View Full Version : Order Domain Cleric 1 + Bard = Warlord?

2018-04-12, 04:40 PM
Hey guys,

Based on the new UA that came out, I had the idea of multiclassing either Valor or Glamour Bard with a single dip into Order Cleric to make a 4e esque lazylord in 5e. Order Cleric gives heavy armor and an attack enabling ability when you cast a spell that affects an ally. The obvious opening combo would be Bless + Inspiration to buff allies and allow an attack. Healing word is another good spell to heal an ally as a bonus action, enable an ally attack and leave your action free to attack or cast a cantrip or what not. What other good nonconcentration buffs and class abilities can we add to flesh this out? Maybe dip Paladin for save bonus aura and smiting to increase your own damage or Battlemaster for support abilities like Commander's Strike when you are done casting spells or Trip/Distracting Attack to give allies advantage. Just a little brainstorm I had and was wondering if we could make this effective character build.

2019-02-20, 09:29 PM
I just made a similar character using the Ravnica guide. The level 6 ability got nerfed significantly as did the level 2 channel ability.
That said, the build was tons of fun. I have a four man party with three melee and myself. We are all level 5. I rolled Bard 4 Cleric 1. I wanted the dex save rather than wisdom.
Giving the GreatWeaponMaster feat user an extra attack every turn kept him happy and kept chopping the baddies up.
We had 6 encounters with no short rests.
Typical encounter was:
Round 1: Bonus action Hand out inspiration. Cast bless(free attack!).
Round 2: Cast V mockery(give disadvantage), bonus action Healing Word(free attack!).
Round three: Cast V mockery, healing word or Inspiration.
At low levels with a GWM as an ally it is VERY fun. Level 1 spells that do 20 dmg on an allie’s hit are very efficient. Especially when they are on top of the normal effect for the spell.
If they had kept the spell recovery aspect of the level 6 ability I would have gone full cleric. Being able to recover a million lower level spells a day all the while keeping your party blessed in perpetuity is just so good.
I can see the build falling off in power at higher level. Your melees are pretty linear in raw effectiveness and damage so it doesn’t really continue to scale. Most higher level fights come down to your highest level spell early in the fight.
I really do enjoy playing a support caster Bard. The plan is Counterspell and Fireball for my first two secrets(we have no AOE). Between regular actions, bonus actions and a couple of ways to use my reaction(cutting words and Counterspell) the action economy is real. Also, I chose Rakdos as a background so HASTE is on my class list. Planning to grab that at level Bard 5 and then keep going Bard.