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2018-04-16, 12:37 AM
Following my advice posted here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22976157&postcount=11) I did some pit fighting - actually my DM just dropped some onto me. There is a fighting pit in the brothel of the town. I was given three rounds. But instead of increasingly skilled combatants my DM rolled for the encounters, prompting me to face the underhanded cheat in the 2nd round (I won the other rounds by the sheer force of my stats).

The guy taunted me, went on the defensive and undid my shoe laces and my belt to greatly hinder me. but I did what every champion would do. I took off everything and then strangled him into unconsciousness using my dirty trousers. No, I did not roleplay having any undergarments. But that is not the point.

I won't live this event down anyway. Notoriety is a stat in the game and mine just went up. Naturally people will create a nickname. Not the group but the DM will usually pick on the best nickname. So I want to get a leg up on the competition and suggest my own nickname to the DM. A few criteria though:

1) Not to smutty. We all love innuendos but I feel it should be subtle. Say subtle enough that my character won't pick up on it and wear the name with pride. Also maybe remember that we have forum rules.
2) We do not play in English so English puns will probably be lost in translation unless they are pretty literal. Try them anyway. (Target language is German)
3) Short and concise. The trouser-choking-brothel-fighter is just too long. 2-3 syllables.

2018-04-16, 03:02 AM
Okay, I've put some thoughts into these:

The Naturalist
Fancy Pants
Snake Wrangler
Trouser Thrasher
Natural Born Killer

2018-04-16, 05:03 AM
The Nature Boy
Named after the professional wrestler Ric Flair, who was known as the Nature Boy throughout his career; in your character's case, a reference to "going au naturel" (ie, naked)

The Dry Cleaner
Particularly during the USA's prohibition era, the phrase "taken to the cleaners" meant to be either robbed for all of your money (usually by losing at cards) or to be killed; the 'cleaner' in this case being a nickname for an assassin or hit-man.
Your guy kills people with his dirty laundry and gets paid all of the money that they gambled on the bout, so clearly it's doubly effective to say that they would get "taken to the dry cleaners"?

"Shy" or "Bashful" <CHAR_NAME>
Professional wrestlers and boxers often had ironic nicknames, such as "Gorgeous" George Wagner or "Baby" Joe Mesi. Something short like "Bashful Keith" would be very much appropriate.

2018-04-16, 06:53 AM
The Dry Cleaner

Funny coincidence because naturally I bought clean clothes and a day at the bathhouse (sans "company", I am not made of money) for my smelly smelly guy who could not afford to shower like the other post apocalyptic snobs.

2018-04-16, 07:51 AM
You know if you have str, dex and cha to back it up nature boy is kinda perfect for ladies man.

2018-04-16, 11:18 AM
You know if you have str, dex and cha to back it up nature boy is kinda perfect for ladies man.

It is body, agility and charisma here. AND MY char only got Body, plus hideous burn scars that actually prevent me from rolling seduction as my dice pool is zero.

2018-04-16, 12:06 PM
That is a fantastic story! If I ever run anything with a fighting pit, he's going to be a rumor/legend there. To actually contribute, here are some possible nicknames:

The Pantsless Punisher
The Debriefed Boxer
The Nude Avenger
Little William (or Willy)
Big William (or Willy)

2018-04-16, 12:07 PM
To streak is to run around naked.

The proposed name: Winning Streak. (A winning streak is a series of wins uninterrupted by a loss.)

Alternately, the Naked Truth, because https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtpOtFIEkbs

2018-04-16, 02:31 PM
Herr Hosen.

It's simple and alliterative, while calling to mind the incident. Anyone saying "Why did he just get called 'Mr. Pants'?" gets told the tale of you strangling a man to death in the ring with pants, while everyone who knows the story will immediately understand why you got the name.

2018-04-16, 05:17 PM
Long John the Skivvy Strangler? Undergrundle/underchunder surprise? Oh. German... Uhhhh. Unterwäschewürger? Unterhosenvernichtung? Hard to say anything in german in 3 syllables, lol... Hodenaus? Hoden Aus sounds like one the crowd would like to cheer him on with. Voll Frontal? Instead of Don Juan... Maybe Don Hans

2018-04-16, 05:21 PM
The Full Monty
Three Legs [actual name] (e.g. Three Legs Johnny)
[Actual Name] Bare Ass
Mr. Cheeks

2018-04-16, 09:08 PM
my german is a bit rusty. I believe der Hosenwürger, is "The trouser strangler"

Der Hosenlos Hammer perhaps

2018-04-17, 05:07 AM
Three Legs [actual name] (e.g. Three Legs Johnny)

British equivalents to that theme of naming would be The Tri-Pod, or possibly The Kick-Stand. The latter would probably have had to involve a motorcycle to be relevant, though.

2018-04-17, 05:10 AM
Three Legs [actual name]

That's a contender thrown in from the medic.

my german is a bit rusty. I believe der Hosenwürger, is "The trouser strangler"

Good idea.

Voll Frontal?

I like that a lot.

Blacky the Blackball
2018-04-17, 09:46 AM
Voll Frontal?

Nice, but it makes me wonder if Der Voller Frontalangreifer would retain its pun value in German?

2018-04-17, 02:14 PM
Nice, but it makes me wonder if Der Voller Frontalangreifer would retain its pun value in German?

1. "Der Volle", not "Der Voller".
2. Since "voll" can mean "drunk", it sadly mostly alludes to a guy who gets drunk and attacks right on. A literal German translation of "Full frontal" has no connotations of nakedness, I'm afraid.

2018-04-18, 07:50 AM
A literal German translation of "Full frontal" has no connotations of nakedness, I'm afraid.

I does not. But considering the cirumstance it could very well be a joke that works. Because "Frontalangriff" is still a word that implies that you are not afraid to attack directly, without anything in between to cover for any mistakes. :smallbiggrin:

British equivalents to that theme of naming would be The Tri-Pod

I just like "three-legs" because Dreibein is tripod in German. And I like short nicknames. Dreibein has two syllables so it is likely to be used and stick as name.

2018-04-18, 08:10 AM
Suggestion: Der Nacktschrecken (somewhat punny on Nacktschnecke ETA: and Nachtschreck(en)).

2018-04-21, 06:54 PM
1) Not to smutty. We all love innuendos but I feel it should be subtle. Say subtle enough that my character won't pick up on it and wear the name with pride. Also maybe remember that we have forum rules.
2) We do not play in English so English puns will probably be lost in translation unless they are pretty literal. Try them anyway. (Target language is German)
3) Short and concise. The trouser-choking-brothel-fighter is just too long. 2-3 syllables.

DER WÄSCHEVERNICHTER ( needs to be pronounced in all caps )
Hosenzerstörer ( not really good imho )
Der würgende Wäscher ( a play on "Rächer" involving textiles )