View Full Version : Randall Flagg vs. Nyarlathotep

Cap'n Gravelock
2018-04-13, 10:15 PM
Am I the only one who feels kinda miffed by what Randall Flagg turned out to be in The Dark Tower? I mean, I've read almost ALL of Stephen King's books and I've loved the character in The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon and thought he (or something like him) would make an awesome villain for a Pathfinder campaign. But, when reading Dark Tower and discovering his origins, I felt thoroughly cheated. I kinda liked him as an aspect of the Crawling Chaos than what he turned out to be.

2018-04-17, 04:07 PM
Am I the only one who feels kinda miffed by what Randall Flagg turned out to be in The Dark Tower? I mean, I've read almost ALL of Stephen King's books and I've loved the character in The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon and thought he (or something like him) would make an awesome villain for a Pathfinder campaign. But, when reading Dark Tower and discovering his origins, I felt thoroughly cheated. I kinda liked him as an aspect of the Crawling Chaos than what he turned out to be.

I think that is part of the larger issue with The Dark Tower then anything. It connects all of the books but changes them to make that work, they collect all of the strongest psychics from Earth but Danny Torrance (who is easily the strongest none-villain in any of the books). King spends half the series building up the Arthurianess of Mordred, then Mordred eats a radioactive horse and gets killed.

Flagg would have been better served by not being in the series instead of dying anticlimactically twice to be honest, and the whole series could do with a rewrite.

2018-04-17, 05:07 PM
Am I the only one who feels kinda miffed by what Randall Flagg turned out to be in The Dark Tower? I mean, I've read almost ALL of Stephen King's books and I've loved the character in The Stand and Eyes of the Dragon and thought he (or something like him) would make an awesome villain for a Pathfinder campaign. But, when reading Dark Tower and discovering his origins, I felt thoroughly cheated. I kinda liked him as an aspect of the Crawling Chaos than what he turned out to be.

Well, if you go by the comic book canon Flagg is the son of Maerlyn (who appears to be Nyralthrohotep in disguise) and Hecate, goddess of black magic and the dark moon, who was abandoned as a child and only raised by humans.

I think that is part of the larger issue with The Dark Tower then anything. It connects all of the books but changes them to make that work, they collect all of the strongest psychics from Earth but Danny Torrance (who is easily the strongest none-villain in any of the books). King spends half the series building up the Arthurianess of Mordred, then Mordred eats a radioactive horse and gets killed.

Flagg would have been better served by not being in the series instead of dying anticlimactically twice to be honest, and the whole series could do with a rewrite.

I think King simply took to long writing the stories, the man who started the series was not the same person who finished it, and it is clear that at several times he changed his mind about what story he was trying to tell.

I actually like Mordred's death though, its short and brutal, and Roland sacrificing Oy in his last battle is a nice parallel to him winning his first battle by sacrificing David to beat Cort.