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View Full Version : Fine Tune the PC or Well balanced?

2018-04-11, 07:58 AM
I have run into an issue with my LvL 13 Bard.
We have been a group working together since LvL 1 and have been playing together for 6+ months.
Two sessions ago our group was Sucked into another Plane but my Bard was still on the Prime Plane. Long Story Short, Managed to get everyone back But at that Moment I realized that my Bard was fine Tuned to work 'In a Group' and that I had little to no spells prepared that allowed him to function by Himself.

I still have all of my CHR bonuses so Persuasion, Intimidate and Jack of all Trades was managing to get things done for me But my Spell Selection is Keyed to work With The Group instead of as a Well Rounded Caster.

Is this a Bad thing?
Should I add some spells so I can function/fight all on my own?

4 Player Group. Bard, Wizard, Cleric and Fighter

2018-04-11, 08:01 AM
Having a spell or two that works for when you are on your own is never really a bad thing. However, how often are you going to be on your own? If this isn't really going to be a problem that often, making these spell switches is likely not worth the opportunity cost (switching a great team-oriented spell out for a solo spell).

2018-04-11, 08:38 AM
one should allways have a fallback, wizards should have a pointy stick for antimagic fields barbarians should have something they can throw, and bards should have at least 1 solo spell. do you expect to ever use it? not really, but when you are the only elf and the level 4 party gets hit by an upcast sleep spell, or the trap shuts a wall separating you from the party, or you are the halfling and the only one who can fit through the hole, or were the only one who failed their dex check on the slippery slope or...

it's good to have a backup plan. don't invest in becoming "well rounded" so much as having a fallback. prefferably one that has group utility as well.

2018-04-11, 08:41 AM
Personally... I'd use your next magical secret to get magic jar. The DM won't leave you alone again and you can probably remake the character entirely after you eventually fail your DC 8 check to not die. Bonus points if you are a yuan-ti or gnome.

Practically... You are probably fine, you should be able to "hold your own" using cantrips and upcasting. You can't prepare for everything, leave that to your wizard.

2018-04-11, 12:45 PM
Role playing a high cha character by themselves in the world sounds like a good laugh.

I think that it is important to have options for every eventuality, being alone is only one.

Alone you can still be a spell slinger for hire into a party, performing for cash and able to use your gains to buy the help you want.

Don't worry about this set of circumstances, worry about the next ones. Your level 6 benefits should work here - if you are valor bard then extra attack and a decent weapon backed up by your support spells should be good. "classic" lore bard spells taken at level six often include conjure animals and fireball which also work well alone.

Being alone may make confrontation less of an option but make other solutions like stealth, diplomacy or dimension door more viable. You may in fact have the tools to be alone but they solve challenges in a very different way.

2018-04-11, 01:00 PM
Between your skills, expertise, jack of all trades and spells you are probably already the most able to function solo in the group.

2018-04-11, 04:57 PM
If you're really in a pinch you can always hire a party too. Find a local mercenary guild and hire a couple of bruisers for you to buff while they hold your front line.