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View Full Version : Stormsinger with allies 3.5

2018-04-14, 12:22 PM
I want to use the stormsinger PrC as a way of crowd control and damage, because i'm required to have at least 5 levels of bard in my level 12 build. Is there a way for me to make my control weather/winds abilities not harm my allies when they close in?

2018-04-14, 07:21 PM
Shaping could work, basically your area spell doesn't do anything to these specific squares, not sure if that would exactly work with your weather spells.

2018-04-17, 06:24 PM
Bad news: since the Stormsinger ability is (Sp), applying metamagic as to a spell won’t work without DM tweaking. Good news: control winds is already sorta shapable since you can form an eye in the center.

At CL 15, you have five levels of wind force tweaking, which can take you from even 11mph winds to tornado force. If you need an offensive application, simply create a safe zone around your party, set the remaining volume to “puree,” and watch your foes suck up battering and falling damage and let your partymates pick up any spares who pass their saves.

Semi-defensively, widen the safe zone so that your party can engage a front rank of foes while you use the rest of the spell’s AoE to catch their back ranks/support, and turn most any fight into a “cage match” (forcing any foes who want to join the fight to punch through tornado-force winds, much less any foes who want to flee).