View Full Version : LOC IC - A Perfect Sphere In Nothing

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-17, 03:07 PM
There exists the void. And a Perfect Sphere. The perfect sphere is the first life. It feels so lonely. With, its last act of power it died. What is worth living when that is all there is?

The shards of its power shattered, and some scattered to the void that surrounded the perfect earthen sphere. Some remained in the heart of the sphere. They were life. These divines need not be lonely. These divines know what change is.

These divines are the Lords of Creation!

OOC: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?556436-LOC-OOC-A-Perfect-Sphere-in-Nothing

2018-04-17, 03:12 PM
Orbis Terrarum, The Void

Orbis Terrarum was the first one to waken he was satisfied in the void, but not happy. He wanted more, but saw the universe around him as utterly perfect, so he waited. Waited for something to happen for a spark to make the universe even better. There was no bad, so the universe was all good from his perspective. He had started to think though of endless ideas of might, and magic, of shadow, and darkness. Of life. And existence, of discovery. So many ideas, but all came at the risk of evil being done.

2018-04-17, 03:15 PM
Sheloth woke up to a boring world. Sheloth began planning his first work.

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-17, 03:20 PM
Line, Lord of Life - The Void

Line was a lightin the void. He though he saw some others too. He didn't really care. He looked down at the earthen sphere so far below. His expression could almost convey sympathy. From his light statue form two bulbous boils began to erupt. They grew so very long that they began to entrail and around each other. When the wrapping was thorough. Line ripped them off. He didn't feel it.

The wrapping continued as if they were a ball of yarn. They grew larger. It grew larger now, as it began harder to see the entanglement in its blinding light. It grew larger and larger as it writhed itself away from line.

Then it stopped. The enormous thing stopped moving. Line made his way to it. He hid in its brightness. This was the son, it would provide light and heat to the world below.

11 AP = 16 AP - 5 AP: Create Major Artefact: The Sun (Curse/Bless artefact)

2018-04-17, 03:20 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

As Orbis Terrarum waited in the perfect void, something began to emerge. Somewhere in the eternal darkness appeared the antithesis. A small pinprick of light, seemingly an eternity away. That pinprick of light suddenly became two, then four, then eight. Soon, both the Void and the Sphere were illuminated by a glorious twilight of thousands of newborn stars and another: A great winged creature seeming to sparkle with the same light as the stars it had created. This was Noctilux, the First Dragon, and he had brought light to this new world.

Obviously, Noctilux is creating Stars of the night sky. Which I believe would cost me 2 AP if I'm reading this stuff correctly.

16 AP-2 AP to Create Land (the Stars)= 14 AP

2018-04-17, 03:33 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux was pleased with what he saw, until he noticed another in the infinite void creating light of his own. While Noctilux's light was beautiful and soothing, this was harsh and blinding. Noctilux's light was a cool calmness, while this new light demanded it be seen by all. The sun did not please the First Dragon, something would have to be done about it in the future.

2018-04-17, 03:49 PM
Orbis Terrarum, The Void

Now one of the very reasons was taken away. The Darkness. He wanted it to be dark, but understood that it wouldn't be possible without interfering with the creations of his brethren a despicable act. So, instead he decided to take it from the perspective of the first world. So he decided to create night, and day. The night without the bothersome sun in the way, and the stars calming were allowed to be seen in the night. He would have to grow accustomed to it, but even so he accepted this as a worthwhile endeavor. This wasn't a planned endeavor, but rather it just made sense to him to do so. The day would be half as long as the night. At least for now he thought.

-1 blessing(night and day) a sweet protective, and comfortable time of day. This allows people to have a pleasant time from the harsh environment of the day. Aggression is muted at night making it less likely for any creature to attack another during this time.
-2 advanced concept(time) The passing of days inherent even before creatures ever existed.

2018-04-17, 04:03 PM
Zemirah, A Symphony for a Songbird.

Shadows gather in the emptiness, how there are shadows without light it could not be said, however they are there swirling in a whirlwind of black and grey feathering. A shape takes form a head, a beak, it’s a bird a massive bird. If there was light in would cast a shadow, if there was a village they would bask in it’s shade. But there were none of these things, for now the bird was alone. A fear of being seen overwhelms the bird and it shrinks itself down to something more appropriate. It supposes it could call itself human, if such a thing existed. The only sign left of her colossal bird form a dress of carefully woven together feathers black in the bust fading to grey in the waist and white in the tail.

This new being looks out across the emptiness and shudders, it was quiet too quiet. As she stared out across the world Zemirah listened only to her own breath and a sound of humming in her head. The humming sparked something within her and she feels a power build up deep in the pit of her stomach. She smiles as she begins to compose a song, a symphony of sounds no words yet those would come later provided by something, someone else. As the sounds come to her Zemirah closes her eyes and imagines the breeze that carried her here. She imagines the sounds she heard as she found her power and she adds that to the symphony. She slowly moves out her hands and begins moving them as if plucking strings on an instrument. Feathers from her dress flutter up and form parts of a frame, her shadow helps outline other parts wisping about the bottom half of the triangular shape like black and grey fire. She looked at what she had created unwittingly a harp and it echoed part of her will.

She continues her song and wind begins to gather but it’s the kind of wind that can only be heard by the right people, felt by the right people. Plucking from the harp she pours more of her will into the song and feels the harp play to the tune, so this was to be her creation’s purpose then. Zemirah floats back and just listens to the wind and harp and takes note as the instrument plays itself. She lets the new wind carry the symphony across the world and she does so she blesses her creation so that only the chosen can hear the song in the wind. Zemirah smiles and wonders what will come to her next what new things were their yet to see. Wanting to share this feeling with others she weaves together some more power this time only a small amount to allow others to write songs as she has.

Starting AP = 16

Songwriters Harp: (Create Major Artifact -5) Crafted from Her own feathers and shadow the Songwriters Harp constantly plays Zemirah’s first symphony generating it to the winds, the heart of her first song the harp provides a discount to Mythical concepts - (Magic (Arcane Symphony) 5/10)

The Arcane Symphony: (Create Mythical Concept -4+discount = -3) Carried on the wind generated by the songwriters harp the arcane symphony is Zemirah’s first song an ode to the power within her that she is willing to share with others. The symphony is carried wherever the wind blows and powered by emotion like the music that fueled it. users of the Arcane Symphony take segments of the song to perform magical deeds. Shaping it into different forces to manipulate the world around them. (For anyone curious this is just Arcane magic but with the fluff of being music based.) - (Magic (Arcane Symphony) 8/10)

A silent breeze: (Bless -1) Zemirah has blessed the The Arcane Symphony so that is only heard by those able to use it. A kindness on her behalf so that those unable to access the magics of her music are not plagued by constant noise. - (Magic (Arcane Symphony) 9/10)

Songwriting: (Create mundane concept -1) Wanting to share the joy of creation with even the tiniest of creatures Zemirah has provided this knowledge free to all willing to learn it. She also hopes this will lead to those blessed with ability to use her symphony to write symphonies of their own - (Magic (Arcane Symphony) 10/10)

obtain domain Magic (Arcane Symphony)
Major Artifact (5)
Mythical Concept (3)
Bless (1)
Mundane concept (1)

AP= 16 -5 -3 -1 -1 = 6

EDIT: Added more to the Arcane symphony so that there is less confusion on what it is.

2018-04-17, 04:58 PM
Ekmelao slithered out of the gap between nothing and everything, and saw... nothing much. A hostile orb of fire- just talk about poor taste, getting all of that scorching heat everywhere- a boring ball of earth, and a bunch of mildly bright spheres doing nothing of interest off in the distance. No joy, or fulfillment, or variegated beauty- a cyclic, static world.

He could change it. He could taste potential in the air, the creative spark of divinity intermingling with the noxiousness of nothingness, the acrid burn of boredom. There would be other divinities fiddling with the fabric of the world, in time, other holy sparks lighting the logs of infinity on fire and on ice. Most of them wouldn’t be quite as benevolent as he was- he was going to have a conversation with whoever decided to light the sky on fire, what a dreadful idea- so he’d have to act quickly.

He could change the world. So he did.

The flower of his tail let out a plume of pollen, and one of its petals wilted, ever so slightly, and was shed, drifting slowly to the ground below it. The air itself seemed to hiss with tension, and the ground shook with power, great cracks arising from it. The moment the petal, ever so softly, brushed the ground, the cracks erupted- each shot an enormous spout of water, and each spout soon sunk to the earth, crashing in an enormous wave.

The whole planet was covered in water within moments, and the pollen he had released? It seeded itself, everywhere there was water, growing within minutes into great corals and seaweeds and sharks and squids, and into the smallest of minnows.

The world was barren no longer.

The Ocean (Alter Land, 1 AP): It’s an ocean. Not too much to explain about it. It has, you know, water. It’s probably going towards some sort of ‘Water (Oceans)’ domain, but no promises.

2018-04-17, 05:00 PM
Sheloth's First Sculpting
"Ah, now I can see. Time to get to work" Sheloth's multitude of hands emerged from his body and a brilliant swirling ray of colors emerged from the fingertips. They envelope a portion of the sphere along the equator. Where the light touches the surface, obsidian begins to form. Soon a massive plateau the size of South and Central America is raised from the surface. The new mass of stone is in the shape of two hands holding aloft an eyeball. The pupil and parts of the iris have been left untouched, leaving deep valleys and chasms. The hands are mountainous while the the eye has a sloping curve starting from the edge and rising to the pupil. The mountains are topped with bright glittering crystals and filled with shining veins of metal. The raised stone of the eye is then covered with a layer of soil and from that soil plants burst forth. In the iris, a massive jungle the size of Mexico forms full of colorful life. Brightly colored reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, and mammals flourish. In the sclera, a massive field of grass forms, broken by the odd tree or crystal formation. Herds of bison and zebras graze, stalked by prides of lions and hyenas. Meandering rivers cut through the grasslands and jungle, filled with fish and crocodiles. They all start at the pupil, a massive pit the size of Uruguay filled with water. On the edges of the eye and hands, glittering black beaches mark the transition from land to ocean. Pleased with his work, Sheloth withdrew his hands into his enshrouding mist. "I shall call it Arkan, my first work of art."

2 AP Create land
(Nature (Evolution))
New Total 16 - 2 = 14

2018-04-17, 05:56 PM
Zemirah - A brand new sound

Zemirah floated in the air swaying back and forth listening to her harp and the wind. Suddenly an interruption to the sound this was a new sound. Could it be the world was no longer quiet? She opened her eyes and observed the water filling the world below. She floated down, carrying her harp with her, and listened to the wind skim across the surface, raising and lowering the water. She listened to the water clap against itself as wind created small waves. Her wind was adapting changing.

As quickly as the water had appeared there was a quake within the earth. Just another sound for Zemirah to enjoy another sound to add to her songs. She took to the air once more to find out what was going on. Land began to raise from the sea water spilled off it and immediately tried to claim it back. Waves crashing against it's shores. She floated toward it and listened to these new sounds there were chirps and crashing water. And again her wind was adapting it was moving between trees and creating a brand new sound.

Zemirah was filled with excitement. This world was filling itself with inspiration. She couldnt help but smile ideas stacked upon ideas filled her with joy and one in particular filled her with menacing glee. She placed her harp down on the beach and tuned some of the strings. She then began plucking chords as she did she whispered secrets and lies into the harp and they passed into the breeze. As Zemirah plucked her final chord she whispered one last thing into the harp and let it carry away on the wind. "Find me."

She picked up her harp and smiled things were going well. she then returned to the sky where the wind was abundant and she could listen and watch.

AP =6
Whispers on the wind: (Divine infusion -3) The songwriters harp now whispers things into the wind carrying the sound of secrets and lies through the breeze, much like the arcane symphony it is rarely heard by those who are not gifted but sometimes whispers will sneak out. - (Darkness (whispers) 3/10)

AP = 6 - 3 = 3

2018-04-17, 06:06 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

For a while, Noctilux reveled in the new concept of 'night'. The void dotted with his beautiful creations was everything he could have wanted. Until he heard something. Echoing through the void he heard a beautiful sound coming from below. The First Dragon looked below and saw the Sphere for the first time, and it amazed him. He wasn't sure what drew him to this strange land below, but Noctilux felt an urge to care for this Sphere, to watch over it as best he could.

With a wave of his mighty wings, Noctilux reached out, diving down through the void and towards the Sphere. Behind the First Dragon followed numerous stars, streaking behind him as he passed from the void into the Sphere. He landed on a small patch of land and looked out. This sphere was changing, life was being created and other divine beings were working their way through the Sphere. Their creations would need guides, protectors, rulers.

Noctilux gathered the stars that followed into one hand, and a handful of Earth into the other. Closing his hands together, the First Dragon breathed life into the earth and stars. Suddenly, springing forth from his hands were great reptillian beasts, scales of vibrant colors and great wings to allow them to soar through the sky.

"You are my children, my Dragons. Go out onto this Sphere, watch the others shape the world. Grow wise and powerful, and one day you will be looked upon as teachers and rulers until you return to my Void once again." And with that, Noctilux's children flew across the Sphere, eager to explore this young world.

14 AP

Create Mythical Life (Dragons): 4 AP

14-4= 10AP

2018-04-17, 06:54 PM
A titan’s rise.

Upon the first world in a vast waste land that stretched uninterrupted from horizon to horizon the ground started to shake and rive. Until finally the ground broke apart and a mighty arm reach strait for the heavens. Soon a great mass of rock, soil and dirt was lifted and thrown, revealing the top half of a large humanoid trying to dig them self out of the ground.

Krause torn up the ground and throw around great chunks. After a time, the god stood up to his waist in a mess of a hole of his own making, free at last. Krause looked around at the featureless plain, the only things of note to him was himself, the hole he had dug and the mounds of soil he had haphazardly made.

He waited for something to happen and waited… and waited. When nothing happened, he tipped over a mound causing a land slide so something would happen. Then he waited for something else to happen… and he waited… and waited. His boredom slowly turned to annoyance then to frustration then to anger and finally his anger turned to rage. In his blind rage Krause, one again torn up great amounts of the earth, fling them in all directions.

As his range slowly faded he notice the sinking dust clouds kicked up by his rage. Krause was mesmerized be the sinking dust as it swirly and danced in the water. He had a moment of awareness, he could make something happen, he could shape the earth to cure his boredom. But Krause though as the dust finally landed on the ground this thing… this stagnation, it opposes my work my joy. Why must things settle in place?

He known he would have no joy and the world would be boring if he didn’t oppose this “stagnation”. In a moment of insight Krause decided he would make something to oppose his foe… mortals.
The god set to work fast with passion, with divine powers he drew great stones from the earth and melded them in to a great mass. He chiselled, shaped and infused the mass with his energy. Half his size would be a reasonable size for a mortal he thought.

So, Krause worked and worked… and worked, slowly his passion started to fade and he felt the stagnation creeping in. In rage he lifted his hands above his head and slammed them down with all his force. The rock statue he was working on shattered into thousands of pieces, some gigantic some small.

Calm returned to the god and he looked at his broken creation. This was taking too long; one creature would never be enough. His eye was draw to a small shard in the shape of a humanoid. The god worked quick on this shard and soon the second giant was born. Before the new giant could think its god order to build more of its kind. The small giant worked and soon there was a third then a fourth. With each build the next was finished faster then the last.
None the giants quite know when Krause stopped working and sit upon the seabed mesmerised watching his creations work.

The fall of a people.

After the somewhat chaotic beginning of their people, the giants slowed down. They organised themselves and stated to ask the questions about life. Most started to build their city, works an art or start taking the early tentative steps of philosophy. But a small number kept building giants, but even they took breaks to sleep, build homes and talk to each other.

It started a haphazard set of homes, then grew to a village, then a town and finally a city. The giants started to organist their homes and life’s, everything grew to have a place and everything was moved to its place.

The stone people grew happy and some say prosperous. They partied, they played and they took upon the arts. All under the watchful eyes of their god, who sat watching not moving since the giants had been made. Temples were built at Krause’s feet and inside them prayers and ceremonies took place thanking their god for the great life they had.

Then after (according to the records) years of sitting their god moved and stood up. He raised his hand above his head and divine energy flowed in to his fist. Many prayed joyously, thinking this time blessed for their god had moved. Others seeing what was to come ran, ran for their lives!

The punch came fast, too fast. From it came a weave of force traveling in all directions. Following the wave that shatter all it touched was a current, the current held dust, stones, homes and giants far too slow.

The ground shatter, splintered, rose and fell, destroying and crunching what the current spared. In a moment the giant’s first and last city was not but dust slowly sinking. A handful of giants crawled out of their city with proxy limbs.

Most of the few survivors were out of the city when the wave caught up to them. Beyond the worst of it the wave only spread cracks though out their body, the current only threw like a toy, the ground only shifted under their feet. But it was all too clear that the broken giants were scatted to the wind.

Was the wave was gone the giants herd one word from their god. “STAGNATION” it was spoken with such disgust none of the giants for got it.

Starting 16ap
Create Mythical Life (4ap): giants
Giants are humanoid shaped stone creatures. They are bald, lack ears and noise besides small holes in their head which seem as effective. Giants stand about 6 meters (about 20 feet) tall and are roughly proportioned like an adult human.

Giants are built not born. The baby giant is carved from stone, then energy is infused in to the body give it life. Newly built giants are about 3 meters (10 feet) tall and look exactly like small adults. Children grown to full size rapidly in about a year.

Giants don’t need food, water or air. However, they do need sleep about 8 hours every 48, normally done as 4 hours of sleep each day. Giants have raped healing, able to heal almost any injury provided they don’t die from the injury. Giants can heal deep cracks and gashes in about a day.

Giants can form what they call “proxy limbs” should their real limbs be remove at the time. They can form this proxy limbs out of just about material from the earth/ground, metal, dirt, mud stone, sand and ever glass. Stone from other giants can’t every be used of proxy limbs, even if it was from the giant trying to use it. A proxy limb is held in place and a giant may only apply force as the could with their own limb. As such a strong proxy limb would be stiff unless it has joints in right place or is made from a number of piece. A giant can only hold on to a proxy limb for a finite time, after which it falls off (and apart if the giant was the only thing holding it together).

Giant are surprisingly nimble for their weight and size, being about as nimble as a human would be. Giants are unsurprisingly strong easily being able to hold twice their great weight above their head for a long time, while in heavy armor.

Beyond being made of stone are hard to put down only truly dying if their chest is shattered. It is not unknow for a giant to survive while missing a chunk of their chest.

Form Society (2AP): wandering giants

After the shattering the giants felt that any other city or long-term settlement would be inviting the wrath of the god. As such almost all giants tribes are nomadic traveling, never staying in one place for more their one of their sleep cycle (48 hours). Most of these tribes are small family groups consisting of two to three families.
Most conflicts with in the tribes are solved thought fighting, these fights have two rules. One you must be prepared to lose whatever you bring in to the fight, meaning they must own it and their tribe can’t afford to lose it. The second rule is you must keep pace with their caravan. Outside of that the only rule as those that a fighter can enforce.

Most of the scattered tribes view repetition as a form of bad luck, leading to the practice of assigning labour often using means of chance to reduce the chance of any member doing the same job twice in a row.

Children are often raised by the whole tribe and are expected to work as soon as they can walk and follow orders. This meaning that most children are working within a cycle of being built.
Giant tribes often raid the lands of other people, not for a need of any material or knowledge. Some raid thinking that their god wills them to, some are under the notion that by raiding their own stagnation will be overlooked by Krause. Some think that they are helping the place that raid disrupting their lives and the stagnation those people have grown to accept. After all burned fields and dead soldiers are a small price when the alternative is being smitten by a god.

alter land (1ap): the shattered land

Out in a wilderness there are a web of cracks in the first world itself. It is said that the shattered land is so vast that there is no place upon the ground for were one can see it all. Most of the shattered lands are a network of gorges so deep that from their top you can’t see their bottoms. The ‘mounts’ that can only be called such as the are surrounded by the gorgers are flat at their tops.
The closer to the centre of the shattered land one gets, they find that the ‘mounters’ have been heaved, tossed around and settled in to place. Closer yet again one will sand and shards in greater number and growing ever smaller. Until one reaches the centre were lies a great mount of fine dust, too large for the current to move. This gust is all that remains of the first and last city of the giants.

alter land (1ap): valleys

The shattering shock much of the first world (see earthquakes below), in many places causing the ground to split forming most (but not all) of the valleys upon the fist world.

curse (1ap): earthquakes
Parts of the first world still shack from time to time, a reminder of the raw force of the shattering. These quakes normally last but a few minutes if that. most of the quakes are too weak for most to notice. The most noticed ones are the ground shaking with little force. Most of the noticeable quakes are more an annoyance then a threat, well build building easily withstanding them without being damage.

However, there are quakes that shift the ground and collapse building upon it. these destructive quakes are rare normally one ever hundred years at most.

Some regions of the first world never get earthquakes while other regions get far more than their fair share. However even in places where quakes are common, noticeable quakes are never more frequent that once a week.

curse (1ap): death.
Should a mortal suffer critical failure of the machinery and processes that they are, they DIE. a dead mortal's mind and memories is lost for ever unless they have some sort of soul.

repairing the damage machinery of the mortal (healing) is normally not enough be its self to return a mortal to life. Mortals (at less biological ones) tend to have their machinery break down further while dead.

16ap-4-2-1-1-1-1= 6ap

2018-04-17, 07:20 PM
Xedes, the Strident Truth

*The Sphere*

Shattering glass, this was the first sound the being known as Xedes heard. Ripping its body free of its earthen womb, this titanic lobster-like creature made its first earth-shaking steps upon the Sphere. A dark purple crustacean shell shook the remnants of stonefrom its hide as great bulky claws snapped at empty air. Its tail, like a webbed hand with barbed fingers stretched out to grasp at the water beneath it, cut large lines in the soft wet soil as it absentmindedly bounced up and down. At its head, a mass of neon green tentacles writhed in the air as a single star-filled eye looked to the heavens. For but the briefest of moments, Xedes as content. Then the first question exploded into his mind. “WHERE AM i?!” Soon more and more question formed and ricocheted inside its skull. WhoamIWhatisthisplaceHowdidIgethereWhatisthissubst ancebeneathmeWhenwillthisendWhydoesithurtWhatistha tpainfulballintheVoidWhatispain!!!!!

Under the weight of its unceasing inquires, its mind snapped. It had to get the words out of its head. It smashed its ship-sized claws against its head over and over again. Great fountains of neon green blood pooled beneath the suffering god, staining the great body of water with its soft glow. Finally with one painful wordless scream, Xedes fell beneath the waves. As its mountain sized body impact with the ground, a continent-sized fissure split so deeply that no light could hope to illuminate its depths. For a time uncountable by mortals, the great broken one lay under the great surf, whimpering to itself in its agony. Eventually, the inferno of his inquiries quieted into an ever-burning fire of curiosity that demanded the godly being rise from the depths to seek out the truths that would quell them. As he rose to full height once more, it noticed that the ocean where it stood now glowed a soft green color beneath the star-filled sky. It spent only a short time taking in the view before it turned its great body away and began laboriously roaming across the sphere. As the blood filled ocean of his home boiled under the sun's rays, invisible (to mortals) vapors began to collect in the sky. These vapors seemed to deflect much of the sun's rays away from the sphere, cooling it gently over time. However, with this change in temperature came a change in the state of the world. For sense the beginning, there was only the Sphere and the Void. Were a creature to fly to high, they would plummet into the Void forever. Xedes, noticing this Sad Truth, discovered the Good Truth its vaporous blood could reveal. Reaching one great claw into the boundary between the Void and the Sphere, Xedes whipped the vapors into a thin membrane that covered the sphere. This membrane swirled through multiple colors before settling into a soft teal during the day before slowly shifting into a dark purple (almost black) at night. However, the membrane of the Unfallen Sea never blocked the celestial bodies of the Void. For they were a Primeval Truth that must be accepted. But now the creatures of the Sphere could swim through the Unfallen Sea and discover the Truths of this world without fear of falling prey to the Truth of Endless Falling.

12 AP = 4 - 16
Alter Land 1: The Emerald Luminescence (Ocean)
Alter Land 1: The Scar of Xedes (A unfathomably deep trench beneath the Emerald Luminescence)
Blessing 1: The Atmosphere
Blessing (or Curse depending on your view) 1: The Unfallen Sea (the sky)

Domains in Progress:
Water Domain of some kind: 2/10
Sky Domain: 2/10?

2018-04-17, 08:49 PM
Sheloth's New Pets
Looking down at the the sphere, Sheloth watched the others gods creations. Seeing the wondrous dragons inspired Sheloth to create his own creatures. Three hands emerged from his body and reached towards the continent of Arkan. Snapping off a mountaintop, he planted it in the soil and began shaping it. Soon a feline form emerged. It had the body and head of a lion. The body is covered in metallic stripes and covered in fur. Its mouth and tail were that of scorpion. The tail was tipped by a sharp pointed crystal that was coated in a film of hallucinogenic poison. Its legs were covered in hard scales. Its feet were talons like a bird of prey. Its claw tips were made of jet black obsidian blades. Right behind the the shoulder blades are a massive pair of bat-like wings. Pleased with his work, he began creating more copies. Some were male with magnificent golden manes and some were females with a larger body. He made sure to make each one unique. After creating 50,000 of them, he spread them over the continent and watched them take their first steps.
He then looked over the other life, and was disappointed in the sameness he saw. He decided to bless the continent with Biodiversity. The land of Arkan is full of many different forms of life in a variety of shapes and colors.
Satisfied, he withdrew his hands and resumed planning his next creation.

Create Monstrous Life 1 AP, Manticore
Blessing 1 AP, Biodiversity
Nature (Evolution)
New AP Total 14 - 1 - 1 = 12 AP

2018-04-17, 09:10 PM
In the darkness of the night, there lay a plain human creature, who knows whether it had slumbered for hours or millennia as its story had not yet started. Still on the distant winds it heard a few notes of music, and so it’s eyes snapped open and it began to sing a song of creation.

I close my eyes and I can see
The world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, the midnight door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home

As he sung forms emerged from the lands of Akron below him, wisps of divine energy finding their way into the air itself and summoning new life from it.

As it may, I will say it all sounds crazy
As it may, and perhaps I’ve lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, so I’ll be crazy
They can live in a world that I design

By this verse a number of the creatures had formed, five foot tall with twin horns that climb another foot and long prehensile tails, yet the were still humanoid and even as they grasped the earth for the first time a few of them joined in this chorus.

Because this night I lay asleep
The sweetest voice comes from the deep
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all it's gonna take
A million dreams for the world I’m gonna make

With his eyes now fully open, and him taking on the aspects of these creatures, Geurletta looks around, smiling as some of the creatures continue in his absence even if they’re to new to understand words. “One day, I will have to teach you heroics and war, but I suppose I can teach you of song first”. With that he breathed a spark into those that had sung with him, and retreated to the heavens as yet more of the creatures emerged from the mists.

Create Sapient Life (2AP): The Silent Singers
Creatures of a mysterious origin, they live mostly in areas such as mountains or jungles, they have prehensile tails to help them move and clamber and are lithe and commonly stealthy. They also speak at an extremely high pitch, inaudible to most humanoids but stories have spread that if you can hear, then you will notice beautiful sing-song voices. At current they have no homeland but travel the width and breadth of the world.

Bless (1AP): The silent singers have a natural ability to learn and deal with music both traditional and mystical.

5/10 Society (Bards)

2018-04-17, 09:25 PM
Golgari awoke from a deep slumber, stretching her wings. She could not remember how long she had slept and could only remember vaguely who she was. Deciding she needed time to find herself and strategize, she chose to create an extra space in reality: another plane. The beautiful world below had barely begun. Its first life, dragons, may be a target in the future, Golgari thought.

“Ok, time to create home sweet home, I guess!”

With that Golgari closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she found herself standing on an infinite flat plane. There was a black void above her, stretching into infinity. The world she saw before which had the water on it and dragons flying about was nowhere to be seen.

“I think my name is Golgari. Yes, that seems right. What should I call this place? I know—Necropolis!I should probably make myself a temple and a dwelling here. Better yet, I will make a mansion. I’ll call it Necropolis University because I’ll train my devotees here. I will only have the best worshippers with the most knowledge and cunning! Also, note to self: I should probably stop saying everything I thing out loud.”

With a girlish giggle, Golgari watched as the plane transformed before her eyes. There is still an “outside”, but beside the two outer walls separating the outside from the inside, only “inside” exist if you continue up, north, or west once inside the building. The plane’s sole structure has infinite rooms, all numbered with a gold number, and starting with 1, and grouped into blocks with infinite hallways crisscrossing. Being an infinite building, room 1 is placed on the bottom floor of the structure, in the extreme southwest corner. There is a door leading to the outside of the infinite building in the southwest corner of room 1. Beyond room one, there are infinite kinds of room among the infinite room, including bedrooms, classrooms, dining rooms, kitchens (cooking rooms), torture rooms, and so on. One thing the entire building has in common outside the rooms, however, is its red carpeted halls and white walls, all kept spotlessly clean. Lightbulbs (though nobody calls them that yet) are hanging from the ceilings of each room in chandeliers and throughout the halls in vanity light fixtures. The outside of the building is very rich and ornate. Returning to room 1, there is a ladder in its southwest corner leading to a series of trap doors leading to the infinite rooms above. Above room 1 there is 1st∞+1, above 1st∞+1, there is 2nd∞+1, and so on and on forever. All doors and trapdoors can be locked and/or unlocked by the will of Golgari, or with a key to that door. If one holds the key to your forehead, they are automatically transported to that room, key still in hand. All rooms facing the exterior of the building have windows which cannot be broken, but which can be opened from the inside.

“Looks good so far, now to make it truly mine...”

Letting out a warrior’s squeal which could be heard infinitely in all directions, a couple large chunks of Golgari’s being infused both the plane and the infinite building on the plane...

This is necropolis and necropolis university.

Starting AP: 16/16

Weave Plane (4 AP): Necropolis (count towards domain Plane (Necropolis))

Create Major Artifact, (Utility: -1 (-2 since also made relic) discount on creating advanced concepts) (5 AP): Necropolis University (count towards domain Plane (Necropolis))

Infuse Necropolis University, Creating Relic (3 AP) (count 1 towards domain Plane (Necropolis) and 2 towards Panopoly (Education)

Infuse Plane of Necropolis, Creating Manse (3 AP) (count towards Panopoly (Education))

—Ok, these are my starter rules for the Necropolis Manse:
This is a Lawful Evil plane, where nobody (mortal or god) can die, age, engage in combat, lie, or break a promise. Those who make promises feel more and more ill until they can fulfill that promise. All who are currently on the plane are compelled by magic to speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth, being compelled to answer every question asked to the best of their ability. Only friends of Golgari the goddess can enter this plane. Everybody who is on this plane can fly, and use a room’s key to teleport directly to that room. Golgari reserves the right to change these rules whenever she could alter her plane in any way.


Juicy Kisses
2018-04-17, 09:27 PM
Vask, Risen From the Dirt

Its roots began to grow tall from the vast ocean below. They grew and grew until its peak nearly clawed at the void above. It would become the first home to be inhabited by her progeny. Within its molten center, Vask basked in its red hot glory. She gazed upon her creation, and then looked out upon the rest of the sphere. It needs more, she thought. More roots grew throughout the sphere, speckling its surface with mountains and hills, large and small. Beautiful spikes of earth rising from the ground, growing from their roots like trees.

These great rocks needed more than just their outward majesty, however. They needed purpose. Thus, Vask would create her first children. From the stone atop her volcano she pulled a living being. A short creature, but a stout one, standing at about 4 feet and 6 inches tall. His beard a deep, rich yellow like gold. Thrond, would be his name. He would be the swiftest of his brothers. From the dirt by the base of the volcano, she pulled another being. His beard red like fire, and his muscles strong like iron. Thrain would be his name. He would be the strongest of his brothers. From the mud that formed by the ocean, she pulled yet another being. His beard was white like silver and twisted into dreads, his skin a rich bronze. Thrask, would be his name. He would be the wisest of his brothers. From their children, the first society of dwarves would be made. They carved their city out of Ha'lainn, the great volcano which had served as their birthplace. Mining served them well, and they dug deep into its surface, careful not to dig into its molten core.

AP: 16
-2 AP, Create Land, created the massive volcano, Ha'lainn, out of the ocean. It would serve as the first home for the dwarves. [Nature(Tectonics) 2/10]
-1 AP, Alter Land, created mountains all across the sphere. [Nature(Tectonics) 3/10]
-2 AP, Create Sapiant Life(Dwarves), [Life(Dwarves) 2/10]
-2 AP, Form Society(Ha'lainn), the first society of the dwarves. [Life(Dwarves) 4/10]

2018-04-17, 09:33 PM
A shard of the sphere crackled forth like lightning. Up, up from the very heart, and to the surface of the newborn earth. There was a KABOOM as the lightning struck a great stone. The stone was cracked clear open, and the greatest storm that ever will be roared forth. The black clouds poured forth like a flood. They rumbled and shook and roiled, with furious lightning leveling mountains and setting fire to plains. Hurricane gales screamed about the whole universe, uprooting trees and whipping up the ocean waters. Then suddenly from the midst of them cried out a loud voice:


And they were.

The clouds lightened. The cruel winds slowed and became kinder. Even the thunder softened from a great clash to a gentle, purring rumble. And after a moment of stillness, the blessed rain poured down and watered the young earth.

And from the stone the lightning first struck emerged the lion god Mazathustra. He gazed up as his glorious storm as it changed from wrathful lightning and torrents to gentle drizzles and mist. He felt the dew in his fur and the wind against his mane, and was content.

2018-04-17, 09:38 PM
Zemirah - A fellow musician

The goddess floated amongst the clouds for some time just listening to the world as it moved on suddenly the most beautiful noise reached her ears carried on the wind. Someone was singing she became excited once more and floated toward the noise. Her shyness overwhelmed her and she quickly cloaked her self in her own shadow. She watched this voice in the night. He created like she did with the power of music.

And as quickly as it all happened it was over, and this strange other god left. She chewed on her nail, she wanted to follow him to meet him but Zemirah was too shy. She plucked her Harp gently once more and once again whispered into it "Find me" she let the wind carry her whispers and hoped this other musician would hear it. Then she waited watching these new creatures... they sang too it was beauty for the ears

2018-04-17, 11:00 PM
Guerletta- A fellow musician

Guerletta was at this pint quite content, song was coming forth from these sons and daughters of his creation and while the music they made was still experimental and unsure he knew that one day they would create ballads of glory to inspire any champion.

How caught up was he in these new experiments of music that he almost missed the careless whisper carried to him on the winds. Yet the voice was one of so blessed in these arts he could not help but look to them. Hence he set about the area searching for this voice. Letting a hand drop he felt into the body of this once-god for answers.

I’ll ask of all the beings beneath this sun and moon
All those who’ve ever raged or wept or grinned.
Who is that singing with the voices of the mountains?
Whose talent paints with all the colours of the wind?


Guided by the music Guerletta stepped once more into existence and yet found only shadow there, the whisper long having escaped. He looked down once more at the singers down in the ground, and felt their presence, yet that was all to similar to his own and that which he had heard was of a new type entirely. Where are you? though who has asked me to find you? For the music speaks of you being near and I have followed it.

2018-04-17, 11:13 PM
Zemirah - A fellow Musician

Zemirah reaches out a hand from the shadows and taps the god on his shoulder. She mumbles a reply suddenly far to shy to communicate coherently. "You found me." she had words she wanted to convey but couldnt this was all too much she almost turned tail and ran. But something about this other god inspired in her a modicum of courage and she waited for a reply all the while humming a new tune in her head. Bards may yet sing of this day the day two gods of music met.

2018-04-18, 01:09 AM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

As Noctilux's children soared off to explore this new world, the First Dragon gave them a place to return to. He slowly looked up to the night sky overhead, where his first creations still shone with the pale light of twilight. The other gods shaped their children from the earth, but Noctilux's children were of the Void, and they would dwell closer to their birthplace.

With a wave of his hand, Noctilux pulled the earth he stood upon from the Sphere, raising a whole continent into the air. Higher and higher it flew, hanging the continent between the Void and the Sphere. He smiled, looking upon the new continent as more and more of his dragons started to roost upon it. He had given them life, now he had given them a homeland.

While his dragons established their kingdom and soared through the skies, Noctilux took to the skies as well. The Sphere was new to him, and he wished to see more of it.

10 AP to start with.

2AP to Create Land (Floating Continent)+ 2 AP to Create Society (Kingdom of the Dragons)=4 AP

10 AP-4 AP= 6 AP

Progress towards New Domain:

Darkness (Night): 2/10 (For creating the Stars)

2018-04-18, 01:45 AM
Guerletta- A fellow musician

I suppose I did. replies Guerletta, showing a reluctance that hadn’t been felt until he met with this new being. A nervous glance takes vision downwards, towards the singers below. Ah yes, wonderful aren’t they, formed of song and of magic with nothing else, great performers even now I hope that they’ll take to the martial arts just as quickly. Within the glowing mist that makes up Guerletta’s current form modes begin to glow and close together.

Anyway, yes. I suppose that I did find you, I suppose that I’m Guerletta, May I ask your name shadowsinger?

As the form condenses further it is shown to be a humanoid, clad in sparkling scale mail brandishing a long bladed polearm with strings running its length.

2018-04-18, 02:05 AM
Zemirah - a fellow musician.

The goddess blushes a little, she was nervous. She goes to speak but nothing comes out. The whites of her dress change to a face red to match her blush. She looks down and shuffles her feet slightly.

"I...." still nothing. She furrows her brow. Concentrating she closes her eyes and breathes deep she takes a short moment to listen to her song in the wind.

"I am Zemirah... words are not usually so tricky for me.... I... i had not expected to meet another like me... not one who hears the music.... you have a wonderful voice..."

She shuffles her feet some more. "maybe we could work together? A duet as it were..."

2018-04-18, 02:59 AM
Guerletta- A fellow musician

As Zemirah talks Geurletta begins to compose itself, steadying into a more relaxed and open pose. My dear I deserve no such praise from a being of your talent, your song was simply breathtaking. In truth I had not been sure there were others like me to meet either, not until I heard your song that is. Taking a moment just to smile and to take hold of the instrument Guerletta continues. It would be a great honour to perform a duet with one such as yourself, though if we are to sing together, shall it be a song of creation? As this world could use more things touched by your voice.

2018-04-18, 06:35 AM
Zemirah - A Fellow musician

The flattery was probably the right honeyed words for Zemirah she smiled. "I propose more than one creation. I propose we work together in many things... First I propose our own land a place for your new creatures to roam, and a place... to build our very own concert hall."

The young goddess could hear it now land shaped in such a way that when the wind passed over certain places it played music. Standing stones that sing to the heavens. At the core of the land a hall where revelry and joy could be had by all as they listened to the divines play their glorious tunes.

2018-04-18, 09:50 AM
Sheloth's new Plane, and First Delivery
Looking down on the new mortal races, Sheloth saw a major problem. For some reason the mortals were closing their eyes for prolonged periods of time. They were seeing nothing but unchanging black. Sheloth knew he had to fix that. Extending his hands he began to form a new plane of existence. This new plane was made of shifting mist, colorful glowing crystals, and massive obsidian columns. In the center of the plane he sculpted a massive fountain, The Font of Inspiration , in the shape of his symbol. Those who drank from it see wonderous forms and shapes, and they become more creative and adaptable. "I shall name this place Rylath, the Dreamscape "
With those pesky mortals no longer spending all that time doing nothing, Sheloth moved on to his next order of business. There was another new plane, but it had no living things in it. He reached his hands down again and molded ten thousand more of his manticores. He then took his housewarming gift to his divine neighbor's new plane and let them loose inside the infinite necropolis. With his work done, Sheloth returned to his new plane and began to sculpt his next wonderful work. Also find out who keeps making all those rythmic vibrations in the air.

4 AP weave plane Rylath the Dreamscape
For +4 Planes (Rylath)
5 AP Create major Artifact Font of Inspiration Utility -1 create advanced concept.
For +5 Planes(Rylath)
Blessing World blessing causing sleeping mortals minds to go to Rylath.
For +1 Planes(Rylath)

New AP total: 12 - 5 - 4 - 1= 2.
New Domains Nature(Evolution) 4/10
Planes(Rylath) 10/10 New Domain

2018-04-18, 03:14 PM
Ekmelao, the sky.

Ekmelao had flowed up with the great torrents of his sea-forming water into the sky, so as to better view the happenings of the world below. In doing so, he saw, after some time, the formation of land. It was... interesting. An added, different layer of beauty to the world, stunning in its diversity- even he had not been so ambitious- but with it, came hardship.


He had created his beloved ocean so that there would be no suffering, so that each living creature would exist in harmony with each other- this sculptor had not been so careful. And now there was this dreadful neon green substance polluting his ocean, and obnoxious vibrations traveling through the air, and the sun still bore down on his creations- while he had made his creations benefit from that angry fire, that scorching heat, as best as he could, it was still... problematic.

There were laws about this sort of thing, elder laws, laws that he dared not defy- but he could still do his part to ameliorate the scorching light of day. A shield- but not one that would always cover, that would be in poor taste...

With a flick of his tail, another petal drifted away; it shimmered, and bloomed, exploding rapidly and forming a moon.

It wasn’t the most conventional moon. It was a perfect disk, made of pleasantly temperate ice and softly glowing, with an internal ocean filled with life, and great trees and beasts dotting its snowy surface. It also had a correspondence with the newly arisen continent- Hyperborea, at the South Pole. Over the course of a month, the moon in the sky would wane, and it’s nigh identical continent would wax; each’s waxing or waning edges were portals to their counterpart, and the only sign of transition to Hyperborea’s inhabitants as they moved from earth to sky and back again was the alteration of their view. The tides would be caused by the continent’s waxing and waning.

The moon’s rotation was swift, moving around the earth twice a day, so that it might appear in every night and every morning, occluding the sun for but a few minutes each midday. Once a month, when it was full and the ocean of the South Pole had nothing but fish and cold and darkness, it fully eclipsed the sun, and the children of the gods had their reprieve.

There. A tidy, harmonious compromise.

Create Land (2 AP): The moon/Hyperborea, with above descriptors.

Moon (Tides): 3/10, with the ocean and the moon.
Overall AP: 13/16.

2018-04-18, 06:21 PM
Guerletta-A fellow musician

Geurletta smiles as Zemirah describes the wondrous project she seeks to create, then turn to her and slowly takes her hand.

My dear this sounds wonderful, if you would, kindly fix your hopes for this land in your mind and I’ll begin.

In a flash, they disappear then reappear over a stretch of empty ocean, in a slow melodic voice Geurletta begins to weave the energies of creation once more.

Just Hold your breath, Make a wish, Count to three

Come with me
And we'll be
In a world of
Pure imagination
Take a look
And you'll see
Into your imagination
We'll begin
With a spin
Traveling in
This world of our creation
What we'll see
Does not need

If you want to make a paradise
Simply take your mind and view it
Anything you want to, do it
Wanta change this world?
There's nothing
To it

1/2 for create land: Up to Zemirah‘s imagination
6/10 Society (Bards)
AP: 11-1=10

2018-04-18, 06:22 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

No one knows how long the First Dragon had explored the Sphere, and it was truly impossible to tell by the standards of mortals, but he had seen the work of his fellow gods. He had seen the shattering of the Giant's civilization, the creation of the First Moon, and the volcano that had become the home of the dwarves. They were children of the Sphere, but his Dragons were more than that. Born with the souls of the Stars themselves, they had to shine among the creatures of the Sphere like his stars shone in the endless void.

It was then that Noctilux returned to the floating continent, which the Dragons had named Stellaregno. With a raise of his mighty claw, Noctilux brought another gift to his children, the Great Comet. For a brief moment, the Great Comet lit the night sky like a second sun before shattering into thousands of smaller fragments. Each fragment guided to the star-souls of Noctilux's children.

"You will encounter others in your time here," Noctilux spoke in a calm voice, "Never forget that you were formed from the Stars, and like the stars illuminate the sky, you too will illuminate the Sphere." And with that, the First Dragon flew to the sky again, leaving his newly enlightened dragons to their own devices.

Start with 6 AP
Using 3 AP to infuse the Mythical Race of Dragons to a Fabled Race

6 AP- 3AP= 3 AP

Process to Domains:

Darkness (Night)= 5/10 (For creating the Stars and using a Comet to enlighten the Dragons)

2018-04-18, 06:56 PM
While the manticores explored the infinite building, Golgari decided to do a minor test of goodwill. She returned to the first world, to look for some other divine being to talk to. After seeing the great comet shatter into stars, she immediately landed on the planet to investigate. She decended upon Stellaregno.

“Whoever made that exploding ball that gave us those lights in the sky, I enjoy your handiwork. Also, I can see you’ve made a number of charming children who look just like you. If you can hear me, come on down and I can show you a gift of my own I can share with your children!”

2018-04-18, 07:14 PM
Ekmelao, satisfied with his lunar creation, found a nearby tree and entered it; he seamlessly slithered out of another tree far distant, on the dragon’s continent. Whoever made them had excellent design sense; they were practical, intelligent, and had scales- everything that one needed, really. Harmonious.

He noticed the other god at his destination without delay, letting out a soft, involuntary hiss of surprise. The flower on his tail tightened into a bud, and his verdant scales seemed sharper than normal, more like knives than leaves. He relaxed, slightly, deliberately, his eyes still seeming like piercing crescents aglow in the night.

“Salutations,” he spoke, softly. “A pleasure, to finally see a fellow divinity. I assume that you’re responsible for that lovely little light show, and these wonderful creatures- a wonderfully harmonious design, you know, wonderfully harmonious... and you would be...? I am and have always been and always will be Ekmelao, if you’re at all curious, I made the ocean and the moon and the trees and so forth... ”

2018-04-18, 07:20 PM
Xedes, the Strident Truth

What could a broken god create?

Xedes continued to bear witness to the creations of the other beings that would be called gods. An infinite number of questions burned within hits mind about these strange creatures that bore the same divine spark as it did. Ultimately, it decided that it needed to learn more of its Self Truths before learning the Them Truths. Its first Self Truth it would discover was "Can I create/make/birth small not gods?"

Opening its mind to the primal materials of creation, the mad god began shape the his own mortal race. Pulling from the Emerald Luminescence a portion of its blood, abit of magma from a newly created volcano, a chunk of earth from an unstable continent, and a single shining star from the Void; Xedes mashed them together before blasting the mush of materials with a psionic pulse. In the center of this spherical mixture, a single great eye opened to view the world through a serpentine slit. The creature, knowing it could not witness the whole of the world around it with a single eye, began to take control of its own birth. Multiple writhing tendrils wormed their way out of the wet muck of its body before forming smaller eyes at their tips. Lastly, a large tear formed under the creature's cyclopean central eye before bursting open to reveal a mouth filled with dagger-like fangs. The creature new at once what its duty was and what it should call itself as it spoke to its creator in a gutteral voice. "I am Glex'trix and I am to behold the entirety of creation! I shall burn this Sphere to ash if it would unveil its Truths to you, my creator!"

While Xedes was satisfied that his creation shared his zeal for learning, it was concerned that it would blind itself to other Truths in its pursuit of a Final Truth. Looking out onto the sphere, Xedes witnessed that other creations would act with only the knowledge of their own Self Truths, never contemplating other beings Self Truths. This blindness needed to be dispelled if more Truths were to be revealed. With a great psionic pulse of emotion, Xedes connected each mortal creature's thoughts together for but the briefest of moments. This was enough,however, as mortal creatures now understood that they were not islands drifting through the Void, but a great confusing mass of life that must learn and grow from one another.

From beside its writhing head, Xedes heard his creation speak once more. "I understand now, oh creator. To destroy this world would end all Truths for the sake of but 1. We must all suffer and live to discover every possible truth of this world! We must writhe in existential suffering as we gain ever more blessed knowledge of all things!"

12 - 4 - 1 = 7

Create Mythical Race 4: Beholders
Blessing 1: Empathy

2018-04-18, 08:16 PM
Zemirah - A fellow musician, the first duet

Zemirah smiled to her new companion as he lead her across the world and the two began work on land that would itself play music to the world.

"There is no
Life I know
To compare with pure imagination
Living there
You'll be free
If you truly wish to be

If you want to see music lands
Close your eyes and you will see one
Want to be a dreamer, be one
Anytime you please and please save me one"

They sang together Zemirah with a beaming smile as the land formed beneath them rising out of the water. Her thoughts and song guiding the creation. Tunnels that echoed the sound of the wind. Caves that brought in the sounds of the ocean and made them into a tune. On one part of the land they erected seven pillars that take in the wind and play the tune they are singing now. And at the core of the new land there was silence. But this was on purpose for Zemirah had plans for this spot.

After they had sung together Zemirah sat back in the grass at the Center of the land. She had no idea what they would call this place but she knew what she wanted to place here. Zemirah closed her eyes and listened to the wind and then she began to hum. It was a slow and soft tune but as she hummed the land spoke back to her it rumbled and a building began to take shape.

To call this building massive would be an understatement. It was outright colossal even the biggest of creatures of this world could comfortably fit inside. The strange architecture had huge pipes that would carry any music played inside across the land. She smiled and went inside.

Zemirah took her harp and began to pluck at it's strings and once more she spoke those words or rather she sung them so they would echo across the world. "find me"

Ap = 3

The land of music: (create land (shared) -1) shaped in such a way that each of it's parts plays a tune this land was created by Zemirah and Guerlatta in their duet - (Music (echoes) 1/10)

The concert hall: (alter land -1) the great concert hall built in the land of music is built in such away that the joy and revelry held within can be heard across the land. With various pipe shapes that carry the sound out if the building and into the world. (Music (echoes) 2/10)

Ap= 3 - 1 -1
Ap = 1

2018-04-18, 09:00 PM
Sheloth and the Good Vibrations
Traversing his personal plane, Sheloth arrived at The Font of Inspiration. After staring for a while, an idea began to form. "Stones formed into shapes by mortal hands. Mortals living inside art. This is the perfect idea. I shall give it to the mortals as once." Floating through the Dreamscape, Sheloth began placing the idea in the forms of the dreaming mortals. With this done, he decided to return to the sphere and show more his art. Traveling over the floating island of flying magic lizards, he spotted a snake, a winged tall dwarf, and a deep black flappy iguana having some sort of meeting. But they were not the source of the vibrations he sought so he tossed some manticores down and continued onward. As he floated along the vibrations grew more intense. Soon he came across a massive in the center of a new continent. Inside was a glorious golden gentleman and a women dressed in feathers. "Greetings makers of strange vibrations. Have some art." Sheloth began artfully placing manticores all over the concert cave. I am Sheloth. What are your names?

Make Advanced Concept: Architecture
For +1 Architecture(Aesthetics)
New Total 2 - 2 + 1(Major Artifact) = 1

2018-04-18, 09:18 PM
Xedes, the Stident Truth

What's that sound?

Xedes watched his creation known as Grex'trix for a time as it dreamed other beings like itself into existence, each similar but unlike any other before it. These copies/not copies roamed throughout the world without any sense of direction as they became engrossed in their own search for Truth. Around this time, Xedes felt odd vibrations ripple through the air with a Subtle Truth asking for some being to find someone/something. Another burning question added to the bonfire that was his curiosity, Xedes lumbered his way to the newly form continent and stood before the strange stone object that was the Concert Hall. It poked, tapped, pinched, and shook the structure as its myraid mental ramblings echoed in the minds of the beings inside.

"Strange thing not alive made of...stone hard sturdy won't break might break creatures inside like me not me listening to thoughts heard noise came here not there anymore How Was Pretty Sound Made/Birthed? Xedes Xedes Xedes is Name Truth What are your Name Truths?"

2018-04-18, 09:30 PM
Sheloth and the Shellfish
A large lumbering purple crustacean with an octopus face appeared soon after Sheloth's introduction. "Greetings Xedes the Lobster Lad. I am Sheloth, master of the endless Dreamscape and sculptor of fabulous wonders. Here have some manticores. No need to thank me, they are a free gift. I too am here to inquire about the strange vibrations. Hopefully those two will tell us all about it."

2018-04-18, 09:51 PM
Xedes, the Strident Truth

What's a gift?

Xedes regarded the divine being that answered its thoughts. This Sheloth, master of the endless Dreamscape and sculptor of fabulous wonders presented a another smaller creature to the crustacean god. This creature when it witnessed the enormity and an unabashed form, the manticore painfully cried out before clutching its head and falling deathly silent in Xedes' outstreched claw.

The confused god lightly poked the still creature before more of its thoughts leaked out.

"Not moving living not thinking peaceful but no more Self Truths Sad Truth broke broke broke like Xedes but more broke Sheloth, master of the endless Dreamscape and sculptor of fabulous wonders will know Angry Truth apologize give gift What would Sheloth, master of the endless Dreamscape and sculptor of fabulous wonders want for sorry for breaking?"

7 -1 = 6

Curse 1: (Contagious Madness): Any creature of a Sapient race or below will instantly be driven to madness upon close proximity to Xedes

2018-04-18, 09:57 PM
There was light, but he could not see it. Buried deep within the barren Sphere, Zud slept. He heeded no movement or tremor, because he was exactly where he wanted to be. Even as the land cracked and heaved up another, larger being, Zud did not move. Even as everything was covered in the great ocean, Zud could not move. And when the sky itself split from the Void, Zud would not move.

But the noise, that constant, unbearable noise. "Find me", it said. It was a call to action; one particularly unthinkable action: travel. A search. Change.

From a single stone deep beneath the waves, a light poured out into the depths; Zud awoke with a rumble. He heaved himself up from his place within the Sphere, ripping free from the dirt and the mud with great effort. The ocean flowed back into the massive crater he tore from the depths, and soon mud and sand covered the place where he had slept. His body fought against his wishes, it did not want to move. Every part of him detested movement, for a stationary object was all he'd ever been, and all he ever wanted to be. His limbs twitched and grasped at the ground as he willed them up again. The simple act of motion was exhausting, but necessary. It was clear now that the Sphere had changed from its comfortable, static nature into something much more chaotic. As he arose from the depths, he could already see the damage. Forces of nature battered the lands as mountains cropped up everywhere. The sky itself was unnatural, covered with a haze that separated it from the Void. Even the Void had changed, as Zud noticed celestial objects glittered where there was once only comforting oblivion. All of this had happened while he slumbered, but one question still remained. Where was that incessant noise coming from?

It wasn't right. It would never be right again.

But maybe, just maybe, it could be bearable.

"Vi...gi....lance...." He rumbled as the idea came to him.

Zud started moving through the waters. His body wanted nothing more than to return to the dirt, but this was too important. The Sphere was now inhabited by other forces, each seeking to bend everything to their will. Their needs were not all the same, but each had done something he could not fathom: change everything. Maybe that was why he had fallen behind. Maybe that was why his limbs were so heavy. With these thoughts came the dawning realization: Zud needed to change as well, if only to stop them all from tearing the Sphere apart. But he knew he was not strong enough. He would never be strong enough.

But if he could not be strong enough, then the Sphere would be made to withstand the punishment.

He willed strength into his hand, and was surprised when his own powers responded. His fist had clenched so tightly, a shiny lump of black rock had formed. He stared, unsure of how the rock had come to be, and why it had drained him so to make it.

Creation was tiring! Zud would not last long at this rate. Things needed to be easier, much easier for him to proceed. He focused even more power into that rock, almost more than he was sure he could handle, and it burst with a fire that could not be quenched. He placed the rock on top of his head, its burning light extending into the distance and flickering in the winds. As the heat warmed him, Zud began to grow in courage. Yes, with this much he might be able to survive out here.

In any case, it was a start.

Create Major Artifact (5 AP): The Stone of Kros. A utility artifact used in the forging of more Major Artifacts. (-1 AP/Create Major Artifact)
Divine Infusion: Major Artifact (3 AP): THe Stone of Kros. (-1 AP/Create Major Artifact)

The Stone of Kros is a simple lump of coal that burns with Zud's eternal vigilance. It is said to provide great vision and confidence to those seeking to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings. It is the bonfire by which guards keep watch, and the hearth by which citizens may gather together. The rock itself warms Zud's tired limbs, invigorating him as he crafts his fortifications and protections against those he wishes to keep out.

Bookkeeping: 16 - 5 - 3 = 8 AP left

2018-04-18, 10:06 PM
Breaking? Sorry? There is no need to apologize. You have merely added your own personal touch. If you wish you can visit my personal plane and maybe add some of your own creations there as well. Do not be afraid of change. Stagnation is boring. Let us be constantly making new things and changing the old. So do not be sorry for being different.

2018-04-18, 10:20 PM
Zemirah - The Sound of friendship.

Zemirah had not expected so many to come to her call or to find her so swiftly she had thought her call might have been ignored. perhaps she was too hasty this was a lot of people, she looked to Guerlatta but knew she should introduce herself. She mustered up all her confidence shut her eyes and pretended the gods were in fact an audience. She opened her eyes and felt comfortable. It was a small audience but all great musicians start small.

"I am Zemirah, and it is my song you hear. Carried on the wind and infused with the will of magic. Free for all to use as long as they can hear it. You stand now freely upon a land of sound and joy. Within the confines of this hall I ask there is no violence only revelry, we are all friends here." she looks at the Manticores "What is Art, is it these creatures? is that their name? she reaches out a hand and pets the creature on the head "hello art"

2018-04-18, 11:47 PM
Geurletta - The Artist’s Hall

Guerletta was so caught up in the song of creation, and the landmass it had woven together, that for some time these new visitors went unnoticed. Yet when Zemhirah turned to talk to them their presence was finally noted.

Hello to you as well, I am Guerletta, birthed of might and music, champion of glory. What brings you to this place my fellows?

2018-04-18, 11:50 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux looked upon the winged woman who had just arrived in Stellaregno. She did not look like one of his children. She looked more like the dwarves he had seen on the Sphere, but taller and with less hair. He turned around, and ANOTHER god appeared, this one looking like a brilliant serpent.
Perhaps a more fitting shape would be ideal in dealing with the other gods.

The First Dragon quickly took a new shape, forming from a dragon into a beautifully pale reptillian humanoid, his dark purple robes sparkling like the night sky. "I am Noctilux, strangers. Welcome to Stellaregno, the kingdom of my children." He gestured to the twilit land surrounding them, the dragons already having built massive spires in which to dwell in that dotted the continent. "Ekmelao, I've seen your creations, they are what drew me here from the Void." He turned to the winged woman, "I'm sorry....I don't think you mentioned what you are called...."

At that moment, the three gods all heard the song echoing across Creation. The words 'find me' seeming to echo across the winds. "Perhaps we should continue our pleasantries after we've found out what that was?"

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-19, 01:47 AM
Line, The Sun

Line looked down upon the world in his hidden place by the sun. He saw night. Then he saw the moon. Well, Line could almost feel insulted. He laughed. Well, two could play at that game. What sort of thing would he do? Monsters? Maybe. Pestillance? Perhaps. Boil the mortals' brains to gravy? Could be.

No, Line had a better idea. It made him laugh in the anticipation. The sun's light was infused with healing. The general business of living was made easier nd more pleasurable as the general wears and tears of life were reduced. Greater pains and problems could be solved by unbroken resting in the sun, the greater the problem the longer the need to rest. If one's problem was so greeat that night struck before it could be cured? Oh, how terrible!

His fellow deities reject the sun? Then let the mortals curse the night!

10 AP = 11 AP - 1 AP: Daylight is infused with healing properties.

2018-04-19, 08:37 AM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux looked upon the winged woman who had just arrived in Stellaregno. She did not look like one of his children. She looked more like the dwarves he had seen on the Sphere, but taller and with less hair. He turned around, and ANOTHER god appeared, this one looking like a brilliant serpent.
Perhaps a more fitting shape would be ideal in dealing with the other gods.

The First Dragon quickly took a new shape, forming from a dragon into a beautifully pale reptillian humanoid, his dark purple robes sparkling like the night sky. "I am Noctilux, strangers. Welcome to Stellaregno, the kingdom of my children." He gestured to the twilit land surrounding them, the dragons already having built massive spires in which to dwell in that dotted the continent. "Ekmelao, I've seen your creations, they are what drew me here from the Void." He turned to the winged woman, "I'm sorry....I don't think you mentioned what you are called...."

At that moment, the three gods all heard the song echoing across Creation. The words 'find me' seeming to echo across the winds. "Perhaps we should continue our pleasantries after we've found out what that was?"

“I’m Golgari. I spread the gift of knowledge. I’m afraid that before I can go, I must rest, and I am unsure how long I will be asleep. I shall use my last bit of power, however, to give your children a gift before I sleep here at least the next hundred years. I will teach them how to teach others, and start by showing them mathematics.”

With that, she taught a brief lesson as the other dieties left her. It was insightful, laying the foundation for both education and mathematics. After that she laud down and slept among the dragons.

Initial AP: 1

Create Mundane Concept (Teaching) (1 AP): This grants the ability of creatures to share concepts with others freely.

Create Advanced Concept (Mathmatics) (1/1 weekly free advanced concept): These are the fundamentals of math.

OOC: I’ll be nearly inactive the next 3 weeks. During those three weeks, I’ll try to “sleep talk” and use my weekly free advanced concepts, but no promises. These posts will be minimalistic and will be about physics, biology, and geology in that order. So if everybody could avoid those, that will be great. Also, please nobody take death while I’m sleeping. I’ll do that on May 10th.

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-19, 06:29 PM
Vask, Music in Ha'lainn

Vask watched as her new children scattered about Ha'lainn and slowly worked it into their home. Suddenly, a strange sound crept through the cracks in the great volcano and into the lair of the goddess.

"What is this wonderous noise? What could produce such beauty?"

And so, the queen of the mountain fled from her domain, swimming through the earth as though it were an ocean. She swam and swam until finally her vision was met with the sight of a colossal structure. She ventured inside,

"Who makes this gorgeous sound? Tell me, I must know. I command it!"

She calls with great emotion to all those present in the concert hall, her shoulders and hips buckling instinctually almost like a dance.

2018-04-19, 08:50 PM
Sheloth's First Friends
Turning to the feather dressed women, Sheloth answered, "They are art, but that is not their name. Art is creation and creations. Change and alteration. It is pure imagination made real. The art you see before you is called a manticore. the vibrations you create are also art, but I do know how to make it."
Sheloth then turns to the golden god, "I wish to learn what you call these strange vibrations"

It had the body and head of a lion. The body is covered in metallic stripes and covered in fur. Its mouth and tail were that of scorpion. The tail was tipped by a sharp pointed crystal that was coated in a film of hallucinogenic poison. Its legs were covered in hard scales. Its feet were talons like a bird of prey. Its claw tips were made of jet black obsidian blades. Right behind the the shoulder blades are a massive pair of bat-like wings.

2018-04-19, 09:24 PM
Zemirah - The sound of friendship

The songbird smiles and nods as she reaches an understanding still slowly petting the manticore "The sound you hear is called music, and the words I and my friend, Guerlatta, add to it is called a song and I suppose you could also call it art." A thought struck her, a brand new tune, not a duet but a band, no, an ORCHESTRA. Sheloth seemed much like her and Guerlatta with an interest in beauty.

"Would you like to write a song with us? an offer to all who appreciate beauty and marvel at the art of this world and others. A song of combined power, harmonize with us. Write with us a song of unity. say yes and we will carve our names upon this stage for future members to see where our band began"


Court of eternal wonders: (Form Pantheon -1) Zemirah has proposed to start a pantheon of art. seeking to establish a connection for all gods who appreciate creation and have some kind of connection to the arts. - (music (echoes) 3/10)

AP = 1 - 1
Ending AP = 0

2018-04-19, 11:41 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux was greatly impressed by Golgari's gift to his dragons, especially since they seemed to prosper upon recieving it. But before the First Dragon could thank the goddess, she had fallen asleep. Noctilux paid her no mind, it was the least he could do for Golgari after such a wondrous gift to his children. Plus, he had to find out what the source of that wondrous noise was. Transforming back into his dragon form, he took to the sky and followed the sound, a few dragons flying alongside him.

Some time later, he swooped into the Concert Hall with the other gods. "This is the sound I heard," Noctilux exclaimed as he landed gracefully, "The sound that drew me to this sphere, you were creating it!" Noctilux takes his humanoid form as he approaches Zemirah, "I am Noctilux, Father of Dragons and Creator of the Stars. Please, you must teach my children how to create this.....music, did you call it?" He gestures to the dragons who followed him to the Concert Hall.

3 AP to start

1 AP to join the Court of Eternal Wonders

3 AP-1AP=2 AP

2018-04-20, 12:24 AM
Zemirah - The court of eternal wonders

Zemirah was beginning to feel overwhelmed there were a lot of people here she had not thought her songs would bring this many gods. So many were fascinated by her and geurlatta's sound. She still thought of them as an audience. She allowed the others present to think about her offer and addressed the new comers.

"Welcome, new guests, To my concert hall. I am Zemirah, Songbird of the gods, and singer of the arcane symphony carried on the wind. The sound you hear is music the beauty of sound." She looks to the scaled beasts that have entered her hall, a thought comes to her about the threat certain things may pose to her grand concert hall. "I must echo a previous statement of mine, there is to be no violence here. Only revelry. Within this hall we are all friends and though it is mine I am happy to share. The same goes for my music, I may yet find myself with free time so leave some of your dragons with me I will teach them to sing to the stars."

Zemirah looks over each god that is present and she nods with an authority she wasn't aware she had. "Each of you here. If you can show me your appreciation for art, that you too share my love of all things beautiful I will welcome you with open arms to my band, our song will be of unity and it's sound will bring tears to even the most stoic of beings." Zemirah concentrates her will to her foot and chages just that appendage to into a Talon and carves her name upon the stage. She once again addresses the gods in the room "Present your art, your beauty, your creativity, and I will embrace you as kin."

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-20, 01:18 AM
Vask, A Hall of Art

Vask thought for a brief moment. What could she create that would impress a deity so beautiful? All she know was the earth and fire. That is when she thought of it. She would craft a tool so beautiful it would be the envy of craftsmen for all eternity. With a whip of her tail feathers, flames swirled around in a spiral. She fused the flames to the stone from one of her fallen feathers, and tempered them into an adamntine hammer, trimmed with gleaming brass and rubies. This hammer would allow her to create even more wonders of its like.

"My art is in the craft of smithing, my dear queen of the song."

AP: 7
Create Major Artifact, -5 AP: The Hammer of the Forge Queen, utility artifact that lowers the cost of major artifacts. [Artifice(Smithing) 5/10]
Vask is attempting to gain permission to join the pantheon

2018-04-20, 01:32 AM
Guerletta - The court of eternal wonders

Now, now. Says Guerletta, from a position high on the stage. I hear you asking for this music to be taught, whether to you or to your creations. However before each of you stakes a claim on it, it must be spread amongst the peoples of the world. It is that journey which I must spend time on now. That is after I have joined this great orchestra of course.

With that Geurletta forms his polearms once more, and carves it’s name in stylised flowing print. With that he raises his head up and walks towards the door, fading to golden most and softly singing.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

Guerletta, Across this world

Across the world this golden spirit flies searching out those that are most blessed in their ability to feel the arcane symphony, and to sing alongside it. Then across the world a similar scene plays out, at the watering holes that silent singers gathered at, on those draconic isles in the sky, even beneath the earth where dwarves sang and beat drums. He would approach and make his offer.

Right here, right now
I put the offer out
I don't want to chase you down
But I know you see it
You run with me
And I can cut you free
Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in
So trade that typical for something colorful
And if it's crazy, live a little crazy
You can play it sensible, a king of conventional
Or you can risk it all and see

Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play
'Cause I got what you need
So come with me and take the ride
It'll take you to the other side
'Cause you can do like you do
Or you can do like me
Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key
Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly
It'll take you to the other side.

Over a long period of time Geurletta gathered those that accepted his invitation and trained them more in the arts of song and music. Eventually he brought them back to the concert hall which they and those they recruited would guard and fill with wonder forevermore.

Join Pantheon (1AP): Court of eternal wonders

Create Organization (1AP): The Gaurdians of the Great Concert Hall: A Collection of those skilled in both music and it’s use in magic, gathered from all the species of the world to both protect the concert hall and fill it with wonder.
8/10 Society: Bards
AP: 10-2=8

2018-04-20, 02:18 AM
Zemirah - The Court of Eternal Wonders.

The songbird watched Guerlatta leave while keeping Vask's beautiful crafting techniques in her peripherals. Once Guerlatta leaves Zemirah places her full attention on Vask. The way she wields fire is definitely an art. It was captivating the way the fire danced over her creation as it formed. Zemirah smiled at the beautiful glow.

"Your craft is a beauty to behold. Your Artifact is flawless, and I cannot fault your dedication to creativity. You are one of us, a creative, carve your name upon my stage and join with Guerlatta and me."

2018-04-20, 07:47 AM
Xedes, the Strident Truth

Where Do I Belong?

Xedes observed assembled gods as they conversed and created. They even spoke of joining together to create more of this "art". The mad god looked to the tiny manticore cradled in its claw, motionless except for the occasional twitch. Sheloth, master of the endless Dreamscape and sculptor of fabulous wonders, had said that this creature now bore its own art. But Xedes could not ignore the Truth. This creature was living but would never know anything, its tiny mind shattered upon witnessing the Strident Truth. As another god summoned more of these mortal creatures to this Concert Hall, Xedes knew that it could not stay. For he was a broken god, fit only for breaking or creating broken things like itself. But it was only because it was broken that he could see through the cracks of creation and find the many Truths of this world. Slowly, left the land that housed the Concert Hall and returned to his home to the Scar of Xedes beneath the Emerald Luminescence.

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-20, 10:02 AM
Vask, A Divine Friendship

Vask smiled as the songbird welcomed her. Warmth rushed into her molten heart. She approached the stage and chizzled her name upon it using the mighty hammer.

"I thank you my dear, I feel this is but the beginning of a beautiful bond."

AP: 2
Join Pantheon, -1, Court of Eternal Wonders

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-20, 11:03 AM
Line - The Sun

Still hidden by the great limuniosity of the sun, Line decided to betow a third gift the land below. The two tendrils hat made up the sun began to writhe again. Rubbing against each other, creating friction even in that great heat. Line's first creation - one created almost unthinkingly in the bloom of his forming - was purifying itself.

A mind began to form. A divininity began to form. A form bgan to form in the frm of a spider. When its work was done - when Line's shoulder spot was again divine - it flung its creation to the world. Let the mortals have a deity to watch over them from the ground as Line watches from the heavens.

2018-04-20, 11:30 AM
After accepting to the offer to help form the Court of Eternal Wonders, Sheloth began to form statues of the original member gods outside the hall. As more gods filtered in and joined more statues were added. The statues were as tall as the massive cavern and sttod on either side of the opening. The shapes we're near exact replicas of the gods' forms, with slightly more emphasized eyes. The materials were crystals for the flesh, metal for hair and feathers, and stone for the clothes.

1 AP Create pantheon
For Architecture (Aesthetics)
Free Pantheon AP Modify Land
New Total 1 - 1 = 0
Architecture (Aesthetics) 2/10

2018-04-20, 05:46 PM
Ekmelao didn't quite blink in surprise, lacking eyelids, but he did do the body-language equivalent. Being sufficiently spendthrift with one's power that you had to rest entirely, this soon after the world's creation? It was nigh unthinkable. That sort of carelessness indicated weakness of character; he'd have to take care when interacting with this 'Golgari' character in the future.

"I find myself flattered," he had said, simply, directing his words to the draconic divinity, “but I think I might be best served by returning to my moon; such invitations... aren’t quite my preferred fair.”

He proceedingly slithered back through the tree that he had arrived from, in a contemplative mood.

The dragons had been lovely; intellect to match aesthetics. He was half tempted to copy their design outright, but that wouldn’t be terribly polite. Hmm. His creations needed to reptillian, of course, verdant and vicacious- yet they also needed to able to tolerate the surface of their fair home, alongside its tropical and oceanic center- they’d simply need multiple shapes, there was no way around it…

And so, patiently, he devised the Naga.

They would be able to take seven shapes, determined from birth- a verdant serpent, as he himself was, if rather smaller, or a handsome humanoid, or a combination of the two; they could also take the shapes of four other animals, of water and earth and fire and air, varying by the naga.

They would be good of heart; their forked tongues would tell not a single lie, and their scaled hands would not be bent towards evil ends. They would be learned of mind; the trees themselves would whisper to them of the collective knowledge of all races, so that no advance might escape them. They would be deaf to all but the trees and birds and wild things, so that they wouldn’t be bothered by all that obnoxious musical nonsense going on. They would be lovely.

A plume of petals and pollen, and there they were, standing on the arctic and yet lively surface of Hyperborea, their god swaying before them.

“My children,” Ekmelao sighed, his voice a whisper in every naga’s heart and mind. “You must be perfect; I will expect no less. Seek perfection, for me, and listen to the counsel of the trees.”

In an enormous whirlwind of soon disappearing petals, he was gone, and the People of the Rose were left to their own devices.

Ekmelao wasn’t done. He had a lesson plan to create.

The trees, at first, taught the nagas language- spoken interchangeably through sign language or simple writing or subtle internal heat signals- and then of the right form of government, in the form of rule by sixty-four noble families, each judged most pure of heart and named for a flower, and then of the knowledge introduced by other gods, of mathematics and architecture and teaching itself and not songwriting, songwriting was not going to be taught, when would that forsaken music stop haven’t the other gods heard of this whole ‘quiet’ idea.

The trees then moved to a more mystical lesson plan- druidism.

Those who could learn the ways of the druid were many among the naga, and few among the other races. It built upon the native powers of the naga- the ability to hear the trees and bees and wild things and the ability to change shape, particularly. Skilled practitioners could use it for far more; they could ask the wild questions and receive answers on any topic they cared to, turn into whatever they pleased. And they, alone among their kindred, could feel the call of the moon and of the tides.

When the moon was full, a druid could heal others and themselves with ease; when the moon was new and tides were high and hyperborea ebbed, instead of flowed, they gained power over the elements, bending them to their will with only a gesture and a staff, carved from lunar wood.

Ekmelao, earlier so full of reprobation for a similar action and aware of the involved irony, curled down for a brief respite at the heart of the ocean; rewriting the rules of reality so they were more user friendly wasn’t trivial, you know.

4 points for Create Mythical Race (Naga), 4 points for Create Mythical Concept (Druidism), 2 points for Form Society (Naga flower nobility).

Moon (Tides): 7/10, create ocean and moon, druidism.
Creatures (Naga): 6/10, create nagas and form naga society.

Down to three AP points.

2018-04-20, 05:47 PM
The assault on Ha'lainn

Climbing the volcanic mountain of Ha’lainn were five clocked figures. As they climbed moving fast futilely trying to remain hidden from sight. The figures reached a large double door, the giants stood up almost being as tall as the door.

Behind the barred door a small force of dwarves stood ready, hammers, axe and bows at the ready. They were told three large creatures were approaching this door, their force armed and armoured should be more than effort to repel them. At less that’s what their commanders told them.

*bang* *bang* *bang* With each strike the doors flew back sticking the bar. Each time the bar seemed to brake a little. What could have the strength to do this? ran through a number of the dwarf’s minds. “Claim yourself, as strong as the many be it would take them a good hour to break open that door!” the commanding officer yelled as he started to sing. Dwarf after joined in singing, they found a strength in the music, effort for many to steel their nerves.

Over the banging that never quite seem to find a rhythm came a song though the mighty door. A song sang in one note alone, one that change tempo seemingly a random. The song was about destruction, death and failure.

Then the banging stopped and there was a light tap on the doors… follow by strike so great the bar shattered, the doors flew back almost coming out their hingers. Five giants stood just beyond the door’s threshold each holding a large hammer and wearing crude, primitive armor.

Four of them seemed to be surrounded in a sort of shimmer and had something like snowshoes on their feet. The fifth had only sandals on his feet, no shimmer what so ever and yet it was clear to see he shattered the door’s bar with a single swing.

A hail of arrows met the giants, some embedded themselves in the giant’s armor, most just bounced of their stone skin. The giants moved forward with caution, fighting with every inch of their reach, every ounce of their strength.

The dwarf’s shields and armor seemed almost useless as a good hit from a giant twisted both and brock bone. What few dwarves that by fate and fortune managed to reach and hit the stone men, found their axes near worthless and their hammers effective. Few dwarves got a second strike with their hammer before the giants landed a clear blow against them.

The fifth seemed like a warrior worth the other four together. It was far faster than the other creatures far too fast for things their size, it’s skin seemed like steel not stone. Their swings send dwarves flying through the air until the dwarves met a wall and fell to the ground with bones broken though out their body.

As the skirmish grow closer to its end, but a few dwarves see how this fight would end fled in to the tunnels to warn others, gather a force and ready them for a fight. Ha'lainn was not going to fall to some overgrown statues!!!

Whether out of pity or indifference the giants didn’t slay their defeated and broken foes once the skirmish was over. For a moment the talked, arguing before each went into a different tunnel. They had hope no matter how foolish that this would be a quick raid, run though the town destoiry what they could a run out. They now known this would never be the case.

The tunnels were far narrower then the entrance chamber, one after each other the giants were forced to continue on their hands and knees. The giants found it unsurprisingly cumbersome to crawl through tunnels designed and built by creatures more than a quarter their size.

Each of the giants in each of their tunnels known it was time to run when they each found a force of dwarves armed with hammers and pickaxes. In the confide spaces the giants could barely swing their hammers and their reach was now lacking. The dwarves finally able to land great number of strikes learned that the giants were not slowed or weakened by pain.

The stone raiders only managed to escape to the entrance chamber thanks to their sheer strength and badly damaged arms were only slightly worse than normal ones. By the time the giants each reached the entrance hall they were in full rout. The dwarves didn’t follow the giants down the volcano side. Most were too preoccupied treating the many wounded at the entrance chamber. those few dwarves not helping the wounder weren’t so foolish to fight giants on open ground. For while greatly wounded the giants could still put up a lot of a fight.

The stone raids returned under the waves.

Both sides counted their wounded. All the giants had pieces missing from their arms and legs. Deep cracks upon each of the limbs. One had a pickaxe still lodged in his eye another’s head was held together by little more than a prayer. These would heal. One of the giants was sad he had to leave his hammer behind, but better a hammer then his life.

The dwarves at the entrance had broken bones and many had lost a lot of blood. Those of the front of the forces to push back the giants had burses. These injuries would heal. Except for one unlucky dwarf, crushed under a giant’s foot while they were in desperate retreat. They had breathed their last.


Create Mythical Concept (4AP): trock

Trock is fuelled be a combination of the energy from the user being alive, though and raw force of will. Trock has a few basic abilities, most mortals can learn all of trock’s basic abilities after about a week of tutelage. These basic abilities are: boosting the user’s strength by about a tenth, seeing trock and projecting an armor. This armor is projected around the user like an armor and looks like a sort of shimmer around the user. This armor is quite weak have about the effect of padded armor, fortuity the armor doesn’t break. The armor is often used to improve conventional armor as it is easy to project and maintain.

The advanced techniques require a user to be a near mastery of trock which takes a great number of years and practice to achieve. The advance techniques include boosting one’s strength up to five times their original strength, however the master may need to harden their body with trock to withstand the force this boosted strength gives. In place of forming the krock armor a master may strengthen and harden themselves and anything they channel krock though. Regardless how much a master hardens the body it never slows or stiffens their movements or flexibility.

One may ‘harden’ themselves against other forms of magic, reducing all effects of that magic upon them good and ill. ‘Hardening’ against a form of magic weakens the master’s ability with that form of magic. A master can bolster their speed though use of trock, out to twice their speed. However, trock in no way boosts the master’s reaction speed nor control. Though use of trock a master may see almost any form of magic, including seeing far more of normally visible magic.

A master use trock to bent, warp, put and even hit other forms of magic. To do this the master must understand the form magic they wish to use trock upon or else their effects may have the opposite effect to what they intended. Attempts to weaken may strengthen, attempts to focus may cause the magic to dissipate.

When the master touches an item, they may weaken such item’s hardness, this is often done to whatever the master strikes. Items (or people) weakened in this way seem to shatter on top of what they would react normally to force. (gold bends and cracks insisted of bending more)

Finally, a master of trock may turn the force and trock of a foe against them on touch, like being punched. Should to master’s of trock try to turn the others trock against them it is would ever has more skill with trock that controls the other’s trock. This meaning trock is often counted by trock and the skilled masters will always defeat the more powerful trock using in contest of trock.

Giants have a slight aptitude with trock for it is how their proxy limbs work and channelling it is a critical part of their life cycle. Most giants in the tribes are taught the basics of trock in their first two weeks of being built.

6ap-4ap =2ap

2018-04-20, 08:57 PM
Zemirah - Laughter on the wind.

Zemirah watched the Xedes leave without joining her band. She was undoubtedly disappointed but knew this could be the case. Zemirah decided this was a moment in history to be recorded in song, so she sat down and began writing, She watched the Dragon god from the corner of her eye and wondered if she would be welcoming in a fifth member. This alliance was bringing her joy and on this stage she felt the presence of her bandmates.

The songbird started to whistle while she wrote. Thinking about how much happiness this moment brought her. Without even thinking about it she began to move the wind outside, it gathered and entered the hall moving around her in harmony to her whistling. Zemirah had begun wondering if others saw her wind the way she did, with the music being carried upon it. The breeze circled at her feet and spiralled upward ruffling the feather's on her dress and caressing her hair. Then it pulled at her hair with a tug this was sudden strange foreign. This was not Zemirah's wind, it had begun taking a form of its own.

Hapless creation was beginning to become a theme for her, First it was her harp when she first began singing and now it was whatever was forming in the wind. The musical air gathered in an odd way gripping around Zemirah's waist and shoulders with a mass of it gathered at her back. Then the songbird heard a strange noise near her ear it was distant but she could have sworn she could hear laughter. Could the wind be enjoying itself?

The wind took form as the Arcane symphony almost gave itself to the creature. Legs formed at Zemirah's waist and arms around her shoulders. It was a child there was a child on her back. Had she created this?

"What are you?"

2018-04-20, 09:20 PM
The wind that was no longer Zemirah's held onto her tightly for a short time longer before briskly floating away through the great hall and swirling all around the room. The musical air born of her song continued to giggle with her shared delight and happiness, it's tone there but not, intertwined with that of the arcane orchestra. An almost ghostly sound joyfully haunting the room with a contagious light excitement and happiness, a sound that grew stronger and more infectious as it became louder and very more real.

Just in front of the playful giggling, the magic and the air had become visible in form. Like a swirling cloud of mist, half ethereal and sparkling it continued to solidify and form. Never keeping still it followed the music from wall to wall. It was clear now that the air, the music, the magic, this creation of existence and freedom was manifesting as a young boy. A child. Fully formed he could be clearly seen and heard, but the faint residue of cloud stuff still always trailed behind him.

His movements were erratic and changing, they seemed to flow with no reason or rule. No part of him could keep still. He carried himself busily around the floor, twisting and turning, jumping and rolling, burning with a bright sparkling energy that emanated a wild carefree joy. It was captivating.
A wide smile further reflected what his body was trying to express, his love and appreciation for the sound that had occupied his bones. He knew not what he was doing, he just went with it. And it was magical. Visually and literally.

This was his way to show appreciation for all around him, to express his joy. This was his art, this was his dance and therefore his application to the court of eternal wonders.
Retrning to his creator, the smile of innocence wide on his face and eyes full of curiosity. He looked her over before replying.
"I am what you made me, the extension of the joy you felt, the story you wanted to tell. But as a thing of such beauty I didn't want to fade away into nothingness and be forgotten. I refused to! I wanted to carry on living. I wanted to ride along the winds and continue to dance the air.
I am a creation of creativity and an expression of freedom.
I am Agless Kihjo. Child of your song."

With that, cheeks all red and rosy, he closes his eyes and leans in to hug his creator.


Born at the same time as Kihjo, he became of the music, the lighter more frolicking tones, wild, erratic and free, curiously changing with the breeze, while the true heart of the music, the beat, the rhythm the base tones and core formed into something else. Heavier and more steady, it itself formed into what it represented.
The heart of rhythm.

It was slower to come to be, and since heavier, it sunk beneath the floor of the concert hall and remained out of sight. Connecting to the distributing tubes throughout the land of music its power became intertwined with all.

It sits idly in silence until awoken by a beat, by vibrations or by music. Until something of creative passion and beauty can spark new life into it, then and only then will it use its powers to bless their will and actions as brought out in their offering.


Create major artefact (-5AP)
The heart of rhythm
-1AP Bless
Located beneath the great concert hall.
Activated by performance art.
Is the only way to gain the full powers of the following concept.

Create mythical concept (-4AP)
Momentum magic (Dancing)
Like a bards power derives from song, this magic is summoned from movements and dancing.
The underlying principle is putting in energy to receive greater energy. Later they will learn specific motions and precise movements to activate different possibilities.
(While anyone can practice and there dance, only those who have danced to the beat of 'the heart of rhythm' while standing in 'the great concert hall' will gain its magic.)

Join Pantheon (-1AP),
Court of Eternal Wonders
Birth dance.

Obtain Domain
Movement (dance)
All above

End AP

2018-04-20, 09:21 PM
Zud heard the new sound, unmistakable and clear as it rung out over the ceaseless noise of magic. It was something that had never occurred before on the peaceful Sphere until these new beings had shown up. It was harsh, guttural, and breaking. It was the sound of battle. Zud found himself inexplicably drawn to the volcano Ha'lainn, trudging with great effort through the drowning waters of the ocean. He sensed the pain of the dwarves and the fury of the giants. He sensed the confusion and the chaos. With each step, his purpose became more and more clear. This was what he was born to do.

The dwarves readied themselves for another fight as they saw Zud rise up out of the waters and on towards Ha'lainn, their home. To them, he was only another stone-like giant, but they misunderstood. Their weapons would be futile against Zud, but he didn't mind. Soon they would learn to build fortifications as strong as he was and rid themselves of the uncertainty of war. After only a few volleys, the dwarves seemed to realize the futility of their efforts and they quickly stopped. They seemed to be cowed; some even scurried back into their caves! That would not do.

These creatures needed something to help them. Something to even the odds against the whims of the other deities. Zud would push these mortals, and he would observe what they could do with his gifts. Maybe one day, they could even challenge the wicked creators who started this madness. But first thing was first: a foundation needed to be laid. The dwarves were clamoring among themselves about what to do with this stone-like giant before them. Their chattering was ceaseless and distracting. How could Zud work when there was so much...unnecessary noise? With a great rumble, a mighty and dark pillar sprung forth from his back, stretching up and into the sky. The dwarves seemed shocked, but no one could utter a word as the pillar radiated with unseen power. Instead, they gazed at the pillar, and understanding slowly dawned on them.

Now, they would know. And as Zud began working on their large doors and their tunnels, he knew as well. This sort of tragedy would be much more difficult to repeat. But Zud did not want to lock the dwarves into their realm. They still possessed the faults of their creators; they would desire change, even if it was to their detriment. They would seek to go beyond this realm and into others, and so they would need a way to conquer the very walls he was helping them build. It was only fair that they saw how to do it. After all, it wasn't only the defender who needed courage, but also the one who wanted to overcome.

Create Major Utility Artifact (5 - 2(Stone of Kros) = 3 AP): The Pillar of Halak. This dark pillar juts out of Zud's back. It pulses with ancient knowledge, radiating silence and providing understanding to those who gaze upon it. In the presence of Halak, there can be no unnecessary noise. (-1 AP/Create Advanced Concepts)
Create Advanced Concept (2 - 1(Pillar of Halak) = 1 AP): Sentinels. Those races around the globe who face danger of attack have formed simple military units versed in the art of defense and vigilance. They are known as Sentinels, Sentries, or even just Guards, but their duty is the same. They will protect what is important to them, for any reason they may have.
Create Sub-Concept of Architecture (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23005909&postcount=36)(1 AP): Fortifications. Beings everywhere now understand the importance of a well defended location. Architects and planners around the Sphere have begun constructing better and more precise defensive positions to their own aesthetic sensibilities.
Bless (1 AP): The Great Wall. Any mundane fortification constructed worldwide with the symbol of Zud upon it is immune to attack by way of Mythical Concepts. No magic can penetrate such fortifications; they must be taken down through more mundane means (this immunity includes Mythical/Fabled Life). Any fortification constructed by means of Mythical Concepts with the symbol of Zud upon it is immune to more mundane attacks. They must similarly be assaulted by means of Mythical Concepts/Life.
Bless (1 AP): Mundane Courage. Created Sapient Beings (not Mythical or Monstrous) have been blessed with the potential for intense courage. Some, but not all, will now seek to build, expand, and overcome their obstacles. Those blessed individuals will drive forward towards their goals or towards the goals of the one who made them. They will push their boundaries as they choose, and they will progress as they see fit. Individuals blessed by this nature have a willpower that can cause others to follow, and they are not daunted by setbacks or by foes.
Create Organization (1 AP): The Breakers. They possess members from any race willing to join them, and accept all applicants who possess the necessary courage. The Breakers are a guild of elite sappers, engineers, and those versed in magic who understand fortifications intrinsically. They know how to knock any wall down, even fantastical defenses, and will often hire on with forces that are looking to assault a location. The Breakers owe no allegiance to any society, but they may be persuaded to a cause for any number of reasons. To a Breaker, defenses are merely obstacles; puzzles that can be solved and overcome with ingenuity, courage, and skill.

Bookkeeping: 8 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -1 = 0 AP left
New Domain -
City (Fortifications)
Stone of Kros (5) Divine Infusion for Kros (3), Advanced Concept: Sentinels (1), Blessing: The Great Wall (1)

2018-04-20, 09:40 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux was perplexed as he stepped outside the Concert Hall. The Songbird wanted him to create beautiful art, but he wasn't sure if he grasped the concept yet. Had she not seen the stars in the sky, or the Dragons who came with him to her domain? They were all examples of his magnificence, why could they not be art?

He looked upon his dragons, now padding around on the ground and gathering at his feet. He sat with them on a hill, looking up at the night skies. "Tell us where we come from, Great Father." A dragon asked. This perplexed the First Dragon even more. The dragons of Stellaregno knew their history, for they were not an ignorant people. He had told them a thousand times over what had happened. Why did they ask again?

Stumped on the concept of art, Noctilux began to tell them again. But at that moment, a spark awoke in his heart. A simple relaying of facts became grandiose embelishments, a simple flight around the Sphere became a grand journey. Noctilux wasn't sure what he was doing, but he saw a new light in his dragon's eyes. Was this art that he was making? It didn't sound like the Songbird, it just sounded like talking. But his dragons were as enraptured by it as they had been by her song.

The tale was told, and the Dragons were in awe of their God's attempt at entertainment. Noctilux thought more about this. How could the tales of himself and the others of this world be remembered, so even the smallest village on the most isolated island could learn of not just his deeds, but the deeds of the other gods, the Dragons and the other creatures of this Sphere.

He looked to the sky and suddenly grew to his dragon form again. He moved his claws around, maneuvering the stars as if they were simple pegs in a wall. Soon, he had done it. He had created himself in the sky. It was a rather simple picture (Noctilux still wasn't sure he had a grasp on this "Art"), but his dragons recognized him and that was all that mattered. Noctilux continued, making the Songbird, the winged goddess who now slept in Stellaregno, the strange crustacean god who he saw but hadn't spoken to. They all were soon drawn (crudely) in the night sky so that all may see them.

"If that isn't art, I don't know what is." Noctilux said with a smile

I'm assuming that my AP point for joining the Pantheon is refunded since Noctilux hadn't created any art yet

Starting AP= 3

Mundane Concept (Storytelling)= 1 AP
Advanced Concept (Astronomy)= 2 AP

Remaining AP= 0

I'll join the Pantheon at the refresh.

2018-04-20, 10:45 PM
Zemirah - The second verse

This was quite a moment to Zemirah, she petted the child gently on the head and then pried herself free. She smiled at the six names presented on her stage, and decided this is where her harp would rest Core of her first song. She then looked around the hall and brought forth some of her divine power. She placed it on the wind and let it travel around the concert hall until the power vibrated into it's very walls. She was now content with this creation. Sure that unless a being equal to her dared to try none would be able to destroy this place. Even if the earth beneath it opened up nothing could destroy this hall.

Content the concert hall was safe she left. Heading outside to look up into the sunlight, she enjoyed it's warmth, and she liked the way her silouhette looked in its light. Thats when it occured to her something she hadnt seen on any of the other gods. None of them had shadows she was the only one. None of the mortals cast shadows either. Was this a mistake? or was she unique because of her dominion over the force? Even her hall did not cast a shadow. She tried to weave some more energy but found she was too tired. Perhaps creating the boy had taken it out of her. So she rested in the sun for a bit looking up at the sky.

AP = 0 PAP =1

The Hall of Eternal Wonders: (bless -1 Using PAP) The Concert hall home of the Pantheon "Court of Eternal Wonders" is now indesctructible blessed by Zemirah to ensure the safety of all within.

AP= 0
PAP = 1- 1 = 0

2018-04-21, 03:05 AM
With his creator leaving, Kihjo looked around noticing everyone was different and taller than he, not disheartened he continued to dance around merrily as he played with imaginary friends, chasing and running around with them. All the whilst dancing and singing. Sure he was not as reformed or as skilled as the other performers, but he didn't care, he was having fun. Soon enough these figments of his imagination did not remain imaginary for long.

They started appearing all throughout the room,
Like Agless Kihjo they were short and young in appearance with a thin frame and wide smile. However unlike him their large eyes were deep and dark, they had long pointy ears and pinned to their arms were majestic feathered wings.

Later these mythical creatures would come to be called the Ageless Children of the song (or Acots). They frolicked in the music, climbing up walls and disappearing from one location and reappearing in another. Kihjo, delighted by what had just happened went running and laughing out of the hall to continue playing outside with his new magical friends.

The heart of rhythm blessed all of them as they left, they would be safe and connected to the land of music, always able to return at a moments wish as long as they looked after it and if called, they would return to aid it.

10 AP 2/2PAP

Create Mythical life-2AP/-2PAP
Artefact charge
'the heart of rhythm'- bless

8AP 0/2PAP
0/1 Artefact

Ageless Children of the song
(imagine young friendly fey harpies, slightly less bird like.)

Small playful humanoid creatures, they are fey-like in appearance with wide eyes, largish pointed ears, and along the underside of their arms they have feathered wings like that of a song bird that allow them to fly. Their skin is slightly shimmery and reflects in the light.

They are quite mischievous, kind, beautiful and playful.
Weary of strangers they are often shy at first, tending to hide away and peer curiously from a distance.
While cautious these creatures cannot resist the lure of music games and dance.

Highly energetic they are forever playful and watchful. They seldom speak but make beautiful noises with their mouths and can mimic any sound. As well as mimicry they have exceptional hearing, and the ability to go invisible, alter appearance and teleport.

Besides just making pleasant sound they can also make negative ones that cause injury and pain when focused heavily on an area or individual.

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-21, 03:48 AM
Line, A Blessing To Silent Singers

Some Silent Singers were bathing in the sun. When a song entered their minds. It was not the song of each other. It was not the arcane concert, although it had power of its own. There was a faint, as if distant, rapid thudding that felt instinctively like a distanr battle. Concerted violins that they knew to be the sound of kneews being grazed or brambles being struggled through. Something was missing. They felt nervous when they realised what it was, they felt more nervous when they realised part of them did want it.

Then it came. Something of a sharp melody of an animal attack. The group rushed towards it. It wasn't far and the beast must have sensed them coming because when they got there, there was just a badly injured Singer alone.

THe singers sang there new song, they plucked notes and changed chords to first dull the pain to fix the sinews of the singer and letting him continue in life. Then they heard it again, further away this time.

8 AP = 10 AP - 2 AP: Sub-Concept of the Arcane Symphonthy - The Song of Pain - All pains are part of the song of pain. By listening to it then one can find and get an idea of the pains in the world. One can also infuse it with positive energy to heal and alleviate the pain. The song also includes that the careful listener can use to find his way to pains.
7 AP = 8 AP - 1 AP: Bless, some 5% or so of Silen Singers are blessed with the ability to be constantly listening to the Song of Pain.

2018-04-21, 06:12 AM
Ambleige - Herald of Greatness, Youngest of the first gods. In the village at the center of the sphere

Deep in the center of the sphere upon the gods wrought creation lay a dark village, empty but for one soul. Ambleige drummed his thick fingers against his thigh in impatience. He had thought his siblings would have appeared in hear with him. He had waited for them to appear as he had, born of their fathers loneliness. Instead he felt that he could sympathize with his father, understood his suicidal attempt to escape isolation. Ambleige pondered his surroundings deep in thought.

Well this is lame

Mundane Concept (-1AP): Awesomeness, the concept of inspiring awe for the sake of inspiriring awe
Mundane Concept (-1AP): Lameness, a total failure to inspire awe
Curse (-1AP): The Village has been cursed to cause a deep sense of ennui in all that visit it. It is deeply lame.
Domain Progress:
Judgement (Awesomeness) [3/10]

Ambleige stands from where he sits, stretch's his arms above his head and cracks his knuckles.

Thats enough of that, time to leave.

Ambleige lets out a roar and sprints at the wall surrounding the village. As he hits it he starts punching it, sending rocks flying. He continues to smash while roaring at the top of his deific lungs, carving a tunnel into the cave wall.

Eventually he burst from the surface of The Sphere, with one last roar he struck his bleeding fists into the air in triumph. A moment of suprise as the sunlight healed them. He turned and spat into the tunnel. After a slight pause he carved a statue of himself, in a triumphant pose, at the entrance.

Alter land 1AP: Tunnel to The Depressingly Lame Village, The tunnel wrought with Ambleige's bare hands remains as a portal between The Village and the surface of The Sphere.

Domain Progress:
Judgement (Awesomeness) [3/10]
Glory(Legacy) [1/10]

The eternal marker of his greatness erected he turns to observe the world and all it has to offer.

Sun that heals you? Awesome, Ambliege intoned pointing at it.
Bless(-1AP): The sun is blessed for being awesome with inspiring awesome. All who feel its healing warmth are motivated to make displays of strength.
Domain Progress:
Judgement (Awesomeness) [4/10]

2018-04-21, 07:31 AM
Skitter skitter, skitter skitter, ckitter ckitter..

The scuttling noises of the gigantic spider-monster were especially eerie in the dull quiet of the jungle she had landed. Most of the animals had fled in terror at the meteor strike of the abomination whom crawled forth from the hole left behind. Immediately she quivered from the sun taking refuge in the deeper jungle where the canopy above protected from the rays of the bright ball of fire. That place which had thrown her here, that burning orb of lifelessness. It was hate at first sight. The spider being made her way through the jungles of Arkan without caring what she disturbed.

Around her "neck" she wore her first piece of jewelry before even assuming a humanoid form- a little piece she had stolen for herself before she was rudely cast here that was sure to shine more brightly than anything on the dirt she walked. It was a shard of the sun itself encased in her power; ever shining bright and ever contained. Her motivations for taking it she wasn't sure of, but she knew that she did love shiny things.

And moving things!

The spider-monster squealed in delight as she encountered the various creatures to be found watching the reptiles for hours before moving on and running after the zebras. She chased one down and manged to corner them before pouncing on the hapless beast and draining it of all life and blood. All she knew was that she was hungry and that was satisfying. She stared down at the lifeless animal and frowned. It wasn't moving. This she didn't like so much. They were having such fun, why had she done this? But it had felt nice so she let it pass and moved on it from.

Chasing them had been too difficult and she didn't enjoy it as much so she trusted her instincts and started to string together webbing to create a nest for her to strike out from. Sticky webbing! To trap those cute little moving things so she could watch them more closely..

AP: 16

Create Utility Artifact (Sun Shard): Curse/Bless [5]

Alter Land (The Webbed Lands): Where the spider landed she made huge terrible webs so thick and deep in the jungles that the sun doesn't show there. [1]

Curse (Love): Devainia's very existence has created the concept of love, a curse upon all mortals. Love can drive you to do things you never thoguht you would, whether for good or ill. Love poisons the mind and soul. Love can be more addictive and more consuming than any drug, and also more fulfilling. Love can make even the soundest mind behave completely irrationally. Love can lift your heart to greater heights of happiness than you ever thought possible, and lower than you ever dreamed of.

AP: 10

2018-04-21, 08:20 AM
Orbis created history.
Orbis decided to investigate more into time. It was interesting but felt incomplete. He started with history the cataloging of past events, and even in how the people would create the time.
This he called history. The cataloging of events by the mortals both minor, and major. This was sparked due to the giants interesting tales of the old home they once had that they had been attacked for.

13/16 ap
-2 mundane concept(history) history written down and preserved for generations.
11/16 ap.

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-21, 01:17 PM
Vask, Ha'lainn Defended

Beginning to get bored of the gathering of gods, and decided that it was best that she left. With a polite acknowledgment of her exit, she drove into the earth below and began to swim home. She was thrilled to return to her glorious homeland. However, she arrived to find that it had been attacked. Lava spilled from her heart, which began to fill with rage.

"What being has done this? I shall destroy them all! How dare they attack something so divine, so rightly mine?!"

The dwarves gathered around their lady, taking care to avoid the small pools forming from the lava pouring from her eyes. Giants, they told her, had come here and attacked. Vask began to notice that they had begun construction on a massive and impregnable wall around their fortress. This was good, she thought. It would stop this from happening again. The idea came from another visitor they told her, one who's might was infinite and his bravery just as large.

"I shall seek out this stranger. He and I shall become powerful allies and smite all those who dare to do such a thing ever again!"

With that, she raised her hammer into the air, plucking a small bit of a giant which had been sundered from its body and now laid on the ground. She smashed into the shard with her hammer, and again, and again, until finally she had tempered it into a hammer in it's own right.

"This shall be the Giantbreaker, I shall use it to destroy every last one of them!"

With those words, she fled once more from her home, this time in search of the God they called Zud.

"Impregnable Defender, I come in search of thee!"

AP: 1, refresh +4 PAP: 1
Create Major artifact(Combat Artifact: Giantsmasher) -4 AP(used 1 lower cost from utility artifact)
[Artifice(Smithing) 9/10]

2018-04-21, 02:02 PM
Wearing an array of fresh new cuts and bruises, Agless Kihjo comes racing around the corner of the great hall, chasing something that is no longer there. Rounding the corner with his full determination and momentum, at the last second he spotted a glowing eyeball encased by a cloud of mist and hands. But it was far too late. He barely had the time to acknowledge the strange form let alone stop before crashing into it. Instead he just shouted gibberish and put his hands up as he went flying into the other God.

"Ahhh I'm so sorry" he shouts as he eventually ends up on the floor. "Wh, who are you? What are you doing?" he asks politely with an inquisitive glare coming from his puzzled face.

Before he even gets an answer he butts in with another question.
"Where are your legs? Most creations have legs don't they?"

2018-04-22, 02:37 AM
Zemirah - A second verse

After a few days of rest Zemirah felt her divine power stretch again. It must be time to create again. So she gathered herself and walked around her musical land. It brought her joy and the silent singers brought her amusement. Something about them though felt empty. They were missing that thing that extra thing to make them whole.

Zemirah thought on this as she returned to the concert hall. She would make an echo of these mortals. A reflection of who they are so that if ever they should leave this world part of them would remain. One might call it a soul if such a thing ever existed.

She entered her concert hall and approached her harp. She then began to write a new tune. This one was sad and played beneath the arcane symphony. It would fill the mortal races and allow then to live on. A song eternal.

Ap=0 + rollover PAP=0 + rollover

Mortal Echoes: (mythic concept -1 discount 2 pap 1) at the core of every mortal is the tale that is their song this echoes long after they are gone a reflection of who they were in life. - (music (echoes) 4/10)

Ap = 4 - 1 =3
Pap = 1-1 =0

2018-04-22, 10:19 AM
Golgari, still sleeping
Still deep in slumber among the dragons, Golgari murmers in her sleep the secrets to gaining great wealth through trade. Not even realizing it, she invented Economics.

Starting AP 4/16

Create Advanced Concept (Economics) (Free Advanced Concept 1/1): This allows an understanding of how to build wealth through trade, a gift to the Dragons from Golgari.

Ending AP 4/16

2018-04-22, 10:36 AM
Sheloth and the Child God
Turning from his art, Sheloth looked at the small god who just ran into him. "Who am I? I am Sheloth, Lord of the Infinite Dreamscape, Sculptor of the Continent of Arkan, and in case you haven't realised yet, a fellow member of the Court of Infinite Wonders. As for what I am doing, I was finishing up the sculptures of all of the members of the Court. You can see your likeness there, across from the dragon. As for why I have no legs, I have no need for them. I can simply float along just fine. Some creations do not have legs, like snakes and fishes. Also, I am a creator, not a creation. Well I have much more creating to do, so I will take my leave. If you wish to see me again, you can visit my personal plane at any time." Waving goodbye to the the child god, Sheloth went back into the void and began looking for inspiration for his next creation.

2018-04-22, 05:13 PM
Zud had not wandered far from Ha'lainn. He had grown tired over the course of his work, and had settled into the comforting mud that coated the bottom of the ocean. He wouldn't be able to do much from where he rested, but it was difficult to ignore the downward pull of the Sphere on his limbs. Everything within him just wanted to stay, never moving for the rest of time.

"Impregnable Defender, I come in search of thee!"

His being shook at the eloquent call. Was he being summoned? Sought out? It seemed many were in search of something these days; rest was seemingly out of his reach for now.

Zud wrestled himself from the ocean floor once more, tearing out of the earth with great force. The mud and sediment quickly settled into place where he had rested, and for that Zud was grateful. Twice now, he noticed the harm he caused the Sphere when he moved from a resting place. If it ever happened above water, there might be serious repercussions for such an action.

He surfaced carefully, his head rising above the water like a tower, great light shining as he searched for the commotion. He spotted the being a ways off, heat rolling off of the lava she poured forth. A mighty hammer was in her possession and it radiated with danger. This could be no created, certainly. Only a creator possessed that kind of power. That meant trouble.

Zud rose out of the water as best he could, but he remained weighed down to the Sphere. He would not be able to avoid this confrontation, though he did not wish to run. Watching this approaching deity, Zud felt only confusion. How could she move so freely? Why was she seeking him out? Also, what was it she said? "Impregnable Defender"? Who had he defended?

Maybe she meant the dwarves, though they now defended themselves. It was not Zud's duty to watch over the created, only to ensure they could be watchers.

"...Zuuuud...." He rumbled, pointing to himself. His voice was not used to speaking, and he felt only somewhat embarrassed at the fact. Communication was much different than his comfortable silences.


AP Rollover: 0+4
AP: 4
Stone of Kros: 1
Pillar of Halak: 1

2018-04-22, 06:49 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux returned to the Concert Hall just as Zemirah finished up her Song Eternal. "A beautiful sound, Songbird." The First Dragon said as he walked in. "I have returned with a type of art. I have taught my dragons how to tell stories and have chronicled them in the stars themselves!" He gives a quick bow, "I think that is more than enough to join your Court of Eternal Wonders."

Refresh puts my AP from 0 to 4.

Spend 1 AP to join the Pantheon "Court of Eternal Wonders"

0+4-1=3 AP remaining

Process to Domains:

Darkness (Night): 7/10

2018-04-22, 07:01 PM
Golgari, still dreaming

Golgari was still asleep, when she murmured ”Too many mortals...need balance...using too many resources...”

Her dreaming activated her Manse’s ability to create life. Her plane of Necropolis had many Manticores roaming the infinite space outside of the infinite building, and they had greatly multiplied since her last visit. Out of the infinite flat plane outside of the infinite building, many mushrooms sprung up. Aware even in sleep that these mushrooms could help kill off some of the exploding mortal population, she created a bridge from where she was sleeping on the first world to the plane of Necropolis. The tomes of knowledge created on that plane will carry the spores into the first world. This dream of the goddess also made the first books a reality.

”The mushrooms will kill...stuff...be carried by wind and books...”

Starting AP: 4/16

Zombie Fungus (Free create monstrous life, from Manse): This mushroom releases spores into the wind which gradually weaken and kill mortal creatures, how long this takes depending on the creature’s race, but invariably, unless expensive magics are used, the spores cause the mortals to age and die if they have flesh. As the creature nears death, it begins seeking wet and/or humid places. After its death the fungus takes hold and reanimates the rotting creature, which can inject enough spores into a creature with its bite to make that creature transform within an hour of being bitten, especially if its near water. These creatures are slow and mindless. After the creature’s flesh has rotted away, the skeleton collapses and becomes a cage around the spores which sink into the ground, especially wet ground, and create new mushrooms to start the process over again. Its a fungal infection from hell.

(Count towards Death (Disease)) Claim Zombie Fungus (1 AP)

(Count towards Death (Disease)) Create Bridge, First World to Necropolis (2 AP): This bridge is a cave on the continent of Stellaregno next to where Golgari is sleeping. The dragons may want to build a building surrounding the cave, which leads deep into the floating continent but whose opening is framed by only a small hill on the continent. Due to the nature of the plane of Necropolis, those who enter who Golgari does not want to enter find it harder and harder to proceed until it is impossible.

(Count Towards Death (Disease)) Bless Bridge (1 AP): In order for this bridge to be destroyed, this blessing must first be countered. This bridge is especially hard to destroy.

Ending AP: 1

Panoply (Education) (reduces costs of advanced concepts by 1): 6/10

Death (Disease): 3/10

2018-04-22, 07:37 PM
Ekmelao stirred from his slumber, slithering down into a crevice in the sea and reappearing in the sky, and observing his creations.

His people had done decently.

Not spectacularly. But the sixty-four noble houses had not grown corrupt, even as they became more inclined towards intrigue, and the trees had become advisors, as they should, teaching of history and astronomy and economy and storytelling and everything that every nation of the world mentioned in their hearing.

But they had become a touch... stagnant. Dependent, upon the gifts that he had given them. They lived blessed, harmonious lives- but they had produced no creations of their own, in spite of their divine spark.

It was high time for novelty.

A petal fell from his tail, spinning and multiplying and turning into a whirlwind of perfume, in the very center of the moon’s surface. The perfume faded, and in its place was a thousand food tall tree, with fragrant flowers resplendent in every color and with bark that glimmered like the night sky. On its leaves were suggestions. Ideas.

“What if you tried to make a house that could float?” suggested one.

“Or only bred plants that made more fruit?” asked another.

They didn’t *all* come to much- agriculture was hard both underwater and on the tundra, turns out, and people didn’t really need boats when they could turn into fish- but it was a start. And, well, since the first suggestion the leaves made was “make a better writing system for these suggestions to be written in,” they did.

Thus, writing- not just simple pictographs and such, but a respectable, universal alphabet- spread tote Druids of the other races of the world, and spread to the common people in turn.

Ekmelao smiled, slightly, in spite of his lack of lips, and his herbaceous scales glistened with dewdrops and mist.

Starting AP: 7

Create minor artifact (3 AP): The Oaken Opal of Ekmelao. It allows for one free Create Mundane Concept a week, and is also very pretty.

Using that free action, he’s also, indirectly, created writing.

Ending AP: 4

Moon (Tides): 10/10, now.
Creatures (Naga): 6/10.

2018-04-22, 09:41 PM
But another march

The blue waves on the sandy sea floor a giant tribe marched. They numbered about twenty all but two had the shimmer that the armor of trock. They sang a sad song that changed rhythm regularly, for they know no happen songs.

At the front were the scavengers sifting through the sand for anything of use. In the past they would have used crud sieve and their hands, but a number of cycles ago they had learned how to move the earth with thought and trock.

That tribe learned it from another tribe who learnt it from another who learnt it from another, such was how ideas moved though the tribes of the wandering giants.

One of the scavengers saw a fish’s tale as they moved the sand. Before the fish could move the sand around it squeezed holding it in place, the giant grabbed the fish by is tail and throw it into a net like bag. The sands were easy to scavenge but hardly the most fruitful lands.

The scavenger looked at the bag it wasn’t much but one of the fish was trying to bite another as any act of hunger. The scavenger moved over to the crafter who took the bag and gave an empty one to the scavenger.

The crafter quickly drew a small knife and quickly killed the nibbling fish before it could ‘damage’ the stock. The crafter cut but a few organs from each fish, then tossed the bodies to the size, no use for the rest. The crafter tied each of the fish’s swim bladders to a string and left them to float.

The two children of the tribe were play fighting as they marched like they did when ever not in lessens or sleeping. They ‘play’ fight had an intensity and brutality to match a real one, they adults would end the fight one way if ether was at risk of death. One of the children thrown a discus with its full strength and control of earth due to trock, the discus smashed into the other child cracking their face. “You call that a throw? I hardly felt it!” The injured child yelled unflinching despite the pain.

The children trade strikes, hammer meeting pickaxe, as both chipped away at the other falling behind the tribe. “If you’re going to fight keep pass with the tribe or I will come back there to show you how it is done!” One of adult yelled back prepared to do just that.

The children designed it was time to end their fight, one grabbing their discus and ducked under the net at the back of the tribe.

Two giants at the tribes back had a net strung between them, at the top side of the net was floating organs and sea weed to hold it up, while at its bottom were weights to pull it taut. Net holler was by far the easies job one could pull from the bag at the start of the cycle. The net was the lightest float and was pulled by two, all the giants need to do was walk, an act that to most felt more natural then standing.

The net float’s intended purpose was to passively catch fish as any trawling net, however to the tribes its other purpose was to make the end of the march. If you were behind the net you were lagging behind the march.

The tribe had two other ‘floats’ the heavy one and the drying one. The heavy one a raft like thing holing heavy stones and ores, this cycle it was pulled by a giant that was also assigned the role of time keeper. The drying one was a bottom-heavy float that was intended to stay upon the water’s surface were pieces of clay dried in the sun’s light. This cycle it was pulled by the druid, one of the four rolls that wasn’t chosen at random each cycle.

The time keeper measured the sun’s position with a simple tool yelled to the druid. “Pull the drying one down, that batch should be done.” The druid pulled down the float slowly using a cord that anchored the float to him. This batch were cray jars, all were simple, some misfired having fallen and dried on their sides.

One of the crafters placed wet jars of clay on the float, the druid slowly released the float trying to reduce the number of jars that fell on their side. The druid grown angry as the apprentice of trock bumped them while dodging.

The apprentice and master of trock often spared as the apprentice’s training, they were having trouble using hardening instead of trock’s armor. The two of them constantly walked sideways to keep pace with the tribe, they struck rarely but when they did it was deliberate and fast. The apprentice lifted and throw a hand full of sand into the master’s face, then following that with a punch. The master was pleased with the trick but the punch did nothing, the apprentice could see in their masters face they would be practising punching.

The druid who was wrapped in sea weed to help him hear them ‘voices’ let up a yell interrupting the tribe’s song. Pointing forward to a sea weed forest, what they had been walking towards of the last few cycles. Ever giant in the tribe briefly looked forward to see the forest that they would be harvesting.


Create advanced concept (ap 2): floats

Giants after the sundering carry all their presentation on themselves often using loops of string, but when an item is too bulky or heavy giants employ floats. To giants any floating large item often tide to a giant is a float. This concept mostly applies to the wheel less wagons used by the giants.

When camping the giants anchor their floats when camping. Floats are used by giants as they are easier to move over difficult terrain, easier to build without wood (hard to get in the sea) and giants can’t use boats (yet).

Create sub concept (2 ap): stone obeys, sub concept of trock.

Stone obeys can only be used by creatures that can use proxy limbs (only giants at this time), for such creatures stone obeys is considered a basic ability of trock. Stone obeys allows its user to control ‘materials of earth’ (see below) in a sort of telekinesis sort of way.

The total force a user can exert at any time though stone obey is equal to their mundane strength and a user may use their full mundane and stone obeys strength at the same time. The range of stone obeys is a very short distance of the user’s body and anything they control though stone obeys to connected by ‘materials of earth’ out to a distance equal to their arm’s length (or closest appendage).

A user may harden or weaken any material they control though the stone obeys like they would harden or weaken with advanced trock. This is a normal use of stone obeys.

‘Materials of earth’ generally consist of materials that make up the Perfect Sphere or come from under its surface. This includes but isn’t limited to: rock, dirt, earth, mud, sand, glass, crystals, metals, salts, glass, ice/snow (but never liquid water), generally a liquid form of the above and generally many combinations of the above.

A number of materials are never ‘materials of earth’ including: water, living matter, gases and magic versions of the above that don’t come from the ground. For example, metals of star dust or crystals formed from the tears of a god.

Finally, materials that were part creature that can use proxy limbs can never be used with the stone obeys.

claim domain: life(giants) (
Create Mythical Life: giants 4
Form Society: wandering giants 2
Create Mythical Concept: trock 4)

2018-04-23, 12:20 AM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

After claiming his spot in the Court of Eternal Wonders, Noctilux took to the sky again, returning to the kingdom of Stellaregno. The First Dragon was amazed at the kingdom his children had built up. Thanks to the gifts of the sleeping goddess, the dragon's towers were growing taller and the kingdom was growing more wealthy, trading with the races of the Sphere. Not only that, but the Dragons had taken the drawings that Noctilux had made in the sky and had begun studying them, mapping out the night sky and marking down the passage of comets and how the constellations seemed to 'move' through the sky.

The First Dragon was pleased with his children's ingenuity. He wished to encourage them to continue to study the skies and explore the world, bringing new discoveries to the Sphere. Noctilux carefully fashioned a huge silver spire from the earth, his children digging out rooms in the spire using their claws. It stood high in the eternal twilight of Stellaregno, looking as strong as steel and as fragile as silk at the same time. Fashioning a delicate crystal within a golden cone, he placed it at the top of thi spire, a device to allow the dragons to observe the stars even more closely. He smiled at his creation, a place that would stand high in Stellaregno as a place of learning and discovery.

Current AP= 3

Create Minor Artifact (Divine Favor- Create Mundane Concept) 3 AP- The Silver Observatory
The Silver Observatory is a sacred building in Stellaregno, dedicated first and foremost to the study of the heavens. This is mainly done on the top floor, where the massive crystalline telescope allows the scholars of Stellaregno to look closer at the stars than any other being on the Sphere.
The lower levels are dedicated to libraries, laboratories, lecture halls and anything else dedicated to the education of Dragonkind.

Remaining AP= 0


Darkness (Night) - 10/10 (2 for creating the Stars, 3 for using a Comet to Infuse the Dragons to Mythical Race, 2 for the Advanced Concept Of Astronomy and 3 for the creation of the Silver Observatory)

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-23, 12:51 AM
Vask, A Friend in Divinity

Vask approached the Watchtower warringly. It was possible that he could be a danger to her just as much as he could be an ally. However, she thought it just as well to even try to make an ally in her pursuit of vengeance.

"My children build walls in your name. Walls to defend them from the onslaught of those who wish to bear ME insult. I dare say, I must thank you for making them productive in protecting themselves in my brief absence. Tell me, you show them bravery against those creatures of stone...those...giants...Would you not see them destroyed? It is unjust for one to attack without cause, as they have done to my children. They must be brought to justice. Will you join me in pursuit of such a righteous cause?"

2018-04-23, 04:08 AM
Sheloth and the Child God

Not content or finished with their conversation, the young child God quickly followed Sheloth, the Lord of the Infinite Dreamscape to where ever he was going. After all he did say he could visit him when ever.
Kihjo was instantly amazed and in awe of the many bright colourful rocks and large black stones that surrounded him. He flapped his arms in the shifting mist and watched and laughed as it dissipated away. He almost forgot why he was here. Coiling some mist around him he went off in search of Sheloth, calling his name. His search stopped suddenly as he came across a great fountain. Both impressed and confused by its design and purpose he began to steadily examine it. Having no understanding of such things, nor ever encountering one before, his investigation was a simple one which involved a steady amount of touching, prodding poking and he was even about to start tasting it.

2018-04-23, 08:00 AM
Vask, A Friend in Divinity

Vask approached the Watchtower warringly. It was possible that he could be a danger to her just as much as he could be an ally. However, she thought it just as well to even try to make an ally in her pursuit of vengeance.

"My children build walls in your name. Walls to defend them from the onslaught of those who wish to bear ME insult. I dare say, I must thank you for making them productive in protecting themselves in my brief absence. Tell me, you show them bravery against those creatures of stone...those...giants...Would you not see them destroyed? It is unjust for one to attack without cause, as they have done to my children. They must be brought to justice. Will you join me in pursuit of such a righteous cause?"

The creator before him was eloquent, much more so than Zud could ever hope to be. But he still had no idea who this was that approached him. She never introduced herself, but her interest in avenging the dwarves, her "children" stood out. His earlier suspicion had been confirmed, though: she was a creator. Pursuing a righteous cause, apparently. What exactly that meant was a mystery to him.

After all, the giants had only done what was expected. These creations seemed to have a innate desire to clash with each other, as chaotic as their makers were. Was it not better to have them separated, rather than supporting the one or the other? The dwarves were on one side of a wall, where they belonged, though they likely wouldn't be content to stay only there.

Still, she wanted the giants destroyed for what they had done. Zud could not understand that. It would be more appropriate to direct her anger towards the one that created them. Even better, it would make sense to wall them off so that no further damage could be done.

Or was that it? Maybe the dwarf-mother had a point. Maybe each of the created needed to be separated in their own way. A box or everything. Zud did not have the power to do all that on his own. Even in the distance, he could detect more and more things were being created as he lingered here. It was far too much. Perhaps...just as a wall was made of many pieces arranged together to strengthen the whole, a joint effort could be made to bring back silence to the noise of creation.

"Zuuud...join....ss...." He managed to rumble, his head bobbing slowly in assent.

"Gi....ant...ss.....wreck....less....Need...silence ..."

They would be walled off like the rest; but Zud had seen their destruction of the dwarves, and he knew they would fight against any wall that contained them. Maybe it was time for something less physical to separate the created. Something that caused them to distance themselves from one another. Boxes and walls made of their own choosing. This would be the only way to ensure the survival of all.

2018-04-23, 10:44 AM
Once Guerletta had assembled the guardians of the Temple, including members from species that had not yet been created when his search started, he had to bring them home. While a simple rush of divine magic may have been enough, they needed to be able to find their own way if they were to make their own glory. This was truer than ever now one of the gods had created nigh-invincible fortifications. If he didn’t teach a way through there would never be battle worth singing of there, only mind numbing siege. As of such he began a new song to take them to their home and added a few notes to the arcane symphony.

Almost heaven, Ars Musica
Melody mountains, Eversinging river
Music’s old there, older than the trees
Nested in the mountains, blowing in the breeze
Bardic roads, take me home
To the place I belong
Ars Musica
Mountain mamma, take me home
Bardic roads

Sub-Concept of the Arcane Symphonthy - The Song of roads: Those who use the arcane symphony can now create paths to other places far away across the world or even potentially to other unlocked planes. It’s easy to create paths to familiar but non-exact places like “home” or the side of a loved one but very difficult to create paths to exact positions.

10/10 Society:Bards
(Created Silent Singers, Blessed them with Innate Music, Formed Music Lands, Joined Pantheon of the Arts, Created Organisation of Bardic Gaurds, Formed Bardic Roads)

Juicy Kisses
2018-04-23, 12:42 PM
Vask, The Seeds of Vengeance

Vask smiled, her toothy grin enough to make most feel at least a little uneasy. She let out a small chuckle,

"I knew you would be wise enough to join me. I shall be glad to call you my friend, Zud. Come, let us be off! We must show these giants what happens when they vex the mighty Vask!

Vask could not imagine whether Zud had any ill intentions towards either her nor her foe. She was to consumed by the flames that burned within her heart to care much about anything other than revenge. Perhaps Zud could become her ally, perhaps he would prove to be less useful. In any case, vengeance would be hers! She outstretched her hand towards the Watchtower and awaited to whisk him off in search of these giants.

2018-04-23, 03:30 PM
Sheloth and the Child God Part Duex
While tinkering with his new construct, Sheloth notices Kihjo inspecting the Font of Inspiration. "Are you thirsty little one? Go on and have a drink. I think you will find it to be quite refreshing and enlightening. Now once you've had a sip, take a gander at my newest creation, the Mobile Monster Mashing Machine."
Sheloth uses one of his hands to point to a massive eight legged machine. On the front of it is a massive hole and a multitude of arms covered with scoops. On the back is a large hole for the output.
"This wonderful device can convert organic matter to a monster from your imagination. Now for its first test run, where do you think I should put it?."

Create lesser Artifact -3 Ap
For Nature(Evolution)
New total 4 + 2PAP - 3 Ap = 1 Ap + 2PAP

2018-04-24, 02:41 AM
Sheloth and the Child God Part Duex

Kihjo gratefully accepts the offer and after chewing a blue rock for a short second he spits it out and focuses on the water. Firstly he cautiously tests it with his hand, then convinced it's safe, he suddenly submerges his whole head under the water of the fountain. A second later he emerges coughing and spluttering, hair wet and soaking, dripping all over the place. As he catches his his breath on heavy gasps, he chuckles and wipes the excess water from his face looking around wide eyed in bemusement, as if truly seeing the world for the first time.

"Organic matter?" He stops to ask as he scurries up to the new creation. "This isn't anything like those statues from before."
The child God remarks as he inquisitively roamed around the structure, weaving in and out of its many legs. He tapped on it here and shook that part over there, all in examination and curiosity.

He stops to look back at Sheloth. Face brimming with excitement and possibilities. "Will it hurt? Maybe we could put it on those big tall green things coming out of the ground. They are really fun to play around and it might even make them more amazing!" His last question was by far his most important and he treated it as such, "Can I help?"

2018-04-24, 01:05 PM
Ekmelao looked further upon the world, and- wait. Wait one moment.

His rose-kin creations had started growing ill and sickly, as they grew in years and wisdom- first they would find one form growing weak, and then another, and then another, until forced into using but their one, fully serpentine form- and then that one, hale as it was, would grow pallid and sickly as well.

And turn into a ravenous, undead abomination.

The druids could delay it, substantially- but not rid the afflicted entirely of their ailment, nor dodge it eternal with shapeshifting. Every Naga was afflicted. Every Naga was afflicted. Even the other races had been cursed with the blight, without the recourse of skin-slipping to aid them.

This was- catastrophe, disharmony, the work of some fool god that might only hope to never encounter his fang. Countering it directly- wasn’t his style, the fungus was a living creature and thus also his responsibility, however heinous its existence was. He’d have to find some alternative solution…

He slithered through the sky, pensive.

2018-04-24, 09:21 PM
Zemirah - A song to curb the blight.

Zemirah was pleased the dragon had added his name to her stage, She had felt a shift in her power when the first two had done so and now the pantheon was six strong. Strength in numbers. There was war on the wind, Zemirah could hear it. Having allies in these trying times may well be the edge she would need. Along with power, but she could earn that on her own.

It was then Zemirah noticed something odd in her hall. It was a silent singer but something about it was off it looked old and decayed and as she listened she could not hear his echo. Zemirah, concerned, approached the poor creature. "What is wrong you poor thing, I cannot hear your echo and you seem to be rotting while you stand." The creature gave no response its mental faculties gone instead it simply lunged at Zemirah attempting to feast on her godly flesh. Zemirah was not a war god, but she did have magic on her side. She let out a screech, Harmonious but destructive it resonated in the shambling heap of rotting flesh and it turned to dust. "What was that monstrosity? who would create such a vile thing? And for what purpose? Are my senses correct, is there a war coming? I must protect the people, or rather I should give them a means to protect themselves. DEVOUT SINGERS! TO ME! I HAVE A NEW SONG TO TEACH YOU."

Zemirah began weaving a new song into the Arcane Symphony. It was not a peaceful song nor was it a kind song but the song would let them purge any of these foul and wretched monsters from the land. At its very core it may yet be wielded by singers who would sunder continents destroy cities or topple armies with just their voice. After she taught the mortals words that should not be uttered to do things that should not be done by Mortals, Zemirah left the concert hall. She had one final thing to do, she had to ensure those creatures could not rise here in this land again.

It took her a long time, as she walked around the entirety of her musical continent weaving the echos of the now dead into the music that moves about this land. Zemirah was crafting a ward to protect what was hers and after that she had other works to do. It was most unfortunate this goddess would not get a chance to enjoy creation for just a while longer, it seemed things were brewing and she wanted to be prepared.

Starting AP = 3 PAP = 1

The forbidden words of the song: (Create Subconcept -2 PAP USED) Zemirah had, had no intent to give words to her symphony and was mildly enraged that she felt she had to. Her words divine in nature combined into the right sequence could turn creatures to dust, sunder continents or even topple civilizations. A weaponized song though she knows one day it may be used for great evil for now it serves in it's purpose to protect the mortals in the music land. The right words spoken in the right way mingled with the power of the Arcane Symphony can perform great things - (Destruction (Vengeance) 1/10 )

Echo Guardians (Blessing -1) Woven into the very wind that moves about and creates sound on Guerlatta's and Zemirah's musical continent the echo's of the dead will now sometimes become guardians to the island their last remaining sound used to stop the dead from rising here. The ward doesn't destroy the fungus it merely prevents it from the raising the dead. Mortals will still age and die but when they die they will remain dead. - (Music (Echoes) 5/10)

AP = 3 - 1 - 1 = 1 PAP = 1 - 1 = 0


Emperor Demonking
2018-04-25, 01:48 AM
Line, The Sun - Dealing With Mushrooms

The fungi were fun guys. He very much enjoyed seeing family trying to help family only to find their attempts come up empty and soon to find themselves getting eaten by former family. It was very much a hoot. Line made a note to find the creator, and give a warm handshake. A very warm handshake.

Still, it began to grow samey. He gave the light of the sun a second power. It would purify the corpses of the dead of the mushrooms. It did not do this instantaneously, if the fungi had self-preservation instincts then they wiuld normally have time to flee to the shade or perhaps underground, but if one had sunlight to flee within they one could generally live to tell of the rise of one's freind or family as a zombie.

14 AP = 10 AP + 4 AP
-1 Artefact Charge (Sun): The sun's light destroys the mushrooms within a Zombie.

2018-04-25, 02:08 PM
Stellaregno, Continent of the Dragons

While the Sphere began to realize the danger of the "Mushroom corpses", the Dragons of the Silver Observatory worked feverishly. For whatever reason, the corpse fungus took much longer to affect the dragons. This advantage gave them much more time to study how it spread, and while the scholars of the Silver Observatory could not figure out a way to stop the march of death, they could figure out ways to slow it.

A mixture of certain herbs growing on the Sphere created potions, remedies to temporarily halt the fungus and allow the mortal races of the Sphere to cling to life just a little longer. Perhaps eventually, they would eliminate the march of aging and death entirely.

Thanks to the Silver Observatory, I get a free Mundane Concept.

I choose Medicine as this week's Mundane Concept.

2018-04-25, 02:30 PM
Naga society was in chaos. Druidic magic was plenty capable of burning the remnants of the dead, yes- above water.

Most people of the rose preferred to spend most of their time on the inside of Hyperborea, swimming in the comfortably tropical waters, and swam above, through tunnels and gaps, only to consult with the trees and view the gorgeous sky. That had changed. The ocean inside of Hyperborea had become filled with steadily rotting serpents, their decay slowed by the water’s salinification, and the continent’s residents had been forced aboveground, in the harsh tundra. Druidism helped. Druidism did not help enough.

They prayed to their god, and Ekmelao, tiring of indecision, answered.

In a flutter of petals, a crown appeared on the head of each noble-house, fashioned from pale roses. Each was thorned, and each thorn dripped with venom more toxic than any other known, but no naga or naga-friend found themselves harmed in the slightest by it, even as it burned the undead-fungus from the systems of those who wore its associated crowns. Those under the crowns’ influence came to understand druidic healing as few understood anything, and, when they combined their collective might and flared their power as they might do but rarely, they could create entirely new forms of life.

The sixty-four heads of the sixty-four households of naga nobility, each taking upon a form half-serpent and half-man (as encouraged on ceremonial occasions), came together in a large circle, tails intertwined. For a brief-moment, all was still-

And then pure white unicorns appeared, their sudden existence heralded by a cascade of silver energy.

They would hunt the undead wherever they were, with a ferocity unmatched and a horn uniquely suited to the task, for any half-alive thing would turn to naught but remnants and ashes when impaled by a unicorn’s horn. They would, when presented with air, sprout wings and fly; they would, when presented with water, grow gills and swim. They would not be deterred. They would not be stopped.

First, they hunted within the tropical and bright reaches of the Hyperborean sea, steadily growing in number and culling all undead-serpents from its depths, to the rejoicing and with the assistance of their progenitors. Yet such was not enough- their lust to turn fungus to dust was not yet satiated.

And so all but a few of the unicorns grew wings, and they flew to every nation and every continent of the world, to spear and un-kill every undead thing they could.

They were, in great part, successful, their efforts combining with the intervention of the sun and night and song gods to weaken the zombified menace. It was far from gone- yet it was manageable, rather than unstoppable.

Create minor artifact (3 AP): The crowns of the venomous rose, which grant one free ‘create monstrous life’ a week.

Create unicorns (0 AP): Using aforementioned artifact.

Down to 1 AP.

2018-04-25, 03:16 PM
Sheloth and the Child God Part Duex - Kihjo takes his leave

In the midst of all the creative excitement, Kihjo heard the cry of his first and most dearest Acots. In doing so he opened a connection to the creature so it could teleport to him.
What he learned of next would change the way he saw things forever.

He learnt of the the world the Acots had explored, the creatures they had met and of the fungus and all the horrible things it was doing. There right before him was the worst of it. What it had done to his friend.

His friend was not the same playful creature he had created.
While he was magical, ageless and seemingly immune to this odd fungal disease that ran near rampart across the normal lands, being so curious as Acots are he had chosen to go wandering and explore. Eventually he found himself utterly overwhelmed by the fungus. He had mistakenly taken to eating the mushrooms for fun and trying to 'play' with packs of zombies. Even though ageless and magical, the compounding effect of the fungus become painfully evident.

While still short he had grown in size, his wings were now just rotting flesh strips hanging from his arms. The once shimmering glow of his skin now faded and if not covered by a suffocating moss or fungus, was pale and dry with lines cracking along it. Life had been sucked from him. His wide curious eyes once filled with only hope and excitement now held a murky swirl of despair. His long ears now limp curled back instead of pointing up straight.

It hurt Kihjo so badly to see his friend like this and knowing there were others that he instantly broke out in tears.
"Why, why would anybody do something like this?" he cried.

The joy, the fun, the innocence was all gone. Taken from his friend. He had lost the ability to fly, to play and to sing. He had lost all joy.
He tried to sing for his creator one more time but his song was now but a harrowing raspy one, filled with eerie moans and haunting cries. There was an unknown power to it that no one was yet aware of. Kihjo was determined, he could not take this nor let it happen any more.

He cried and cried. A tear for every Acots now aged by this horrible misfortune and void of their inner glow. He tasked all them, those Acots robbed of their youth to stop it from happening to any others. He asked these children aged by the horrors of the fungus, to take on the mantle as defenders of the eternal sorrow, to fight against and prevent such vile things from happening again. These warriors would be named Dotem. It would be their duty to contain the undead.
Once he had shed a tear for each and every one of them they became something more than they were before, more than just aged Acots, they were now Dotem.

With Kihjo's imagination running wild thanks to the amazing water of the fountain, he was dreaming up solutions to this problem. A way to attack back at the fungus creatures. To defend the innocent. To save all children. To aid the Dotem. To preserve the existence of fun. There were more ideas coming to him than he could possibly implement right away. So he stuck with the first and most simplest.

But to his new plan a new problem arose just as quickly and his imagination combated that too.
This disease was all over the world yet his Dotem hadn't the ability to fly anymore, the Acots were too small. He had heard of manticore's and their flight but they hadn't the mind for the task. So a concept was born. Domestication of the animals. The Dotem would work along side, train, ride and fly on the backs of the manticore's or any other animal they saw fit to use.

So he taught his friend the recently conceived secrets of taming the manticore's so he could soar the skies once again. He gave him an important job, a holy mission, a new purpose. For this he gave him his own name and declared him both the hero and leader of his new people.

Once the first Acots, now the the first of Dotem. The first manticore rider. Kihjo's best friend, Druhm El'otis.

Once his new friend and hero is out on his way, without word or reason Kihjo takes his leave of Sheloth and goes back to the great hall. He dances an emotional dance upon its floor. His wishes resonating through the sleeping heart of rhythm below him and being answered. All his creations were blessed with an immunity to all, poison, disease, infection and mind control.

Create concept
-1 charge the font

Create sub-species
Dotem (of Acots) -2PAP

While their new song sent shivers down the spine of any normal creature and caused animals to flee in fear and sentient life to turn away in uncomfortable disgust, there was one type of creature that understood it. The undead.
They marched and followed to its beat. Drawn to its melancholy. It resurrected a slimmer of life in those empty shells.

With this song these creatures could control the mindless infected zombies. Inciting fear or aggression, calmness or confusion. These were now their new friends.

Raise Hero
Druhm El'otis. -2AP

-1 charge Heart of rhythm
Eternal Health Acots and Dotem.

AP 12-2=10
All charges spent.

2018-04-25, 08:22 PM
Stellaregno, the Floating Kingdom of the Dragons- The Birth of Greed

As the dragons of Stellaregno continued to prosper, they began to look to the wonders of the surface. Some dragons began to explore the mountains, and found the wealth of minerals there. They were specifically interested in the discovery of gold, silver and gems found deep within the mountains. At the sight of these trinkets, the usual aloof dragons started to feel something come over them. An overpowering desire to collect these rocks that shone like the stars where they came from. They had to have these riches.

The dragons flew downward, finding the mountains that were filled with untold riches. Using their mighty claws and firey breath, they began to work at the mountains, boring through their rocky surfaces, working with an insane fervor to have the gems, gold and valuables inside. They eventually worked so hard that they cracked the very mountains themselves, causing a thunderous earthquake.

Within the mountains shone with the riches the dragons sought after, like a geode sparkling with the crystals inside. There was more wealth inside these mountains than the dragons knew what to do with. But that didn't mean they would give up their prize. For the first time since the Gods found the Sphere, their creations had felt the touch of greed upon their hearts.

The Dragons, as fabled creatures, are going to use their free Alter Land to turn some of the mountains into the Golden Pits of Stellaregno.

The Golden Pits of Stellaregno- From a distance, the Golden Pits seem like simple mountains, or volcanoes topped with large craters at the top. However, these 'craters' emit an eerie light at night. Any mortal who ventures close enough to the Golden Pits would see not lava within, but gold, silver, gemstones, any sort of mineral wealth they can imagine. Not that they would get very close, as the Golden Pits are guarded jealously by the Dragons of the Floating Continent, at least until they have taken the wealth within back to their homeland.

2018-04-25, 09:18 PM
The North Pole

"My God, what is that racket?"

Mazathustra realized he had dozed off. He lifted his head and looked about him--his black clouds howled all about him and the rains torrented, and the lightning clashed. But such things were part of his own nature, and were not what disturbed him. He perceived, through those senses known and possessed only by the gods, others like himself in the cosmos--Divine beings. Beings that wandered in and about and beyond the world, creating things and giving life.

Pride flickered through the lion god's face for a moment. This would not do--to be alone among divinities with no children, no creations, no glory or power of his own.

He felt it, that swirling chaos, deep within him; he saw it needed to be tamed. No…not tamed--the glory of the stormcloud and the rain and the lightning should never be tamed. But structured. Disciplined. Given Order and Purpose, definition and shape..and life, even. That is what he would do.

He reached into them, and pulled out patches of clean, white cloud. With his claws and the power of his thought he shaped them, one at a time, until there was a great host of beings shaped like himself. Lions, with eyes that glowed with electric power. Coats and manes that shone with all the colors of the clouds. Wings of purest, holiest white.

He was still for a moment. He smiled with a deep tenderness.

Then he roared.

You are the eldest of my children! You are the lions of all the heavens and all the skies! It is you who shall deliver to the world, from me, the merciful rain and the sustenance of life! It is you who shall deliver to the wicked the wrath of the thunderbolt! You are my Lammasu, my Celestial Lions!

"Now fly! Go forth! Fly, and live, and remember me!"


He look at the earth about him. This spot, where he had sprung forth from the lifeless rock, where he had created the first storms and the eldest of his children, should bear forever a marker of the events that happened here.

He stood upon the ground, and the great swirling, calamitous energy of his being flowed, just a touch, into the very soil.

From then on, a touch of Mazathustra the Lion God's power would live on in the very soil. This place would be known as the very top of the world, and magnetic and electrical forces of the air and sky and earth would be bound to it.

Mortals, in time, would come to call it Magnetic North.


Finally, he would craft for himself a great weapon--one by which he could challenge what wickedness or horros may lurk beyond this land where he had lain for so long. He reached into a black cloud and grabbed one of the bolts of lightning that were so near to his own nature and essence, and poured himself into it. It solidified; forming a silver-gold sort of scepter that crackled and shone with electrical power. Gripping it with paw he wielded it, swinging it about, and from it shot roaring, golden lightning.

This would be it: the Oriflamme.

He gripped his weapon determinedly. There had been enough dawdling, enough time taken for himself. He sensed a whole world out there that was in need of him and his great power. And with that the great lion god spread his mighty wings and flew off in search of others of his kind.

Starting AP: 16

Create Mythical Life: Celestial Lions (4 AP; counted towards Magic (Electricity) Domain) - Good Outsiders in the shape of winged lions; made in Mazathustra's image, though not nearly as handsome. Have broad powers over rainfall, lightning, and clouds like their master--their general role in the god's little system is to bring these phenomena where they are needed in the world, per their master's direction.

Bless: Storms (1 AP) - A little retroactive bookkeeping if that's kosher. Difficult to have a storm god if storms don't actually exist.

Bless: Magnetic North (1 AP; counted towards Magic (Electricity) Domain) - Fairly straightforward; the world has a magnetic north, for relevant celestial and weather phenomenon as well as when mortals finally get around to having the likes of compasses.

Create Major Combat Artifact: Oriflamme (5 AP; counted towards Magic (Electricity) Domain) - Created the magical staff Oriflamme, to be Mazathustra's equivalent of Zeus' quiver of thunderbolts for striking monsters, rival deities, and unruly mortals. Should it become relevant (which it may, though isn't currently), Oriflamme is made, appropriately, of divinely-composed electrum.

Domain gained: Magic (Electricity), because I've decided that having Mazathustra's clerics be known as "Lightning Priests" or similar is metal as hell.

AP Expended: 11
Remaining: 5

I should also like to note that Mazathustra is now pretty much looking for other gods to interact with, and RP would be greatly appreciated.

2018-04-25, 10:06 PM
Mazathustra realized he had dozed off. He lifted his head and looked about him--his black clouds howled all about him and the rains torrented, and the lightning clashed. But such things were part of his own nature, and were not what disturbed him. He perceived, through those senses known and possessed only by the gods, others like himself in the cosmos--Divine beings. Beings that wandered in and about and beyond the world, creating things and giving life.

Pride flickered through the lion god's face for a moment. This would not do--to be alone among divinities with no children, no creations, no glory or power of his own.

He felt it, that swirling chaos, deep within him; he saw it needed to be tamed. No…not tamed--the glory of the stormcloud and the rain and the lightning should never be tamed. But structured. Disciplined. Given Order and Purpose, definition and shape..and life, even. That is what he would do.

He reached into them, and pulled out patches of clean, white cloud. With his claws and the power of his thought he shaped them, one at a time, until there was a great host of beings shaped like himself. Lions, with eyes that glowed with electric power. Coats and manes that shone with all the colors of the clouds. Wings of purest, holiest white.

He was still for a moment. He smiled with a deep tenderness.

Then he roared.

You are the eldest of my children! You are the lions of all the heavens and all the skies! It is you who shall deliver to the world, from me, the merciful rain and the sustenance of life! It is you who shall deliver to the wicked the wrath of the thunderbolt! You are my Celestial Lions!

"Now fly! Go forth! Fly, and live, and remember me!"


He look at the earth about him. This spot, where he had sprung forth from the lifeless rock, where he had created the first storms and the eldest of his children, should bear forever a marker of the events that happened here.

He stood upon the ground, and the great swirling, calamitous energy of his being flowed, just a touch, into the very soil.

From then on, a touch of Mazathustra the Lion God's power would live on in the very soil. This place would be known as the very top of the world, and magnetic and electrical forces of the air and sky and earth would be bound to it.

Mortals, in time, would come to call it Magnetic North.


Finally, he would craft for himself a great weapon--one by which he could challenge what wickedness or horros may lurk beyond this land where he had lain for so long. He reached into a black cloud and grabbed one of the bolts of lightning that were so near to his own nature and essence, and poured himself into it. It solidified; forming a silver-gold sort of scepter that crackled and shone with electrical power. Gripping it with paw he wielded it, swinging it about, and from it shot roaring, golden lightning.

This would be it: the Oriflamme.

He gripped his weapon determinedly. There had been enough dawdling, enough time taken for himself. He sensed a whole world out there that was in need of him and his great power. And with that the great lion god spread his mighty wings and flew off in search of others of his kind.

Noctilux felt the strange shift in the energy of the Sphere with the creation of the Magnetic Pole. Curious, the First Dragon flew towards the Pole to discover what caused it. Eventually, he saw the lion god flying away from the newly created North Pole. Noctilux quickly swooped around, flying alongside Mazathustra. "Greetings, I am Noctilux, Father of Dragons." He says as he soars alongside the lion, "I assume whatever happened back there was you?"

2018-04-25, 10:09 PM
Sheloth's Newer Pets
After putting the finishing touches to his newest artifact, Sheloth turned back to the child god, only to notice him gone. "Hmm, I was going to let him ride on it, but he seems to have left. Maybe it has to do with the massive fungal infection that just appeared. No matter, the inaugural run of the Monster masher shall begin!" Sheloth floated down to his first creation, Arkan, and set the machine down. He pointed it away from the massive spider that had appeared out of nowhere and gave it the command to start. The machine began plowing forward, devouring trees and local wildlife. Soon out from the rear of the multilegged machine came the forms of new monsters.
The creatures were massive, as large as a blue whale. They were insectoid in appearance, with black gleaming exoskeletons, eight massive legs, and two mantis-like claws. The joints in their armor were iridescent, like a dragonfly's wings. Soon the beasts began to swell and expand, their joints slowly bulging out wards. They began to slowly rise into the air, riding the winds to find new lands. Sheloth watched them float away, delighted with his newest creation.

Minor artifact charge: Create Monstrous Life, Sky Krakens

2018-04-26, 01:12 AM
Noctilux felt the strange shift in the energy of the Sphere with the creation of the Magnetic Pole. Curious, the First Dragon flew towards the Pole to discover what caused it. Eventually, he saw the lion god flying away from the newly created North Pole. Noctilux quickly swooped around, flying alongside Mazathustra. "Greetings, I am Noctilux, Father of Dragons." He says as he soars alongside the lion, "I assume whatever happened back there was you?"

Mazathustra regards the dragon with the sort of casualness that can only conceal a great interest.

"It was. And so shall a great many other happenings in this world. I am Mazathustra, and I am the lord of the clouds that bring gentle rain and rebuking storm alike."

As the two gods fly, he indicates, some distance below them, the gathering clouds--some bright, others heavy and dark, with flashing lightning.

"It was I who brought forth the host of my first children the Lammasu, the Celestial Lions who ride the wind and by my storms bring order and mercy and judgment upon the world."

"So too was it I who blessed the land from which I sprung full-formed; the lightning that struck it and released me shall forever be a part of it."

His expression turns from serious and formal to grinning, conspiratorial: "I have thought of an instrument that will always point upwards to it. Perhaps these lesser children below may use it to navigate or something. But that's for another time."

"What of you, Father of Dragons? What is your work?"

2018-04-26, 05:19 AM
Zemirah - The Song Carrier

Zemirah had just wandered her entire continent and sat perched on a cliff listening to the sound of the world. Then she looked up to the sky, it had been some time since she had spread her wings some time since she had taken flight. All this play and creating she had forgotten what it feels like to soar. She stretched out her arms, the feathers gathered up in her dress. Zemirah grew in size doubling again and again growing larger all the while growing feathers and talons. Her arms gave way to wings her face to a beak, and then she beat down and took flight. Dust and dirt displaced as she launched her immense bird form into the air.

Zemirah soared free across the first world, casting her gaze upon it watching learning listening. She watched her shadow race across the oceans as she headed between continents. She looked upon forests likely full of life hiding for large creatures such as her self. As she glided through her Arcane wind beating her wings she gathered energy from within. She muttered words, secrets of her own song. Dust and water and foliage torn from their homes as they were gathered by her collection of the power. Zemirah had, had an idea and she planned to execute it immediately. Every now and then Zemirah would let out a hollow screech that brought the echoes out of the wind, they gathered with all the other forces that she was collecting.

After she had collected all that she need. Bark and leaves, grass and dirt, rocks and water. Stray fish and the odd mortal. Echoes of the last moments of the long since deceased and music from the symphony that plays on the wind. Zemirah took to the air. The energy formed an aura that surrounded her form perfectly. As she continued to fly moving through the wind muttering those words the aura expanded until it was massive enough to be considered a large island. The dust began to fill the aura's form while the ripped foliage and water gathered at it's back. Zemirah beat her wings one last time a heavy jolt that pulled her out ahead of the mass of energy. As she did so she spoke one word. "Terra'Avis"

From her words and power a new creature sprung to life, a bird bigger than even Zemirah and upon it's back it carried earth and water all the means for living things to survive it would first have to find those willing to live upon it's back. Zemirah returned to her humanoid form and sat upon it's head watching the world soar past. She smiled, she was for now content

Starting AP = 1 PAP = 0

The Song Carrier: (Create Monstrous Life -1) This fantastical beast the great project of Zemirah a place where zombies wont reach it and few threats would harm those who would find their home upon it The massive bird is about as big as a large island and has capacity and potential to house an entire civilization. The creature remains in the sky unless it is stopping to pick up new passengers. Zemirah calls it the Song Carrier but she also named the creature Terra'Avis - (Music (echoes) 6/10)

Ending AP = 0 PAP = 0

2018-04-26, 07:19 AM
Druhm El'otis and the journey to The Golden Pits of Stellaregno

An eerily cold sad song of empty sorrowful tones hung hauntingly in the still nights air. Raspy and broken yet somehow hypnotically melodic. It was like the wail of a dying breath eternalised by an endless darkness.
It was Druhm El'otis, the pale ghost riding on the obsidian Manticore.
While the manticore's were blessed with diversity it gave Drumh options. He searched far and wide for the one that he would claim as his. When hearing of this particular majestical being he undertook a great quest to catch, train and domesticate the beast.

Druhm, once a creature of pure playful innocence, naive to the cruelty of the world, now a cursed soldier in the war against the undead. Every morning he would have to take a blade to his skin and carve back the fungus and moss that grew on him. A reminder of the happiness that was stolen from the world, from him. The Acots were happy creatures, unaware of sorrow, not capable of handling sadness. So when it hit them they were hit hard.

As he sailed through the air his song followed him, and the undead followed his song. He continued aimlessly gathering and leading a small growing hoard. He had explored much of the land but not all of it. Where he was now was unfamiliar territory. In the distance were tall mountains exuding a mysterious glow. He travelled towards them, partially driven by remnants of his curiosity and partially by hope that something there would contain or destroy the abominations that followed.

That brief slimmer of hope took the despair from his song and a mighty roar erupted from above and below. Druhm could not lose focus, he could not rest nor have a moments silence less he unleash all the horrors he had gathered. So onward he continued, to the unknown, to the newly formed Golden Pits of Stellaregno.

2018-04-26, 10:58 AM
Boanke - The Golden Pits of Stellaregno

Deep within the Golden Pits of Stellaregno something grew. It started off small, a niggling feeling at the back of the minds of those dragons that spent too much time within the pits. It was a simple matter to ignore it, to move on and get back to the task at hand. The problem with niggling feelings that are best ignored is that sometimes, folk pick at them.

Items started to go missing. Dragons were accused of stealing, voices were raised. The wise kept a distrustful eye open, and while they protected what they considered to be theirs, they often found their gaze sliding back to their collections. But what moved around wasn't a child. A divinity was forming, feeding upon and feeding the greed of the dragons as he grew.


Boanke shovelled another mouthful of gems into his gullet, ignoring the roars of two large dragons as they clawed and bit at each other mid-air. He figured the larger one would win and claim the hoard of the smaller one for itself. Best to grab as much as he could before that happened.

A loud cry of pain followed by a thud led Boanke to risk a glance, the larger dragon twitched feebly some distance off, its neck at an unnatural angle, half of its left wing still in the mouth of the smaller dragon. Bleeding from numerous cuts, the smaller dragon dropped the wing and scanned the area for other potential theives. Hiding on the other side of the hoard, Boanke escaped notice and the dragon took off, likely to find the now unguarded hoard of the larger dragon. Once the toad was certain the reptile wasn't circling back he turned his attention back to the hoard, there was more to be had.

Starting AP: 16 AP
Curse -1 AP (Dragon Sickness): For all the wisdom of Dragonkind, there exists a weakness in them that the unwary and the weak-willed can succumb to, though most dragons feel it's call at some point. Being in the presence of many items of value, such as gold, silver, gems and art can trigger something in them, a longing that builds up over time. The dragon might find its gaze lingering on the wealth, it becomes possessive and often vain. Eventually it will start a hoard and become violent, seeking to protect its belongings and add to them.
Remaining AP: 15 AP

2018-04-26, 05:30 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux nodded towards the sky above them as he flew alongside the Lion god. "Look to the sky, I created the stars themselves. Along with my children's kingdom, Stellaregno." He points out the floating continent, which was conveniently just in view of the two gods. "I also taught them how to tell stories, and how to map out the night sky." He looks back at Mazathustra, "What do you seek to do now, Lion of the Sky?"

2018-04-27, 01:04 AM
A defence against magic.

Three tribes of giants gathered, a problem had emerged needing the wise-ones of each tribe. It wasn’t the zombies of fungus for which seemed to make the bodies of the flesh frail and fail, then use their body. While the spores weakened the giants, they seemed unable to finish the job and the zombies often lacked the strength to truly harm the giants. The zombies were dumber then beast and lacked basic sense. There was a tale of a zombie shark losing a lot of teeth trying to bite a giant.

The spores in large enough number and over long enough time would cause giants to enter a sleep they wouldn’t awaken until the spore were removed.

However, what the wise-ones were together for a problem of a great magic. New songs of the arcane symphony, words and notes that had great destructive power. Power that could shatter stone… or giants in a moment. The singers of the arcane symphony and masters of trock could counter and disrupt these but most giants, they had no defence at all.

The three tribes march together of many cycles, their wise-ones debating and testing their magic. For a time, it seemed that not the arcane symphony, nor trock nor druidic magic could be used to save the common giant from this magic. Some suggested a paradigm shift, perhaps the time for were only a god could kill a giant in one strike was over. Great creatures flying in the air above the waves had been spotted and surely another magic the common giants had not chance against would be discovered.

As the cycles worn on many of the three tribes forgot that this union was a temporary one and started to treat and think the giants of other tribes as their kin.

A druid frustrated with the lack of progress watched over the crafting of a giant to help charm them, as the stone was being infused with trock to give it life, inspiration struck the druid. They suggested to the other wise-ones. “What if we were to infuse trock into armor in such a way so that it disrupted magic?”

One of the masters of trock dismissed the idea as imposable, only for their apprentice to correct them, it could be possible but it would be far too weak. Once more at an impasse the wise-ones thought until a scavenger at the front of the march suggested a shield like those they had heard about from the raid of Ha’lainn. A spark seemed jump between the wise-ones’ eyes, a solution it seems had been found.

Within three cycles, before the arcane singer walked a giant holding a shield infused with trock, bracing of the test to come. The arcane singer sung the forbidden words of the song in a weaken state, it should only shatter the giants arm from the shoulder down. The shield and the tester’s forearm shattered apart and great cracks travelled up their upper arm. Many of giants saw this as another failed test. But not the arcane singer they saw that the test giant still had an upper arm, it worked they just need to improve it.

Test after test, small improvement after improvement, until one night the singer sung the forbidden words with the force to shatter a giant armed at the test giant. The testers shield held firm as the song was warped, force of the magic thrown up sand and dirt. The test giant clamed when it was over that their head been a ringing. But that alone seemed to be all the spell had done to them and the shield. There was a great cheer, they had done it.

Many requests came of trock enchanted gear, not just shields against magic but also weapons and armor empowered by it. The raiding parties of the tribes tested the enchanted gear in raids, like most raids since the raid of Ha’lainn, they were low risk, little to no reward. The giant’s doctrine of treating their foes as though they were far superior until proven wrong had many weird effects.

Much of the first generation of trock enchanted gear was abandoned in raids, the enchantments did all that was expected of them, the mundane part was lacking. It is told that some of the first trock enchanted armor would fall to pieces after a few strikes.

The second generation of trock was as good as it mundane counter parts before counting the boons of enchantment. However, much of the first generation sat in other race’s lands just waiting to be reverse engineered.


Sub concept (2ap): trock enchantment. this is a sub concept of trock.

Trock enchantment produce a small number of effects upon enchant items. Shields spread force of blows across themselves, disrupt, divert and spilt magic ‘hitting it’. Stronger, more focus and smaller magic are less effect by the shields.

Trock enchanted armor, disperse the force of blows over the whole armor, this makes blades, arrows and small bullets a lot less effective if the armor is good enough quality. Trock enchanted armor can a most reduce the ‘force’ of magic ‘hitting’ its wearer by at most a tenth. This magic reduction applies against all magic coming from outside the armor even that which would help the wearer. The magic of the wearer and any coming from inside the armor is not affected. So, this armor doesn’t weaken wizard wearing it.

Tools or weapons enchanted keep their edges and need less maintenance as the force applied on them are distributed though out the weapon or tool. However, the real boon is that weapons weaken what they strike like the master technique of trock.

It is quite easy make trock enchanted items as it is intended for a full army to be armed with them. The item needs to have runes, channels and shapes carved in it, these carvings glow then the item is activated. Once carving is done the item must be infused with trock, this can be done by users who only know the basics of trock if following a blueprint or instructions. Generally, after infusing the infuser should wait a week to recover or grow quite tired until they recover their trock.

Most creatures can’t kill themselves though over infusion, any move then they could choke on their own tongue.

A ‘creature’ that isn’t alive, is unable to think and has no emotions can’t activate trock enchanted items. Also, creatures that don’t know the basics of trock find the enchantments mildly weakened in their hands.

A trock master can circumvent the enchantments defences and even turn the trock of the items against the wielder. Trock counters trock and this weaken is not one in the giant’s eyes.


If you need a reminder on what Trock is check the ap spoiler in this post. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23011244&postcount=60)

2018-04-27, 07:50 PM
Back in the Infinite Dreamscape, Sheloth began to look into the dreams of the mortals. He saw the myriad shapes and forms in the minds of the sleeping mortals and was pleased. As he drifted through the dreams of the mortals, he planted the idea for shaping stone. The mortals would now have the skills to make a multitude of shapes from the rocks. The mortals whose dreams he touched soon awoke and began sculpting the forms they saw in their dreams. Soon groups of them gathered together, forming their own guild/religion dedicated to sculpture and the god that inspired them.

Create Mundane Concept, Masonry
Create Organization : The Dream Sculptors
New total 1 AP + 2 PAP - 2 PAP = 1 AP

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-28, 01:29 AM
Jewel's Town - A Silent Singer City-State

Jewel wanted lots of things. But he was clumsy, and not very good at things. He was also lazy. He later said that as he was bathing in the sun, that the sun itself took pity on him and taught him how to channel him mind. He mediated in the sun and his reflexes improved, he stopped tripping over himself. Hewel realised what he wanted n- a community where people could stay safe,and work together; play together too!

Jewel tried this. He didn't have much success at first, but with practice and meditation he started attracting people. The giants attacked a nearby community of Silent Singers. Jewel's little group managed to avoid it, but informed by a deathsinger of what was going on Jewel rush there without consideration. They were too late. Jewel knew that he had to be able to protect his people.

The city was founded around the ruins and artefacts that the giants had left. Survivors joined the town and spoke of the resistance of the Trock items. Jewel set people to examine it. He set people to work building things or digging ditches or growing food and collecting water. And he taught meditation.

Jewel's eyes were alert for traitors. Those that would keep him from keeping his people. He ruled harshly and he ruled for five years. THen one day while meditating with his deputy, he fell off a mountain. The singers were polite in public. The deputy, being an expert of meitation, hid his glee at fulfilling his dream to be an absolute leader of men very well.

12 AP = 14 AP - 2 AP: Create Society: Jewe's Town - A Silent Singer town, it is run by a mayor who appoints and is succeeded by his deputy. BOth mayor and deputy will almost certainly be experts and meditation.
8 AP = 12 AP - 4 AP: Meditation involves the prolonged - over periods of years one still sees improvement - concentration in the sun. It has three effects, one's mind and physical strength and agility and imprved along with other qualities, this is particularly true when in the sun. Secondly, it narrows ones desires and concerns, this again is more powerful in the sun. Thirdly, it encourages increased sleep during the night.

2018-04-28, 03:47 AM
Geurletta’s face filled with concern as he looked down upon Arkam, while the Singers in the lands of music were growing strong, mastering both the musical and the martial arts those left behind in Arkam were to desperate and short-lived to produce the neccesary traits. While a few had heard the notes of destruction that allowed them to tend zombies in twain, many hadn’t. So after much deliberation Geurletta decided to give them a strong leader who would lead the few that remained out of these blighted lands on a great and everlasting adventure.

To start this process Geurletta created a hunting-horn, glowing silver instead of the weapon’s rich gold. Then after a weaving of subtle magics, divine breath flowed through it and went to seek a target.

Find me the bard that can fight like this
And who’ll chastise foes with a childlike flick
Of the wrist with a fistful of iron, I guess
There's no finite risk
In that they might miss

Across the continent a grizzled bardic warrior named Darius was testing his blade against a group of restless dead, three unicorns had crossed through the area recently giving him a brief respite, but they had since left and so the dead came once more. Then like a bolt of lightning, a silver chord struck Darius in the back, the dead turned from the site, shielding their eyes yet still they turned to ash. Darius was lifted three feet in the air, his eyes lit by silver fire. Suddenly he knew a great destiny awaited him, and so he sped off with desperate speed towards the eastern horizon and towards home.

Create Major Artifact (5AP): Hunting Horn of the Heroes: This divine instrument can’t be heard by the faint-hearted, but it calls out to brave and skilled heroes even across continents
-1 AP for Raise Hero

Raise Hero (2-1=1AP): Darius, Warrior Poet-King: A grizzled veteran and respected leader of his clan upon Arkam, sees it as his destiny to unite all the singers upon Arkam and lead them to a new home.
War (Heroes): (6/10)
AP: 10-6=4

2018-04-28, 07:04 AM
Zemirah - The Birth of Umbrelum'Avis

Zemirah sat perched upon Terra'Avis the world rushed by and she listened to the wind. The song Carrier was her first life, but she felt as though it was not enough. It was the only of it's kind, other gods they had created creatures of multitude, Dragons and silent singers even the child god created by Zemirah had made living creatures of his own. Zemirah decided she would do the same. From the head of the bird she pulled magic out of the wind. She hummed a new tune as she organised this new energy. she took feathers from her own dress and added them to the gathered power. Zemirah continued to hum as she shaped the energy. While she worked she took parts from her shadow and added it to their creation. Zemirah was soon left with bird humanoid creatures. she had nine in total each one with unique feathering. Zemirah breathed an echo into each one their own personal song. And as a final thought she decided to grant the whole race the arcane symphony. None would be formed without being able to hear the magical music on the wind.

Each one took in their first breath and Zemirah whispered to them a word their own personal word. Perhaps they were names but more likely they were the forbidden words that she wove into the song. And then she addressed them. "You are my children much like Terra'Avis is my child. I am your progenitor, your creator. I shall name you Umbrelum'Avis, my shadow song birds. I ask only that you protect one another and guard Terra'Avis. Finally I bless you with intelligence and civilization your kind will begin knowing how to weave the song and build... you will need this knowledge for the song is the only means for you to reproduce."

The Shadowed Nine

The nine knelt before their god and received her blessing. the knowledge of the song coursed through their minds and something else the knowledge of how to continue their kind. They watched Zemirah return to her perch on the head of the great song carrier and then they set to work. Their first step would be to create more of their kind to grow their species. They gathered in threes as the knowledge told them and they sung the song of echoes. each of the three gave one of their own feathers and a new Umbrelum'Avis was born. They repeated the process again changing the combination until the options were exhausted. They were now 30 strong and each one shared the knowledge of their parents. They never had to fear incest, for their species was not like that they did not breed merely created new out of the old. Together this Orchestra of Life wrote and sung from atop Terra'Avis, an ode to their creator. There was one among the first nine who looked upon the world below and declared there was more to learn than what was shown to them, He left Terra'Avis in search of other creatures to learn from.

Starting AP = 0 + Rollover PAP= 0 + Rollover

Umbrelum'Avis: (Create Mythical Life -4) The Umbrelum'Avis are a birdlike humanoid species. They have the head of a bird and wings that rest like a cloak upon their shoulders when not widespread. Their hands and feet are talons and their legs are much like a large flightless bird's legs. Each of the species is capable of using the arcane symphony not one is born without the ability to hear it. They are reproduced when three gather together and sing a new Umbrelum'Avis into existence each new one carries the knowledge of their "Parents" "echoes" of the elders who made them. Their bodies are partially ethereal due to Zemirah having made them partially out of her own shadow, during the day when light passes through them but at night they are wholly corporeal making night and darkness a somewhat weakness. - (Darkness (whispers) 7/10)

The Umbral Songbirds: (Form Society -2 PAP used) created with the Umbrelum'Avis the Umbral songbirds is the society which the creatures are built around. They are hardcore worshippers of Zemirah and knowledgeable of the Arcane Symphony. They live upon the back of Terra'Avis and also act as guardians for the great bird.

ENDING AP = 4 - 4 PAP = 2 - 2

2018-04-28, 07:08 AM
Druhm El'otis and the journey to The Golden Pits of Stellaregno

Druhm could not stop or warn the dragons of what was coming. He could only hope they would notice and be prepared. So he carried on his journey right up to the crater and let the wide range of creatures pour into the dazzling gem filled hole. Then he and his manticore took a fast decent to the ground. Tired and exhausted they collapsed to the floor. While the zombies could travel for days without food or rest, Druhm and his pet could not. The truth was at this point they couldn't have made it anywhere else.

No longer could he control the undead. No longer could he hold the eerie subtle notes that captivated them. They were now left to their own vices. To their own insatiably hungry vices.


Kihjo had already dismissed the early horrors from his mind and was bounding around the mortal world playfully. Visiting his friends and creations as he gradually searched for Sheloth and his monster making machine. He was once again interested and eager to see it in action but was not sure where the floating God was going to take it.

For now he was content and happy. The sky had been filled with new amazing creatures.

= 10AP before rollover
14 AP
1 bless Charge

2018-04-28, 07:09 AM
Ambleige had stood and watched the world turn throughout an age, in awe of its majesty. Bathed in the suns light he wished to demonstrate his own strengths and thus devised the Great Challenge.

From beneath his feat he rose a single great volcano rising nearly to the top of the world. He carved a single path from its base to its top and then he hung a great platform in its caldera. It was a thick sheet of obsidian suspended by black iron chains. It would simply been known as The Arena.

Upon the platform he called into being a great gong which he struck with a single mighty blow.

The ring went out, heard across the world and with it the challenge.

A year from this day a fighting tournament will be held. All races may send forth one competitor. The winner will earn themselves a boon from Ambliege.

[11 AP + 4AP (rollover) = 15 AP]

(-2 AP)Create Land: The Arena, The largest volcano in the world, in its mouth hangs the arena in all its metal glory.
(-5 Create Major artifact)The Gong of Greatness. Decreases the cost of bless actions by 1AP.
(Gong charge) Bless The Gong of Greatness: The gong can be heard across the world. And all who hear it will understand the ringers intent.

Domain Progress:
Glory(Legacy): +5 [7/10]
Judgement Awesomeness: +2 (6/10)
AP [15 - 7 = 8]
0/1 artefact charges.

2018-04-28, 08:48 AM
The knowledge of Trock was, as the world turned, a bit too strange for the trees to whisper of it to the naga druids- there simply weren’t enough foundational concepts to build on, without an actual practitioner present. Yet the trees could still speak of it, and what they did speak of fascinated all those that they advised.

However much the rose-folk had scoffed at the thought of shipbuilding when it was first suggested by the Oaken Opal, they soon took a keen interest- it was swiftly becoming a dangerous world, and the Nagas needed all the tools they could find within it. If they needed to build ships in order to find those tools- well, they’d build ships.

And so, on the night of the crescent moon, when Hyperborea just barely touched the sky, the people of the rose set sail on magnificent, druid-forged ships, built with orchards upon their decks and intricate designs upon their surface, and they set sail towards the land of the giants.

There were, of course, complications.

Strange creatures of the depths. Bizzare sky krakens, swooping down to feast upon them. As was their custom, they prayed for guidance. Ekmelao, as was becoming his custom, and with a note of warning that he wasn’t going to keep doing this and that they really ought to become more independent, answered.

In beautiful, shimmering cascades of petals, randomly selected members of the fleet acquired staves- druidic staves, as were required for elemental workings. They weren’t of the ordinary sort, however- they seemed constantly overflowing with water, overgrown with algae and seaweed and life, forged of metal harder than the most durable stone. And, almost as if the scepters were counterparts to the crowns that he had earlier bestowed, they enhanced their users ability in elemental druidism a dozen fold, and could perform nigh miraculous feats when working in conjunction.

That latter feature wasn’t quite necessary at the moment- the enhanced elementalism was enough, letting the druids bend the waters and winds so that they might reach their destination in an eighth of the time they had been expecting.

They arrived upon the shores of the giant’s land, waving enormous banners stating “WE ARE THE NAGA, THE ORIGINAL DRUIDS, AND WE SHALL TRADE OUR KNOWLEDGE FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOU,” in the universal druidic alphabet. A few discretely lurked upon the land itself, in the shapes of common animals, in case interspecies relations turned… sour.

Created scepters of the seaweed scale, as layed out above, reducing Ekmelao to two AP. The charge of the Oaken Opal has been used.

Nature (tamed): 6/10, with the crowns and the scepters.

2018-04-28, 09:05 AM
Zemirah - Guiding the great Carrier.

Zemirah heard a great horn call out across the world and was instantly curious. She stroked Terra'Avis on the side of the head and whispered guiding words to him. Terra'Avis turned and rushed toward the sound. The first of the Umbrelum watched their goddess with curiosity as she gave orders to the great bird and wondered if they would be able to do the same. Terra beat his great wings to slow his descent and found perch near a beach on the continent known as Arkam. Resting here he looked like the ocean had washed an island up against the shore. Zemirah whispers another thing to his ear and the bird buries his into the beach hiding its true nature.

"No one can know what Terra'Avis truly is... they may wish to do him harm... or infect him with this disease that runs rampant upon this world... Such a thing would be a travesty for he is the only of his kind."

Tethris - The lone wanderer.
"I name you Tethris barer of the forgotten word Canticum, it means spell song. never forget it."

Tethris was freshly created one of the first nine of his kind but he was created curious. He watched them create new Umbrelums but he was not interested. Tethris had the blessings of their goddess and knew what he needed to know to leave. He had even seen from the knowledge she gave them that there were places beyond this great bird that the goddess wanted them to protect. Let the others protect him, Tethris was leaving he spread his wings, they were more than a mantle. And he took flight in search of more.

The first thing Tethris found was a island reflected by the moon that was inhabited by great scaled beasts. He would learn from them first. Tethris stood strong and approached one of the creatures. "I am Tethris of the Umbrelum, child of the goddess Zemirah and singer of the shadows. I bring greetings great ones."

2018-04-28, 09:18 AM
Orbis terrarum
Orbis created drow.Drow, also known as dark elves,are a dark-skinned sub-race of elves. They earned their reputation as good people, with all justification, though some members with more neutral disposition did exist, as did an even smaller number of actually evil members. These drow are resistant to magic, and able to ensure themselves in darkness, having their enemies in a fiery shadow making their enemies clearly visible, just simply blanketing an area in darkness, and finally knowing where magic, and evil were just by being near it with the stronger the evil/magic determining the detection radius. These drow tended to live for at least a couple centuries though a millennia not being uncommon. They in a social aspect tended to be warriors, and artisans making due with their superior skills to try to slow down the conflict of the undead hordes wherever the drow roamed. They are consodered attractive by other species, and don't have a need for sleep though they do tend to take meditative trances during the day for guidance.

-4(mythical humanoids) drow are superior archers can clearly see in even the darkest places.

2018-04-28, 02:28 PM
Those naga who had remained behind from The Great Voyage were… not expecting sudden visitors! A visitor making that weird thing called ‘sound’ that the trees had informed them about, and that they had no idea how to produce!

The specific naga that he approached was a man (in half-serpent form, as was often their day to day custom) wearing a vibrant blue hyacinth stalk in his hair, and nothing else; he was wide eyed, and made several emphatic ‘stay here’ gestures at the- weird bird thing? he didn’t know, he was just a courier- before frantically slithering off to go get someone with the authority to deal with this.

The woman he fetched- also in half-form, and also with a similar hyacinth stalk in her hair, though she was also bedecked in jewelry and held a sizable staff of pale wood- had the air of one with many years behind her, though she was hale and unwithered. With a wave of her arm, a nervous looking attendant of her’s handed him a very large, very green leaf, alongside a slab of wood to write on. She gestured with her staff, and the snow that coated the tundric ground rose up in sparkling streams, forming the following words in the universal Druidic alphabet:

“Hello, stranger; we are the Naga, People of the Rose, created by Ekmelao and wise in the ways of druidism: we know not of your kind, and cannot speak nor hear, but the leaf you hold will change colors with the pressure of your talons, and we might communicate in that fashion, in the alphabet of my people and all good folk. First we must ask- who are you? Wherefor cometh you to our great land?”

2018-04-28, 02:58 PM
Tethris - Among the Naga

Tethris came to understand these creatures could not hear. He couldnt imagine such an emptyness to live without a song in their hearts he wondered if the creatures even possessed echoes or were they without those too. To lack also the ability to sing they must live in such agony he couldnt control the frown that crossed his face. Nevertheless Tethris sought to learn and to learn one must understand. So he wrote a reply.

"I am Tethris of The Umbrelum, first of the nine, descended from Zemirah the songbird goddess. And I have come here to learn, my people though newly crafted were blessed with much knowledge but I fear even our goddess in all her greatness has gaps. Curious in nature I would fill those gaps and return to my people a shepherd of wisdom. Without a means to hear or speak I also fear I do not bring much to trade"

Tethris followed up his reply with a polite bow

2018-04-28, 03:25 PM
Darius, Upon Arkam

The journey to gather the other tribes had been long and arduous, after moving out with the entirety of his own tribe he sent runners to contact other tribes, gathering a band to escort all those that survived this land to freedom. All to often, they found torn shreds, zombie villages or leaders to stubborn to move out, yet Darius still persevered. His fame amongst the band grew exponentially, with eyewitnesses telling stories of the duel of Axe-beak mountain, the battles at Blackcliffeor the flight from Ràve valley.

On this day he saw yet more dry, dusty plains stretching to the horizon, but beyond that a faint shimmer, silver over blue. Directly ahead there was a thin point before the land once more broadened onto another island, he couldn’t have told anyone how he knew, but Darius felt that this safety lay directly ahead. As his words diffused through the camp spirits rose to heights not seen in weeks, yet the rear guard would not cross to this safe land until midnight.

Late in the evening, when the sun came down and the dead crawled from their holes in the Earth news came, a trusted advisor Arash buckled to one knee, as she stood back up she shared her knowledge of the pain she had heard. “Singers, young, fifteen of them no wait” with that she shrieked once more in shared pain. [B]“Only fourteen now”. Near instantly there were cries that went up, to gather the immortals and stand firm, yet Darius had burnt the corpses of to many friends.

No, all are to go forward and make thier way to safety upon this island, if there are others beseech their aid, but otherwise merely flee. With that he turned, walked from the gathering and towards the endless army that had built up behind them.

Atop a dune, so close and yet so far from safety Darius stood. One last whisper escaped his lips, letting the symphony carry it towards those in need. Run, I shall fight them. With that he lit the rawhide torch, revealing a near endless sea of ravenous dead that had been chasing him for months. Yet still he stood atop that hill and as he descended into battle blade held high he began to sing.

The Light's dying and dim, the night's trying to get in
Am I hiding, lying crying quiet, whining with the whitest skin?
[B]NO! the Light's dying and dim, the night's trying to get in
I'm climbing, fighting, grinding, swiping, slicing, striving to win!

2018-04-28, 03:52 PM
The Umbrelum - Welcoming the refugees.

Zemirah had shrouded herself in shadows in order to hide from the mortals she had no intent to interfere with their presence here and she wished to see how her children would interact with any new comers. So she watched.

The Eight remaining first born welcomed the refugess with open arms. "Greetings wayward wanderers and welcome upon Terra'Avis, There is but one law here peace for all who live." They spoke in unison a chorus of voices yet somehow completely understandable. "We are the guardians of this island break our one law and with the full force of the Arcane symphony we will wipe you from this world. Now then, come find shelter."

They looked out on the precipice where one stood alone against the hordes, they pondered whether they should bring aid, they certainly had the power but was it their place?

2018-04-28, 04:41 PM
The knowledge of Trock was, as the world turned, a bit too strange for the trees to whisper of it to the naga druids- there simply weren’t enough foundational concepts to build on, without an actual practitioner present. Yet the trees could still speak of it, and what they did speak of fascinated all those that they advised.

However much the rose-folk had scoffed at the thought of shipbuilding when it was first suggested by the Oaken Opal, they soon took a keen interest- it was swiftly becoming a dangerous world, and the Nagas needed all the tools they could find within it. If they needed to build ships in order to find those tools- well, they’d build ships.

And so, on the night of the crescent moon, when Hyperborea just barely touched the sky, the people of the rose set sail on magnificent, druid-forged ships, built with orchards upon their decks and intricate designs upon their surface, and they set sail towards the land of the giants.

There were, of course, complications.

Strange creatures of the depths. Bizzare sky krakens, swooping down to feast upon them. As was their custom, they prayed for guidance. Ekmelao, as was becoming his custom, and with a note of warning that he wasn’t going to keep doing this and that they really ought to become more independent, answered.

In beautiful, shimmering cascades of petals, randomly selected members of the fleet acquired staves- druidic staves, as were required for elemental workings. They weren’t of the ordinary sort, however- they seemed constantly overflowing with water, overgrown with algae and seaweed and life, forged of metal harder than the most durable stone. And, almost as if the scepters were counterparts to the crowns that he had earlier bestowed, they enhanced their users ability in elemental druidism a dozen fold, and could perform nigh miraculous feats when working in conjunction.

That latter feature wasn’t quite necessary at the moment- the enhanced elementalism was enough, letting the druids bend the waters and winds so that they might reach their destination in an eighth of the time they had been expecting.

They arrived upon the shores of the giant’s land, waving enormous banners stating “WE ARE THE NAGA, THE ORIGINAL DRUIDS, AND WE SHALL TRADE OUR KNOWLEDGE FOR THE KNOWLEDGE OF YOU,” in the universal druidic alphabet. A few discretely lurked upon the land itself, in the shapes of common animals, in case interspecies relations turned… sour.

One of the giants stood up from the furnace they were working at. It was good fortune they found this (seemingly) unclaimed dry land to smelt metals, most thought it a crum of a gods great work.

"we are the...." the giant stopped realising the Naga were not hearing their words.

They signaled to their tribes druid. "I don't think these fleshies can hear me."
"Right" the druid replied.
"but they claim to be druids, so they could the the plants speck right?
"It is likely."
"druid if you can have their plants speck me words.
"I will try."

The giant's message was something like this: we are the tribe of Ariston. We are a first tribe from the sundering, and have members who lived in the last city.

As you have met us on your terms not our own, We will trade after the ceremony fight. The winner's tribe shall claim advantage in the trade, as is reasonable.

The rules we place forward are: one fighter from each tribe, fighting until all foes have surrendered. Fighters will use what is brought into the fight, the ground of the fight and nothing else.

If you don't accept the common terms speck now or your silence will be your acceptance.

2018-04-28, 08:44 PM
On Hyperborea.

The naga noblewoman deliberated for a bit, and then rearranged her snowy message, as so:

“We are happy to accept you as a guest of our people, and of my house. You need not worry about trade. One of my family’s druids- Mekanza- shall be happy to teach you all you wish, if you should aid her in some trivialities- she has long been afflicted by the withering fungus, and cannot leave her form as a full serpent.”

The leaf he was writing on discretely returns to its blank state, with a subtle wave of the noblenaga’s staff.

With the giants.

The nagas confered amongst themselves, quickly- a society where fights are a standard method of greeting and determining dominance is concerning, and the ‘we will take silence as an affirmative’ part was really deeply concerning, it implied things about their standards of consent that weren’t pretty. Still, they hadn’t really expected other cultures to share exactly their values when they had completely different creators- “I actually did sort of expect that,” one apprentice druid opined, before being quickly shushed- and there was really only one acceptable answer.

This whole ‘using the trees as translators’ thing that the giants were doing was weird- felt sort of sacrilegious, even- but the naga were going to be very tolerant of foreign cultures and customs and do it anyways. They decided, after some hesitation, to avoid any sort of refusal or clarification of the presented terms- they had no way of knowing what would be polite or impolite, and they had dozens of naga in bird-form on the island in case things went south, or it turned out to be a duel to the death, or something.

“We accept the common terms,” one druid said to an onboard apple tree and had the tree whisper to the giants. “Please do forgive any ignorance of ours thereof, however. Would it be acceptable for one of our number to swim ashore, so that the, ah, ceremonial battle might commence?”

2018-04-28, 10:15 PM
With the giants.

The nagas confered amongst themselves, quickly- a society where fights are a standard method of greeting and determining dominance is concerning, and the ‘we will take silence as an affirmative’ part was really deeply concerning, it implied things about their standards of consent that weren’t pretty. Still, they hadn’t really expected other cultures to share exactly their values when they had completely different creators- “I actually did sort of expect that,” one apprentice druid opined, before being quickly shushed- and there was really only one acceptable answer.

This whole ‘using the trees as translators’ thing that the giants were doing was weird- felt sort of sacrilegious, even- but the naga were going to be very tolerant of foreign cultures and customs and do it anyways. They decided, after some hesitation, to avoid any sort of refusal or clarification of the presented terms- they had no way of knowing what would be polite or impolite, and they had dozens of naga in bird-form on the island in case things went south, or it turned out to be a duel to the death, or something.

“We accept the common terms,” one druid said to an onboard apple tree and had the tree whisper to the giants. “Please do forgive any ignorance of ours thereof, however. Would it be acceptable for one of our number to swim ashore, so that the, ah, ceremonial battle might commence?”
Last preparations for the fight- An unamed island.
The druid translated the message the best they could. It seemed a little broken but what could be expected using plants as translated.

The giants sent followed the giant who first spoke, no sense throwing a master in to fight, they could afford to lose.

"I will be my tribe's fighter." the giant explained lifting their right arm and hammer above their head while the druid translated.

"As you don't speak we'll consider it surender if a fighter places their hand behind their head. The giant pressed both their hands against the back of their head still holding it's hammer and shield.

"finally we start well your fighter reachs the land." the giant dropped their hammer which was caught by a langth of chain seeming to more on its own. Then a diskus flew from its holder to be caught by the giant's now empty hand.

The fighter shifted to a battle stance, raised their shield and drew back their arm ready to throw the diskus. A shimmer surrounded them as symbols on their armor, shield and hammer started to glow. The giant perhaps a little too eager to start the fight.

2018-04-29, 01:08 AM
Tethris - Among the Naga

Tethris smiled healing was something he could actually aid with. Though not created by Zemirah there existed within the song a means to heal others. Though it also possessed a means to harm others Tethris had no intent to such a thing.

"show me to your elder I will sure them of their ailments through the great symphony"

2018-04-29, 12:24 PM
On Hyperborea.

The naga noblewoman raised an eyebrow at the bird-like fellow’s assertion, and repeated the whole snow-rearranging routine, writing simply: “Follow me, then, and do as you will, yet note that the trouble is not only in her current form, but also in her others. They have been afflicted such by aging that she cannot assume them for more than mere minutes, lest they breath their final breath, and her with them, and so she is trapped as a serpent. She will, as I ask, assume those other forms briefly, so that you might do as you intend- yet if you cannot do as you might, you may as yet assist her in exchange for tutelage, in more mundane matters, given that she is no longer limbed nor limber.”

And so she let the snow-words dissolve and flutter to the ground, and slithered swift to a tunnel through the icy surface, gesturing for him to go on.

Presuming he does so, he finds that the tunnel eventually ceases to have borders of stone and starts to have borders of ice- presumably through the application of further druidism, it isn’t at all slippery. And the ice glowed, too- one couldn’t really tell in the daylight, but it was obvious, when you weren’t carrying a light source and were steadily descending. After going down, and down, and down, and finding their surroundings increasingly damp, they encountered actual water- a pool of it, descending further with no end in sight.

The naga noble gestured once more with her staff, and he became covered in a sort of flexible bubble- should he touch the water, he should find it repelled, and his feathers perfectly dry.

And so they descend further, now into the water, before reaching an opening. It’s warmer now- more temperate than tundric- and only getting warmer. The water is crisp, and clean, and a sort of light turquoise, and has to have some own glow of its own, because you can’t see a single shadow or pool of darkness. There’s lovely architecture in bizarre styles everywhere, and growing one’s house whole out of beautiful coral seems to be something of a fad.

After not much further ado, they reach the house of the naga elder, passing numerous naga in half form- but also some fully clothed as fifty-foot serpents, or as humanoids (with their gills visible, rather than hidden behind verdant scales), or as some sort of aquatic animal- they reach Mekanza’s house.

It’s forged from an older, paler, less ostentatious coral than most- and yet still beautiful, large, and clearly well tended. It doesn’t bother with a door, but the naga woman still, politely, does- something- with her staff, and Mekanza slithers out, looking less hale than the other serpents he’s seen and yet still vibrantly green.

The noble and the elder exchange some words, in the invisible language of heat which all good naga spoke and speak. The olden serpent nods at him, somehow looking expectant.

2018-04-29, 01:52 PM
The Floating Continent of Stellaregno

The Toad God's Curse spread through the population of the Floating Continent like wildfire. All across Stellaregno, dragons built up hordes of treasure, from the Golden Pits and other locations throughout the Sphere. Many of the dragons with the largest hordes didn't even use their massive wealth, merely collected it, often sleeping atop of it.

But there were others.

While hardly in control of their curse, some dragons realized that a clawful of the hundreds of gems in their horde could be exchanged with the people of the Sphere for other treasures. Soon after, they realized that those treasures could be exchanged for others. This group of dragons soon realized that mundane thiings could earn great riches depending on where they were sold. A few measley rubies in Hyperborea could buy cratefuls of the exotic fruit that grew there, which could be sold to the dwarves for a kings ransom in gold! And let's not even get started on what the giants would give for mere trinkets!!

These dragons formed a guild upon Stellaregno, creating a elaborate manor within the shadow of the Silver Observatory. These dragons quickly became some of the most wealthy in Stellaregno, and among the richest beings in the Sphere. However, these dragons (and those they employed) were rarely in their homeland. They instead flew all across the sphere, their treasures and wares loaded in huge saddle bags that they carried to foreign kingdoms, offering their treasures to the other races of the Sphere for something in exchange.

Refresh brings me from AP 0 to AP 4 and 2 PAP

I'm going to use one of those PAP to Create Organization

1 PAP: Create Organization- The Sky Merchants: Some of the most wealthy dragons in the Sphere, these dragons wisely chose to trade their treasure hordes rather than....horde them.
Based out of Stellaregno, the Sky Merchants use their Noctilux-given gift of flight to travel the world quickly, trading treasures, goods and other valuables to other kingdoms. They are always interested in treasures, especially those that are one of a kind.

2018-04-29, 08:54 PM
destruction on the march.

A figure that dwarfed monuntens moved through the water's of the perfect sphere. Krause had been summoned by something and he was going to find out what no matter how long it took.

The titans legs sank upto his knees through the ground as he was so massive the sold sea bed was like snow to him.
But this was not why he was angry. No what angered the father of earthquakes was the sun. It rose and set the same way at the same time.

This anger built and built until the god grabbed a mass of earth and threw it at the sun. The earth fell short, perhaps so short that the god of the sun never would have noticed.

This angered Krause more. He raised his hand and his divine energy made a fountain of dirt and sand. But the dirt didn't fall back down to the perfect sphere, no it stayed up in the heavens spreading out until it covered the whole world.

After some time of throwing the ground up Krause look up and saw the clouds of earth that dimed the sun's light and he grew calm.

"Its better this way." His voice echoed as he walked off to find what had summoned him.

Curse (1ap): the first winter
A cloud of dust hangs high above the perfect sphere. Only a tenth of the sun's light reachs the world below, as such the world cools and plants grow weak.
This cloud covers the whole world with out any gaps what so ever.

Create land (2ap): the abyss
A large hole in the world and should it have a bottom it would be the deepest point in the ocean. However, no one that has entered it has returned.

2018-04-30, 01:50 AM
Tethris - A Sound of Sorrow and health.

Tethris followed the Naga deep into the depths he marveled at the architecture and creations. These creatures must have been ancient, either that or they have achieved much in a short time. Tethris looked upon the elder and in her(?) he saw it, the fungus that turns the living to death and eventually into monstrosities. He had enough of an imagination to know for someone like this to turn would be dangerous not just to the others who lived here but even to the outside world.

Tethris made use of the leaf in his hand to write down some thoughts. Then he closed his eyes and listened to the wind all this knowledge, he just needed to arrange it. Tethris opened his beak and out came what may have been the saddest song ever written. The sound that echoed about this cold place brought tears to the eyes of Tethris. While he sang he drew the energy from the symphony, creating a breeze that danced and swirled around him and his patient, he took on the power to both inflict and remove pain and he mingled it with the power to destroy with just words. He worked with precision and thought and as the song played the fungus that riddled Mekanza's body turned to ash.

The ash danced on the wind its slow movements adding to the beauty that was this sorrowful song. Tethris knew he was helping the elder but at the same time he was destroying life. It brought him pain in another way a sadness he could not bare. His voice faded off in those last moments and the wind went still again, he lifted a wing to wipe his face of the tears. He was filled with another sorrow, one mingled with disappointment this song was beautiful and a masterpiece and those around him would never know the feeling expressed by music.

He bowed before the elder, and then wrote "Greetings Great Elder, I am Tethris of the Umbrelum, first of the nine shadow children of Zemirah. I have come to your marvelous home in search of knowledge, wisdom and growth."

Emperor Demonking
2018-04-30, 03:54 AM
Line, The Sun to The Dwarven Continent

Line looked down at the world. He squinted. He clarified. He got furious. He traveled to the sphere. He landed on land, it happened to be Dwarven lands. Line yelled, "I have been patient with your willfulness for long enough. He who seeks to antagonise the Sun come to me now."

2018-04-30, 05:25 AM
Druhm El'otis and the zombie hoard at The Golden Pits of Stellaregno
Druhm waits to see what the greedy dragons do with the approaching zombies.


Kihjo, the new surface
Kihjo had not found his friend Sheloth but the world had grown dark during his search. He realised the problem and simply went above the clouds to the light. It was beautiful, clean and safe up here. He liked it. But it was lonely and the ground not very solid.
Retreating once again back to the comforts and safety of the great concert hall he begged the heart of rhythm to turn the cloud into something more solid. So it did.

Weaved through the great concealing cloud was a clear fabric of force that created a shell permanently around the earth. Having simply buried everything below he was intent to begin again on this outer surface.

Delighted the child god began gathering his friends and creatures to take to this bright new place.

14 AP
2/2 PAP
0/1 bless Charge

2018-04-30, 06:08 AM
Boanke - The Golden Pits of Stellaregno

The toad moved amongst the Golden Pits, half an eye out for the predators which were the only other life forms he knew of. Boanke rubbed his flank, which was still tender from when an uppity dragon had tried to get what it believed would be an easy meal. He likely would have been, if the reptile had not started writhing after taking a bite, and died frothing at the mouth.

Moving as quietly as an obese toad a few stories tall could move, which is to say not quietly, Boanke pulled himself to the edge of the cliff overlooking his prize. An ocean of glittering wealth lay piled beneath a massive dragon. Of all the greed afflicted he had watched, none seemed more vicious and petty than this beast, which he had seen consolidate seven other hoards into its own. Boanke's eyes grew wide as he took in the dragon's hoard and the pit in his heart grew yet deeper.

"I see you there intruder."
The dragon unfurled and whipped around faster than Boanke could flee, its eyes full of venom as it scaled the cliff and leveled its head at Boanke.
"You are not... what are you intruder?"
The toad paused, this was not something it had considered before. It's voice came out a deep, rumbling croak.
"I am Boanke."
"What are you doing here Boanke?"
The dragon loomed, pulling itself over the cliff's edge and circling the god, scrapping it's sword like claws into the soft silver.
"I... have come to make you an offer. You are the richest in this place, but I can make you richer still. The richest who has ever lived."
The dragon paused and pulled its head only centimetres from the gods face.
"I'm listening."

Boanke reached into the pit and pulled some of his power out. And with the closest thing to speed he could muster launched it at the dragon, who crumpled and fell off the cliff and back into its hoard. Creeping forward Boanke watched as the precious metals melted and started flowing into the body of the dragon. It's cries of pain probably alerting half a dozen of its kind that something was happening. Slowly the wealth vanished into the form of the lizard. And once it was all gone a golden beast unfurled wings worth a dozens kings ransoms, its ruby eyes affixed on its creator. It roared in fury and launched itself at Boanke, diamond teeth snapping, but a tongue jumped from the toads mouth and the dragon disappeared into the pit.
__________________________________________________ ___________________

Druhm El'otis and the journey to The Golden Pits of Stellaregno

Druhm could not stop or warn the dragons of what was coming. He could only hope they would notice and be prepared. So he carried on his journey right up to the crater and let the wide range of creatures pour into the dazzling gem filled hole. Then he and his manticore took a fast decent to the ground. Tired and exhausted they collapsed to the floor. While the zombies could travel for days without food or rest, Druhm and his pet could not. The truth was at this point they couldn't have made it anywhere else.

No longer could he control the undead. No longer could he hold the eerie subtle notes that captivated them. They were now left to their own vices. To their own insatiably hungry vices.

A body landed in front of the toad and was broken. Life other than Boanke and dragons? He looked up and saw more of the things plummeting, growths emerging from them. Walking up to one that had survived the fall Boanke was amused when it began snapping at him with its little teeth. He ate it. Climbing the sides of the the Golden Pits, the toad followed the source of the bodies, claiming the ones that he managed to catch as his own.

It was a wonderous moment as the god of greed first exited the Golden Pits, the realisation that there was more to be had. The gnawing pit opened like a blossoming flower. So much to take, to possess. So much to- Boanke's eyes snapped to two figures lying prone a while off.

"Are these yours?"

Starting AP: 16 AP

Weave Plane -4 AP (The Hoard/The Pit): A metaphysical manifestation of Boanke's greed, it is said that all of creation could fit inside the endless void of The Hoard. (I'm going to expand this place later, but for now it's basically just space, wealth, a few zombies and an incredibly expensive and pissed off dragon)

Create Portal -2 AP (Boanke's Maw): The mouth of the toad god leads to The Hoard.

Raise Hero -2 AP (Avarice the Golden Dragon): The greediest of dragonkind. His body was burnt away and replaced by the precious metals and gems that he coveted. A vicious and violent creature, he has almost none of the wisdom generally associated with dragonkind but instead possesses a deep and razor sharp cunning.

Remaining AP: 8 AP

2018-04-30, 01:15 PM
On Hyperborea.

The naga noblewoman blinked several times- the way the music was influencing currents looked very odd to a species that could see heat- and broke into a smile. She discreetly slithered off, at some unseen call for her assistance- a noble was never idle.

Mekanza, on the other scale, was finally able to resume her half-serpent form, and did so with great joy, immediately taking a nearby hyacinth stalk (which was oddly unaffected by its aquatic circumstances) and placing it in her carefully braided hair, before turning abruptly to face Tethris and hugging him, looking overjoyed and nodding vigorously. She proceedingly snatched the color-changing leaf from his hand, tracing out, simply, “And you shall have them.”

With that, she took his hand and half-dragged him into her abode, a determined expression on her face.

Tutelage was what Tethris sought, and tutelage he there received, with, if anything a touch too much enthusiasm.

With the giants.

One naga, nervous though she was, volunteered; named Naolem, she was hale and youthful, having lost not a single form to the withering illness, and she was skilled in both self-healing arts and in the playful forms of combat that the naga sometimes enjoyed. She had a single sunflower in her hair, that she carefully, with the air of someone cutting off their own arm, placed in the hands of her mother.

She subsequently turned into a bird, swooped off the deck, briefly skimmed the water while gaining momentum, and, as she was nearing the edge of the island, transformed, in a sudden unraveling- she retained her velocity, and, in the form of a fifty foot long snake, hurtled at the giant fighter.

Her opponent, at nearly twenty-five feet tall and covered in glowing armor, was surprised by his opponent transforming that rapidly- non-naga druids rarely attained that sort of proficiency in the art- but recovered quickly, with the instincts of one who’s been in many a battle, throwing his discus with enough force to send him back a few steps.

It missed.

Oh, it was perfectly on-target, to the tee- provided that his opponent didn’t suddenly turn back into a bird, and proceedingly shapeshift back into serpent form in a completely different position.

In spite of his initial blunder, the giant recovered well- his hammer was out in a flash, bludgeoning the serpent with fangs reared five feet from his face, and hitting her, with a sound of thunder. She was sent flying backwards, rapidly, hitting the sand of their battleground with a sharp crack. The giant, with a moment of focus, sent of billows of dust and sand from his location, so as to obfuscate his presence, and charged at his downed opponent.

Aforementioned downed opponent was sparkling with a soft shimmer, and some of her bones audibly snapped back into place. She allowed her opponent to come closer, closer… and then shapeshifted into a bird and back, repeating the trick of reappearing her serpent form in a different position from how it had disappeared- this time with her coils around the giant’s neck, limbs, and mouth. He immediately slammed backwards, onto the ground, and the naga managed to shapeshift back into a bird just in time- only to have to narrowly dodge another blow from the giant’s hammer.

She turned back into a serpent, trying to repeat her strangulation attempt- but it was exceedingly difficult to get the positions right on that, and she ended up with her tail just in the giant’s reach. With a burst of strength and speed, he grabbed it, channeled trock to keep her from shapeshifting out of his grip, and heaved.

An observer might have seen a vibrant serpent, extended like a whip some seventy feet into the air- and then slammed down, unceremoniously. Again. And again. And again, until she tired so much that she could no longer heal her wounds, and he slammed her down to the ground again just in case, and then released his grip. She returned to her half-serpent form, no longer injured but still weak and dizzy.

“I yield, I yield, tell the crazy giant that I yield, IyieldIyieldIyield!!!!” She said frantically to a nearby tree, who relayed it to the giant tribe’s druid.

2018-04-30, 06:51 PM
On Hyperborea.

The naga noblewoman blinked several times- the way the music was influencing currents looked very odd to a species that could see heat- and broke into a smile. She discreetly slithered off, at some unseen call for her assistance- a noble was never idle.

Mekanza, on the other scale, was finally able to resume her half-serpent form, and did so with great joy, immediately taking a nearby hyacinth stalk (which was oddly unaffected by its aquatic circumstances) and placing it in her carefully braided hair, before turning abruptly to face Tethris and hugging him, looking overjoyed and nodding vigorously. She proceedingly snatched the color-changing leaf from his hand, tracing out, simply, “And you shall have them.”

With that, she took his hand and half-dragged him into her abode, a determined expression on her face.

Tutelage was what Tethris sought, and tutelage he there received, with, if anything a touch too much enthusiasm.

With the giants.

One naga, nervous though she was, volunteered; named Naolem, she was hale and youthful, having lost not a single form to the withering illness, and she was skilled in both self-healing arts and in the playful forms of combat that the naga sometimes enjoyed. She had a single sunflower in her hair, that she carefully, with the air of someone cutting off their own arm, placed in the hands of her mother.

She subsequently turned into a bird, swooped off the deck, briefly skimmed the water while gaining momentum, and, as she was nearing the edge of the island, transformed, in a sudden unraveling- she retained her velocity, and, in the form of a fifty foot long snake, hurtled at the giant fighter.

Her opponent, at nearly twenty-five feet tall and covered in glowing armor, was surprised by his opponent transforming that rapidly- non-naga druids rarely attained that sort of proficiency in the art- but recovered quickly, with the instincts of one who’s been in many a battle, throwing his discus with enough force to send him back a few steps.

It missed.

Oh, it was perfectly on-target, to the tee- provided that his opponent didn’t suddenly turn back into a bird, and proceedingly shapeshift back into serpent form in a completely different position.

In spite of his initial blunder, the giant recovered well- his hammer was out in a flash, bludgeoning the serpent with fangs reared five feet from his face, and hitting her, with a sound of thunder. She was sent flying backwards, rapidly, hitting the sand of their battleground with a sharp crack. The giant, with a moment of focus, sent of billows of dust and sand from his location, so as to obfuscate his presence, and charged at his downed opponent.

Aforementioned downed opponent was sparkling with a soft shimmer, and some of her bones audibly snapped back into place. She allowed her opponent to come closer, closer… and then shapeshifted into a bird and back, repeating the trick of reappearing her serpent form in a different position from how it had disappeared- this time with her coils around the giant’s neck, limbs, and mouth. He immediately slammed backwards, onto the ground, and the naga managed to shapeshift back into a bird just in time- only to have to narrowly dodge another blow from the giant’s hammer.

She turned back into a serpent, trying to repeat her strangulation attempt- but it was exceedingly difficult to get the positions right on that, and she ended up with her tail just in the giant’s reach. With a burst of strength and speed, he grabbed it, channeled trock to keep her from shapeshifting out of his grip, and heaved.

An observer might have seen a vibrant serpent, extended like a whip some seventy feet into the air- and then slammed down, unceremoniously. Again. And again. And again, until she tired so much that she could no longer heal her wounds, and he slammed her down to the ground again just in case, and then released his grip. She returned to her half-serpent form, no longer injured but still weak and dizzy.

“I yield, I yield, tell the crazy giant that I yield, IyieldIyieldIyield!!!!” She said frantically to a nearby tree, who relayed it to the giant tribe’s druid.

Open trade - an unamed island.

The giant fighter lifted the Naga up by the arm, seeming to help her up. However , the giant pressed the back of the naga's elbow, snapping her arm like a twig.

A moment later after the giant said something to their druid the trees told the Naga. "The giant accepts your surrender."

It a moment the giants shifted from ready for battle to trading and catching up with old friends. The giant's poor druid couldn't translated all the messages for the Naga, every giant had something to say.

A giant moved their hand over the sand and the sand shaped is self in to words. The method of writing in the sand to communicate became the preferred method of communicating with the Naga as it circumvented the bottle neck that was their druid.

With physical trades the giants only put forward unfair ones, they had won that right. However, the giants gave knowledge, stories and pieces of wisdom like nothing else. Of course for every question the giants answer they asked another.

Some of the giants were shocked to learn the Naga didn't know trock and set about teaching the basics immediately. The giants were also suprised to discover that the techniques of 'stone obeys' couldn't be learned by the Naga.

The giant's explained what trock infusement was, what it did, why it was invented and how to make more. On discovering the naga's life cycle the giants realised the advice 'its like making a child but...' wouldn't apply.

Ever giant had a tip or two and everyone of them had a few fight stories. 'skill beats power' came up many times. It seemed giant's fights were all fought with the savageness of a fight to the death and yet out of thousands of battles, deaths could be counted on one hand.

An oddity was found among the giants some adults were younger than Naga children and some were as old as centuries. The Naga were told first hand tales that predated Naga as a people.

One giants built in the day of the first city, told the Naga of a city that rose and fell long before the Naga.

The Naga tried to convince the giants to pray to ekmelao, it when well until the giants learnt ekmelao was a god. With that the giants wouldn't write the god's name not touch their symbol. When asked to explain why the giants finally gave the details of the fall of the first city and their maker Krause.

Inspite of that little hiccup the trading continued. The giants even offering items made by other races and knowledge of those races. They made little effort to hide that these had been gathered and acquired by beating their former owns black and blue.

As the night came the giants explained that they had to go. The Naga had no small amount stone tables containing a lot of the giant's knowledge, all the writing carved in seconds by the giants merely waving their hands over the stone. However the giants left two warning: giants would try to raid their lands and the gods were more dangerous than they could possibly imagine.

2018-04-30, 07:37 PM
Sheloth and the Technicolor Aurora
Looking down at the first world, Sheloth saw the world suddenly covered by a massive cloud. Alarmed, Sheloth flew through the cloud to see what had happened in his absence. He saw the world was now bleak and cold. This would simply not do. Extending his hands, Sheloth began to form a massive swirling cloud of radiation. Soon the sky began to glow with a rainbow of colors, from radio to gamma. The glowing lights covered a fourth of the sphere, from the north pole to the south. Sheloth pushed and the swirling lights began to rotate around the world, completing one rotation per half of a day. Living things under the aurora were warmed by the glowing lights, but those who stayed too long under the lights began to be burned and have tumors form on their skin.

Blessing (2PAP): The Rainbow Aurora, negates the effect of the first winter.
Curse(1 AP): Radiation Poisoning. Causes mutations and radiation burns if a living creatures stays under the Aurora too long.
For Nature(Evolution) (8/10)
New total: 1 AP + 4 Rollover AP + 2 PAP - 1 AP - 2 PAP = 4 AP + 0 PAP

2018-05-01, 02:45 AM
Tethris - Moving on.

The young Umbrelum spent many moons with the Naga, he observed and he often tagged behind Mekanza to their regular rituals. He learned of Ekmelao and learned how to pray to the serpant god, he even participated in such things. A strange thing praying to another god especially when you have knowledge of your creator. But Tethris went on to learn things he hadnt expected, the druids had a way to bend the wind that the Umbrelum hadnt even thought of, their control of elemental forces was astounding. It was a long time before Tethris was allowed to make a staff to begin learning druidic arts but he was proud of his final creation he even strung his own feathers to its head.

After he had learnt all he could, with a heavy heart and much struggle, Tethris left the comforts of his new friend and ally he hoped to return here some day and strongly hoped Mekanza still lived when he did. Using his new found techniques he made his own way out of the hidden grove in Hyperborea and took flight. It was a long way to fly but with this new power to bend the winds Tethris rarely had to move his wings.

He was guided this time by a sound an calling he could hear on the wind. He knew this place it was in the knowledge he had gained from Zemirah at creation this was her homeland. He found himself inside the hall where she stood once and rallied together other gods. Tethris crouched down near her name and ran his talons across it. This place was a legend in the making Tethris had memories of this place even though he had never been.

Tethris heard laughter come from somewhere, he perked his head and looked around. The Umbrelum spotted the most curious thing a child thing and it was doing something odd with it's feet and friends. Tethris approached watching closely. "Hello there strange child... I am Tethris of the Umbrelum and now druid of the song. what might you be? You do not yet exist within my knowledge, though you do resemble the god born of my goddess, I believe his name is Kihjo"

2018-05-01, 08:28 AM
Druhm El'otis and Boanke

With a stagger in his weary step Druhm raised from the ground as he curiously eyed this new creature. "Mine?" He replies confused by the question. "Wait, are you a child of dragons?" He asks, his voice but a raspy dry whisper that even sounds painful. "Where, where did they go? How?" He stammers, confused and cautious.

Druhm had began stepping back slowly, but surely. Through unpleasant life experiences the Dotem had learned to be weary of strangers. He was standing on the edge of the craters open mouth as Boanke made his way out, eating the insatiable unliving along the way. Druhm had come to trust only a few and Never the hungry.

Sensing his fear, the dark manticore nearby rose from the ground, reaching into its last reserves of energy it found the strength let out a low growl as it strode to its masters side.


The radiating glow of brilliant colours, some of which Kihjo had never seen before, came to life beneath his feet and began washing over the world below. Kihjo excitedly chased it from his place above the clouds. While he hadn't seen Sheloth for a long while now he still recognised this as one of his creations. Eager to give back to and impress the creative God, Kihjo tried to recreate some of that brilliant creative energy that he had found and tasted in his fountain.

Swirling forth some of the clouds below him, he drew forth some residual moisture from his body and combined the two and sent it into the light.

Unfortunately it did not turn out quite the way the god child had planned. The results were sporadic radiation rain. It took the radiating energy of all those lights and placed it upon the land in liquid droplet form to sit and stew. While light, scarce and rare it was still enough to alter those caught in it.

Tethris & the Acots
- the grand hall

Before the end of his last word the Acots were all gone. They had vanished right before his eyes. An instinctual and reflexive action to anything sudden or unknown. Their joy however had not left the room. The pattering of their feet could still be heard scampering throughout the room, each step was matched to the music echoing across the land. They were footsteps of dancing not running away. Frivolous in their movements they continued to softly giggle as they circled and zigzagged around Tethris. The more he tried to follow their movements the more they giggled and laughed. Their joy an infectious one.

"Here like this!" A soft sweet voice echoed from thin air. Suddenly there was a tug on each of his hands as one or two of the creatures began trying to lead him around the room.


New races born of radiation

It had been weeks since a zombie had been spotted. All the counter measures were working effectively. Still a small group of Dotem manticore riders were surveying the land for any remainders when the clouds suddenly overtook the sky and threw the land into darkness and shadows. While there foes were now so few in number that they proved little threat, this recent development should not be might fall in their favour. Fearful of this it stirred a torrent of unrest within the hunters.

And then just as quickly as it had vanished there was now a new light. Brilliant and warm it offered new opportunities to hunt. Cautious of how the long night may have benefited the undead the manticore riders followed the new light for many endless days in desperate pursuit to ensure the last of the zombies were truly dead. Their determination to the cause making them oblivious to the damage they were taking.

Dotem, manticore and undead fungus all slowly melted, melding and forming into one creature under the light and rain. One by one the creatures fell from the hunters party and were swept over by darkness.
By the next time the light came around, it was a brand new creature that rose to meet it.

It now had four dark piercing eyes. Larger one above and wider than some slightly smaller ones. A nose that was flatter and closer resembled the manticores. Their mouth was wider possessing a hunters jaw and needle like sharp teeth. Closely tight behind their usual long curved pointed ear was a new smaller pair matching the pattern and curvature, cascading down in size. A mane of long flowing golden hair ran from the top of their head right down their back. A beard came to match.

They now also had new muscles of a beast, powerful and strong. Their body was covered in a fine thin layer of fur, large exposed patches of skin were covered with chitinous hard scales, and a living metallic fungus ran in stripes across their back, chest and upper legs like a natural armour. The biggest change was below the torso. A six legged lion with taloned claws topped with sharp obsidian blades. The patterns and armour ran across this new body to match.

At the conjoining section between the Dotems stomach and the lions chest, the scorpion-like fangs still remained, now only larger and protruding flesh. The bat like wings it once possessed had near all but decayed away, now all that remained was the outer arm leaving two powerful long folding spear like appendages. The scorpion tail was still there. The hallucinogenic poison now more poisonous and deadly, inflicting evolved remnants of the old zombie fungus.

Far more physically powerful than any of their singular counterparts, the shared mind simplified the creature. The mixed species removed much of its natural magical aptitude. But it retained its last mindset, that of a hunter, and hunters is what they were.

14 AP

Create major artefact. - 3AP - 2PAP
Radiation rain -1 sub species

Create subspecies -1 Charge
Tumhorc's (of Dotem, downgraded from mythical to sentient.)
Like centaurs are human with horse but these are short albino fey elves with manticore.

11 AP

2018-05-01, 10:08 AM
Atasi, Hindquaters of the Great music hall.

While Tethris and the child God we’re meeting in the temples atrium, in one of the rear halls a contest was being held between members of the Gaurdians. Though in truth contest was a strong word for what seemed to consist of Atasi leaping through the air and binding other worriers with nothing but the two blue ribbons in her hands, any in the chamber could hear her song as she channeled the arcane symphony.

I chain dance with a dancer's grace, yours is a damned disgrace
I balance chance and fate with a straight stance and gait
Don't aggravate, I'll amputate and lacerate or strangulate
'Til I decapitate and your atoms evaporate.

With the final note, the ribbon-chain shot out from her left hand and wrapped around the leg of her final opponent, a tough but otherwise underwhelming dwarf. She pulled the ribbon-chain taunt and pulled herself into a flying kick while the dwarf stumbled forward, with that move she had claimed victory for the right to represent the Guardians at the great tourney.

Yet before she left, she made a visit stepping quietly through the great hall to the heart of the dance, hoping to receive blessings for her attempt to receive glory. Looking down, Geurletta diverted a little of the energy he had stored in the pantheon into her, hoping she would be the one to claim ultimate glory.

Stealing into the night and slowlyperforming the song of roads, she took the spectral pathway into the great arena.

Great Abbasi Movement, Terra Avis

Of in the distance, where Darius had been fighting the solitary light continued to burn strong amongst the darkness as the rear elements of the refugee baggage train approached and entered the new land.

Those who had the respect of the other Singers there approached the Umbrelum and spoke, voices horse and weary. “Thank you, peace is what we have been chasing for these months, even as these cursed spectres chased us. If you would permit it we would make our home here. With that they seemed to settle into grim melancholy, staring at that tiny flickering light upon the distant hil, steadily it danced on slowly dimming as the night went on. Then it spread, the crimson fire consuming the entire hilltop, with a final flash of silver and golden light ascending high into the winds and a final shriek of defiance and desperation, the hilltop fell, dark and silent.

The next morning they gathered to mourn their fallen warrior-king, at the head of the ceremony was Cyrus, head of the immortal guard and as close a thing to a son as Darius ever had, mournfully he began the song to send of this great legend.

“There was a king on the Hill
Up on the ash-marked Half Hill
Who watched over us
Not Silent nor still
And no one of us was safe until
We met with the man on the Hill

And there on the Hill
Up on Ashmark Hill
A cold wind blew
Dark and chill
For nothing would slake its wrathful will
He had to make a stand-
And maybe if I'd been a little bit braver
Maybe if I stayed behind to fight
But "maybe" doesn't let me go back be the saviour
"Maybe" doesn't make it alright

Darius saved us. Many of us only survived because he stayed to hold off the monsters.
He paid for his sacrifice with his life, let no one here forget that

There was a king on the Hill
Up on Ashmark Hill
Who take inspired us all
And always will
And it's there reminding me
Of all Heroes need to be

The King on the Hill

Raise Hero (2-1=1AP): Atasi, A silent singer who is the best warrior from the Gaurdians of the music hall, fights using spiked chains which resemble mere ribbons, massively competitive.

Minor Combat Artefact (3AP): Blade Chains, the ribbons which Atasi wields are imbued with sentience and the ability to move themselves to grapple shield or fly (think Steven strange’s cloak)

Form Society (2AP): Abbasi Nation: A Kingdom upon Terra,Avis made up of those Silent singers who joined Darius’ exodus

Mundane Concept (1AP): Eulogy, the telling of stories or poems about the dead used to celebrate their accomplishments and mourn their passing.

AP:4+4=8 8-1-2-1=4
PAP: 2-2=0
War (Heroes): (10/10)

2018-05-01, 12:40 PM
Terra'Avis - Back to the sunlight

The umbral songbirds welcomed the new people upon Terra'Avis "We must warn you, you will not find resources to build here, not without violating our one rule. We are about to set out to gather some things so we may... Silence... what is that sound?" The council begin whispering among themselves "The winds are changing... we do not have long, bretheren!" The other members of the Umbrelum emerged from the forests of Terra, and the council began giving out orders. Even as they worked the dirt and dust gathered in the sky above them and the remnants of the horde began to amass. The council stood on the precipice they had not acted when it mattered but they would not let the hero have died in vain. While the other Umbrelum gathered resources and took them to the back of the bird the council served as a magical guard using the power of the Arcane song to defend the workers.

It took some time, weeks worth of gathering, enough to build a small town with. The council were the last to get back onto Terra and one among leaned down and petted the beast on the side of the neck. The action would look bizzarre to the unknowing Abassi from their point of view The councillor was merely petting the ground. He whispered to the ground and the soil began to shift and move. The head rose up and Terra let out a loud and booming "CAW!" The beating of his great wings sent waves across the ocean and the displaced air sent the horde tumbling back. The council spoke once more to the Abassi "One more thing... The true nature of your salvation must never be revealed to another mortal... more foolish creatures may try to harm Terra and that would be a disaster."

Over the next few days as Terra soared through the dim skies The council sat in deliberation over what they would do next. The winds turned again and light returned to the sky. But it made the council feel uneasy, this light was wrong. Among them the one who spoke to Terra returned to the great bird's head and whispered directions. "Go above the clouds great one. This light is unsafe" The bird let out the caw once more and headed for the clouds, only to be stopped by some sort of barrier. Terra pecked at it trying to break through but this work was the work of a god. The council gathered at the head.

"Work of a god or no this is still earth and land... Gather your power brethren we will pierce this land... ready Terra, we wont be able to hold it open for long." The council sung a great tune to the clouds searching for the words that could sunder continents. The Umbrelum were not practiced in this but the knowledge existed They managed to hold a gap open in the clouds just long enough and wide enough for Terra to get through. They were in the sunlight again but doubted they would be heading below anytime soon. The council returned to their circle to concentrate on the wind. They were tired and for the first time in days they closed their eyes and rested.

Tethris - Dancing with The Acots

Tethris took the hands of the childlike creatures with great joy, he found the creatures fascinating they were the opposite of his kind they were eternally childlike while the Umbrelum were never children. He found happiness in their movements and even thought up movements of his own. He played games with the Acots, chased the Acots, danced with the Acots, and he even played music for them. He could have spent more months with the childlike creatures but he found himself stagnating, there was less to learn among these creatures than there was with the Naga, the Naga were a fully fledged civilization. The Acots however were still primal in their nature. after a few weeks among them Tethris gave them a kind smile thanked them for their lessons in dance then returned to the grand hall and sat on the stage. There was something about this place an undertone to the symphony. Tethris found himself tapping his feat to a rhythm, then moving and then dancing again. He then felt it there was something more here a magic that was similar to the symphony yet different.

He felt his energy grow and then as he spun his wings and twirled he let out a force of energy. Were it not for Zemirah's blessing he may have damaged the stage. Tethris swelled with pride so far everywhere he went he had learned something new. Tethris sat down he needed to rest awhile.

2018-05-01, 02:46 PM
Noctilux, the First Dragon

Noctilux had been disappointed for the last several ages. He had watched his dragons dig precious minerals out of the earth, gathering piles of treasure and fighting their kin to increase their hordes. His children were meant to be wise beings, teachers and rulers of the Sphere, not misers.

However, not all was bad. Many of his dragons still worked towards being the ascended beings they were meant to be. Specifically, the First Dragon was drawn to two of his children, two brothers in fact. One with scales black as the Void he came from, fighting his fellow dragons within the Golden Pits, yet taking no desire in increasing his treasure horde. The other a dragon with scales as bright as starlight, who spent his time in the Silver Observatory. He was the wisest of Stellaregno's scholars, taking in knowledge with a seemingly unending thirst. Noctilux was amused by these two dragons, their own ambitions overcoming the overpowering greed that had taken hold of their kin. The First Dragon would watch these two, for he knew in his heart these two would shake the foundation of dragonkind.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________

Etiam the Burning Star (the black dragon) struck down another dragon, sending it sprawling into a pile of treasure. The black dragon threw his winnings to the ground, "Keep your trinkets!! They're useless to me!!" He roared, stalking away from the makeshift arena within the Golden Pits. It was then that he noticed the living-mushroom infested corpses falling into the pits. Taking to the sky, he flew out into the sky, roaring in fury, "Who DARES toss their rotting corpses into the lands of the Dragons!!!!

Start with 4 AP and 1 PAP

2 AP to Create Hero (Etiam, the Burning Star): Etiam was among the dragons who went to the Golden Pits of Stellaregno. Many of the dragons would fight each other in the pits, hoping to take their enemies horde. Etiam, however, has no interest in gold, only in fighting and becoming stronger.

2 AP to create Hero (Argenti, the Light of Wisdom): Argenti is the Master Scholar of the Silver Observatory. Never truly drawn by the curse of greed that gripped his kin, Argenti was more interested in gathering knowledge. This caused him to rise the ranks in the Silver Observatory, creating discover after discovery for Dragonkind. His wisdom and knowledge will surely bring guide the Dragons for years to come.

Leaving behind 1 PAP

2018-05-02, 05:29 AM
Druhm El'otis and Boanke

With a stagger in his weary step Druhm raised from the ground as he curiously eyed this new creature. "Mine?" He replies confused by the question. "Wait, are you a child of dragons?" He asks, his voice but a raspy dry whisper that even sounds painful. "Where, where did they go? How?" He stammers, confused and cautious.

Druhm had began stepping back slowly, but surely. Through unpleasant life experiences the Dotem had learned to be weary of strangers. He was standing on the edge of the craters open mouth as Boanke made his way out, eating the insatiable unliving along the way. Druhm had come to trust only a few and Never the hungry.

Sensing his fear, the dark manticore nearby rose from the ground, reaching into its last reserves of energy it found the strength let out a low growl as it strode to its masters side.

Etiam the Burning Star (the black dragon) struck down another dragon, sending it sprawling into a pile of treasure. The black dragon threw his winnings to the ground, "Keep your trinkets!! They're useless to me!!" He roared, stalking away from the makeshift arena within the Golden Pits. It was then that he noticed the living-mushroom infested corpses falling into the pits. Taking to the sky, he flew out into the sky, roaring in fury, "Who DARES toss their rotting corpses into the lands of the Dragons!!!!

Boanke - The Wider World, Stellaregno

The god looked at the figure for a moment in silence, huge eyes unblinking before reaching out a 'cupped' forefoot. Water as fresh and cool as the springs of a mountain coalesced in the foots palm.

"I do not know what 'children' is. But I do not believe so."

Boanke tensed as the manticore growled, pulling his limb slightly back but maintaining the offer. But he relaxed slightly as he examined the beast. Leaning back onto his hindquarters, wincing only slightly when the bite flared up, he gestured to the creature.

"I will give you a ruby half a cubit across for this thing-"

He was interrupted when a black dragon flew out of the place he had once called home. Not being the cause of its rage, the toad remained calm, though the initial shock caused a splash as water to hit the ground.

"There's no need to fear dragon, I was just about to offer to take these... corpses off the hands of my new friend here. I am Boanke."

Starting AP: 8 AP
Curse -1 AP (Feeding the Thirsty): Sometimes when someone is truly, truly desperate. An offer is made, it is not heard or seen but rather felt. Take the offer up and you are saved, your need is met somehow. For example, a man dying of dehydration might stumble across an oasis, or find the corpse of another who happened to have died with a number of full waterskins on him. It always appears to be merely chance, even if the odds are simply staggering, like a gust of wind blowing over a tree which falls on a house, allowing the healing rays of the sun to reach a dying dwarf.

The catch? Once they are out of the situation. Their need for the need grows. Nothing much at first, the man who recieved water's body needs a few more drops of water a day. But over time the need grows slowly, and eventually becomes a sizeable amounts. That's not to say that it's ridiculous, for a being to need to drink a lake a day, they would have to be immortal, but over the course of a mortals life, it's possible that a human (if they existed) would have to drink 60 litres of water a day if they were to make the deal relatively early in their life and lived to quite an old age.
Remaining AP: 7 AP

2018-05-02, 07:54 AM
Druhm El'otis, Boanke and the black dragon

"No!" The Dotem replied flatly. Confused and slightly offended by the offer. The water however did seem appealing though. Changing his tone he decided to explain himself and justify his abrupt answer. Stepping forward slowly as he spoke.
"This is Orgar, my friend and partner. He is a part of me as I him and I could not trade him away for any amount of ground or rocks. I'd sooner give up my eyes. But there is more than just this one, why do yo-"

The sudden rise of the large dark dragon startled Druhm causing him to stumble backwards just before he could touch the water. Falling backwards he caught himself on the nearby manticore. It's tail twitched in the air as it lowered and bared its fangs.

The two remained silent and allowed the other two to talk. He was exhausted and tired, and felt anything he had to say couldn't help him now. He would let this be between the dragon and the frog. He wasn't sure which was more frightening. But as of now the frog still offered him water.

2018-05-03, 03:59 AM
Ambliege, The Arena
Ambliege was toiling on his latest project, lifting large stone blocks and placing them into ludicrously large rings, when the great dust clouds blotted out the awesome sun. His tanned skin cooled as he turned and looked to the sky, pulling a pair of impromptu dark shades down his nose to peer over them.


The darkening of the sky's displeased Ambliege and he pondered an appropriate curse to express his displeasure. He was raising his hand to pass judgement when a barrier of force sprung into being around the world, containing the dust. Ambliege raised an eyebrow at the new development.


Suddenly the clouds burst into light, harsh radiation bearing down on the world, swirling across the sky.


Ambliege knew the new light would make life hard for the inhabitants of the first world, and that was good, a challenge to lift them to greatness. But the outer sphere could be so much more. A harsh place that changed its inhabitants until they overcame. Yes, yes that would do nicely.

Ambliege put down his stone and strode down the mountainous side of The Arena, once at the bottom he stretched and flexed. He started sprinting up the volcanoe screaming. Reaching the top he leaped off the edge, hurling himself skyward. The volcano erupted under him launching him on a pillar of magma.


Rocketing upwards Ambliege collided with the outer sphere feet first and started sprinting. As he did the sphere turned under his feat, slowly at first but gaining momentum. The dust began to fall upwards, or more importantly its new downwards, and formed a desert of glowing sand dunes, a perfectly flat ring at its equator from the pounding of Ambliege's feet.

Ambliege finally came to a halt, bleeding profusely from the magma and radiation burns. He wandered a few paces to the side of the road born of his fury adn dug down a few feet to reveal an oasis of light. He lowered himself, as one might into a spa, put on his shade's and began to heal again.


8+4 rollover = [12AP] + 1 artifact charge (bless)
Create Land (2AP): The Bad Lands of the Outer Sphere.
The (B/R)ad Land is the radioactive desert formed upon the interior surface of the now spinning outer sphere. The curse of radiation persists, mutating the inhabitants of the lands as well as those of the planet below. The radiation storms continue, bringing destruction across the B/Rad lands as they please. The only respite is the occasional oasis of literal healing light that lances up to the Inner Sphere below. A single perfectly flat road marks its equator, an eternal reminder of fury Ambliege's harnessed to create the Rad Lands.

Domain Progress:
Glory(Legacy): +2 [8/10]
Judgement Awesomeness: (6/10)
AP [12 - 2 = 10]

2018-05-03, 04:13 PM
Naolem the Brave, as she would be called henceforth, immediately retreated, in bird form, back to the ships, to inform them of what had happened and spend the next few days quietly recovering from her acquired trauma in her quarters. A little bit after, a positive flock of birds descended on the beach, transforming back into their half-serpent forms and beginning the mutual trade of information.

They were only mildly interested in physical trades, and were happy to give away anything they didn’t themselves require for a pittance; they were substantially less happy about the whole ‘only a day to learn the basics of Trock’ thing, but they ended up receiving enough fundamental concepts that the trees could teach them the rest.

They said their farewells, very, very glad to get away from the crazy bloodthirsty barbarians, and that they’d have some trock masters of their own in a decade or two.

Ekmelao was officially irritated.

His oceanic creation turning vividly green around the equator? Fine. The swarms of undead? He’d half-tolerated them. This, though? Random radiation storms going all of everywhere, all of his lovely plants receding under a lack of nourishment, the world suddenly spinning for no particular reason? This was the last straw. This was- hisssssss- the straw that broke the camel’s back.

He hissed within the dreams of his highest druids, and instructed them on how they were going to use the many, many gifts he had give them.

It was the full moon. The sixty four heads of the sixty four noble houses of the people of the rose were arranged in a circle, bowing towards its middle, their crowns dripping with venom. On some silent cue, they simultaneously channeled the healing magic with which they had been blessed, multiplied in power manifold, and from their ranks soared a host of-

Beautiful, white-hot pheonixes.

They were large- perhaps twice as large as eagles- and constantly burning with pleasantly cool, prismatic flames. They would find those afflicted by the ravages of the world’s new aurora, moving from one flame to another as if merely stepping through a doorway. They would find them. And they would take their wounds as their own, and they would take their maladies as their own, and, in time, they would be overcome by them, burning away in a vibrant immolation- but not before laying a few eggs that would hatch into new pheonixes, in their own time.

And so then a month passed.

And then, upon the new moon, the sailors who had been blessed with seaweed staves assembled upon that same spot, to do something far more… experimental. The staves had come with the divinely conveyed wisdom that they could do very, very dramatic magic, when all arrayed- but such had never been done before.

The staves came up. They moved, in intricate, synchronized patterns, and- there was a ripple, a wave, an outpouring of light, and the world was changed.

Select mundane flowers, all over the world, were changed- turned into glowing little blossoms of moonlight. They would, when eaten by an animal, let them grow several times in size, strength, and domesticity, to be of service to their surrounding communities. When eaten by a person, on the other hand, they’d restore them to full health, and bestow upon them the capacity for druidism that was so currently rare- wi all its potential for healing, and all its potential for self-defense.

Ekmelao calmed down, his instructions to the faithful having been dutifully executed. While the bizarre actions of his fellow divinities were far from his vision of beauty, he was going to remain composed, collected, and harmonious as ever. But- well, if he was going to keep acting as a moderating influence on the predilections of other divine sparks, he was going to need… influence.

‘Find me’, that one obnoxious voice had said, so very long ago.

He did.

Ekmelao disappeared, in a vortex of rose petals, and appeared before the one whose child had landed upon the moon in search of druidic grace, and whose prior path he’d tracked through space.

“Salutations,” he said, his tail flower in full bloom and his eyes calculating.

Bless and create monstrous life charges used.

2018-05-03, 06:34 PM
Zemirah - The bird and the snake.

Somehow another god had found Zemirah, even as she hid away in the shadows atop the great Bird Terra'Avis. She had been watching her creations as they strive to prove their worth. The serpent towered above her as she remained in her favored form of a humanoid. The creature had somehow appeared before Zemirah, that act alone told her all she needed to know. The beast was a god and not one she had met yet.

She took herself out of the shadows and looked up at the beast. "H-hello... can I aid you in some way?"

Emperor Demonking
2018-05-04, 03:58 AM

Line was quite smug when the coward would not come to him. Of course, that would be the case; sunlight after all is the best disinfectant, of course this coward would prefer to hide in the shadows. Then Line's fury and smugness started to abate and he noticed something. The radiation, the everything. Line was furious. As furious as a deity could be. Would he act? Purify the sky as he had purified the fungi? No. That sort of thing was not good enough anymore. Block the sun in the sky. Line would bring the sun everywhere.

It started on the Dwarven continent where Line resided, the springs stopped producing clear water but a golden substance. It was like water, but tasted better than water, it was more nourishing than water and it helped salve wounds as the sun once did. It was like perfectly pure water purified again. One did not need much for one's thirst to be quenched. But drink a little more and its healing powers became dramatic. One also - unless one use meditation to force oneself to a different goal - became mad on feats of strength. Become drunk on the stuff and one would think of nothing but showing that one was the most power, fearing nothing as one even regrows limbs.

The sun was upon the sphere. Line sat down.

12 AP = 8 AP + 4 AP Rollover
8 AP = 12 AP - 4 AP: Mystical Concept: Sunwater, delicious healing water that provokes one into feats of strength. Very small effects when taken in moderation. Very large when taken to extremes.
7 AP = 8 AP - 1 AP: Curse, all spring streams, rivers, lakes provide Sunwater rather than normal water.

2018-05-04, 06:12 AM
Ekmelao- The bird and the snake.

The floral divinity smiled pleasantly- a rather odd look, on a gargantuan serpent, and slowly slithered, encircling the smaller goddess and managing to make the action look mostly non-threatening.

“I take it that you’re the divine spark I was searching for? You seem even lovelier than I was imagining- I am Ekmelao, serpent of the rose, master of the moon and tides and all wild things besides, he-who-devised-druidism, inspiration of writing and sailing and phoenix and unicorn and moon-flower. I seem to recognize your voice as being that one who wished for people to ‘find her’, if my memory serves. I have found you.”

His voice lowered, sounding almost conspiratorial.

“One of your creations set foot upon my moon, yes? He stayed there for many of its waxings and wanings, and, though he largely sought tutelage, he gave some of his own- he spoke of his own god, and told me where she would be found, through his history and not through sound.”

Ekmelao’s pleasant smile returned.

“It’s a chaotic world out there, and I require allies- and so do you, from the sound of it. And I don’t need the whispers of my trees to know that you must have collected quite a few people as such, with that song heard around the world… and I’d like to join you.”

2018-05-04, 08:18 AM
Zemirah - The bird and the snake

"Ek..melao..." She was tasting the name, so curious that the god would come now so long after the call was made but he wants allies and Zemirah was not one to turn down aid especially not when offered so freely. But her curiosity was directed somewhere else, the serpent god spoke of one of her Umbrelum, the one who left. The goddess had to admit she was curious.

"You spoke of Tethris, and how is my curious little shadow bird? I expect he is doing well for himself his destined return here will do much for his species...." She was avoiding the subject matter she knew it and by the look of the serpent god he knew it too. Over time Zemirah had become aware her joining up with fellow gods had made her stronger, like hordes of undead, gods were stronger united. She had to be wary, Zemirah was at the head of the only pantheon that she was aware of this could be a power grab. With that thought in mind however she was also being presented with an oppurtunity to expand her connections.

"Sorry... I tend to ramble on the smaller things first... so you wish to join my court of eternal wonders... my expectations are not high I ask only that you present some proof of your love of art, for that is what we are artists. The god of dragons put stories into the stars, the child god created dance... these are just some examples... Show me your art, carve your name upon my stage in the land of music and you will benefit from being among my court."

2018-05-04, 11:13 AM
Kihjo & the new civilization at the core.

Once again Kihjo stood in the land of music, not too far from great hall, some fair distance behind it. Many of his creations had returned here to seek their homely blessing to ward off the ill effects of the new light. But not all.

Kihjo who had seen a new world, one that still held the old light, the one he called the sky surface. He wanted to take others up there to see and enjoy it too. Many of his creatures could no longer fly nor to those heights and as of now there was no other way for them to get up there besides him taking them himself. So he would.

He released his song out across the sphere, calling for those that worshipped him to come and see what he had found. His call ripples along the waves of air, a silent urge tugging on the souls of his followers. 'come see, come see!' it called with a selfish excited urgency.

Many came, many didn't, but the most curious was the Tumhorc representative. The notion puzzled Kihjo. A representative of what and for why? Leaving all the others behind who had heeded his call, Kihjo becomes solely interested where this strange new creature came from. He recognised its parts and the magic that bound it, but it's creation was a mystery. So he followed it to its home. He followed it to a mysterious place that he had never before seen, hidden deep beneath the ground and eminating a strange magic. Kihjo went to the core.

The Dotem sure had been busy since Kihjo abandoned them and left them with the task of occupying the undead. That they had done. Older than, more mature, wiser and serious then their former selves they no longer had a place amongst the young naive Acots. Their place was with the undead. For they were the only ones to appreciate the misery that was their song. And while different in appearance the Tumhorc's still considered themselves Dotem and shared a passion and connection through raising their manticore's.

Much to the young child gods surprise when he entered the core he found a thriving mostly-functioning society. The Dotem's misery thrived with the cores curse of ennui and it had no effect on their undead thrall's.

It also kind of balanced the excess bravery and showmanship of the glowing sun water which had sunk through the ground in pools and wells. It left the creatures a bit of an emotional mess at times but the moon mushrooms would help balance it all out. It made the manticores extra big and helpful thanks to their diet, albeit a bit mopey.

It was by no means a perfect setup, there was much work to do but it would do for now. The creatures being in no way or mood for playing left Kihjo feeling peculiar mix of boredom, sadness and guilt. So he decided he had to fix things but didn't have a clue where to start.

What do I do now? Can someone help me? Please...."

While he only called two names, the only two gods he knew, it was an open invitation, a loud plea to any and every divine being.

With a deep sigh he wandered deeper into the town, "time to get to work." With that he rolled up his proverbial sleeves and began physically helping out where he could, somehow paying his dues through basic chores for now.


11 AP

-2 form society.


Juicy Kisses
2018-05-05, 02:30 AM
Vask, Ha'lainn Revitalized

For far too long Ha'lainn had laid in shambles from the previous attack. It needed to be revitalized, to become beautiful once again. Vask knew that it could never return to exactly its former glory, but it could be given a new life.

"I shall bring Ha'lainn glory that has never before been seen."

The mountain goddess focused upon her hammer, infusing it with her divine power. With her hammer infused, she smashed it down into the earth. Molten gold erupted from the volcano, encasing the city in golden glory. Brilliant fortresses and castles shaped from the gold now shined across the cliffs of the great mountain. The dwarves were protected from the molten gold by Vask's divine glory.

AP: 5, PAP: 1
Infused Major Artifact, -2 AP, -1 PAP, the Hammer of the Mountain Queen is now a relic. [Artifice(Smithing) 10/10, Domain Claimed)
Alter Land, -1 AP: Ha'lainn is now covered in gold erupted from the ground below. [nature(tectonics) 4/10

Ending AP: 2

2018-05-05, 06:20 PM
Ekmelao- the bird and the snake.

The serpent deity paused, contemplative. He rather thought that ‘creating animal and plant life’ was rather artistic enough of an endeavor, and all of his works were beautiful in their own way, but it seemed she was implying something a touch less practical would be necessary…

He flicked his tail flower, and a few petals fluttered off of it; two remained, and one fluttered down into the distant sky, blown by some supernal gust. One of the petals that remained grew greatly in size, and upon it appeared, as if painted by some invisible brush, a lovely watercolor depiction of a sunset. The one that went into the distance, contrarily, divided and multiplied into a great cloud of vibrant rose-petals, before descending upon Hyperborea’s surface; upon each petal there were instructions as to how one made brushes and paints of all sorts and shapes, and further hints as to the proper methodology of painting, and as to how it was to be considered an act to the greater glory of their god.

The petal remaining with the avian and reptilian deities abruptly unfolded into a great, diaphanous screen; reflected upon it were assorted naga, acquiring pigments and creating brushes and setting about painting the oceanic world around them. It faded from visibility, once the point was made, and it promptly shredded itself into increasingly infinitesimal slips, and soon disappeared from existence altogether.

“Will such be sufficient?” inquired Ekmelao, his manner still pleasant and his eyes piercing- it was clear that he didn’t consider ‘no’ a possible answer. “I’ve devised a way to use the remains of my beloved herbs and the water of my revered sea and the hair of my adored fauna to create great works of wonder, and spread it amongst my people.”

Create Mundane Concept: Painting. 1 AP, probably going towards some sort of art domain.

With rollover, five AP remaining.

2018-05-06, 12:33 AM
Kihjo & the golden city Ha'lainn

The child God was busy toiling away at petty tasks and the procrastinating distractions provided by his emotionally influenced people when his boredom had just about reached its limit. It was then that the walls of the core shook, the whole chamber slightly rumbled as something mighty and powerful took place on the surface above.

With no one responding to his call, or Kihjo simply not possessing the patience enough to wait and see, the child God raced off to see what was happening above. What had caused such a thing.
Leaving many tasks and projects behind half completed he was overwhelmed by a strong curiosity and excitement.

And he was not disappointed!

It took him a while longer to surface than expected but that's because where he came out the ground was raised into tall mountains. The young God covered in dirt and scratches looked around in awe at the brilliant shiny glow of a gold covered kingdom.

He clapped and applauded with a joyful glee. Impressed and amused by the site before him. Looking around he searched for someone nearby to question and talk to.

"Who or what did this?"

2018-05-06, 10:10 PM
Argenti, the Light of Wisdom

Argenti had visited the markets of the Sky Merchants numerous times over the past, collecting trinkets and wonders for experiments within the Silver Observatory. Within the silver dragon's laboratory, the riches of the Golden Pits had little value to him. Instead, they were subject to his tests, seeing if they could bring anything to Stellaregno besides wealth.

Argenti was doing an experiment with a strange gem, a dull rock the color of the stormclouds that rolled over Stellaregno. The dragon scholar had the stone on a complex apparatus on one of the balconies of the Silver Observatory. In his studies, he found this dull gem had the ability to absorb and retain energy. His plan: Expose this stone to his firey breath and see how much energy the stone could retain.

It was all going according to plan....until lightning struck the apparatus.

The lightning flew into the gemstone, changing it from a dull grey to a gem that shone with white light. Argenti had done it, he had discovered a new source of energy source for the Dragons of Stellaregno. The opportunities this offered them were limitless!

1 PAP+ 4 AP refresh+ 2 PAP refresh= 4 AP and 3 PAP

4 AP to Create Advanced Concept (Starstone Artifacts)- Starstones are a seemingly unremarkable gem found amongst the Golden Pits of Stellaregno. While seemingly unremarkable, when exposed to an incredible amount of energy (such as a lightning strike), the stone absorbs the energy and retains it, causing it to shine with a white light. While in this state, the Starstones act as a battery, able to hold immense power in a stone the size of an apple. This gives those capable the chance to build 'magictech' devices.

4 AP towards the domain of Magic (Magitech)

Leaving behind 3 PAP.

2018-05-06, 11:01 PM
Golgari, still slumbering quietly amongst the dragons, speaks in her sleep once more:

”Make lots of stuff and sell it. The metal scribes will teach you.”

Starting AP: 9

Manse (free action, Create Monsterous Life): The metal scribes are knowlege collectors who are smart in the way a computer connected to the internet is smart. They will answer any question asked them, and give accurate information, but only because they are good at storing information in their nearly infinite and perfect memories. They have no independent thought or will of their own and can only do what sentient beings tell them to do. Despite knowing virtually everything, they aren’t wise or clever in any sense of the word. Think robots with a database lf information more intelligent creatures can access. They leave the university, collect information from the outside world, including concepts, then mindlessly return the information to the university. Some mortals may follow the metal scribes back to Golgari’s Necropolis University, where the increased fungus spores make them age faster unless they have magical protection. Golgari isn’t clear how these beings reproduce, but they seem to stream in and out of the cave on the dragon continent like drones, constantly collecting information to bring back to the university.

Necropolis University (Create Advanced Concept, Mass Production): Golgari shared with the dragons while sleeping the secrets of mass production.

2018-05-07, 12:24 AM
Zemirah - The Bird and The Snake.

Zemirah looked at the artwork and smiled. "These are truly beautiful and certainly works of art. Allow me to be the first to welcome you into the court of eternal wonders. Now if you head to world beneath the clouds there exists a hall in a land that sounds of music. write your name upon the stage in that hall and you will always be welcome."

Zemirah smiled waved farewell to the snake god and found a comfortable place upon the head of Terra'avis to sit and watch the world fly by.

Zemirah - The knowledge Thieves.

Sometime later Zemirah found herself sat perched upon the head of Terra'Avis she was in bird form, a rare moment for her. She looked out over the dust clouds, she turned her gaze to the void and that was when she decided. She took flight and returned to her concert hall in the land of music. She moved through the hall her tail feathers dragging behind her her wings resting at her side. This was a strange thing for Zemirah it was not like her to make a spectacle of herself but her next act required her to be in her true form. And that is when she spotted a most strange thing, a creature had been collecting wisdom from the guardians of the concert hall.

She swooped in and stopped one craning her head into it's face and demanded "What... are you? What is your purpose"

"We are metal scribes gatherers of all knowledge. And answer any question asked of us"

all knowledge? This was not a thing the songbird could abide, these creatures were stealing wisdom potentially bringing knowledge to her enemies moreover they could be delivering godly knowledge to mortals. She lightly placed her beak against the creatures head and pulsed a wave of divine energy through it all others like it. She then followed the creatures to learn where they came from.

AP = 0 +Rollover PAP = 0 + Rollover

The Curse of Confusion: (Curse -1 PAP used) Placed upon the Metal scribes they are now stripped of the ability to communicate normally, they only speak in riddles and more often than not in complete and utter nonsense.

Ending AP = 4 PAP = 2 - 1

2018-05-07, 07:23 PM
Zemirah - Beyond the first world. A plan

She followed the strange knowledge thieves to a sleeping god and not far from her a cave that looked to lead beyond the first world she also discovered something else, the strange spores that was creating the undead were coming from here. Zemirah craned her head toward the sleeping god and glared. A decision had been made, Zemirah knew what had to be done. The Gods influence on this world was becoming too much. She returned to her concert hall this time with greater purpose.

Zemirah made the short jump onto the stage, opened her wings wide and as she moved her head forward she opened her great beak and let out a melodic call that would echo across the cosmos. The sound poured out of the buildings pipe and engulfed the land of music and then Zemirah vanished. Zemirah folded her wings back to her side and joy filled her, it had worked. She took on human form and walked out the door of the now empty concert hall. She was now facing the opposite way and outside there was only the land of music. No clouds, no ocean, and the music that travelled on the wind was merely an echo, a reflection of the first world's version.

Unfortunately the god could not rest. She returned to the first world and made her way to the core. She poured all of her energy into the song and its echo poured out across the world, Zemirah was sealing it. She adds a voice to this seal "Work with me"

Starting AP = 4 PAP = 1

Realm of Echoed land: (Weave Plane -4) The echoed land is a mirror realm its core is a reflection of the Musical land in the first world. Whenever a portal is made here a segment of where ever the portal is made is copied here as a reflection. The lands float and are bridged by invisible currents of sound the power of the Arcane symphony is strongest here. - (Music (echoes) 10/10)

Curse of the seal: (Curse -1 PAP used) Unless a blessing is used other planes cant join to the first world

Claim Domain

Music (Echoes)
Weave Plane: Realm of Echoed land
Mythic concept: Mortal Echoes
alter land: Concert Hall
create land: Music Land
form Pantheon: Court of Eternal Wonders
bless: Echo Guardians
create monstrous life: Terra'Avis

Ending AP = 4 - 4 =0 PAP = 1 - 1 = 0

2018-05-07, 11:29 PM
Siege of Ha'lainn

In the darkest part of the night (at least as much as one could be with line nearby), the sun had long set and the rainbow aurora was on the far side of the sphere. The beakers patrolled the wall, in nights like these a single giant would often run up to the wall to try to smash it with their hammer. Normally the ‘cowardly’ giants would run off to the sea, once the breakers let loose a few volleys of arrows.

Tonight, however a lookout saw a tower of wood, covered in beast hides from beasts of the sea and land, emerged from under the waves. Four of these great towers moved towards the wall despite the hail of arrows that meet each tower. The towers slammed in to the wall, six-meter-tall doors of the towers came slamming down and giants came pouring out of the towers.

The breakers were overwhelmed by the giants climbing up their towers onto the wall. The giants gathered the beaten and broken dwarves in large groups and made no secret they were hostages. A few breakers held out though luck and grit but ever with the trickle of reinforcements they were losing ground. The giants made it all too clear to the dwarves send more than the trickle of reinforcements the hostages would pay.

The dwarf commanders were between a rock and a hard place. They had the manpower to launch a counter attack but doing so would cost most of the breakers their lives and had a real chance of failure. The alternative, keep reinforcing as they were, would end with the giants controlling a great number of hostages, the wall and a staging zone for their next attack. Nether of the options was acceptable, they were looking for a solution… anything better, however they were just fighting the distraction.


Deep under the surface of Ha'lainn there was a tunnel dug by many giant tribes over many cycles, most of the giants who built this tunnel were never going to see the fruits of their labor. ‘The great wall’ blessing had forced them to use pickaxes over the ‘stone obeys’ to undermine the wall. This night a small team of five giants finally broke though, with the ‘distraction’ their break tough was unnoticed.

The giants stayed out of sight, for even the distraction of the greatest giant raid in all dwarven history, would not stop guards from coming in force to a giant sighting. The raiders sabotaged what they could, tearing apart smelteries, homes and tunnels in their path without even slowing down. What few dwarves spotted the giants were incapacitated by a mass of stone moving like lightning and the force of an avalanche.

Ever dwarf the giants incapacitated was dragged or lifted, still very conscious and thrown in a group near the giant’s entrance. One of the giants stayed at their tunnel’s entrance guarding the captured dwarves, a trench as deep and wide as a dwarf was dug around the dwarves after one tried and failed to escape.

The dwarves (that weren’t riving in pain) were cowering before this mass of stone and armor, it seemed like something very different from the cowardly creatures of the stories. One of the dwarves had their arm snapped between three of the giant’s fingers like balsa wood, when the dwarf wouldn’t 'keep quite' ask the giant asked.

After what felt like, a age a deep distorted noise echoed out from the giant’s tunnel, the giant guarding the dwarves sang a deep note like what came from the tunnel. Soon the other four giants returned tools, scroll and metals stolen from the dwarf homes, haphazardly tide and tucked in their armor. The five giants walked out though their tunnel never leaving a battle formation and always keeping a rapid pace.

Once sure their captures were long ago the dwarves put their minds to crossing the trench. Normally it wouldn’t be too hard to cross, however most of them had fractures or broken bone, some couldn’t stand because of the pain. One of them tried to bridge the trench with their body, a number dwarves lowed him, two dwarf tried to cross the ‘bridge’ without hurting him. The two dwarves when to seek up help and find a way to get everyone out of there.

One found a light table and pushed it over the trench making a bridge so the others could leave. The other found a solider and their commander.

“Those cowedly monster should never attacked at all, why waste everyone’s time like that.” The commander yelled before seeing the injured dwarf. “Solider tend to this wounded, I will inform the rest of over our victory.”

The solider moved over to the limping dwarf and tried to splint her leg. “Please stay still, it’s hard to do this while your panicking. How did you do this?”

“Giants brock it with a hammer, more than 20… maybe 30 more injury back this way..." The poor woman was hyperventilating despite her best efforts.

“Slow, deep, breaths. I’ll get a medical term to help them once I’m done here. The giants ran away they cowards that they are. Yelling about Krause is coming or something.” He looked up to his patient with a calm smile. “They’re gone, you’re safe.”

“They were in the tunnels doing… I know they’re gone but they were …”

“Slow Breaths. We pushed them back from the…” The mask of courage on the soldier’s face drained away, replaced with a look of horror as he realised what his patient was saying.

The Split, Krause - Ha'lainn

Some great mass rose from the under waves near ha’lainn. At first the dwarves underestimated how far away this figure was until they realised how large it was. On reaching the might wall the titan kicked over a section of it like it was a sand castle. To the dwarves Krause’s size seemed to make the great volcano of ha’lainn look small.

Some dwarves couldn’t fathom something as tall as Krause standing let allow moving ever after seeing it with their own eyes.

“Better, but not good enough.” Echoes of the voice made the ground shake and tremble as if afraid. The dwarves feel the words in their bones as much as they heard them in their ears.

The god’s arm rose the then came crashing down. The volcano torn in half, boulders bigger than dragons fell like rain. The ground splintered and rived. A wave travelled away from ha’lainn seeming to take the tide away with it for whole minutes.

Lava oozed out of the volcano’s base, boiling the water it met that didn’t leave with the wave.

“That should be enough for now.” The voice that made thunder sound quite said, as his body slowly stood up.

“Glowing one how far is what summoned me?” Krause asked pointing in the direction of the music lands.


Advanced concept (2ap): siege warfare
siege towers, catapults, undermining or ever simply cut off a castle off and waiting.

Alter land (2ap): the split of Ha'lainn

While not as bad as the shattered land, Ha’lainn is not the most intact it has been. Split into two great halves in a v like shape.


Claim domain destruction (ruin)
The shattered land 1
Valleys 1
Equthquakes 1
Death 1
Stone obyes 2
The abyss 2
The spilt of ha’linn 2

2018-05-08, 07:10 AM
Kihjo & Krause - Ha'lainn

The young child God, full of wonder and excitement had come to see what great powers had shook his home. He was awakened to a brilliant golden city full of thriving life. But then they came.

The tall ones.

Kihjo was happily frolicking with some of the local Dwarven kids. Appearing as one of them he learnt of their games and creator. That's when the Giants attacked. Their devastation unprovoked and merciless. It was horrifying to witness.

If he was not so caught up in shock he would have saved more, he would have slain more. It was such an unfathomable shock he barely knew how to react. He tried to convince himself it was all just a game, or just a joke. But it was not. Heart broken and lost he held his new friends dying body in his arms and as the life slipped from it so too did Kihjo slip away from time.

Kihjo couldn't handle the vicissitude of emotion he had gone through so suddenly. A frustration and rage boiled in him hotter than the spilling magma. He was lost to the commotion and oblivious to the events until...

'“Glowing one how far is what summoned me?”'

The words shook him from his stupor. Blank teary eyes wandered over to the mountainous stone giant blocking the sky. With a sniffle and shaking hands the child God gently lay down his friend and took a few steps towards the God of all this destruction and ruin.


Even as he yelled with everything he had, screaming the words from the bottom of his lungs, tears continued to pour down his red face. His fists tightly balled at his sides trembled with his rage. His legs shook with fear and his heart pounded with determination. He continued his demands.

Bring them all back."

2018-05-08, 11:50 PM
Kihjo & Krause - Ha'lainn

The young child God, full of wonder and excitement had come to see what great powers had shook his home. He was awakened to a brilliant golden city full of thriving life. But then they came.

The tall ones.

Kihjo was happily frolicking with some of the local Dwarven kids. Appearing as one of them he learnt of their games and creator. That's when the Giants attacked. Their devastation unprovoked and merciless. It was horrifying to witness.

If he was not so caught up in shock he would have saved more, he would have slain more. It was such an unfathomable shock he barely knew how to react. He tried to convince himself it was all just a game, or just a joke. But it was not. Heart broken and lost he held his new friends dying body in his arms and as the life slipped from it so too did Kihjo slip away from time.

Kihjo couldn't handle the vicissitude of emotion he had gone through so suddenly. A frustration and rage boiled in him hotter than the spilling magma. He was lost to the commotion and oblivious to the events until...

The words shook him from his stupor. Blank teary eyes wandered over to the mountainous stone giant blocking the sky. With a sniffle and shaking hands the child God gently lay down his friend and took a few steps towards the God of all this destruction and ruin.


Even as he yelled with everything he had, screaming the words from the bottom of his lungs, tears continued to pour down his red face. His fists tightly balled at his sides trembled with his rage. His legs shook with fear and his heart pounded with determination. He continued his demands.

Bring them all back."

The child and the titan. Kihjo & Krause – Ha’liann

Thought the screaming and whaling of dwarves trying desperately to save who they could, yelling and crying of salvation, Krause heard a god.

The titan knelt to get a better look and the child god. No conservation for how his mass shifted the ground nor how such shifting ground affected the dwarves. “No need to yell little one, I can hear you quite clearly., I am Krause, father of earthquakes.”

Krause looked at Ha’liann now split in half. “Was this mountain yours? I didn’t think any cared for it. I was just trying to disrupt the mortals inside.”

The father of earthquakes stood up, bring a little more devastation to the dwarves by doing so. The titan grabbed the two tops of the volcano and started to lift them. After a second of lifting the halves Krause realised fixing the volcano would be much harder than braking it. On realising this the god dropped the halves, they fell in to place doing no favours for the dwarves.

“I can’t fix this mountain, not yet.” The dwarves wished for the titan would never speak again so that the ground settle.

2018-05-09, 03:51 AM
The child and the titan. Kihjo & Krause – Ha’liann

Thought the screaming and whaling of dwarves trying desperately to save who they could, yelling and crying of salvation, Krause heard a god.

The titan knelt to get a better look and the child god. No conservation for how his mass shifted the ground nor how such shifting ground affected the dwarves. “No need to yell little one, I can hear you quite clearly., I am Krause, father of earthquakes.”

Krause looked at Ha’liann now split in half. “Was this mountain yours? I didn’t think any cared for it. I was just trying to disrupt the mortals inside.”

The father of earthquakes stood up, bring a little more devastation to the dwarves by doing so. The titan grabbed the two tops of the volcano and started to lift them. After a second of lifting the halves Krause realised fixing the volcano would be much harder than braking it. On realising this the god dropped the halves, they fell in to place doing no favours for the dwarves.

“I can’t fix this mountain, not yet.” The dwarves wished for the titan would never speak again so that the ground settle.

With every word the giant God Krause spoke, more devastations and ruin befell the Dwarven people. This only agitated Kihjo further because now he was the cause. He still had so much he wanted to say. To reply, to explain to make this monster see sense. He wanted to shove his justification and reasoning into the stupid giant's face. But he couldn't...

Now was not the time for conversing or conversation. Saying his pride would not benefit the people. Kihjo then decided it would be better to just make him leave instead of fix what he had broken. The sooner he was gone the better.

"Just go away! Leave right now!
You and your creatures have done enough damage, hurt enough people. Leave without another word and never come back here."

The child God yelled with a new found confidence and conviction. His fear draining away and being replaced by determination. This bravery was temporary and superficial. Manifested only by a lack of thought.


Emperor Demonking
2018-05-09, 04:57 AM
Jewel's Town

First they relied on meditation examine the Trock artefacts. Indeed the entire society soon become experts on meditation - helped by a teacher whose sole passion was the teaching of meditation. That was not quite enough. Only a few members of Jewel's town at anyone time could really focus on the artefacts. Then sunwater existed. They drunk it, and thy drunk it, drunk it till they were fit to burst then drunk it some more.

That changed them. They were strong and more agile than normal Silent Singers and with more single-minded cunning too. They finally got the real insight and underneath the radiating sky they were changed. They were taler than silent singers with long limbs and bulging eyes. Most noticible were there natural earthen-wings. Some wanted to see the world. They screeched. Then left.

They flew and saw great two moving creatures. Giants. They would be the first test of these outcrops of the little town of Jewel's.

11AP = 7 AP - 2 AP
9 AP = 11 AP - 2 AP: Create Sub-Species of Silent Singers: Harpies

2018-05-09, 07:02 AM
With every word the giant God Krause spoke, more devastations and ruin befell the Dwarven people. This only agitated Kihjo further because now he was the cause. He still had so much he wanted to say. To reply, to explain to make this monster see sense. He wanted to shove his justification and reasoning into the stupid giant's face. But he couldn't...

Now was not the time for conversing or conversation. Saying his pride would not benefit the people. Kihjo then decided it would be better to just make him leave instead of fix what he had broken. The sooner he was gone the better.

"Just go away! Leave right now!
You and your creatures have done enough damage, hurt enough people. Leave without another word and never come back here."

The child God yelled with a new found confidence and conviction. His fear draining away and being replaced by determination. This bravery was temporary and superficial. Manifested only by a lack of thought.


Be gone destruction. Kihjo & Krause – Ha’liann

Unfortunately for the dwarves and Kihjo, Krause spoke again. “So be it.”

As titan walked away from Ha’liann, a part of the shore slid into the water due to the shifting mass.

At a great distance from the split volcano Krause spoke once more, fortunately the god’s voice didn’t make the land shake, but it could still be felt thought the ground. “Little one, could you not consider or call the giants to be my creatures? While I did create their first members, they are failures. They choose to let your creations life instead of killing them and they let a wall slow them down.”

The first giant’s voice had a disdain seeming to prove that he thought of the giants as failures. “I would wipe the slate clean of them if they were worth the divine energy.”

Krause seemed to bend down grabbing something from the ocean floor. “You shouldn’t grow so attached to your creatures…“ The titan throw something over his shoulder, near Kihjo a dwarf’s head became a bloody mess as a rock hit it with great speed.

“ …like all mortals they are so fragile.”

Disturbingly the father of earthquakes was moving in the direction of ‘The land of music’ and nothing good could come of Krause reaching this land.

2018-05-09, 10:41 AM
Some Dwarves, The Shattered Lands (Sometime after Boanke, Druhm El'otis & Etiam's Interaction)

Lonon looked at the sky and tried to muster liquid to spit. Those blasted colours had always struck him as a bad omen. But he assumed that it had something to do with the water turning gold, and Vask knows they wouldn't have made it as far as they had without whatever strange boost it seemed to give them. Thinking of the past brought him back to that day, it always did. The giants breaching his home, running through the volcano. Perhaps he was a coward, perhaps he should have gone back after it was all over. No. He had made it far enough outside to witness the... behemoth rise from the ocean. How could anything stand in the path of one of the gods? He had run. Run as fast and far as he could.

The boats had been a desperate move, they hadn't even known they would work. Most of them hadn't. The little people had managed to grab in their flight hadn't even lasted all of the trip to the new shore. Lonon had done things he was not proud of. Now he put one aching foot in front of another, looking for a new Ha'lainn, a new home.

A scout the group had sent out came jogging over a crest from the direction of some rather impressive looking mountains. Lonon thought her name was Ketlen, but that wasn't what crossed his mind, if she had the energy to jog perhaps she had found a source of sunwater, perhaps even food. His stomach rumbled at the thought. Vonkulm, one of the self appointed leaders of the surviving dwarves signalled for a rest and the group gladly accepted the break as the leaders moved off to meat Ketlen. A short time later they rejoined the main group and Vonkulm spoke up.

"I want to congratulate every one of you, we are the ones who made it. Vask would be proud of the resolve each of us have shown to get this far. You should all be proud. Ketlen here has been scouting ahead trying to find somewhere we could rest for the night. What she found is perhaps even better. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, but those mountains ahead abound in sunwater, and from what she saw there appears to be a pass through those mountains into a fertile valley feed by those streams. Now, I certainly think that this is looking into, what do the rest of you think?"

Lonon looked out into the valley and the tension flowed out of him. A lush valley stretched out before the group from the mountain pass, leagues wide before another mountain range rose to form an almost complete barrier around the valley. A golden slash marking a river slowly making it's way to the ocean. But best of all, despite the shifting patterns in the sky, off near the middle of the valley shone the unmistakable gleam of gold. A good omen if Lonon has ever seen one.

Starting AP: 11 AP
Create Mundane Concept -1 AP (Rationing): During the mini exodus of Ha'lainn, things were rushed. Resources ran out long before the journey was over and the survivors of the event were noted to have haunted expressions in the deads of the night. Plus side, those who didn't cark it are a bit more careful about not running out of food.
Remaining AP: 10 AP

2018-05-09, 01:20 PM
Western Plains of the land of Music

Out in the western plains of the Music lands, in a place called Albrit by some, a new culture had emerged, traveling fairy-folk brought them the ideas which were in time mastered by these singers. Dressed in leather from their cattle and hard worn denim they would roam the plains on horses hearding cattle and occasionally partaking in raids. Around most lakes and watering-holes towns would spring up, selling booze to these weary cowboys and giving them a place to trade duel and meet up. Duels would take place on foot at high noon each day with each combatant wielding throwing knives.

However what most outsiders would be familiar with were the shayrafs, a group of leaders amongst the townsfolk, they were great fighters on horseback hurling knives and darts down at their prey and their foes.

The leader of these hardy folk was ”QuickDraw” Charlie, a quick-shooting, hard-drinking,fast-talking sheriff who had brought peace to his town, letting the prairie village grow to a boomtown, where any could come for a sunshine whisky and safety from the radiation. Famed for his exploits he would go out hunting for manticore-mutes on a daily basis, leaving the area around his town free from bandits, troublemakers, undead and wyrdbeasts alike.

Form Society (2AP): Fightin’ Albritans: A bunch a’ hardy folk living in the harsh western plains of Ars’Musica, spending most of their days herding livestock up and down the endless terrain on horseback.

Raise Hero (2-1=1AP): QuickDraw Charlie: A silent singer who hides a handsome, if scarred, face beneath his wide hat, a Shayraf of Dodge creek he’s a skilled warrior and a vetran of counselling duels and hunts.

Mundane Concept (1AP): Cavalry: While some attempts were made before, it was the Albrits who truly mastered the art of fighting whilst mounted.

AP: 4+4=8 8-4=4
Adventure (Travel): 4/10

2018-05-09, 09:12 PM
Jewel's Town

First they relied on meditation examine the Trock artefacts. Indeed the entire society soon become experts on meditation - helped by a teacher whose sole passion was the teaching of meditation. That was not quite enough. Only a few members of Jewel's town at anyone time could really focus on the artefacts. Then sunwater existed. They drunk it, and thy drunk it, drunk it till they were fit to burst then drunk it some more.

That changed them. They were strong and more agile than normal Silent Singers and with more single-minded cunning too. They finally got the real insight and underneath the radiating sky they were changed. They were taler than silent singers with long limbs and bulging eyes. Most noticible were there natural earthen-wings. Some wanted to see the world. They screeched. Then left.

They flew and saw great two moving creatures. Giants. They would be the first test of these outcrops of the little town of Jewel's.

A talk about fish - the music lands, an outcrop of Jewel’s Town.

Two giants saw a defensive structure of Jewel’s Town and oddly enough started to talk about fish. “So Pausanias you’re on scavenger duty and you see a fish like none you have ever seen before. Do you continue the march don’t getting distracted or do you stop and try to catch it?”

“Well Agis, I would try to catch it, the druid would be interested and if it goes wrong only I suffer for my mistake.” The second giant answered in a jovial tone.

“Then we agree.” Before they had finished speaking, Agis had gone from a conversational stance to having already thrown his discus, the discus missed a harpy’s head by an inch.

“How about you come down here and we talk like adults?” It was clear the giant was talking to the harpy.

The giants had decided to abandon the raid and instead focus to learning about the new druid form or new creature whatever the harpy was.

2018-05-10, 01:39 AM
Etiam and the Search for A Worthy Opponent

The black dragon snarled at the giant toad. Etiam desired a worthy opponent, someone who could match his skill. However, something about this massive toad made his tail twitch. He gave Boanke a contemptuous growl.

"See to it that you take them from here," he growled, nodding back to the pits, "My bretheren may be weaklings, but they are still Dragons." With that, the dragon took to the air and darted off, leaving behind the Golden Pits. If he was going to find a warrior worthy enough to fight him, it was not going to be here.

2018-05-10, 06:42 AM
Tethris - journey to the arena.

Tethris had just witnessed a marvel, the goddess Zemirah had appeared within the hall in her truest of forms and sung a song that made her vanish. Tethris had tried to memorize it but failed. He had grown tired in this place and bored the dancing was becoming tedious especially since he was the only here that could work it's magic. Taking his druid staff in hand Tethris left the hall and made his way for the shoreline. He closed his eyes and raised his beak listening to the sound of the land one last time.

Tethris then began a new ritual. Using the staff he moved his feet moving in an almost tribalistic shamanic way. As he performed these actions moving in circles swinging about the staff Tethris chanted calling on the song and the echoes here. The grass on the cliffside not from where Tethris danced began to gather upon the ocean surface and slowly formed into a boat made of grass. Tethris was both overwhelmed with joy and pride he had successfully combined his magics to craft a boat. More of the wisdom he had learned while in the company of the Naga.

Tethris Journeyed far across the sea not entirely sure where he was going until he came upon a grand mountain. The largest he had ever seen, with a single word "Ignisia" the grass boat Tethris had journeyed here on turned to ash. And he made his journey to the peak. He found the arena suspended in the crater, and went down to explore. "What is this place?"

Juicy Kisses
2018-05-10, 02:10 PM
Vask, Sundered Glory

Vask awoke from her slumber deep within Ha'lainn to the quaking of Krause's steps. Suddenly, her golden home was sundered in twain, split perfectly down the middle. Vask almost admired the beauty of the cut for a brief moment, but then she was filled with the burning fires of rage that frequently melt her heart. She emerged from Ha'lainn to see Krause walking away.

"Halt your steps! How dare you do such a thing to my beautiful children?!"

Vask let out a scream that filled the world, audible from almost any point on the sphere. All over the world, volcanoes began to sprout from the earth below and erupt, spewing molten rock from deep in the sphere. Vask charged at Krause, swinging both of her hammers with all of her rage and might. Their battle lasted for months in the eyes of mortals, but for them it felt like mere moments. Vask swung her hammer at Krause's head, but he ducked below it with astonishing speed for a creature of his size. He grabbed ahold of Vask, grasping her within his titan grip and crushed her. Vask fell into the ocean and washed upon the shores of the ruined Ha'lainn, landing nearby Kihjo. For the first time, Vask was filled with sadness. Flaming tears of lava began to drip from her eyes as she curled by Kihjo's feet.

AP: 2 PaP: 0
Curse, -1 AP: Vask has cursed the world with volcanoes that now dot its surface. They erupt when she becomes too angry. [5/10 Nature(Tectonics)]

2018-05-10, 08:06 PM
Ekmelao, not being in a particularly good mood, went through the whole disappearing-in-a-torrent-of-rose-petals routine without saying goodbye to his fellow power, and reappeared- in essence, rather than physical form, since making himself corporeal was an additional effort that seemed unnecessary- and had the stage write his name upon itself, in lovely druidic ink.

… and was promptly informed by a nearby tree that quite a few naga, and many of the other races, were being burned to death by sudden lava flows.

A nearby bird chirped, and Ekmelao, in a sudden motion, glared at it- with a squawk, it turned into a pleasantly fragrant ivy, and every bird that it was related to did the same. The tree that it had been standing on burned to ashes, and a baby phoenix hatched from them, blinking curiously at its surroundings.

He was feeling distinctly irritated.

He had planned on staying in this plane until he grew too large for it, but- he was getting very distinctly sick of working in a world where the other powers sometimes went ‘hey, I know what I’ll do, I’ll make mountains randomly explode’. Didn’t they have any restraint- okay, he’s going to calm down.

He flew into the sky, turned into a cloud of rose petals, and pondered his appropriate next course of action.

Coming to a decision, he faded to the place beyond the twilight of reality, beyond the world and beyond the void and beyond everything besides- and planted a seed, and named it Elysium. It blossomed, swiftly, into a world of its own- one with its own sun, forever in sunset, and its own moon, forever at dawn, and lush, beautiful nature. It would have eternal ocean to the east, tundra to the north, jungle in the south, and savannah in the west; no animal or plant of any sort would ever suffer there, but would live simply, and harmoniously, and take great joy in creation. There was plentiful food, and freshwater, and avenues to merriment of all sorts, and every experience was laced with the divine...

But it didn’t have people. Yet.

With a cascade of resplendent rose petals washing over the whole of the world, he whispered into the hearts of everyone wise and foolish, old or young, and told them that, if they planted a tree upon the remains of their recent dead, or if one grew there of its own accord, they would return to life in paradise, and that tree would grow into a splendid member of its kind, and take on some semblance of the one who had been lost, and become a verdant defender of their adopted family.

The Ents, as they would be called, wouldn’t be quite self-aware, not quite sapient, but they would have a sort of primal cunning about them, which, when accompanying an instinct towards obedience and goodness, and the size of a tree, would be quite sufficient. They soon took over much of the Naga’s manual labor, and greatly simplified their lives, as had been their creator’s intention.

He smiled joyously upon this… before, with the air of one becoming serious, flicking his tail. A petal drifted away from it, and dissolved into a diaphanous shimmer, blanketing the volcanoes of the world and changing their essence- they would be fertile things, now, their surroundings blanketed by greenery every time they erupted- and their every victim going to Elysium, a tree and luscious greenery growing above their every remnant.

Ekmelao, whose temper had cooled, smiled.


In celebration of their new afterlife, the people of the rose made much merriment, and finally spent their collective efforts on heeding the advice that the Oaken Opal had once given them- ‘try letting vinegar ferment further, until it is sweet and soul-easing’- and invented alcohol.

The trees, of course, promptly spread the word to the druids of other continents, and bough Ekmelao sent a few sharply worded lightning strikes to his high priesthood, the damage was done- soon the whole of the world had access to its inebriating power.

0 AP remaining, having been spent on creating Elysium and on the Join Pantheon action.

0 PAP remaining, having been spent on the volcano counter-bless.

Used up bless charge (to send the ‘souls’ of the dead to Elysium, if a tree is planted on their grave) and create monstrous life charge (to create Ents) and create mundane concept charge (alcohol).

Gained domain of Nature (domestic), from the staves of the seaweed scale, crowns of the venomous rose, and Elysium.

2018-05-10, 08:54 PM
Sheloth's Bizarre Creation
Sheloth floated above the world, watching the comings and goings of the other gods. As he watched their creations roam the sphere, he began to feel envious of their sentient creations. They all had made things with creative minds that could make their own creations. Sheloth, not wanting to be left out, decided to make his own creations. Sheloth called them the Pi`llar. He formed the bodies from various stones. Their hair and nails were made of a myriad of metals. Their eyes were pure crystals. Their blood was the mystical Sunwater. Their form was that of a man, two arms, two legs, and one head. While in the light, they were extremely strong. They could easily crush boulders with their bare hands and could run as fast as a sprinting cheetah. While in the dark however, they became sluggish, but their skin became as hard as diamonds. When they go without the light for too long, they enter a coma like state until they enter the light again, or absorb another living thing. The Pi`llar, due to their magical nature, do not need to eat to live, but they can absorb living things through their skin. When they absorb the flesh of another living thing, they can call upon the unique characteristics of that creature, such as wings, claws, and enhanced vision.
The Pi`llar are divided into multiple city states spanning Arkan and beyond. New groups are always setting out to conquer and beautify new lands. Their society is based on beauty and grace. The Pi`llar build massive open roofed buildings and fill them with anything they deem beautiful. Whenever a group comes across a new land, they quickly set out to build a temple to their two gods, Sheloth the Sculptor and Line the Sustainer. The most beautiful among the Pi`llar in the city is made the absolute monarch of the city-state, the Ksar. The Ksar rules from an opulent palace that they are constantly updating and expanding. The Pi`llar see the other races as weak, ugly fools with little eye for beauty and have no problem with killing and subjugating them. The only exception to this is the Dragons, who the Pi`llar find to be aesthetically pleasing and they think of them as fellow art connoisseurs.

4 AP Create Mythical Life (Pi`llar)
For: + 3 Nature(Evolution) (10/10) Domain Acquired
Nature(Evolution): Blessing of Biodiversity, Manticores, Curse of Radiation, Monster Creation Artifact, Create Land of Arkan, The Pi`llar
2 AP Create Society (Pi`llar)
+2 Architecture(Aesthetics) (4/10)
New total 4AP + 2PAP + 4AP - 2PAP - 4AP = 4AP + 0 Pap

2018-05-11, 01:19 AM
Kihjo & Vask, - Ha'lainn

Kihjo had finally met the one he had come to see, the one his Dwarven friends had told him so much about. The queen under the stone. Vask. But this was not a joyous occasion, the relief her sight had brought the young god when she first appeared quickly vanished and turned to heart ache. He hoped she would fix all things and make it right, but now the responsibility fell on him. He did not like the weight of it or how it sat upon his shoulders. It was no fun at all.

Vask now lay curled and crumpled at his feet. injured, helpless, wet from the ocean and weeping tears of flame. Caught up in her sadness he too cried. He didn't know what to do or how to help. His finger burnt as he tried to wipe away the tears from her eyes. The erupting volcano's around the sphere left a fiery smoke filled backdrop echoing with a thunderous cacophony of explosions. It would almost be beautiful if the circumstances were not so dramatic.

Without words he reached down and in his own awkward way tried his best to lift her oddly shaped body and carry her to dryer land. The spot he subconsciously chose was the same where his headless friend still lay. Kihjo did what he could to comfort the injured god. He gathered what he could from the ruined building around them and then went and picked up her things. Kihjo found the mighty hammer. It was every bit as powerful and magnificent as he had expected. Heavy in his hands it was not something he would ever be able to wield properly.

Beside just her comfort he had to worry about other things, the city and its people, about the volcanoes, about where the giant was going. He couldn't handle this alone. Under the claustrophobic pressure and weight of these uncomfortable responsibility Kihjo did something no other God had done before. Desperate times called for desperate measures after all.
He prayed to another.

There was an instant shift in power as he felt many of his followers, his own creations, shift their loyalties. Especially those close to or part manticore. Their devotion sway over to the Dream Sculptor instead. To Sheloth.
But Kihjo did not mind this, he was alone and needed the aid and hand of the sculptor, literally.

"Sheloth. Fellow member of the court of eternal wonders, I need a hand" He whispered.

He had built an alter to his deceased friend. A golden alter from the rubble of destruction caused by the giant's. Upon it was the body of the headless dwarf. Around him, using the tears of Vask some of the gold was in a liquid form. Lastly there in the middle was a spot for a hand of Sheloth. This was a difficult thing for Kihjo to do, but he knew it to be for the best. Raising the heavy hammer of Vask high above his head, be brought it down at his friends body with a fierce mighty blow.

The earth shook. An explosions of force and golden light erupted from the ensuing impact swallowing Kihjo in its brilliance and swirling debris. It was a pillar of divine essence reaching through the skies. It broke the radiation cloud that followed the rainbow of light. The rain fell heavily over the Dwarven lands below.


Kihjo was no God of resurrection but he could still capture the essence of his friend. The force and power of the hammer interacted with everything below it. The Dwarven body disintegrated into ash, the gold melted and the indestructible hand of the God simply cracked under the force. Before it could heal the melted gold and the dwarfs ash and spirit seeped into the injuries fusing with it before it healed over.
The final touch was Kihjo's own tears.

The result was a brilliant glowing hand covered with ashen lines spreading through it like lightning and glistening with a rolling molten gold within. It was alive with the dwarfs spirit. It possessed the creative capabilities of Sheloth and the crafting aptitude of the dwarfs.

When the light and dust settled there floating in the air was the brilliant glowing golden hand of Sheloth. With ease it picked up Vasks hammer and returned it to the injured God. Unlike Kihjo, formed from molten gold the hand had no problem wiping away Vasks tears. The spirit of her lost creation sympathetic towards its old creators pain.

Kihjo took over and did his best to comfort and aid Vask. Sitting beside her and reassuring her that everything would be alright.
"It's going to be ok." he said softly, assuring himself as much as her.
Meanwhile the Golden hand flew about aiding in the cleaning and reconstruction of the city as a new breed of dwarves emerged from the rubble.


New races born of radiation
Magma Dwarves
Skin like lava rock they are immune to all heat and can easily dwell in and around volcanoes. With a bit of magic, clever construction and teamwork they can redirect flowing lava from eruptions.

9 AP

Create artefact 5 (-2 PAP, 2 Charges, -1AP)
The golden hand of Sheloth
-1 create artefact

Create sub race; Dwarf
Magma Dwarf
-1 charge -radiation rain.

8 AP

Gain domain: Friendship (bonds)
-mythical creatures 2
-raise hero 2
-Radiation cloud 3
-create society 2
-create artefact 1

Emperor Demonking
2018-05-11, 10:59 AM
One Harpy Going To The Arena, Two speaking To Giants

Some time ago, when Harpies were but singers, a challenge went out. The giant's discus did not hit the harpy. It was not intended to in fact, still the one who had just been missed did not know that. He cackled with glee. That was his victory. Now he would seek a victory. The harpy flew to the fabled arena of the divine. He gave the giants not a second glance.

Two remained. They flew closer to the giants. In a high squeal one replied, "A competition of wits?"

2018-05-11, 06:51 PM
One Harpy Going To The Arena, Two speaking To Giants

Some time ago, when Harpies were but singers, a challenge went out. The giant's discus did not hit the harpy. It was not intended to in fact, still the one who had just been missed did not know that. He cackled with glee. That was his victory. Now he would seek a victory. The harpy flew to the fabled arena of the divine. He gave the giants not a second glance.

Two remained. They flew closer to the giants. In a high squeal one replied, "A competition of wits?"

Giants speaking with the mad birds – the musical lands

While not showing it, the giants realised they might have dramatically overestimated their foes. Any foe that laughed like a mad man and flew off after a warning short might, not really understand what was going on. Of course, the giants were willing to overestimate their foes instead of underestimating them.

Agis spoke “A contest of wits. That’s a wonderful idea.” The giant played an ignorant fool.

“I have just the contest, its simple but filled with intelligence and strategy. I and one of you will attach two chains to each of our belts and cover our eyes with cloth. The other of our kind will make sure our foe doesn’t cheat though any means necessary. The winner is whoever holds all four chains.”

Any dragon or naga that known the giants would never accept those rules. While the rules seemed fair, they were rigged in the giant’s favour. Besides the fact that the game was based on a giant’s training exercises, the metal chains would obey the giant’s will. The fact that many giants kicked up dust clouds to blind their foe’s then fight like they can see though the cloud, probably meant the blind fold would only a problem for the harpy.

Agis lifted four iron chains as long as the harpy was tall. “We shall use these chains. Should you be unable to see the wits and cunning in this contest I supposed we can use a simpler contest with less wits and cunning.” While perhaps the harpies didn’t realise it, the contest of wits started with the rules and Agis trying to play the egos of the harpies.

Emperor Demonking
2018-05-12, 02:56 AM
Two Harpies Meeting Two Giants

The one who spoke first began to go even closer to the giants. "I will first examine the chains?"

Assuming that the test was allowed, the harpy's goal was to see the size if the links to see how easy it would be to tie his raggedy clothes. But the other test was to see how it would respond to Harpy's trock. But the third reason was simply to look at the craftmanship. To compare it to the work that the Harpy had seen on the musical continent.

If the chain did respond to the Harpy's trock, then the Harpy would raise a chain to its vertical height with some issue - the Harpy's proxy wings allowing access to Stone Obeys -, respond "I won the battle of wits. How about a battle of Trock directly?"

If it didn't, then the Harpy woul agree thinking of how to get a victory based on song.

2018-05-12, 06:24 AM
Ambliege, An Oasis in the Bad Lands of the outer sphere
After relaxing in the golden oasis, healed by it golden lights, for what seemed to be an age Abliege stood. The power of the light was as intoxicating as always and Abliege was eager to return to his construction project. He looked up to the Inner sphere to find his Arena. Confused he saw many volcanoes, churning away, and the waters of the inner sphere shone golden like the light of the amazing healing sun that lay through the ground beneath him.

After a moment of distraction he smiled broadly at the new landscape and leaped off the Outer sphere. As he fell, he pointed a finger at a volcano and spoke one word.


Ambliege, An Oasis in the Bad Lands of the outer sphere

Ambliege fell toward the volcano at an alarming rate, the air around him heating to a deep crimson. Surely such a fall would kill a mortal, and the impact would destroy a significant area. Ambliege remained calm, the volcano made a powerful yet measured eruption, a powerful and rapidly cooling updraft rising to meet Ambliege's falling form arresting his descent. Ambliege landed gently upon the platform of the Arena.

Abliege resumed building his staggering large structure of rings and platforms around the base of The Arena.

As he completed his great work he stood upon the platform once more, preparing for the next phase, he was interrupted; Three small creatures approached, two bird like creatures, one feminine the other ethreal, the other with a tail.

The first contestants have arrive I see! Ambliege welcomes you to The Arena! Ambliege bellowed joyously gesturing around him. He rushed over to the harpy and silent singer, wrapped a massive arm around each beings shoulders and started walking them back to the center of the platform. Oh its going to be grand, all of us striving to be all we can be. What are your names anyway dearest siblings? What divine traits do you embody? Ambliege and his questionably willing companions arrive at the center of the platform where, strangely, a thick circular bar lay hovering above the floor. Following the bar along reveals it spans the whole of The Arena's caldera disappearing into the blocks of the structure around it. Would you spot me? Ambliege ask's rhetorically as he leans down to grasp the bar in both hands. Its all about technique you know.

And with that Ambliege heaved on the bar, his teeth gritted as he hauled up to seemingly little effect, with the screeching protest of stressed iron the bar bowed slightly under his effort, threatening to snap. Still Ambliege persisted, veins on his neck becoming visible under the strain, a slow rumble rose around The Arena as the city sized structure began, impossibly, to rise. The bar had been lifted to Ambliege's waist and the city of triumph was fully clear of the ground, the work was still incomplete. In one swift movement Ambliege jerked the bar, and thus the city, up and ducked down shifting his grip so the bar sat against the front of his shoulders. A new noise arose, more feeling than sound, as the force of gravity slowly decided it wanted nothing to do with this bull**** and released its grasp upon the city. Still undeterred Ambliege, beads of divine perspiration forming upon his brow made one last push, lifiting the bar above his head. as he pushed, unrestrained by gravity, he found a new force to work against, the boundary between planes itself. With a yell he pushed the city against it until it yielded and the city smashed through, coming to rest in a new plane.

Practice makes perfect. Ambliege said offhandedly to the harpy. So he pulled the city back and did it 13 more times.

10+4 rollover = [14AP] + 1 artifact charge (bless)
Bless (1AP use charge): Blessed the volcanoes to automatically slow the fall of objects aproaching from the outer sphere. They can also launch things to the outer sphere.
Create Plane (4AP): The City of celebration. A set of rings around a central hole that views the first world. Upon these rings are set countless viewing platforms. Around the outermost ring are set 14 equidistant platforms of inordinate size. A sense of comradary and celebration permeates the air.
Mundane Concept (1AP): Weight training. Lift heavy thing, put heavy thing down, repeat, get strong. Simple.

Domain Progress:
Glory(Legacy): +2 [10/10]!
Judgement Awesomeness: (6/10)
Panopoly: Strength(Training): +3 (3/10)
AP [14 - 5 = 9]

2018-05-12, 07:00 AM
Zemirah - One last gift before Ascension

From the core of the world Zemirah began to feel the tug of the void her power here was growing too strong and she knew her presence would wane. Something was pulling her from the sphere and she had an idea of what it was. The songbird returned herself to Terra'Avis and walked among her Umbrelum, they had expanded again. Some had even learned some of the techniques from below the clouds. She smiled as the children of the refugees circled her legs and thanked her for delivering the carrier to them.

After she enjoyed the company of the inhabitants of Terra she gathered the Umbrelum and lead them to the head. There she sat amongst them and whispered a dark tale. She whispered of shadows that danced in the light and of songs that were yet to be sung. Then she gathered her Shadowbirds closer and she spoke of them awakened to their true potential. And as she whispered these legends into their ears she added divine power to her worlds slowly weaving an infusion of her own will into them. A small slice of that darkness and shadow that empowers her. As she whispered the last legends the Umbrelum fell into a slumber as they began their metamorphosis

The Umbrelum didnt change immediately. No, Zemirah had time to leave before her divine power awakened within them. "Farewell my children, we wont meet again on this mortal coil. Speak of me, highly and often. Remember to guard Terra'Avis, and know someday he will be more than just a carrier of the song...."

Zemirah left Terra the void was now pulling at her beyond her own power. She could only resist so much longer, the goddess had one final stop. Zemirah went to the land of music, where she walked amongst the mortals and gathered as many as she could. She lead them to the concert hall so they could witness her greatest show. Upon her stage Zemirah took hold of her harp and plucked a tune. She had heard a song some time ago, a sad song, a heart wrenching song it had carried on her wind. The song inspired her and this song filled with regret for all the things she did not achieve while she could still walk among them was her goodbye.

As she played Zemirah was slowly being pulled from the first world. Her divine soul reflected as she truly was being stretched from her physical form. It was like a shadow bird was watching her from behind while she plucked strings on her first ever divine creation. Finally as Zemirah's fingers cascaded along the harp to signal the end of the song she was pulled from the first world harp and all wisping into the wind never to be seen on the perfect sphere again.

Starting AP = 0 +4 PAP = 0 + 2

Umbrelum'Avis Ascended: (divine infusion -3) The Umbrelum are now a fabled race infused with the divine power of Zemirah they are now always ethereal unless they want to be solid. While ethereal they appear as fiery shadows of black and grey birdmen, they are much more attuned with the powers of the song and possess an ability to almost mimic things they are looking like a 3 dimensional shadow. - (Darkness (whispers) 10/10)

Claim Domain Darkness (whispers)
Divine infusion: Whispers on the wind
Create Mythical Life: Umbrelum'Avis
Divine Infusion: Fabled Umbrelum

Zemirah Ascends to lesser god

Ending AP = 4 - 3 = 1 PAP = 2

OOC: I am planning to do a write up where the Umbrelum awaken but I felt adding anything to this entry spoils that sick ending to Zemirah's time on the first world

2018-05-12, 03:30 PM
Fairy tales become reality.

The wandering giants never took up the offer for paradise for their dead, partly because trees don’t grow underwater were most giants die. Partly because of a tradition dating back to the shattering, the giants took a shard of the die giant and leaving the rest of the body behind.

They thought by taking the shard, the fallen could continue the march with their tribe, many thought that the fallen helped the living while they held the shards.

In the past giants unwilling to pray to any divine, started to ask the fallen, the waves and the ground for safety in a world that cared not for the giants. At first, they asked to be hidden from Krause, then they start to ask for fortune and wisdom.

With time wise-ones told the young stories of how short-sighted actions would anger the spirits, so the young remember the lesson. It wasn’t hard, ‘fighting without caution would anger the fallen’, ‘cutting down more sea weed needlessly would anger the spirits of the plants’.

While the first druids of the giants emerged and heard the plants speak, many realised the spirits might be more than a comforting lie. When the dragons started trading the belief that trinkets could help the spirits act was born. The sky merchants told the giants such, clearly just trying to sell jewellery to a people which every item needed a use.

The some of stone people tried to learn how to improve the trinkets to help they spirts allies. It shouldn’t have been quite such a surprise when the trinkets started to have real magic.

When the giants started to try selling charms of wealth to the sky merchants, some dragons couldn’t believe that a lie based on a lie based on a tradition had real power. When these charms started working there was demand of more and to learn how to make their own. The giants were willing to meet this demand for a price.

The world free of Krause.

Somewhere under the waves, Krause walked. His feet crushing the ground and singing through the ground, with each step he ripped a part of the sea floor up. The titan was frustrated, fortunately for the sphere the source of his annoyance was not the sphere nor any life upon it.

An energy had been building in him since he first emerge from the ground, it was now so close to something, a breaking point. It angered him so close yet so far, he was minutes away yet ever second felt like a century.

His anger reached a breaking point. He tried to force the energy will force of will allow and when that didn’t work he yelled. The scream could be heard and felt across the sphere, from the village at the centre of the sphere to the song carrier high above the great cloud.

Once the yell ended Krause realised the breaking point of the energy had happened while he was yelling. A twisted laugh came from the titan as he realised not on had his energy was boosted but it was returning faster than ever before.

The laughter was short lived as Krause realised the world seemed to be fading away. “NO NO!” The titan yelled as they tried to reach for the world as it faded from him.

The world for now safe from the father of earthquakes, for now. But as he went in to the place between planes he felt himself thrown into a plane.


Create monstrous life (1ap): spirits

Spirits generally come from two sources, the first are incomplete copies of the dead mortal’s minds, the second are natural ideas and concepts they mortals think have spirits. While spirits can be of ‘ideas’ like rocks, waves, trees and mountains, they can also be of ideas like a type of magic, math, battle or even a particular event. An idea or dead mortal can have more than one spirit and spirits may be of more than one idea or mortal.

Spirits are little more knowledge, ideas, thought and a little magic. They have no physical form, they can only be seen with magic and they have little to no effect on the physical world without a charm. (see below)

Spirits aren’t quite Sapient but seem self-aware, many confuse spirits as being sapient. Spirits generally know what they like, who they like and how they can help their friends. While Spirits can have great wisdom, but they act like smart animals that can use words and never truly understand their own wisdom.

Create mythical concept (4ap): spirit control

Generally, any mortal can learn how to hear spirits in hours or gays depending of the aptitude, some ever hear spirits from birth. A mortal can only hear spirits that want the mortal to hear them.

Generally, there are two ways to harness spirits beside simple hearing and talking to them. These means are charms a more passive and can be used by any, the other mean is spirit master a more active form that only a select few can use.

Charms are symbols, runes and words carved or draw on an item. The magic of charms helps the spirit(s) keep up and find their owner, charms also help stabilize the spirit(s) allowing them to be functionally invincible while at they have least one charm. Finally charms allow spirit(s) to act upon the physical world and bolstering their strength in the immaterial word.

The effects of charms (well the spirits of them) is normally too subtle to notice without magical sight and are often thought to be the work of luck. However what makes it clear this isn’t mere luck is it keeps happening.

Charms are only useful should their owner have spirits that like them, otherwise they are just drawings and trinkets. Generally, charms given or sold have at less one spirit that goes with the charm, should the new owner not have any spirit friends. Charms stolen or lost don’t change their owner, the spirits try to return the charm to the owner and punish the thief.

It is possible for the mortals (or parts of mortals) to be made into charms, this can be as simple as painting on the skin but is normally tattoos or scarring on the skin. Giants need a spirit master to carve the symbols for charms in their flesh due to their healing.

Only spirits acting in the owns best interest may use that owner’s charms also a charm’s owner can be an Individual or group.

While charms are often have subtle effects, spirit masters are generally more ‘showy’. A spirit master can be thought like a very powerful charm. Spirits loyal to the spirit master can affect the physical word, have their strength extremely increased and are functional invincible while the master lives. All spirit master have a small (or very large) army of spirits both loyal to them and willing to fulfil their master’s wishes.

The spirits can control and conjure what they are associated with, depending on the spirit this can mean other forms of magic. Of course, spirits are forces of the immaterial, those of the spirit master injury spirits and even echoes of mortals. The immaterial soldiers of the master can pull the echo of mortals from their body but the echo returns to the body when the spirit(s) stop separating the echo from the body.

The master can have their spirits possess bodies, not those of a living mortal or animal this leading to some to call spirit masters necromancers. Some masters can have spirits form and possess bodies over of pre-existing materials, like suits of armor or piece of ground rising up and forming into a humanoid shape.


claim domain: change (innovation)
spirit control 4
floats 2
trock enchantment 2
siege warfare 2
krause is a lesser god now.

2018-05-13, 12:04 AM
Golgari bolted awake, calling out:

”I needed that nap! How long was I out and what did I miss? I had a lot of good dreams!”

2018-05-13, 12:30 AM
Two Harpies Meeting Two Giants

The one who spoke first began to go even closer to the giants. "I will first examine the chains?"

Assuming that the test was allowed, the harpy's goal was to see the size if the links to see how easy it would be to tie his raggedy clothes. But the other test was to see how it would respond to Harpy's trock. But the third reason was simply to look at the craftmanship. To compare it to the work that the Harpy had seen on the musical continent.

If the chain did respond to the Harpy's trock, then the Harpy would raise a chain to its vertical height with some issue - the Harpy's proxy wings allowing access to Stone Obeys -, respond "I won the battle of wits. How about a battle of Trock directly?"

If it didn't, then the Harpy woul agree thinking of how to get a victory based on song.

The titan arrives at the crossroads – Realm of the echo land

In the sky of the echo land something massive appeared. It slammed into the ground like a meteor, throwing up a wall of dust and making the whole ground of the realm of echo land shake.

As the dust slowly settled a great crater had formed in the ground, in its centre Krause laid on his back not sure what had happened. The titan tried to stand only for the ground buckled, collapsed and gave way under such weight.

When Krause finally stood up his head raised higher than a hill over the crater’s walls, even as his feet had sunken up to his knees in the ground.

“WHERE AM I?! WHAT IS THIS PLACE!!? HOW DID I GET HERE!?” The furious yell could be heard across the echo land with nether distance nor walls seeming to soften it.

“ANSWER ME!!!” The ground seemed to tremble in fear across the realm when it hear the father of earthquakes yell.

A fight between harpies and giants – the musical lands

Agis allowed the harpy to inspect the chain, while the chain links were quite large (it was built by giants) but could with some effort be attached to the harpy’s cloths. The chain was of a great quality, seemingly it was made though coldworking iron, it was clearly built with the stone obeys.

The giants hid their surprise that the harpy could use the stone obeys, but they don’t hide their disappointment as the harpy struggled with such a “basic” task.

Agis reached out his to collect the chain. “You found you one part of our contest of wits, but I suppose we can have a battle of trock.” In an instant the chain seemed to come to life and started to strangle the harpy. Agis grabbed the chain’s end as the harpy try to loosen the chain using stone obeys, only to find a force about a hundred times greater their own against them.

Before the other harpy could react a discus from Pausanias struck the harpy’s left wing with the force to shatter bone. The harpy looked up from their wing to see Pausanias charging them with its glowing shield in front of them and their hammer at the ready.

“We will fight till surrender.” Agis explained as they tried to swing the harpy like a flail and slam the them into the ground.

Cleomenes reaches the arena

Though out the year since the call went out many giants had debated (fought) over which giant would fight in the tournament. But only one could and that one was the trock master Cleomenes, while not ‘the’ best fighter of all giant kind they were one of the greatest and more importantly willing to answer a god’s call. They arrived the day of the tournament.

Cleomenes walked out of the water with two hammers, two shields, discus strapped all the way down its legs and a lot more weapons on their person. The giant’s armor was heavy metal, one of the beast ever forged by the giants, its joints weren’t as well armored so Cleomenes had full movement. Over the armor were clay jars upon jars containing many different ‘surprises’, under the jars was a lot of charms.

Cleomeners lifted their float over their head, it was twice the giant’s size. The float was filled another set of armor, a lot more charms, jars and weapons.

The giant wasn’t here for the god’s boon, but for the chance to test trock and technics against the best of the best fighters in creation.

2018-05-13, 01:54 AM
Zemirah - A visitor to the crossroads

Zemirah had been peacefully relaxing in a field listening to the echoed music that passed over the plane. Suddenly there was a loud crash and the island rumbled. Zemirah sat up, took on her bird form and flew to where the sound had come from. The creature that had landed here was screaming at the top of its lungs. Did it not know they were alone here? She found it's anger amusing short to temper easy to fell.... Zemirah landed at a distance and took on human form making the creature seem massive by comparison.

"Hello my humongous guest... you appear to have damaged my land here... who might you be?"

Zemirah showed little emotion for the damage, she was feeling powerful and in charge. Small craters were nothing to her with a flick of her wrist she could draw on her divine power and repair the insignificant damage. Given his presence here Zemirah assumed the creature was like her, divine. It was a safe assumption since she had yet to give mortals access to the crossroads. Besides she was thankful to the creature it had reminded her of something she had been forgetting. A means to protect herself.

2018-05-13, 02:50 AM
Zemirah - A visitor to the crossroads

Zemirah had been peacefully relaxing in a field listening to the echoed music that passed over the plane. Suddenly there was a loud crash and the island rumbled. Zemirah sat up, took on her bird form and flew to where the sound had come from. The creature that had landed here was screaming at the top of its lungs. Did it not know they were alone here? She found it's anger amusing short to temper easy to fell.... Zemirah landed at a distance and took on human form making the creature seem massive by comparison.

"Hello my humongous guest... you appear to have damaged my land here... who might you be?"

Zemirah showed little emotion for the damage, she was feeling powerful and in charge. Small craters were nothing to her with a flick of her wrist she could draw on her divine power and repair the insignificant damage. Given his presence here Zemirah assumed the creature was like her, divine. It was a safe assumption since she had yet to give mortals access to the crossroads. Besides she was thankful to the creature it had reminded her of something she had been forgetting. A means to protect herself.

Krause and zemirah- destruction and music.

Krause turned to face Zemirah, his frustration slowly fading. The titan walked up the crater, it looked like a mortal walking through soft snow, the father of earthquakes towered over the songbird.

“I am Krause, the father of earthquakes.” His voice seemed to make the ground feel like wobbling jelly under Zemirah’s feet.

“Now slightly larger little one with feathers, your land is weak. But tell me where I am? how I got here? and if your answers do not bore me, you may tell me who you are.” Behind the voice that could deafen a mortal, there was an arrogant tone.

2018-05-13, 03:42 AM
Krause and zemirah- destruction and music.

Krause turned to face Zemirah, his frustration slowly fading. The titan walked up the crater, it looked like a mortal walking through soft snow, the father of earthquakes towered over the songbird.

“I am Krause, the father of earthquakes.” His voice seemed to make the ground feel like wobbling jelly under Zemirah’s feet.

“Now slightly larger little one with feathers, your land is weak. But tell me where I am? how I got here? and if your answers do not bore me, you may tell me who you are.” Behind the voice that could deafen a mortal, there was an arrogant tone.

Zemirah went to chuckle and quickly placed a hand over mouth to stifle the laugh. Krause it had named itself, So she was at an advantage, the goddess considered lying how would he know any better. First she had to amuse herself. She snapped her fingers and allowed divine energy to pour out of her and spread into the plane of echoes. The ground restored itself where the crater was made and became solid and strong enough to hold the father of earthquakes still in his place. Zemirah smiled as the land became like a liquid and swallowed the titan bringing him down to eye level.

The Following is a bald face lie Zemirah lacks the power to decide where anyone goes. I am taking advantage of Krause's apparent confusion to set up a guise and work a little on Zemirah's trickster side

"You mean you dont know? hmm... I thought you all knew... Im the god of the gods... master of the realms... Or did you think the music you hear was some pestering noise? It was me calling to you all to unite you at my feet where I could then guide you to the greatness you all are destined to achieve." Zemirah followed up her announcement with a polite smile which with context probably looked more frightening than friendly. "So you see Krause... it was I who brought you here"

Starting AP = 1 PAP =2

Trivium - The Crossroads (Divine infusion -3 PAP used) The realm of echoes, now named Trivium, is now a manse the land masses now bend to Zemirah's will she can change their strength and whether they are solid or liquid. There exists a law that changes must gain permission from Zemirah otherwise things remain the same. While Zemirah is in the Manse she can see anything going on within it. - (Destruction (vengeance) 2/10)

Ending AP = 0 PAP = 0

2018-05-13, 06:13 AM
Zemirah went to chuckle and quickly placed a hand over mouth to stifle the laugh. Krause it had named itself, So she was at an advantage, the goddess considered lying how would he know any better. First she had to amuse herself. She snapped her fingers and allowed divine energy to pour out of her and spread into the plane of echoes. The ground restored itself where the crater was made and became solid and strong enough to hold the father of earthquakes still in his place. Zemirah smiled as the land became like a liquid and swallowed the titan bringing him down to eye level.

"You mean you dont know? hmm... I thought you all knew... Im the god of the gods... master of the realms... Or did you think the music you hear was some pestering noise? It was me calling to you all to unite you at my feet where I could then guide you to the greatness you all are destined to achieve." Zemirah followed up her announcement with a polite smile which with context probably looked more frightening than friendly. "So you see Krause... it was I who brought you here"

“The god of gods” and the god of destruction – Zemirah and Krause -Trivium

The titan grown frustrated and tried to rip his arm free of the ground, only to struggle in place. Krause squirmed in the ground, trying with all his divine might to move, growing angrier with each failure.

Finally, Krause started to think, as brute force wasn’t working. For a time, the father of earthquakes became still, looking like the god had somehow died.

Then the titan seems to collapse into himself, shrinking into the space that his body had filled before. There was a silence that was interrupted be a rhythmic bang, bang, bang. It was growing louder. Until, Krause jumped out of the hole his body was filling moments before. He was ‘only’ twice the height of Zemirah, big but compared to the titan’s former size he was like an ant.

After the great jump Krause was fell towards Zemirah, with a fist ready to strike the “god of gods”. “SEND! ME! BACK!” The god of destruction yelled as loud as ever despite of being a fraction of the size.

2018-05-13, 07:08 AM
“The god of gods” and the god of destruction – Zemirah and Krause -Trivium

The titan grown frustrated and tried to rip his arm free of the ground, only to struggle in place. Krause squirmed in the ground, trying with all his divine might to move, growing angrier with each failure.

Finally, Krause started to think, as brute force wasn’t working. For a time, the father of earthquakes became still, looking like the god had somehow died.

Then the titan seems to collapse into himself, shrinking into the space that his body had filled before. There was a silence that was interrupted be a rhythmic bang, bang, bang. It was growing louder. Until, Krause jumped out of the hole his body was filling moments before. He was ‘only’ twice the height of Zemirah, big but compared to the titan’s former size he was like an ant.

After the great jump Krause was fell towards Zemirah, with a fist ready to strike the “god of gods”. “SEND! ME! BACK!” The god of destruction yelled as loud as ever despite of being a fraction of the size.

Zemirah - having fun.

Zemirah laughs unafraid of physical violence. She was a god and a little intoxicated by the idea of getting away with deceit. So she watched him descend toward her, at her whim the surface beneath her turned to liquid she sank into the ground and swam so that she would come up where she would be behind Krause. Climbing up out of the ground as the titan hits the empty space where she no longer occupies Zemirah shakes her head no.

"You have failed to treat me properly Krause, Father of Earthquakes. And so you will have to find your own way back. In the mean time I suggest you make yourself comfortable... you could be here awhile." Zemirah casually walked past the giant god patting him gently on the back heading toward her concert hall.

The Umbrelum awaken

It was unknown how long they had slept but the Umbrelum awoke inside a temple. had it been built by the refugees? It was dedicated to Zemirah... they left to find a whole town had been built on the back of Terra'Avis. As they made their way around the town they found the people here were treating them as royalty. Some even called them, the chosen race of the songbird. The umbrelum swelled with pride and began setting about to their duties among the people

2018-05-13, 12:32 PM
While some of the Pi`llar had already grew wings and flew to other lands, many had wanted to be able to bring their vast art collections with them. Luckily for them, they stubled upon a massive multilegged machine sitting in the middle of the jungle. One adventurous individual climbed the legs of the constuct and entered the head. He found a glowing crystal that seemed to call to him. He reached out and put his hand on it. His dreams and desires flowed into the crystal. The machine began to move forward, picking up speed. Eventually, the machine reached the ocean's edge and marched in until the body was mostly submerged. Soon five massive shapes emerged from the machine. From the surface they looked like a rocky island. From below the surface it was a mass of tentacles. The Pi`llar who had followed the machine quickly gathered their things and loaded them on to the living islands and set sail for new lands.

Ap Minor artifact charge. Create monstrous life: Living Islands.

2018-05-13, 05:04 PM
Argenti and the Dragon's Renaissance

The discovery of Starstone completely changed the continent of Stellaregno. The dragons had lived above the other races of the Sphere for centuries now, but now they could advance beyond them in other ways too. Starstone allowed them to channel energy that was previously thought impossible, creating technological wonders within the Floating Continent.

One of the first things created by the dragons was for them to shape mobile statues. Some were made from stone, others gold, still others a strange crystal only found on Stellaregno, but they all had one thing in common: they all had a heart of pure Starstone. These statues became servants of the dragons, doing the manual labor within Stellaregno while the dragons relished in their riches or continued to study the wonders of the Sphere.

With Refresh: 4 AP and 3 PAP

The Dragons, being Fabled Life, will use their free "Create Monstrous Life" To make Starstone Golems.

Starstone Golems- Starstone Golems were fashioned to be unquestioningly loyal servants to the Dragons. Well fashioned intricate statues (usually decorated in some way by the stonemasons/metallurgists of Stellaregno), each one has a heart made from pure Starstone. This allows them to move on their own and act upon the relatively simple commands of their dragon masters. They can be fashioned for a number of tasks, be it construction, war or whatever the dragons may want (I imagine I'd have to create a bunch of sub-races to reflect this)

AP total is still 4 AP and 3 PAP.

2018-05-13, 07:21 PM
Golgari bolted awake, calling out:

”I needed that nap! How long was I out and what did I miss? I had a lot of good dreams!”

Ekmelao could sense, in his idle moments, the warp and woof of his fate- and that it was soon to outgrow the world of mortals. He was tempted to immediately take a respite in his beloved Elysium, fashion an avatar to channel his presence through, commit himself fully to his course… but he refrained, gracefully.

He wasn’t quite done with the mortal world, yet. Wasn’t quite ready to ascend beyond it.

And it occurred to him that, before transcending, he might pay a visit to the place of his first deific meeting.

And so he did, appearing there through the very same tree as he had the first time, which had grown old and withered but had yet to truly die, as trees often did. He heard her query, moving so that his serpentine eyes was but a few feet from hers, staring piercingly- and he responded, sounding lightly amused.

“You have slept for ages quick and ages long, though ages still have yet to come, and much of creation has come to pass, though much is still in youth, and much is still in song, and much has been destroyed entirely.”

2018-05-14, 05:43 AM
Zemirah - having fun.

Zemirah laughs unafraid of physical violence. She was a god and a little intoxicated by the idea of getting away with deceit. So she watched him descend toward her, at her whim the surface beneath her turned to liquid she sank into the ground and swam so that she would come up where she would be behind Krause. Climbing up out of the ground as the titan hits the empty space where she no longer occupies Zemirah shakes her head no.

"You have failed to treat me properly Krause, Father of Earthquakes. And so you will have to find your own way back. In the mean time I suggest you make yourself comfortable... you could be here awhile." Zemirah casually walked past the giant god patting him gently on the back heading toward her concert hall.

Krause & Zemirah – the fight begins

As zemirah walked away a great bolder landed before them, it was clearly not of this plane. As the song bird turned back they saw Krause growing back to his full size, a stone mace as tall as the titan formed in his hands.






The great mace came swung down, following it was a dust cloud, formed as the god swung. The cloud and the dust grow larger the further from the mace it was, turning from a cloud into a landslide going towards Zemirah.

Tune in next time to see how Krause losses.

2018-05-14, 09:01 AM
Ekmelao could sense, in his idle moments, the warp and woof of his fate- and that it was soon to outgrow the world of mortals. He was tempted to immediately take a respite in his beloved Elysium, fashion an avatar to channel his presence through, commit himself fully to his course… but he refrained, gracefully.

He wasn’t quite done with the mortal world, yet. Wasn’t quite ready to ascend beyond it.

And it occurred to him that, before transcending, he might pay a visit to the place of his first deific meeting.

And so he did, appearing there through the very same tree as he had the first time, which had grown old and withered but had yet to truly die, as trees often did. He heard her query, moving so that his serpentine eyes was but a few feet from hers, staring piercingly- and he responded, sounding lightly amused.

“You have slept for ages quick and ages long, though ages still have yet to come, and much of creation has come to pass, though much is still in youth, and much is still in song, and much has been destroyed entirely.”

[Reserved Post]

2018-05-14, 07:47 PM
Krause & Zemirah – the fight begins

As zemirah walked away a great bolder landed before them, it was clearly not of this plane. As the song bird turned back they saw Krause growing back to his full size, a stone mace as tall as the titan formed in his hands.






The great mace came swung down, following it was a dust cloud, formed as the god swung. The cloud and the dust grow larger the further from the mace it was, turning from a cloud into a landslide going towards Zemirah.

Tune in next time to see how Krause losses.

Zemirah - A song of Victory.

There were no surprises for Zemirah while she was on this plane no moves unseen everything in Trivium was within her sight. Even the giant growing ever larger as she walked away from him was within her sight. It was a foolish move on his behalf, Trivium was Zemirah's realm an embodiment of her will, the symphony was strong here. She could hear the harp now. Zemirah turned to meet the titan's strike raising her hand and channeling a chorus of sounds. The strike was met with a harmonic sound

"So... then... this is the path you are choosing? Very well..." In a swirl of sound roaring through the plane Zemirah gathered up energy and channeled a wave of force at the titan. She gathered up power and spoke the word for shatter, the music became unbearably loud and the force washed over Krause. If he were mortal he'd have turned to dust at the power that Zemirah placed into the song. but this was another god, her equal, not that he needed to know that. Zemirah pretended like she hadnt just expended most of her energy. and with the enemy considerably weakened she took on her true form that of a great bird massive in size. As the great bird she let out a call across the song the echoes here gathered up in a vortex around Krause.

Surrender father of earthquakes, you have no power here. This realm bends to my will and my will alone. Don't make me destroy you... Her voice in this form resonated across the plane the sound booming

2018-05-14, 11:23 PM
Zemirah - A song of Victory.

There were no surprises for Zemirah while she was on this plane no moves unseen everything in Trivium was within her sight. Even the giant growing ever larger as she walked away from him was within her sight. It was a foolish move on his behalf, Trivium was Zemirah's realm an embodiment of her will, the symphony was strong here. She could hear the harp now. Zemirah turned to meet the titan's strike raising her hand and channeling a chorus of sounds. The strike was met with a harmonic sound

"So... then... this is the path you are choosing? Very well..." In a swirl of sound roaring through the plane Zemirah gathered up energy and channeled a wave of force at the titan. She gathered up power and spoke the word for shatter, the music became unbearably loud and the force washed over Krause. If he were mortal he'd have turned to dust at the power that Zemirah placed into the song. but this was another god, her equal, not that he needed to know that. Zemirah pretended like she hadnt just expended most of her energy. and with the enemy considerably weakened she took on her true form that of a great bird massive in size. As the great bird she let out a call across the song the echoes here gathered up in a vortex around Krause.

Surrender father of earthquakes, you have no power here. This realm bends to my will and my will alone. Don't make me destroy you... Her voice in this form resonated across the plane the sound booming

Crumbling defeat – Krause

Krause was an idiot. A smarter god might have seen though Zemirah’s deception. A smarter god might have known there was not ‘god of gods’. A smarter god wouldn’t start a fight with what they believed was the god of gods. A smart god might have bided their time. A smarter god might have realised they were badly injured. A smarter god might have known they could be injured at all.

But Krause was an idiot. The titan tried to punch Zermirah, but by shifting his weight, Krause put too much force in the great cracks within him. The great giant collapsed like a house of cards.

Once his body settle, it started to break apart into dust and that dust slowly faded away. For minutes a peace returned to the Trivium in the father of earthquake’s absence. But it was not to last, a vortex of dust and sand formed, the grains of sand grew to the size of boulders and started to collide with each other. It was clear Krause was reforming.

It took a long time and was by no means quiet. The great giant was disorientated and weak, he could barely balance on his own legs. A smarter god would have realised he was weak and disorientated because they did a bad job of abandoning his old body and was getting used to the new one. The father of earthquakes though it was because he had cheated death somehow.

Perhaps for the first time this decade Krause did something smart. “What… what do… you, want from… me?” The titan took a few brakes while speaking when the world seemed to go fuzzy. Anyone in the realm could have heard Krause, he had no quite voice.

2018-05-15, 06:30 AM
Zemirah - A cunning plan

The idea almost escaped her, he asked and she had to think fast to maintain the facade. This had to appear as part of a greater plan otherwise the titan may get suspicious. She already calculated the pitfalls and considered a few of the outcomes and she almost went against it.

Then it struck her like a.. like a rock to the head. The major pitfall of her plan was that the mention of her name might give her away but that's impossible for Zemirah still held the advantage. Krause did not know her name.

"I want little from you. For I am the god of gods. I want for nothing. However it is my understanding there exists a number of gods who have united together in a pantheon. Their unity has extended their power greatly. Perhaps you should do the same. I found this hall where they have carved their names into the floor and pledged themselves to the court of eternal wonders. Imagine what greatness you could achieve with just slightly more power"

Zemirah felt rather smug about the delicately chosen words. And few could argue with her over Krause's presence in the pantheon for his combat prowess truly was an art. And in the unlikely event Krause figures out who she is he could hardly be mad she could have asked for anything and she offered him power. With such a move she felt truly victorious

2018-05-15, 08:18 AM
Geurletta, Acension

Geurletta could feel the wisps of divine magic float freely off of his form as he took a few more steps through the first world, with graceful and purposeful motion he brought himself back to the divine concert hall and began to focus. Focus on the heart of the dance, on the echoes of the greatest heroes and the on his own state of being he reached across the world and began to pull on the strings of fate.

Hearing the rhythm he began a great kata, moving with speed and grace around the floor of the music hall, his eyes closed and his mind focused, even as temple Gaurdians rushed inward to discover Geurletta’s presence.

Across the world echoes of heroes flew together, some of heroes who died in battle yes, but others who found new lands, gave their supplies to those who needed it, in the same spot as Geurletta’s first act of creation, where flowers were only now breaching through the ash, a creature formed. Clad in a shimmering silver of suit of armour, sword and shield in hand it looked up and began to walk forward.

Back in the music hall Geurletta’s Kata was now reading completion, and so with a flash of dazzling golden radiance the barrier between the worlds was forced open and Geurletta left into the open cracks. Feeling a place that sang with the music of an old friend he pulled his way through and stood once more in a place that greatly resembled the same hall he had just left.

Create Avatar: Heross Admandam: An avatar of the god of heroes forged from the echoes of fallen heroes, capable of crossing the world even when Geurletta is not.

Create Advanced Concept: Martial Arts: Martial arts are codified combat practices, which are practiced for a number of reasons: as self-defense, military and law enforcement applications, mental and spiritual development; as well as entertainment and the preservation of a group's cultural heritage. Many who seeek to earn the martial arts go on spiritual journeys to seek output masters and meditate to learn mastery.

10/10 Travel (Adventure)


2018-05-15, 08:08 PM
Zemirah - A cunning plan

The idea almost escaped her, he asked and she had to think fast to maintain the facade. This had to appear as part of a greater plan otherwise the titan may get suspicious. She already calculated the pitfalls and considered a few of the outcomes and she almost went against it.

Then it struck her like a.. like a rock to the head. The major pitfall of her plan was that the mention of her name might give her away but that's impossible for Zemirah still held the advantage. Krause did not know her name.

"I want little from you. For I am the god of gods. I want for nothing. However it is my understanding there exists a number of gods who have united together in a pantheon. Their unity has extended their power greatly. Perhaps you should do the same. I found this hall where they have carved their names into the floor and pledged themselves to the court of eternal wonders. Imagine what greatness you could achieve with just slightly more power"

Zemirah felt rather smug about the delicately chosen words. And few could argue with her over Krause's presence in the pantheon for his combat prowess truly was an art. And in the unlikely event Krause figures out who she is he could hardly be mad she could have asked for anything and she offered him power. With such a move she felt truly victorious

A simple request, a difficult execution – Krause, Trivium’s music hall

Krause thought that while the ‘god of gods’ wasn’t making any
obvious request, he could tell they wanted him to join court of eternal wonders. The titan didn’t wish to join this court, but he was in no position to say no, if joining the court would get him sent back he would do it.

He moved to over to the music hall, shrinking down to fit though the door, hoping this was the hall the god of gods referred to. Inside the hall Krause saw a number of names carved into the hall’s floor: Zemirah, Guerletta, Vask, Sheloth, Kihjo, Noctilux and Ekmelao.

Krause waved his hand trying to add his name to the rest. Nothing happened, it seemed the titan need just a drop more divine energy. The father of earthquakes tried again and again. He was so close to going back, yet so very far.


Krause attempts to join the Court of Eternal Wonders. with his art being: the art of destruction and with his connection to giants, art in the form of battle.

2018-05-15, 11:14 PM
Ekmelao could sense, in his idle moments, the warp and woof of his fate- and that it was soon to outgrow the world of mortals. He was tempted to immediately take a respite in his beloved Elysium, fashion an avatar to channel his presence through, commit himself fully to his course… but he refrained, gracefully.

He wasn’t quite done with the mortal world, yet. Wasn’t quite ready to ascend beyond it.

And it occurred to him that, before transcending, he might pay a visit to the place of his first deific meeting.

And so he did, appearing there through the very same tree as he had the first time, which had grown old and withered but had yet to truly die, as trees often did. He heard her query, moving so that his serpentine eyes was but a few feet from hers, staring piercingly- and he responded, sounding lightly amused.

“You have slept for ages quick and ages long, though ages still have yet to come, and much of creation has come to pass, though much is still in youth, and much is still in song, and much has been destroyed entirely.”

“Ahhhh. What was your, name again?”

After the other diety resonded, Golgari said, “Great! Ekmeleo, you are my first friend. Follow me through this cave into my Manse and lets chat about how we can grow together, shall we?”

Inside the cave, there was light deep on the other side. The cave, which formed a tunnel, opened up to reveal a hundred feet of flat terrain and then the infinite Necropolis University beyond. Golgari clapped her hands, and the metal scribes stood still a moment as stacks of boxes grew out of the ground. These were langstroth beehives. Soon a buzzing could be heard as the boxes filled with green bees which flew in and out of the bee boxes. Golgari then walked over to a hive, and removed some chunks of honeycomb.

”Something sweet to eat while we talk. It should help us come up with some big ideas!”

Starting AP: 13

Manse: Create Golgarian Bees for free. These bees will instantly kill any mortal with flesh they sting, but they produce a honey which grants vast intelligence and keeps the Zombie fungus from aging you. In fact, if fed to a fungus Zombie, the Zombie regains its intelligence plus some. Though these green bees leave the manse, they only produce the special honey while on the Manse, and only in the artifact beehives Golgari created. Gods feasting on the honey get a brief surge of intelligence sometimes, as well, giving them a 1/week discount on mythic concepts. Golgari has to allow other gods to gain this discount instead of her, though, and this can be done by her giving her word they can use the honey this week. The bees are docile unless provoked, so the Manticores sometimes get stung to death if and only if they try stealing honey.

Create Major Artifact, Beehives of Golgari, for 5 AP. The honey made in this hive has the aforementioned qualities. The hive complex altogether, which is a series of boxes on either side of the path to the entrance to Necropolis university, forms 1 artifact. I think this lets me claim the Education Panoply, but I’ll need to look back at my previous spending totals.

Ending AP: 8

Edit: My domain status is as following:

Panoply (Education) (reduces costs of advanced concepts by 1): 10/10

Creatures (Bee Scholars): 1/10

Death (Disease): 3/10

2018-05-16, 03:44 PM
Zemirah - unexpected guests

Zemirah entered the hall and immediately saw Guerlatta. She had to send word and fast. Using her hold on the echoes Zemirah brought forth a lost soul and sent them to Guerlatta with a message.

The echo wisped up behind Guerlatta and whispered to him. "The lady wishes you to pretend you know her not... she is in the middle of a game"

2018-05-16, 04:31 PM
Geurletta’s eyes snapped open as he appeared in this new world as they peered out of the golden helm to examine the scene before him. Two other beings seemed present, one a new face, marked by rage and frustration, the other an old friend he new well.

Hello. May I ask for the name of those I have emerged in the company of? Geurletta questions looking at this new figure. And of course... a microseconds pause followed, and were it not for the armour there would be a clear display of surprise, chased closely by amusement. This rather wondrous new figure.

2018-05-16, 06:16 PM
Geurletta’s eyes snapped open as he appeared in this new world as they peered out of the golden helm to examine the scene before him. Two other beings seemed present, one a new face, marked by rage and frustration, the other an old friend he new well.

Hello. May I ask for the name of those I have emerged in the company of? Geurletta questions looking at this new figure. And of course... a microseconds pause followed, and were it not for the armour there would be a clear display of surprise, chased closely by amusement. This rather wondrous new figure.

Krause – the mirror of music hall.

Krause was sitting on the hall’s floor, he was as large as the room allowed, trying to carve his name in the floor with a stone chisel. The titan’s efforts seemed futile, the great giant though down his chisel which violently shattered on the floor. The number of broken rock shards suggested that this wasn’t the first time and probably not the last.

As Krause formed another chisel. “I am Krause father of earthquakes” The titan didn’t even look up from his pointless work, not truly acting in spirit of the pantheon of art.

2018-05-16, 06:42 PM
Ekmelao~ Green bees and floral snakes.

He followed her through, somewhat warily, and his response to the offer of honey was a concise, moderately condescending ‘no’; he was uninterested in trying out some bizarre concoction of this odd god. It’d probably turn his current corporeal form into a turtle, or something similarly odious.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you again, oh careless one; do pray tell of what ‘big ideas’ you had in mind? Not that they’re anything deleterious, I’m sure, but I’m terribly curious.”

2018-05-16, 11:59 PM
Ekmelao~ Green bees and floral snakes.

He followed her through, somewhat warily, and his response to the offer of honey was a concise, moderately condescending ‘no’; he was uninterested in trying out some bizarre concoction of this odd god. It’d probably turn his current corporeal form into a turtle, or something similarly odious.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you again, oh careless one; do pray tell of what ‘big ideas’ you had in mind? Not that they’re anything deleterious, I’m sure, but I’m terribly curious.”

”I grow restless. I desire allies, because I balance the world and I see you do, too. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could make something together?”

Golgari ate the large glob of honey. She did not know what she wanted to do, but she wanted to gain the trust of this diety so she could expand her power base with them.

“I’m Golgari, by the way. I have many ideas on what we could do together, including sharing a new race of mortals or allowing me to gift you a mythical and amazing concept of your choosing. I’m in the spirit of giving today.”

2018-05-17, 04:23 PM
Ekmelao~ Green bees and floral snakes.

Ekmelao slithered closer to his fellow divinity, staring her in the eyes from but a few feet away, his enormous, serpentine form stretching out languidly. His tone was sharper than before, almost reprimanding.

“Allies? Perhaps, though I already have my share. Gifts? No. There shall be no gifts between us; I am not one to incur debt lightly, and you have insulted me by assuming a proclivity towards such folly. A new race, born to our shared powers… possibly. I am satisfied with my naga, however- yet the world is an ever-dangerous place, in these tumultuous times, and I might be satisfied with a collaboration in improving them…”

He slithered ever so slightly closer, still maintaining a rather frightening degree of eye contact.

“Yet you remain strange, apiaric goddess, and I find that I do not trust you with my rose-children…”

He trailed off, his divine senses extending to his surroundings- and homing in on one thing in particular.

The fungus.

That dreaded fungus that had ripped through so many of his beloved like tissue- there were older instances of it, here, hidden behind corners and walls. That was a sign of negligence, rather than malice, when taken by itself, but- they were beyond the fungus of the mortal world, older and far more terrible. As if they were- the progenitors. The originals. And if this was the domain of his host, that implied...

Ekmelao reared, suddenly, and hissed, lunging swift for the goddess and stopping only inches away. His words were like thunder and ice, his eyes were like daggers, and his voice resonated in a hundred tones.

“The darkflower of the dead, the mold of woe and dread, the revenant’s mushroom- it was your work, dark power. I should strike you down as you stand, you wretched destroyer of the holy-“

He took a deep breath, and his flower tightened into a sharpened thorn.

“But I am merciful, as you are not, and so I will offer you this one thing. The sorrow and suffering and disharmony you have caused can have no price, can never be repaid- but it might be ameliorated, for a time. You are going to lend me some aspect of your power, and of that ridiculous honey of yours, so that I might devise a wonder of my own and counterbalance some of your malice- or you will find yourself on the receiving end of my fangs.”

The naga could sense their god’s anger, and it rather simultaneously panicked them. The sixty-four holders of seaweed-scale staffs all felt the jolt of wrath at once, and, quite by accident, channeled the full might of their elemental power, the involved resonances jarring against each other and producing an enormous underwater fireball… and something far more insidious.

Every moonflower, once benign, now had an unfortunate side effect- instead of taming the beasts that consumed it, it now made them far more wild and aggressive than they had been before. They rampaged through cities, stole upon unwary travelers, and killed with abandon- to the panic and consternation of the naga council.

As magic had done, magic could not undo; they would have to find some alternative solution.

The Oaken Opal had a suggestion: trapping the beasts, in clever little devices as of yet unknown to mortals.

The naga heeded the advice, and swiftly created the field, and had druids spread the notion far and wide… yet it was not enough. No dire beasts was weak enough to submit to simple ropes and nets and cages, and they often hunted those who’d set the traps with a malice unmatched.

Panicking, the sixty-four heads of the sixty-four noble houses convened- and just as they had been arranged, their god experienced yet another jolt of anger, spreading throughout his children like a bolt of lightning, and causing the nobles to lose control of the spell they had been weaving- in lieu of some beautiful solution, they had created sprawling, angry, gigantic, half-sentient plants, that would spread in seed from one end of Creation to the other, and terrorize all they came across, rooting into them, devouring them for nutrients, and becoming stronger for every creature they killed.

The shamblers, as they were swiftly called, were deadly- and, paired with the newfound attacks by dire beasts, swiftly dwindled the world’s population, and threatened to remove it entirely, were they not dealt with.

Ekmelao, exasperated and still engaged in conversation with Golgari, finally created a second manifestation upon the mortal plane, channeling his essence through the eldest current head-of-household amongst naga nobility- and felt himself ascend to the point of power that he had been on the brink of, for so long.

There weren’t any fancy light shows, or dramatic shifts- just a slight aura that whispered ‘power’ in the ears of those nearby, ever so slightly stronger than before.

As his avatar, formerly the Lady of the Azalea, began reassuring his rose-children that the new situation would be ameliorated shortly, Ekmelao continued to stare, ever-so-sharply, at Golgari.

Ekemelao, having spent everything but his two PAP, has gained the domain Nobility (Naga), from their initial creation, the creation of their society, and his fancy new avatar. He’s accordingly ascended to lesser deity status.

2018-05-17, 09:56 PM
Sheloth Ascends
Looking down on the continent of Arkan, Sheloth was pleased with the Pi`llar's work. Their largest city, situated on the northern coast of Arkan's middle lake, was a work of art. From above he could see how the stone roads were placed in the shape of his own symbol. The wide glass skylights gave a good view into the well crafted interiors. Sheloth decided to reward their creativity and gave the Ksar of Astar a wondrous artifact. The artifact was a set of golden gloves able to reshape the land into whatever the user desired.
After expending the divine energy Sheloth felt himself changing. He soon left the mortal plane and ended up in a new plane. It looked like the old one, but only the land of the vibrating ones. Confused and irritated, Sheloth headed over to the parallel music hall hoping to find out who had made this vile copy. Sheloth despised copies and hated stagnation, and this plane appeared to be both.

Mundane Concepts: Glass and Roads. 2 AP total
Advanced Concept: City Planning 1 AP + 1 Artifact Charge
Minor Artifact: 3 AP
For Architecture(Aesthetics) 10/10
Above + Mythic Race - 2 PAP + Advanced Concept - Artifact Charge + Alter land.
New Total 8 AP + 2 PAP - 6 AP = 2 AP + 2 PAP

2018-05-17, 11:17 PM
Zemirah - A Gathering of gods.

It was quickly seeming like the goddess was much more popular than she had thought. Sheloth had arrived, one of her early allies, a member of the court and perhaps a wrench in her plan she had to think rapidly. She moved forward and put a hand out to Sheloth and the other to Guerlatta. She smiled but her eyes spoke of urgency. She also sent the echoes to speak with Sheloth in secret. the same message whispers into his ear.

The lady wishes you to pretend you know her not... she is in the middle of a game"

Zemirah addressed the two gods with empirical fervor but the was that air of deceit to it. Trickery was at play here one of the goddesses domains "Welcome new guests come with me there are things to be discussed and as I understand it the gods from the first world no not who I am. Krause is busy at the moment, searching for more power..." A tinge of amusement in her voice she was glad the giant was preoccupied or he might see the cheeky smile and be enraged further.

Should the other two follow, Zemirah leads them out of the hall and breaks down with laughter at the genius of her prank.

The Umbrelum - From the shadows they come.

Many moons had passed, The Umbrelum with their ethereal nature were immune to the fungus and so they did not age. Their kind not subject to become the husks of undeath as the others were. However the others, the others were although it was not hard getting rid of them up here on the back of Terra, the creatures were still a nuisance. and so the council of eight gathered together and began singing a song of shadows that hunt in the light and the dark. And from the areas where light is obstructed into darkness the monstrous creatures crawled forth. Somewhat amorphous in nature they approached the Umbrellum stared at one for an time and then took on its form.

The Umbrelum have used their create monstrous life for the rollover.

Shadowbeasts: They lurk where light is obstructed by darkness and serve as mindless guardians against the undead blight. they possess their progenitors ability to look like creatures they are looking at but lack any capability to communicate

2018-05-18, 06:17 PM
Sheloth's Avatar
Sheloth was not fond of secrets, so he bid farewell to his fellow pantheon partners. Sheloth went to the Dreamscape and drifted among the mortal's dreams. Sheloth still wanted to affect the mortal world, but he knew he could not return. Instead he decided to focus his power into an avatar able to shape the first sphere. Raising his many hands he formed a new body to project his will. Emerging from the massive lake in the center of Arkan, Nyarthuag was born. From afar his body looked like a black scaled worm. Up close, the multitude of black hands became apparent. His tail was studded with glowing multicolored crystals. His massive maw was filled with multiple ranks of pointed clear crystals and it had a massive glowing eye in the center. The massive worm was five miles long and half a mile across. Satisfied with his creation, Sheloth rested in his planar creation.

Create Avatar
For Chaos(Creation) 2/10
New total 2 AP + 2 PAP - 4AP = 0 AP + 0 PAP

2018-05-18, 11:31 PM

Kihjo continued to watch over the fire God, waiting for her to heal and awaken from her state of loss. The tears that ran down her face sizzled as they burnt deep into the earth reaching all the way to the core where they grew into a river of flame. It gave a new light to the under dark, a new fuel for creation and thought, it allowed the civilisation to flourish in ways they never before could.

Something else Kihjo had noticed was that despite his best efforts, lots of power and energy remained on the make shift alter.
Not having the strength or composure to swing the hammer again he simply forced his will to gather and bind it all to the main artefact. It gave the Hand of Sheloth the ability to grow, it could produce many more hands to accomplish much more work.

Now with everything the child God had been through, he could feel that he was no longer the same. He was changing, not aging but growing, emotionally and spiritually. It was against who he was, he didn't like it, not one bit, he didn't want to change. He tried desperately to seperate himself from this new development. He wanted to flee and hide but couldn't bring himself to leave the injured Vask here alone like this with posibbilities of the giant God returning. So he succumb to the ongoing change. In a flash of brilliant white light a single sweet note emanated from his body as what ever qualities kept him a child were expelled to the void beyond and a young handsome man was left in his place radiating with compassion, care and a hint of wisdom from his mature age.

Born from the ravages of war he took on the aspects of life Kihjo did not want to face. He was a third the size a giant and had the steady muscles of the dwarves. His eyes glowed with brilliant white flames like he had seen in Vasks vengeful passion and he had the dual curved ears of the Dotem. He had long white hair that rested around his shoulders and the teeth and claws somewhat similar to a manticore.

It was a rebirth, a reincarnation.

The core
With so many creatures so passionate about destroying zombies it was only a matter of time until the core was invaded. The Dotem had been collecting and hoarding the undead throughout the barren town for some time now while cultivating and growing the dangerous fungus.

The coming of the river of flame also marked the invasion of monsters set on killing and eradicating the zombie fungus. Simple minded monsters wreaking havoc on the unready civilisation. The creations of Kihjo pushed them back but at serve costs. Many of the Dotem lost control of their zombies during the fight and it became a messy three way battle.

As they had heard to do, the survivors buried every dead body they could find, friend or foe. A seed was planted for every creature that no longer lived, their life hopefully giving to the plant that would subsequently grow. Due to a mix of the magical energies residing in the core, the nature of the creatures deceased, the radiation in the soil and natured desire for growth, it was but a single tree that grew. It grew and grew, evolving as it slowly towered into the sky. This ent became so much more than all the Ent's before it. It became sentient as it passed through and over the surface world. Then as it continued to grow to the far reaches of the sky and tower over even the tallest Giants and mountains it became magical.

The heart of rhythm connected with this new tree, this Saptru and the frustrations of the remaining Dotem. So as the tree grew it was offered a blessing. While it couldn't curd the zombies it did let a portion of their mind and will grow back while living under the great tree.

12 AP
3 charges
Bless,subrace,create artefact

Infuse artefact , 3AP
Hand of Sheloth

Create major artefact 1AP 2PAP 2charge
The fire of Vask
Minor artefact creation

Create Avatar

Create sub race 1 charge. 2AP
The Saptru
Ents (1) up to mythical (2)
Where a seed was planted on many recent graves close together the ensuing Ents unify in their growth to become far larger, intelligent and more powerful.

Bless charge
Zombie intelligence

Gain Domain
Growth (development)
-everything above
2 AP
Bless,subrace,Mjr atfct,mnr atfct,

2018-05-19, 06:37 AM
The Shattered Lands

A whip cracked through the air, followed by a cry of pain. Lonon flinched at the still unfamiliar noise, but kept moving through the dusty streets not looking at the train of fellow dwarves who had been branded and collared.

"A wonderful idea, yes?"

Looking sideways, Lonon turned to face his employer. Sometimes he swore he saw something in Vonkulm's eyes at times. Like a fire. Displeasure flashed over the dwarf's face when Lonon took too long to answer.

"Of course it is lad, Vonkulm's Trading Co has nearly quintupled it's profits since I had that dream. I tell you, this place is blessed."
"The rebels don't seem to think that."
"The rebels will be crushed. This is a new land and we have a new way of life. There is no place for cave vermin in today's modern world."

The Golden Pits

The toad's eyes tracked the dragon as it flew off and then turned his gaze back to the small figure.

"Very well. We can discuss the price of that creature later. I desire these shuffling beings. What will you take for them?"

Starting AP: 14 AP
Create Mundane Concept -1 AP (Slavery): A condition of having to work very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation.
Create Mythic Concept -4 AP (The Secret): By focusing on positive or negative thoughts people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. It seems to work better for those who already possess much though.
Remaining AP: 9 AP

2018-05-20, 03:23 AM
[B]The Golden Pits

The toad's eyes tracked the dragon as it flew off and then turned his gaze back to the small figure.

"Very well. We can discuss the price of that creature later. I desire these shuffling beings. What will you take for them?"

"I, I need that water..." He replies, his voice agreeing with his words as he looks longingly at where it was.
"And, and the strength to defend against such giant beasts as that." He quickly adds in, pointing in the direction the dragon flew.

"How is it you stay so calm in the face of such monsters, or effortlessly eat so many bodies? What are you? Can you help me?"

The Dotem was both amazed and in shock, still tired and weak from us long journey.

2018-05-20, 07:19 AM
"I, I need that water..." He replies, his voice agreeing with his words as he looks longingly at where it was.
"And, and the strength to defend against such giant beasts as that." He quickly adds in, pointing in the direction the dragon flew.

"How is it you stay so calm in the face of such monsters, or effortlessly eat so many bodies? What are you? Can you help me?"

The Dotem was both amazed and in shock, still tired and weak from us long journey.

The god smiled broadly and stretched his filled palm out to the dotem. An eye on the manticore to make sure it did not move to protect its master from his 'benevolence'.

"Once I was much smaller than even you, but I have grown to the fullness of my power and the monsters have learnt that the taste of my flesh is... unpleasant. As for what I am... I have not figured that out yet. I am something else. I desire things and they be. I wanted to eat and never be full and it was so."

The toad's shrug indicated that this is not something it had put much thought into, it simply was and Boanke assumed it would always be. Ignorant to the existence of other beings like it that also desired. Looking around the god's eye was caught by an area of greenery and he directed the dotem's attention to a large stone he picked up in his free hand. For all of Boanke's effort, he could not crush the rock, for he was not strong. Then gesturing to the greenery he pulled and the trees withered, the green turned to white and the undergrowth to ash. Boanke considered the rock in his hand and then dropped it. Lifting a more powerful hind leg he slammed it down and a section of the cliff face behind him plummeted into the Golden Pits behind him.

"And if I desire it, I can share this with you to teach to those you wish. I must ask for something in return though. Say... these creatures and knowledge of the wider world?"

Starting AP: 13 AP
Create Mythical Concept -4 AP (Vitiis): A greedy magic, Vitiis is about taking the power of others and using it for yourself. By drawing the life out of other things one can become stronger, faster, tougher, even smarter; for a time, after which it starts to fade away. The amount of power gained from Vitiis depends on the amount of life drained from their surroundings, which is a limited amount, but those who use it frequently find that they can pull on greater amounts as their talent grows stronger and greedier. Sentient beings are great sources of power, but it is difficult to pull power out of them quickly enough to fuel Vitiis unless they are somehow incapable of fighting back or until your talent grows strong enough from extremely frequent use.

Every use of Vitiis brings with it a euphoria that is matched by few other things in life, and the more life that is drawn in, the greater the joy brought with the increase in ones abilities. Similarly the fading of ones abilities often brings a disappointment with it. That some Vitiis users start drawing in more power than they strictly need is probably unrelated to this. (It should be noted that the things life is being taken out of don't actually need to be drained completely, but it takes magnitudes of time longer for the drained to recover than the power lasts for, and non sentient beings tend to be drained in a flash so care is needed to leave animals and hardy vegetation in a state they are able to recover from without aid.)
Remaining AP: 9 AP

2018-05-20, 03:54 PM
Sheloth and the Divine Leech
Deep within the swamps of Arkan, Nyarthuag was at work creating new life. Sheloth's avatar had diffused his body out over a wide area and was radiating divine power. From the water rose a multiple foul slimy forms. Their bodies were a deep brown, covered with black stripes. They had the body of a slug except they had mouths like that of a lamprey. They emitted a toxic cloud of gas hat put those who breathed it into a restless sleep. The horros feed upon the dreams of their victims until they are nothing but a mindless shell. Sheloth named them Nightmare Slugs. Satisfied with his work, Sheloth had his avatar retake his worm like form and ascend into the sky.
Back in the swamp, divine power remained floating in the air. A small leech began feeding on the residual energy, growing bigger and bigger. Soon in the dense jungles of Arkan, a new god was formed.

Create Monstrous Life: Nightmare Slugs 1 AP
For Magic(Dreamsculpting)
New Total: 0 AP + 2 PAP + 5 AP - 1 Ap = 4 AP + 2 PAP

2018-05-20, 11:55 PM
The Birth of Laton
In Arkan a leech was feeding. It had been drawn irresistibly to the divine power Nyarthuag had left behind, and with each passing moment it grew more powerful and more intelligent. As it finished draining the power the spark of sapience arose within it, and Laton came to be. Laton gazed upon the world around it, and thought it was beautiful. It saw the all of the living creatures of Arkan, how they grew and fought and loved, and he could not imagine a world without this beauty. Then it saw another leech, drinking blood from an animal. It saw in that action nobility, glory, and valor. It was the most beautiful of them all.
"This world should belong to the leeches, and all of their kin." Laton now had a purpose.
At this moment Laton felt something inside itself, the power of its scavenged divinity, and realized what it had become, and what it could now do. Laton changed its shape into a mosquito and took flight. As it flew it felt the power of the sun, and traveled as fast as it could to that star. It had a stroke of inspiration, and drained a piece of the sun's power. It used that power to strengthen the thieves of the world. Those who choose to steal would find their efforts aided by the stolen power of Laton. Of course in doing so the sun was weakened, not much, but enough that for the next ten minutes the sun would go dark.
Laton could feel the presence of a strange life-form above the world and so it dug through the outer sphere to find it. Laton saw the mighty Terra'Avis and flew up beneath its belly, transformed into a large tick, and attached himself to it with both legs and teeth. A lunch break would be nice.
Bless-(1 AP): The Might of Theft- Parasites and thieves of all species across the whole world are blessed. In times of dire need a thief might be healed by solar power. The more accomplished thieves may see this happen more often, and eventually become able to rely on it as a consistent effect. People are less likely to notice a thief, and the pain parasites bring in feeding is lessened.
Curse-(1 AP): Eclipse- The sun now experiences eclipses because a portion of its power is being funneled to thieves. Every year on the same day a ten minute eclipse will occur with the sun darkening instantaneously and relighting instantaneously. The sudden removal of the sun's energy weakens plants and crops, while these effects are easily recoverable plants that are already partially weakened will die off. Eclipses can happen on other days of the year, but they are quite rare, only really occurring if there is a very large spike in theft in a very short time.
16 AP-1AP-1AP=14AP remaining

2018-05-21, 09:00 PM
Krause – joining a pantheon

After what could have been hours or decades of trying, Krause finally carved his name in the hall’s floor and it stuck. The titan joined the band so it seemed, his name was carved far larger and messier than any other in the hall.

In the original music hall one mortal dancing had their leg fall into the trench that appear in the floor. None of the mortals could make sense of the trench, that was wide as one of their feet that appeared in a moment and seemed anything but straight.

One mortal some distance up a wall yelled down. “Its giant words! Krause. The...” They danced along the wall. “father of earthquakes?! Does anyone know who Krause is??”

Bellator’s guide to trading with giants.

[ooc: for the things i spent ap on check paragraphs [6] and [9] in "what the giants can sell you."]

I Bellator would like to personally thank you the reader for purchasing this guide.

First, I would like to dispel a few rumours:

• Giants are dumb violent, brutish savages.

I cannot deny that giants are a very violent people, but to call them dumb and savages is a mistake. While they are no lovers of art, they have a culture, one older than our own would you believe. But all parts of it generally come back to fighting. The tale of giants being confused by children’s games is only propaganda spread by their energies, they are as smart as any non-dragon people.

• Giants have great hordes of treasure stolen in raids.

This rumour seems to have emerged from the fact that we dragons believe other creatures share our motivations. Giants raid to disrupt other civilisations, they only take texts often leaving valuables like gold and gems behind.

• If you manage to defeat the weak giants thoroughly enough, you can get deals that is practically stealing.

This rumour come from the truth that winner of “the ceremonial battle” gains a discount on the trade. However, this discount is never such that ether side can’t make a profit. Also, while the average giant has a fifth the strength of the average dragon’s strength, they have been in more fights then you have been in trading expeditions. If you aren’t ready, you will lose to the giants, skill beats power as the stone men say.

• Giants have a great culture of honourable combat and duals.

While giants do think of combat as though it is a skilful art, honour as we understand it have no place in this art for them.

• Giants fold steel a hundred times to produce swords that can cut though anything.

This rumour seems to have come from writers that didn’t under of forging works. Giants don’t build sword nor does folding steel have hold many useful effects.

Unlike guides written by less scrupulous authors that will go unnamed, this guide will talk about the people you might be trading with. Understanding a people’s culture gives you insight to their thoughts and what they desire.

Taboos of the tribes:

1. Don’t show symbols of gods or speak god’s names. The giants are forgiving for accidental invoking a god’s name, but intentional invoking of a god will always earn the distrust of the giants. The stone men view even the most benign or merciful gods as destructive forces just waiting to happen.

2. unnecessary repeating action is considered to invoke bad luck, much of giant culture seems shaped by this.

3. the tribe never stays in the same place for more than two days, you need to keep up with them or get left behind.

4. Insulting a person or their tribe while not give constructive criticism outside a battle is considered poor form. In a battle insults are expected part of the mind games.

Those are the main taboos to avoid.

The giant tribes are may scatted tribes, – I hope I’m not going to fast from you :) – the only linking element between the tribes as the giants see is they are all giants. Each tribe is a (small) independent community, fortunately for this guide most giant tribes share several traits.

Each tribe has no central leadership position, no one member makes decisions for the tribe, most tribe members must agree on course of action the tribe will take. But what happens if most of the tribe can’t agree? Well they have a debate or a fight or they try to do both at once. In a truly memorable experience two giants were debating with each other, while in fighting stances waiting of the other to slip up so they could counter attack. Then as they are expected to fulfil their daily tasks regardless of fighting, one of them uses stone obeys to have needles start sewing. Two serous warriors having an impassioned debate and of them one is sewing. I started laughing, you would to if you had seen it.

As giants dislike repetition they assign tasks though random draw, so they never know what they being doing the next two days. There are only two types of task not choose by draw, magic (as learning it takes life times) and being part of a raiding party, only the best are sent raiding.

I suppose here is a good place to talk about the raiding and fighting that much of the giant’s culture seems linked to. First why do giants fight so much and so viciously, here I have a theory. First without magic, the act of one giant killing another talks a long drawn out battle where the killer will need to have incapacitated their foe of sometime. Second it seems that a giant can heal any wound short of death, in days at most. Finally, giants can easily (and almost all do) train themselves so that the feeling of pain has no discomfort. These three factors together mean that to a giant a fight is no worse than arm wrestle, if such were true for us I do believe we would fight as much as the giants.

Why giants raid needs no theories at all. The giants feel a discomfort, an itch, that grows as other societies don’t change, it builds a feeling that ‘the giants must change it’. This seems to be some kind of curse that their god placed on them when he first built them. Now you oh reader might think that the giants are being selfish here ‘launching destructive and harmful raids to stop an itch’, but this pain (the only one most giants feel) grows to agonising levels. I Bellator, must admit some surprise that the stone men are so accepting of us dragons as our society is a literal pain in their side.

While I remember, don’t feel bad if you can’t tell giants apart while they aren’t wearing their helmets. All fully grown giants are (excluding current injuries) physically identical. Armor, clothing and unseen trock are the main ways giants tell each other apart. Giant’s also have several pairs of insignia across their armor, one represents the tribe the other represent the individual giant.

Normally a guide to trading wouldn’t feature how to fight the people your trading with, but these are giants so this is very important.

First you can always surrender before the fight if you don’t what to get hurt, but it will cost you. second don’t be intimidated by “Speck now or your silence will be your acceptance” that’s just there to stop people stalling the proceedings. The giants are quite accepting of different rules of the fight excluding ‘fight to the death’, they never agree to ‘fight to the death’.

As the giants generally exist in a state of trying to get better at battle in all ways they can, I can only give general tips. First armor, if your armor only lessens the amount healing you need after the fight, it will be wealth its weight in gold. If you don’t like heavy or bulky armor I would suggest silk infused with trock, actually I suggest infusing an armor with trock regardless.

While you a mighty dragon might think your hide is greater than any armor and you are right. But this piece of advice I heard from a giant a while ago still applies to you: “It doesn’t matter if your body is better than armor, if the armor takes the injury for you, well that’s always good.”

My second suggestion is to learn the basics of trock, the increase strength and shimmering ‘armor’ are nice bonus but not why you are doing this. No, you should learn it for trock sight, besides letting you see through dust clouds (see below) it will also let you see a lot of the little or unseen parts of the fight, helping you react. Now some suggest you shouldn’t learn trock as the giant can use it against you, which while true the giants that can turn your trock against you, those giants can turn anything against you.

My third tip is get good at holding your breath, even when you are hit. Giants normally travel at the bottom of the ocean meaning you will normally be fighting at the bottom of the ocean.

Forth battle awareness it important – obviously – but the giants consider one dragon versus two giants fair. You will probably be fighting two giants and they will be fighting as a group, yes it is as bad as you imagen it.

So how do giants fight? Giant have a few tenets in a fight, ‘never let down your guard.’ ‘enemies stay at the end of your reach.’ ‘punish your enemy’s mistakes while making as few as you can.’

The stone men love to kick up dust and sand to block normal vision, every giant knows trock after all.

So, while we the first teachers have our thick hide, razor claws and mighty breath, what do the stone men use? All giants have a steel shield is infused with trock, don’t think of these simple shields, they are defences against all magic. For most giants you need cunning, skill and speed to harm them with magic will they have that shield. With the more skilled stone men, you might as well consider them to be immune on harm from magic.

Each giant wear two sets of armor in battle, one is a combination of chain mail and steel plates, the other is harden best hides. The hide armor is worn under the steel as a backup if the steel is broken, which seems a little redundant as both armors are trock infused.

The stone men prefer blunt force weapons as they most effective giants the most common foe of giants. The giants normally use hammers of close quarters and discus for distance, with the stone obeys they get a lot of control and power out of the attacks with these weapons.

One rarely used but very commonly owned weapon is chains, which is often a surprise when they ‘come alive’. You shouldn’t worry about the two harpoons you see on giants back they are for hunting not fighting, but the chains they use to instead of rope are a threat.

You might be asking ‘Bellator do you have any tips for fighting trock masters? Surely I while have to fight one.’ I have but one: don’t fight them. Should a signal giant without a shimmer challenge you, fight anyone else, giants always underestimate their skill. Trock masters need no infused shield, they can rip, catch and even throwback magic or simple be immune to a type of magic.

A trock master’s armor seems unbreakable without magic, which isn’t ideal when fighting trock masters. The masters are a lot faster than the already too fast for their size giants. while I remember giants are fast, faster than you, fortunately they can’t swim.

Perhaps the worst part of fighting trock masters it when they hit you, your skin is like paper and your bones break like chalk. From personal experience it feels like your muscle are trying to rip your body apart. I have heard the way trock masters gain the title is by being punched, breaking their attack’s arm and doing all without moving.

Don’t fight trock masters. Don’t fight trock masters

So, what do giants want from trading? Well here’s my best attempt at a quick list and why they want it.

In a time past, giants would pay quite handsomely for smelted metals, however with the invention of a way to smelt metal underwater (see next section) prices have failed. With metals – and most things – the giants value their practical use and little else, they think of gold as just rarer lead. As such they only pay of gold like its lead.

The stone men will pay a good price for wood as they can only harvest it from dry land and the giant dislike entering other’s land when they don’t need to. It is a good idea to know the properties of the wood you sell, no need to sell the good stuff for cheap.

Giants have a ‘love’ for magic, they view it as a tool and they always like to understand every tool they can. However, giants don’t like sunwater or any other magic that alters their use’s mind. They claim the mind in the most important tool in battle.

Blossoms of moon light- small flowers that glow – are of high value to the giants as they allow any who eats them to learn druid magic. If you can find something similar of the arcane song there’s a fortune to be made with the giants.

Information about magic, other ‘intelligent’ life and how other races fight is of high value to the stone men. But giants have a high chance of knowing it already, .

As you probably know already know giants pay for trinkets. However, since they discovered charms, they only value trinkets that have practical use or some magic in them.

[1]The biggest factor in choose who you go to on trading expedition is what you get from them.

[2]The stone men have a lot of loose pieces of knowledge from other races mostly from their raids. In fact, the reason the book “A day in the life of a dwarf, part 2” is so common as giants recovered it in a raid and made many copies of it for the insight to dwarven culture. From what I have heard the book isn’t very accurate when it comes to dwarven culture.

[3]The giants are quite skilled in producing high quality coldworked metals items, much like the dwarves and their forging. I suspect the giants will improve their forged goods, with under water smelting being made possible with arcane music boxes.

[4]While the giants have little interest in art due to its lack of practical uses, they are surprisingly good gem cutters. Most of this can be put down to the fact the materials from the ground obey them as their masters. A giant can literally feel the facets inside and outside a gem, they can force their whole strength along a facet with incredible precision. The catch to this is the stone men care little for beauty, meaning only a small amount of their gem cutting is to bring out a stone’s lustre and beauty. Those few gems cut for art by the giants are only to trade with us might dragons and while they place little value on beauty, they know we do.

[5]You go to naga of druidic magic, you go to the silent singers and the harpies (they said bird people is that not the harpies) to learn about arcane songs. You go to the giants for trock and trock enchantment. The giants know trock in detail, in part because it was the first magic they discovered and thus the first they started to exploit, in part because it is a large part of building new giants.

[6]The giants desire to improve is not limited merely to combat but all elements of giants lives which has led to many interesting things. The one I am most interested in they call clockwork, a combination of gears and springs that though mechanical means do wonderful things. There are time pieces, boxes that sing, instruments that play themselves, tools that move on their own or mechanicals that do math. Now on reading that you might think starstone golems and I’m sad to tell you that clockwork is not as smart as the dumb golems, clockwork only repeats the task it was built for.

[7]If you would permit me to gloat for a moment, I wish to speak about one of my most treasured items, a life size ‘statue’ of a rooster. This creature of glass and bronze once wound up walks forward and periodically leans back then crows. The sound of the crows makes it clear the giants that built it never heard a rooster before. The feature of it I like the most is the glass so you can see all gears move, some of the mechanises are placed so you can get a good look at it. I regret to say a giant tribe built it with me in mind to sell it to, a point which shows how well the some of the giants know me and how much I will spent on a curio.

[8]An interesting item you might want to invest in are charms, they are quite useful. While anyone can make them, giant make then in large numbers and are the most skilled in their construction. While you might doubt their power, their effects are quite real and easy to prove. Among the non-dragon people there are many who buy items of good luck, why not sell ones which you can easily prove work? (for your benefit near the end of this book a means to prove that a fortune charm works.)

[9]The stone men’s latest little wonder of value would be the arcane music box. These clockwork wonders not only sing, they a sing song of the arcane music, clockwork that casts spells. As they are clockwork these arcane boxes can each only cast one spell in one way. Unfortunately, these wonderful devices are quite costly, this is mostly because some parts must be infused with the arcane music. Arcane music is harder to infuse then trock and far harder to learn. As I understand it the arcane infused parts can remain infused when melted or broken down, meaning the boxes can be repurposed if you know what you are doing.

Here is a quick way to convince potential buys, that fortune and wealth charms work: lend the charm to the prenatal buyer for a short time. (spirits will return it to you if the buyer tries to steal it, it’s yours after all) Have the buyer roll a dice or flip a coin, calling the resalt before the roll/flip, if they call it right more times than not, they get a discount. This discount should be what you plan to sell the charm for. The unseen spirits will help the buyer win the ‘bet’ convincing them of the charm’s power. You might need to do it a few times to convince some buyers.

If you wish to get into the business of selling charms, first get some knowledge from the giants about charms. I hope that is obvious. Charms are easy to make, you only need to carve or paint the right symbols, no magic needed. A starstone golem could make them, maybe, let me know if they can.

I fell I must mention that each charm are tools, home and protection of the spirits that like you. Each charm’s type only refers to the tools it provides your spirits to use to help you and your spirits only need one of each tool. Simply if you can choose between buying a charm of a type you already have or new type, the new type is normally the better option.

Join pantheon (1ap): Court of eternal wonders

Krause bring the art of destruction to the pantheon, while through his connection to the giant’s he brings the art of battle.

4ap 2pap
Advanced concept (2ap): clockwork

Nonmagical gears spiring and what happens when you add them together.

Sub concept (2pap): the arcane music boxes
Sub of The Arcane Symphony
The clockwork music boxes with parts infused with the arcane symphony, when wound pregce a single ‘spell’ effect they were built for and (excluding outside factor) do the ‘spell’ the same way. They can do any form of the arcane symphony (sub concept and original) excluding arcane music boxes.

2018-05-23, 09:06 AM
After a number of druids visited the university, Golgari decided she could have her knowledge spread further and faster if she expanded upon their writing abilities. Golgari created Literature and Automobiles, made possible using some magitech she asked some of her mortal followers to buy from the golden pits.

After creating these concepts to help facilitate the spread of knowledge from and retrieval of knowledge to the University, Golgari again felt the world was getting too crowded, so she also created a new illness to help cull more of the overabundant life on the first world. This bacteria created something that was called the Red Rain, and and was carried into the sky, forming the clouds of the first world. Once it matured, it clung to raindrops which formed in the clouds, turning them red and sticky like blood. Now, any creature caught in the rain that lets the rain touch them will have the fungal spores inside them form a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria in the rain, causing the aging and dying process to happen instantly rather than overtime, which usually involves a lot of screaming and vomiting. Pools of rainwater will do this too, so the bacteria has to be killed first before drinking any water exposed to rain lest this happen from drinking it.

Starting AP: 12

Free Advanced Concept 1/2: Literature

Free Advanced Concept 2/2: Automobiles

Free Monsterous Life: Red Rain Bacteria

2018-05-24, 01:53 AM
The god smiled broadly and stretched his filled palm out to the dotem. An eye on the manticore to make sure it did not move to protect its master from his 'benevolence'.

"Once I was much smaller than even you, but I have grown to the fullness of my power and the monsters have learnt that the taste of my flesh is... unpleasant. As for what I am... I have not figured that out yet. I am something else. I desire things and they be. I wanted to eat and never be full and it was so."

The toad's shrug indicated that this is not something it had put much thought into, it simply was and Boanke assumed it would always be. Ignorant to the existence of other beings like it that also desired. Looking around the god's eye was caught by an area of greenery and he directed the dotem's attention to a large stone he picked up in his free hand. For all of Boanke's effort, he could not crush the rock, for he was not strong. Then gesturing to the greenery he pulled and the trees withered, the green turned to white and the undergrowth to ash. Boanke considered the rock in his hand and then dropped it. Lifting a more powerful hind leg he slammed it down and a section of the cliff face behind him plummeted into the Golden Pits behind him.

"And if I desire it, I can share this with you to teach to those you wish. I must ask for something in return though. Say... these creatures and knowledge of the wider world?"

The golden pits

"This is a fair trade." said the Dotem with a nod. "The shambling creatures are now yours. Let me sing them one last song. To give each of them their voice back so they may tell you their individual stories of the life that brought them here. It is sure to be more than even I know."

Convinced now that the trade was good, the hero of Kihjo went to simply claim the water and quench his thirst, unaware of the curses of greed. The manticore on the other hand was more perceptive and aware, maybe not of the true magics but of the toads personality and intent. As the Dotem reached for the water the Manticore struck. His barbed tail lashing out in s flash as he protectively injected its hallucagenic venom into the toads out stretched hand.
The furious Dotem should know better and have more trust in his companion, but his thirst and desire for for the liquid was too great. He scolded the beast and sent it away before turning back, apologising and partaking of the drink.

"Now, that magic?"

2018-05-24, 02:01 AM
A hidden cost- krause

Krause was somewhat pleased with this his work. However, with completing the signature he started to hear voices and thoughts. Perhaps in joining the pantheon forced him to take responsibility for his creations for once.

“SILENCE! I CARE NOT FOR RAIN NOR CORPSES NEITHER SHOULD YOU!! NEVER BOTHER TO ME AGAIN!” The voices stopped or more accurately Krause couldn’t hear them.

The titan walked out of the hall. “God of gods I have done as you asked. Sent me back.”

Though the deep abyss – the abyss

A tribe of giants finally tried reach the bottom of the abyss. They had jumped down, periodically using the stone obeys on their metal armor push them to the walls, where they carved out hand holds. After a time they jumped down again repeating the cycle. Over the days the descent took they hunted the weird fish of the deep, using what glowed from them to make lanterns.

While the giants suffered nothing from the crushing deep, the swim-bladders used in their floats ruptured.

To some of the giant’s surprise the abyss had a bottom, but they reached it all the same. Yet the people they were seeking were further down, it became quite clear how these people were unaffected be the rain.

With not tools but trock the giants dug a tunnel though the stone like it was nothing, the stone being ripped into dust and the dust being thrown in large heaps. After but a minute one of the giants yell “Hold! I feel something that isn’t the ground!”

They stopped digging expect the giant who had yelled out, that giant dug slowly and cautiously. Cutting though only a hand full of solid rock each second. As the wall between the ocean and the core grow thin, A crack formed and the giant stopped. Then after quite moment the crack grow. There was a torrent of water as the whole ocean tried to enter the core through a hole the size of a coin. The giants carved handholds and held on with all the strength they could.

“I NEED A PLUG!!” After a moment they continued. “ABOUT A HAND WIDE!!”

At the top of the tunnel a giant used the stone obeys to carve a solid disk of stone as wide as its hand. The giants passed the disk from one to each other until it reached the giant at the bottom. They place the disk down, it was pulled over the hole and the torrent stopped. Water was seeping through but it was of no consequence to the giants.

They stood stunned for a time, unsure what to do.


Blessing (1ap): blood from a stone.
Creature without physical biological systems (Pi`llar, giants, spirits, starstone golems, undead, Shadowbeasts and Umbrelum(while ethereal)) are immune to disease, even supernatural ones that would normally affect them. They are also harder of undead to notice. (yes, undead find it hard to notice other undead) They no longer age, instead they grow tired if exposed to supernatural aging, of course creatures are immune to their own supernatural aging. In an abundance of supernatural aging the creature benefiting from this blessing enters a sleep like coma until the score of aging is removed.

Creatures that benefit from this blessing can never be considered to follow Krause for blessing, curse or plane rules.


2018-05-24, 03:38 AM
A hidden cost- krause

Krause was somewhat pleased with this his work. However, with completing the signature he started to hear voices and thoughts. Perhaps in joining the pantheon forced him to take responsibility for his creations for once.

“SILENCE! I CARE NOT FOR RAIN NOR CORPSES NEITHER SHOULD YOU!! NEVER BOTHER TO ME AGAIN!” The voices stopped or more accurately Krause couldn’t hear them.

The titan walked out of the hall. “God of gods I have done as you asked. Sent me back.”

Zemirah - Request denied.

Her connection to the plane allowed her time to prepare for the titan leaving the hall. She straightened herself and stilled her laughter. Then he started barking commands again and Zemirah couldnt resist a desire to see him angered once more. So she giggled before answering "You misunderstood Krause, Father of Earthquakes. I in no way promised to return you to where you came. I also asked of you nothing. I made suggestions and you followed perceiving it as an order but I am not responsible for your misunderstandings. You are more powerful for it though I can see that and perhaps that new found power could serve in your own personal discovery."

Zemirah turned from Krause and lead Guerlatta away the two had things to discuss and some serious catching up to do.

2018-05-24, 11:47 PM
Zemirah - Request denied.

Her connection to the plane allowed her time to prepare for the titan leaving the hall. She straightened herself and stilled her laughter. Then he started barking commands again and Zemirah couldnt resist a desire to see him angered once more. So she giggled before answering "You misunderstood Krause, Father of Earthquakes. I in no way promised to return you to where you came. I also asked of you nothing. I made suggestions and you followed perceiving it as an order but I am not responsible for your misunderstandings. You are more powerful for it though I can see that and perhaps that new found power could serve in your own personal discovery."

Zemirah turned from Krause and lead Guerlatta away the two had things to discuss and some serious catching up to do.

Krause – A simple but impossible request.
Zemirah didn’t need Trivium to know what Krause was doing, he was nothing if not predictable. A large bolder landed in path of Zemirah and Guerlatta, the titan returned to his gargantuan size.
“God of gods or other god, one of you is sending my back or telling me how to get back! I don’t care what I have to do I’m getting back!”Krause’s booming voice echoed across all Trivium.
The father of earthquakes formed a giant mace of stone, it seemed Krause’s moment of intelligence and humility had passed.

2018-05-25, 12:03 AM
As soon as the boulder landed Geurletta, left towards it, springboarded off it flew straight up and landed softly on Krause shoulder, still only just larger than an average singer.

Very well quakefather, I had thought perhaps you may do something useful, but it seems you are dead-set on a villains role.

Nonetheless I want you in our presence so I will share with you the secret for escaping, travel two ten days north, and it is ten no matter your speed. Then once there construct a pylon of song and perform the great ritual of transmutation. It is an ancient and powerful secret but the instructions are on this sheet. Said Geurletta handing him a thick yellowed scroll he had conjoired.

With that he leapt clean of the quakefather’s shoulder and landed once more, looking back up with his blank face plate.

Go now quakefather and bother is in more.

2018-05-25, 03:53 AM
A New Fruit
Before the essence of Kihjo was dispelled from the world, he left behind a gift. The gift of immortality. From the ashes of all the ageless and immortal creatures from which it grew, Saptru produced a single fruit from their undying essence. The God fruit. In it was held the secrets of immortality and eternal life. Those that ate it were bound to be recorded in the channels of history.

Once consumed a new fruit would start to grow. It was up to the great Saptru to determine who was worthy of this prize. [hr]

The great tree
Saptru felt this blessing, this great gift, this infusion of the child gods power and trust. While he had never met him, his intentions were clear. Saptru was to become the guardian and home of his people.
The most clear and obvious path for the tree was to ensure nothing else could freely come charging into the core again. With his immense roots Saptru sealed every entrance and surrounded the core. Protecting and defending it.

Now closed off from the rest of the world it was up to the giant tree to supply nourishment for all the creatures. So it did. It took in all the moss, mushrooms, plant, bacteria, different coloured waters and fungus, coupled with some fire from the lake of tears. It could grow or sprout these things anywhere along its body and slightly alter them.

The child God
Kihjo's essence roamed the vast void, drifting aimlessly. Eventually there was a pull from a feeling, a sense of familiarity. But as much as he was drawn to this place his essence could not enter. The owner had supposable banned those that they didn't know. So instead the diminishing spirit of youth and innocence sat idle and alone.

2 AP + 5
Bless,subrace,Mjr atfct,mnr atfct,

Create major artefact. 3AP
Fruit of the gods
-1 Raise hero

Raise hero -1AP

Infuse creature -3AP
Saptru (race)

Alter land -Reinforce core

Create minor artefact -2PAP
RCR The mixing pot. Dishes out effects of existing curses and blesses.

0 AP
Bless,subrace,Mjr atfct,mnr atfct,hero, fabled race

2018-05-25, 10:21 AM
The golden pits

"This is a fair trade." said the Dotem with a nod. "The shambling creatures are now yours. Let me sing them one last song. To give each of them their voice back so they may tell you their individual stories of the life that brought them here. It is sure to be more than even I know."

Convinced now that the trade was good, the hero of Kihjo went to simply claim the water and quench his thirst, unaware of the curses of greed. The manticore on the other hand was more perceptive and aware, maybe not of the true magics but of the toads personality and intent. As the Dotem reached for the water the Manticore struck. His barbed tail lashing out in s flash as he protectively injected its hallucagenic venom into the toads out stretched hand.
The furious Dotem should know better and have more trust in his companion, but his thirst and desire for for the liquid was too great. He scolded the beast and sent it away before turning back, apologising and partaking of the drink.

"Now, that magic?"

Boanke and Druhm El'otis - The Golden Pits

Boanke's eyes went wide as the manticore struck. Divine blood trickling from the wound, swirling into the water disappearing into the lips of the dotem. Unseen on the world below the sun went dark. He stood there, frozen as the last of the water was drunk.

"You DARE!"

Boanke's deep, croaking voice snapped like a whip, faint echoes coming from the Golden Pits below. Still fueled by the life he had destroyed, the toad god leapt to the side. Putting the dotem between himself and the manticore. Outrage, hatred and revulsion playing simultaneously on his toad face.


Trailing off, Boanke shook his great head. A look of confusion overcoming the anger briefly. Snapping back to focus he affixed his eyes on Druhm El'otis and pulled. A smile blossoming as the dotem's eyes became glassy. The mortal fell upon the rocks. The natural order restored, Greed chortled.

"Any more objections to... me taking Orgar? No? But first-"

The toad leaped to backwards to avoid the manticores stinger connecting again. Swaying slightly on the landing. The manticore's second charge caught him though, his flesh being pierced twice more. His vision swimming Boanke flailed at Orgar, a forearm connecting with the creatures torso and it sailed through the air, ploughing through zombies.

This world wasn't real. How had he gotten here? Figures moved towards him, growths on their bodies. He owned them. Opening his mouth, the zombies found themselves leaving the ground. Pulled by unquenchable desire through the Maw. Turning back to Druhm El'otis, he laughed once more. He lifted the body into the air.

"You look so sad thief. Is this not what... you wanted? Are you not intimately familiar with Vitiis? ...You were worried that I'd take your Orgar? Oh don't worry. You are mine now too."

The body jerked. Boanke dropped Druhm El'otis and backed away. Colors played across Boankes vision, swirling. A landscape overlayed itself on the world, trees as far as the eyes could see. Blind to the his surroundings, the toad slipped off the edge and plummeted into the Golden Pits, fading away before he hit the bottom.

Starting AP: 9 AP
Create Mythical Life -2 AP (Vampires) [Shared with Holy-hunter]: To be explained.
Remaining AP: 7 AP

2018-05-25, 07:25 PM
Zemirah - A song of passage

Zemirah laughed at her friend so much like her was Guerlatta he understood the fun of a good game. With Krause dealt with she was free to go back to doing her own thing. She sat down with her harp and started plucking at it. But she no longer liked the sound it made. Slowly the goddess started to tune the musical instrument, she also used her talons to strip some of the strings and replace them with new strands. she plucked some more and smiled the new sound was finished. It was a sound of change and improvement.

So the goddess played a new song changing the way the Arcane Symphony could behave as the forces gathered and moved around her while she played she could feel the change. Zemirah knew she couldnt go to the Umbrelum so she was to bring the Umbrelum to her.

The Umbrelum - United with the goddess

The Umbrelum high council the original of their kind had been perched on the head of Terra'Avis when they heard a new tune arrive on the wind. They took it as a sign and gathered to sing this new song. It needed all eight of them even with their born and bred expertise they sung and they sung. It was three days of singing this new song gathering energy before the great bird and all its inhabitants were swallowed into a rift. The rift sealed behind them and they found themselves drifting through a new place. The bird turned on the wind and headed straight for something it felt was calling to him. Terra landed in front of the goddess and bowed his head.


The goddess welcomed the newcomers. "Welcome mortals, you may walk freely here and alter the land as you see fit, however I have business with the song carrier. so I would ask you to leave him." Zemirah waited patiently for the mortals to abandon the great bird she also watched as the Umbrelum took on her offer and used their infused power to build themselves a city all of it shaped like bird parts the central cathedral shaped like Terra'Avis. Zemirah several feathers from Terra'Avis or at least what passes for feathers for a bird made of earth and stone and trees and water."I will need these later my dear Terra, for now however I am to grant you something unique.... sentience and divine power. You will be like me, except improved."

Zemirah took one of those feathers and pricked her hand. She drew divine blood from herself and began writing upon the bird. She was delicate and careful carving out runes of a divine nature. Then she added the force of her own will. The bird let out a screech that rippled across the plane. in a swirl of arcane energy it took on humanoid form he looked like Zemirah except male he had plain black pants on and a cloak made of feathers similar to Zemirah's dress. upon his flesh he had the divine writings almost tattooed into him they had a faint red glow.

"I am in your service my lady." Terra kneeled before the goddess.

"You shall be my will beyond this world Terra, my arm in the in the first world, my touch upon mortal lives. For now however spend some time with me I will teach you what you need to know"

Starting AP = 0+5 PAP = 2

The Harp Remade (Refocus artifact -3 pap used) The harp has been redesigned to instead grant discounts to sub concepts - (1/10 Artifice (Improvements)

The song of Passage (sub mythical concept artifact used) A new song has been added to the arcane symphony mortals who can use the song can gather together with at least 8 singers and after three days of non stop singing they can travel to other planes.

Terra'Avis The divine (Create Avatar -4) The great bird is now the avatar of Zemirah he looks like her twin except male and serves her loyally. He now has the capability to shift between humanoid and bird form just like Zemirah. - (4/10 Travel (The Planes)

ending AP = 5 - 1 - 4 = 0 PAP = 2 - 2 = 0

Umbrelum Fabled race power. The City in Echoes The Umbrelum have used their divine infused power to build themselves a city in the realm of echoes. at its core a cathedral shaped like the great bird the Umbrelum once called home the door in its chest and a grand chamber in its head where the Umbrelum can look out into the city. The refugee mortals also live within the city.

2018-05-25, 07:39 PM
As soon as the boulder landed Geurletta, left towards it, springboarded off it flew straight up and landed softly on Krause shoulder, still only just larger than an average singer.

Very well quakefather, I had thought perhaps you may do something useful, but it seems you are dead-set on a villains role.

Nonetheless I want you in our presence so I will share with you the secret for escaping, travel two ten days north, and it is ten no matter your speed. Then once there construct a pylon of song and perform the great ritual of transmutation. It is an ancient and powerful secret but the instructions are on this sheet. Said Geurletta handing him a thick yellowed scroll he had conjoired.

With that he leapt clean of the quakefather’s shoulder and landed once more, looking back up with his blank face plate.

Go now quakefather and bother is in more.

A prank taken too far.

Krause looked at the scroll, unrolling it than by pure accident ripping it in half. The god of destruction couldn’t be relied to treat anything with care.

“I am no villain, I was rudely taken from where I was and I wish to return.” The titan explained trying to read the two pieces of the scroll, it would probably would have been easier if he shrunk down.

“God of gods this was all I asked for, perhaps some feats are beyond you. Thank you small armored god.” Krause walked away from the two gods.

After ten days of walking the father of earthquakes conjured a pillar of stone, along the pillar were many holes and tubes. A resonance in the pillar made it sing. It was a slow deep song that would have deafened any mortal in miles.

Krause started a ritual dance, it wasn’t quite what Guerlatta had envisioned, it was slow, only the god’s loud claps remained of Guerlatta’s plans. As the ritual when on Krause moved faster and faster the music growing louder and deeper. Finally, the pillar exploded and the shock wave could be felt and hear all the way at the hall.

Fortunately, The Titan was gone, unfortunately he wasn’t gone of good.

Destruction arrives at the paradise – Elysium

It was a time of merriment and joy in Elysium, then without warning there was a loud deep bang. The noise stripped the leaves of many trees, some were even ripped from the ground. A mass flew through the air, crashing and leaving a long scar along the ground.

Krause tried to stand up, struggling with a ground that couldn’t take his weight. Once the Titan stood up some mortals came to see the giant god, some dwarfs knowing what was coming ran for their lives. Then the farther of earthquakes walked forward tearing up the ground as he moved, some poor fools were buried under the shifting ground.

“Is there anyone here? I have left the place of the god of gods’ dominion, but this is don’t where I was taken from.” The ground shook and nearby mortals collapsed as their bone shattered before the Titan’s voice.

2018-05-25, 08:06 PM
Golgari felt that between the red rain and killer fungus, her efforts to cull excess life had gone too far. So many mortals had died knowledge was struggling to spread because there wasn’t enough population density to pass along her divine literature. Here she invented reincarnation.

Starting AP: 12

Mythical concept (1 AP discount from Honey): Upon death, the soul of a creature is transported into the body of an unborn child. A creature can be born wherever they wish, so long as they are not the same race and/or gender as they were in the last life.

Ending AP: 9

Life (Reincarnation): 3/10

2018-05-26, 02:38 AM
Soul Stealing Shenanigans
Laton was peacefully draining Terra'Avis' life-force when Zemira yanked it across dimensions. Laton didn't enter Zemirah's domain, rather it simply fell off the great bird when it went through the portal. As it plummeted Laton grew enraged, "The nerve of some people to interrupt me like that. How dare they. If I ever meet them they'll be sorry," it thought. Weighed down by Terra's power Laton simply broke through the outer sphere like a meteorite, leaving a small hole and allowing him to fall onto the planet. Laton landed in Ha'lainn, and it could tell that something strange had happened on the surface. It felt a power in the air, like the one that had given it divinity, albeit far weaker. Laton's search led him to a dwarf, wounded and dying. It saw that in the dwarf's last breath something escaped it's body, and Laton followed it. It saw the soul journey around the world for a brief time before being reborn as naga. Laton was amazed by this power and knew it had to utilize it. First, it drained half of the newborn's soul, the naga would be permanently disabled for the rest of its life, but Laton didn't care. Then it took the piece and gave it to a tape worm, and what occurred was remarkable. The worm transformed, taking on a vaguely humanoid shape. It wasn't fully healthy, but it was remarkably capable for something with only half a soul, and it was in far better condition than the naga. Laton realized that the worm's simplicity was the reason for this. The complex body of the naga was built with a soul in mind, and required a soul to properly function. Simple lifeforms like worms or leeches can function without a soul entirely, and when given one the raw power of the soul is able to morph their body as it sees fit, inevitably leading to improvement. Laton decided it would form its own race, by hijacking the soul's of mortals.
The Children of Laton
It dug deep into the earth and hollowed out a sphere of earth. It took the power it stole from Terra'Avis', added its own essence, and used it to change the earth. Instantaneously the place filled with blood. This would be the stronghold of Laton, a place where parasites would be born from the waters and seek refuge in times of crisis. The blood was no longer just blood, but a strange slush that would become the heart of a new creature. Laton was not content with creating a multitude of disparate beings, instead all of his children would be linked together, as one unified force. The slush churned and born from it were worms who would seep to the surface and begin Laton's task. They were the first worms to take soul rather than blood from their victims, and with that material a new soul was stiched together. A soul with many bodies, each mind connected to each other mind and together forming a greater mind than any individual. As more soul was collected the worms grew taking on the a shape like the tapeworm Laton had experimented with, these were the first of the slush-born. But Laton was not content with just that, it made the being call forth to the thieves of the world and draw in their souls, to be reborn as part of the new whole. Laton said to its child "You are a being unlike any other, go and claim all you can for the world itself is your birthright. I will ensure that your pieces will gain the shapes and powers they need to thrive." Content with that Laton flew above again in mosquito form patrolling the skies, on the look out for any new developments, and to see if it could find the being that had been so rude earlier.
Create Land-(2 AP): The Slush sea- A large sphere shaped ocean in the mantle of the planet. It's filled with a slush that's blood red. It can be used for respiration by anything with gills or similar, and can be moved through albeit with some difficulty. The slush is cold and few animals can thrive there except certain worms and similar organisms. The slush provides ample nourishment if drank and is easily digestible by almost anything. Domain:Nature(Worms 2/10)
Infuse Land-(3 AP): The Slush Sanctum- The entire sea is the holy land of Laton. On occasion worms can be born from the slush, further, thieves have a special connection with the place. A middling thief will receive visions of the sphere and if they choose to focus on them will be drawn into it. These people become anchored to the sphere and can concentrate to be drawn downwards into it, or upwards out of it. The sphere will project rivers to allow this to happen. Any thief can breathe inside the sphere and the slush responds to their will, allowing them to rapidly travel through it, see clearly without light, and withstand the cold temperature. Laton similarly has control over the slush, allowing him to remove unwanted visitors, although Laton doesn't automatically know who is in the sphere. Non-thieves will be unable to see any openings to the sanctum on the surface, although they can still fall in or see the slush if they are deep underground. Domain:Nature(Worms 5/10)
Free alter land from holy land-(0 AP): The Slush Rivers- Small rivers of slush extend from the sphere outwards towards the surface. Few of these reach the land above, but those that do are usually large enough for a person to fit in. These are the only easy passageway between the surface and the slush sea.
Create Mythical Life-(4 AP):The Slush-born- This race consists of many bodies with partially united minds and one soul. Each individual has a degree of connection with others, allowing for sub-concious communication across any distance. While bodies do have their own personality they are heavily influenced by the beliefs of the group as a whole, and their actions are partially controlled by the group mind. They don't properly eat, rather any nutrients absorbed are mystically transferred to the slush sea, and individual bodies will make occasional trips into the sea to eat. Their population is kept in proportion to the life on the surface world, to prevent starvation. They are born out of the slush as simple worms, and instantaneously they are connected to the greater soul granting them sapience and morphing their bodies. They exist in biologic castes determined by the needs of the group mind, and the worm will be transformed as such. So far only the basic forager caste exists. These look like strange facsimiles of humans, their skin is bleach white due to their worm origin, they have no hair and their skin is always wet. They have few organs as they are mostly kept alive by the strength of their soul, thus putting pressure on them feels like pushing gelatin. They have no toes and their feet have no arch. They have no genitalia or fingernails either. Their teeth are all pointed and sharp. They feel no pain and can regenerate most wounds, albeit slowly, so killing them requires crushing them into paste. Their job is to scour the surface for food. They drain the blood of any animal they come across, and steal the life from trees or plants. Especially important is to hunt for souls. They'll search for the sick or wounded, and stalk them for several days slowly weakening their grip on their souls magically, until they can take a small piece. This goes to their group soul, and is used to create more slush-born. No member has an individual soul. The piece removed doesn't cause major harm to a mortal, but it may weaken their bodies and minds, and those who are quite sick or old may become close to death. This effect is permanent and many mortals who seem to be naturally weak or have a genetic disease actually had a piece stolen in a previous life. The foragers usually hide underground or in sewers and rivers while they do this. The aggregate mind of each caste has its own name and acts as a quasi-being, especially when dealing with other races, and the aggregate of the aggregate is the mind of the entire species. For foragers its called Guton. Domain:Nature(Worms 9/10)

2018-05-26, 03:57 PM
Geurletta- Old friends

So Shadowsinger, Says Geurletta, allowing his armour once more to evaporate to glowing motes. How has your time been since we last had the opportunity to talk? I see you have chosen to bring your own kind of life into being and that they have worked closely with those saved by the one I guided.

2018-05-29, 04:10 AM
Krause reach beyond. - Arkan

It was a quiet time near the mighty continent of Arkan, an older giant was trying to convince a younger giant of their tale.

“I saw it with my own eyes, he was as big as the legends maybe bigger. He was pulled away by… something taking him somewhere, it’s hard to describe. It was like he was pulled behind something that wasn’t there.”

The young giant was having trouble believing Krause was pulled out of the world, but they started to think differently when the water started to swirl. Waves started to move like there was a whirlpool and the sky turned. A grey dust seemed to come from nowhere, the dust kept coming until it was a great sand storm unlike any seen before.

The dust coalesced into a massive humanoid figure floating above the water, after a moment the figure splashed into the water. The avatar of Krause looked just like him but it didn’t more like him, it seemed to sway and move at random. It seemed only half there mentally, murmuring parts of words and acting like it was listening to someone speak.

The giants took no chances with this distracted Krause and ran far from Arkan. Most of the giants only looked back when krause’s avatar was well below the horizon but they didn’t stop running.

The more things change – Ha’lainn

Life hadn’t been simple for the dwarves since their god had been defeated, they payed every day she would rise up once more and yet nothing. Even if she never rose again they would be happy and thankful for all she had done for them. If nothing else the hot ash rose up of her mountain Ha’lainn seemed to weaken the deadly red rain.

The people of Ha’lainn have made contact with many of the other societies of the sphere, this trade had truly helped them return to their former glory.

On this day while the rainbow aurora was high in the sky, the dwarf’s ancient enemy returned. It started with something like grappling hooks bigger than a dwarf were throw over the wall, their chains pulled taut by something under the waves. The breakers defending the wall tried to remove the hooks only to find them too heavy and too dug into the wall. Running up the chains were giants, using some unseen magic to balance themselves while the sprinted. Trock infused hammer meet trock hammer, armors rang like bells as the fighting grew more vicious. In spite of the giants’ skill and strength it seemed the dwarves might win this battle, then the giant’s unleased their ace in the hole. Without the giants ever touching them the dwarf’s weapons and armor moved under the raids’ will. A chance at victory turned to a great defeat, the giants gathered the injured dwarves at a spot on the wall, quite pleased with themselves that no dwarves had died.

One of the giant jumped down from the wall and walked forward. “Now!!” A dwarf yelled as two doors opened. From the doors came a tide of burning hot lava racing towards the giant. Much to the dwarves’ horror the lave parted around the giant, never coming within 5 meters(16 feet) of them.

“All stone and metal obeys our will. Not matter its form.” The giant explained trying not to sound smug. The giant walked to the side of the lava flow unaffected by the rising heat of the lava. Once the raider was out of the lava flow’s path the ground beneath them was ripped into dust, many dwarves could do little more then watch as the giant entered the tunnels.

In the tunnels the dwarves tried to fight back the intruded with whatever they could, eventually settling on wooden furniture, rope and sheer numbers. After a minute the giant emerged from their tunnel with several dwarves holding on to them. The other giants weren’t too pleased with their companion that had run ahead while they were trying to secure and destroy the wall.

The giant walked to the wall and jumped up, all while trying to remove the dwarves cling to them as they did. “A little help.”

The giant’s leader whistled some song and two of the giant grabbed and motioned to throw their companion into the ocean. Most of the dwarves let go, but some called the giant’s ‘bluff’ only to end up holding on to a giant sinking to the bottom of the ocean. They all let go and swam for the surface, passing the other giants caring the grappling hooks as they went.

One dwarf drunk on sunwater was unwilling to let the giants retreat under the waves again tried to follow them in a boat. He only got a short distance out to sea before a discus shot thought the boat skinning it and eventually forcing him to return to land.

With the raid over the dwarves turned to fixing what was broken. While many where injured, some quite horribly so, no one was dead. A more pressing concern was that while magical healing was working, no matter its form it was taking far longer than it should have. The giant’s damage to the wall was easily repaired, the damage to the inner tunnels took a lot more work and some was never fixed at all.

The dwarves know the giants wouldn’t have tried such a ride of their god was active and while their god slept the giants would raid Ha’lainn again.

Starting 5ap 2pap

Make avatar (2ap 2pap): Krause’s avatar looks much like him but mentally it doesn’t seem 'all there'.

Infuse race (3ap): giants
Giants are now Fabled life. On top for what giants are already they have the following.

First no matter how strong a giant is they (and their possessions) can with stand the force of their own strength.

Giants may have their strength equal that is a nondivine creature near them, no mortal magic nor force can directly change the giant’s strength boosted in this way. However, indirect means like weighting them down or using their normal strength and stone obeys strength in tandem work normally.

All giants, ever those that don’t know trock can use stone obeys and those that know trock can use it on things within 6 meters of their body. Giants that know trock may choose to make injures they inflict take longer to respond to magic altering them. Whether this healing or shape shifting such injures keep this property until healed.

Finally, giant’s body acts like trock infused armor, spreading force across their body and weakening the effects of harmful magic on the giant be a tenth.

0ap 0pap

2018-05-29, 06:07 AM
Geurletta- Old friends

So Shadowsinger, Says Geurletta, allowing his armour once more to evaporate to glowing motes. How has your time been since we last had the opportunity to talk? I see you have chosen to bring your own kind of life into being and that they have worked closely with those saved by the one I guided.

Zemirah - Old friends

I have done rather well for myself. I rule here, and my Umbrelum have proven themselves quite powerful... Also did you hear the good news? Im the god of gods now, hahahaha.
Though the god Krause concerns me his rage is intolerable and he lacks any kind of decorum. What of you? how have you been?

Zemirah unconciously petted Terra on the head even though he was in human form. She spotted a scar on his body, a sight that shouldnt be possible, she was immediately concerned. But was reserved enough to know to deal with it later.

AP = 5 PAP = 2

2018-05-30, 10:01 AM
Guerletta- Old Friends

Ah yes, I saw a little of your Umbrelum truly wonderful creatures I must say. Well trained in the musical arts, though I have only heard of a few grand adventures. Still there is much time left for that. As to Krause, those who seek glory always oppose those who seek destruction, in some ways this is ideal.

As for myself I’ve been fairly busy, teaching the mortals of heroics, music and martial arts. Travelling around and watching heroes bring people together, bringing themselves glory and winning over the crowds. Truly a great thing to do.

Ha’lainn- Getting up again

Crouched in the rubble of a house destroyed in the giant’s aid there lay a dwarf named Fargrim scarred and hungry but with such a look in his eyes of pain it was hard to approach him. As their god had slept while the giants came some dwarves had shifted to look for other deities and he was one of them, riders from silent singer tribes had brought gifts of food and lumber after the attack. With them they brought the power of the Arcane Symphony and the worship of a being who focuses on individual strength and the importance of heroics.

He was crouched there in prayer and remained so for some time, until at midnight a messenger descended. Clad in shining silver armour in spoke to him in quiet tones. Fargrim, son of the mountain, take an axe cleft of bone and head across to the north. There you will see the path for the God of war, after that he will gift you your vengeance. Fargrim found himself unable to react staring up at this avatar of Godhood, yet he could feel stirring inside himself a new desire and a new ability to journey on.

Next morning he began working on packing food and acquiring the axe of bone. Three days hence he left the city, Weapon in hand to find vengeance or to die trying.

2018-06-01, 09:12 PM
At the Arena
Preceded by a massive rumbling, Sheloth's minster creating machine rose from the water onto the shore of the volcano housing the divine arena. On board the massive machine, a pi`llar smiled. Following the directions of a dwarf whose trading vessel he had captured, he had finally arrived at the spot of a promising new endeavor. From what he managed to extract from the dwarf before he extracted his life, he expected this to be quite the interesting experience. His three other companions leapt from the machine and headed for the area building. Ja`gher soon followed them, but not after giving a command to the monster creating machine. The machine turned and began circling the arena. The massive machine began outputting massive round boulders. After creating thousands of those round boulder-like objects, the machine wandered back towards the ocean and stopped right below the surface. Under the bright lights of the radiation storm, the stony orbs began unfurling. Eight long spindly legs emerged from their bodies. On the front of the newly formed monsters there were a set of venomous fangs in front of a large, tooth-filled maw. From their backs, a massive segmented tail swung back and forth. The monsters began spreading out and looking for something to eat. Some of the newly formed Pillapods began rolling towards the arena.

Create Monstrous Life: Artifact Charge
Raise Hero: Ja`gher
New Total: 4 AP + 2 PAP + 5 AP - 2 PAP = 9 AP

2018-06-07, 03:41 AM
Terra'Avis - Return to the first world

Terra left the realm of echoes after spending time listening to Zemirah. He made his way to the first world and set upon his duty acting on her behalf. The first thing he did was place down three massive eggs.

"My first children... you will hatch and your power will be like me a protector of life... Unlike me you will bare sentience your whole lives"

He then placed a protective barrier around them to give them time to safely hatch. Terra then left the music hall where he left them to explore the world like he hadnt before.


Zemirah Pulled up her power and channled it into a Mirror that she created in hall of music on the realm of echoes. Looking through it she could see into the music hall where she watched her avatar proudly as he created those eggs. It took a lot out of her but Zemirah was for now... content.

Starting AP = 10 PAP = 2

The children of Terra (Create Mythical race -4) The three children of Terra will be exactly like him in that they will be massive birds of stone and grass and dirt and trees. Unlike Terra they will be sentient they will also be able to reproduce. - 8/10 Travel (The planes)

The Cross roads blessing (Counter bless - 2 pap used) Used to build a bridge to the first world for the realm of echoes.

The Mirror of Echoes. (Bridge Plane -2) The Mirror acts both as a way for Zemirah view the first world though only as far as her music hall and for things to travel to and from the realm of echoes. The harmonizing sounds mirror each other in the hall and create a beautiful sound. - 10/10 Travel (the planes)

ending AP = 10 -4 -2 =6 PAP = 2 - 2 =0