. Would this be acceptable to you?"

2018-04-11, 08:33 PM
The Overvann delegation is an unusual one. It consists of around 30 warriors, the High Warlord, and his wife, who unceremoniously arrived. They're taking a break from their regularly scheduled conquest to investigate a potential economic opportunity and so chief One-Eye can meet up with other world leaders and learn more about the plague which has thankfully not touched his lands yet.

The High Warlord has one policy as a leader. Whatever you do, do it personally. Any other method would be cowardice, and a cowardly warlord is a disgrace. As such, he is here in person, despite his lack of diplomatic savvy.

High Warlord Olaf One-Eye strides into the room. The Overvann chieftain cuts an imposing figure, a giant of a man with a bronze helmet upside-down under his arm and a sword openly on his belt, a heavy blade which is simple and unadorned. Keen observers will note the bulges under his brown cloak which indicate that he is wearing armor beneath it. His red hair and beard hang from his head, unkempt. The most striking trait of the warrior, however, is his missing eye, covered by an eyepatch which cannot fully hide the scarring around it. He grins. "Greetings friends! The delegation from Overvann has arrived!" His wife follows closely behind him, a plain woman, mostly unremarkable. However, the silver necklace she wears is quite elaborate and marked with many runes. Olaf continues, "What kind of guest would I be if I did not bring gifts? He withdraws a small box from within his helm and presents it to the queen. Inside are a pair of gold earrings, intricately inscribed with runes. Each is set with a single ruby.

2018-04-11, 10:50 PM
Empress Dastatia Vana Zhekurus had travelled a long ways, though a guide over the mountains had made the journey much easier; they had met when she was just a girl travelling through Gwitnan territory, and the man had recognized her when her party came through town.

Dastatia goes to see Crexa first, since a familiar face was helpful in such troubled times, with so much to discuss and manage that she was not yet accustomed to.

[Dialogue later]

2018-04-11, 11:58 PM
Lagos Khompur Ssuras the god king of Mareen, Taraks Krag and Sonil marches through the heart of the world to reach the other side and appear before the gathered rulers of this continent. He had come here for one purpose and one alone. The king was here was to meet the heads of the fractious Kunai and face the leader of the firethorn regiment alpha to alpha. What this now middle aged Lagos brought with him on this trip was no minor show of force. An entire unit of five hundred Rakshasa had marched with him. They were known as the mane and their stunning silver armor glinted in the sunlight, their claws and fangs also shined. Some of their appendages had even been dipped in molten silver and had been molded to them with magical implements to keep it eternally perfect not even losing its sheen under the waves of blood they would rend from their victims.

The council of Raja were left in the kings place to rule while he attended this gala but he had brought with him a single adviser. Harshad Mminas and his female human pet Naro. Harshad was an elderly Rakshasa who wrapped himself in the furs of beasts from their native jungle home. Naro sparkled with a beautiful silver collar along with furs and glittering anklets. Among humans she had once been ravishing beyond compare. Age was finally starting to catch up with her, but her features were still regal, even beautiful and her mind was sharp enough to cut stone.

Surrounding this king was two dozen female Rakshasa who were not only part of the mane and army but also his personal concubines. He had brought none of his children they were his future and had to be safe until they decided who among them would rule but their mothers were another matter.

The king was constantly in a magnificent throne of silver a chariot attached to move them along. His feet never touched the ground he carried in him the blood of a god. When they finally arrived he did rise and nodded his head to those assembled but he did not speak.

“We thank our host.” Harshad stepped forward bowing on behalf of his king. “We bring gifts from our homeland.” Presented to Varia Chalun va Meera is rich silver veined stones as well as giant cacti (mostly because they were impressive not for any actual value outside of water storage in the desert). “My king looks forward to getting to know all of you.”

2018-04-12, 01:41 AM
Normally Teppin couldn't afford to leave the capital for an extended period. For better or for worse these aren't normal times. Plague is creeping upon the Theocracy's borders, his brat of a cousin is getting increasingly bold and worst of all his former partner betrayed him. He'd sworn Atl, the large would suffer for this yet despite his victory over their confrontation, he felt strangely empty.

The journey from the Theocracy to Yondar was smooth but dragged. So many precautions had to be made when sailing past plague infected lands. That's not even beginning to mention the effort in sailing into the Norbar, a sea that 4 years ago would have been considered suicidal to sail in by any in Coatl. While Teppin was put off by the cold wind bombarding his fur poncho, he rather enjoyed how the height of the darkwood trees bridged the earth and sky the way no tree in Coatl ever could.

Removing his headdress Teppin bowed to Varia Chalun va Meera introducing himself "Greetings fair lady, I am Teppin Exarch of the Theocracy of Coatl. As the plague is slowly advancing to my borders, I have great concern for the welfare of my people." Teppin passed the woman a silver coin with the form of Xincoatl wrapped around a white Azonite stone in the coins center. "If a wandering Magi arrives at your court, show them this coin and tell them you are a friend of the Exarch and they will be compelled to help you."

2018-04-12, 02:06 AM


The Chojo Clan, alone among the Kunai, do not hide from their enemies.

Why bother? Their job is diplomacy. If they need to hide, they've done something wrong. And the Chojo did not lie, manipulate or backstab in their dealings; genuine court intrigue was the Shushan's skillset once upon a time, though nowadays... well, no use crying over lost friends.

No, when a Chojo woman plies her trade, she is no threat. She was never a threat. You never needed to worry about her, and never will. A sweet, disarming smile. Pleasant conversation. Expertly applied cosmetics and jewelry. Witty humor. Demure beauty, tempered by a tempting confidence. Flirtation weak enough to be friendly, but just strong enough to be truly tempting. You would relax, and perhaps talk more than you should. She would be a friend, and perhaps more.

And if an attack became necessary it would only be as the knife sunk into your jugular that you would even realize you were under attack.

Fortunately such a thing was not needed today. Lady Chojo was the latest to bear that name, and unlike her predecessors she had a genuine interest in friendly relations. This Marasa Pride would soon bring their borders to the Nagare river, and Yasei was leading a campaign to take [region 83] just to ensure a continuous line for the Kunai territories.

With such events, it was important for the Clans to cease being under the Satsujin's shadow and start casting it once again. It was almost quaint to see them try and play at roles they did not understand. Oh certainly, the Satsujin could do most everything the other clans could, but they could not outmatch them in their areas of expertise. Emissary's rather amusing escapades in the north proved that much.

Her companion, on the other hand, was not as amusing. "Why me?!"

Lady Chojo placed her hand on her companion's shoulder. "My dear friend," She said sweetly for what felt like the hundredth time, "You are being offered as a path to peace with our neighbor. They are clearly a proud, martial people with much potential to do us harm should they so choose. And they desire a strong woman to breed. Should you not feel honored to be considered so precious a jewel as to entrust the fate of Kuniumi?"

"Well, yes, but... must I be Hostage?" She smoothed her dress. "I doubt these Marasa will show much respect to someone who bears such a name."

"I know. But I hope it will encourage them to be kinder to you than, say, 'CatHater' or 'Innocent' would have."

"Those are not the only two names I could have chosen instead." Hostage glared at her. "You know it's dangerous but you send me anyway."

"I do not seek your loss, I seek your advancement. You are a precious flower that with me cannot bloom fully."

She pouted. "Oh don't try to rename it, you just don't want me around."

"Yes." Chojo agreed. "I find your presence quite annoying, vexing and envy-inducing. But I'm not lying."

And she wasn't. Hostage was indeed beautiful. Long luxurious locks of a deep chocolate brown cascaded down her back. Her muscles were tight and compact, a fine example of an athletic woman.

But in full truth, Hostage was going because she had the best chance to bear strong "half-breeds" for the Rakshasa. Ideally, of course, it would've been a Yasei woman, but as Lady Chojo had learned from Yasei himself, sending one of their clan to negotiate was a stupid idea in every possible sense of the word.

Honestly, 'False king of a flea bitten mongrel horde'? What was he thinking?! It didn't matter if it had been in a language the Marasa wouldn't understand, THEY COULD TRANSLATE IT LATER!



"Though my realm is not as affluent as some of the others here today, I do hope this humble token shall satisfy." Lady Chojo smiled sweetly at her host and held forth her gift, a coat with the kanji for chikara emblazoned upon the back in Enku. What she didn't say aloud was that the mark made the coat quite a bit tougher than it should have been, and would probably strengthen whoever wore it as well (albeit not much).


[Marasa Pride]

Chojo curtsied and bade her companion to do the same. "It is good to meet the god-king of the Marasa Pride in person, even so far from our homes." If the well-dressed women were shocked to see human slaves among the Marasa, they didn't show it.

2018-04-12, 07:35 PM
Mallow sighed as she stepped into the hall. Why Colrim had chosen her for this gathering she didn't know; perhaps for her previous experience at Leislurrigan. If that was what it was, he was a fool - she'd barely spoken to anyone there but the old Gwitnan leader; but it was too late now.

She was clad in an elaborate silver dress decorated with intertwining patterns and small lettering. As she walked across the dining hall, the guards behind her spread out to the right and the somewhat strange North-Westerners who had asked to come along moved to her left. Colrim hadn't seen a problem with them - of course he hadn't, this was a good way to make sure his traders could get the monster parts he wanted to try. He hadn't actually told anyone what he expected the parts to do, which made the barely-pronounceable people's presence all the more vexing to Mallow.

She saluted the Yonadrian Queen.

"Greetings, Queen Varia Chalun va Meera. My name is Mallow Riosoma, representative of the Council of Ti Linnad. It is my hope that we can find a solution for the problem that plagues ever more of Emjata. Also accompanying me are certain representatives of the land of - of `Ridi`r." She hoped that was close enough to the correct pronunciation. "I bring a gift of porphyra, the vivid purple dye of Arfordir." Mallow presented the vials of dye to the Queen and waited for the discussions to begin.

2018-04-12, 10:45 PM

Varia bowed in acknowledgement of Suvlin's greeting and accepted his blanket as a gift. "Grand Warden, I welcome you to Yondar, and thank you for your fine gift. I hope my house will serve you as your own."

She listened intently as the Grand Warden laid out his true reasons for being at the talks, a slight twinge of disappointment crossed her features. "I must admit, that I was hoping for more cooperation against the plague, but if it would assuage your concerns. Our rangers exist to safeguard our interest both domestic and abroad. Yondar has no desire for military conflict, much less any designs upon your lands, but we must be prepared to answer aggression in kind."


Olaf's introduction was coupled by shifting in the way the guards stood, readjusting of their hands on their spear as they watched the giant man clad for war entering the hall. Varia approached him, smiling disarmingly as she said, "Warlord One Eye, it is good to receive you, and with fine gifts!" She accepted the earrings from him, glancing between the warrior and his wife. "I do hope you two enjoy your stay in our Kingdom, and that we may reach a solution regarding this plague crisis."


Varia was impressed by the sheer gaudy nature of Lagos' entrance. Though she herself was dressed in fine cloth, and adorned with jewlery, it was merely a symbol of her status. Compared to him, she seemed like a mere pauper. Riches that were so alluring, yet, his demeanor rubbed her the wrong way. In Yondar, to be va Meera was to be a visionary leader, if she could not walk among her people, how could she expect to know them well enough to lead them. She did speak for her people though, and though she spoke in reply to Harshad, she was addressing Lagos. "Great King Ssuras, You and your kind are welcome to my home and hospitality, and I thank you for your generous gift. I hope that this is but a first step among many to further the health and prosperity of the many kingdoms here."

2018-04-13, 05:26 AM
Olaf thanks the queen for her hospitality and goes to sit down somewhere. He calls one of his warriors over and tells them to bring him the crate from his longboat. It is a large crate, and sturdy, coated in pitch to keep the contents safe from water. Olaf sets it next to his chair.

2018-04-13, 05:42 AM
The entire trip, `Dveri`x had been like a child in a toy shop, and it became increasingly clear that his main reason for coming had simply been a glorified road trip. Still, he'd shown genuine intrest in the places they'd passed through, and he'd made a valiant, if somewhat crude, attempt to learn the language of his destination along the way.

He was wearing his cloak made from the hide of the `Xo`hagv that had put him in power, of course, but beyond that he wore very little (this country was surprisingly warm), his hard black scales and ridges on full show, and his blade, which was less of a statement and more him failing to even consider that people might not want him to bring it. It was larger than a lot of the delegates.

"`Hey. `Dveri`x. `Nice `place you have here." A few of the Ridx he'd brought with him winced. To everyone's regret, he'd progressed past merely parroting phrases fed to him, though his voice was harsh and grating, and he was still having significant trouble with several sounds. There was an expectant pause. "....What?"
Thankfully, one of his Ridx was quicker on the uptake.
"In `Ridi`r, a gift would be seen as an insult," he said quickly "It would be `saying you were too weak to get it yourself."

​`Dveri`x would have thought that was obvious, but everyone here was pretty weird. Whoever they were.

2018-04-13, 02:39 PM
Tassadin cursed inwardly, he despised the fact that their nation was so under represented. A single diplomat, with a single bodyguard while the rest of the world had been led by their leaders. Kathine had been sure so few would risk crossing the disease infested lands of Glen Gwitna to get here and so only a token diplomatic missive and now here he was alone with a single maniac surrounded by the full ensemble of the worlds rulers and being forced to try and negotiate on behalf of the Republic. Still he was good at what he did and so he rolled up his sleeves and with a beguiling smile approached those whom were priorties for the eminent republic.

Glen Gwitna

When the gifts were accepted and the honorifics displayed Tassadin would nod his head to the grand warden the de facto leader of the combined Coatl worshiping nations. Looking to his silent bodyguard who stepped back and bowed his head Tassadin in turn looked to the lord and bowed low. “We are honored you approach us on this matter. The truth is we cannot refuse the death of criminals in your own lands. If you are seeking the opinion of Khirus our official stance is that so long as these traitors are executed the better we will be and we are happy to work with you to capture them. As for this talk of vampires, it is the policy of our great republic to state once again vampires do not exist. They are a phantom tool used by our enemies to discredit the republic. This world has many dark and insidious forces in it and there are rumors they are in fact possessed by demons or even just necromancers which sometimes get confused for the vampire myth.” Tassadin stated with a smile. The mask maker behind him chuckled then, the first sound Tassadin had heard from behind that mask. It immediately made his spine tingle in disgust, it felt evil even to the diplomat but he smiled through the ominous baritone residing behind him.


Later when things had calmed down a little diplomat tassadin would approach Crexa and the delegation of the whitefeather kingdom. He bowed low showing humble respect, the mask maker was silent and did not provide the same air. He did nothing but remain silent in the back of the blue mask peering at the inyoni queen. “My kingdom wished to extend their congratulations on your ascent as a grand queen under the heavens. We know how auspicious it was for you.” He continued on with tantalizing talent a truly beautiful man to behold. His voice soothing and doing all it could to place his audience at ease. “I was hoping your grace would be willing to spend some time with me. I have been hoping to meet you for some time and my beloved Republic has placed the weight of multiple points on my shoulder when it comes to relations between our great nations. I am hoping we can go into them in detail over food and drink.”

Coatl Theocracy

Tassadin had been told to show reverence to the Coatl Theocracy and so his bow was particularly low to their allies in the east. The ties to Glen Gwitna were confusing and fractious but the firm alliance placed into being by Coatl provided them a strong means of negotiating with the Whitefeather and Azenhal kingdoms. “Mighty Exarch my beloved chancellor has told me to reach out to you and yours. We wanted you to reaffirm our alliance and the ties of brotherhood we formed several years prior. Elijah was wise to make an alliance with you and Chancellor Kathine wishes to make sure that the treaty signed between yourself and our departed leader remains strong.”

2018-04-13, 05:04 PM

After some time, Olaf gets up and walks over to 'Dveri'x. "You must be 'Dveri'x. I'm Chief Warlord Olaf One-Eye of the Overvann, your neighbor to the east. Did you get my message earlier?"

2018-04-14, 10:58 AM
The Serene Marasa Pride
Addresses Chojo, Va Meera and Glen Gwitna

When he was directly addressed by another leader rather than simply declaring his existence to the world his eyes turned to Varia. His adviser stepped away and the voice of a king boomed through this nation. “We acknowledge you va Meera, we fear for you and your people so close to this plague. I recommend destroying the trade bastions of Glen Gwitna by force.” He turns to look at the pirates entourage. “They are responsible even by accident and before the disease can rot this world I say you march your armies in and wipe it all clean. I would do it myself if I was not so far away and had a nation to protect from the remnants of Avakonia and Dejans remains.”

He turned to Glen Gwitna and growled loud enough for them to hear. “We share similar gods you and I! I recommend you make sure you have not angered one of them perhaps you have pushed one aside to appease Coatl? Also if you made an enemy of some lessor faith that now curses you I say you extinguish them!”

After these bold declarations on foreign soil the god king would turn his attention to lady Chojo. (when the far away kingdoms had responded to his words) “I was hoping I would see you. I have many questions about you and your people.” He looked down on the female companion she had brought. Pretty for a human, she looked strong too. His own nubile female warriors were stunning to him but he could appreciate human looks despite them sometimes reminding him of naked monkeys that swing around in his jungle. “I would like to continue conversations in private though. I do not see a need to invite the world into the affairs of Estensule.” A grin of razor sharp fangs presented themselves to the lady Chojo.

2018-04-14, 02:51 PM
Varia's attention turned to Crexa Whitefeather as she introduced herself. "It is a pleasure to have you Queen Whitefeather my home is at your disposal." She motioned to the Khirusian delegate. "As I was about to say to Tassadin, the voice of Khirus, we can ill afford confusion and idleness to aid the plague's progress across the continent."

As the gift of incense was offered to her, Varia smiled again and said. "Thank you for such a fine gift, though I notice your servant is still throwing off the chill of our woods. Perhaps some libations to fortify the body?" Varia handed the box of incense to Lady Galea Birchan to take away, while turning to her other companion, Lady Nani Misstle, asking her to bring some servants with drinks who would be coming out shortly.

Crexa gave a wry smile back. "I am sure Rioj would definetly enjoy that," she said as Rioj went slightly red, "though as he is one of my oldest friends, and a noble of Redtail, he will certainly want to drink his fill. Despite everything, I know little of this plague, and its effects. Let us discuss it over goond drink."


Later when things had calmed down a little diplomat tassadin would approach Crexa and the delegation of the whitefeather kingdom. He bowed low showing humble respect, the mask maker was silent and did not provide the same air. He did nothing but remain silent in the back of the blue mask peering at the inyoni queen. “My kingdom wished to extend their congratulations on your ascent as a grand queen under the heavens. We know how auspicious it was for you.” He continued on with tantalizing talent a truly beautiful man to behold. His voice soothing and doing all it could to place his audience at ease. “I was hoping your grace would be willing to spend some time with me. I have been hoping to meet you for some time and my beloved Republic has placed the weight of multiple points on my shoulder when it comes to relations between our great nations. I am hoping we can go into them in detail over food and drink.”

"I thank you for those compliments. Truly it must mean a lot for a republic to congratualte me as Queen." It was slightly unclear whether Crexa was being sincere or sarcastic. That was probably the point. "While there are certainly things to discuss, I may ask it happen after the first round of talks have concluded, as that is indeed why we are both here, are we not?" Crexas eyes were hard, and almost had a glow behind them. "I believe I have as many things to discuss with the Republic as you do with me, so let us see if there are private areas we may use for later."

2018-04-14, 06:08 PM

"...Huh?" There was a hasty attempt at translation. "Message? They didn't send anyone, did they?"
"I think they mean a letter?"
"Oh. Why the hell would you send such a weak message if you wanted a response?"
"I don't know- Wait. Could it be those people who turned up wanting to fight in the arena?"
"Aww, they were cute. " He shrugged. "We didn't kill them all off did we?"
"Only their egos. But we should probably answer him."
"Sure, sure. So, uh... do you actually want anything? Or is this just the fancy diplomat talking people keep going on about?

2018-04-14, 07:21 PM
Regno's Arrival

The delegates from Regno are not the usual opulent arrival. In fact, they are rather quiet and reserved. This is possibly due to the sickness beginning to sweep through the primarily desert lands, or it could be due to the distance involved in reaching Yondar from the capital city of Sortis. Leading the group is a rather astute looking woman; thin in both body and face, but the eyes are sharp and scanning everything nearby. Her dark hair is braided in a circular pattern, stacking in and around itself to make her already tall frame even taller, as well as highlighting her slightly pointed ears. With her lithe yet still muscular body that seems to have been kissed by the sun, it's obvious that she - and indeed her four companions - are Oamenii. The desert half-elves await their turn to greet their host, and the woman in the lead finally steps forward.

"Honored host, blessed are the Elements upon your home. Mighty are the families in your realm." Keeping her eyes upon the guards and moving slowly, the woman moves towards Queen Varia Chalun va Meera and grasps her in a quick hug; a Regno tradition for a guest greeting a host that most have come to expect. Stepping away, the delegate from the Sultanate bows her head and continues speaking, "Sultan Tutum Sortis sends his regards, and regrets he cannot attend himself. I am Magus Memoria Litore, governor of Litore City. Our port is the primary port for Regno, so it was our city that has been hit first by this terrible Blight."

"Magus!" One of the older woman from Regno - her brown hair starting to grey - looked aghast at something. "Such language. Not before a host!"

Turning back to gaze upon the older Oamenii, Magus Memoria said with a slow smile that doesn't reach her eyes, "Oh. Have I offended your sensibilities, Speaker Suveni? This sickness is a Blight. A Darkness spawned Blight, and I won't honey coat it for anyone's meager feelings. I can always apologize to someone later, if they have hurt feelings. I am afraid I can't do that to the dead."

"Forgive us, your Highness," the lead Oamenii returned to their host, "some of us see this gathering like any other; I disagree, and am very pleased that you and your people would be so kind as to bring together the nations that are concerned about the plague that is sweeping Emjata. Even those currently not effected may soon be, if we do not forestall this disease - this Blight - before it can destroy us all."

Speaker Suveni frowns every time the Magus says the word Blight, but remains silent. The three Legionnaires with them seem less surprised by the (apparently Regnan) curse word. Their weapons were peace tied, and they wore formal whites and what appeared to be Sandboar fur cloaks to combat the colder climate. Still, if Magus Litore had been taking everything in with her curious gaze, the Legionnaires were absorbing anything that resembled a physical threat. They all appeared relaxed for now, but at least one of them was keeping an eye on the Imperial delegation at all times.

It might be weird to outsiders how they almost seemed to coordinate changing whom was looking at the Avakonians, yet those whom were part of the Gathering of the Minds might understand more once they noticed that each Legionnaire had an open circle upon their brows, marking them each as at least Aspectus. Their formal white clothing was both practical and also hid any further tattoos upon their arms, unlike for the Speaker and the Magus, whose silken dresses were open at the shoulder, even if they both wore warming looking furs; likely from animals hunted in Deaux.

"Please allow me to present a small token of esteem to our gracious host," Magus Memoria was saying as she pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal a wooden carving of a set of three fierce seeming animals in mid-leap. The wood looked burned and blackened, but very strong. "Hlaali Bark shaped into that of a Hlaali Wolves. I'm not one for politics, but I believe it's supposed to represent Regno's resolve to attack this plague head on. Any information we learn, we'll share with the world, for a lone wolf does not last long. Or something. My father tried to explain it, but... well, the Governor of Deaux is not feeling well. He has Crabbin' Fever."

The fact that Magus Memoria might arrive home to find out her father had passed away was evident on her face. As was her resolve to find out more about the plague and destroying it, singly handedly if that's what it took. Yet, all she said to Queen Varia was, "Thank you again for having us."

Later, with the Overvann

Speaker Suveni was surprised to see so many people from all over Emjata here. Had things been different - had the plague not been so prevalent in Regnan lands - Suveni would have thought the Sultan would have hosted an event like this, and it would have been quite proper to have everyone arrive. Yet... Yonder? Oh certainly, the place was quaint enough, but it was so... unknown. Suveni had been with Grand Magus Viclean, back when he first traveled to Whitefeather for the Gathering of Whitecrest, and remembered when there was not so much reputation for even Regno. Yet, now Regno did have a reputation, and Yonder did not.

Perhaps that was why there were other delegates from less well known nations here. Suveni spotted the large warrior group from what she suspected was the Overvann and - oh my - looked like Olaf One-Eye himself in the lead. She would have to be careful about approaching him, but could not afford to miss the chance to do so. Speaker Jefuitor had been in the High Warlord's lands for years now, and had yet to be granted an audience. This... needed to be corrected.

Screwing her courage together, the older women and her single Legionnaire escort moved towards the High Warlord himself. The Oamenii woman was dressed in a fine cream colored silk dress, the shoulders clasped with iron embedded with Moon Opals, and a warm looking cloak over the top. Though not as young as she used to be, and more matronly looking then maidenly, Suveni's arms were thick with muscle, much like other Regnan Oamenii. She awaited One-Eye's single eyed gaze to fall upon her, and curtsied deeply, keeping her eyes upon the Overvann leader.

"Blessing of the Elements upon you, High Warlord. Well does Regno know that mighty are the families in your realm. I am Speaker Suveni. Might I discuss with you a few things for a moment?"

Later, with the Kunai Clans

"Lady Chojo," a voice calls out, before and Oamenii bows to the Clanswomen diplomat.

"I am Magus Memoria Litore. My father is Governor of Deaux. He is in... poor health, but in his last missive, he did mention that there's a... cultural matter that Regno would like the Kunai Clans' help with settling. Do you have a moment?" Memoria's face is twisted and scrunched, as she says this. As though she's repeating something that she previously memorized.

Later, with the `Ridi`r

Suveni was still on the prowl, so to speak, for others to speak with. The Speaker was no young girl anymore, scared to use her broken Imperial language, but a practiced diplomat, honored to be of use to the Sultanate. So it was with some surprise on her part that she encountered the `Ridx. They were... not as well known in Regno as they perhaps should be, in Suveni's opinion. If she were not getting to be later on in her years - not that she'd admit that out loud - she probably would volunteer to research them, and maybe make their culture a part of an attempt to earn her Magi tattoos. Suveni admitted to herself, at least, that she was scared of taking on more tattoos. The last one had hurt quite a lot and another might kill her. And that was decades ago.

Still... the opportunity to learn more about `Ridi`r shouldn't be passed up. She approached their delegation, and awaited their acknowledgement before approaching and hoping she pronounced things properly, "Your pardon, honorable `Ridx. I greet you from the Regno Sultanate. Might we speak for a moment? I wish to know more about your lands, seeing as our capitals are not too far from each other.
Is it true there is a great dragon in your nation?"

2018-04-14, 08:05 PM
Whilst the gathering was underway, a strange cloaked figure casually strode into the hall. Whoever inhabited the cloak was certainly no human, as even though his body was hunched forward to an unnatural degree there was still the even greater oddity of the massive grayed fin protruding from a folded tear in it. In his right hand he held a staff of crooked wood with a Khirusi mask dangling from it, while his left arm seemed to be dangling loosely under the cloak's sleeve.

After briefly looking around the area the figure waddled towards Queen Varia, his dark cloak seemingly exuding darkness as the light in the hall changed nothing about its appearance. Once he was before the Queen the figure bowed in an unnatural manner and began to speak in the imperial tongue with all the nuance and grace of a flute submerged in water played by a child. "Greetings, good queen. I am Purbagle of the Pician realm, here on behalf of the Speaker."

As he finished, he propped the staff up against his side and reached into his robe with his right hand. "Forgive me good queen, my left arm is not what it once was... ah!" from within the folds of the cloak Purbagle withdrew a rather large chunk of rock and held it out in his hand before continuing. "It's not exactly anything extravagant, but here is a chunk of gold ore. From it you can fashion many things, and according to the buffoons in Azenhal it is more valuable than a thousand dwarven lives."


2018-04-14, 09:26 PM

"I was hoping to discuss the possibility of sending a trade delegation to your lands. My people are interested in purchasing the bones of your monsters for our crafts." Olaf is somewhat put off by 'Dveri'x's flippant attitude towards government.


"Woden's strength be with your family, speaker. We most certainly can discuss matters, that's what I'm here for. I make war elsewhere. When is your diplomat going to arrive? I've been waiting for a few years now." Olaf has been wanting to speak with someone from Regno about this for a while now, but would have preferred the Grand Magus himself.

2018-04-14, 09:42 PM

"My mother saw one variety of undead animated by blood magic at the Gathering of Minds in Regno some years ago, so to claim that walking corpses powered by blood do not exist would be to call one of my ancestry a liar. Even just on principle, the fact that corpses can be animated by blood shows that the existence of vampires is possible, and the vast number of accounts and rumors of them makes it a likelihood. It is unusually backwards of Khirus to deem one particular variety of undead abomination a mere myth, just because the rumors have occasionally been connected to your homeland."


Warden Cuahuey was a bit nervous about talking to Teppin. He was, after all, the current Exarch, and thus leader of the faith. It was unclear who was really in command over the theocracy of Coatl, but Cuahuey was beginning to think that he wasn't on the list.

He approached the Exarch, waving Teppin's letter to him.

"Greetings, Exarch Teppin. Your message did cause me a few days' doubt in my original request, but I have thought over the issue and I find that destruction is still the best and only course of action. As you said, the vampires are not only monsters, they are cursed to be separated from the natural cycles. This gave me pause at first, and I do now feel a greater measure of sympathy for them. However, I eventually reached the conclusion that though they may be cursed men as well as monsters, both the curse and the monster can be removed by the same simple action: the destruction of the vampire. Re-killing them is not only a duty to the living, it is a kindness to the undead, by freeing them from dead flesh and allowing both body and soul to return to the natural cycles set forth by Xincoatl. "

After giving his prepared statement, and now paused to give it some time to sink in.

"So tell me, Exarch, will you not destroy those abominations to do ourselves, our people, and the cursed vampires themselves justice?"


"I am glad to hear this, despite the apparent efforts of the... Marasa pride, I believe they are called, who seem to be trying to incite us to conflict. Although our nation has other concerns on its mind for the moment, perhaps later a trade could be arranged of some of our wood for some of yours? I have heard that darkwood is quite strong and hard, and I think you shall find cedar to be surpassingly resistant to the damp and rot."


Warden Cuahuey was taken highly off guard by the Rakshasa's aggressive and loud demeanor. He hadn't expected to meet anything like this here.
"Uhhh, I suppose? Is there a particular faith to which you were referring?"

2018-04-14, 11:02 PM

Varia bowed in response to Teppin's introduction. "I greet you and welcome you to my land. This malady cares not for borders or creed, I only hope that with our concerted effort we can beat it back before it claims us all." Accepting the coin from him she smiled, "And thank you for this token. If such a worthy Magi were to arrive they can expect hospitality from the Yondarian people."


Varia smiled as she accepted the fine coat. "Many thanks, but even the largest tree of our woods sprang forth from a small seed. The smallest effort could have large repercussions." She didn't add that the seed of a darkwood tree was about the size of her hand, or it took ages to reach such a lofty height. "But i do hope these talks bear fruit."

Ti Linnad

Varia bowed in response to Mallow's salute, and inspected the purple dye given to her. "I thank you for coming. If such a fine commodity is indicative of what the Council of Ti Linnad can produce, then there may be hope for us yet. Darkwood bark produces a fine tannin, good for leather, but nothing as vibrant as this."


The blunt introduction by `Dveri`x caught Varia off guard, so far she was used to a more eloquent speakers. Coupled with the lack of gift, much less diplomatic decorum of any sort was troubling. Still, if anybody was to start ruffling tails, it would not be her, she brought these people together to try and solve a problem facing the continent. "Well, greetings `Dveri`x," She said stumbling over his name. "I hope that you find something of worth in these gatherings."


There was considerable movement around the room as Magus Memoria Litore embraced Varia; most notably from Lady Galea Birchan and Lady Nani Misstle, their hands deftly moving to hidden pockets containing small daggers. A coded flick of Varia's tail signaled that she was safe, and the two Yondarian women relaxed. Varia stiffly returned the the Magus's hug, before stepping back. "Forgive me, I was not expecting such a forward greeting. Even so, I am Varia Chalun va Meera, you and your people are welcome here." As she noted the distaste in the older woman's tone regarding the word Blight, she added, "We may have many words for it, but it does not change the nature of the plague we are dealing with."

Varia smiled as she inspected the carving presented to her. "Ah, it is clear that your people appreciate the art of carving as we do. Our people are hunters, we appreciate the value of cooperation." At the mentioning of the plight of the Magus' father, Varia's demeanor shifted. "I am sorry to hear about your father. With any luck this meeting will bear fruit, but until that time I will ask the spirits to aid your father, as well as all those who are afflicted."

Realm of the Tides

Lady Birchan and LAdy Misstle flanked Varia as she was approached by Purbagle. Varia listened as the creature introduced itself. Her initial reaction was that of concern, Crabbin Fever was said to be spread by seafood, and this creature strongly resembled walking seafood. She had also heard of the aggressive nature of the Picians, something of concern, but potentially useful.

"Purbagle, I am Queen Varia Chalun va Meera. I greet you, and hope that your presence here aids in the combined efforts of dealing with the plague that grips our lands."

As she was presented with the nugget of ore, Varia grinned at least the Pician showed more diplomatic acumen than `Dveri`x. "Thank you for your gift. I cannot think of any kingdom who would not desire such a mineral for themselves. Perhaps talks of future trades could be had, after the discussions involving the plague naturally."

2018-04-14, 11:04 PM
Regno's Arrival

The delegates from Regno are not the usual opulent arrival. In fact, they are rather quiet and reserved. This is possibly due to the sickness beginning to sweep through the primarily desert lands, or it could be due to the distance involved in reaching Yondar from the capital city of Sortis. Leading the group is a rather astute looking woman; thin in both body and face, but the eyes are sharp and scanning everything nearby. Her dark hair is braided in a circular pattern, stacking in and around itself to make her already tall frame even taller, as well as highlighting her slightly pointed ears. With her lithe yet still muscular body that seems to have been kissed by the sun, it's obvious that she - and indeed her four companions - are Oamenii. The desert half-elves await their turn to greet their host, and the woman in the lead finally steps forward.

"Honored host, blessed are the Elements upon your home. Mighty are the families in your realm." Keeping her eyes upon the guards and moving slowly, the woman moves towards Queen Varia Chalun va Meera and grasps her in a quick hug; a Regno tradition for a guest greeting a host that most have come to expect. Stepping away, the delegate from the Sultanate bows her head and continues speaking, "Sultan Tutum Sortis sends his regards, and regrets he cannot attend himself. I am Magus Memoria Litore, governor of Litore City. Our port is the primary port for Regno, so it was our city that has been hit first by this terrible Blight."

"Magus!" One of the older woman from Regno - her brown hair starting to grey - looked aghast at something. "Such language. Not before a host!"

Turning back to gaze upon the older Oamenii, Magus Memoria said with a slow smile that doesn't reach her eyes, "Oh. Have I offended your sensibilities, Speaker Suveni? This sickness is a Blight. A Darkness spawned Blight, and I won't honey coat it for anyone's meager feelings. I can always apologize to someone later, if they have hurt feelings. I am afraid I can't do that to the dead."

"Forgive us, your Highness," the lead Oamenii returned to their host, "some of us see this gathering like any other; I disagree, and am very pleased that you and your people would be so kind as to bring together the nations that are concerned about the plague that is sweeping Emjata. Even those currently not effected may soon be, if we do not forestall this disease - this Blight - before it can destroy us all."

Speaker Suveni frowns every time the Magus says the word Blight, but remains silent. The three Legionnaires with them seem less surprised by the (apparently Regnan) curse word. Their weapons were peace tied, and they wore formal whites and what appeared to be Sandboar fur cloaks to combat the colder climate. Still, if Magus Litore had been taking everything in with her curious gaze, the Legionnaires were absorbing anything that resembled a physical threat. They all appeared relaxed for now, but at least one of them was keeping an eye on the Imperial delegation at all times.

It might be weird to outsiders how they almost seemed to coordinate changing whom was looking at the Avakonians, yet those whom were part of the Gathering of the Minds might understand more once they noticed that each Legionnaire had an open circle upon their brows, marking them each as at least Aspectus. Their formal white clothing was both practical and also hid any further tattoos upon their arms, unlike for the Speaker and the Magus, whose silken dresses were open at the shoulder, even if they both wore warming looking furs; likely from animals hunted in Deaux.

"Please allow me to present a small token of esteem to our gracious host," Magus Memoria was saying as she pulled out a small box and opened it to reveal a wooden carving of a set of three fierce seeming animals in mid-leap. The wood looked burned and blackened, but very strong. "Hlaali Bark shaped into that of a Hlaali Wolves. I'm not one for politics, but I believe it's supposed to represent Regno's resolve to attack this plague head on. Any information we learn, we'll share with the world, for a lone wolf does not last long. Or something. My father tried to explain it, but... well, the Governor of Deaux is not feeling well. He has Crabbin' Fever."

The fact that Magus Memoria might arrive home to find out her father had passed away was evident on her face. As was her resolve to find out more about the plague and destroying it, singly handedly if that's what it took. Yet, all she said to Queen Varia was, "Thank you again for having us."

Later, with the Overvann

Speaker Suveni was surprised to see so many people from all over Emjata here. Had things been different - had the plague not been so prevalent in Regnan lands - Suveni would have thought the Sultan would have hosted an event like this, and it would have been quite proper to have everyone arrive. Yet... Yonder? Oh certainly, the place was quaint enough, but it was so... unknown. Suveni had been with Grand Magus Viclean, back when he first traveled to Whitefeather for the Gathering of Whitecrest, and remembered when there was not so much reputation for even Regno. Yet, now Regno did have a reputation, and Yonder did not.

Perhaps that was why there were other delegates from less well known nations here. Suveni spotted the large warrior group from what she suspected was the Overvann and - oh my - looked like Olaf One-Eye himself in the lead. She would have to be careful about approaching him, but could not afford to miss the chance to do so. Speaker Jefuitor had been in the High Warlord's lands for years now, and had yet to be granted an audience. This... needed to be corrected.

Screwing her courage together, the older women and her single Legionnaire escort moved towards the High Warlord himself. The Oamenii woman was dressed in a fine cream colored silk dress, the shoulders clasped with iron embedded with Moon Opals, and a warm looking cloak over the top. Though not as young as she used to be, and more matronly looking then maidenly, Suveni's arms were thick with muscle, much like other Regnan Oamenii. She awaited One-Eye's single eyed gaze to fall upon her, and curtsied deeply, keeping her eyes upon the Overvann leader.

"Blessing of the Elements upon you, High Warlord. Well does Regno know that mighty are the families in your realm. I am Speaker Suveni. Might I discuss with you a few things for a moment?"

Later, with the Kunai Clans

"Lady Chojo," a voice calls out, before and Oamenii bows to the Clanswomen diplomat.

"I am Magus Memoria Litore. My father is Governor of Deaux. He is in... poor health, but in his last missive, he did mention that there's a... cultural matter that Regno would like the Kunai Clans' help with settling. Do you have a moment?" Memoria's face is twisted and scrunched, as she says this. As though she's repeating something that she previously memorized.

"... Ah. Deaux." Lady Chojo's expression was grim. "Yes. Their feud with Les Alpes de Sang (or to be more accurate Les Alpes' feud with Deaux) is a... problematic issue. One I am attempting to rectify, though if you have further ideas, I am willing to talk." She smiled and held out a hand. "I am Lady Chojo, but you knew that, I suppose.

2018-04-14, 11:54 PM

"Woden's strength be with your family, speaker. We most certainly can discuss matters, that's what I'm here for. I make war elsewhere. When is your diplomat going to arrive? I've been waiting for a few years now." Olaf has been wanting to speak with someone from Regno about this for a while now, but would have preferred the Grand Magus himself.

Suveni blinked. She couldn't help it. She just did. For a diplomat, it would be a sure sign of surprise. Whether or not the High Warlord caught it, Suveni couldn't tell.

The Speaker began to explain, respectfully, "The situation as I understand it, High Warlord, is that the Sultan - newly crowned - contacted you some years ago, and received an initial interest in response. So, that same year, we sent an experienced adviser in both local and Emjata wide politics; as well as other subjects that we thought might interest those of the Overvann. Speaker Jefuitor reportedly arrived in early Imperial year 136, braving the cold and the storms to arrive in your lands."

"He brought with him official seals, signets, and further evidence to show exactly whom he was. Yet... he is an older gentleman. His fighting days are behind him, so - and I am just relaying the reports that the Three Towers of Regno have received - it was some surprise to him that he was asked to participate in a form of arm wrestling to be given the right to see you. His reports indicate that, in accordance with the wishes of the guards, he has taken to dressing in Overvann fashion, so it is possible that perhaps the High Warlord has perhaps even seen him in passing, but not actually seen him."

"Regno wishes to respect your culture, so for the past three years, five days out of seven, Speaker Jefuitor has been engaging in what he was told is the usual method of earning the right to speak with the High Warlord. He refuses to give up. At this point, your Mightiness, I think he is just determined to prove that it can be done. Yet... there are some within Regno wish to replace him with a younger, stronger Oamenii. And there are others whom root for him, hoping to prove that the mind can overcome old age if one tries hard enough. However, a growing faction is quite certain that - quite unintentionally - Speaker Jefuitor has been led on in a rather long running joke by those whom guard your hall." Speaker Suveni looked pointedly at the other Overvann nearby, but said nothing.

"Perhaps you could clear things up for us? Is this arm wrestling, in fact, a tradition of your people? One that a man of some 80 years or more must continue to engage in, if he hopes to do his duty to his people and yours?"

Back in Round 11 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22912361&postcount=209), within my News and Rumors section, you'll find a line at the end that reads:

After his coronation in late 135, during the months that the power is being slowly transitioned over to him, Sultan Tutum writes letters to both of the northern nations that seem to have a strongly established government. He receives replies back, and soon visitors from Bhule are in the Bratus Academy, while Speaker Jefuitor moves towards the cold lands of the Overvann to be available for the High Warlord there.

The above explanation amuses me greatly, especially if Olaf doesn't know about it which is why he sent the second letter this round. It fits, AFAIK, with the Overvann Clansmen to see strength above all else. And... should Olaf return and find an older Oamenii man arm wrestling his way into the High Warlord's hall (and winning some of the time!) that would make it easier for the rest of the Clansmen to deal with Jefuitor, wouldn't it?

Or... Speaker Jefuitor could be full of it, and decided he wanted to go to someplace warm so is off hiding in a nice desert hut somewhere, occasionally writing false reports about the toils and troubles he has had to go through just to speak with Olaf.

Or something else. Your call.


There was considerable movement around the room as Magus Memoria Litore embraced Varia; most notably from Lady Galea Birchan and Lady Nani Misstle, their hands deftly moving to hidden pockets containing small daggers. A coded flick of Varia's tail signaled that she was safe, and the two Yondarian women relaxed. Varia stiffly returned the the Magus's hug, before stepping back. "Forgive me, I was not expecting such a forward greeting. Even so, I am Varia Chalun va Meera, you and your people are welcome here." As she noted the distaste in the older woman's tone regarding the word Blight, she added, "We may have many words for it, but it does not change the nature of the plague we are dealing with."

Varia smiled as she inspected the carving presented to her. "Ah, it is clear that your people appreciate the art of carving as we do. Our people are hunters, we appreciate the value of cooperation." At the mentioning of the plight of the Magus' father, Varia's demeanor shifted. "I am sorry to hear about your father. With any luck this meeting will bear fruit, but until that time I will ask the spirits to aid your father, as well as all those who are afflicted."

Memoria regarded her host with a fond smile. "Thank you. Regno would love to learn more about your take on Faith and the Spirits. With Amham to our west, we have come to respect the Spirits, even if we do not honor them in the same ways. I understand, though, that your people do not exactly honor them in the ways that Jalyeong-Bo does either. Perhaps it will be that difference that helps us to end this plague. So. To put it bluntly... In your estimation, who's at least talking about ideas, and who's just here to play nice and save face?"

"I won't waste my time with the latter, but I am very much here to talk with the former. Or is there something planned for the evening, once your greetings for the guests are done?"

"... Ah. Deaux." Lady Chojo's expression was grim. "Yes. Their feud with Les Alpes de Sang (or to be more accurate Les Alpes' feud with Deaux) is a... problematic issue. One I am attempting to rectify, though if you have further ideas, I am willing to talk." She smiled and held out a hand. "I am Lady Chojo, but you knew that, I suppose.

"I personally do not have ideas, but my father had several." Magus Memoria pulled out a scroll of parchment and unraveled it.

Reading carefully, Memoria starts, "Ideally, telling your new vassals within Les Alpes to quit stealing and attacking Deaux - and them listening - is the best solution. Unfortunately, it has been made clear to the Sultan that while the Clans are open to the idea of telling those of Les Alpes to toddle off to the Darkness and think about what they've done, getting them to actually listen might be a problem. Something about food, I understand?"

"If that is in fact true, then Regno is open to the idea of assisting Les Alpes obtain additional stores of food; or rather, Regno is open to the idea of helping the Kunai Clans get additional food, with the understanding that the Clans will then... what's the word my father would use?" Memoria hates these diplomat niceties. Far better to be strait forward. The Magus also suspects that Lady Chojo, a practiced hand at diplomacy by all accounts, can tell from her tone just how much Memoria isn't used to just speaking plainly. Still, the Oamenii delegate stumbles on to the phrase she's looking for. "Ah. Leverage. If Regno helps provide additional food - somehow - to the Clans, if you could then leverage those of Les Alpes to give up their feud, that would solve things, yes?"

"Finally..." Magus Memoria goes down the list, "the last idea my father had was for both the Clans and the Sultanate to work together to convince the Company of the Crescent to establish a base on the island, to aid in maintaining peace. A neutral third party to oversee disputes and address them in a manner that is peaceful, but can enforce that peace if needed without the Kunai or Regno needing to amass armed forces."

"Something we don't want to do, I should mention. We enjoy our friendship with the Clans."

2018-04-15, 01:17 AM
The trip was long. It was interesting at least. Though why go all this way, through plague infested lands, for this was a mystery to N̨amodl. He figured the Initiates would get all worked up about the plague and bring everyone to Regno, but they're off east too. Off to the far side of Inyaka to meet a people nobody'd heard of just a few years ago. Well, the plague came from the east, so it's said: maybe the easterners know more about it. D̨zur was with him: formally the captain of his personal guard, most of whom had been in Avakon. T̨ıqfe the priest, Kzunkhluf and Läfäkh the courtiers, and the usual complement of monks filled out the important part of the travelling party.

Entering the meeting hall, N̨amodl wore his battle armor. Well polished, though quite plain and unadorned, he topped it with an ishkat cloak Fäzlid gave him on the way. D̨zur was in his armor as well, and the priest and courtiers in their usual robes with bearskin cloaks, also gifts from [Region 13] though somewhat less ostentatious. He approaches Varia and bows dramatically. "Greetings. I am N̨amodl, Lord of Dääg'ılas and Prince among the Tëhlër̨khët, cousin of the great Tälir of D̨vatla."

[[OOC: Assume gifts were given: good quality iron and silks and whatnot. After a few events introductions and gift-giving becomes repetative and dull to me...sorry]]


At some point, N̨amodl makes his way to Olaf One-Eye and bows again, though rather more restrained and dignified. "Good day, my lord. I am Prince N̨amodl, cousin of Tälir of D̨vatla. I hear a lot of our iron has gone north in recent years. From the looks of you, I'd guess it's been put to good use, eh?”

2018-04-15, 09:24 AM

Olaf barks to one of his warriors nearby. "Get me Hrothgar and Erak the Mighty." The warrior runs off and returns with two other men, one who is wiry and relatively small, and has raven-black hair, and a blond man who makes Olaf look small by comparison. Olaf introduces them, pointing to the black-haired man first. "My cousin, Hrothgar the Black, and my standard-bearer, Erak the Mighty. Hrothgar is in charge of the doors to my hall. Hrothgar, Erak, this is Speaker Suveni of Regno. She tells me that a diplomat from her land has been waiting for years to gain admittance to my hall. What do you have to say for yourself, Hrothgar?" "He is old and weak. Not fit for the hall of a great warlord like you." At this, Olaf is visibly restraining himself from yelling. "I told you that ANY foreign diplomat with the proper papers, REGARDLESS OF THEIR APPEARANCE was to be allowed in. You know what the punishment for disobeying the High Warlord is. Your sword, Hrothgar." Hrothgar mutely hands over his sword and turns his back towards Olaf. The Overvann warlord strikes his cousin hard across the back with the flat of the blade, then hands it to Erak. "Finish the job back on the boat. Now get this fool out of my sight!" Olaf turns back to Suveni. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but to not claim the first lash myself would show weakness. You can be sure your diplomat will gain an audience now."


"And a good day to you. We have been acquiring metals from all across our area. Your iron has been especially valuable to us."

2018-04-15, 09:37 AM
"I personally do not have ideas, but my father had several." Magus Memoria pulled out a scroll of parchment and unraveled it.

Reading carefully, Memoria starts, "Ideally, telling your new vassals within Les Alpes to quit stealing and attacking Deaux - and them listening - is the best solution. Unfortunately, it has been made clear to the Sultan that while the Clans are open to the idea of telling those of Les Alpes to toddle off to the Darkness and think about what they've done, getting them to actually listen might be a problem. Something about food, I understand?"

"If that is in fact true, then Regno is open to the idea of assisting Les Alpes obtain additional stores of food; or rather, Regno is open to the idea of helping the Kunai Clans get additional food, with the understanding that the Clans will then... what's the word my father would use?" Memoria hates these diplomat niceties. Far better to be strait forward. The Magus also suspects that Lady Chojo, a practiced hand at diplomacy by all accounts, can tell from her tone just how much Memoria isn't used to just speaking plainly. Still, the Oamenii delegate stumbles on to the phrase she's looking for. "Ah. Leverage. If Regno helps provide additional food - somehow - to the Clans, if you could then leverage those of Les Alpes to give up their feud, that would solve things, yes?"

"Finally..." Magus Memoria goes down the list, "the last idea my father had was for both the Clans and the Sultanate to work together to convince the Company of the Crescent to establish a base on the island, to aid in maintaining peace. A neutral third party to oversee disputes and address them in a manner that is peaceful, but can enforce that peace if needed without the Kunai or Regno needing to amass armed forces."

"Something we don't want to do, I should mention. We enjoy our friendship with the Clans."

"All acceptable suggestions." Lady Chojo rubbed her chin, though her smile did not waver. "Finding food would indeed give us greater leverage over Les Alpes. And we do wish to stop the raids... Yes, I like your fathers' ideas. Help us find food to leverage Les Alpes, and we shall reach out to the Company to see if they are interested in keeping the peace. I believe Yasei is already reaching out to them to bolster the Kunai armies in the coming years."

It was very clear that this Oamenii girl had little idea how to handle herself in a diplomatic situation. She had just given up her entire list of options for solving the issue at once, which put her on the back foot. The food situation was actually well in hand already. Giorle fruit from Wazham was being used to buy the loyalty of the various factions, and specifically was being granted to those that followed the ways of the Name. It had earned the Kunai a few enemies within Sang, but it had also earned them the loyalty of others.

Lady Chojo could have taken advantage of this, but... well, the two realms were relatively friendly. She had no desire to lie to them. Outright, anyway.

Her face and tone grew dark. "... Do you happen to know how Emissary and his... 'wife' are? Mumei wished me to inquire if anyone from Regno showed up." Her tone had grown distasteful, as if even thinking of Mumei left a poor taste in her mouth.

2018-04-15, 04:40 PM

Realm of the Tides

Lady Birchan and LAdy Misstle flanked Varia as she was approached by Purbagle. Varia listened as the creature introduced itself. Her initial reaction was that of concern, Crabbin Fever was said to be spread by seafood, and this creature strongly resembled walking seafood. She had also heard of the aggressive nature of the Picians, something of concern, but potentially useful.

"Purbagle, I am Queen Varia Chalun va Meera. I greet you, and hope that your presence here aids in the combined efforts of dealing with the plague that grips our lands."

As she was presented with the nugget of ore, Varia grinned at least the Pician showed more diplomatic acumen than `Dveri`x. "Thank you for your gift. I cannot think of any kingdom who would not desire such a mineral for themselves. Perhaps talks of future trades could be had, after the discussions involving the plague naturally."

The Pician chuckled to himself when Varia mentioned trading. "Yes, perhaps one day trade may be had. I'd advise against such a thing in the near future though. My kind are not particularly welcoming to outsiders, and the few that are are blasphemers and apostates. Best not to associate with such a crowd, yes?" He returned his staff to his hand and began to look around the room under his cloak. "I have not heard much of the plague that these talks are centered upon, but the rate at which it has spread is certainly worrisome. It may have come to the south as well if my kind had not so swiftly spurned the advances of the Omanush. Though I will admit that I have my own agenda in being here today, one that is of utmost importance to my Speaker. My apologies for detracting from your intended purpose of this gathering, good Queen.

Marasa Prides
As Picians among men so too did the Marasa delegation in all their grandeur stand out among the other delegates. While ordinarily Purbagle would have merely focused on what he set out to accomplish the appearance of the new Empress of Avakonia remained unknown to him. What better way to pass time until the worm revealed herself than by meeting neighbors before they could be lead astray by Dwarven machinations?

At a lull in his talks with others Purbagle came before the God-King to introduce himself to the Rakshasan monarch. Notably he did not even look towards the adviser, addressing the King directly in his butchering of the Imperial dialect. "It is nice to meet you, good God-King. I am Purbagle of the Pician realm, a fellow resident of Emjata's southern reaches. I hear that your kind has accomplished great conquests over recent years, yes?"

Some time later the Empress still had yet to appear, so Purbagle decided for the sake of the war being waged over Atrisia that speaking to the Khirusi delegation would be a worthwhile endeavor. He had noticed them on the way in, all too obvious with their leader's half-mask and the bodyguard's rather ominous mask. The cloaked Pician waddled his way over to where they were through the milling delegates, many probably absentmindedly moving out of his way as he went.

Upon finally reaching them he noticed the bodyguard's rather unique mask. The infamous First Maskmaker had eluded Purbagle's acquaintance during his time with Khirus, but his personal mask was legend among the rest of the Masquerada. Suddenly the mask casually left to hang from his crooked staff felt heavier, and for one of the first times in years Purbagle was somewhat worried for his wellbeing. Hopefully the Maskmaker wouldn't pay too much mind to the way in which he was using the mask.

No matter though; he had already crossed the room, no sense in not talking to the Khirusi diplomat. After a curt nod of acknowledgement Purbagle began to speak to the man. "It has been a while since I last spoke with another of Khirus. Tell me, how is Katrine enjoying her new position?"

2018-04-15, 06:09 PM
Setjura, introductions

”Must these gatherings always take place in the farthest corners of the world they can find?” While Kodora’s complaint was mostly born from his own frustration and weariness over the long journey, there had also been actual concerns over the location of the meeting. The Coatlian countries had made the Badan an unpleasant place to be for Jalyeong-bo practitioners, and the Setjura delegation considered themselves lucky to have sailed across without incident.

As the group entered the main dining hall two Seretse were in the lead. The other was naturally Kodora, as the leader of the Confederacy. But unlike his younger ears, the now middle-aged man carried himself with confidence, instead of just empty pride. Beside him was a younger female lizard, wearing the robes of a shaman and carrying a long stick with elaborate carvings and decorations. Behind them was a group of around four dozen sailors: Roagan, Seretse, goblins and Wasipachan, only the Confederacy’s finest for the first long voyage utilizing an Air Ear and the new sailboat design that Roagan shipwrights had come up with.

Appearing before Varia Chalun va Meera, the two dropped to one knee and each of the sailors performed their customary greetings. ”Be blessed on this day, Queen Varia of Yondar. I am Kodora, the leader of the Setjura Confederacy, and this is Sobana. She insisted to be the one to come discuss the plague, while I am here to represent the Confederacy on any other matters that might concern our nation.” They then gave a small collection of pearls as a gift.

2018-04-15, 09:14 PM
Memoria regarded her host with a fond smile. "Thank you. Regno would love to learn more about your take on Faith and the Spirits. With Amham to our west, we have come to respect the Spirits, even if we do not honor them in the same ways. I understand, though, that your people do not exactly honor them in the ways that Jalyeong-Bo does either. Perhaps it will be that difference that helps us to end this plague. So. To put it bluntly... In your estimation, who's at least talking about ideas, and who's just here to play nice and save face?"

"I won't waste my time with the latter, but I am very much here to talk with the former. Or is there something planned for the evening, once your greetings for the guests are done?"

Varia nodded as she replied to Memoria. "There has been some general discussion among the assembled guest. Most of which has been idle chatter, though the God King of Mereen, has suggested a military strike upon Gwitna as the source of the plague, a decision I find of dubious value given that the cat is out of the bag as it were."

She turned to the crowd as she mused, "I believe most are here with genuine intent to work towards a common goal. `Dveri`x of `Ridi`r seems to be ambivalent about the situation." She shrugged and added, "Of course, I truely wonder if he represents his people or is just a convenient idiot."

To those Attending

Varia Chalun va Meera stood before the rulers and speakers assembled in her dining hall, glass in hand. Raising her voice above the din of the people speaking, "Honored guests! You have traveled far and wide to be here. At this point I believe we should get to the matter at hand." She paused for everybody's attention to turn to her. "We are gathered here to discuss the plague that grips some of our lands, and threatens others. I would like to direct our attention though. We Yondarians are hunters, and know that a quarry that we do not understand is a quarry we cannot hunt. Before we can begin to suggest a course of action against this plague, we must know from where it sprang, how it spreads, and what effects it has upon the afflicted. With that in mind I turn over the floor to those who would wish to present their findings so that they may be heard."

Crexa gave a wry smile back. "I am sure Rioj would definetly enjoy that," she said as Rioj went slightly red, "though as he is one of my oldest friends, and a noble of Redtail, he will certainly want to drink his fill. Despite everything, I know little of this plague, and its effects. Let us discuss it over goond drink."

"Indeed," Varia took a drink from an offered tray, "I must admit, my understanding of the plague is very limited. I called this event to hopefully organize the rulers of Emjata to pool their resources and knowledge to combat the plague."

When he was directly addressed by another leader rather than simply declaring his existence to the world his eyes turned to Varia. His adviser stepped away and the voice of a king boomed through this nation. “We acknowledge you va Meera, we fear for you and your people so close to this plague. I recommend destroying the trade bastions of Glen Gwitna by force.” He turns to look at the pirates entourage. “They are responsible even by accident and before the disease can rot this world I say you march your armies in and wipe it all clean. I would do it myself if I was not so far away and had a nation to protect from the remnants of Avakonia and Dejans remains.”

Varia shook her head in reply to the Godking's decree. "I sense you have reservations against Glen Gwitna. Yondar has no reason to attack their holdings and, even if we did, I see little to be accomplish by doing so. Any benefit gained against the plague would be offset by its current expansion to other regions."

OOC: Just assume that Varia greeted and welcomed any guests I haven't gotten to to the event.

2018-04-15, 11:35 PM
General Discussion; Plague

Refusing to act on the plague was one thing, but refusing to give others information that might help them fight it was another. Talking was free, after all, and if other nations sincerely believed that they could stop Crabbin' fever through mundane means, why not let them waste their coffers on trying?

"Although I do not believe it shall do you any good, I will nonetheless tell tell the delegates here what I know of this curse, as it originated in our lands and sharing the knowledge can do little harm.

What we now believe to be Crabbin' Fever was first observed among Aniachak crabbers, and because the symptoms were similar to typical reaper crab poisonings, little attention was given to it, despite the fact that the traditional medicines from the Pall appeared to be less effective than normal against the outbreak.

Soon however, Crabbin' fever started afflicting those who were not crabbers themselves, as it has continued doing to this day. Recently some of the afflicted have noticed growths of a substance resembling the chitin in reaper crab shells, but actual deaths remain relatively scarce, though long-term incapacitation is common. Medicines and antimagic appear to have had little effect, although no large-scale experimentation has yet been tried. Unless some group or nation here has been experimenting upon this curse secretly, this is probably all the knowledge available to you."

2018-04-16, 12:48 AM
Whitefeather Kingdom

If Tassadin had caught on to insult OR compliment he did not appear to show it. In fact he just kept that dazzling grin and continued on. “By all means your majesty I am in no rush, I hope we can discuss many things now and in the future.” He would bow low and take his leave for now. Making a point to avoid the woman until the talks had come to an end before quickly approaching again soon after...

Glen Gwitna

A heavy sigh left the lips of the diplomat as he turned in and spoke low. “Understand for the Republic the accusations of Azenhal are very destructive and denying them wholly is more valuable for the citizens. As you know many are still ignorant and superstitious and the undead cause fear. As for your enemies know they are a very dangerous ilk and not to be taken lightly. I am happy to discuss with you my personal opinions, if you don't ask for my nations line on things I wont give it to you.” He offered a smooth grin then hoping that eased any tension with the pirate king.


When Tassadin turned to hear the words of Purbagle he bowed low and grinned. “It is good to see you former high diplomat of Khirus and current representative of the realm of tides. I am sure you do not remember me but we briefly engaged in debate in the halls of the Republic.”

He rose up and nodded at the mention of Kathine, “she is well, she has more power then Chancellor Treves ever had.” His eyes looked to see what response that named evoked from Purbagle before continuing. “The imperialists have taken refuge with Whitefeather and there are even rumors among the Coatl theocracy. More talk of vampire nonsense.” He mused with a smirk at the pician before looking up at his terrifying companion.

The silent bodyguard turned to look at Purbagle then and gave a nod, there was a long moment of silence between them as if he was sizing up the Pician before he turned and went to settle away from the two to let them talk or perhaps to gather information on his own.

“Sorry about that my lord Purbagle as I am sure you have guessed he doesn't answer to my will he only protects me on the order of one more powerful then ourselves.” He smiled lightly, “I am diplomat Tassadin by the way.”

To the assembly

Diplomat Tassadin was just here to listen for now, he had been informed to make two or three suggestions but to let kings and priests speak out first and to only act when they opened the floor to “commoners”.

Hearing the explanation from Warden Cuahuey had him slightly less concerned. Not many deaths, and it appeared to primarily ravage coastal regions perhaps Khirus would avoid the whole mess.

He looked around to see who else would make suggestions, and more importantly what kind of ideas they presented.

2018-04-16, 03:31 AM
As much as he wanted to give the cocky little git who'd insulted him a good thrashing, about half of the trip there had been spent with his guide begging him not to do that while he was here, and he kind of liked the little Ridx. Right, beat them with words.

"I'd say I've got a pretty good handle on what's going on. Basically, `Dxe`ghok's trying something new. Probably saw that `Ghe`dxok's blood could turn people into dragons,
So he figured he'd give it a go himself, but nastier.
That about sum it up?" Either he ignored the confused stares, or he was genuinely oblivious to them. "But that makes it pretty easy, right? Everyone knows you make an antidote from the poison. So we brought some of `Ghe`dxok's blood with us."

The large transparent container that was proffered was clearly full of water, but his belief was genuine. "I mean, I'm not the one to make a cure. I'll leave that to the ridx here, but it should give you something to work with."

He paused, and shifted uncomfortably. "We can get plenty, but if it isn't strong enough... It'd piss a lot of people off, but screw them, I'm the one in charge. Yeah, I could maybe try and get you to see `Ghe`dxodhuq."

The fact that he'd probably need to explain what that was was somewhat lost on him.


"Huh? Two of them, actually. Dejan killed `Ghe`dxok a while back though, so it's just `Dxe`ghok these days. Still pretty pissed about `Ghe`dxok too, but he'll probably get over it eventually. Or we'll finally find him and hunt him too, one or the other." He paused, and looked at her. "Damn, Regno kind of sounds familiar... Hey, did we go through on the way here?" he called over to the ridx. Most of them shrugged, but one nodded.

"Huh. Apparently we've been. Ain't gonna lie though, damn me if I can remember which bit of the trip was where."

"Oh, is that it? Sure, no problem. I mean, we can only hunt so many, but I'm pretty sure we've got enough spare to trade at least some of them. What are you offering though? I'm assuming you're not pathetic enough to need hand outs, after all."

2018-04-16, 11:19 AM
The Firethorn Regiment


Far was an understatement. Yondar hadn't existed in recorded history nor any map that the Regiment had access to, but after conferring with traders in the north, the destination was finally reached. Though the plague was not a problem that existed in Varjik, it was a problem that affected their liege. Thus, they were involved by proxy. A plague at this point had the potential to wipe out what remained of their war torn country.. But their leaders were no scientists, they would know nothing of what to do should it arrive in their shores. And so, Lord Captain Sofrid Dakk attended the meeting to find out just what this solution might be.

He was dressed in heavy Avakonian-styled armor, featuring the crest of a flaming rose across the front. It was of course coated with Sedellan glass, which made it all that much heavier.. The benefit, however, was that it resisted magic of all sorts. Not exactly the most diplomatic of sorts, all of his previous foreign interaction had either been made through his diplomats or by Empress Vana during his time leading his people. The middle-aged man kept a watchful eye over Dastatia; allowing her entry to speak for himself as well.

The Masara Pride,
It was hard to miss the delegation of Rakshasa that had graced the halls of Yondar with their presence. Their description matched that which his men had described the messenger of the desert; at least in race. Shooting a final glance over the new empress, Sofrid excused himself to go approach this imposing group.

The Lord Commander sported green eyes and dark brown hair cut short in a shorter style. He was middle aged, and held both sword and shield on his person. It seemed he was prepared more for battle than scientific solutions. By no means was he poor of looks, but nor was he terribly impressive either save for the muscled body that his strict training procedure held him to. He had an air of cool calm to him as he stepped forwards, stopping a few feet away from the God King (or wherever his guards would make him stop if they declined him the opportunity to approach).

There was no bow, no nod, nor any gifts to be given. He approached as he was, a catastrophic error in diplomacy that was either due to a decision not to approach in such a way or a cultural rift. It was hard to be sure which it was.

"Am I right to assume that you are of the Serene Masara Pride?" He asks blandly, a steeled gaze on his face. "I believe we have things to discuss; I hold the rank of Lord Commander of the Firethorn military."

2018-04-16, 02:00 PM
Main Assembly: Plague Discussion

Dveri said a lot of strange words and nonsense before offering what was clearly water as a potential cure for the plague. Surely this was some kind of poorly rehearsed comedy? Even if it wasn't, Suvlin might be able to do the barbarian a favor by turning his idiocy into a well-reasoned satire, and explain his own position in the process.

"This... person has the right of it. Given what the delegates here know and the vast quantity of what we do not know, this "dragon's blood" is likely to be every bit as helpful in fighting Crabbin' Fever as your best medicines and priests. Nay, I believe the only force that could stop crabbin' fever would be divine intervention.

Antimagic and medicines have proved useless. The Linnadi locking down their border proved ineffectual. Sooner or later, all who the gods wish to endure Crabbin' fever shall endure it, and all who the gods choose to spare shall be spared. Nothing you do shall have more power to protect yourselves than this container of seawater, save perhaps devout prayer."


"I would definitely be interested to hear your personal opinions. Should we talk later?"

If his answer is yes, just have the discussion continue outside. Suvlin and his guard will be there.

2018-04-16, 06:50 PM
The Serene Marasa Pride
Addressing Glen Gwitna

The grand lion scoffed at the question this human posed to him. The troops who had followed Lagos laughed as well and the sounds of the Rakshasa snarling in amusement together was a horrible and terrifying sound. “Have you begged for Riebas forgiveness human? Or does Coatl blind you to all the other gods that breathe life into the world? As for other faiths maybe those spirit worshiping monkeys you drove out of your land and angered are not completely washed away and their remaining shamans now curse your crabs.”

Addressing the Picians

Turning to head deeper into the confines of this city and attend the meeting while still in his throne with his grand show of silver was now hoisted by four of his warriors. They began to make their way in when the foreign sound of broken imperial assaulted his ears and the god king turned to let his gaze fall on Purbagle. “The Piranha greets the lion.” Harshad Mminas steps between them taking a defensive stance the claws of the elder adviser even coming out on instinct and in that same moment the kings own arm dropped from his throne to grab Harshad around the throat. “You would bare your claws when we are guests?”

A whimper of pain left the elder Raja who dropped the chain of his slave and bore his throat to Lagos in a sign of submission to the god king who finally released him and turned his full attention on the Pician. “Harshad is old and your kind have a fearsome reputation. Consider it a compliment he shows you his claws in fear.”

The Lagos Khompur Ssuras now looked the creature before him dead in the eye and smirked baring rows of razor sharp teeth. “I have the blood of Khompur in my veins of course the deserts fell under my claw. I hear the Picians swarm from Palmor to Estensule and are about to rip into the firethorn regiment just to threaten Regner. I admit I am impressed with the tide that your kind have collapsed on the world.” The great king declares not really trying to hide his opinion on anything. Subterfuge for most things was unnecessary.

Addressing the Firethorn regiment

When this noble warrior approached the god king he was stopped by two loyal champions of the mane, both were female Rakshasa fierce and as well scarred as any male human soldier on the battlefield. The dueling nature of their people evident on the bodies of his personal guard. The god king brought his hand up in a fist and as he rose up, the throne of silver lowered and his warriors placed him down without causing him to shift or stumble at all. “The wealth of the world will pass through the claws of the Rakshasa, and you noble general wish to claim the gateway which has remained neutral all this time. As my kingdom finally grows now you grasp at what should not be yours. It is hard for me and my beloved blood to not see it as a direct challenge.” He leans in and snarls and the dozens of Rakshasa females following him did it in unison to add a weight behind the sound. “I could forgive ignorance but then your letter insulted me further. If you form a no mans land how will my raiders feed on the trading posts owed our kind?” He continues snapping his jaws. “You demand maps of my terrain and my advisers tell me your kind are known for wicked strategies were you destroy terrain, burn down resources simply out of spite! You even send maps of your own as if you were saying you did not even respect us enough to fear us.”

His fist comes down on his throne and it echoes for a moment before their eyes meet again. “You refuse the exchange of hostages, you spit on the idea of us bringing you gifts, we offer friendship and the hand I see appears to have a blade in it. You say we have much to discuss? I say you have said plenty, and I hope there is some cultural divide for in this moment I admit I have never been so insulted.”

Addressing the assembly

"This disease does not currently affect my kind so I will state my opinion plainly. Forces need to march into Glen Gwitna and destroy every trade post that deals in the crabs crabbing fisherman need to start a new career or be extinguished and the gods must be satiated with sacrifice and prayer. For all the heretics in attendance I recommend you turn to Rieba."

2018-04-16, 07:09 PM

"I brought something for everyone in attendance. Olaf withdraws the crate from beneath his chair and sets it on the table (I assume there's a table). He takes packets of herbs out of the crate and his wife passes them out to each leader present. "Herbs from my lands. We must make every effort to find a cure before too many people are lost to the disease." Then Olaf turns to the Rhakshasa leader. "Who is to say your gods are the ones who sent this plague? I will not be blatantly called a heretic to my face! Not only did you label most of us as such, you also openly threatened war on Glen Gwitna! I cannot stand for such dishonorable behavior at a diplomatic conference! His hand on his sword belt, Olaf is tensed and ready to fight, should it come to that.

2018-04-16, 09:00 PM
Serene Marasa Pride

The sound of Marasa snarling was surely terrifying, and it did cause Suvlin to flinch backwards somewhat. In an attempt to recover from this disgrace, he attempted to come back with a highly condescending tone, speaking unnecessarily slowly and enunciating precisely as if explaining things to a dull but eager student.

"My house, house orca, takes great pride in being the chosen of Rieba, having been blessed with the power to speak with her servants in the ocean, and through them execute and divine her will. I am sure that you cannot claim any comparable blessing from the orca mother.

Crabbin' fever, though originally perhaps under Rieba's domain has left the ocean entirely and is now under the control of Coatl, for it is he that maintains the cycles of nature, including those of life and death. Do not worry, your ignorance is of course understandable. Classic perijanist doctrine does not excel in its knowledge of these matters of life, death, and the natural cycles."

2018-04-16, 11:22 PM

Olaf barks to one of his warriors nearby. "Get me Hrothgar and Erak the Mighty." The warrior runs off and returns with two other men, one who is wiry and relatively small, and has raven-black hair, and a blond man who makes Olaf look small by comparison. Olaf introduces them, pointing to the black-haired man first. "My cousin, Hrothgar the Black, and my standard-bearer, Erak the Mighty. Hrothgar is in charge of the doors to my hall. Hrothgar, Erak, this is Speaker Suveni of Regno. She tells me that a diplomat from her land has been waiting for years to gain admittance to my hall. What do you have to say for yourself, Hrothgar?" "He is old and weak. Not fit for the hall of a great warlord like you." At this, Olaf is visibly restraining himself from yelling. "I told you that ANY foreign diplomat with the proper papers, REGARDLESS OF THEIR APPEARANCE was to be allowed in. You know what the punishment for disobeying the High Warlord is. Your sword, Hrothgar." Hrothgar mutely hands over his sword and turns his back towards Olaf. The Overvann warlord strikes his cousin hard across the back with the flat of the blade, then hands it to Erak. "Finish the job back on the boat. Now get this fool out of my sight!" Olaf turns back to Suveni. "I'm sorry you had to see that, but to not claim the first lash myself would show weakness. You can be sure your diplomat will gain an audience now."

Speaker Suveni decided not to interfere in what was obviously internal politics. She actually thought she did rather well keeping her face impassive as the man the High Warlord called for - Hrothgar - was beaten with the flat of an Iron blade. It seemed that Speaker Jefuitor had been telling the truth, which was a relief to Suveni. She rather liked Jefuitor, and it hadn't sat well with her that there had been rumors that he was off in some tropical island instead of the frozen north.

"We thank you, High Warlord, and Regno considers that particular matter settled. Speaker Jefuitor will place himself at your disposal, I am sure, to answer questions both local and international to the best of his abilities; which are, in my opinion, quite skilled." Suveni continued to look upon Olaf One-Eye with both deference and resolve. She knew she was here to do a job, and she was not the same youngster from over thirty years ago in Whitefeather.

Suveni decided to go ahead and press on, hoping her skills as a diplomat would benefit the Sultanate further. She'd heard rumors, though, that the Overvann respected a leader who led instead of sending representatives, and her next item was a bit more sensitive. "There is... another matter that was brought to my attention. If you would prefer to discuss it with the Sultan himself, I would of course understand, but he mentioned to me that you sent a recent letter discussing... Regno expansion northwards and your concerns about that. That you did not want to compete with us for land. As there seems to be a bit more time before we turn our attentions towards the plague, is this a subject we could discuss?"

"All acceptable suggestions." Lady Chojo rubbed her chin, though her smile did not waver. "Finding food would indeed give us greater leverage over Les Alpes. And we do wish to stop the raids... Yes, I like your fathers' ideas. Help us find food to leverage Les Alpes, and we shall reach out to the Company to see if they are interested in keeping the peace. I believe Yasei is already reaching out to them to bolster the Kunai armies in the coming years."

It was very clear that this Oamenii girl had little idea how to handle herself in a diplomatic situation. She had just given up her entire list of options for solving the issue at once, which put her on the back foot. The food situation was actually well in hand already. Giorle fruit from Wazham was being used to buy the loyalty of the various factions, and specifically was being granted to those that followed the ways of the Name. It had earned the Kunai a few enemies within Sang, but it had also earned them the loyalty of others.

Lady Chojo could have taken advantage of this, but... well, the two realms were relatively friendly. She had no desire to lie to them. Outright, anyway.

Her face and tone grew dark. "... Do you happen to know how Emissary and his... 'wife' are? Mumei wished me to inquire if anyone from Regno showed up." Her tone had grown distasteful, as if even thinking of Mumei left a poor taste in her mouth.

"Ah. Yes. Emissary and Camora of Family Casnic are both well, though little Shinbi, I heard, did have a bought with the Fever a year ago as it began to spread in Regno. Thankfully, she was one of the lucky ones, it seems. Possibly her youth? Hard to say for sure, but I've heard she's fine now, if a little less energetic compared to Shinrai. The family is in different circles then myself," the Magus of Litore said, "but I was briefed on all relevant diplomats. No need for Lady Mumei to worry. Though I am a bit surprised that Emissary didn't mention this already. We do assist in the delivering of his regular monthly reports, as is only proper."

"Not to be insensitive, but... returning to the matter of Les Alps?" Here, at last, Memoria seemed comfortable. There was a problem to solve, a solution to that problem, and it was only a matter of showing the work. "Is there any particular kind of food stuffs that might appease them better? The Sultanate sadly does not have much food stuffs of our own for export, or this would be a simple matter, but, we have many allies that we could likely ask for a favor from. An exchange of some type for them, in order to provide the Clans easier access to a much needed dietary option? I know that Umbo Iadesh has been vying for sending a large amount of merchants to gather various crops, such as Rice and Millet nearby. We could redirect that, possibly, and instead ask for Izbefe or Dvalta to look more favorably upon the Kunai's own mercantile efforts?"


"Huh? Two of them, actually. Dejan killed `Ghe`dxok a while back though, so it's just `Dxe`ghok these days. Still pretty pissed about `Ghe`dxok too, but he'll probably get over it eventually. Or we'll finally find him and hunt him too, one or the other." He paused, and looked at her. "Damn, Regno kind of sounds familiar... Hey, did we go through on the way here?" he called over to the ridx. Most of them shrugged, but one nodded.

"Huh. Apparently we've been. Ain't gonna lie though, damn me if I can remember which bit of the trip was where."

Suveni was fascinated, and said so, "Astounding. Two dragons? Regno - the big desert, full of sand, to `Rid'r's south and east - has a great deal of respect for other cultures, especially where their histories and mythos are concerned. Perhaps you remember a group of explorers traveling through your land nearly a decade ago now? Lots of ships, and people with a skin color like mine? Those were Oamenii from Regno."

"But about `Dxe`ghok..." Speaker Suveni hoped she said that correctly, "Do your people speak with the dragon, ever? Learn from it?"

Suveni hoped the `Ridx said yes. Then she might be able to go and meet this dragon herself. She didn't much care to be removed from the group of traveling diplomats that had been her life's work, but... a chance to speak with a mythical beast like a dragon would be a nice end cap of her career before retirement.

Varia nodded as she replied to Memoria. "There has been some general discussion among the assembled guest. Most of which has been idle chatter, though the God King of Mereen, has suggested a military strike upon Gwitna as the source of the plague, a decision I find of dubious value given that the cat is out of the bag as it were."

She turned to the crowd as she mused, "I believe most are here with genuine intent to work towards a common goal. `Dveri`x of `Ridi`r seems to be ambivalent about the situation." She shrugged and added, "Of course, I truely wonder if he represents his people or is just a convenient idiot."

"Sometimes, your Highness, it's the convenient idiots whom do the most work when the rest of us are too busy thinking of what we could do. In times of strife, I will take any number of hard working idiots doing the obviously right thing over an entire quorum of debating intellectuals whom are still trying to agree on what the right thing is." Magus Memoria offered a wan smile and whispered what wisdom she could think of. Too often, Memoria had seen the 'great minds' of the Three Towers argue and bicker over the correct actions, when all Memoria knew needed to be done was talk to the right Legionnaire or Merchant, and the issue would be resolved. Her father had taught her that; never be afraid of talking to others, only be afraid of your own ego preventing you for talking to others.

Straight forward answers and solutions were what made Litore, as a city, work well.

With another bow of respect, Memoria backed away, and said, "I shall leave you to greet the rest of your guests. Thank you again for doing this. Regno learns. Regno remembers."

To those Attending

Varia Chalun va Meera stood before the rulers and speakers assembled in her dining hall, glass in hand. Raising her voice above the din of the people speaking, "Honored guests! You have traveled far and wide to be here. At this point I believe we should get to the matter at hand." She paused for everybody's attention to turn to her. "We are gathered here to discuss the plague that grips some of our lands, and threatens others. I would like to direct our attention though. We Yondarians are hunters, and know that a quarry that we do not understand is a quarry we cannot hunt. Before we can begin to suggest a course of action against this plague, we must know from where it sprang, how it spreads, and what effects it has upon the afflicted. With that in mind I turn over the floor to those who would wish to present their findings so that they may be heard."

General Discussion; Plague

Refusing to act on the plague was one thing, but refusing to give others information that might help them fight it was another. Talking was free, after all, and if other nations sincerely believed that they could stop Crabbin' fever through mundane means, why not let them waste their coffers on trying?

"Although I do not believe it shall do you any good, I will nonetheless tell tell the delegates here what I know of this curse, as it originated in our lands and sharing the knowledge can do little harm.

What we now believe to be Crabbin' Fever was first observed among Aniachak crabbers, and because the symptoms were similar to typical reaper crab poisonings, little attention was given to it, despite the fact that the traditional medicines from the Pall appeared to be less effective than normal against the outbreak.

Soon however, Crabbin' fever started afflicting those who were not crabbers themselves, as it has continued doing to this day. Recently some of the afflicted have noticed growths of a substance resembling the chitin in reaper crab shells, but actual deaths remain relatively scarce, though long-term incapacitation is common. Medicines and antimagic appear to have had little effect, although no large-scale experimentation has yet been tried. Unless some group or nation here has been experimenting upon this curse secretly, this is probably all the knowledge available to you."

As much as he wanted to give the cocky little git who'd insulted him a good thrashing, about half of the trip there had been spent with his guide begging him not to do that while he was here, and he kind of liked the little Ridx. Right, beat them with words.

"I'd say I've got a pretty good handle on what's going on. Basically, `Dxe`ghok's trying something new. Probably saw that `Ghe`dxok's blood could turn people into dragons,
So he figured he'd give it a go himself, but nastier.
That about sum it up?" Either he ignored the confused stares, or he was genuinely oblivious to them. "But that makes it pretty easy, right? Everyone knows you make an antidote from the poison. So we brought some of `Ghe`dxok's blood with us."

The large transparent container that was proffered was clearly full of water, but his belief was genuine. "I mean, I'm not the one to make a cure. I'll leave that to the ridx here, but it should give you something to work with."

He paused, and shifted uncomfortably. "We can get plenty, but if it isn't strong enough... It'd piss a lot of people off, but screw them, I'm the one in charge. Yeah, I could maybe try and get you to see `Ghe`dxodhuq."

The fact that he'd probably need to explain what that was was somewhat lost on him.

Main Assembly: Plague Discussion

Dveri said a lot of strange words and nonsense before offering what was clearly water as a potential cure for the plague. Surely this was some kind of poorly rehearsed comedy? Even if it wasn't, Suvlin might be able to do the barbarian a favor by turning his idiocy into a well-reasoned satire, and explain his own position in the process.

"This... person has the right of it. Given what the delegates here know and the vast quantity of what we do not know, this "dragon's blood" is likely to be every bit as helpful in fighting Crabbin' Fever as your best medicines and priests. Nay, I believe the only force that could stop crabbin' fever would be divine intervention.

Antimagic and medicines have proved useless. The Linnadi locking down their border proved ineffectual. Sooner or later, all who the gods wish to endure Crabbin' fever shall endure it, and all who the gods choose to spare shall be spared. Nothing you do shall have more power to protect yourselves than this container of seawater, save perhaps devout prayer."

Addressing the assembly

"This disease does not currently affect my kind so I will state my opinion plainly. Forces need to march into Glen Gwitna and destroy every trade post that deals in the crabs crabbing fisherman need to start a new career or be extinguished and the gods must be satiated with sacrifice and prayer. For all the heretics in attendance I recommend you turn to Rieba."


"I brought something for everyone in attendance. Olaf withdraws the crate from beneath his chair and sets it on the table (I assume there's a table). He takes packets of herbs out of the crate and his wife passes them out to each leader present. "Herbs from my lands. We must make every effort to find a cure before too many people are lost to the disease." Then Olaf turns to the Rhakshasa leader. "Who is to say your gods are the ones who sent this plague? I will not be blatantly called a heretic to my face! Not only did you label most of us as such, you also openly threatened war on Glen Gwitna! I cannot stand for such dishonorable behavior at a diplomatic conference! His hand on his sword belt, Olaf is tensed and ready to fight, should it come to that.

Serene Marasa Pride

The sound of Marasa snarling was surely terrifying, and it did cause Suvlin to flinch backwards somewhat. In an attempt to recover from this disgrace, he attempted to come back with a highly condescending tone, speaking unnecessarily slowly and enunciating precisely as if explaining things to a dull but eager student.

"My house, house orca, takes great pride in being the chosen of Rieba, having been blessed with the power to speak with her servants in the ocean, and through them execute and divine her will. I am sure that you cannot claim any comparable blessing from the orca mother.

Crabbin' fever, though originally perhaps under Rieba's domain has left the ocean entirely and is now under the control of Coatl, for it is he that maintains the cycles of nature, including those of life and death. Do not worry, your ignorance is of course understandable. Classic perijanist doctrine does not excel in its knowledge of these matters of life, death, and the natural cycles."

Memoria could see from Suveni's bulging eyes that this was devolving quickly. The Magus was tempted to call for the nearest bit of water to douse everyone with, but that would be in poor taste, and would likely cause Speaker Suveni to faint. Instead, Memoria did her best to cough loudly and get everyone's attention.

"Forgive me for the interruption, but while the exact nature of the Blight -" Memoria ignored Suveni's gasp, "is certainly a relevant topic, we simply do not have enough datum at the moment to accurately assess the origination of the disease. Unless someone has more information on that, with evidence to support it, might I suggest we move on from acts of aggression - both direct or implied - and instead focus on how everyone is working to actively address the Fever?"

"I'm not a great diplomat, but I still run a major city in Regno; the major port city, in fact. We were hit first. Like others here whom have spoke," Memoria nodded to the High Warlord and Suvlin of Glen Gwitna, "Regno has made efforts to heal this plague with our own methods. Izbefian medicinal bandages - more commonly called Bani Bowls - seem to help some, as do other forms of Water Aspect healing, but for the older Oamenii, it is less of a cure and more of an easing of pain. Already, the Sultanate has had deaths. Previous Grand Magus Viclean's only wife has passed on, a victim to this illness."

Memoria let that sink in for those around her, but raised her voice to be clear to those further out. "She should have had at least another two decades of life, by our reckoning. Instead, she is dead. The plague isn't as tame as others have stated; it can kill under the right circumstances. That's why I - and not some other diplomat - am here. To organize something, anything, to help those of all of Emjata to survive. My father may be dying or dead. I honestly don't know. I could be by his side in Deaux... or I could be here, doing something about it. Regno wants to ask if anyone wishes to join hands to fight this Blight upon our lands."

"Regardless of if it's a god sent retribution or test, regardless of which spirit or deity may or may not have sent it. Regno will fight it. We'll fight it with medicine. We'll fight it with magic. We'll fight it with words, or yes, even with swords, if that's what it takes. It is an invader, and the Sultanate will stand and fight it. Who will work with us?"

2018-04-17, 12:58 AM
General Khirusi!


When Tassadin turned to hear the words of Purbagle he bowed low and grinned. “It is good to see you former high diplomat of Khirus and current representative of the realm of tides. I am sure you do not remember me but we briefly engaged in debate in the halls of the Republic.”

He rose up and nodded at the mention of Kathine, “she is well, she has more power then Chancellor Treves ever had.” His eyes looked to see what response that named evoked from Purbagle before continuing. “The imperialists have taken refuge with Whitefeather and there are even rumors among the Coatl theocracy. More talk of vampire nonsense.” He mused with a smirk at the pician before looking up at his terrifying companion.

The silent bodyguard turned to look at Purbagle then and gave a nod, there was a long moment of silence between them as if he was sizing up the Pician before he turned and went to settle away from the two to let them talk or perhaps to gather information on his own.

“Sorry about that my lord Purbagle as I am sure you have guessed he doesn't answer to my will he only protects me on the order of one more powerful then ourselves.” He smiled lightly, “I am diplomat Tassadin by the way.”

With the Maskmaker walking away Purbagle let out a quick sigh of relief before addressing Tassadin in turn. "Apologies for not remembering you Tassadin, as you're probably aware most of my time in Khirus was a blur until the end." The Pician chuckled to himself a bit, as if he had just shared a rather humorous joke. "I'm glad to hear that Kathine is enjoying herself. Such nasty business, for the Chancellor to be conveniently murdered with her close at hand to call the guards on his killer..." he trailed off for a split second before shaking his head and continuing. "My apologies, I do not mean to imply anything. It is truly a sad thing for the Chancellor to have left us so soon."

Marasa Pridefulness

Addressing the Picians

Turning to head deeper into the confines of this city and attend the meeting while still in his throne with his grand show of silver was now hoisted by four of his warriors. They began to make their way in when the foreign sound of broken imperial assaulted his ears and the god king turned to let his gaze fall on Purbagle. “The Piranha greets the lion.” Harshad Mminas steps between them taking a defensive stance the claws of the elder adviser even coming out on instinct and in that same moment the kings own arm dropped from his throne to grab Harshad around the throat. “You would bare your claws when we are guests?”

A whimper of pain left the elder Raja who dropped the chain of his slave and bore his throat to Lagos in a sign of submission to the god king who finally released him and turned his full attention on the Pician. “Harshad is old and your kind have a fearsome reputation. Consider it a compliment he shows you his claws in fear.”

The Lagos Khompur Ssuras now looked the creature before him dead in the eye and smirked baring rows of razor sharp teeth. “I have the blood of Khompur in my veins of course the deserts fell under my claw. I hear the Picians swarm from Palmor to Estensule and are about to rip into the firethorn regiment just to threaten Regner. I admit I am impressed with the tide that your kind have collapsed on the world.” The great king declares not really trying to hide his opinion on anything. Subterfuge for most things was unnecessary.

Purbagle chuckled slightly as the business with the adviser carried itself out before him. "I am indeed flattered by your companion's enthusiasm, though I am afraid to say that I am not quite so fierce as most of my kinsmen." With his staff he nudged his limp left arm. "Poor thing has been like this for months, and I don't see it getting much better soon..." the Pician muttered to himself.

After a moment's contemplation Purbagle seemed to snap back to attention. "Forgive me, good king. I lost myself in thought." Taking note of the chain left on the ground by the adviser, the Pician stoops to pick it up while continuing to speak. "My kind has indeed accomplished such feats, though sadly they are not to remain permanent. The dwarven vultures of Azenhal see fit to threaten one of our most vital holdings as the Empire regains manpower and allies while losing naught but foes." he absentmindedly passes Harshad's chain back to his hand before turning to give the God-King his full attention. "As much as my kind deserves their vengeance upon the shamans of Jalyeong-Bo to the north we have no way to sustain wars on multiple fronts against an Empire that refuses to die and a mountain whose denizens refuse to learn from the past."

"However, one day the Empire's time will come once more and the Firethorn's will come with it. I would be more than happy to work alongside your mighty realm in the future against our common foes."

Of Main Discussions and Picians
As the discussion of the plague developed around him, Purbagle primarily stuck to observing the rest of the delegations talk of matters beyond his care. The only thing holding his attention was the potential for the new Empress to pipe up and reveal herself at last. The plague was ravaging her very capitol, surely she would have something to say.

Purbagle glanced over at the new leader of the Firethorn Regiment whose identity he was sure of. Perhaps he could serve as a proxy in case the Empress did not make herself known...

2018-04-17, 06:54 AM

"There is not much to discuss. My warriors are restless, and my people need arable farmland. I cannot expand northward, because the land isn't good, and I can't do nothing, or my people will stagnate." Olaf gives a sort of vague gesture. "But your people are expanding into the lands my people seek to claim. In the interest of peace between our lands, I ask that you do not interfere in my conquests."

2018-04-17, 04:57 PM
"Ah. Yes. Emissary and Camora of Family Casnic are both well, though little Shinbi, I heard, did have a bought with the Fever a year ago as it began to spread in Regno. Thankfully, she was one of the lucky ones, it seems. Possibly her youth? Hard to say for sure, but I've heard she's fine now, if a little less energetic compared to Shinrai. The family is in different circles then myself," the Magus of Litore said, "but I was briefed on all relevant diplomats. No need for Lady Mumei to worry. Though I am a bit surprised that Emissary didn't mention this already. We do assist in the delivering of his regular monthly reports, as is only proper."

"Not to be insensitive, but... returning to the matter of Les Alps?" Here, at last, Memoria seemed comfortable. There was a problem to solve, a solution to that problem, and it was only a matter of showing the work. "Is there any particular kind of food stuffs that might appease them better? The Sultanate sadly does not have much food stuffs of our own for export, or this would be a simple matter, but, we have many allies that we could likely ask for a favor from. An exchange of some type for them, in order to provide the Clans easier access to a much needed dietary option? I know that Umbo Iadesh has been vying for sending a large amount of merchants to gather various crops, such as Rice and Millet nearby. We could redirect that, possibly, and instead ask for Izbefe or Dvalta to look more favorably upon the Kunai's own mercantile efforts?"

"Emissary's monthly reports are largely focused on business, less so on... personal matters, which Mumei is more interested in." Lady Chojo shrugged. "I do not pretend to understand it. Kazoku-sodatta - sorry, family-raised - are often strange to me." Chojo had been Shudan-sodatta, community raised. It was the traditional, proper way. Kazoku were often emotional and overly attached to one another, to a degree that bordered on absurd. Sure, blood was important, but treating individuals like they were entire populations was a special kind of madness.

Lady Chojo raised an eyebrow as the Regnan brought up two Kunai words. She'd used them as names, but Regnans would have little reason to call Kunai by their own language. "... And I'm sorry, but who are Shinrai and Shinbi?"

Chojo was somewhat miffed that she had moved on from the unknown variables so quickly, but if she wished to discuss the Alpes, very well. A topic for another day, then. "Rice would be quite adequate, I think, though we shall obviously look for other foodstuffs to acquire. And while we're on the subject of trade I would be remiss not to mention this small detail... this has little to do with the Alpes... but Izbefe recently raided some of the Clans' holdings within Umibe. Yasei retaliated quite violently, on multiple fronts. It would, perhaps, be better to speak with Dvalta."

She saw no reason to mention the Giorle fruit that the Clans had taken already. It was unlikely to last if the Izbefe continued to prosecute a trade war.


Lady Chojo listened to the various ideas put forth by the delegates, quiet for her own part. Crabbin' fever was admittedly a very troubling disease, but Amidasu was already on attempting to cure it. That was more his bag than hers, anyway. Her task here was to gather as much information as she could on the disease, anything that could be useful to the Kunai.

2018-04-17, 08:08 PM
The Serene Marasa Pride
[B]Addressing the Firethorn regiment

When this noble warrior approached the god king he was stopped by two loyal champions of the mane, both were female Rakshasa fierce and as well scarred as any male human soldier on the battlefield. The dueling nature of their people evident on the bodies of his personal guard. The god king brought his hand up in a fist and as he rose up, the throne of silver lowered and his warriors placed him down without causing him to shift or stumble at all. “The wealth of the world will pass through the claws of the Rakshasa, and you noble general wish to claim the gateway which has remained neutral all this time. As my kingdom finally grows now you grasp at what should not be yours. It is hard for me and my beloved blood to not see it as a direct challenge.” He leans in and snarls and the dozens of Rakshasa females following him did it in unison to add a weight behind the sound. “I could forgive ignorance but then your letter insulted me further. If you form a no mans land how will my raiders feed on the trading posts owed our kind?” He continues snapping his jaws. “You demand maps of my terrain and my advisers tell me your kind are known for wicked strategies were you destroy terrain, burn down resources simply out of spite! You even send maps of your own as if you were saying you did not even respect us enough to fear us.”

His fist comes down on his throne and it echoes for a moment before their eyes meet again. “You refuse the exchange of hostages, you spit on the idea of us bringing you gifts, we offer friendship and the hand I see appears to have a blade in it. You say we have much to discuss? I say you have said plenty, and I hope there is some cultural divide for in this moment I admit I have never been so insulted.”

The Rakshasa that followed the God King in unison were admittedly an impressive display of coordination and discipline, the likes of which he had seen no humans imitate except in laboriously practiced dance routines. It was enough to cause the experienced general to bite his tongue, forcing himself not to look away. Their display with being carried on a throne surrounded by so many guards was another telltale sign of this man's ego, which him and Verdeb had anticipated as soon as they lead the letter for the first time. To what do they owe this man that they had never even heard of? Nothing, and no self-respecting nation was in the habit of bending the knee to any other.

Sofrid's speech started with a careful tone. "The Firethorn Regiment knows nothing of your people, God-King of the Rakshasa. It is not respectful to our empire to show up at our borders one day and demand that we call off our king's marriage, much less hand over our people like cattle to a leader whose honor is neither tested nor verified. When we make promises in the East, we keep them. We do not make promises we cannot commit to fully."

She let out a sigh that betrayed a hint of his nervousness to the other leader.

"The suggestion that you believe any of our trading posts are 'owed' to your raiders is proof enough that you do not see us as equals, either as an independent faction or as a race. We would be fools to allow you to prey on our subjects, who we have spent generations rising and training to protect with our lives. When you threaten to form alliances with the man-eating fish monstrosities to the south, you have already played your hand as one too ruthless to be trusted."

He continued, still speaking evenly and without emotion. Besides the small sigh before, the general had an excellent poker face.

"So we reject your demands for tribute and refuse to refute our claims. They are born of legitimacy and tactical necessity, to abandon them would be at a cost too high to justify appeasing any foreign power. It is not due to a lack of respect to your desert lands, which, if you would see this in a different light, would realize we have no intention of challenging. After so many generations of war in our lands we finally intend to exist in peace with our neighbors, but no peace is worth our integrity. We have been betrayed too many times in an 'innocent' deal with our fellow leaders to risk negotiating without a sword in hand, as you so put it. The key to working with us is to humble yourself, live honorably, and respect our people. Follow these and you may yet find an ally within the Firethorn Regiment that you knew not could exist in the times of Dejan."

He raised his eyes to meet the gaze of the God-King fully, his breathing shallow. Though his sword lay at his side, he made no move to touch it. It's not that he was not afraid... He would just not allow his fear to control him.

2018-04-17, 09:51 PM
To Khirus
Flattered by the masked Tassadin's bow, Teppin responded with a smirk at the envoy while ushering the man to stand. "Elijah was wise indeed may he rest in peace. Don't worry the treaty we've signed is still in effect. An Exarch keeps their promises after all." Teppin moved nervously to ask the envoy “Do you really believe war will return to southern Palmor. Will the decades of Blood return?” Perhaps Teppin was being over dramatic, but with the army filled with auxiliaries from the east Teppin feared going against the military power to his west. Especially when there was no guarantee of assistance from Gwitna or the Empire.

To Gwitna Coalition

Teppin frowned, clearly his petulant cousin hadn't figured it out yet. Even worse his naivete could soon prone to be an existential threat to his authority. He'd never gotten along with Anci, but her influence was all too apparent and all too annoying. Nevertheless he held his head high he responded "I find it rather unfortunate that you disagree with my decision. Unfortunately proceedings are far too along for me to reverse them. If these undead are to die, it will be after I'm finished using their skills. Trust me, my hands won't be bloodied by this exchange, and if they cross the line they will be exterminated."
Serene Pride

Teppin was irritated by the implication that they were the heretics. What miracles had their gods accomplished of late, where was Reiba when the Picians rose from the sea and began devouring the south? "Do not think this problem is beneath you lion Unless your skull is as thick as your fur I suggest you think more clearly. Think about it, Emjata is intimately connected , this connection allowed Dejan to conquer the whole continent and it will allow this plague to spread just as quickly. Soon it won't matter what gods you worship, as the plague will reach your lands by decades end. "

The Sultanate of Rengo
Teppin slowly almost mockingly clapped his hands at Memoria "Bravo, bravo, your elegance and eloquence was nearly moving. Perhaps you might be interested in the medicinal plants that reside in The Pall."

2018-04-18, 06:44 PM
"This disease does not currently affect my kind so I will state my opinion plainly. Forces need to march into Glen Gwitna and destroy every trade post that deals in the crabs crabbing fisherman need to start a new career or be extinguished and the gods must be satiated with sacrifice and prayer. For all the heretics in attendance I recommend you turn to Rieba."

"I brought something for everyone in attendance. Olaf withdraws the crate from beneath his chair and sets it on the table (I assume there's a table). He takes packets of herbs out of the crate and his wife passes them out to each leader present. "Herbs from my lands. We must make every effort to find a cure before too many people are lost to the disease." Then Olaf turns to the Rhakshasa leader. "Who is to say your gods are the ones who sent this plague? I will not be blatantly called a heretic to my face! Not only did you label most of us as such, you also openly threatened war on Glen Gwitna! I cannot stand for such dishonorable behavior at a diplomatic conference! His hand on his sword belt, Olaf is tensed and ready to fight, should it come to that.

Memoria could see from Suveni's bulging eyes that this was devolving quickly. The Magus was tempted to call for the nearest bit of water to douse everyone with, but that would be in poor taste, and would likely cause Speaker Suveni to faint. Instead, Memoria did her best to cough loudly and get everyone's attention.

"Forgive me for the interruption, but while the exact nature of the Blight -" Memoria ignored Suveni's gasp, "is certainly a relevant topic, we simply do not have enough datum at the moment to accurately assess the origination of the disease. Unless someone has more information on that, with evidence to support it, might I suggest we move on from acts of aggression - both direct or implied - and instead focus on how everyone is working to actively address the Fever?"

"I'm not a great diplomat, but I still run a major city in Regno; the major port city, in fact. We were hit first. Like others here whom have spoke," Memoria nodded to the High Warlord and Suvlin of Glen Gwitna, "Regno has made efforts to heal this plague with our own methods. Izbefian medicinal bandages - more commonly called Bani Bowls - seem to help some, as do other forms of Water Aspect healing, but for the older Oamenii, it is less of a cure and more of an easing of pain. Already, the Sultanate has had deaths. Previous Grand Magus Viclean's only wife has passed on, a victim to this illness."

Memoria let that sink in for those around her, but raised her voice to be clear to those further out. "She should have had at least another two decades of life, by our reckoning. Instead, she is dead. The plague isn't as tame as others have stated; it can kill under the right circumstances. That's why I - and not some other diplomat - am here. To organize something, anything, to help those of all of Emjata to survive. My father may be dying or dead. I honestly don't know. I could be by his side in Deaux... or I could be here, doing something about it. Regno wants to ask if anyone wishes to join hands to fight this Blight upon our lands."

"Regardless of if it's a god sent retribution or test, regardless of which spirit or deity may or may not have sent it. Regno will fight it. We'll fight it with medicine. We'll fight it with magic. We'll fight it with words, or yes, even with swords, if that's what it takes. It is an invader, and the Sultanate will stand and fight it. Who will work with us?"

Teppin was irritated by the implication that they were the heretics. What miracles had their gods accomplished of late, where was Reiba when the Picians rose from the sea and began devouring the south? "Do not think this problem is beneath you lion Unless your skull is as thick as your fur I suggest you think more clearly. Think about it, Emjata is intimately connected , this connection allowed Dejan to conquer the whole continent and it will allow this plague to spread just as quickly. Soon it won't matter what gods you worship, as the plague will reach your lands by decades end. "

Teppin slowly almost mockingly clapped his hands at Memoria "Bravo, bravo, your elegance and eloquence was nearly moving. Perhaps you might be interested in the medicinal plants that reside in The Pall."

"Sounds like nobody here knows anything. That's unfortunate." N̨amodl steps forward from the back of the group, where he had been listening, and turns to Memoria. "Your Excellency, we must hope our people have made progress back home, it seems all we're getting here is recommendations to turn Perijanist." Glancing at the Rakshasa, he continues, "But where was Rieba at Avakon? Those mighty walls meant nothing as I slipped in through the docks, no? The waters just opened up and let me in. Rieba was blind, or didn't care. Where were Trodje and Khompur? I'll take my own gods. A good supply of medicines from Overvann and the Pall ought to be useful, though."

2018-04-18, 08:06 PM
"Just because no one here knows what this fever is or why it is happening," Lady Chojo spoke at last, "Does not mean we will not know in the future."

She looked around the room at the other delegates. "Though this disease has yet to reach the Clans, it has reached the island of Havre, half of which is currently pledged to our name. As such we have a vested interest in seeing this disease cured as soon as possible. To that end, I have my own proposal."

She waved her hand, gesturing to all those in attendance. "At the very least, I would ask that all of us here agree to a very simply idea: The moment that any relevant information is discovered or a cure is found, the knowledge of it must be shared with the others present here. Anything less may very well depopulate the entirety of Emjata. We will, of course, make our own efforts, and spread whatever we learn to others."

She glanced to the god-king, eyes narrowed. And they'd had such a pleasant negotiation, too. Chojo put her best curious face on, and tilted her head slightly. Her tone held respect, but also a measure of confusion. "With all due respect, what makes you so sure it will not spread to you? A god-king you may be, but you are not omniscient. Was this plague prophesied, or perhaps it resembles something in your mythology? I confess myself intrigued." Despite how easily that phrase could have been sarcastic... She sounded entirely sincere.

She knew the answer, of course: arrogance. The god-king thought as Yasei did. He believed that his Name was too great to be laid low by something such as crabbin' fever, a relative newcomer to Emjata. Yasei considered the plague's existence a boon, as it would distract the other beings from his build-up and planned campaign in the jungles of [region 83].

But Names can only be known in full in hindsight. The plague may very well be a completely innocuous nothing, here to scare the people and be gone within the decade. Or it may wipe out all life in Emjata, and render the planet inhospitable. The chances of the latter were minuscule, but even that was too great to ignore entirely.

2018-04-19, 12:52 AM
Glen Gwitna

When business had ended in the meeting and things were turning to chaos (as was to be expected) the Khirese representative went into the pirates lair and would speak his mind with a “casual” air. “I speak personally now and with the presumption this is just between myself and your highness and not as a representative of my nation. The truth is vampires are all over Palmor and them heading east is no surprise. Whitefeather is rumored to even made some of the filthy creatures advisers... I mean if you believe the grape vine. Like I said we avoid the topic in our country for the good of the common citizens and vampire hunters are typical but they are also rabble rousers and cause plenty of trouble. So be careful when dealing with them. They bring chaos and I know chancellor Kathine would privately be willing to help you so long as it didn't disturb the alliance with the Coatl theocracy and of course we avoid letting such ideas travel into my nations lands... You have no idea how destructive Azenhals rumors were.”

When the talk of vampires was through one question was posed. "How does Glen Gwitna feel about the rise of Whitefeather and the rumors of Ti Linnad swearing allegiance to the cursed Inyoni?"


At this point the single diplomat had been run ragged but representatives from their ally was there and so a bow of respect was provided as was a quick word when a moment was made available. Magus Memoria would be approached at the earliest opportunity. “Greetings Magus forgive me for approaching without gifts for you. Our humble kingdom was not sure who would attend this event so far away and of course crossing through the diseased lands of Glen Gwitna is always a risk.” When they had exchanged pleasantries Tassadin would speak softly. “Chancellor Kathine wanted to make sure that all treaties signed with your nation were still in tact despite the heart wrenching loss of Chancellor Treves.” Equipped with his mask of dashing blue he provided a brilliant smile. “We wanted you to know that we still planned to fully honor our treaty so long as you were on board as it were. We also want to send students to learn in your schools... We have heard you have honored our agreement and opened up the other technologies you have acquired. Which we must say are bold and truly Emjata changing attitudes.”


“No need to apologize, I do not bother speculating on what happened. Kathine has the Republic politically normalized and the most radical elements have been cleansed. Its all very convenient, I also found it all to wrap up into a perfect bow if we're being honest but...” He shrugged. “Purbagle my chancellor did have one thing to ask of you. She wants your people to start accepting and acknowledging written treaties. She seemed convinced you could make them view such “human” laws as necessary if your people were looking to negotiate more formally with the rest of the world. She also said she would help legitimize the realm of tides if they could come to believe in such benefits. She also recommend that you send us some gold she would be happy to mold your speaker a proper seal.”

Coatl Theocracy

“Ti Linnad is apparently swearing their allegiance to the Inyoni king. Whitefeather has grown fearsome and while everyone is busy fighting one another no one has noticed how the Whitefeather family has befriended a wounded Avakonia and wrapped their noose around the throat of Azenhal and Ti Linnad and is poised to name themselves emperor. If you want Khirus and your theocracy to be forced to bow as well then yes we should avoid bloodshed, but otherwise eventually we must ally with the Picians and force the cursed back in line.” He sighs at the very thought of what this war would lead to. “They are prepared they sit on one of the largest armies in Emjata. It is a terrifying prospect I cannot blame you if war horrifies you Exarch the idea worries my chancellor certainly.”

Assembled arguments

Tassadin would pipe up briefly. "As voice of the republic I can promise that any information we gather on crabbin fever will be provided. We are far from it but we do want to offer what little we can and should you need us we will be here." His eyes did roam over to the Serene Marasa pride. He had no right to speak on behalf or against them but they came off as both arrogant and terrifying they would be reported upon immediately to the Republic... He chose silence after making his one formal declaration.

2018-04-19, 02:54 PM
To the Assemblage

Varia sat in silence as she observed the other delegates arguing among themselves. She honestly had hoped that they would know more than they did. Things were devolving into bickering and saber rattling. Her normally fluffy tail bristled as she stood up to be heard. "If there is little knowledge in regards to the origins of this plague, then perhaps it would fall those assembled to do something about it."

The Yondarian queen turned to the delegates of Avakonia, D̨vatla, Gwitna, and Regno, "Those who are unfortunate enough to host the plague would do well to have their physicians organize themselves as they tend to the infected, noting the effects of symptoms and any effects that current treatments are having and sharing that information with the rest of us." She turned back to the assembly at large and continued. "Those of you who are free of the infection I urge to assist however they can. Look into the plague itself or potential remedies for it. That may very well mean having to coordinate your investigations with your neighbors."

She eyed Lagos of the Marasa Pride and added, "Which means conflict between nations at this time will only prove detrimental to any organization to combat the plague. If there is a military solution to be had then it should be calculated and backed by research and evidence, not be built upon speculation and religious fervor."

2018-04-19, 05:50 PM

"Hmm, if the Whitefeather Kingdom has allowed vampires to infiltrate their government that is worrying. If the republic could provide some more reliable information about that threat I may be able to turn my attention to it after I've dealt with the undead menace closer to home.

However, I still have no qualms about the Linnadi paying Whitefeather tribute. They are a strong-willed and independent people, and I believe that they will continue to do what they believe is right regardless of their liege. If they end up defending those who harbor abominations, they would have done so before, and if they end up doing their duty to Coatl and destroying the fiends, they would likewise have done that anyways. The route to controlling the Linnadi seems to be through their morals, not their government."


"What skills could you learn from blood-sucking fiends? I imagine that if you need instruction in the ways of corruption, your average Gwitna or Shushan would be more than adept councilors, and the only other things they could teach you would be heretical in nature."

Suvlin pounded his paddle on the ground before continuing in a louder voice.

"When my father agreed to offer our protection to the Theocracy of Coatl, he did not do so knowing that he would in turn be providing that protection to unholy abominations. I know now what it is being used for, and I hereby revoke that protection. If you truly wish to cavort with vampires, then you can rely upon them for your safety. May the next time we meet be on the battlefield, Exarch."

Warden Cuahuey then turned and walked away, his back straight with the certainty that he was following Coatl's will.

2018-04-20, 07:27 PM

At this point the single diplomat had been run ragged but representatives from their ally was there and so a bow of respect was provided as was a quick word when a moment was made available. Magus Memoria would be approached at the earliest opportunity. “Greetings Magus forgive me for approaching without gifts for you. Our humble kingdom was not sure who would attend this event so far away and of course crossing through the diseased lands of Glen Gwitna is always a risk.” When they had exchanged pleasantries Tassadin would speak softly. “Chancellor Kathine wanted to make sure that all treaties signed with your nation were still in tact despite the heart wrenching loss of Chancellor Treves.” Equipped with his mask of dashing blue he provided a brilliant smile. “We wanted you to know that we still planned to fully honor our treaty so long as you were on board as it were. We also want to send students to learn in your schools... We have heard you have honored our agreement and opened up the other technologies you have acquired. Which we must say are bold and truly Emjata changing attitudes.”

"As far as I am aware, all treaties signed are still being honored, and we have taken no offense and tried to give none." Memoria appeared puzzled. This was clearly something that Suveni should be handling, but the other woman was speaking with the High Overlord of the Warvann... or was it the Over Warlord of the Highvann? Memoria wasn't sure. She was here for the plague, and not the... diplomatic niceties. Still, it wouldn't do to upset an ally. "As for students, we're more than willing to accept them; though the Sultan has stated that Regno must be paid for it's time, which is only fair, in my estimation."

"But of course... some secrets will remain protected to the best of Regno's abilities."


"There is not much to discuss. My warriors are restless, and my people need arable farmland. I cannot expand northward, because the land isn't good, and I can't do nothing, or my people will stagnate." Olaf gives a sort of vague gesture. "But your people are expanding into the lands my people seek to claim. In the interest of peace between our lands, I ask that you do not interfere in my conquests."

Ah. So that was the sticking point here. Suveni did not grimace, though she felt her face wanting to. The Overvann were going to be trouble, she just knew it. Yet... if they'd honor their agreements, then Regno would honor it's own. As well, it would not do to appear weak here. "High Warlord, while it's true that our peoples are only just beginning to get to know about each other's cultures, allow me to assure you that we do not go into lands where we're not wanted. Any armed forces we have are for defense, for we will not suffer a conqueror like Dejan's armies again. As for the... specific lands you are thinking of, the natives call the place 'Thae Guceart' or the 'Stormvine Briarwoods'. The only reason we, as you say, expanded there was because of the Initiates we found there; after our expedition north, they reached out to us, and we responded. The Grand Magus was pleased to find people of a like mind so close by."

"Yet... I am empowered to make agreements. We will make no further movements to the northern lands of Regner, even if we should find others whom follow the principles of Initia, if you will respect the borders of Sultanate lands and our allies to our east and west. Regno takes it's friendships seriously, something that we hope you will benefit from in the coming years."

"Emissary's monthly reports are largely focused on business, less so on... personal matters, which Mumei is more interested in." Lady Chojo shrugged. "I do not pretend to understand it. Kazoku-sodatta - sorry, family-raised - are often strange to me." Chojo had been Shudan-sodatta, community raised. It was the traditional, proper way. Kazoku were often emotional and overly attached to one another, to a degree that bordered on absurd. Sure, blood was important, but treating individuals like they were entire populations was a special kind of madness.

Lady Chojo raised an eyebrow as the Regnan brought up two Kunai words. She'd used them as names, but Regnans would have little reason to call Kunai by their own language. "... And I'm sorry, but who are Shinrai and Shinbi?"

Chojo was somewhat miffed that she had moved on from the unknown variables so quickly, but if she wished to discuss the Alpes, very well. A topic for another day, then. "Rice would be quite adequate, I think, though we shall obviously look for other foodstuffs to acquire. And while we're on the subject of trade I would be remiss not to mention this small detail... this has little to do with the Alpes... but Izbefe recently raided some of the Clans' holdings within Umibe. Yasei retaliated quite violently, on multiple fronts. It would, perhaps, be better to speak with Dvalta."

She saw no reason to mention the Giorle fruit that the Clans had taken already. It was unlikely to last if the Izbefe continued to prosecute a trade war.

Memoria barely heard Chojo's acceptance of Rice or other Dvaltan foods. She heard herself mutter something about talking with Regno's eastern neighbors, and then tried to form words again. The Magus was obviously dumbfounded by Lady Chojo's other question. While Memoria didn't know them personally, almost everyone in Regno knew of Shinrai and Shinbi. Emissary's family was talked about frequently within Bratus Academy and the Three Towers, which meant that it was popular gossip in pretty much all of Regno.

"Shinrai and Shinbi are Emissary and Comoara Casnic's children. They're over five years old. I am surprised that Lady Mumei - their aunt - does not mention them. I know from rumors Comoara wants to come visit your lands and bring her children along." Memoria looked curiously at Lady Chojo, "You haven't heard about them before?"

The Sultanate of Rengo
Teppin slowly almost mockingly clapped his hands at Memoria "Bravo, bravo, your elegance and eloquence was nearly moving. Perhaps you might be interested in the medicinal plants that reside in The Pall."

"Sounds like nobody here knows anything. That's unfortunate." N̨amodl steps forward from the back of the group, where he had been listening, and turns to Memoria. "Your Excellency, we must hope our people have made progress back home, it seems all we're getting here is recommendations to turn Perijanist." Glancing at the Rakshasa, he continues, "But where was Rieba at Avakon? Those mighty walls meant nothing as I slipped in through the docks, no? The waters just opened up and let me in. Rieba was blind, or didn't care. Where were Trodje and Khompur? I'll take my own gods. A good supply of medicines from Overvann and the Pall ought to be useful, though."

"Just because no one here knows what this fever is or why it is happening," Lady Chojo spoke at last, "Does not mean we will not know in the future."

She looked around the room at the other delegates. "Though this disease has yet to reach the Clans, it has reached the island of Havre, half of which is currently pledged to our name. As such we have a vested interest in seeing this disease cured as soon as possible. To that end, I have my own proposal."

She waved her hand, gesturing to all those in attendance. "At the very least, I would ask that all of us here agree to a very simply idea: The moment that any relevant information is discovered or a cure is found, the knowledge of it must be shared with the others present here. Anything less may very well depopulate the entirety of Emjata. We will, of course, make our own efforts, and spread whatever we learn to others."

She glanced to the god-king, eyes narrowed. And they'd had such a pleasant negotiation, too. Chojo put her best curious face on, and tilted her head slightly. Her tone held respect, but also a measure of confusion. "With all due respect, what makes you so sure it will not spread to you? A god-king you may be, but you are not omniscient. Was this plague prophesied, or perhaps it resembles something in your mythology? I confess myself intrigued." Despite how easily that phrase could have been sarcastic... She sounded entirely sincere.

She knew the answer, of course: arrogance. The god-king thought as Yasei did. He believed that his Name was too great to be laid low by something such as crabbin' fever, a relative newcomer to Emjata. Yasei considered the plague's existence a boon, as it would distract the other beings from his build-up and planned campaign in the jungles of [region 83].

But Names can only be known in full in hindsight. The plague may very well be a completely innocuous nothing, here to scare the people and be gone within the decade. Or it may wipe out all life in Emjata, and render the planet inhospitable. The chances of the latter were minuscule, but even that was too great to ignore entirely.

To the Assemblage

Varia sat in silence as she observed the other delegates arguing among themselves. She honestly had hoped that they would know more than they did. Things were devolving into bickering and saber rattling. Her normally fluffy tail bristled as she stood up to be heard. "If there is little knowledge in regards to the origins of this plague, then perhaps it would fall those assembled to do something about it."

The Yondarian queen turned to the delegates of Avakonia, D̨vatla, Gwitna, and Regno, "Those who are unfortunate enough to host the plague would do well to have their physicians organize themselves as they tend to the infected, noting the effects of symptoms and any effects that current treatments are having and sharing that information with the rest of us." She turned back to the assembly at large and continued. "Those of you who are free of the infection I urge to assist however they can. Look into the plague itself or potential remedies for it. That may very well mean having to coordinate your investigations with your neighbors."

She eyed Lagos of the Marasa Pride and added, "Which means conflict between nations at this time will only prove detrimental to any organization to combat the plague. If there is a military solution to be had then it should be calculated and backed by research and evidence, not be built upon speculation and religious fervor."

Corn. That's what was going through Memoria's mind right now. She was in the middle of what was likely one of - if not the - most important meetings of her life, and she was no longer focused on the plague. She was thinking about corn.

It all came back to corn. Litore saw hundreds of shipments of corn every year, and distributed it all over the Desert of Magic; primarily in Regno itself. It was clean and crisp, and Oamenii loved the stuff. Especially with a little bit of salt, if one's family was lucky enough to have it. There was just so many different ways to cook it; on or off the cob, in or out of the shuck, grilled over a fire, or boiled in water. It's uses seemed nutritionally endless, and Memoria knew at least three Aspectus whom had already become Speakers through the study of the food crop. The Magus loved it herself, if she was being honest.

Yet... Coatl had been quite disrespectful. Memoria could see Suveni utterly silent and outwardly calm, but in her head, Memoria could hear the woman fuming.

<How dare he? Nearly moving? In that tone of voice? If we were not under truce, I would call the earth to bend him over and tan his hide, since clearly his mother did not do that enough! Impudent little ungrateful whelp. We send how many merchants to his lands? How many?>

<Forty seven.> Magus Memoria answered easily. Numbers she was good at. <Each one making at least three trips a year, but more often four or five. Six entire families have been elevated in the Merchant Guild because of those trips.>

<And he couldn't even spare the decency to at least remain silent, or alter his tone? When we get home, I am recommending to the Sultan that we stop all shipments, and seek other crops. And that the Coatl are barred from the Academies.> Speaker Suveni fumed silently, mind-to-mind. Memoria was of a different opinion, and would tell Sultan Tutum so when asked. But that was matters for later.

For now, Memoria nodded with respect to their host and Lady Chojo, and said aloud, "Regno will of course share any details we find out about the plague with everyone. To do anything less would be to cause a worse disaster."

"As for what we hoped to gain from this assembly," the Magus continued, looking upon the rest of those gathered, "with no additional information to add or learn, Regno apologizes, but we will leave. There are sick people to tend to, and I will see them cured, or die trying."

Catching N̨amodl of Dvalta's eye, Magus Memoria bowed respectfully, and before she and the rest of the Regno delegation left, said loud enough for all to hear, "Regno learns. Regno remembers."

2018-04-20, 08:10 PM

"What? Hell no. Bastard spends all his time trying to kill us. And he kind of lives on the bottom of the ocean. And I sure as hell ain't going down there."

"Desert... I think I know the bit you mean. Honestly,
It's my first time out of 'Ridi'r. Ton of stuff we don't really have. Sand. Trees. Beasts that can't kill you. Last one's a bit of a let down to be honest, but I guess it explains a lot. Can't say I remember anyone coming through, but I might not have been on top then. It sounds a long time ago."

2018-04-20, 08:14 PM

Memoria barely heard Chojo's acceptance of Rice or other Dvaltan foods. She heard herself mutter something about talking with Regno's eastern neighbors, and then tried to form words again. The Magus was obviously dumbfounded by Lady Chojo's other question. While Memoria didn't know them personally, almost everyone in Regno knew of Shinrai and Shinbi. Emissary's family was talked about frequently within Bratus Academy and the Three Towers, which meant that it was popular gossip in pretty much all of Regno.

"Shinrai and Shinbi are Emissary and Comoara Casnic's children. They're over five years old. I am surprised that Lady Mumei - their aunt - does not mention them. I know from rumors Comoara wants to come visit your lands and bring her children along." Memoria looked curiously at Lady Chojo, "You haven't heard about them before?"

It was only for the briefest instant, but that smile of Lady Chojo's had gone from warm and genuine to vindictive and triumphant. "No." She said, her voice sweet. "No I have not. Unsurprising, I suppose; it was not my business. But last I personally had heard, Emissary was... well, quite the playboy, if I'm honest. Not the type to settle down."

She curtsied to the diplomat. "I should not keep you from the others overlong. If there is nothing else to discuss?"



Chojo waited until she was alone before she allowed herself a moment of rest. She stood against the wall of her (temporary) chamber, covering her face with one hand. Both of her hands quivered with excitement, and a massive grin spread across her face.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect. She owed Regno a huge debt.

The Magus' dumbfounded expression had given Chojo all the information she needed. Not only was the birth of these half-breeds to a foreign woman known, but it was very common knowledge within Regno. Knowledge that had never touched the shores of Kuniumi. Last she had heard, Emissary was a playboy of sorts; many women in Regno vied for his affection (albeit with less skill on both sides than one of her own clan). But it seemed that he had gone further in that.

Just when she'd been needing something else to poke Yasei with.

Having children with foreigners was not strictly forbidden, but it was heavily frowned upon. A woman provided the most to what a person was born as, and Amidasu's experiment with the Empress had gotten a pass because the Amidasu were meant to experiment, but even back then, the Yasei had objected heavily. The Chojo Clan were entirely female in part so they could fulfill this role of providing new blood to the Kunai. But Emissary was Satsujin. He had no reason or excuse.

That, however, was not why this information from Memoria intrigued her, oh no. It was the fact that she'd never heard about the children in 5 years.

That shouldn't have been possible. Unless other Kunai were keeping it from her.

Mumei claimed her Clan were "the guardians of Kuniumi" and nothing more. They existed to protect the old ways, and to ensure Kuniumi would remain strong, secure and pure no matter the cost. But she had kept news of this deviancy from reaching the ears of anyone in Kuniumi, including their diplomats (probably the only clan that NEEDED to know these things).

That was the heresy that would drive Yasei to openly rebel against her.

Just like Chojo needed.

Heh heh heh...

Perhaps she could make use of the Marasa pride's offer after all.

2018-04-20, 09:38 PM

"I find that acceptable, but I cannot guarantee anything for my distant successors." Olaf looks pleased with Suveni's response.

2018-04-21, 02:55 AM
"As for what we hoped to gain from this assembly," the Magus continued, looking upon the rest of those gathered, "with no additional information to add or learn, Regno apologizes, but we will leave. There are sick people to tend to, and I will see them cured, or die trying."

Catching N̨amodl of Dvalta's eye, Magus Memoria bowed respectfully, and before she and the rest of the Regno delegation left, said loud enough for all to hear, "Regno learns. Regno remembers."

N̨amodl inclines his head in a small, but respectful response to the Magus's bow. After she speaks he turns to D̨zur and with a chuckle remarks, "Seems its always a party at these things when I show up, eh?"


At some point, D̨zur approaches the Pician and speaks in heavily accented Imperial. "You was at Avakon? I remember staff and mask. We ended war; 'achieved what we wanted' they say. Some say other. Not my decision. Your war goes good, I hope?"

2018-04-21, 12:22 PM
Serene Marasa Pride
Addressing the assembly

He looked dead at Olaf and the laughter that erupted from the god king was filled with condescending amusement. The moment he did this the Rakshasa warriors all around him did the same. “You are a fool and I weep for your nation. I have no idea who sent this, be it spirits or gods I merely stated that I have faith in Khompurs light and the wisdom of Rieba. As for my “declaration” of war on Glen Gwitna, I am stating what all of you need to state. The disease came from his lands and he already stated plainly to our host that he had no intention of working to end this awful calamity and since he is an empire who trades in the the very crabs that seem to be the source of the disease burning those facilities down and killing those who are responsible for their harvest would be beneficial. Destroying the SOURCE of the disease might stall it. I don't care about his land. I care about the trading posts that are reeking havoc on the rest of us.” The mention of a duel caused the god king to snarl with amusement as he bore his teeth. “If we were not in the lands of a host, I would already be off this throne and ripping you asunder little monkey chief.”

He turned his attention on lady Chojo then her words of confusion surprising him, but only a little. His gaze turned and he shook his head. The arrogance of the heretical Coatl worshiper did cause him to sneer his gums displaying those rows of predatory teeth but he softened when he answered the question for the lady Chojo. “Its not impossible they reach us if that is the will of Rieba but we are separated by mountains and currently no trade exists in my realm with outsiders. Even your people have not begun to engage with ours in earnest on that point. Our seas are clear of ships and orders will be going out when I return home to burn any that attempt to settle in a port of our lands. We are not a seafaring people we have done nothing to anger Rieba so we hope her mercy will extend to us. We are not so arrogant as to assume nothing bad can happen to us after all Dejan did. Its just the chances are smaller with us surrounded by mountains and ships not being a part of our culture.”

The arguments would continue but he ended up agreeing with the vast majority there was nothing more to gain and he had a small army with him. That meant it was time to march out of this place and go home.

Addressing Purbagle

“We are willing to work with your king in a limited capacity. Your violence is ceaseless and your ambition appears endless.” Growled Lagos, “If your king is willing to swear on his leviathan that those desires do not extend to us we might be able to secure something. Though I admit I have more interest in befriending the Setjura and the Kunai if you intend to surrender your lands in Estensule.”

When he mentioned the multiple wars the god king nodded. “The cost of war. We can promise we will be tying up some of your enemies simply based on proximity. I have a feeling if you don't give up on your goal we will end up working together just to punish Firethorn and the empire.”

Addressing Firethorn Regiment

His warriors went perfectly silent and he looked down on the human when he spoke of respect. The tone was a low ominous thing protruding from the back of his throat. “The arrogance of you Sofrid to speak to me of insult. Your kind marched into my home and took from us without slightest provocation. We did not know war before Dejan came. Our kind never spilt blood like that. We did not know the fear of mass death or genocide. We did not know fear before he came. What you see before you is a king created to necessitate survival.” He snarled. “I offered you a fair exchange. I would give you beloved members of my tribe for members of yours. Equal trade because that is how you create peace.”

He rose up. “Take your mountains. I cannot stop you in this moment but I promise those mountains will become a place of regret for you and your kingdom. Your people will look on those mountains many years from now and they will make your ancestors weep.”

Addressing Suvlin

"A heretic of the Coatl faith who is the origin of this disease cannot speak to me about being blessed. Our relationship is a different thing. We look to her as the mother of wisdom as the one who led the Perjianist slaves into our jungles and allowed us to rise from the ashes. Her temples are many and filled with silver and the gifts we take from this world to honor her. Your orca may worship her for letting them sail her seas unmolested but clearly you have committed a horrible sin and I believe it is placing Coatl above Rieba, Khompur and Trodje. Its just now the whole world suffers for it. I hear your heresy is spread all throughout the east and none step in to aid the people with the true faith. No wonder you have been cursed!"

2018-04-21, 01:46 PM


“No need to apologize, I do not bother speculating on what happened. Kathine has the Republic politically normalized and the most radical elements have been cleansed. Its all very convenient, I also found it all to wrap up into a perfect bow if we're being honest but...” He shrugged. “Purbagle my chancellor did have one thing to ask of you. She wants your people to start accepting and acknowledging written treaties. She seemed convinced you could make them view such “human” laws as necessary if your people were looking to negotiate more formally with the rest of the world. She also said she would help legitimize the realm of tides if they could come to believe in such benefits. She also recommend that you send us some gold she would be happy to mold your speaker a proper seal.”

"Well of course written treaties are to be recognized. It is not my fault that the entirety of my kind doesn't even know what writing is, however now that I hold some moderate degree of influence with the Speaker I can handle those affairs easily." Before addressing the latter part of the new Chancellor's requests, Purbagle let out a whooping laugh. Whether it was at the demands itself or some poorly disguised lie in what he said before Tassadin would not be able to say. "However, I am sure that the Speaker has no need of seals, or for the peasantry of our realm to become even more disgruntled than
they already are towards foreign interest in our wealth."



At some point, D̨zur approaches the Pician and speaks in heavily accented Imperial. "You was at Avakon? I remember staff and mask. We ended war; 'achieved what we wanted' they say. Some say other. Not my decision. Your war goes good, I hope?"

Purbagle's face contorted into a minor scowl below the shadows of his cloak. He was not particularly fond of the northerners but supposed he could entertain this one for a time. "Indeed it has gone well. We have won every battle we have fought, one of my kind defeating the Empress herself while outnumbered by the enemy. We have struck into the heart of the Empire and seized the homeland of Dejan himself. The entire Pellocian is within our grasp, most of its people already complacent under our rule." He let out a rather heavy sigh before continuing in a more somber tone. "And yet, amidst such triumph, we are forced to surrender or die. The new Empress has recovered from her state of weakness, with the scum under Whitefeather's Queen at her beck and call. And now, with Azenhal on the attack? The war is as good as done."

After a brief pause, Purbagle switched to a more aggressive tone. "Tell your leaders that we thank them for their decision to make peace. Such a masterstroke, to consistently lose and then be handed all that they want after one harebrained attack. My kind has done far more than they ever did and has been cheated out of our just reward. Truly a tale for bards to tell for centuries to come, of how the noble Dvaltans defeated both the Avakonians and Picians in one fell swoop. Well done, good sir. Well done."

Marasa Prides

[B]Addressing Purbagle

“We are willing to work with your king in a limited capacity. Your violence is ceaseless and your ambition appears endless.” Growled Lagos, “If your king is willing to swear on his leviathan that those desires do not extend to us we might be able to secure something. Though I admit I have more interest in befriending the Setjura and the Kunai if you intend to surrender your lands in Estensule.”

When he mentioned the multiple wars the god king nodded. “The cost of war. We can promise we will be tying up some of your enemies simply based on proximity. I have a feeling if you don't give up on your goal we will end up working together just to punish Firethorn and the empire.”[B]

In a tone that was almost amiable through Purbagle's broken usage of Imperial, the Pician moved to assuage the God-King's concerns."I can assure you, good king, that neither I or my Speaker seeks domination of all Emjata. While my Speaker's predecessor did endeavor to succeed in such an undertaking he is now long dead."

Upon the conclusion of these assurances, Purbagle instead adopted a questioning tone. "Though I would say that your preferred allies are rather odd choices. The Setjura Confederacy is a country devoutly following the ways of Jalyeong-Bo, a faith most opposed to your own Perijanist one. In addition, their vast mercantile network is sure to bring the plague of Crabbin' Fever to our lands faster than anything else. Why on earth would you seek accommodation with such a foolish realm? And as for the Kunai, I also see some problems. They have close ties with the Firethorn Regiment we so detest, even working to bring them back to their position of power after that mess with the Inkia rebellion. What do they have that you see would be so useful?"

After he finished Purbagle immediately took on an apologetic tone. "Please, good king, do not mistake my questioning of your chosen allies for a question of your rule. Your acumen for conquest, both through force of arms and force of words, is awe inspiring. Together our people could work wonders on this continent, I can see as much clearly here and now. I am just a little confused as to how our might is worth less than your neighbor's proximity."

As the general course of the discussion drew towards a close, Purbagle realized that he would have to pursue his previous ruminations on using the Firethorn Regiment's representatives as a means of achieving peace. As the delegates all set to leave Purbagle quickly waddled over to Captain Sofrid and introduced himself. "I am sorry to disturb you at this time but I have urgent matters to discuss with someone connected to Avakonia. My name is Purbagle, and I am here on behalf of my Speaker and the Pician realm. In the interest of both our people I would like to discuss a peaceful resolution to our conflict."

2018-04-21, 02:25 PM
Addressing Suvlin

"A heretic of the Coatl faith who is the origin of this disease cannot speak to me about being blessed. Our relationship is a different thing. We look to her as the mother of wisdom as the one who led the Perjianist slaves into our jungles and allowed us to rise from the ashes. Her temples are many and filled with silver and the gifts we take from this world to honor her. Your orca may worship her for letting them sail her seas unmolested but clearly you have committed a horrible sin and I believe it is placing Coatl above Rieba, Khompur and Trodje. Its just now the whole world suffers for it. I hear your heresy is spread all throughout the east and none step in to aid the people with the true faith. No wonder you have been cursed!"

"If Rieba wished to punish the worshippers of Coatl, why would she choose to smite the rest of the world with us? Surely the Omanush and the Avakonian empire are as faithful servants as can be found, and yet they are, like us, among the first to be struck."

2018-04-21, 04:35 PM

Purbagle's face contorted into a minor scowl below the shadows of his cloak. He was not particularly fond of the northerners but supposed he could entertain this one for a time. "Indeed it has gone well. We have won every battle we have fought, one of my kind defeating the Empress herself while outnumbered by the enemy. We have struck into the heart of the Empire and seized the homeland of Dejan himself. The entire Pellocian is within our grasp, most of its people already complacent under our rule." He let out a rather heavy sigh before continuing in a more somber tone. "And yet, amidst such triumph, we are forced to surrender or die. The new Empress has recovered from her state of weakness, with the scum under Whitefeather's Queen at her beck and call. And now, with Azenhal on the attack? The war is as good as done."

After a brief pause, Purbagle switched to a more aggressive tone. "Tell your leaders that we thank them for their decision to make peace. Such a masterstroke, to consistently lose and then be handed all that they want after one harebrained attack. My kind has done far more than they ever did and has been cheated out of our just reward. Truly a tale for bards to tell for centuries to come, of how the noble Dvaltans defeated both the Avakonians and Picians in one fell swoop. Well done, good sir. Well done."

D̨zur raises an eyebrow and lets out a quick snort. "'Consistently lose'? You are misinformed. What of Zachodnie, Wybrèz and Avakon? We did face full might of Empire, then you came and feasted on soft underbelly when they were distracted and weak. You prefer perhaps we did not fight and you faced the empire alone? Old empress whined at Avakon: moaned and complained like spoiled child about us helping you by fighting. Was unbecoming, I thought. Now you whine and complain about us not fighting her more. You sure want to be like her?"

He shrugs, then takes up a mockingly over-acted appearance of crying, "Oooh, poor us. Oooooh, poor little fish-people. We had to fight broken remains of Empire. Ooooh, how strong we are." With a disgusted scoff he returns to his normal voice, "If I wanted pitious crying of baby I would find baby. I thought you a man. Was I wrong? 'New Empress has recovered from her state of weakness.' Ahhh, and who made her weak? We do work, you scavenge spoils and now brag worse than the lion."

After a burst of quick, snorted laughter he continues "'Just reward.'" A longer burst of laughter, "Go ask empress nicely if you think you deserve 'just reward.' We of D̨vatla take what is ours."

After a pause he rolls his eyes, "War might start again anyway. Heard rumors on way here. Say new empress can't read and wants to break treaty. What we expect of barbarians playing at being civilized?"

2018-04-21, 05:23 PM

"You will run your nation into ruins, yet my sons will carry my name for generations. I can only pray to Woden that I would live to see a fool such as you brought to your knees." Olaf smirks at the threat. "Had you tried, you would be finding yourself short a few limbs. Rest assured there will be repercussions for you and yours should you massacre innocent people. You know what I do to men who believe they're better than others because of race, wealth or might? To slavers? I send them to freeze in Hel, where they belong. You should be the one thankful we're guests of lady Va Meera, because your flea-bitten hide would be dead before it ever entered my hall." Olaf turns to the assembly. "Who's with me? We ought to show this tyrant that our races are a force to be reckoned with, not simple slaves! Olaf's few warriors in the room cheer, raising their fists in defiance of the Rhakshasa king's threats.

2018-04-21, 05:24 PM

D̨zur raises an eyebrow and lets out a quick snort. "'Consistently lose'? You are misinformed. What of Zachodnie, Wybrèz and Avakon? We did face full might of Empire, then you came and feasted on soft underbelly when they were distracted and weak. You prefer perhaps we did not fight and you faced the empire alone? Old empress whined at Avakon: moaned and complained like spoiled child about us helping you by fighting. Was unbecoming, I thought. Now you whine and complain about us not fighting her more. You sure want to be like her?"

He shrugs, then takes up a mockingly over-acted appearance of crying, "Oooh, poor us. Oooooh, poor little fish-people. We had to fight broken remains of Empire. Ooooh, how strong we are." With a disgusted scoff he returns to his normal voice, "If I wanted pitious crying of baby I would find baby. I thought you a man. Was I wrong? 'New Empress has recovered from her state of weakness.' Ahhh, and who made her weak? We do work, you scavenge spoils and now brag worse than the lion."

After a burst of quick, snorted laughter he continues "'Just reward.'" A longer burst of laughter, "Go ask empress nicely if you think you deserve 'just reward.' We of D̨vatla take what is ours."

After a pause he rolls his eyes, "War might start again anyway. Heard rumors on way here. Say new empress can't read and wants to break treaty. What we expect of barbarians playing at being civilized?"

Purbagle laughed a cool, rasping laugh. Oh how lovely it would be to tear this fool limb from limb, to watch his blood spill forth from his flesh and drink it all in... But the others who hadn't heard his nonsense would probably think that this worm deserved to continue his existence. "'The full might of the Empire?' You cannot be serious. In the first three years of the war you had Suicide Sandor, Coatl and Whitefeather all keeping the full might of the Empire from you. The next three the Inkia Rebellion commanded much of their attention. From there on the Empire consistently sent troops to the slaughter at the spearheads of my kind. After you worms signed your treaty it was us who faced the full might of the Empire, and us who succeeded where none of you northern swines could and defeated the old Empress herself. If there is one thing I will commend you wretches on it is your sense of humor, for I have not heard such a wondrous joke in years. And to think me a man, HA!" His eyes burned crimson with a sadistic glee. "The Picians are far greater than any of you men. Now before I decide to let the blood flow forth from your throat I suggest you leave. I do not care what you northern buffoons do, and if the treaty is indeed broken woe unto you who would face the Empire without our blades at their backs." Purbagle, rather done with the conversation, strolled leisurely past Dzur, chuckling to himself all the way.

2018-04-21, 05:34 PM

D̨zur shrugs as the Pician walks by him, and without turning speaks, "If you consider the broken remains of the imperial army we left for you to be 'the full might of the Empire,' then no wonder you now beg for mercy."

2018-04-21, 05:40 PM

"You will run your nation into ruins, yet my sons will carry my name for generations. I can only pray to Woden that I would live to see a fool such as you brought to your knees." Olaf smirks at the threat. "Had you tried, you would be finding yourself short a few limbs. Rest assured there will be repercussions for you and yours should you massacre innocent people. You know what I do to men who believe they're better than others because of race, wealth or might? To slavers? I send them to freeze in Hel, where they belong. You should be the one thankful we're guests of lady Va Meera, because your flea-bitten hide would be dead before it ever entered my hall." Olaf turns to the assembly. "Who's with me? We ought to show this tyrant that our races are a force to be reckoned with, not simple slaves! Olaf's few warriors in the room cheer, raising their fists in defiance of the Rhakshasa king's threats.

"Oh do calm yourselves." Lady Chojo stepped between the lion king and Olaf's warriors, arms out. "We are here to discuss how to handle Crabbin' Fever, not to compare the girth of our sabers. No one here is foolish enough to attempt to open violence on neutral ground."

((I'm reminded why I started taking more than one character to these diplomatic meetings.))