View Full Version : Could a diety have the Community (Education) and Death (Plague) domains?

2018-04-15, 03:30 PM
These seem hard to reconcile thematically, but if y’all see a connection, please tell me!

2018-04-15, 04:03 PM
Yes. While gods typically have portfolios that are linked to each other somehow, it's not unthinkable for them to have control over several unrelated spheres. Take the real life example of Mercury, god of Travel, Money, and Poetry. Or Freyja, Goddess of Sorcery, Sex, and War.

However, even ignoring that possibility, I could see a minor God of Grave Rites having those domains linked. Properly carrying out the rituals is a studious process, and the proper treatment of the dead helps prevent plagues from spreading.

2018-04-15, 04:14 PM
These seem hard to reconcile thematically, but if y’all see a connection, please tell me!

Seems ok for a racial deity of rat people, skaven, ratlings and so on.

2018-04-15, 04:24 PM
Yes. While gods typically have portfolios that are linked to each other somehow, it's not unthinkable for them to have control over several unrelated spheres. Take the real life example of Mercury, god of Travel, Money, and Poetry. Or Freyja, Goddess of Sorcery, Sex, and War.

However, even ignoring that possibility, I could see a minor God of Grave Rites having those domains linked. Properly carrying out the rituals is a studious process, and the proper treatment of the dead helps prevent plagues from spreading.

I wonder if undead could be under the grave rites god, too?

2018-04-15, 04:45 PM
You could follow the natural selection within a society viewpoint: a community that is purified through disease is stronger route. Think of a deity of a species that was mostly tribal, and was reticent to form more complex and non-nomadic social structures due to fear of growing weak. The deity made an agreement with them, that it would allow the species to structure itself further and not get weak by culling the weak by its divine intervention - in the form of disease. Which would make a surprisingly pacifistic member of a mostly chaotic evil pantheon.

The above only applies if you focus on the plague aspect.

2018-04-16, 11:48 PM
I don't see why not. It could be a twin aspected deity.

Gwargle, God of Sanitation. In his right hand he holds the book of Cleanliness, as written by Saint Pasteur. In it are proscriptions against disease, and a people who follow his guidelines of washing hands, cooking food, and digging a sewer system will prosper, but those who fail to head his dictates will be struck down by his left hand which bears the Rod of Unsightly Blemishes and Oozing Wounds.

2018-04-17, 01:50 AM
Apollo, god of arts, inspiration (including oracles) sun... and sudden death. The plague was one of his favourite forms of divine wrath.