View Full Version : [IC] My Hero Camelot

2018-04-18, 11:23 AM
The rain that had been hammering down all morning has finally eased, and a few weak rays of sunlight were trying to break through the remaining drizzle. Unfortunately, it was too late to stop the field in front of them from turning into a muddy swamp, but this was England. It came with the territory.

In front of the horde of hopefuls stood a man in his late fifties, wearing a suit of armour polished enough to gleam despite the conditions. It took no effort to indentify him - Arthur Drake, headmaster of Camelot, one of the most successful heroes in British history, and all around embaressingly dedicated to his King Arthur theme.
“Welcome, all of you,” he begins, voice ringing out clear across the field. “The very fact that you stand here now means that all of you possess the desire to become a hero, and for that I could not be more proud of each and every one of you. It is a path filled with hardship and sacrifice, but the world that lies at the end of it is one that is a better place for all within it. Would that we had the capacity to teach you all, but we are only human, and so must unfortunately choose between you.”

“Ahead of you lies a course that will allow us to gague you on almost every aspect of a hero’s duties, and see your potential and flaws accordingly. There are three stages - the fields before you, where you will be met by our machines. While they pose little threat to you directly, the area is also filled with actors in need of rescue. Beyond the field lies an old base. It’s corridors are guarded and trapped, but you will need to bypass them to reach the entrance to the underground passages beneath. There, in those lightless caverns, hides the grail. Reaching that will be your objective.”

“As for how you will be scored, know that myself and the other teachers will be watching everything closely. I won’t tell you what we’re looking for - what you believe to be the most important aspect of a hero will tell us as much, if not more, than anything else you can do on these grounds today. The test will begin in five minutes, and… good luck, to all of you.”

He steps back, leaving easily over a hundred of you with a scant few minutes to collect your thoughts, and ready yourselves for the task ahead. Or to scope out the competition.

2018-04-18, 12:18 PM
Tobias Greenheart

Tobias looks around at the field before being alerted to Arthur Drake's voice. This is it, his time to shine, show his parents, sister, and the whole darn world how great a hero he'll be. Well, at least take the first step on that path.

The instructions sound clear enough, though not knowing what you're going to be marked on sounds annoying. A mixed approach is probably best, find a route that has a lot of the actor in 'danger' and rescue them on the way to the grail. Speed in completing the task and compassion. I can probably leave some firebird's behind when I go into the old base and only use one to clear out the traps, so the others might be able to rescue some more actors from the robots Tobias thinks to himself.

The other candidates seem to be standing around awkwardly, but Tobias isn't content to just wait. They might not be able to go out just yet but he can get a good position near the start line and begin to stretch in preparation. Tobias also focuses for a bout half a minute, making five firebirds pop into existence around him one at a time. The first one gives out a quick screech as they flaming bird bursts into existence, as he's curious to see how the other students will respond to this display.

When all the firebirds have been created he directs them to head upwards and begin surveying the place. They don't travel past the start line yet as the time hasn't been called, but Tobias didn't hear any rules about an altitude limit before the start and the aerial view can help him determine where he and his birds have to go. It does take some focus to control the birds, which he knows will slow him down, but he figures the knowledge of where to go and the extra firepower they give will be worth it.

2018-04-18, 12:26 PM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

Among the potential students was a brown-eyed boy dressed like an aviator, though the sleeves of the jacket were cut off to expose metallic orbs where his elbows would be, the orbs had many openings that rested on tracks in the orb, there is a warm glow emanating from the openings.

James took in a deep breath, partly to allow it to sink in where he was standing right now, and partly to calm himself; this is it. This is where he will take his first steps towards making his family proud! James begins doing some stretches to limber up while he looks around at the other candidates, one releasing some flaming birds caught his eye, but it would be hard to miss that. He also scanned around for Violet, there is no way she wasn't here.

"What's most important to bein' a hero? Gotta be savin' others right? Still, I gotta show how fast I can be..." James thought to himself. He took another deep breath as he thought about his dad and sister; he can't let them down now.

2018-04-18, 12:36 PM
Kaiten had an inkling of what was coming when the smell drifted into his room, and his suspicions (concerns, if we're being honest) were confirmed when he rolled into the kitchen to see his family seated around the table, a big breakfast laid out before them.

A big family breakfast would not normally have been an ominous thing, but normally it would have been on a Saturday. That it was happening today of all days meant trouble.

His original plan had been to snag a banana and a couple granola bars and munch them on the way. And, you know, he gave it a shot, rolling to the counter to grab the banana and...you know what, he went for an apple instead. Redirecting his course to the pantry would create a delay that they would exploit. "Hey guys, bye guys, wish me luck!" he said as he passed through.

"Hey! Hold up!" Aina called out before he could make his escape.

"Kaiten, your father prepared us breakfast this morning. Come, join us," his mother added, a little too calmly.

Kaiten gritted his teeth, turning about. "Ah...yeah, thanks, Dad, but I gotta go! Or I'm gonna be late. Rain check?"

Had this matter actually been about breakfast, Kaiten might have held to hope that that excuse would work. However, since this matter was not actually about breakfast...

"Kaiten..." Mika said, a gentle smile on her face. Her voice and look conveyed both insistence and apology. At least she had the dignity to acknowledge the ambush for what it was.

With a defeated sigh, Kaiten rolled over and took a seat at the table. The tactical response to an ambush was to break the opposing side's momentum as quickly as possible. "Alright, guys, I'm doing this. I think I've made that clear at this point. I know you're not all happy about it and I'm sorry and I promise to be super careful and all, but my mind's made up here."

"Your grandfather was careful, too," his mother reminded him, quietly, but pointedly.

"We just want what's best for you, son. And to be frank, we don't believe this is. It is your life, and we will not force you to live it a certain way, but you ccannot expect us to just be silent when we think you are on the wrong path."

"Or when we think you are in peril."

"We're just worried about you, Kaiten. Don't be mad at us for that, please," Mika said, setting a hand on his arm.

Kaiten let out a hissing sigh. "I'm not-" he cut off as he saw Mika's lips and eyes already twitching up into her patented "don't you tell me you're not feeling what I feel you feeling" smirk. "It's just frustrating. You guys don't know what it's like. No, not even you, Mika. No Quirk comes without its downsides, sure, but there's a difference. Your Quirks come with difficulties, or disadvantages, or side effects, but not with limitations. Any one of you could easily be heroes if you wanted. Mom, you could do...like, literally anything you set your mind to. Dad, you learned how to use your powers to heal, but you could have just have easily learned how to use them for, like, I dunno, physical enhancement or something and done any number of things. Or you could walk into Sumato Tech and get a job developing new medicines in a heartbeat, and not just 'cause you're married to the CEO. And you two could switch jobs with each other in a moment, or do pretty much anything that involves 'talking to people' and be amazing at it."

"You have options, and power, and you know what I have? Spinning! What other jobs can I do with that? Driver, maybe? Like, I dunno, circus performer?"

"There is energy generation. With your power, you could-"

"Yeah. Great. I could be a living hamster wheel. Make things go around in circles endlessly without actually going anywhere. And the best part is, my life would be a metaphor for itself!" Kaiten returned sarcastically.

"You know, no one ever said you had to take a job that involves the use of your Quirk. That's kinda the concern here, you know. It's like, I didn't know for sure I wanted to be a lawyer back in high school. It was on my list, sure, but there were other possibilities. After I had been through it, and learned a bunch of stuff, and graduated, then I decided to major in law and even then I had time to change things around before law school. But if you go to UA...you're just putting a lot of your eggs in one basket, you know? And a lot earlier than I think is really wise. Now, don't get me wrong, I think you'd do great as a hero. But I think you could be pretty great at whatever you put your mind to, whether it made direct use of your Quirk or not. And even if it doesn't, you could still use your Quirk for like...super-fast commuting and ignoring traffic which, just, trust me, we a- Err, Mika, Dad, and I all envy you for." Mom had a personal jetpack, so she couldn't quite say they all envied him for it.

"Not the same. And the thing is, I do know for sure I want to be a hero. Yes, I could do other jobs, but I could never excel at them the way I could at a job where I can put my Quirk to active use. I could decide I wanted to be a doctor, or a scientist, or a lawyer, or a performer, and I could learn how to do it and probably do it fine. But even if I learned all the same stuff that you guys did, practiced just as hard, I'd still never be able to come close to the level of success you guys have, because on top of all that you have supernatural powers that let you do those jobs better than any lesser Quirk would allow."

"That's just pride, Kaiten. I mean, I get wanting to prove yourself but...come on. You know you don't have to prove anything, right? Least of all to us."

Kaiten, in fact, did not know that, even if the fact that Aina had said it meant she sincerely believed it was true. Her Quirk prohibited direct lies, but did not preclude honest errors. Nonetheless. "That's not the most important thing, anyway. As a hero I can help people. There are people out there who will actually die in the future who I can save. Maybe, who I am the only one who can save. That's worth the risk, and it's darn well worth the opportunity cost. Plus, the money's pretty good."

"But that's not really what it's about, is it?" his mother asked, with the cool, precise tone of voice that Kaiten knew meant she was drawing deeper from her power. Whether for calm, or in hopes of finding an argument rational enough to sway him, he could not say. "It isn't a matter of pride, or money, or even helping others, is it? Not at its core. You've made clear your feelings on how your Quirk compares to ours, how you feel limited, like you lack power. That's what it all comes down to, isn't it? You see this as a way to punish us, make us feel limited and powerless, unable to stop you from throwing your life away."

"Mom!" Aina protested sharply, while her father more gently set a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Honey..."

"You...you don't mean that," Mika said, although her voice lacked the conviction it normally carried for speaking to what was in the hearts of others. Her mother had never been a particularly easy read for the empath, and the deeper she fell into the cold logic of her powers, the harder it became to know what she truly felt.

"Am I so wrong? He knows the pain his actions cause to us. Either he wounds with intent or with apathy, but it is demonstrably not out of ignorance."

Kaiten stood up.

He had grown up with a sister who could know his every feeling, and another whose integrity was supernaturally confirmed by every word she said. It lent their arguments a credibility that was difficult to deny. Even so, he'd rather debate the both of them than his mother. Given sufficient motivation, she could always find the most damaging argument, and the way her power worked, if she could find it, she would have little qualm about using it.

It was one thing to confidently shrug off claims of being worried about. Kaiten knew the concerns were sincere, but he was also convinced they were misplaced, and so they didn't sway him.

It was another thing to be told, by his family who loved him and who he loved, that he was hurting them, that he knew he was hurting them, and that there was even reason to believe that he was intentionally hurting them. That the latter was not true was of only minor relevance; both of the former were, and merely lending credence to the possibility that it was his desire to cause them pain sickened him.

His father and his sisters never would have said such a thing to him. Below a certain threshold of her power, he believed, his mother wouldn't either. That did not make the sentiment any less sincere.

And if he possessed her power, if he could cast emotion and sympathy aside to make the very best argument, he might have challenged her claim with one of hypocrisy. That her words were only intended to manipulate his actions by causing him pain as well. And she knew it full well - her heightened intellect could not have failed to seize on that fact.


Except Kaiten knew his mother would not resort to the use of her power solely to "win" a family argument. She knew that when she fell into her power in her interactions with them, it caused them more harm than good, every time. He knew - or, at least, he refused to believe otherwise - that she was not running further towards the cold logic of her Quirk in an effort to find an argument; she was running away from her own feelings.

The way her power worked...whatever level of pain she was able to rationalize inflicting on him came in an effort to avoid at least that much pain that she was feeling. And that thought hurt worse than any argument his mother's superhuman intellect could devise.

"I have to go," he said through clenched teeth, trying to keep any expression off his face. His mask wouldn't have fooled either of his sisters for a heartbeat.

"Kaiten...wait, come on, she didn't-" Mika said, trying to forestall him.

Kaiten was already moving, though, and he did not slow.

Running away from his first conflict as a hero-in-training wasn't the most auspicious start to his career, but he saw no way to continue the conversation without causing further pain.

Kaiten had only just managed to arrive before the announcement, but hey he had made it on time! Points to him. Now that the wiry, dark-haired, brown-eyed boy was standing amidst the crowd, looking over all the others he was competing against...yeah, he was feeling a little nervous. There had to be like a hundred people here! And the odds were that most of them had better Quirks than "spinning". (Evidence in favor of that theory: the dude who was summoning up an entire freakin' team of phoenixes! Even if Kaiten did get in, he was starting to think that the words, "I can make stuff spin. It's better than it sounds!" were going to be a common refrain for him in the coming days.)

Now, that alone wouldn't have worried him. Kaiten may have been the weakest of them, but he was still a Suru. He put a not-inconsiderable amount of power and skill behind his seemingly-dinky little Quirk. But the thing was, this was a group of people looking to be heroes. Sure, maybe some of them had wildly overestimated themselves, but he doubted it would be a majority. They would put power and skill behind their Quirks as well. And in a group of people like that...well, Kaiten already had some experience with that situation. And his experience was, it left him decidedly at the bottom rungs on the ladder.

Kaiten had a little bit of a habit when he was nervous. He unconsciously pulled a fidget spinner out of his pocket and set it going with his powers. Those who knew him knew that the speed at which it spun was a pretty good way to measure his stress levels. (His empathic sister Mika was quite certain she could come up with an algorithm for it, but she hadn't yet because A) she hadn't taken the time to sit down and do it and B) she hated math.)

But suffice it to say that right now? That little fidget spinner was going considerably faster than a mile a minute.

Headmaster Arthur's (okay, it was probably more appropriate to call him Headmaster Drake but...come on. The other guy wasn't King Pendragon, was he?) introduction didn't exactly set his mind at ease. Kaiten had kinda been hoping this would be a straight beat-em-up. A test of combat prowess. There, at least, he was pretty sure he could do well. But this setup - enemies to fight, people to protect, obstacles to overcome, and a goal to reach, and most importantly, precisely zero indication of which one mattered most - not only made versatility of Quirk more valuable, but also demanded the question, ignoring matters of Quirk, do you have what it takes to be a hero?

And thinking that, the fidget spinner halted cold as Kaiten clenched it in his fist and pointedly stuck it back in his pocket.

I am the grandson of Dean Stations. You're darn right I do!

2018-04-18, 01:05 PM
Diana stood amongst the other hopefuls, (until proven otherwise she certainly wasn't going to call them her peers) four tendrils reaching out of her jet black hair to lift her (and her designer outfit) safely clear of the muddy field and of course ever so slight above those around her, appearances were important after all. Silently she nodded along with Headmaster Drake's speech, her extra limbs and the sheer amount of physical force she could bring to bare left her well placed to deal with phases 1 and 2, for the last part she'd have to improvise.

"Luck?" She thought "I don't need luck."

As far she was concerned this whole thing was a foregone conclusion and with five minutes to spare there was nothing left to do but judge scope out the competition. Craning a little higher on her tendrils Diana cast her imperious gaze across the assembled students, trying to pick out anyone that might be a threat or perhaps could be useful to her. This lasted precisely as long as it took for a phoenix to burst out of nowhere, as more followed her tendrils tensed...

"No! No! No! Don't you dare!" Even with a supreme effort of will there was nothing she could do to stop her pyrophobic monster from retracting back from whence it came and send her dropping in to the mud below.

"Stay calm...nobody probably even saw that..." She tried to convince herself as she wiped the mud off her burning red face and pulled herself to her feet.

2018-04-18, 01:11 PM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"No! No! No! Don't you dare!" Even with a supreme effort of will there was nothing she could do to stop her pyrophobic monster from retracting back from whence it came and send her dropping in to the mud below.
The shouting distracted James from his search for Vio-the competition, and turned around in time to see someone take a dive into the mud, so to speak. James jogged over and looked to the girl, "You all right?" he asked as he offered out a hand to help her up.

2018-04-18, 01:47 PM
Wild Thing
Hero Point: 1
Condition: Normal

Kat looked around at the crowd of hopefuls. Today, she had cat-ears and a spiked collar, a look she thought gave her the proper combination of attractive and badass. None of the other kids looked like they had a quirk as powerful and flexible as her own, even the boy with the firebirds, as flashy as it might be. Still, he had the right idea. Kat shimmers and shrinks, taking on the form of a powerful falcon, and takes to the skies.

Using Animorphism to become a hawk, with the following changes:
Redistribute 2 Strength to Agility
Shrinking 8 (-2 Size, -2 Strength, -1 Speed, +4 Dodge/Parry, +8 Stealth, -4 Intimidate); 16 points)
Flight 4 (Wings, 4 points)
Senses 2 (Extended Vision, Low-Light Vision); 2 points
Enhanced Skills (Close Combat Unarmed) +4 (2 points)
Enhanced Skills (Perception) +4 (2 points)
Enhanced Parry 2 (2 points)
Total cost: 28 points

Temporary Sheet to track Variable on: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oUsxjh_YPWarvbaoCan8qtjt5rxWrWw1vneduWe7gvk/edit

Perception Check: [roll0] - with Extended Vision, so only lose -1 per 100 feet

2018-04-18, 02:07 PM
"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Just a little bit of a..." Come on Diana, think! Oh god it was in her shoes! Those socks were silk! "...mishap. Those birds are quite something aren't they?" She said, trying to play the whole thing off as she daintily took the hand that James offered and got back on her feet, brushing as much mud as she could off of her front.

"And what should I call my rescuer?" She said, favouring the other student with a smile that been honed through a lifetime of charity galas and dinner parties.

2018-04-18, 03:11 PM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you. Just a little bit of a..." Come on Diana, think! Oh god it was in her shoes! Those socks were silk! "...mishap. Those birds are quite something aren't they?" She said, trying to play the whole thing off as she daintily took the hand that James offered and got back on her feet, brushing as much mud as she could off of her front.
"I'll say," James nods in agreement, stealing another glance at the sky. A bird joined them up there? No way a normal one would want to fly around some flaming birds. Hmmm... getting a bird's eye view of the place doesn't seem like a bad idea... but... flying's kinda hard.

"And what should I call my rescuer?" She said, favouring the other student with a smile that been honed through a lifetime of charity galas and dinner parties.
James' attention snaps back to the girl, "James, James Wright," he answers, "Though... rescuer seems a bit much... ah... what do I call you?"

2018-04-18, 03:27 PM
"Oh don't be so modest, it's unbecoming." She said, running a hand through her waist-length hair that was still twitching in a breezes that wasn't there, mostly to try and work out the mud (if anyone had captured this on film it could be devastating to her reputation) but also to try and soothe her monster.

"Shhh, shhh, it's okay." It was like having a big, stupid, family pet living on the back of her head, she couldn't stay mad at it.

"Diana Andringham-Henley." She told him, watching him for some sign of recognition, whilst the Baroness Andringham was a fairly minor footnote in the royal family tree her father did own a rather successful, if disreputable, newspaper. "Those orbs look interesting, might I be so bold as to ask what it is you do?"

That's our girl, still not missing a chance to scope out the competition.

2018-04-18, 09:11 PM
Condition: Normal
Hero Points: 1

Orion looms over the smaller students as he scopes out the competition and potential quirk. He needed a way to get to the Grail faster. While he wasn't slow by normal standards, some people here probably had speed quirks. That reminds him. He should manifest his armor.

Orion encases himself in an oversized suit of armor which elevates him off the ground. His attention is caught by the hair monster and the girl it was attached to. He walks over to them and says,
Don't like fire much eh?

2018-04-18, 09:51 PM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Just a part of my Quirk, these he-"

He walks over to them and says, Don't like fire much eh?
The large armored chap arrives right then, prompting James to give him a perplexed look from behind his goggles, "The bugger kinda conversation starter is that?" James wonders to himself.

2018-04-19, 11:54 AM
He didn't recognise her name, that was annoying, how was she supposed to impress on people the proper pecking order if they didn't know who she was? Diana's train of thought was interrupted as another boy walked over, she didn't recognise him and that meant that he certainly wasn't the sort of person that got to just walk over and start talking to her.

"And you are?" She asked the newcomer imperiously, fresh tendrils reaching out from her hair to lift her off of the ground and meet his eye line. Diana considered having to look up at someone to be ceding ground, it simply wasn't done.

2018-04-19, 12:16 PM
"Orion Drake. Pleasure to meet you. Didn't happen to catch your names?"
Orion sticks out his hand.

2018-04-19, 12:20 PM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Well at least he's polite," James thought to himself as he reached out to shake Orion's hand, "James Wright, pleased to meet you," James introduced himself.

2018-04-19, 12:30 PM
Diana watched Jack shake the new boy's hand "Thank goodness, now I don't have to." she though with some relief.

"The Honourable Diana Andringham-Henley." She offered to Orion, still not sinking back to the ground, Jack had helped her up and so got some leeway but the other boy's overly friendly tone meant that he hand to bare the brunt of her full title, perhaps then he'd understand why that simply wasn't acceptable.

2018-04-19, 09:44 PM
"Kind of a mouthful, no offense intended. Also, the Honourable? Like a Judge?"
They both seemed like good people, even if Diana was a little weird. But then again he sucked at first impressions.

2018-04-20, 06:09 AM
A mouthful? That was his reaction? Does nobody pick up a newspaper any more? Internally Diana scowled, but on the outside she was still wearing the same practiced smile, there was no reason to let anybody know just quite how frustrating she was finding this situation.

"Hardly, my mother is the Baroness Andringham." She explained, rising just that little bit higher, of course the whole effect was somewhat undermined as another pair of tendrils sprouted from her hair and started to sniff around Jack and Orion's feet like excitable dogs."He likes meeting new people..." She said with a sigh, this really wasn't her day.

2018-04-20, 06:26 AM
Should I...uh... rub its "Head"?
Orion tries not to stare at the length of hair wrapping and sliding across his feet. He wasn't sure if it would be rude to move it off but he didn't want to give a bad impression if it was.

2018-04-21, 03:58 AM
"If you like." Diana said with a little bit of a smirk "It had two goats this morning so you'll probably get to keep your hand."

She was kidding, probably...

2018-04-21, 05:07 AM
Orion regards Diane for a second before deciding to go for it. It'd just end up eating itself anyway. He scratches the probing end of it.
What does it do?

2018-04-21, 08:46 AM
Luck: 2/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Daughter of a Baroness?" James wondered to himself while the hair monster sniffed away at himself and Orion, "That... does explain a thing or two."

"If you like." Diana said with a little bit of a smirk "It had two goats this morning so you'll probably get to keep your hand."
"I... think I'll pass if it's all the same to you then," James says.

2018-04-22, 02:32 AM
"Of course." Diana snapped her fingers a couple of times and the tendril sniffing around Jack began to retreat back in to her hair, trailing its way through her hand for yet more attention before it vanished entirely. The other one however stayed exactly where it was, happily rubbing itself against Orion's hand, very much enjoying itself.

"That's no question to be asking a lady now is it? You first." She replied to Orion, her tone subtly shifting as she switched from talking to Jack.

2018-04-22, 02:43 AM
"Very Well...I have this armor. Makes me tougher. And the fun part is that when something hits me, it basically hits it self,"
Orion spreads outs his hands to show off his armor.
He turns to James
What do your elbows do?
He internally cringed at the way it sounds.

2018-04-23, 02:26 AM
"Interesting." Diana filled that little bit of information away for later, Headmaster Drake hadn't said they couldn't work together with the other hopefuls, teamwork was a virtue after all and it was only proper that someone of her position had an entourage.

"Yes, I believe you were going to tell me about those mystery spheres before we were interrupted." She said, turning her attention back to Jack.

2018-04-24, 04:06 AM
There's a loud clang, as Arthur slams his sword into the ground.
"I think that's been long enough to prepare," he says, as mechanical knights rise up behind him. "Your test begins, as of now!"

2018-04-24, 10:26 AM
Luck: 2/2 >> 1/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

There's a loud clang, as Arthur slams his sword into the ground.
"I think that's been long enough to prepare," he says, as mechanical knights rise up behind him. "Your test begins, as of now!"
"Whoops, no more time for chat!" James immediately pulls down his goggles and gets some some room so as not to accidentally hurt anyone, "But this ought to answer your questions! Good luck!" the sound of air being sucked in can be heard before the emitters on the backs of both elbow spheres emit jets that sends James rocketing forward!

James darts his way past doing his best to get by the metal knights, simultaneously he tries to stay alert for any of the 'bystanders.'

[roll0] re-roll result of 21 in OOC.

2018-04-24, 12:47 PM
Diana's tendrils tensed up and braced themselves as Jack fled the, frankly quite awkward, conversation, finally it was time to get started!

"Good luck!" She called after Jack "And good bye." She smirked at Orion before rushing towards the field, leaving him in the dust carried by a veritable nest of black tendrils sprouting from the back of her head. Something about the boy rubbed him the wrong but now she was finally rid of him, or at least she would have been had one of those tentacles not lashed itself around his midsection and hauled him in to the air.

"Wait! No put that down! That isn't a...!" Internally Diana seethed but tried not to let it show, just dropping him right now would look bad on the test, why couldn't she have grabbed Jack instead? No no no, she could work with this, hauling the large boy in front of her without breaking her stride she fell back on the most basic thing here parents had taught her...

"If you want to be useful keep an eye out for civilians understand?"

...ordering people about.

Endless Tentacles Set Up
Speed 6
Enhanced Strength 3
Elongation 1

Perception to spot civilians [roll0] (Why don't I have any ranks of Perception??? :smallconfused:)

EDIT: Good enough I guess :smallbiggrin:

2018-04-24, 12:50 PM
Here we go, Kaiten thought as the knights rose up. There were rather a lot of them...

So, what's most important to being a Hero? Well, that was somewhat hard to define, but combat effectiveness was certainly an important factor.

Kaiten's whirlers and the wheels on his skates started spinning...and off he went. He aimed for the first small knight in his path, basically skating past it to try to clock it with his whirlers on the pass. "Let's go then!" he called out in challenge, showing kinda more confidence than he strictly felt.

But then again, that was part of being a Hero too.

If that worked out well for him, hey, he'd go ahead and repeat the process a few times. Why not? He chose a path that would carry him further through the field, ideally coming up against one of the bigger knights, although if he spotted a group of "civilians" in peril, he'd head their way instead.

Move: Into Close range of the nearest small knight.

Standard: Attack with Spinning Strike. If this is a Minion, Routine the attack for 18. Otherwise, [roll0]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage, Fortitude DC 18+Multiattack vs. Dazed/Stunned. If the small knights are Minions and this one drops, he'll use Takedown 2 to continue through the battlefield walloping them until one of them manages to survive.

Move-by Action: Unless his first target is still up, continue moving further through the battlefield. Ideally, he'll end movement in the vicinity of either a group of imperiled civilians, or one of the big knights, if he finds any. If Perception is needed for that: [roll1].

If on the enemy turn an enemy that he can see successfully attacks a civilian that he can see, he will Interpose.

Current Status: Normal.

2018-04-24, 01:36 PM
Wild Thing
HP: 1
Condition: Normal

Kat tried to memorize the path before her, but... thrusters? She felt vulnerable as a bird. So she flew a little into the field, but not too close to any thruster-bots, then transformed again. It's bear time!

Move action to fly into the field, move action to turn into a motherf***in' bear.
[roll0]: Perception to look for people to rescue (While i'm still a hawk)
Temporary sheet (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oUsxjh_YPWarvbaoCan8qtjt5rxWrWw1vneduWe7gvk/edit)

2018-04-24, 07:13 PM
Orion was about to charge into the Knights when a tendril of hair grabbed him. He felt dizzy. After getting his balance, he heard her question.
He thinks to himself,
"Atleast I get a ride!"

2018-04-25, 05:02 PM
HP: 1
Luck: 1/1
Condition: normal

It was interesting to see the others take in the sight of his powers. Some tensed up, some used there own powers following his lead and a few flailed about. He thought that girl had actually fainted for a moment before she picked herself out of the mud. She seemed familiar, and as she chatted away with the others he recognized her name. Diana Andringham-Henley, I've heard of her family before, might have seen her once or twice before at the fancier events my family went to. We're a little more new money than her old though. Still, it doesn't look like she's going to do that well here, too focused on the state of her dress, falling over at the sight of my birds Tobias thinks to himself. The others it's hard to say, but their chatting hardly feels like it's getting them ready for the trials ahead.

The birds let him know the best course through the place, leaving Tobias ready to go the minute the Headmaster says the word. He runs ahead taking the fast path that won't have him running into any knights while commanding the firebirds to fly around close to the ground and search for anyone to rescue. With their speed and the fact that five of them can work at once, it'll be easy to rack up some nice rescue points while also letting him get to the grail fast.

The firebirds have been updated to have enhanced hearing and sight, so they should be able to make out the flying robots as well, though they were always going to be pretty close to the ground so they could rescue people. I'll roll once for their perception though I could roll individually for them if you want kjelfalconer

2018-05-01, 04:58 AM
James quickly becomes one of the first in the pack, but his awareness pays off. He spots more than few bystanders, many of them trapped beneath rubble, or pinned by machines. There's enough for everyone, but that means that, even with his speed, he's going to have to choose who he helps.

Diana makes quick, if somewhat erratic progress, her slight elevation allowing her to pick out more people than she otherwise would. Whether or not she could lift rubble while carrying another person was another matter, but there was only one way to find out.

Kaiten swiftly drops several of the smaller knights, as he careens towards the closest large one. Though he attacks it, he's lost just a bit too much momentum at this point to do any real damage, and is suddenly keenly aware that he's surrounded by not just the large one, but several of its smaller friends.

Collated robot attacks:

With Kat's vantage point, she can easily pick out the people that need saving. On the other hand, turning into a bear has made her a fair bit more noticeable to the robots.

Collated robot attacks:

Orion holds onto the hair that's grabbing him, but between the hair and the being vaguely tossed about, he doesn't see much of anything.

Tobias manages to dodge the majority of the robots, though a few do make opportunistic ranged attacks at him as he weaves between them.

Collated robot attacks:

Make an attack roll for the firebirds

2018-05-01, 05:13 AM
HP: 1
Luck 1/1
Condition: normal

Tobias is glad that these things can't aim worth a damn, he loses most of his ability to dodge when he has the birds in semi autonomous mode. He hopes to lose any attackers once he breaks away from the other students and progresses further. After the firebirds lock on to their targets they swoop down like giant birds of prey descending upon the robots terrorizing the 'civilians'. All five of them dive down over the battlefield and Tobias makes sure that they won't explode on impact. While it's generally a useful feature to take down enemies, here it could cost him points if the civilians are hurt.

All out attack decreases the defenses of the birds by two for the next turn, but increases their bonus to +6. Attack roll =[roll0]

Edit: oh yeah, the damage rank from them is +12, so dc 27 toughness saves for the robots if hit.

2018-05-01, 02:15 PM
Kaiten's whirlers still spinning like propellers attached to his arms, he himself went into a blurring spin as the knights attacked him from all directions. Standing still, the spinning of the whirlers seemed to make two disks of thrumming metal, and Kaiten spun so fast that they practically made a cylindrical shield around him. Blow after blow was deflected harmlessly aside; a faster warrior might have been able to get a strike in before it was deflected, a more skilled warrior might have been able to time a blow just that perfectly. But the knights came nowhere close.

Kaiten had to grin as the flashy maneuver worked like a charm.

"And for my next trick..." Kaiten said in a low, dramatic voice. And he spread his arms out to the side, the gears inside his whirlers spinning to extend the light aluminum staves out to their full length, and in an instant, Kaiten took the pent-up energy of his previous spin and released it, instantly reversing its direction with violent speed, the whirlers flying around him as he tried to take out every knight who had closed to attack him!

All the spinning would, conveniently, also give him a nice three-sixty view of the field.

Standard: Whirlwind Attack. All enemies in 15' get Dodge DC 18 for half, Toughness DC 23/19 vs. Damage, Fortitude (which they're probably immune to but whatever) DC 18/14 vs. Dazed/Stunned Affliction. The effects may repeat in future rounds from Cloud Area and Secondary Effect, but only if Kaiten stays in the same spot. Kaiten is immune to critical hits while this power is active.

Move: Active Perception to look for people to rescue: [roll0].

Current Status: Normal.

2018-05-01, 05:06 PM
Luck: 1/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Ah! Okay James, think think think think...!" James was fast but he couldn't be in multiple places at once! Oh god that robot's near the civilian! "Sod off ya metal git!" the elbow jets roar and propel James towards a robot bearing down on a civilian! He circles around so that he's between the civilian and the robot, and uses that circling momentum to throw a punch at the metal robot!

Move Action: Move into melee range between robot and bystander.

Standard Action: Unarmed attack vs. Robot [roll0]

Result of Standard Action: If attack meets or beats its parry, the robot needs to make a DC21 toughness save.

2018-05-02, 08:37 PM
Wild Thing
Hero Point: 1
Condition: Normal

With a roar, the bear charged the nearest robot to savage it!

Move action: move towards robot.
Standard Action: maul robot (power attack for 2)[roll0], DC 25 Toughness vs Damage and DC 20 Strength or Dodge vs Grab if it hit.

2018-05-03, 12:00 PM
Orion attempts to stabilize himself to no avail. He didn't want to slow down Diana by asking her to move slower. He keeps quiet and keeps searching for any chance to gain some points.

Dice roller's working wonky for me. If my roll holds up your post, feel free to roll for me.

2018-05-04, 10:27 AM
Diana smiled...well at least in Orion's direction, he could follow orders! Maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"If any of those machines try and get to me or the bystanders, you stop them." She said to him as she came to a halt and placed him back on the muddy ground, he had asked earlier what exactly it was her monster could do, well now he'd see.

Turning her attention to the nearest person trapped under the rubble, her hair rose up from the back of her head like striking cobras and scores of black tendrils rushed towards the debris, attempting to haul it in to the air and snatch up the by stander underneath.

Quickness 2 (Limited to Physical Actions)
Elongation 3 (Quirk:Extra Limbs Only) - 60ft Reach
Enhanced Strength 7 (Limited:Non-Damaging, Quirk:Extra Limbs Only) - 3 ton lifting capacity

2018-05-04, 12:16 PM
Orion scanned and stood guard on Diana. He was ready to throw himself at any robot which attacked.

2018-05-09, 11:29 AM
The firebirds cleave through the robots, with enough ferocity to singe a few hairs on the civilians, though they show enough restraint to avoid doing any actual damage to them. Still, they're obvious targets, and a blast gets sent at them. However, they prove too elusive a target, and the attack passes harmlessly through the swarm.

Kaiten's equally flashy attacks also bring down a number of the machines, and while his spin does reveal a handful of nearby civilians to him, it's not actually much more effective than just looking, on account of the fact that he's spinning really fast. Alas, he isn't quite fast enough to deflect lasers, and gets clipped by a stray blast.

Two degrees of toughness failure.

James makes it just in time, and his punch lands just hard enough to crumple the front of the attacking machine. It's hard to say if it's destroyed or not, but to seems to be treating itself as such.

Wild Thing bears down on them with all the fury of a terrible pun, and shakes apart one of the robot with his beary sharp teeth. The stress clearly proved unbearable.

Diana's rescue proves a hair raising experience for the nearby bystanders, as the rubble (which proves to be shaped to allow space for the actors to fit under it) is lifted off them. The fact that she's able to do so while continuing forwards is a fact which saves both time and points.

Orion, despite his current situation, is able to manoeuvre himself well enough to block the hits of a pair of robots set to stun. Though the first is rebounded harmlessly, the second catches him before he can fully recover from the first, and he definitely feels it.

One degree of failure on a toughness check, so just a -1.

2018-05-09, 12:07 PM
Luck: 1/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Alright! I can do this!" James thinks, encouraged by his successful attack just now! He turns to face the 'civilian', "It's down for the count! Get to safety!" feeling a little more confident, James re-ignited the jets and rocketed forward once more! Next robot he sees harassing a civilian he attempts to strike as he passes by before zooming to the next one!


Well if he can hit it.

Move Action: Move toward goal, detouring for any robots harassing civilians. Movement rank 7 (1/2 a mile) for the GM's reference.

Standard Action: Unarmed attack vs. Next Robot [roll0]

Result of Standard Action: If attack meets or beats its parry, the robot needs to make a DC21 toughness save.

Conditional: If and only if the robot was downed by the attack James will use Move-by Action to keep moving.

2018-05-09, 12:54 PM
Kaiten spun off the worst of the laser barrage, the telekinetic field surrounding him as he spun deflecting much of the energy. It was enough to kinda pin him down, though.

Well, fortunately, he had a target right here.

He kept up his spin, continuing to wallop any robots that had survived the original attack. But with each rotation, as his whirler reached the big robot, one of the blades secreted within spun out to make a quick cut before slipping back inside. The robot had weathered his initial assault well enough, but how would it take the addition of blades?

Move: Dazed.

Standard: Attack the big robot with Buzzsaw. Since this switches the array, Kaiten is no longer crit immune, but the repetitions of his original attack can still trigger. Attacking at [roll0], critting on 17+. On a hit, Toughness DC 23 vs. Damage, and if the Toughness save fails to beat DC 18 it also loses Toughness equal to the points below (it doesn't have to roll a separate Toughness save against the Weaken). And there's also a Fort save vs. Impaired/Disabled but again presumably immune.

End of Turn: Cloud Area triggers. All robots still within 15' of him (including the big robot) have to make another Toughness save, DC 23 if they passed the original Dodge save, DC 19 if they failed it, vs. Damage. My understanding is the attack wasn't actually resolved against the big robot last time, so it just gets Dodge DC 18 for half, Toughness DC 23/19 vs. Damage. Since the repetition occurs at end of turn, any damage or Weaken the robot suffers from Buzzsaw will apply here.

Current Status: 1 Bruise, (Dazed ends).

2018-05-10, 10:51 PM
Satisfied, Kat moves ever forward, mauling the innocent robots in her path towards the next tier of the challenge. She doesn't go out of her way to rescue people, but if they're on her path, she'll do it. I guess.

2018-05-11, 01:48 PM
"Are you okay?" Dianna asked Orion as he threw himself in front of the robots weapons, not that she was concerned about him or anything, heavens no, but if he couldn't even take a hit then he was only going to slow her down. Regardless his maneuvering did give her enough time to ferry the bystanders over to the safe zone.

Waiting for the boy's response (she had manners after all) she quickly began formulating her next move and as soon as the words left his mouth she was ready with her next order.

"We're moving"

With that a tentacle tried to wrap around Orion's wasted before Diana was once again raised off of the muddy ground by a bevy of black limbs and she began to scramble towards the next challenge.

Elongation 7 (Quirk:Extra Limbs Only)
Enhanced Strength 5 (Limited:Non-Damaging, Quirk:Extra Limbs Only)

And then

Speed 6
Elongation 2 (Quirk:Extra Limbs Only)
Enhanced Strength 4 (Limited:Non-Damaging, Quirk:Extra Limbs Only)

2018-05-11, 08:38 PM
HP: 1
Luck 1/1
Condition: normal

This is pretty easy, though it is only the first stage off the test. He sends them out to rescue more 'victims', searching for ones that the others would run into, and using their flight to get there first. Tobias knows that he isn't the fastest, especially with his attention divided between controlling the birds and running, so even following the best path he's likely to be beat by some of the other students. He could divert them with his firebirds, but that seems like a decidedly 'unhero like' action. Far less so is to have his birds swoop in to save people just before the other heroes would get to them. It'll hopefully stop them from getting any points for rescuing people without slowing him down at all, and getting him those rescue points as well.

Bird's perception to spot the victims closest to the other competitors [roll0]
Assuming they spot them well I'll have fire separate attack rolls for each of the birds and to decide which of the other players they beat out to the victims, using the same attack trade off as before.
1. [roll1]
2. [roll2]
3. [roll3]
4. [roll4]
5. [roll5]

2018-05-12, 12:39 AM
I am fine. Robots don't hit as hard as I expected them too.
He lets the tentacle wrap around him before getting yanked away.

2018-05-19, 05:06 PM
James manages to take out the robot as he zooms past, the hulking mass caught unawares by his sudden strike. For a moment, it looks like it's going to strike back first, but it simply can't react quickly enough, and crumples to the floor. To his surprise he's overtaken, as another boys zips past him, trailing white sparks that crackle around him.

Kaiten continues to throw himself at the larger robot, and while his newest assault does seem to be chipping away at the armour, his previous attack does little to it. It goes to kick him back, but another boy jumps in front of the hit, only to be sent sprawling. Bruised and bloodied, he drags himself back up, and throws himself at the machine, his blows at least denting it.

Kat is among the earlier candidates to reach the bunker, though a few, like the speedster, are already ahead of her. Inside, the room quickly branches into multiple corridors, weak artificial lights flickering and casting the room in an acid glow. At a glance, there doesn't seem to be anything stopping her from advancing, but there's no way they;d make it that easy. Though the girl who came in behind her seems to think so, and certainly crosses the space without any impediment.

Diana (and by (hair) extension Orion) arrive not long after Kat, alongside a girl riding a giant tabby cat. Where said feline came from is another matter, because there was definitely nothing like that at the start line, but for now at least, they have bigger things to worry about. Like the fact that almost as soon as they enter through their door of choice, a whole group of robots burst through a nearby wall. Really, they were probably a little overeager, and waste the surprise, but they do all open fire. While one goes for Orion, shooting wide, the other two go for Diana, and, suspended in mid hair as he is, he can't be in two places at once. Not that it matter - while he takes one attack, which bruises some ribs, even as it takes out the attacker in response, the other doesn't even manage to fire its gun, as the entire arm malfunctions.

One degree of failure on a toughness check for Orion, but he does take out the attacker in response.

Tobias continues to find and save more people as he runs, though he does have a slight altercation when his birds nearly have a mid air collison with a man with actual wings growing from his back. Though it's something of a distraction while he attempts to not accidentally take out another student, there's thankfully nothing in the immediate area to take advantage of the opening.

2018-05-19, 05:21 PM
Kaiten gritted his teeth as the other student jumped in. That was irksome for two reasons. One, he was trying to solo the thing, just jumping in was rude. Two, it meant he had to stop his whirlwind attack so as not to hit the guy! While also meant he had to spend the time to redirect his momentum and so now he couldn't try some maneuvering trick on the thing!

However, the guy had taken a punch for him, and whether or not Kaiten felt he needed it, it would still have been rude to react angrily to it. "Uh, thanks," he said a bit awkwardly as he redirected the energy of his spin to skating around the robot, lunging at it with his drills again. "You okay there?" Plus side, if he had an ally here, there was no sense in not playing it more aggressively.

Move: To a new position, so the Secondary Effect of Whirlwind Attack doesn't trigger this round and hit the other student. Still in Close range of the robot.

Standard: Attack the big robot with Buzzsaw, All Out Attack for 5, Power Attack for 5, at [roll0] 27 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23084201&postcount=14), critting on 17+. On a hit, Toughness DC 28 vs. Damage, and if it fails to beat DC 23 (not counting any Bruises for the Weaken portion) it also loses a point of Toughness per point below.

Current Status: 1 Bruise, -5 Defense this turn, mildly annoyed but being chill about it.

2018-05-20, 01:20 PM
Things were going swimmingly, she'd they'd saved some of the bystanders, they were making progress and Orion was proving himself far more competent then she had initially given him credit for. The giant cat certainly raised some questions, largely about the nature of its rider's Quirk, did it gigantify a tame animal? Manifest as an independent feline entity? It wasn't exactly the most pressing matter right now but knowledge was power and an Andringham simply didn't operate from anything less than a position of power.

Now safely out of the muddy field her monster placed her back down on solid ground and she regarded the robots in front of her with disdain "Go." were the only words she felt necessary as she waved a hands towards the mechanical assailants, whilst she'd learned that she could mentally command her monster long ago, the commands and gestures still lingered as affectation and force of habit.

As soon as the word left her lips (maybe a couple of seconds before if someone was particularly sharp) tentacles surging out from her head towards the machines in a torrent of hungry black mouths, each one of them clamoring and squirming over the others in an attempt to be the first one to draw blood.

Free Action: Pump enough points in to her Dynamic Array to reach the robots
Standard+Move Action: Inescapable Tendrils Both of them make a DC23 Toughness Save vs Damage

2018-05-20, 03:18 PM
Luck: 1/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

To his surprise he's overtaken, as another boys zips past him, trailing white sparks that crackle around him.

"Blimey! Who was that?" James is briefly taken aback by the guy who just zoomed right past him; surprised enough to just keep on his way to the bunker without much other thought.

2018-05-23, 03:27 AM
Tobias Greenheart
Hero Points 2/2
Condition: Normal

The progress is slow compared to some of the other people zooming ahead with their quirks, but Tobias is stuck at a far slower speed trying to control all the birds and keep on moving. Still, by spreading the birds he's sure to get a lot more rescue points, however that'll be calculated. He could get a couple of them to work together, turning off their firey auras and lifting him to go faster, but that's a risky move. None of the birds are strong enough by themselves to carry him, and trying to fly together while carrying his would be awkward, might be harder for them to dodge, which the other classmates have proven is a very real issue. No, best to just stick to the plan for now, save tons of 'civilians' along the way and let the few who get ahead be slowed down by the second stage while he catches up.

Firebirds pull of same attacks as usual, toughness save dc 25
1. [roll0]
2. [roll1]
3. [roll2]
4. [roll3]
5. [roll4]

2018-05-23, 04:40 AM
Orion winds up his fist and slugs the nearest robot. He couldn't let Diana have all the fun now could he? He trusted her hair would handle the ones on her side and his quirk to protect him (Or at the very least get revenger) on any attackers from the other.


2018-05-28, 04:11 PM
Kat follows after the girl who rushed past her, figuring that she'd take the brunt of whatever traps were in there. And hey, maybe she'd get bonus points for helping someone out of a jam. She took her bearings and trundled onwards.

2018-06-17, 05:53 PM
Kaiten's blow strikes hard, shearing the robot's leg hard enough that it's clearly having trouble moving it. Surprisingly, it continues to fight, though it's reach is clearly suffering, and it's counter attack fails utterly to hit your new ally, despite the fact that he's making no attempts to dodge whatsoever.

The robot is staggered, and lost... quite a lot of toughness.

It attacks your new friend, but misses horrendously.

Diana's hair lashes out with quite some ferocity. Though the machines make a valiant attempt to fend it off, there's little they can do against a foe that can worm it's way between every tiny gap in their armour, and rip them apart from the inside out. Had they been made of flesh, it would have been unlikely those watching would have held onto their stomachs. As it was, Diana would merely need to wash oil out of her hair later.

While another robot appeared from behind, the girl and her cat pounced on it before either Diana or Orion could react, the animal soon picking bits of metal out of it's paws.
"Your beast is less refined than my own, those I suppose it's... sufficient, in combat. Very well. I suppose I shall have to allow you to accompany me further into this dismal place." She pauses, before sighing, and adding "Catherine Kyle. Lady Catherine."

James makes it to the bunker without much further trouble - the few machines who attempted to impede him were easily dodged, and taken care of by other participants. One is even brought down by a handkerchief chain projected from a top hat. Once inside, the room splits into two directions, neither obviously the correct one. The room is oddly quiet, but there are marks of previous combat - a few knights lie broken on the ground, still sparking gently.

Tobias' birds prove to either be incredibly effective or incredibly useless. Anyone who didn't know better would have assumed his entire attention was on merely two of them. The other three don't even come close to the enemies, two of them even having to abort an attack after they nearly collide as they attack the same target. The two that do strike, however, strike true, ripping apart a machine each, and blazing a trail ahead to the bunker. Though greatly behind many of the other entrants, Tobias does make it, his birds even more obvious in the slight gloom. Their light reveals, in addition to two normal passages, what appears to be scrape marks by a third wall, though no obvious entry presents itself.

Kat's plan is a simple one, simple enough to be fool proof. Let other person trigger the traps. She certainly took no pains to avoid any. And yet, space that she crossed with no issue bares its fangs at Kat, as a wall slams outwards, pushing her through the adjacent one. The wall was clearly set up for this, as it broke far too easily, but it still smarts, and now she's lost her guide.

And also there's two robots staring at her.

Just a -1 to toughness.

2018-06-17, 06:03 PM
Luck: 1/2
Hero Points: 1
Condition: Normal

"Well, nothing ventured..." James thinks to himself before taking a deep breath... underground... but the halls don't seem too bad... this won't be too bad, this won't be too bad...

After one more deep breath he takes a right and zooms down the hall!

Acrobatics to nimbly dodge any traps! (if this doesn't work for you let me know): [roll0]

2018-06-17, 11:58 PM
Now they were getting somewhere! And it was a good thing too because he was kinda falling behind (flip side he doubted many of the students who had rushed ahead had bagged one of the big robots so hopefully that would even out). Kaiten extended his whirlers, coming around in a hard swing for the robot's injured leg and- no! It was a feint! All a feint! In a sudden blur, Kaiten tapped his powers to spin him in the opposite direction, coming at the robot's uninjured side with the whirlers spinning full speed, raining blow after blow on it while it was hopefully off-balance defending its injured side.

Move: Agile Feint the robot at [roll0]. Insight or Acrobatics or it's Vulnerable against Kaiten's attack.

Standard: Attack the robot with Spinning Strike, All Out Attack for 5, at [roll1]. On a hit, Toughness DC 23+Multiattack vs. Damage and it still won't care about any fancy Fortitude stuff.

Current Status: 1 Bruise, -5 Defense this turn.

2018-06-18, 12:46 PM
Allow? She would allow her to join her? Who did she think she was talking to? Luckily she happened to know that the girl in front of her was merely borrowing that title, her mother was Lady Kyle and that meant that her mother the Baroness outranked her. It was time to make sure she knew exactly where she stood in the pecking order.

"But there is something to be said for raw energy don't you think?" She said, idly fussing a tendril that had wrapped itself round her hand. Where the machines fell her monster was still tearing chunks out of the robots, normally she'd have called them back by now (it was only going to have to spit that up later) but leaving them be served her purpose for now. "Perhaps you'll get more than one next time hmm?"

"But where are my manners? Diana, Baroness Andringham, or are we done with our mother's titles, Catherine?" She continued with a smirk "And this is Orion." She gestured to him with her free hand "A little rough around the edges but he's been a splendid Man Friday so far."

2018-06-18, 03:43 PM
Tobias Greenheart
Condition: Normal
Hero Points 2/2

Tobias looks around the gloomy bunker as he tries to coral his birds better. Controlling all five at once is difficult still, but the advantages it provides are too numerous to ignore and switch to single target control. The scrapped ground seems like there is a third path, one which might be more advantageous to follow, but what if it's a trap? No matter, I'll just have to go through it as best I can. Still given the size of my birds and the passage ways it'll be useful to check out the other routes as well.

Tobias commands three off his birds to work together and annihilate the wall in front of him while the other two scout the other passages. After they destroy the wall, he heads through the opening, sending the remaining birds ahead of him to scout it out as well

Three birds working together forces the wall to make a DC 32 toughness check.

For the birds scouting things out
left passage perception [roll0]
right passage perception [roll1]
and then the three in the path I opened up [roll2][roll3][roll4]

2018-06-18, 11:11 PM
Orion gives a little half bow. With all this talk of Ladies and Barons it felt right. This "Lady Catherine" seemed like an interesting sort of person. Kind of uptight but that's what he had thought of Diana and she turned out to be a good sort. More people meant more power and more power meant a better chance of getting to the grail. He had already given up on actually grabbing it. It would be dishonourable of him to grab it for himself. Hopefully they would award points for Chivalry. He hears Diana refer to him as a "Man Friday" and wonders what that was. He was unfamiliar with the term. He cracks his knuckles and says Yes, Very Nice to meet you. Glad to have you on. May we continue moving? Don't want Someone to beat us to the Grail.

2018-06-20, 02:59 PM
Wild Thing
HP: 1; Condition: 1 bruise

Oh come on, that's not fair! Stupid bunker. Kat takes her frustrations out on the nearby robots.

Attacking a robot, power attacking for 2: [roll0], DC 25 toughness if it hits.