View Full Version : Star wars saga edition, non force user melee optimization

2018-04-17, 11:04 PM
I am usually a human Mando with heavy guns and armor. And I am with a "good guy group"

That being said, I am starting a new SWRPG saga edition. The GM wants us to be game brakingly OP, due to our campaign on taking down and rebuilding the sith order. "Bad dudes"

Three party members
1. D&D genius: going to be the sith of proficiency
2. 6years D&D: hunky dark Mando who know exactly what to do
3. Me, less than a year of D&D: NON force user (human)noid

I need help with an optimized anti force-user melee build. One that can rivel the greatest duelest to include grevous himself. IF I can find a way to sneak in condition strike, it would be a big help.

Tall order I know, but if we put our heads together we can do it.

2018-04-18, 06:43 AM
1. Wrong subforum, you won't get may replies here.

2. Nonforce melee...you could rework my Counterpunch-Halt (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22933547&postcount=5) build for nonforce. Alternatively, if your GM allows you to have a couple of minions, you can use the Mandalorian Brute Squad (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22814318&postcount=6) from my Old Republic campaign.

2018-04-18, 08:33 AM
1. Wrong subforum

Is it? I thought SW:Saga was d20, much like Modern. Anyway, this is better left to the mods.

I'm interested in this thread as I find myself in a similar situation :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-18, 09:28 AM
1. Wrong subforum, you won't get may replies here.
the d20system logo in the core rule book says otherwise.

Selene Sparks
2018-04-18, 12:12 PM
The optimal melee combatant in SWSE is a droid.

Now there are two primary ways of doing this: the efficient way, and the early way. If you're doing this the efficient way, then the single most important thing is your Use Computer roll, because a droid can rebuild basically their entire character with a successful roll. Then what you need is a remote processor, a remote receiver, a remote receiver signal booster, a backup processor, and a hidden core. Now you're basically a lich. The actually important bits can be on the other side of a planet, and so if you die, it's a mild inconvenience. Then you can just build yourself like a normal kill-bot. It's especially worth keeping in mind that droids can body hop, admittedly at a cost, so you can start with awful physical stats and huge mental stats and then jack a new body at the cost of a level.

For the early way, you simply be a labor bot, made by Balmorran arms because you get a +1 for no reason, then you just be a soldier with maxed strength, power armor as soon as you can get it, and then take Heavy Duty Actuators(SGtD) and Hammerblow(LE) talents and the Slammer(SGtD) and Echani Training(KotOR) feat. These together let you double your strength bonus to hit, so you'll never miss ever, and, since, as best I can tell, SWSE doesn't have D&D's multiplier rules, multiply your strength bonus to damage by 8. This means you will flatly murder everything in basically a single hit for a very good chunk of the game. Further investment in damage is possible, but likely inefficient, so there are several routes you could go. One involves telescopic limbs and the cleave line to murder squads of mooks, as mooks hurt in SWSE unless you dipped scout. Defensive Jab, Counterpunch, and Retaliation Jab can let you throw out more attacks in a different way especially if combined with Hijkata Training. This would mean you could punch twice when you fight defensively, get an AoO if people attack you, another if they actually hurt you, and just automatically deal Strength flat if they miss. You could even combine Shield Expert and Power Supply to give you stupid good DR. Beyond that, you'd just want the basic droid upgrades, which are jetpacks, so you can fly, stealth gear, shields, and so on.

2018-04-18, 01:46 PM
I never got too deep into melee, but I do remember 3 fun things.

1- their is a shortsword thingy that was designed for deconstruction of ships. It did some extra heat damage or got a bonuse to break things or something.

2- A tazer riot shield. I think you could add a few tricks to it too.

3- the dc to turn two ammo packs into a bomb was super low.

The bad news is I don't remember what books those are in. I can book dive tomorrow if ya ewant and I remember.

2018-04-18, 11:11 PM
Thank you guys.
I am narrowing down and I figured out what I am going to do.
Basically General grevous that is a crime lord. I did say my group is ment to be both VERY bad as well as OP.
My destiny is to take over the biggest crime bosses.

And we are playing our SW saga RPG on roll20

2018-04-19, 12:20 AM
1) This probably belongs over in the "Older D&D and Other Systems" section, rather than the 3.5/PF system.

2) Star Wars Saga is really weird. The game mechanics overly rewards force-users for hardcore focusing on force powers in the early game, with lightsaber combat largely only becoming viable at the higher levels (partially due to finally getting a number of abilities that put lightsabers on par with ranged weapons damage-and-threshold-wise, and partially because you need good HP/Threshold to even consider primarily using a melee weapon in a system that includes large-scale vehicle combat or extreme ranged combat at all (seriously, even just point-blank range for the vast majority of ranged weapons is something ridiculous, and that's without getting into vehicle weapons that can instakill you from across star systems if they manage to deal with the size penalties). So you end up with padawans using the force in favor of their blades, with only master force users whipping out sabers to duel...just like...in the films?

3) Very generally speaking, if you're wanting to make a broken combat character, you want to get somebody that can knock people multiple steps down the condition track - if you cram enough cheese into a build, you could actually get a character that can knock somebody from "fine" to "completely unable to act anymore" in a single hit, which is the goal - a lofty one, but still. If bringing such a character online takes too long for you, or if you're more wanting a force-user yourself, general advice is "take Skill Focus UTF, get a whole bunch of Force Powers somehow, and revel in how it's more or less impossible for people close to your level to resist your force abilities". A final option for a broken character (which admittedly I'm only assuming is broken and haven't actually looked all that much into how it fares in general) is to play an Ace Pilot (with or without the PrC); the idea here is "space combat is super-deadly even for high-level characters, so I'm going to make myself near-impossible to shoot down while still able to plink away at people with ship-scale weaponry". Downsides of this option include "what if I can't just go everywhere in a vehicle", which is a legitimate concern, but I'm sure you'll be able to figure out a way around it.

4) If you're wanting an anti-force-user build, you could probably try out the pilot or condition-track-killer builds I alluded to in the previous post, tacking on a Droid Race for extra goodies (namely, being immune to mind-affecting stuff, which IIRC includes a number of the force powers that detect creatures). Droid also pairs well with pilot just in general, partially because the skill to fix yourself and your vehicle is the same (Mechanics) and partially because space isn't instantly-fatal for a droid the way it is for non-droids.

2018-04-19, 12:30 AM
1) This probably belongs over in the "Older D&D and Other Systems" section, rather than the 3.5/PF system.
No, its in the right spot. Its a d20 system game. Its got the logo and everything.

The forum for conversations specifically related to the rules and procedures of Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, 3.5 Edition, or any fantasy game using the d20 system or a variant thereof (commercially published or not).

2018-04-19, 01:09 AM
No, its in the right spot. Its a d20 system game. Its got the logo and everything.

Even ignoring that 5e is a variant of the d20 system, and yet it's not in here for some reason, I guess it's just a coincidence the vast majority of the SW Saga threads are over in the section I mentioned. :smallwink:

2018-04-19, 03:13 AM
Even ignoring that 5e is a variant of the d20 system, and yet it's not in here for some reason, I guess it's just a coincidence the vast majority of the SW Saga threads are over in the section I mentioned. :smallwink:
I've never seen a 5e book with the d20systems logo in it. Hell, the 5e books don't even mention the d20system in their copyright info, other than lumping it in under "other WotC products and respective trademarks"

Though after reading the definitions for both subforums I can see the confusion. Star Wars is definitely Science Fantasy, not Sci-Fi though and should belong here. I mean hell, Jedi get called space wizards all the time.