View Full Version : Domain Spells and Powers

2018-04-14, 10:06 AM
I’m making a paladin sort of character for an E6 PF game that allows 3.5 content converted. I’ll probably be getting two domains, one is effective cleric 6 powers and up to 2nd lvl domain spells, the other is effective lvl 3 and only the first spell.

I was looking for domains that really fit the paladin feel. I got it down to Protection and Light. But the light domain has crappy spells and the protection domain has a very meh granted power. I could snag customize domain later on but for just a few spells/day not sure if it is worth it.

TLDR: What are some good paladin themed domains with decent granted powers and spells, preferably PF, but if there is an awesome 3.5 domain that would be fine.

2018-04-14, 10:48 AM
What other class features do you have? Are you actually a Paladin, or are you mostly a Cleric (with the accompanying spells) who simply is being played/viewed as a Pally? Or something else entirely?

This can be relevant. For example, if you have Turn Undead at a high enough effective Cleric level that it’s useful for its alleged primary purpose rather than simply being currency for fueling divine feats, something like the Sun domain or the Glory (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/domains.htm#gloryDomain) domain is more relevant than if you have TU as a Paladin (with a gimped effective Cleric level) or if you’re a homebrew class that doesn’t get TU.

I mean, there’s always general-purpose useful domains that work regardless (like the one that lets you reroll natural 1s on saves), but you seem to be equally concerned with thematics and with mechanics, so it’ll be helpful to know what exactly we’re optimizing around.

Edit: Just saw that this is PF. I don’t know anything about PF domains, but the questions I asked are still relevant, even if the domains I mentioned aren’t.

2018-04-14, 11:02 AM
He’s a homebrew class and the domains are coming from welknair’s half blood bloodline. 3.5 is allowed and seeing as I’ll never get effective cleric level of 8, 3.5 domains can be just as valid as PF ones since they often get roughly equal powers. He focuses on Spheres of Power as a low caster and Maneuvers as a Path of War archetype progression for his main class features.

He doesn’t have turning, but with the 3.5 domains Undeath and Sun(grants regular turning from Half-Blood) I could get an ok turning pool for E6 anyway.

Edit: Never thought ild consider it, but as a half caster, the Healing domain from 3.5 could actually be worth it.

Also the 3.5 Nobility domain is decent to play up the knightlyness.

3.5 Protection is basically a trade of more powerful resistance or PFs more frequent. Knowing me I would hoard my 1/day.

2018-04-14, 11:45 AM
My paladins are always hurting for more feats. I would probably grab the ones that grant extra feats.