View Full Version : Player Help Moving Weapon Enchants

Yan Korlat
2018-04-18, 08:01 PM
Hi All!

First post!

Just a quick question. I have heard that there are rules for moving specific weapon enchants to other weapons. Is that correct? If so, could someone point me to book and pg. number?

Thanks so much!

EDIT-Trying to get the Lifedrinker(+1 greataxe) property on to my natural weapons (please don't suggest souleater, etc. I have already explored these options). Are there any weapons that will fit around claws? If so, I could use some combination of morphing, etc. to get the property.

EDIT 2- Sorry if I wasn't clear. The lifedrinker is a unique, named weapon (a +1 Greataxe). It has a specific benefit (namely, putting two negative levels on to creatures that it hits at the cost of one to the owner. I would like to gain this property on my natural attacks, and I was wondering whether I could do this. I cannot put this property onto a necklace of natural attacks, for obvious reasons.

2018-04-18, 09:46 PM
I don't know of any way to do that. If there is some way, it's incredibly obscure or it requires some third party source books.

That's assuming you meant the question for D&D 3.5, of course. I think the answer is the same for Pathfinder, but I'm not an expert on that subject yet. If you meant some other edition of D&D or another game altogether, then it's best to to specify which game you're playing and to post in the correct subforum. And actually, it's always a good idea to do that.

2018-04-18, 09:56 PM
There are Homebrew rules for doing this (Transfer Enchantment (https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Transfer_Enchantment_(3.5e_Spell))) but it's not really a part of any official 3.5 rules of which I am aware. The Magic Item Compendium does have Augment Crystals that work like a transferable enhancement, but that's about all I know.

2018-04-19, 09:15 PM
I've pondered this question a few times myself.

One workaround is Dragonshard Pommel Stone (MoE), which confer their enchantment(s) to any masterwork weapon they are attached to.

2018-04-20, 12:14 AM
The closest you'll get to "transferring" enchantments is disenchanting and re-enchanting as an artificer. The reason you can't just "transfer" enchantments is because the value of the enchantments is determined by how much else is on the item already. For example, lifedrinker on a +1 weapon is worth 6,000gp, but on a +5 weapon it's worth 22,000gp. If you could simply transfer it from the +1 weapon to the +5 weapon, it would break the whole pricing system.

You also cannot directly enchant natural weapons, you would need an necklace of natural attacks from savage species to be able to give your natural weapons special abilities (the one in the DMG is strictly enhancement bonus only, no special abilities)

Yan Korlat
2018-04-20, 12:49 AM
The closest you'll get to "transferring" enchantments is disenchanting and re-enchanting as an artificer.

Sorry if I am missing something obvious, but how would you go about that?

2018-04-20, 03:25 AM
Well, a Path of the Crafter Vizier (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/vizier) can do it, but it's 3PP Pathfinder (it's essentially Pathfinder's take on Magic of Incarnum)

2018-04-20, 08:01 AM
Thurbane already mentioned the Dragonshard Pommel, but I think the easiest way to do this is via the Ancestral Relic feat. Find/buy a masterwork necklace, give it to your PC's brother/sister, have them give it back, and then sacrifice the magic weapon with the properties you want to create a Necklace of Natural Attacks.

If you can't fit in Ancestral Relic, maybe pay for a Dark Chaos Shuffle, or find a Void Disciple that can give you the feat temporarily.