View Full Version : Polymorph any object familiar options

2018-04-12, 01:48 PM
I posted earlier about the musteval, then became curious about getting the musteval into another more mobile form.

It seems like changing into the coure eladrin should be easy enough? If so, what would its stats be, and what abilities would it have? Keep its spell like abilities? Gain any from the eladrin?

Any other good similar forms? Pixie isn't an outsider but would be cool. Small enough to be familiar like but humanoidish.

Astral Deva seems like another option, although a 7' tall angel doesn't feel like a familiar

Edit: to make it permanent would have to keep the same size, so musteval to eladrin.

Shimmerling swarm seems to be the only fey, and I don't think you could PAO that into a pixie

Edit2: I believe, going from a musteval to a coure would give you:

Coure: Outsider (Eladrin), Tiny
Move 20 ft. , Fly 60 ft. (Perfect) (compared to 30 ft., burrow 10 ft)
Natural Armor +4 (no change)
Str 6 (compared to 7)
Dex 24 (compared to 18)
Con 12 (no change)
Int 12 (compared to 11)
Wis 14 (keep musteval value)
Cha 13 (keep musteval value)

Feat: weapon finesse

Immunity to electricity and petrification. (No change)
Energy Resistance (Ex): Guardinals have resistance to acid 10 and cold 10. (Kept from musteval)
No racial poison bonus (compared to +4 racial bonus on saves against poison.)

+4 racial bonus on Hide and Move Silently (compared to +4 racial bonus on Climb and Listen checks.)

Spell-like Abilities: At will - detect evil, detect magic, disguise self, magic missile, protection from evil (self only), see invisibility; 1/day - invisibility (DC 13). Caster level 3rd. The save DCs are Charisma-based. (Keep from musteval)

Speak with Animals (Sp): Guardinals can mentally communicate with animals as a free action. This works exactly like speak with animals as cast by an 8th-level druid but does not require sound. (Kept from musteval)

Tongues (Su): Guardinals can speak with any creature that has a language, as though using a tongues spell cast by a 14th-level cleric. This ability is always active. (Kept from musteval)

Int and hp won't matter as it is a familiar. Same with skills other than the racial bonuses.

The polymorph any object would get 9 points on the duration table (same kingdom, class, and size I believe?) so would be permanent. I believe that it would also be possible to make it "un-dispelable" if somehow cast as a supernatural power (dweomerkeeper).

Does this look right?

2018-04-13, 04:30 AM
I edited my original post to elaborate and to to send come up with the stats. Gaining fly and 24 Dec is pretty attractive for the musteval I think, and the musteval spell like abilities seemed Superior to the coure - unlimited magic missile.

Losing the alternate form is too bad though - assuming I did everything right of course

2018-04-13, 08:38 AM
If the familiar is polymorphed into a race which doesn't qualify as a familiar, can the familiar stay a familiar in the first place?

2018-04-13, 09:11 AM
Honestly, don't know the answer to that question, but I would think so as the bond wouldn't necessarily be broken? I'm guessing it is a gray area / DM fiat (like most things) when you get into it. I do not see anything that says it would be broken.

One way I would think about it - if you polymorph your familiar temporarily, is it still a familiar? If so, I would think it could stay a familiar.

In this case, both the coure and the musteval are valid familiars, but the coure requires chaotic good, while the character in question happens to be neutral good.

2018-04-13, 09:24 AM
Why go to the effort of Poly into Coure when you can just pick that as your familiar instead? Same book even.

2018-04-13, 09:30 AM
Why go to the effort of Poly into Coure when you can just pick that as your familiar instead? Same book even.

First and foremost is alignment restriction - I am playing a neutral good character, and generally hate playing chaotic. With the feat, your alignment must match perfectly.

Not the reason - but it also seems to have better spells (unlimited magic missile on a 60' perfect fly creature is pretty sweet).

2018-04-13, 11:01 AM
Changing to a Pixie without gaining the always-on invisibility doesn't seem worth it anyway.

Not sure what level you are, but Int matters until you pass it via familiar abilities. (not-officially-RAW, but makes sense - and mentioned in one of the articles on Wizards as well)
And skills do as well, as it uses it's own ranks for skills you don't have, or have at a lower level. 2 outsider hd and 12 int is 45 skillpoints it can spread around to things you don't have.

If I was a burrowing ratman creature, I'd be pretty grumpy if you permanently changed me into a darn tinkerbelle.

2018-04-13, 11:14 AM
This is to another celestial, not to a pixie, so always on invis isn't an option. Was more looking for the flying honestly. And the 24 dex doesn't hurt.

That being said, not sure I would go this route- just trying to make sure I understand how it works. Were the stats I calculated out correct?

2018-04-13, 11:38 AM
Wait wait wait... you can PaO your familiar and it keeps being your familiar? So you could get anything as your familiar up to its HD?

2018-04-13, 11:49 AM
I am not sure - that is partially what this thread is about. To get 9 in PAO "pts" though - you need to:

Same kingdom (animal, vegetable, mineral) +5
Same class (mammals, fungi, metals, etc.) +2
Same size +2
Same or lower Intelligence +2

Same kingdom and class ... then either "same size" or "same or lower intelligence"

At least as far as I can tell.

It seems though that the effect could be dispelled unless it was a supernatural ability (like dweomerkeeper) - then I think it's permanent?

Obviously - you only get the powers polymorph any object grants, so seems like no supernatural or spelllike abilities.

2018-04-13, 10:01 PM
Cast PaO twice to make its duration permanent. Your familiar can be whatever 15hd or lower creature you want it to be. Just be mindful of its intelligence.

2018-04-14, 02:07 PM
I'm guessing at some point you could just wish for a different familiar as well.

That being said, a large familiar feels weird to me