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2018-04-18, 08:31 PM
Game in progress....

OCC Link : Click here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?556623-Warhammer-2-Le-Septi%E8me-Sceau-*The-Seventh-Seal-(OOC))

Northwest of Marienburg in the mountains near Couronne...
Everything started at Northwest of Marienburg in the mountains near Couronne, an arid climate, where cultures are difficult, forests are rare and water is scarce... Where most of the rivers are dried up or with a very low flow...

The import from the southern continents is necessary to sustain colonies of those villages around.
Only few small towns and villages manage to survive within the mountains.

But from few years things are stable in the region. Couronne, the nearest city of that region, is able to help all other community in the region, by sending food for example or by providing defenses against evil forces.

Because, any kind of creatures roams everywhere...


2018-04-19, 07:07 PM
Everyone in the area knows of the old Kale slave pit in the ravine outside of town.

It fell into disuse with the collapse of the Kale empire, and only the occasional group of adolescent would-be adventurers ever goes there anymore.

But then the Erhurr's Farm was found ransacked, the family missing.
And now someone has rebuilt the bridge between the two sides of the old slave pit...

To all: Roll 1d100 for rumors.
Each adventurer from town may knows few rumors, while adventurer can also learn more rumors by asking around. (Role play will be taken into consideration in the allotted bonus)

2018-04-19, 08:31 PM
Intrigued by the recent disappearance of the Hurler's family, Grimwold fearing for their life goes form door to door around the family's farm.

Sorry good sir, have you heard or seen anything suspicious recently? Was there any newcomers or regular town folks that started acting strangely recently?

Gossip roll: [roll0] against Fel (34)

2018-04-19, 08:46 PM
Otto looks into the slave pit then tries to gather information from the locals to see if anyone has noticed anything suspicious lately.

By Sigmar, if this is the act of Chaos, we need to find it and deal with it. Have you noticed anything strange lately? Your security might be at risk, but rest assured, Shallya and Sigmar are here for you. Please, tell us what you know.


2018-04-20, 10:29 AM
While enjoying the local tavern fine ale, Karzad try to stay alert to pick up any conversation about the slave pit. He will even ask the innkeeper about it.

Hey there my good man, if you are as good at listening to drunken people as you are at making beer you must have heard quite a lot about the slave pit?

I have the talent Acute hearing(+20% to perception test involving listening)

2018-04-20, 11:28 AM
As always, Ingwald is on the lookout for new job opportunity. Walking around in town, the same echo is coming to his ears over and over again: The Erhurr family has gone missing after their farm was completely destroyed.

Although very sad for the family, Ingwald see an opportunity for either a bit of a reward for finding the missing farmers, or some detective work via his position in the Militia. He therefore decides to investigate further.

Making his way to the outskirt of town, Ingwald hails some of the traveller coming in :
Hey there fellow, did y'ear of the Erhurr's farm? what's goin on? Ya know who's done it?

While chatting, he also ears that the bridge over the old salve pit has been rebuilt. he wonders to himself :
"Hmm, what was that bridge used for again?"

Trained Gossip for rumours about the Erhurr's : [roll0] against Fellowship of 31
Trained Common Knowledge (Empire) to know what that bridge was used to, or what's the significance of it's reconstruction: [roll1] against Int of 31
*rerolling in OOC

2018-04-20, 11:56 AM
A little boy runs into the streets shouting and chanting a mission for adventurers.

"The village chief would like to meet adventurers ready to help find the Erhurr family for a Reward"

Each of you knows the other, each one is guided by his own reasons, but that led you to team up.
Some need money, some glory. The simple taste of adventure and destruction of chaos motivates you.

For a few days now, you have been resting in this village and polishing some skills.
This little boy evoke the call of duty in you.

You're presently in a village, located Northwest of Marienburg in the mountains near Couronne... called: Salani

2018-04-20, 01:12 PM
Upon hearing the yound kid's advertisement, Ingwald mumbles to himself:
"Ranald's double sided coin! I knew it. Zactly what I was specting."

Fully psyched up, he runs off in search of his comrades before making his way to the townhall.

2018-04-20, 01:43 PM

Having spend most of the night treating the injuries of the carpenter's apprentice, Vyktor, a young Shallya apprentice, woke up late today. His newfound allies had already gone out on their buisness when he came down to eat his breakfast. As he walked out fo the inn, he heard the you messenger plea. Beckoning the young boy, Boy!, come here.

Vyktor walk up to him and once near enough, he put a knee on the ground to be at the same height to get the kids full attention.
" I am new around here, could you tell me where the village chief lives?"
As the kids anwser, Vyktor spot Ingwald and add looking into the messenger eye, "I am interested, and I might know others who would be as well. Could you please go warn the village chief that Vyktor and possiblly a few others willl come to see him? I just need to some time to round up everyone."

The priest hand 3 pennies to the young man head to see Ingwald to whom he ask,
"Did you hear that? This sound like some decent work we could accomplish here? There is even mention of a reward. Do you know where the others are?"

If a Fellowship roll is needed to have the boy cooperation : 86 VS FELL (50)... poor roll done in OCC lol

2018-04-20, 01:47 PM
Arrrffff, by Valaya's tits, couldn't the chief wait a day or two. I was just starting to get comfortable. I better get going If I don't want to miss the others, even that fellow priest Vyktor didn't spot me when he got down from his room.
Altough he's reluctant to raise from his chair, the smell of reward awoke Karzad curiosity.

2018-04-20, 02:09 PM
As the group gets together before meeting the chief, Otto tells his companions:

Apparently the pits have been taken over by goblin raiders. I also came upon a few rumors but I am not sure how true these might be:
- There are secret areas in the old slave pits that have never been explored since they were abandoned
- The Erhurr family had a magic axe among their stolen possessions.
- The slave pits are run by abandoned mutant slaves.

We will see what the chief has to tell us, but I recommend we go rid the pits of the goblins because it's not safe for the villagers to have those filthy creatures so close to them.

2018-04-20, 03:41 PM
Good job Otto, this is in fact quite similar to what I've overheard at the inn. I've pick up that there might be remnants of old Kale experiments in there as well so we should prepare for anything. It also could be worth investigating the huge tree near the pit as it is supposed to have grown over the main entrance.
Let see what our comrade have found out.

2018-04-20, 04:06 PM
You gather to go see the village chief.

Towards his house which also serves as a town hall, rather luxurious for a building within a village of this size, you see the villagers spying on you with admiration.

Arriving on the front gate, a guard guides you to the main hall, the time that the chief is ready to meet you.
Almost instantly, the door of the main office opens and a clear voice devoid of authority say
“Please come in adventurers”

“I’m Hector, chief of Salani, and as you should already know, we are in crisis, and if I don’t do anything, these pesky citizens will want my head...”

A silence… he sighs and says
“Name your price, this family must be found, and the cave must be purged of any danger...”

The look of a very stressful man is fixed on you and seems to be waiting for a miracle..

2018-04-20, 06:12 PM

Ingwald looks around the house, trying to gauge what can be requested from this man. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he ponders:
"Hmmm, I wonder how much this family is worth to this town...Marina, hold on dear, we'll get through this, I swear."

Taking the cue from the chief, Ingwald steps forward and introduce himself.
" Hi there Hector, I am Ingwald, from Couronne. Looks like we are the cork to your leaking bottle."

Then, Ingwald hesitate, as if he was going to continue speaking, then change his mind. He throws a glance at his comrades one after the other, as if gauging their interest, then says :
"So if I get this correctly, we're looking to investigate in the mysterious disapearance of a renown family and explore and secure the old slave pit... From what I have heard, we may find anything from feral child to Goblins to Chaos Mutants to demons in those ruins... this is serious business. I have also heard that the bridge has been rebuilt above the chasm. What do you know about that?

Ingwald then turns around towards his friends and, using his hands, indicates to them that he wants to discuss pricing before an offer his made.

Untrained perception (I beleive this is a basic skill) to evaluate this man's riches : [roll0] against half-int of 15
Trained Gossip for the bridge part, if needed: [roll1] against Fel of 31

2018-04-20, 06:37 PM
"Serious business my friend, you dam right"

The house is luxurious, he seems to be rich. His clothes are clean and new.

2018-04-20, 06:53 PM
Sensing the mayor despair, Vyktor almost spoke up to confort the man and tell him that money is not really important, but he quickly realize that not everyone share is view on the matter and hold his tongue. Beside, he also need to make a living as well if he want to be able to keep helping outside the temple.

The Shallya initiate guesses were right as Ingwald obviously maneuver to have the best payment possible, so Vyktor let him handle it for now and simply nod at Modran hand gesture.

Looking at the village chief and add with a compassionate tone, " I would also like to know more about the missing family. Who they are, where they live, when and how they disappeared. Actually anything pertinent that could help us."

2018-04-20, 06:54 PM
Do Karzad spot Ingwald hands movement?

[roll0] against 32 intel

2018-04-20, 07:21 PM
Otto would gladly and freely help the villagers if it meant crushing yet another source of chaos, but some form of payment is always welcome, especially to the eyes of other members of the party.

He steps forward and places himself beside Ingwald to introduce himself:

Chief Hector, I am Otto, war priest of Sigmar, it is a pleasure to meet you and to be of help. Can we ask for a minute aside to discuss your honorable proposition amongst ourselves?

Assuming the chief agrees and they have a private spot to discuss in a low voice, Otto whispers to his companions so the locals can't hear him:

You know me, I would help these villagers for free if it will purge this town of chaos, so I will trust my judgement on a price you all deem fair for everyone to share.

Having said that, Otto listens to his companions as they discuss a price but will most likely stay out of the conversation and go with whatever the rest of the group decides.

2018-04-20, 07:25 PM
I am looking for rumors in the local tavern

Gossip Roll [roll0] VS Fel 38 (19) (Half I dont have the Skill)

2018-04-20, 08:20 PM

"Recently the Erhurr family was less present at the village’s important assembly. They used to give their opinion, but for some time.."

He thought, almost refrained from speaking, but continued.

"Since they found the axe."
With an empty look he added: "Do not ask me where or what was this axe or what it looks, I have no idea."

Seeing the adventurers’ hesitation about the offer, he also added: "5 gold pieces each, plus a bonus of 5 more per right ear of any evil creatures. What do you say?"

Lost in his ideas..
"The Erhurr family they are good farmers, nothing more. Their crops feed more than half of the villagers... Nothing important" - he says sarcastically.


2018-04-21, 12:12 AM
Taking the dripping sarcasm in Hector's voice as a sign that the man is in distress, Ingwald says :
"Look Hector, I understand your in a tight spot, but we all are sometimes. But don't let this control you, face the situation and take control. You obviously need to show some results quickly to appease the townsfolk. Why don't you go look for someone to tend the Erhurr's farm while they are gone? You could get the oldest son of another farming family to lead the farm, and if the Erhurr are never found, the boy could keep the farm as his own."

Ingwald then lift his gaze towards the ceiling, taking a pensive pose, then adds :
"As most of the crops have been ransacked, you might want to use some of those" spreading his arm in a circle towards the luxury of the house " valued things of yours to send a convoy to Couronne, to request some provisions for the coming months. This would show the populace that you actually care for their wellbeing and that you have things under control.

after a pause to let the information sink in, Ingwald returns to the subject of the reward :
"So, your offer sounds fair..., for a less risky business, but the talk of the town shows that the axe you are talking about might be magical. Add this to the mutants and goblins to clean out, and we have a fairly dangerous situation here. Let us discuss this amongst ourselves for a few minutes and we'll come back with an offer."

Moving to a side room, Ingwald lower his tone and says to his teammates : "This whole axe story is very suspicious and could snowball very quickly. Plus this slave pit business is freaking me out. How am I supposed to provide for my family if I am skewered on a goblin spear at the bottom of a pit? This as got to be rewarding. Here is what I would like : In addition to the already proposed offer, I would like to have either 2 horses or 2 cows, which would be stabled in Salani, until such time as they could make their way to my farm, on the outskirt of Couronne. I could deal this down to goats or even hens if necessary. What says you?"

2018-04-21, 09:09 AM
Carefully listening the verbal exchange and more closely to Hector's body language, Grimwold follows his friends in the adjacent room for the internal discussion.

"Guys, all that magic axe business makes me wondering how dangerous this jobs might actually be. In my study I've heard about magical item that could change the behavior of the bearer, but never multiple people at once. I'm suspecting that if that weapon really exist, we shouldn't leave it laying around in a small town like this."

Taking a pause, glancing at Hector in the other room over his shoulder, Grimwold continues:

"As far as the wage go, I'm all in for a big pay day. You all know that I still have to acquire that Wizard License, and it's not, not expensive. However, Would the town master pay out of his pocket, or will he press it on the town folks?"

2018-04-21, 09:14 AM
With Otto introducing himself, the Shallya initiate realize that he forgot to introduce himself.
"How rude of me, I am Vyktor, faithful servant of Shallya."
Vyktor listen with attention the man sensing his fears all too well. He nod at Modran recommendations and add,
"My friend Modran is right, you must keep the townsfolk under control. Reassure them, keep them informed."
Making a small pause ton ponder, he add,
" You think is strated with the discovery of that axe. You dont know much about it, but there surely is other in town who knows more. After all some of my friends had heard about it. Do you know someone who actually saw it and could tell us more, a good friend of the missing family maybe?"

Once in private, the priest nod at Otto's opinion and say in a hushed voice,
"Like Otto, I would do this for free, but money is needed for the common expenses. I'll trust you to get a fair price, justtry not to ruin these poor people." At that, the initiate smile .

2018-04-21, 09:26 AM

After leaving you a few minutes in the adjacent room. Hector calls you.
“The situation is urgent, please, come here.”

Hector would be willing to accept anything: “OK, your price is mine. I double the offer.”
“I will pay half right away and the rest on your return”
He gives you 5 crowns each from his pocket.

He offers you to join him in his reserve of his personal guard weapon to fill the missing equipment you should require for your mission.
(Basic weapon, shield, mail and below armour are available for free)

“There is no expert in this village, only storytellers, excellent sources of false rumours.”

What are you doing, what your plan? in (OOC) Thread please


2018-04-22, 12:52 PM

The equipment taken, the adventurers are ready to go. On your way to the slave pit, you make a detour to the farm.

As you approach the main building in which the family lived, you see movement through the windows...

Perception check within your next post please.


2018-04-22, 01:34 PM
"Watch out guys, there seems to be someone or something in there."


2018-04-22, 03:21 PM
Crawling down to be less visible, Grimwold tries to get behind cover to get a better vantage point.

"Might be nothing, but we better be safe. Apparently the culprit always come back to the scene of their crimes." ushers the wizard

Perception Check: [roll0] vs 45

Rolled a D10 instead of 100, rerolled in OOC, 96, seems like I'm too close to the tree I was hiding behind...

2018-04-22, 05:11 PM
Alright Let get that show on the road!!

BTW guys, here is the info I found in a local tavern. The slave pits are run by abandoned mutant slaves and
the main entrance to the pit is a cave now overgrown by a huge tree.

1d100 8 VS 45, If its vision +10 (race bonus) I roll in OCC since i screw up my command

2018-04-22, 07:39 PM

What's that Karzad? It's probably just the sun glare against the window. In any case, I'll be the diversion.

Ingwald approached the house as if he was visiting a neighbor.

Untrained perception: [roll0] vs half-Int of 15

2018-04-23, 08:45 AM

Before leaving the Mayor
The priest look at the armor the mayor can provide. He consider taking some, but seeing his allies gear themselves, the priest realise the cost is already high enough for the poor mayor and refrain from taking some. instead, he look at the village chief and say,
"Do you have some clean bandages and poultices? I expect I might have to treat some wounds before we come back, at the very least, the Erhurr's might need some help."

At Erhurr's farm.

Looking at Ingwald, the initiate priest says,
"I'll go with you."
The young Shallya disciple stride alongside Ingwald and scan the area for dangers and clues that mmight help their investigation.
[roll0] VS trained perception (46)

As soon a he spot the movement, Vyktor put an hand on Ingwald's shoulder and stop him.
"Wait, Karzak was right. There is indeed some people inside, humanoids trying to hide themselves."

Rising his voice, Vyktor call out,
"You inside the house, I know you're there. Come out peacefully and you wont be harmed. We have some questions for you."

2018-04-23, 09:33 AM
Otto circles the main building to see if there is another door at the back or to look through windows at what is inside.

Perception [roll0] vs 47

2018-04-23, 09:41 AM

On Vyktor's warning, Ingwald stops and crouches as a reflexe. Taking a moment to think things through, he then says to his friend :

Well, it could be anybody, from petty thief taking the opportunity to rob the farmers blind, to young wannabe adventurer in search of a rush! I'm going in!

On those words, the newly armored peasant pulls his axe from his belt and marches toward the door.

2018-04-23, 09:46 AM

Vyktor try to stop Ingwald from rushing in yet by saying in a low tone and try to keep his hand on the man shoulder to keep his attention,
Wait, give them a chance to come out first. As you said, they might be petty thieves not wanting a fight. Beside,
Otto is moving around and covering the back, let him take position at the very least.

2018-04-23, 10:07 AM

Trying to rise to go towards the house, Ingwald is surprised that something is holding him back. Turning his head swiftly, he throws a hard look towards Vyktor, trying to convey his annoyance. He nonetheless listent to what Vyktor has to say, then replies:

Hrmf, it makes sense. I'll just get by the door then, and wait for them to come out.

Testing Vyktor's grip, he tries to leave...

I'll try to either look through a window, or listen at the door to catches glimpes of what is going on inside.
Untrained perception : 59 against perception (Half-int) 15

2018-04-23, 10:10 AM

Looking his partners from afar, Grimwold tries to stay hidden behind his cover. Listening closely at his surrounding, he gets ready to maybe flanked the house if "occupants" of the house are looking for trouble.

2018-04-23, 10:17 AM

"Hey whoever is inside, you heard the lad... Come out slowly and we won't harm you.

I snatch my 2 handed axe from my back and plant myself firmly about 10 feet from the front door.

2018-04-23, 10:18 AM

Seeing his ally annoyed stare, Vyktor nod at the man reply, let him go and simply add with a faint smile,
"Just try not to be too threatning to them, which could escalate thing needlessly."

The Shallyan stride casualy beside Ingwald, trying to appear as friendly as one can be in this tense situation.

2018-04-23, 11:50 AM

Karzad stands firm at front of the door while Viktor tries to reassure the occupants of the building with his speech and behavior.

Otto is going to the left side of the house and when he looks he sees 3 humans running away...
Otto: "HEY.. STOP!"

Dolwen and Grimwold are hiding behind a tree waiting to see how the situation develops.

You all heard Otto say HEY STOP, a reflex lol

Perception and agility test if you decide to run towards them.
Otherwise, only perception.


2018-04-23, 12:14 PM

Trying to see what is happening, not sensing any imminent threat, Grimwold dashes off to the right side of the fouse, going around the second tree.

Agility Test:[roll0] VS 36
Perception Test:[roll1] VS 45

2018-04-23, 12:23 PM

Otto tries to look at the 3 humans escaping, noticing anything special about them. He also tries to run after them and tries to see where they are going.

Perception for the humans 1d100 against 47
Agility to follow them 1d100 against 21
Perception to see where they are going 1d100 against 47

Edit: rolls in OOC

2018-04-23, 12:52 PM

I start sprinting toward the back of the house.

[roll0] vs 28 agility
[roll1] vs 32 perception (+20 if hearing can help me)

*Edit: Rerolling in OOC

2018-04-23, 01:14 PM

Wtih Otto's shout and all his allies rushing around the house, Vyktor can guess the intruders are fleeing. The Shallyan tells his allies,
"Guys, try not to kill them, if not by compassion, at least so we can interrogate them. "

Vyktor sprint behind Grimwold, trying to see what is happening exactly.

2018-04-23, 02:20 PM

The adventurers move quickly to the back of the building, Otto hurries to catch up... a bear trap closes on Otto's leg.. CLAP


Otto: Dodge Blow test to avoid. Do you have it?
If not: [roll0]

Strength test -10 or Disarm Trap test can be made if you’re tring to remove Otto’s right leg of that frustrating situation.

2018-04-23, 05:23 PM

"Be strong Otto... I will teach those ruffians a lesson."

I keep sprinting toward where the humans went.

2018-04-23, 05:35 PM
Will everyone is chasing the humain, I go beside Otto to help him out.

Alright, that mint hurt a little bit!!

[roll0] VS STR 32 And heal Check to stabilize his leg [roll1] VS 45 (have the skill)

2018-04-23, 06:38 PM

Dolwen runs to Otto's rescue, passes quickly between Vyctor and Ingwald, throws himself on his knees and opens the trap to clear Otto's bruised leg. He quickly makes a garrotte to stabilize the injury.

Otto screamed in pain, he lost a lot of blood in a very short time; his leg makes him suffer terribly for now.

Vyctor helps Otto, assisting Dolwen as best he can by kneeling at his side.

Ingwald, seeing Karzad rush to the bad guys, following them, as well as Grimwold who tries to catch up them after going around the right side of the house.

Ingwald, Karzad and Grimwold: Endurance check to run after the bad guys.

The three fleeing humans separate in 3 different directions before reaching the mountains.
Only those with 5 in move have the chance to catch 1 before the mountains with a successful agility test.

Otto: You’re at half of the movement until you have spent 4 days with your right leg motionless or until you have recovered more than half of your hit points.

2018-04-23, 07:48 PM

Seeing the humans running fast like that, Grimwold tries to keep up but quickly realize he will never be able to catch up to them. Hearing his friends screams, he immediately stop his pursuit and runs back to see what is happening.

"By the eight winds, what happened?"

Glad to see his friend the priest still alive, he his concerned by the state of his legs.

"Vyktor, please help Otto, I'm sure Shallyah can bless him. The gods must be behind us in this noble quest, no?"

Endurance check: [roll0] VS 29

2018-04-23, 07:59 PM

Taken aback by the suddenness of his comrades, Ingwald reflexively follows Karzad and Grimwold towards the right side of the house. After a few steps, he stops, urging his friends onwards.

Catch'em up you guys, I can't log all this mail that fast!

Then turning around, he heads swiftly back to the front of the house and through the front door, yelling :

I'm going in the house to see if anyone needs help!

Will try to enter carefully, looking for any ambush or traps. Untrained perception [roll0] vs Half Int of 15. (I am trained at setting trap, which might give me situation bonus, upon DM's discretion).
If the door is locked, I will try to bash my way through with a S roll, forgoing any stealthiness : [roll1] vs S of 38.

2018-04-23, 08:00 PM

"Run you filthy son of whale, too afraid to come and fight me, you good for nothing piece of dry bread."

Catching my breath I go back to the party to see how is everyone faring.

2018-04-23, 08:27 PM

Shady people running and disappear into the mountains.

The comrades help Otto to get back on his feet, while Ingwald enters the house.

The house is upside down, at first sight, all valuables items were stolen, and does not seem to have anyone anymore...

In addition to the main house, there is behind a bécosse and two other farm’ buildings surround by fields within the mountains..

All skills and ideas are welcome, along with the related tests.

Let me know what you are doing.

2018-04-24, 07:58 AM

"Watch your steps everyone, this might not be the only surprise they left for us. I will look at the buildings, farms like these often posses cellar or hidden basement, the Erhurr family could have hidden there when they smelled trouble."

I try to look for signs of a cellar or anything that could used to hide underground. I also try to listen for voices or sounds in case someone is still alive and need help.

[roll0] vs perception of 32? I have the dwarfcraft talent that give +10% on test for the following trade skill; Armourer,
Brewer, Gem Cutter, Gunsmith, Miner, Smith, Stoneworker and Weaponsmith. I also have +20% if the roll involve hearing

2018-04-24, 08:12 AM

Once Dolwen is done with the trap and stop the immediate bleeding, Vyktor tell him,
"I'll tend to the wound, you can go help the others if you want."

Pulling out clean bandages and some water, he look at Ottos and say,
"Saddly, magic is not an option yet for me, so I'll have to clean the wound and bandage it. This might hurt a bit."
The Shallyan procceed with the cleaning, Vyktor ask Ottos to wait a few moment and he head to the nearest tree to get a few branches. Doing the bandages he apply some healing poultice, adds a few small wooden braces to help secure the wound and give support to the damaged ankle.
Not sure if I can actually make him recover HP (since Dolwen made an heal check already) but if so, here is the roll
VS Trained Heal (56)
EDIT : = Success .... you regain 8 wounds (rolled OOC)
Also, I dont know if I got some poultice from the mayor, but I let you apply any bonus or else it would have if I have some.

After that, he take a long branch ending in a Y and make a luggage that Otto could use to help himself walk and cut it at the right lenght for confort. Once he is done, he say to Otto,
"It would be best if you would rest motionless a few days to heal this. Do you prefer that we escort you back to the Inn or you'll rather tough it out?"
The Shallyan can guess Otto's awnser, and give the man a smile.

Once done with Otto's, Vyktor goes to see the others,
"Did you find anything interesting in the house? Do you think the Erhurr's have been abducted of do they leave on they own?
Also, did anyone of you manage to get a good look at the intruders? To me they looked humanoid, but where they humans?
I'll go take a look at the barn and around it."

I dont know if I'll have time before the other do it, since taking care of Otto's leg would take some time.
I'll think perception would be best for what I wanna do. I am actually scanning the area for traces of a fight (trying to know if it is an abduction).
1D100[/roll] 72 (roll OOC) vs trained Perception (46) or untrained search (23)

2018-04-24, 09:40 AM

Otto is still feeling the pain from his injury but still tries to thank his companions for removing the trap and healing his injuries. Even though the poultice stinks, it still appeased his suffering quite a bit.

Thank you Dolwen and Vyktor, I never saw the trap. It seems the bandits have fled? I'll just stay here for a few minutes while you search the surrondings... and yes Vyktor, I want to keep going with you, as long as I don't slow you down too much. With your good care, I think I'll be able to manage.

He then just lays down in the grass and closes his eyes for a little while.

2018-04-24, 10:53 AM
Vyktor nod at Otto's reply,
"You're welcome. I'll help you move around and we can check out how it is healing when we make camp tonight. Just tell me if it get worst. "
Looking at the bear trap, he ask Otto,
"Do you want to keep the trap? It prooved that it can stop someone , could be usefull if you guys have to actually fight to free the Erhurr family."

What are the stats/weight of the trap?

2018-04-24, 11:41 AM

carefully entering the house, Ingwald takes a look at the devastation. Without moving too much, he walks around, testing the floorboards for some trapdoors, while calling out :

"Hey there, you can come out, the mayor has sent us to find out what happened to the ErHurr."

As he moves carefully, he realizes that he must be quite intimidating in his full armor, with his axe in hand. He quickly sheaths his weapon, and adds :

"I know I don't look reassuring, but it's all to scare the ruffians away. We have some healers here if you guys are hurt. Please come out."

Untrained perception/search to identify any secret basement trapdoor, and to determine what happened : [roll0] vs Half int 15
more specifically, I'm looking at signs that would indicate a hasty departure, like left over food, fully stash wood box, etc.

2018-04-24, 06:59 PM
Dolwen is looking to see if the filty humain would be easy to track down.

[roll0] VS 45

2018-04-25, 04:15 AM
Grimwold explores the house in search of magical residue... he actually feels some, but it's far too weak to identify anything.
Ingwald had discovered the trap that led to the basement and traces of magic are from there. But down there it’s has nothing suspicious…
"down there, magic.."

The house is ransacked, but it is the work of looters, these are no traces of a quick departure, either no sign of fighting in the house or outside nearby. This is the house of a noble farmer, nothing more, the basement does not hide anything special, but you find enough to make a good meal for the group.

While Otto is resting at the foot of the tree, his wound seems to heal well, Vyktor's care has done to him the greatest good, while his companions search the surroundings, Otto will be able to walk normally after an hour rest. "I'm feeling better, I'll be fine to continue in an hour or two!"

Karzad begins exploration alone of other buildings and finds nothing there.
The animals were moved, the tracks take them to the south. Karzad almost completes his tour when Vyktor comes to join him to help.. These buildings do not hide any secrets, nothing suspicious.
"Argh.. I found nothing"

Dolwen as he goes to the mountains to follow the tracks of the bandits’ fugitives, he thinks he can follow them…

All back together at the foot of the tree where Otto is resting, and as the farm did not give you more useful information, you agree for the next steps, which is to continue your way towards the slave pits...
"Let's Go! We continue while it is still early"

Later in the evening, on your way to the pits, arrived at the top of the first spade, a large dead tree surrounding by Goblins is nearby.
Luckily, Dolwen was able to distinguish Goblins before they saw you. "Stop here guys, I saw Goblins nearby.."
Hiding behind a rock wall, warm up by the sun dazzle, there are Goblins between what you believe the entrance and the big crevasse where you can see the reconstructed bridge…

What are you doing?

2018-04-25, 05:55 AM
"Grimnir smile upon us my friends, it seems that today I will quench my thirst for green blood"
"I vote that we charge, we will have the advantage of the surprise"

I grab my two-handed axe and prepare for the incoming fight.

2018-04-25, 08:26 AM

Looking at the goblins, Otto gets his hammer out and whispers to his companions:

We need to get to the slave pits and these evil creatures are in our way. Furthermore, we can't leave them alive this close to the village because they might turn their sight on it one day. If they were pacifist creatures, I would suggest we go around them or parley, but my vote is for taking them out.

Having said that, Otto analyses the goblin party better, especially after the trap incident.

Perception check: [roll0] against 47 (Trained)

2018-04-25, 10:20 AM

The Shallya disciple, like all of his order vowed to avoid killing, but he does understand that danger these creature represent for the nearby town.
Looking at his allies, Vyktor says,
"You all know that like my Shallya peers, I did vow to avoid killing unless I have absolutly no other choices. It is a vow I will keep. Still I understand why it is needed to take them out. As much as it pains me to admit it, having these creature near the town, or even at our back while we venture in a dangerous place would be foolish. So I will go with what you decide."
The young man look serious as he continues,
"That being said, I am no fighter and I wont kill since it isnt absolute necessity here. I'll help you as I can, being a decoy if the plan require one, distracting enemies and of course taking care of your injuries if some occurs. But dont count on me to inflict pain to these living creatures, as vile as they may be. And I expect you to deal with them with some compassion - there is no need for cruelty, dont lower yourself to be like them."

With that said, the Shallayn novice listen to what the others have in mind.

2018-04-25, 11:05 AM

With a playful twinkle in the corner of his eyes, the mage adds:

"My Shallyan friend, I totally understand what you mean. Personally I'm not a big fan of violence, but like our friends here I agree that the greenskin are never bearer of good news. That being said, I don't think you need to put yourself in danger as acting as a decoy, but hang bang and be on the lookout for other danger that our fighter friends might not notice. I personnally am not very powerful and never really had a chance to test my skills in scrap so far, but I'll try to support to the best of my knowledge."

Grimwold is readying himself by making sure his belt pouch is accessible and keeping his quarterstaff close by.

2018-04-25, 11:18 AM

Otto continued observing the goblins and shares his further thoughts:

There seems to be four of them, all scouts-warrior types. I don't notice a horn or bell that they could sound the alarm to warn the rest of their tribe. I agree we might not need to kill them yet, and we might be able to get information if we can capture some of them, but I think the most important thing is that none of them get away to go warn the rest. Surprise is our best ally right now, and we want to keep it not just for these four, but for our way forward as well. If we rush at them, they might simply run away.

Is it possible to get a map and see how far we are from the goblins to prepare a battle plan?

2018-04-25, 11:26 AM

Giving a nod at Grimwold, " I sure can be on the lookout. I'll help where I can."

After Otto share his observations, the novice move in positon to see the camp beside the priest and say,
"Maybe we should surround them? I have a good eyesight, I'll double check to make sure you havent missed anything. Better safe than sorry."

[roll0] vs trained Perception (46)

2018-04-25, 11:54 AM

Upon Dolwen's signal, Ingwald's throws himself behind an outcropping of rocks. He listens carefully to his friend's opinion, while forming his own. Once everyone is done, he brings his point to the table in a whisper :

"Hey guys, they are not caring to be hidden. I think we can safely assume that they rebuilt the bridge, and they must have known that this would attract attention. They are scouting the entrance as if they are protecting a newly acquired lair. This makes me believe that they are here to stay... Maybe we could ask them what they want?

With that, Ingwald shrugs his shoulder, indicating that he is throwing this out there as a suggestion.

2018-04-25, 12:13 PM

Thanks Ingwald, this way the peacefull solution might not be rejected with the back of their hands., thinks Vicktor.

The pacifist priest was waiting for an opportunity to mention the possibility to discuss with the goblins and is surprised, and quite happy, that it comes from someone else.
"It could be a good idea, we never know they might be inclined to talk," says the cleric with some hope in his voice, " I do volunteer to go do the dicussion if we do take this approach. Still, if we consider this, we need a contengency plan is they attack us, or even worst, run away to warn a larger group."

2018-04-25, 01:34 PM

"As a former shield breaker I have sworn an oath to put an end to all the greenskin to would cross my path"

I raise my axe, slip from behind the rock and start sprinting toward the goblins while shouting.

"Prepare to die ..... all of you"

2018-04-25, 01:38 PM

FIGHT... Loading please wait... Map and Situation will be posted tonight.

Please, go in OOC and roll for Initiative

2018-04-25, 02:49 PM
Dolwen move in position and ready is bow.

I am ready when you are guys!!

2018-04-25, 07:55 PM

Shouting and Charging toward the Goblins...
"Prepare to die ..... all of you"

3 Goblins are turning to where you are and look at the dwarf charging towards them..
"ArgHouIsrhh HaDwaff KilorshoHK"

Goblins (A) Perception [roll0] vs 35
Goblins (W) Perception [roll1] vs 21

Round : 1
Dolwen.................: 52
Vyktor.................: 46
Karzad.................: 40
Grimwold...............: 37 <-----Active Player
Ingwald ...............: 32
Otto...................: 28
Gobelins (W)...........: 17 "Surprised"
Gobelins (A)...........: 12 "Surprised"

Gob (W)-1 : 0
Gob (W)-2 : 0
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 15/15 (AG:29)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 08/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-04-25, 08:14 PM

Shaking his head in a disapproval manner, than quickly smiling at his dwarven friend, the mage speed up and move closer to the tree.

Moving to L55 (3 times 4 squares)

2018-04-25, 09:16 PM

Otto lets out a sigh and says to himself Ignorant fool of a dwarf!

I appear to be in the light gray so I'll just stay there. I do a double move and move to H55

2018-04-26, 08:35 AM

With Karzad action, Vyktor let out a deep sad sigh saying to Ingwlad, "Well I guess he decided for all of us."

Not wasting any more time , the Shallyan move fast up the slope toward the ledge to gain some cover and more forward,
"I will try to get a better view to keep an eye for possible reinforcements. Let's just hope there is no other camp within earring distance."

I havent played WArhammer for some time. Is diagonal movement count a 1.5 squares or is it simplified now?

In any case, I double move 10 squares towar dthe ledge... counting the 2 squares to get up intead of one, I should get to either H56 (edited since Otto's gonna be there, adjust if other take the spot before me) or I58 if diagonal count 1.5.

Also I played out of turn to save time since I know this action wont change, just apply it at my ini count.

2018-04-26, 11:42 AM

Still crouching, Ingwald snaps his head upward and looks at the charging dwarf with a dumbfounded expression. At Vyktor's comment, he throws him an disbelieving look and says:

"Son of a five-legged mule, he did for sure."

Then with a sigh of resignation, he heft his axe and pick and strolls after the dwarf.

Dual wields Axe and pick, with Ambidextrous talent.
get up and single move towards the dwarf. (4 mv - can't access the map here)

Health : 15/15
Willpower: 33
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 3/3

2018-04-26, 03:02 PM
Dolwen running to be in range for is bow

I move to N52

2018-04-26, 04:59 PM

Goblins are moving, preparing to face the treat...

Goblins (A)-1 move to -A10
Goblins (A)-2 move to F0
Goblins (W)-1 move to D11
Goblins (W)-2 move to H8

Round : 1
Dolwen.................: 52
Vyktor.................: 46
Karzad.................: 40
Grimwold...............: 37
Ingwald ...............: 32
Otto...................: 28<-----Active Player
Gobelins (W)...........: 17
Gobelins (A)...........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 0
Gob (W)-2 : 0
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 15/15 (AG:29)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 08/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-04-26, 05:50 PM
Dolwen keep running in range.

Moving to I-37

2018-04-26, 06:29 PM

Trying to be as close as possible to the rocks to try to get some kind of cover, the mage is looking at the archer, trying to evaluate the distance between them.

Next I'll be moving to H37. Last round that I'm running.
Sorry to play this quickly before my turn I was meaning to post in OOC.

2018-04-26, 09:02 PM

I run but staying closer to the cliff so the goblins wont see me. I'll do this for my two next turns.

Moving to E42 for my first turn and then to -C30 on the second

2018-04-27, 08:24 AM
The initiate keepmmoving fast bolting along the wall to try and keep some cover and keep scanning the surrounding for sign of undetected dangers.
Double move to E46

2018-04-27, 09:23 AM

I sprint to O-37 while holding my double handed axe in front of me as a shield.

2018-04-27, 01:24 PM

Not to be outdistanced by his fellow adventurers, Ingwald puts on some speed and tries to catch up to the dwarf. He lines himself up with the least imposing creature and as he gets nearer, he dips his shoulder, readying to bull rush through the goblins rank.

Huffing and puffing from the extra weight of the mail armor, Ingwald exclaims, to no one in particular :
"Next plan doesn't involve any running."

Then, summoning his courage, he lower his head and sprints on.

I will try to charge the goblin line, to run past them and to the tree, to block off any retreat. (I can't recall what action that would be, not a manoeuver as this would take a full action)
Not having spotted the archer, I run on without cover.

2018-04-27, 07:33 PM

Vyctor and Otto sneaks from the top of the wall to the goblins, while the rest of the companions run to the green skins.

The greens are placed in positions, one of the archers climbs on the wall to have a better view of the situation, and sees the Priest of Sigmar, notches an arrow and welcomes him, but just missed..
"Arkoil Poatu"

Goblins (A)-1 move to -B12 / Shot Arrow [roll0] vs 44 (DMG [roll1]
Goblins (A)-2 move to E5
Goblins (W)-1 move to D14
Goblins (W)-2 move to G14

Round : 1
Dolwen.................: 52 <-----Active Player
Vyktor.................: 46
Karzad.................: 40
Grimwold...............: 37
Ingwald ...............: 32
Otto...................: 28
Gobelins (W)...........: 17
Gobelins (A)...........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 0
Gob (W)-2 : 0
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 15/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 08/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-04-27, 09:37 PM
Dolwen moving into possition and fire a arrow!!

Moving to H32 and att GOBw2 [roll0] VS 56 [roll1] DMG

[roll2] VS 56 [roll3]

2018-04-27, 09:58 PM
The initiate follows Ottos, staying back so he doesn't get target needlessly and keep on the look out for ennemies or allies in trouble.

Move 10 square along the ledge to B36

2018-04-28, 07:22 AM

With all his rage (and a very little bit of exhaustion) the dwarf keep dashing forward.

I sprint to O-28

2018-04-28, 07:41 AM

Focussing on safety and again trying to get some cover, Grimwold moves closer.

Moving to E31

2018-04-28, 08:01 AM

Gauging the distance between himself and the first goblins, Ingwald paces himself to take the advantage. He adjusts his stride to be able to deliver a devastating blow to the ugly creature.

Run action to J25, intentionally shortening my move by 1 square.
As I am running, Ranged attack against me suffer a -20%, and melee attack are given a bonus of 20%.

2018-04-28, 08:44 AM

Otto keeps running towards the archer who just tried to shoot him, keeping an eye out on his companions that he can see given the height difference of the terrain.

Running to -E18.
Also, I just realized the archers have -20% WS to hit me because I run and -10% WS as well because of my shield. Can be helpful

2018-04-28, 09:47 AM

The troop of adventurers advance together towards the threat.

Goblins are preparing to welcome them, the one the top of the wall shots an arrow to Otto and go back down with his folks not to be alone in front of him.
The one close to the tree move little bit forward and shot at Ingwald...

The two arrows fired towards the warriors do not hit the target...
The Goblins faces suddenly becomes more nervous..

Goblins (A)-1 Shot, move to A10 / Shot Arrow [roll0] vs 24 (DMG [roll1]
Goblins (A)-2 move to E9 / Shot Arrow [roll2] vs 29 (DMG [roll3]
Goblins (W)-1 move to D14 - Stand (Will strike as soon as someone is in reach)
Goblins (W)-2 move to G14 - Stand (Will strike as soon as someone is in reach)

Round : 3
Dolwen.................: 52 <-----Active Player
Vyktor.................: 46
Karzad.................: 40
Grimwold...............: 37
Ingwald ...............: 32
Otto...................: 28
Gobelins (W)...........: 17
Gobelins (A)...........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 0
Gob (W)-2 : 0
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 15/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 08/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-04-28, 10:27 AM
Dolwen keep advancing toward the goblin

Moving to H27 and att gobw2 [roll0] VS 56 [roll1] dmg

[roll2] VS 56 [roll3]

2018-04-28, 07:35 PM

Otto avoids the arrow and watches as the goblins archer jumps back down the ledge. He slows down his run and moves closer to the cliff on his right to make sure the archer or the other goblins do not see him. He comes back closer to the ledge where he saw the goblin jump but moves a little past him to try and be behind the goblin archer. As he gets to the side of the ledge, he crouches down to avoid being seen as much as possible, to gain extra cover from arrows, and to prepare himself to go down the ledge.

Move from -E18 to -F17, straight to -F12, and then diagonal to -D10, total of 8 squares.

2018-04-29, 11:46 AM
On my turn I move to I-22

2018-04-29, 06:59 PM

Keeping on moving, the mage gets mentally ready to cast a spell while moving.

Movint to -C22

2018-04-30, 05:03 AM

Seeing the dwarf slowing down, Ingwald thinks their might be something that he did not see. He decides to fork to the left and positions himself on the lead goblin's right flank.

Moving to K17, using double move.


Health : 15/15
Willpower: 33
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 3/3

2018-04-30, 06:39 AM

Seeing his farmer friend move Karzad try to warn him but he was taken by surprise by the farmer movement and he can't finish his warning before the farmer actually move.

"Let them com..."

2018-04-30, 08:03 AM

The priest look at his allies positions themselves and seeing that he have been outrun a bit too much he burs tinto a full running to circle around the enemies.
"I think I should get a better view of the other side of this small grove.", thinks the cleric.

Vyktor simply run (move X 3 = 15 squares) B36 to -F21

2018-04-30, 04:53 PM

Goblins Archer manage to hit the priest on the ledge, during that time, warriors are preparing to welcome the rest of the crew, the 2nd Green Archer shot at Ingwald but hit his friend on his shoulder...

The fight is started for good...

(A)-1 - Move to D7 - Shot Otto (-10 shield)
(A)-2 - Stay - Shot Ingwald (-20 as he run)
(W)-2 Move to K16 and strike Ingwald
(W)-1 - Move to F12

Goblins (A)-1 (1D100)[2] vs 34 (1D10+3)[11]
Goblins (A)-2 Shot Arrow (1D100)[33] vs 29 (1D10+3)[6]
Goblins (W)-1 move to F12 - Stand (Will strike as soon as someone is in reach)
Goblins (W)-2 move to K16 - Stand (1D100)[42] vs 51 (1D10+4)[11]

Round : 5
Dolwen.................: 52 <-----Active Player
Vyktor...................: 46
Grimwold..............: 37
Karzad.................: 30
Otto.....................: 28
Ingwald ...............: 22
Gobelins (W).........: 17
Gobelins (A)..........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 0
Gob (W)-2 : 7
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 10/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 04/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-04-30, 07:18 PM
Dolwen let GobW2 to is compagnion and shoot GobW1.

First arrow [roll0] VS 56 [roll1] DMG second arrow [roll2] VS 56 [roll3] DMG If gob die with first arrow my second one go to GobA2

first arrow [roll4] VS 56 [roll5] DMG [roll6] VS 56 [roll7] Second Arrow

2018-04-30, 07:35 PM
Vyctor keep sprinting forward and as he pass by Otto and notice the arrow planted deep in ally side, the Shallyan says,
"I can take care of that wound now if you come to me over there."
Vyktor point his final destination near the ledge and actually make it sprinting within the next seconds.
Run #15 squares to -G6. If Ottos come to me, I'll spend the next round trying top heal him with the skills, if he dont, I probably will move a bit more to see further (unless I notice something right away ... must be obvious lol.

2018-04-30, 07:36 PM

Seeing the range danger, the mage puts a hand in the pouch at his belt and takes it's out with a greasy substance on a finger. Closing his eyes and calming his breathing he focuses himself and let's a spell out from his other hand pointing one of the Goblin archer.

Channelling:[roll0] VS 60

Spell Drop:
Target: Gob A-2
Casting Roll: [roll1] +1 (+1 if channelling is successful) VS 4
Effect: Target character within 24 yards (12 squares) to drop whatever he is holding. The subject of this spell can resist it with a successful Will Power Test.

2018-04-30, 07:44 PM

Not my turn but I'll play anyways since it should not change anything with regards to the battle.

Otto grunts as the arrow lodges itself in his right arm: Grrrrr
He sees Vyktor move close to him and is relieved the priest offers his help. He moves closer to him as he puts his hammer to his belt. Keeping an eye out for the archers and his shield high to protect himself and his friend, Otto braces himself for more pain and tells Vyktor: Get that arrow out and patch me up please, I have a score to settle with that greenskin

Move to -G7 and put hammer in belt

2018-04-30, 08:27 PM

I'm charging at goblin W-2. From my position i'll go to G-20 then charge to J-17 in order to attack the goblin.

"Die you filthy creature, you're so weak, if you were alcohol, and Elf could drink ya and stay standing"

Attack:[roll0] vs 74(Base 59+10 for Charge+5 for Grudge Born Fury)


2018-04-30, 08:40 PM
Ingwald - reaction

Ready for the goblins charge, Ingwald swings his pick in a downward arch to intercept the creature's sluggish blow. The parry left the opponent's flank open. Ingwald took half a breath to aim carefully and brought back his axe in a slashing motion at the greenskin's exposed ribcage. That half a breath was enough for the little demon to suck in his chest, barely clearing the swipping axe.

Parry attempt : free action as I am ambidextrous and holding a weapon in second hand : [roll0] vs BS 38.

The archer might have actually hit me instead of his friend as I was no longer using the action run, but only double moved to my last position. And I only have 2 TB and 3 armor point, so an attack that does 11, would reduce my hit points by 6, to 9/15.

Just saying.

Ingwald- in turn

Half action: Aim (+10% WS)
Half action: Standard Attack
Attack roll: [roll0] vs WS+10% (48)
Damage: [roll1]
Ulric's fury, if needed : [roll2] VS 48, [roll3]
Half action: Aim (+10% WS)
Half action: Standard Attack
Attack roll: (1d100)[95] vs WS+10% (48)
Damage: (1d10+3)[9]
Ulric's fury, if needed : (1D100)[23] VS 48, (5D10)[6][10][2][5][1](24)

Health : 14/15 Archer who hit me only did 6 damage...
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 3/3

2018-05-01, 04:36 AM

Dolwen shot and hit hard the warrior Goblin.
On the top of the ledge, Vyctor run through Otto to help him as he's wounded by an arrow, Otto retreat..

Grimwold cast and the Goblin drop his Bow on the ground.

Karzad charge at the Green beast and slash him badly.

Ingwald manage to parry but missed on his chance on his blow.

The archer Goblin pickup his Bow and move closer to the ledge to get cover from the mage, his friend shot at Dolwen and hit.
Both warrior strike on the dwarf as he's yelling little too much, One of them touch the target twice, while his friend misses his charge...

Goblins (A)-1 MOVE to G10 Shot dolwen [roll0] vs 44 [roll1]
Goblins (A)-2 Pickup his Bow and get cover to A9
Goblins (W)-1 Charge Karzad [roll2] vs 61 [roll3]
Goblins (W)-2 2x Attacks on Karzad 1-[roll4] vs 51 [roll5] 2-[roll6] vs 51 [roll7]

Round : 5
Dolwen.................: 52 <-----Active Player
Vyktor...................: 46
Grimwold..............: 37
Karzad.................: 30
Otto.....................: 28
Ingwald ...............: 22
Gobelins (W).........: 17
Gobelins (A)..........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 8
Gob (W)-2 : 12 <-----Heavy wounded
Gob (A)-1 : 0
Gob (A)-2 : 0

Dolwen.................: 10/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 10/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 14/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 04/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

1- Beige: Ground level (Trail to the Pit)
2- Gray: 10 feet higher then the ground level
3- Almost Black: required climbing to move and it's 30 feets higher then the ground level

2018-05-01, 07:14 AM

As he sees Ottos comiing his way, Vyktor open his pack to get bandages. He kneel beside his friend and look at the arrow, seeing that the wound isnt deep and realising that he wont need the healing poultice for this.
"Brace yourself Otto."

The Shallyan takes out the arrow and apply bandages and work out a tourniquet as fast as he can be without risking to aggravate and botch the healing.

I dont know how much time I need (if it is a full action, or extended skill use).. the DM will have to rule this... but Vyktor takes the time he need and wont stop until he is done.

Heal check [roll0] VS Trained Healing (56)

Heals 1 wound

I posted out of turn... but I doubt my action will affect Dolwen's, just resolve it at my Initiative.

2018-05-01, 06:24 PM
Dolwen return fire on GobA 1

Att 1 [roll0] VS 56 [roll1] DMG Att 2 [roll2] VS 56 [roll3] DMG if Goba 1 die my second arrow go to Goba2

[roll4] VS 56 [roll5] DMG

2018-05-01, 07:53 PM

Seeing the dwarf stuck between to green skin, Grimwold moves closer hoping to finishing one off.

"Hey little snot, here is a gift for you!"

Moves to B19

Targeting:Gob W-1
Casting Roll:[roll0] VS 6
Damage: [roll1] +3

Confirm: [roll2] VS 50
Damage: [roll3]

2018-05-01, 08:25 PM

Playing before Karzad since I doubt our actions will have an effect on one another

Giving Vyktor a thankful nod, Otto spins around and heads towards the ledge, spotting the goblin archer looking at the rest of the combatants. He goes down and charges the goblin in the back!

Move from -G7 to -D7 and charges GOB(A)-2 trying to hit him from -A8 (all this movement is part of the charge)

Basic attack part of charge at +10% WS: [roll0] against WS 55, damage [roll1]

2018-05-01, 08:55 PM

"Alright you maggot, your comrade await for you on the other side."

Using my 2 handed axe, in a downright movement, I swing at goblin W-2.
If my first attack kill him, I will then move to G-13

Attack1:[roll0]vs64 (Base 59 + 5 vs Goblinoid)
Attack2:[roll1]vs64 (Base 59 + 5 vs Goblinoid)


2018-05-02, 09:26 AM

Spiting out blood and gore from the goblin in front of him, Ingwald quickly addresses the dwarf before charging onward :
"Pttptppt... Nice blow! I'll get the archer!"

Charge to H11 and hit on Goblin A1: [roll0] vs WS 48 (+10 for charge included.)
Damage [roll1]
Ulric's fury, if needed : [roll2]; [roll3]

Using a fortune point on the attack, will roll in OOC
Fortune point: Attack reroll (1D100)[58] vs WS 48. still miss

As he sprints forward to attack the archer, he stumbles on the still warm body of the goblin in front of him, losing his balance.
'Argh! Damn it!
Trying to catch himself, he his still unbalanced when he attacks. The goblin easily side steps away from the clumsy blow.

Health : 14/15
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 2/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.
7 unsuccessful rolls in a row, next roll is automatic success :)

2018-05-02, 09:54 AM

The two living goblins escape and run without looking back, they go directly to the entrance of the cave under the big tree.

Goblins (A)-1 MOVE to A1 Cave Entrance – Maximum Speed
Goblins (A)-2 MOVE to A1 Cave Entrance – Maximum Speed
Goblins (W)-1 DEAD
Goblins (W)-2 DEAD

Round : 5
Dolwen.................: 52 <-----Active Player
Vyktor...................: 46
Grimwold..............: 37
Karzad.................: 30
Otto.....................: 28
Ingwald ...............: 22
Gobelins (W).........: 17
Gobelins (A)..........: 12

Gob (W)-1 : 16 <-----DEAD
Gob (W)-2 : 16 <-----DEAD
Gob (A)-1 : 5
Gob (A)-2 : 5

Dolwen.................: 10/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 10/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 14/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 04/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)

2018-05-02, 10:23 AM

As the goblin pulls away from him, Otto swings his hammer shouting: Oh no you don't!

Basic attack: [roll0] against 45 WS, damage [roll1]

2018-05-02, 12:08 PM
Ingwald - Reaction

Not at all surprised by the goblin's escape, Ingwald swing his axe towards the creature's head, hoping to stop it in it's track.

Unfortunatly, the hit only grazes the side of the creature's head, drawing blood from one ear.

Rolled in OOC
Opportunity attack on Goblin A-1:
(1d100)[10] vs 38 HIT

Damage : (1d10+3)[5] 5 damage to the head
Ulric's Fury : (1d100)[5]; (5d10)[8][6][9][7][9](39)

2018-05-02, 01:31 PM
Seeing the last goblin run away, Vyktor says to the others,
"That's not good. We might want to fall back, find a nice hidding spot that overlook this entrace and wait to see if more come out? Some of you needs some bandaging anyway."

I'll dedicate this round trying to find a good spot to hide and still see the entrace
Perception [roll0] vs trained perception (46)

2018-05-02, 01:55 PM

"I got a slash on left arm that I would like someone to take a look on. Hiding from the entrance could be a good idea, but what if we block it instead?"

Before hiding I check the size of the entrance and if it is small enough I check around to see if I can locate 2 or 3 boulders that would block it temporarily.

[roll0]vs 32 trained Perception
I have +10% on mining and stone craft if that can help

2018-05-02, 03:15 PM

(After Dolwen's turn)

"I agree with patching you up guys, let's stay on the higher ground where you are Vyktor. Karzad, not sure it's worth it to block the entrance, we will follow him soon enough."

The mage goes a stand beside the Shallyan initiate, a hand in ingredient pouch, having is eyes locked on the hole below the tree.

"I'll stand guard, watching over the entrance. If I see a green skin, I'll cast something..."

2018-05-02, 06:31 PM
Dolwen shoot two little arrow at the remaining Goblin.

Att 1[roll0] VS 56 [roll1] DMG at -20 cover. Att 2 [roll2] VS 56 [roll3] DMG at -20 cover

[roll4] VS 56 [roll5] DMG

2018-05-02, 06:59 PM

Seeing the goblin get away and Dolwen miss with his two arrows, Otto tries once last charge at the goblin before he would disappear in the tunnel.

Charge from -A8 to A2, charge attack [roll0] VS 55 WS (including +10% for charge), damage [roll1]

2018-05-02, 07:11 PM

Otto hit the goblin with his hammer but notices he's still standing. Searching for extra strength, he tries to hit him again:

Spend 1 Fate point to gain one extra half-action:
Perform basic attack: [roll0] against WS 45, damage [roll1]

2018-05-02, 08:52 PM
Otto with his charge manage to kill the last Goblin before he reach to far within the cave...

He is facing strairs...


Combat is finish, everybody can do few actions regarding the current situation, 4 dead body and a stair set which going down...

2018-05-02, 09:18 PM

Otto brings the corpse of the goblin back with him and ells his companions:
Well that's it for these ones. We should try to hide the corpses somewhere in case other goblins come by. Also, we need to get the ears of the village chief. Ingwald, want to take care of it? Vyktor, can you have time to patch me up when you have a few minutes, we should rest and take care of our wounded before we make our way inside that hole.

Oh and Karzad, we need to talk, you have to answer for your actions and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that!

2018-05-02, 09:21 PM

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief as Otto drops his goblins, Ingwald surveys the area and realizes that the fight is won. Out of habit from his work managing the farm, he starts to organize people:

"Whoa! Good job guys! Vyk! you take care of the wounded. Otto, you stand guard and inform us if anyone is coming from that hole. Dolwen, Grimwold, help me search those corpses for anything that could be used down in the tunnel, like keys or passphrases...

as he notices the looks of contempt on his comrades faces, he quickly realizes that he is not on his farm anymore. In an effort to apologize, he adds :
"If that is ok with you, off course. And I think we should be hiding those corpses too."

Then he bends down on the nearest goblin and begins his search.

Untrained search at 15 : [roll0] to find anything that could be used as a password, or key in the tunnels ahead.

Health : 14/15
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 2/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-03, 05:51 AM
Also, we need to get the ears of the village chief.

Oh and Karzad, we need to talk, you have to answer for your actions and I don't think I'm the only one who thinks that!


"That chief seemed to be a well enough fellow, I don't see why we should get his ears, plus it would mean going back to the village. I guess I can take the ears off the greenskin tho, that I can take care of."

I start slicing the ears from the goblin.

"Oh and by the way son, I'm okay with trying to find a plan or create an ambush or even let the greenskin die from old age, but I will say that only once and it's good for all of you." I look in around to make sure everybody is listening. "As soon as the plan start involving finding a peaceful way to deal with goblins and their like, I'll react like I did today... Call me stubborn if you want but it won't be said that Karzad of Karak Norn tried to talk his way out of a fight with those green scumbag."

2018-05-03, 06:21 AM

Keeping quiet in the aftermath of the battle, Grimwold start inspecting the cadavers.

"Good idea trying to find useful item Ingwald."

Search: [roll0] vs 45

2018-05-03, 08:26 AM

Plain relief can bee seen on Vyktor face when Otto bring back the fourth goblin back.
"Well done Otto, this might prevent us from having to fight an whole goblin clan. At least it shall let us have the advantage of surprise."

Looking at his allies and estimating their wounds, the pries says,
"Since we dont knows how long we have before we need to move - we still might have been heard or spotted by a guard we didnt see - , I'll start with Otto's wounds : he seem to need it the most. Karzad will stand watch until Ottos is healed, then I'll heal Karzad, Dolwen and Ingwald."

The Shallayn listen to Karzad, calmly letting him finish his toughts.
Once the dawrf is done, the young priest reply,
"You have the right to not want try to discuss or negociate with golbins. You have the right to be not much better than goblins and want to slay some living thing simply because they belong to a race that is known to be evil. But you have no right to simply ignore and disrespect us, your allies."

The priest make a very short pause to emphasis his toughts, but doesnt let anyone cut in yet.
"Beyong being stupid, what you did is simply disrespect us. You took actions to force everyone to act like you wanted, costing us the advantage of surprise. A goblin almost make it out to warn his clan because of you and it is simply because Otto's gave everything he've got, exerting himself, that the last goblin was slain and we kept some advantage.

To be honest, even if we would had tried to talk, I didnt put much hope that the goblins might cooperate and you more than likely would had had your fight. I am no fool, most goblins are pure evil. Still, like in humans or even dwarves, nothing is all black or white : there is evil dwarves, so there might be some goblins who are more peaceful."

The priest keep a calm tone and continues,
"If you say you will do this again if when we talk of doing something your little person think is not right, without even taking the time to tell us why and discuss with us, I am not sure I want to have you on the team. You are not alone in this and have no right to risk our lives on your own whims. When we have the opportunity, talking and forming a plan should always be done first, no matters how you feel about the suggestions we offer."

The initiate start to pull out badanges and motion for Otto to come for healing.

2018-05-03, 09:30 AM

Otto listens to Vyktor talking to Karzad and nods several times as he speaks. Once Vyktor is done talking, Otto adds:
Well said Vyktor, I could not have said it any better and I agree completely. Also, simply mentioning if there is a way to do this peacefully does not mean we will go that route, we are just talking and exploring options. If at the sole mention of bringing a peaceful solution up in a conversation turns you into a loose blunderbuss, then I agree with Vyktor and maybe we should part ways. You cannot risk the lives of everyone here with your grudge and your foolishness. Think about it.

Otto then turns around and gets closer to Vyktor for treatment.

2018-05-03, 09:46 AM

"This is well said and you do get some good points, but you are what ... 18? I'm actually 105 years old, I have seen things done by goblins and orcs that would have had your peaceful god want to take arms. I have seen the remains of Norak Tien, where the goblins and orcs led by the shaman Kulgrak Darkshadow opened the bellies of every women trying to find babies and foetus for their dark experiment. I have seen the way they impaled the remains of you soldier in order to shock us. I get that not everything is black and white but after seeing these atrocities I refuse to believe that they can be good.

How can you think that they are capable of anything other than evil action is beyond me... "

Shaking his head in dismay, the dwarf continue.

"I'll tell you what, for the sake of the party, I'll forget that you almost compared me to those monsters and I will try to hold my temper next time, but never will I accept a plan that involve being friendly to them, you better ask me to stay away if you ever want to discuss a plan like this."

2018-05-03, 10:27 AM

During all this shouting, the mage keeps looking at the tunnel entrance.

"When you will have finished your bickering, would you mine if we step in the tunnel carefully? I can shed some lights to see where we step, but I would rather not go in first."

2018-05-03, 11:12 AM

The young Shallyan listen to the dwarf as he start bandaging Otto, letting Karzad finish.

Grimwold interjection surprise Vyktor a little, but the you man say in a calm and even tone,
"This is not bickering, this is just establishing boundaries here. Do you agree with the way Karzad acted? Simply ignoring us all? Beside we have time here, taking care of all your wound will take more than half an hour."

Turning back to Karzad, Vyktor say,
"It is true I am young, but as I said I am no fool. I know of history, and I have seen first hand the damage these creature can do. And my Godess have been around more than 105 years and She doesnt take arms to erradicate goblins, nor does she ask her disciple to .

You seem to think we Shallayns are only thinking of peace and that we think everyone should put down their weapons and dance in circles hand in hands. That would be a foolish way to see thing : life isn't that simple. Shallya eddict demands that we aid those suffering and help ease their pain. Of course, we dont want to be the cause of pain and vow to avoid killing at all cost. We do hope others also does so, but I would never force anyone to adhere to our standards.

As such, I would not have forced you to come talk with the goblins, but if the group was condiering it, you should have stated you were against it, debated with vigor if need be. And if it would have gone the peaceful way, you should had stood back, looking at us more than likely fail instead of simply ignoring us and forcing your way. As I said, I agree goblins as a whole are evil, but there might be exceptions among the race. I apologize if you took this as an insult - it wasent meant to be one - but it is the same thing with every races : there is what the majority is, but there might some exceptions."

The young priest shrug and add,
"Anyway, what is done is done. Just please debate first when we have the time for it, dont force others in your choices, that is all I ask."

[roll0] VS trained Heal (56) = 10 minutes
If success, regain [roll1] Wounds

2018-05-03, 11:25 AM

Ingwald is somewhat taken aback by the strong reaction incited by Karzad's action. Not one to keep old grudges, he proposes a new approach to the problem at hand :

"Guys, guys, no need to get all that fired up. Nothing serious happened. Can we just agree that we missed a very good opportunity to learn what the greenskins are doing here, and to get into close range without being fired upon? We might even have had a chance to find out what is down below, in these tunnels familiar to the goblins!"

Marking a little pause, Ingwald then shrugs and while turning around, says :
"Plus, if it happens again, we can always let him fight alone and see what happens."

Ingwald bends down to pick the 2 part of a broken key and stash those away in his sling bag, then proceed to shiv off the creature's right ear.

2018-05-03, 11:37 AM

Vyktor nods at Ingwald,
"I know, it all turned well in the end. I just dont want to see anyone die needlessly. Just give me some more time to complete the bandaging of those who needs it."

2018-05-03, 01:29 PM

"Hey guys I get that you are pissed at my actions but it is no a reason to butch your bandages attempt, it's not even doing anything, look...."

The dwarf point at the loose bandage on his arms, it's dripping a small amount of blood and you can clearly see this was done by someone who did not know or care was doing.

2018-05-03, 01:54 PM

Looking at the bandages, Vyktor rise his eyebrow unphased by the ridiculous accusation,
"Dont remove the bandages, it wont help. You clearly dont understand Shallya initiates if you really thinks I didnt do the best I could because I didnt like your actions : some wound just take more time than other to heal. I'd even treat someone who just tried to kill me with as much care as anyone else - once he is neutralised of course.
This is not magic, this is over time care, so leave it there. "

Vyktor replace the bandages that Karzad tempered with.

Not rolling again since I cant. :) just resetting the bandages.

2018-05-03, 08:15 PM

Getting up from the latest corpse, Ingwald shakes his head at the childishness that is transpiring. He moves over to the next body and bends down to pick up anything interesting, then proceeds to removing the right ear from this one too.

He continues until all bodies have been plundered, then starts moving them behind the tree.

Once the hard labor is done, Ingwald move to each of his comrads and hands them their share of the loot.

"Here, that's for you!"

Comming up to the dwarf, Ingwald shows him the key and asks : "Do you think we could fix this thing? It could probably be useful down there.", pointing towards the cave.

Each receives 5 silver and 2 coppers
Ingwalds keeps the rest of the money, 2 silver and 1 copper, plus the broken key and the 4 ears.

2018-05-04, 07:07 AM

Taking the money without even counting it, Vyktor ask the group,
"Do you think it could be those goblins that took the missing family? I guess there would have more traces of their passage at the farm if they did, right?"

Taking a look at the cave entrace,
"We are going down there, right?"

2018-05-04, 07:20 AM

Getting ready to move on, Otto answers Vyktor:
Apparently this is the entrance to the salve pits so that's the way we should go.

For the family, maybe, but I'm not sure. Maybe the family left on their own for whatever reason, maybe the magical axe had something to do with it. Maybe thieves heard about their importance for the village or heard about the axe and decided to go after them. Maybe the thieves we saw at the farm came back to clean the place after they got rid of the family. Or maybe it's these goblins... your guess is as good as mine at this point...

Looking at the blue sky, he continues:
Going down there is probably one of the riskier options, but if there is a chance the family is there, we need to go. And at the same time it might save the village from a real threat if more goblins live there and we can get rid of more

He looks at Karzad as he finishes his last sentence and gives him a nod to show him he's really not fond of the greenskin.

2018-05-04, 07:43 AM

"Well, since we're here and have to clear the goblins, might as well get down to business. If that magic axe story holds any truth, I wouldn't be surprised to find the family down there, either as prisoners, or as the leaders. "

Pulling a torch from his pack, ignites it and extends it towards Vyktor, saying :
Do you mind being the torch bearer Vyk? thanks.

He then hefts his weapon and rolls his shoulder, getting mentally ready to descend in the cave.

2018-05-04, 08:01 AM

The fight over, the goblins are repatriated, hidden and searched..

Meanwhile Vyktor argues over the strategies with the troublemaker dwarf while he is treating his companions.

The searches around the entrance do not bring anything useful, and during the 40 minutes of rest nothing happens. No Goblin comes out of the cave…

After a few minutes of reflection and care, you decide to enter the cave carefully, you go down the stairs and check that there is no trap, silently moving forward.

At the bottom of the stairs, it has a large Antechamber with a second stairwell that sinks even deeper into the mountain, after a short and silence search within the room, nothing has been found, so going deeper is the only option… At the bottom of the 2nd staircase, a Grand Hall, this 40 foot wide chamber has columns along each wall and is seems to be the home of evil creatures.
The entrance to the next chamber requires climbing through the mouth of a relief carving of a huge demon…

The black boot is just to hide the rest of the Map for those smart *** who asking

What your actions within the Grand Hall? Idea, plan, rush?

2018-05-04, 08:10 AM

"Ahhhhhh nothing like a couple thousands tons of rocks on top of your head to make you feel like at home."

Looking at Vyktor, Karzad continue.

Watch out with the torch Vyktor, there is often insect nests hanging from crevice in these kind of caverns, you wouldn't want to burn a family of dungbeetle... would you?"

The dwarf try to hide his smile.

"I'll go first, I can see in the dark and I can take a punch or two, so this make sense. Anyone else can see in the dark?"

2018-05-04, 08:21 AM

Entering the Grand Hall behind his companions, Otto whispers to them:
I can see in the dark too, and so should Dolwen. Also, try to keep your voices low, it echoes in here and we want to keep the effect of surprise as long as we can, even if we are carrying a torch. I can help search the room to see if we can find anything useful or hidden passages ways before continuing on.

Pausing for a moment and looking at the Grand Hall he adds perplexed:
I've never been to a slave pit but this is not what I was expecting.

For the fun of fun, doing 4 perception checks, against 47 Int (trained):

2018-05-04, 08:25 AM

Vyktor takes the torch,
"Sure, 'Ill take care of the light."

At Zarzad interjection, the young cleric give him an incredulous look thinking,
how can someone over a 100 years old can be so dumb and childish...

ignoring the dwarf, the young man look down the hole leading down to the next chamber.
"Anyone see a place to secure a rope around here?"

Looking for a place to tie a rope to help get down
[roll0] vs trained perception (46)

2018-05-04, 08:37 AM

"I'm not certain we are in the salve pit at the moment, we might be in a side cavern"

Looking at the demon sculpture.

"I can try climb up the mouth of the demon then tie a rope and throw it down."

2018-05-04, 10:24 AM

Following Vyktor around, partly to protect him, but mostly because he is totally blind without the torch, Ingwald looks at the demon mouth and ask, in a hushed tone :

What is this thing? Have you guys ever seen this face anywhere?

I am trying to identify the demon face.
As I do not have any significant skills that would help me, I am trying a Half Int test : [roll0] vs Half int of 15.

2018-05-04, 11:23 AM

"According to my superior knowledge of rocks I'd say the mouth of the demon is about 15 feet high."

I drop my backpack and get my grappling hook.

"I'll try to see if I can catch a ledge or something"

I tie the hook to my 30f rope and try to have it stuck firm enough for me to use it.

[roll0]vs 35 BS

2018-05-04, 11:55 AM

When Ingwald ask about the demonic face, Vyktor was already analysing it and is returned to reality adn say still loking at it.
"I think I've seen this before. That type of demon, a putrescent mutant mass of flesh, remnant of..."
Vyktor pause, obviously struggling to remember something, "Sorry, I cant remember where I've read about this."

Hehe got a god roll, but I guess it isnt my my field of knowledges.. or I need an extremly good roll :)

2018-05-04, 12:09 PM

Listening to Vyktor's explanation, Ingwald realises that he knew this as well.
"Yes, it is pretty much the same to me, I know I have seen this face somewhere, but..."

Then, hearing Karzad's comments, an horrific idea is forming in his head. He turns to face Vyktor with a look of dread and asks :

"If this would be an entrance, wouldn't there be a ladder somewhere? I think that the goblin residing in this hall might be adoring this face, and from time to time, some kind of gifts comes out of it? Gifts as in remains from the useless slaves maybe?"

Ingwald shudders at the idea, flexes his hands repeatedly on his weapons, showing his nervousness.

2018-05-04, 12:48 PM

When Ottos sees Karzad get his grappling hook out, he moves closer to him and tells him in a low voice before he's ready to throw it:

I wouldn't use this if I was you, it would be too noisy and like we said before, we want to keep the advantage of the surprise. Your initial plan of climbing and throwing a rope down is the plan we should follow, much quieter, especially if your grappling hook does not catch anything and falls back down.

2018-05-04, 01:05 PM

During the planning on how to climb inside the skull of the demon...

[roll0] Vyctor
[roll1] Ingwald
[roll2] Krazad
[roll3] Grimwold
[roll4] Otto
[roll5] Dolwen

For those who have their "Hearing" perception test : You hear "hummm humm hummm".. like when someone tries to talk gagged, coming from the demon's forehead, but not very strong.

2018-05-04, 01:43 PM

The dwarf was about to answer Otto, acknowledging this was a good idea when hear something.

With slow movement he try to signal his friends to stop talking and listen.

2018-05-04, 02:05 PM

The young initiate was about to reply to Ingwald then notice Karzad signal and tense up, keeping quiet and listen carefully.
He also place the flamme between him and the wall to prevent the light to expand in the hole as much as possible so they are not noticed by anyone who would be down bellow.

I simply make sure the light doesnt light it up down there, letting those who see in the darkness see.
Still I doubt I can prevent it from being notice once the creatures bellow can see up the hole... still does my best to block that as well.

2018-05-04, 02:06 PM
Dolwen don't argue with anymore, Thanks shaliya for taking care of my wound.

I will stay in the back, unless you guys want my scout skill to do a little recce of what is going on!!

2018-05-04, 04:07 PM

"I too can see in the dark. It's rare in my family, maybe it's part of the reason why I can feel the winds of magic. If you want I can always produce some light from my staff, or away from us. The moving lights would hindered our possible surprise, but it would allow to see far away and maybe have some possible enemy show themselves in advance."

When they get in front of the demon face:

"Whoever this is suppose to represent, I'm pretty sure it's not friendly. I'll try to concentrate to see if my magical sense can pick up something..."

At a lower volume more to encourage himself:

"...while hoping whatever is behind that demonic representation is not picking me up itself."

Turning to his dwarven friend:

"Say Karzad, can you determine when or who could've carved this? Meaning a few weeks old or centuries? Beginner or a devout craftsman?"

Upon hearing the request to listen more carefully, Grimwold close his eyes and try to hear what anybody else is hearing.

Magical sense: [roll0] VS 50
Perception: [roll1] VS 45

2018-05-04, 04:15 PM

The dwarf speak in a very low tone

"Anyone else pick up that muffled noise?"
"This seem to be coming from the carving."

Karzad approach the carving very slowly hoping he could hear the sound better and get a glimpse at the construction.

[roll0] vs int 42 (+10% from stonework included)

2018-05-05, 08:13 AM

Those who have heard the sound, do not hear it anymore... Silence returns within the room, the light is sifted by Vycktor...

This makes the demon's head look even more scary...
While Grimwold feels if there is magic, the presence of the demon's head is "increasing"...

Please do a fear test (WP) -10%

**Those who suffer from that fear effect have -10%/-1 to all of their stats (Except HP) and are unable to look to the demon's head anymore**

2018-05-05, 12:55 PM

Ingwald was facinated by the light dancing on the Demon's figure. The sudden silence, combined with the dimming light increased the already nervous state in which he was. Turning his head every which way, expecting monster to come out of every dark corners, Ingwald felt an itch in the back of his brain, warning him of impending danger.

"Is it just me or the face is getting bigger... "

[roll0] vs WP-10 (23)

Shuddering from the effect of the statue, Ingwald turns and hide behind Vyktor looking at his back, no longer able to look at the statue.

2018-05-05, 02:02 PM

Otto has no clue about what the others are talking about with regards to the sound and when he tries to look around, he feels a shiver go through his body.

WP Test: [roll0] against 36 (because of -10%)

Otto Freezes, and says in an insecure voice: Something's not right

2018-05-05, 02:18 PM

Hush tone
"The sound is gone, what kind of treachery is this. I'm starting to have a weird feeling about this place."

[roll0] vs 36 (Stout-Hearted give me +10% vs Fear, Terror and Intimidate roll, so it negate the -10%)

2018-05-05, 07:14 PM

Vyktor was not paying attention to the statue, working to shed the light and simply listen. when his allies the demon face growing, Vyktor look over his shoulder and is struck by the fearful sight of the demon face. At first he freezes, but using his willpower he manage to shake of the magic.

Keeping hiw voice low, he ask says to the others,
"I agree, there is some vile magic going on here. Why would coward like goblin even consider coming to a place like this..., should we push forward or simply moved back?"

I did the roll is my private thread .
I first rolled 82, then i used a fortune point to reroll =30 VS wis (43-10 = 33) = Saved.

2018-05-05, 07:46 PM

Slowly opening his eyes, try to scan the depth of the demon face, the mage ushers:

"There is something else here..."

Without turning his gaze, unknown if it's from fear itself or in defiance, he adds in a more assured tone:

"I don't like it guys. Something has awaken recently, it's gaining in strength. I don't think we will face green skins again in this cave. Something much more terrifying and unnatural is around."

Suddenly looking rapidly to each of it's comrades:

"We need to decide quick, do we keep pressing it and go further to see what is behind this, or do we turn around and let expert deal with this. The latter choice will more than definetely seal the fates of the farmer."

Taking his eyes back on the carved head:

"I'm ready to go in... but not alone."

Fear save: [roll0] VS 40 (-10%, Challenging test)

2018-05-05, 08:32 PM
Dolwen look right in front of him and lower is head and move backward!!

Holy crap that ugly

[roll0] VS 41-10

2018-05-05, 08:41 PM

"I vote we continue, this is only stone and rocks, nothing to be afraid of. This is in fact very old, older than me even."

Looking at his companion.

"Unless someone else has a better idea, I'll climb to the hole and drop a rope down"

2018-05-06, 06:17 AM

Karzad easily climbs the demon's head to the cavity; his priority is to secure a rope to allow others to climb up to him, once the rope is installed, the least scared of you advance towards it to help others to climb, it is very difficult to be convinced to climb the wall that terrorized you inside, but with the help from your companions, you'll get there.

Karzad makes sure everything is in place and solid, meanwhile he inspect the next room... an sees an elf tied, gagged and blindfolded, you notice that he is breathing, but he is very hurt.

Further in the room you can see the glow of the day from outside, an opening to the rope bridge… it’s difficult to distinguish more details from where you currently are...

Everyone will be able to climb into the room where Karzad is now and see the elf, one at the time, with the rope no need for a climb test, but for those who are afraid and have to go up with their eyes closed so as not to see the demon, it is more difficult
TEST : Movement or Agility test (the best of both)

If you fail, you fall : 1D10+1 DMG (T & Armor count)

2018-05-06, 08:22 AM
The priest nod at Karzad,
" I also think we should press forward. As Grimwold said, the farmers fate might depends on us finding them."

Once Karzad secured the rope, Vyktor try to climb. While he never trained, the ripe Karzad put up work perfectly and it easier than he thought it would be. Once he reach the top, he say to Karzad, "Thanks for the rope, I doubt I would have made it up here without it, at least not that - " Vyktor stop mid sentence, noticing the injured elf.

The initiate rush at the wounded side and delicately check is status, He's alive, come help me Karzad, let turn him on his back, delicately.
The Shallyan priest take out his bandages and poultice. He first check out how bad are the wound to determine if he's gonna need the poultice, then doesn't waste time to start working on injured elf.

[roll0] vs movement (50)

And if fall cannot be avoided [roll2]

Lol just realised I didnt need the move test sinceI am not afraid

2018-05-06, 11:33 AM

Otto stays back and doesn't look at the head. He tells his companions, in a voice that clearly shows his insecurity:
There's no way I'm going up there on my own, especially since I can't look at it. If you want me up there, you'll have to drag me up. I'll tie myself to the rope and if some of you could help lift me up, it would be appreciated. I'll try to guide myself on the rocks at the same time.

2018-05-06, 03:10 PM

I rush to help Vyktor with the elf.

"One moment Otto, we have someone hurt here."

Once the elf is secure, I will go help Otto climb up.

2018-05-06, 03:56 PM

Ingwald is paralyzed by the statue. When he ears that his fiends are going to go through the mouth, he mumbles to himself :

"Got to do it, got to do it for the farmers, yes, for the farmers... for your family... "

Still shuddering, he can't convince himself to go up... but when Vyktor leaves with the only light source, he finally finds the courage to grap the rope and climb up. Closing his eyes, he starts climbing. Part way, the rope starts swinging, and Ingwald slips down, falling in his ankle and twisting it. This is a bad idea.

Ingwald is afraid, so Movement test : vs Move 40. Trained in scale sheer surfaces, if it helps.

Fortune point: [roll1] vs 40.
Damage [roll]1D10+1-5 rolled in OOC post 193, result is fall with 2 damage.

Health : 12/15
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0 (for now)
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 1/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

-10 to all stats, -1 Move due to fear of demon head statue, can't look at it

2018-05-06, 06:14 PM

Otto sees his friend fall right in front of him in a loud bang, and hurt his ankle from the weight of his chaimail. He goes over to see Ingwald:

So much for being quiet, although it doesn't really matter, this place gives me the creeps, something I've never felt before. I heard Karzad say it's a bit like his mom. Anyways, want me to try and patch that ankle for you? If yes, I just want to move a bit away for the statue, like I said, it frightens me. Unless you want to try and go up there as soon as possible, but in that case, I'd wait for someone to help, that's why I wanted to tie myself to go up and have people help me up.

Trained Heal check: [roll0] against 37 (47 - 10% from Fear), if successful: [roll1]

We do have to move a bit away from the statues but Otto is fine with it since he sees in the dark and I assume there is still enough light coming from the mouth of the statue for him to see. Also, he tries to have a conversation with Ingwald to make them both feel a little more secure.

2018-05-06, 06:53 PM

Staying below the head to help his comrades climb, the mage tries to help them as much as he can. Seeing the Sigmarite and former peasant, he tries to be reassuring:

"Come on guys! We are all in this together, you can do it. We need your big arms up there. Ingwald think about your family! If they were the one you were kidnap you would climb that rope without thinking about it and save the day! Otto, I'm pretty sure Sigmar would laugh at the face of this evil representation and be up there before even sweating a little bit..."

When everybody is up there, the mage will climb last, without wasting any time. Even thought he said harsh words to bolster his partners, he still feels uneasy in this room... even more when he is alone.

2018-05-06, 08:13 PM
Dolwen keep is eyes close and hope for the best!!!

[roll0] VS Agi 51, I am train in Scale sheer surface if that help.

2018-05-06, 08:29 PM

Ingwald blurts"Ouch... Damn it!" without thinking. Looking up at where Otto's voice came from, he says, in a quieter tone: "I would very much like that sir, let's move away a bit. Help me get up please."

Then, feeling a warmth in his heart upon hearing of his family, Ingwald gather his strength and move behind a column, saying : "I constantly think about them, Grimwold, but thanks. The effort is appreciated."

2018-05-07, 07:49 AM

Hush voice
"God dammit, this is a bad timing to find an elf in distress. I don't like them much but I'm not one to look away when someone need helps."

Karzad is starting to get a little bit worried.

"Vyktor, let me know when you are okay to take care of the elf, I'll go help the boys get up here."

2018-05-07, 08:42 AM

Once Vyktor is sure the elf can be safely moved, he use Karzad strenght to place it in a confortable position and say,
"Go get help the others, I'll be fine here. Beside I'll need some time to take care of him."

2018-05-07, 09:25 AM

While Vycktor inspects and helps the efle..

"My name is Gago, thank you for your help, I was captured by Goblins during an expedition within the mountain."

In the meantime Karzad helps the rest of the group to join them…

When everyone is up, they quietly forget the horrible demon's head and regain their spirits.

The room is big, but there is absolutely nothing… other than the bag and weapons of a poor elf.

Outside the chamber, the rope bridge… this rope and wood bridge look like was built by the goblins, but the supports for it are ancient carved stone. While dangerous looking, the bridge is quite sturdy and safe according to Karzad.
"I think the bridge is solid"

Note: Moving on the bridge is at quarter speed at best, and can only be done in single file.

Karzad : [roll0] - Bridge inspection Roll

The -10/-1 bonus is gone.


2018-05-07, 09:49 AM

Otto looks at the elf and asks him:
Gago huh? Nice to meet you, I'm Otto, priest of Sigmar. Sorry to ask but how did you find yourself here? How long have you been here? Is there anything you can tell us about this place or the goblins? Also, did you see a family of farmers? I'm sorry, these are a lot of questions and I know you are in a rough shape, but any information you have might help.

When Otto eventually walks over the bridge he looks down and after a little bit he says to the group:
Hey guys, I can see something down there, in the stream, through the reed, like a body of a human male. It appears long-decomposed though.

2018-05-07, 12:23 PM

"Well I said the bridge looked very solid, but we still can fall down if we are not careful."

Looking at the elf.

"Gago... I'm Karzad, you're free to follow us, but you better make yourself helpful. I'm not much for carrying dead weight, elfspecially someone from your race."

Turning to face the group.

"Shall we tie ourselves to cross the bridge?"

2018-05-07, 03:38 PM

"Like the dwarf said, welcome aboard Gago, dangers seems to be lying ahead. You are welcome to help us, we are trying to find a family of farmer that recenlty disappear, but if you are to banged up, the road behind should be safe."

Answering the dwarf comments about tying us together:

"Good idea, but how may ropes do we have? Not sure we've got long enough to be on the bridge one at a time... how long is that bridge?"

Evaluate (?)[roll0] VS 22 (untrained)

2018-05-07, 03:46 PM

"Thanks again Karzad, and all of you! I've been tied here for two days now and I'm rather eager to leave, though not alone. I will definitely make myself useful if I can tag along with you!"

Looking at Otto:
"That's a lot of questions and I'll do my best to answer all of them as we move away from this place."

Looking at everyone:
"I should warn you, I'm reasonably sure that the goblins are not alone here. There's at least two other somethings that speak neither Common or Elf! From time to time, there are also horrible, horrible sounds coming from the depths of this cave. If we are pushing forward, we should definitely thread very carefully!"

2018-05-07, 04:04 PM

Taking a quick look around:
By any chance, have any of you seen my uniform and equipment lying around? I would be much more useful with those in hand!

[roll0] vs 34 (int)

2018-05-07, 04:26 PM

As the wizard looks at the length of the bridge, his evaluation will includes 6x 50-foot ropes to ensure a safe passage...

The elf as he speaks gets tripping over his bag and impaled himself on his dagger.. fortunately, an elf dagger does no damage.

2018-05-07, 08:50 PM

Vyktor was about to ask the elf name when Otto cut in and ask his questions, followed by the others. He decide to let the elf time to reply, while he keep mending his wounds.
Once the elf introduce himself and reply to the others, the Shallyan introduce himself,
"Well met Gago. I am Vyktor, humble servant of Shallya. As you surely can guess, I am not here to fight, but to help as I can, mostly tending the wounded and using my knowledges and other skills."

The you initiate rise and of his hand to shake to his elven new ally
" I am done patching you, you should be alright"
Looking at the group at large,
"Shall we proceed? I think we all agree that we wont turn back now, the farmers might need our help."

Looking at the bridge, Vyktor look at Karzad,
"You say it is solid. Can it support more than one person at a time or shall we go one by one?"

2018-05-08, 11:52 AM

Once through the demon mouth, the farmer pats his arms and head in an effort to verify that he is still whole. Quite happy to find that he is, he actually open his eyes and survey the area in the dim light of the torch.

He heads over to the elf and asks : "Hey there, how did you make it here? all tied up and gaged? where you from?" While awaiting an answer, he thinks : "Hmmm, why would he be left here? a tribute from below? maybe... but a tribute to who?.. or to what?"

Going back to the elf, Ingwald tries to clarify: "How were you brought here? from the chamber beyond the demon mouth?" pointing to where he was hoisted up, "or from that bridge?", pointing in the opposite direction.

Then turning to his friends, he explains : "I believe that Gago here was left as a tribute by the goblin to appease their god figure represented by the demon face. If that is the case, maybe we could set up an ambush to whoever would come and get this "prize"? what do you guys think?"

As he is looking at the bridge, it is quite evident on his face that he does not want to cross.

2018-05-08, 04:02 PM
Looking at the group and say:

Alright, i don't think its a good place to set a ambush, but is that bridge is the only way out? if its the case I think we should go find the farmer family and on are way back, cut the bridge.... if we have to retreat!

I will go first, to scout the place.

Dolwen cross the bridge with caution!

2018-05-08, 05:09 PM

Dolwen advances carefully on the bridge… “Wait, I'll tie you up” Karzad told him.

In the middle of the bridge Dolwen realize that the bridge is rather solid as the dwarf thought, which it would not really need to be tie, but better be careful.

While he walks slowly, he can distinguish the room in which he approaches a large square room with a staircase at the back, a hole in the ceiling, which must be used as a chimney according to the ashes on the ground...

All the companions pass the rope bridge without any problem and all meet in the room where Dolwen is.

The staircase is not dissimulated and easy to distinguish, but each companion searches the room for clues before going further...

[roll0] Dolwen
[roll1] Gago
[roll2] Ingwald
[roll3] Vyktor vs Perception (46)
[roll4] Karzad
[roll5] Grimwold
[roll6] Otto

2018-05-08, 05:21 PM

Glad to have found his bag of equipment, Gago answers the human's questions:
"I've been trying to find a missing girl for... well, many seasons now. My investigation led me near these mountains, but I didn't get too far before being surrounded by goblins. I'm not proud to say, but they captured me, beat me, and tied me up. I've survived on water for the past 2 days... I'm not sure if i was considered a "prize" or "tribute", but I am very grateful that you saved me nonetheless!"

While putting on his equipment and counting his arrows:
"From what I understand, you are also looking for someone? Maybe we can help each other? Maybe what happened to your family of farmers is linked with my quest to find the missing girl? Either way, let me repay your kindness by helping you on your current quest."

"But again, I must warn you: although I was blindfolded, I heard two other somethings that speak neither goblin or elf. Do you have any ideas of who... or what... they may be?"

2018-05-08, 06:24 PM

Trying to walk casually toward Ingwald.

"Ingwald you should get something to eat to the elf, he might need the force."

The dwarf start whispering loud enough for the group to hear him, but try to keep his tone low so the thing doesn't.

"There was a goblin in the chimney, just now. Be on the lookout he moved away when he noticed I spotted him. We might have no other choice than fight in this room so prepare yourself."

Karzad slowly draw his axe while trying to listen for any noise of incoming footsteps.

[roll0] vs 52 (int of 32 + 20 when the check involve listening)

2018-05-08, 10:29 PM

Catching on fairly quickly, Ingwald tries to send the warning to his camarades in a disguised way:
"Good thinking Karzad. Gago, if don't mind lending me an arrow, I have some turtle meat with which I could cook you a "Greenmeat" skewer under that "chimney," we serve this to our "guest" back home. I'm sure you would only be able to eat "one" for now, as it is somewhat an acquired taste, but you would get use to it, and be able to take on "more" later." putting emphasis on specific words for the benefit of his friends.

2018-05-09, 06:05 AM

Hearing Karzad's words, Otto looks at him and says in a low voice:
Thanks for the warning Karzad.

Then, moving closer to the back wall, pointing at a couple of spots and keeping his voice low but for everyone to hear:
There is a secret door here, and a mechanism to open it right here. Oh, and there's a trap on the mechanism as well.

2018-05-09, 08:11 AM

"You're welcome. and you dont owe us anything, but your help will be welcome. And as you said, you path seem aligned anyway."

At the elf question, Vyktor shrug,
"We dont know what else could be here with the goblins. We've heard a few rumors about a few thing, mutants and other stuff, but nothing definitive yet. Ad we haven't seen nor heard of a you girl."

When Karzad warn him, the initiate nod his thanks and look around for a place topositon himself not to be in the weay of others and have a bit of protection.

2018-05-09, 08:13 AM

Looking a bit puzzled, but playing along while speaking softly:
"I don't mind sharing an arrow or two. I've never had turtle meat, but at this point I'd eat anything."

After passing an arrow to Ingwald, he prepares another arrow for his bow. He also steps back a little closer to Otto, but far from the trapped mechanism.
"Do you where this door leads?"

2018-05-09, 08:18 AM

Staying quiet, trying to position himself strategically in case of surprise ambush by the greenskins. Away from the chimney and the secret door identified by Otto. Staying near the rope bridge if they need to flee.

2018-05-09, 08:31 AM

Readying his weapons like his companions, Otto whispers to Gago with a grin on his face:
If I hadn't understood the dwarf, I would have had no clue what Ingwald was trying to say with his turtles. He fell from a rope right as our friends found you, he might have hurt his head a little.

He continues:
I have no clue where this leads to, i just noticed it as I was looking at the room. I'm not trying to open it either, no clue what that trap does and I'm already banged up enough. I'll stay close enough in case something comes out of here though.

Speaking a little bit louder for others to hear:
We could always try to find where this chimney leads to outside and come back here after, but I'm not sure that's my first choice right now.

Otto then puts his back to the wall a few feet away from the secret door, staying ready to defend his companions.

2018-05-09, 09:07 AM

"So we have some choices at the moment, we decided we are going forward so the bridge is out of the question for the moment. We can either climb the chimney (it is large enough, that is what I was verifying when I noticed the turtle), we can go down the stair or we can go trough the secret door. I don't hear any footstep so the turtle might not be coming, and to be honest there too many entry to this room to be easily defendable, so I vote we move."

After thinking for a few seconds the dwarf continue.

"My first choice would be the secret door, then the chimney, then going down the stairs. What about you guys?"

2018-05-09, 09:31 AM

Vyktor look at the chimney and say,
"I am not a very good climber, so the secret door would be my choice."

2018-05-09, 09:39 AM

Nodding to both the dawrf and the priest:
I agree as well. But does anyone know how to disarm traps?

2018-05-09, 09:40 AM

"Let's try to open it."

Moving closer to the hidden door, the mage start to inspect it, hoping to find a mechanism to open it.

"Nope, it should be opening from the other side only then... Should we try to bash it open?"

Search: [roll0] VS 45

2018-05-09, 09:49 AM

Looking at the mage, Otto shows him where the mechanism to open the door is located:
It seems to be right here Grimworld, and there is a trap put in place on it.

2018-05-09, 10:27 AM

"Well, would you look at that. Thanks Otto, I'm not familiar with that kind of mechanism. What is the trap going to do? Spike coming down from the ceiling? Poisonous dart launched from another wall?"

Perception:[roll0] VS 45 (Trying to analayze the trap itself...)

GOD I ROLL BAD TODAY!!! Seems like the trap will unleash 3 hellish unicorn on us...

2018-05-09, 10:42 AM

"We could always tie a rope to the mechanism and pull it from a safe distance or we could pack stuff around the mechanism so if a dart does come out it will get stopped by the stuff. I'm afraid this could be an alarm as well. Anyway don't count on me to try to disarm that thing."

2018-05-09, 11:39 AM

Looking at his friends with disbelief, Ingwald shrugs, thinking : "It seems like we have stopped any attempt at being stealthy..."

He then move to the mechanism and waves Vyktor over:"Vyk, come here with the light please."

Looking at the mechanism, the farmer recalls his dad's lesson on how to set trap for critters, trying to transpose his lessons to him being the critter.

Ingwald will try to understand the trap and what it does, before trying to disarm it. He is train in "Set trap". So he is looking at the mechanism, at the floor, for pitfall, at the opposite wall for darts and any other suspicious holes. In this case, I think an Intelligence roll is more appropriate than an Agility test.
So here it is : [roll0] vs Intelligence 31, or Ag 29 if it's the case.

Fortune roll, if needed : [roll1] vs 31 or 29.

Ranald's golden tooth... adventuring is not for me it seems...

2018-05-09, 03:17 PM

Replying in a low voice:
"For what it's worth, I also think that we should attempt to open the secret door. Unfortunately, I can't help much with traps."

Moving away from the trapped mechanism, and pondering in a silent voice:
"I like Karzad's idea of tying a rope to the mechanism. We should be able to avoid the effect of the trap, if we are far enough away. But... I too am worried about a potential alarm. Hmm... what if we captured one of the goblins and "asked" them to open the door for us? I wouldn't mind repaying the kindness they showed me..."

2018-05-09, 08:20 PM

Ingwald is working to disarm the trap while trying to open the secret door while Vyktor illuminates the wall to help him, meanwhile the other watch for the imminent arrival of the Goblins Green Turtles.

As you know the secret door is trapped, and drops a load of heavy rock in the opening a few seconds after being pushed a little by Ingwald... who almost manage to prevent the trap to kick in…

A lot of big pebbles felt on the head of the farmer and makes a deafening sound throughout the complex. GGGHHHRRRRrrrrrr.....

The room contains the skeletons of what it seems to be two elven guards equipped with rusted (worthless) chainmail, helmets and each has a magically preserved two handed sword that glows with continual light.

Both skeletons turn right away and rush on you striking on the closest enemy.

Trap (ROCK):
1- If Dodge Blow suceed = Half DMG
2- Half DMG if "WS" failed / Trap WS : (1D100)[61] *Rolled in OOC vs 50 (Failed)
(suceed dodgeblow + failed WS = 25% DMG)
DMG : [roll0] /2(WS Failed) *Only Toughness count

SKE-1 MOVE to Ingwald and Strike [roll1] vs 51 [roll2] +4
SKE-2 MOVE to Ingwald and Strike [roll3] vs 51 [roll4] +4

Round : 1
Gago.....................: 59 - Surprised
Dolwen.................: 53 - Surprised
Vyktor...................: 44 - Surprised
Grimwold..............: 35 - Surprised
SKE-1................: 31
SKE-2................: 31
Karzad.................: 30 <-----Active Player
Otto.....................: 27
Ingwald ...............: 26

SKE-1 : 0
SKE-2 : 0

**To be ajusted**
Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1)
Ingwald ...............: 15/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3)
Otto...................: 14/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)
Gago...................: 14/14 (AG:57)(INT:34)(WP:38)(FP:1/1)

1- Blue circle : Chimney
2- Black rectangle with red arrow : Stair - Going down
3- Gray : Bridge
4- Beige : Secret door

2018-05-09, 11:30 PM

As the dwarf was already prepared for an attack, he can charge bone bag #1 as soon as he show up.

Edit: Hit at 72 for 12 dmg

[roll0] vs 69 (Base+Charging)

[roll1] + 4 (SB + MightyBlow)

[roll2] vs 69 (Base+Charging)

Crit Damage
[roll3] + 4 (SB + MightyBlow)

2018-05-10, 05:42 AM

As the trap triggers and the skeletons appear, Otto moves closer to them to protect his friends.

Double move to E17

Perception check as I move to make sure nothing else is trying to sneak on us from somewhere else:
[roll0] against 47

Health : 7/14
Stats: Ag: 31-10=21 (mail), Wp: 46, Int 47.
Insanity Points: 3
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 1/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-10, 08:12 AM

After spending some time looking at the trap, Ingwald felt confident enough that it was disarmed to pull on the lever. Unfortunatly, there was a safety on the trap that had escaped the former farmer now turned rogue. Upon hearing the unsuspected clicking sound, Ingwald dove instinctively forward, and managed to avoid most the falling ceiling.

Ingwald managed to put the hand on the handle of something that could be used as a weapon. Just in time too, for two armed monstrosity where rushing him. Swinging his weapon in front of him to protect himself, he was able to ward off the initial attack from the skeletons.

Fired up by the dwarf charge, Ingwald decides that the best defense against these would be the attack. Combining his effort with Karzad's , he yells :

Dodge blow : VS 19 (armor included) -> [roll0] if success, 8 damage.
If dodge miss, then I use a fate point to dodge completely.

Move action : pick up weapon (axe) (assuming I left them on the ground while studying the trap mechanism.)
Standard attack: [roll1] vs 43

Damage: [roll2]

Ulric's fury: hit : [roll3] vs 43, damage [/rollv]5d10[/rollv]

Health : 4/15
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 0/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-10, 09:56 AM

Caught a little off guard by the sudden noise, tumbling rocks, and skeletons, Gago only starts to react when some of his new allies get attacked. Swearing under his breath, he moves closer to have a better view of the skeletons. At quick glance, he also notices that they have the equipment of elven guards. This strikes him as odd, but definitely not something to think about right now.

- Half Action to move to [-B, 21]
- Quick look inside the chimney to see if anything is coming down. [roll0] vs 54 (34 int + 20 Excellent vision)
- Attack Skeleton 1 with elfbow: [roll1] vs 26 (46 WS - 20 melee target?)

Damage: [roll2] + 4 (Mighty Shot)

Health : 6/14
Stats: Ag: 57, Wp: 38, Int 34.
Insanity Points: 0
Fate point: 1
Fortune points: 0/1
Temporary effect: none as far as I know

[edited to specify which skeleton I attack, and fix health status]

2018-05-10, 10:22 AM

When Ingwald asked him, Vyktor came closer to give him light, but kept some distance in case the trap was trigger.
When the celling start falling down, Vyktor call's out "Move Ingwald!"

The shallya initiate worries about Ingwald who still received a few wounds from the rocks, but the man react and attack the undead monsters. Realising what the group is facing - undeads - he rush to Ingwald's side.
"I can help you deal with these lifeless creatures."

The Shallyan swing his quatterstaff nearly hitting the undead creature

Half action : Move to H15
Half action : Attack SKE-2 with quarterstaff [roll0] vs WS (34)
Damage [roll1]

2018-05-10, 05:04 PM
Dolwen take is time to aim SKE1!

[roll0] VS 56 [roll1] DMG -1 point of armor

[roll2] VS 56 [roll3] DMG

2018-05-10, 06:43 PM

Looking at the two skeletons in front of his comrades, closes his eyes and let a small projectile leaves his hand in direction of one of the evil creature.

Target: SKE1
Channelling: [roll0] VS 60
Casting: [roll1] VS 6 (+1 if Channel is successful)
Damage roll: [roll2] +3

Confirming: [roll3] VS 50
Damage roll: [roll4]

2018-05-10, 07:51 PM

All adventurers rush to help his friend Ingwald and all strike at the Skeletons, but the surprise of the trap and the attack of the 2 undeads destabilize most of the warriors...

But, the Shallian has been granted by the God and Hit the undead with his Staff.. THE DIVINE PRESENCE IN HIM WILL NOT BE FORGOTTEN... also Karzad and Grimwold damage the living skull with iron and magic!

The 2 Bones Bags responded to the attack and hit the Dwarf and the Farmer pretty badly...

SKE-1 Strike karzad Att#1 [roll0] vs 51 [roll1] +4 (MISS)
.......................Att#2 [roll2] vs 51 [roll3] +4 (12)
SKE-2 Strike Ingwald [roll4] vs 51 [roll5] +4 (6)
.......................Att#2 [roll6] vs 51 [roll7] +4 (13)
================================================== ===========================
if CRIT : [roll8] vs 51 [roll9] +4
if CRIT : [roll10] vs 51 [roll11] +4

Round : 2
Gago.....................: 59
Dolwen.................: 53
Vyktor...................: 44
Grimwold..............: 35
SKE-1................: 31
SKE-2................: 31
Karzad.................: 30 <-----Active Player
Otto.....................: 27
Ingwald ...............: 26

SKE-1 : 14
SKE-2 : 1

Dolwen.................: 14/14 (AG:51)(INT:45)(WP:41)(FP:2/2)
Vyktor.................: 10/10 (AG:39)(INT:46)(WP:43)(FP:3/3)
Karzad.................: 14/14 (AG:38-10'Mail"=28)(INT:32)(WP:36)(FP:1/1) -12
Ingwald ...............: 04/15 (AG:29-10'Mail"=19)(INT:31)(WP:33)(FP:3/3) -6 & -13
Otto...................: 07/14 (AG:31-10'Mail"=21)(INT:47)(WP:46)(FP:3/3)
Grimwold...............: 14/14 (AG:36)(INT:45)(WP:50)(FP:3/3)
Gago...................: 06/14 (AG:57)(INT:34)(WP:38)(FP:1/1)

1- Blue circle : Chimney
2- Black rectangle with red arrow : Stair - Going down
3- Gray : Bridge
4- Beige : Secret door

2018-05-10, 08:30 PM

"I'll send you back to the grave !!!"

[roll0] vs Agi 28

If dodge fail I'll use a luck point to try again.

[roll1] vs Agi 28

Attack 1 on SK1
[roll2] vs 59
[roll3] +4

Attack 2 on SK1 (If it is still standing)
[roll4] vs 59
[roll5] +4

2018-05-10, 08:51 PM

Otto sees one of the skeleton crumble under Karzad's sword. He moves to where it was standing just a moment ago to strike the second skeleton.

(Half-action) Move to F14
(Half-action) Basic attack: [roll0] against 45 WS, damage [roll1]

[roll2] against 45 WS, damage [roll3]

Health : 7/14
Stats: Ag: 31-10=21 (mail), Wp: 46, Int 47.
Insanity Points: 3
Fate point: 3
Fortune points: 1/3
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-11, 04:58 AM
Ingwald -Reaction

I do not have my second weapon in hand, therefore I cannot attempt a parry as a free action. I am then falling on my last resort, which is dodging.
I would have dodged the first attack if it had been called one at a time. so here we go.

Dodge attempt for attack #1: [roll0] vs 19 Whoooooahoooo, Dodge successful!

Attack #2 Well, in this case, I am going for a fate point, as -3 is somewhat dangerous. so fate point, no damage.

Health : 4/15
Stats: Ag: 29-10=19 (mail), Wp: 33, Int 31.
Insanity Points: 0
Fate point: 2
Fortune points: 0/3 2
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-11, 08:31 AM

The farmer bends his head and getting up knocks the skeleton defensively...

Guarded attack -10% WS, +10% to parry and dodge pour le round.

[roll0] vs 43 -10 = 33
DMG : [roll1]+3 (13)
Rolled in OOC : Ingwald crit : Ulric's Fury : (1d100)[38] vs 33 - (5d10)[9][4][3][10][8](34)

2018-05-11, 08:36 AM

Ingwald return in dust the last un-living creature by slashing him in 2 pieces...

Fight is over

2018-05-11, 08:43 AM

Realizing that he doesn't have a clear shot to the remaining skeleton, Gago instead moves to a strategic location that will allow him to watch over the three other entrances for other potential intruders.

- Move to -B18
- Perception check to look in the chimney, down the stairway, over the bridge: vs 54 (34 int + 20 excellent vision)

After Gago is reasonably sure that no one (or nothing) else is coming for them, he spends some time to search and hopefully retrieve his arrow. He knows how important those arrows are!

- 1 arrow shot. Attempt to find and retrieve: [roll]1d100 vs 50
- 1 arrow passed to Ingwald

Edited to retrieve arrow (now that combat is over)

2018-05-11, 08:48 AM

Releived none of if allies are down, Vyktor turn to Ingwald, "Are you ok Ingwald? Come, these wounds needs tendin, others will inspect the new room."
Looking at the other, he ask, "Anyone else got wounded here?"

Moving aside with Ingwald, the Shallyan start taking care of the wounds.
"Man ,I thought you were gonna get buried, nice reflex dodging the bulk of the rocks."

Assuming Ingwald let me treat him, [roll0] vs Trained heal (56)...

Tried a fortune point... rolled 93 OOC... sigh no heal from me.
succes = regain [roll1]

2018-05-11, 09:08 AM

Seeing that Vyktor is having difficulty taking care of Ingwald, Otto thinks to himself: "Hum, even Vyktor is having a hard time healing Ingwald, just like I did earlier. Hopefully I can help him this time around, he's starting to looked pretty banged up.

Moving closer to Vyktor and Ingwald, Otto puts his hand on the shoulder of Vyktor: I too had issues healing him earlier, I'll give it another try. And thanks for jumping in to fight these undead, you looked very invigorated out there.

Looking at Ingwald: Thanks for looking at the mechanism and for taking the brunt of the damage of the rest of us. Let's see if I can be of more help this time.

Heal check: [roll0] vs Int 47 -> FAIL
Tried Fortune point in OOC: rolled 52 -> FAIL
If success: [roll1]

2018-05-11, 10:15 AM

"One of those dog treat wannabe hit me in the chest, nothing too serious but if any of you could take a look I'd appreciate it."

Looking toward Vyktor.

"Vyktor, you did well there, was this your first time actually hurting someone or something? Take some time to breath and let the adrenaline wash trough you, it should get easier from now on, you will get used to the feeling"

"Everyone else is ok?"

2018-05-11, 10:22 AM

Unable to find his arrow, Gago notices that a few of his new allies have started to get near Ingwald. He shakes his head when he understands that the healing process is not going well.

Moving closer:
"I'm definitely not the best of healers, but I will "give it a shot" as well, as some humans say. Ingwald, if it's ok with you, let me see what I can do."

Heal Check: [roll0] vs 34 int
if successful: [roll1]

2018-05-11, 10:41 AM

After 10 minutes, Vyktor managed to bandage Ingwald, but it doesnt seem to really help him much, so he let Otto take his place.

The Shallyan nod to Karzad,
"Yes, it was my first real battle. It is the first time I have the unpleasant chance to meet such aberrations. I hope I wont have to fight again, but you can count on me to help when we meet lifeless thing, be it undeads or animated objects."

Seeing the dwarf wound, the initiate motion to the dwarf to come closer,
"Come, I'll take a look at the wound."

Once Karzad is close by, the Shallayn start to bandage the suppeficial cut, bandage it tight, but the wound is at an odd place,
"This will prevent the bleeding, but I dont think it will give you much relief from its pain until you spend a few hours resting. Still you wont bleed out from that wound for now."
Assuming I have an other 10 minutes (after the 10 for Ingwald), here is the heal check... pray to Shallya

[roll0] vs heal (56) .... success = [roll1]

Man the D100 isnt liking me today on healing.

2018-05-11, 11:22 AM

Having gone almost berserk with the adrenaline rush of the cave in and fight, Ingwald takes a deep breath and realizes that the wounds he suffered are actually hurting... a lot.

Bending over to let the wave of pain go by, he notices that Vyktor's feet are turn towards him. Waving his hand, he signals is agreement to proceed to the tending of his wounds.

When Otto joins Vyktor to lend support, the farmer only nods is assent. When this fails too, and Gago offers to try, Ingwald manages to blurt out :
"Sure, but I don't think it'll work. I bet yah those bone bags cursed me. "

His back against the wall, his head lulling on his chest, Ingwald uses all his energy to fight the dizzying waves of pain.

2018-05-11, 01:12 PM

A little disappointed with himself for not being able to help Ingwald, Otto moves on to Karzad while Gago takes his place with Ingwald.

I'll see if I can do anything for you Karzad.

Heal check: [roll0] vs Int 47
If success: [roll1]

2018-05-11, 02:09 PM

Trying to stay positive, the Shallyan say,
"You are not cursed Ingwald. As I said to Karzad sooner, some wounds are more complex and require more time to heal than others. We cannot use the magic of our gods to cure you yet, the body need time to recover."

The young man look at his allies, realising that the care he provided made him loose sense of time a little,
"What does the other room like guys? found anything interesting?"

2018-05-11, 03:27 PM

Positionning himself to block anything coming from the stairs to protect his friends, Grimwold congratulate them:

"Good job comrades. That was a good scrap, they seems to be really powerful... more than us. I think we reacted quickly and efficiently I'm proud of us. We were more ready than our previous encounter."

While staring at the bottom of the staircase, the gaze of the mage seems to be a little bit ou of focus.

Magical Sense: [roll0] VS 60

2018-05-11, 06:55 PM

After not finding his arrow, Gago took some time to look around the room.

Checking the room: [roll0] vs 54 (int + excellent vision)

Remembering that the skeletons were wearing elven gear, he goes back to the skeletons to inspect them and their equipment:
"I still find it odd that these skeletons were wearing equipment made by my peers. I wonder if they were once elves a long time ago? If so, I hope their spirits had a chance to move on to the Halls of Mandos before their bodies were defiled in this!

Inspecting the bodies and equipment: [roll1] vs 54 (int + excellent vision)

Upon hearing Grimword's inspiring words:
"Here Here! We survived this foul encounter. And with good fortune on our side, we will certainly survive the next!"

2018-05-12, 06:42 AM

After the battle, companions take few minutes to rest and restore...

The investigation of the place Secret Chamber seem the goblins have not discovered this secret room.

The secret door was trapped

The room contained the skeletons of two elven guards, but also a Secret Storage – this room contains barrels of ancient ruined arrows and there are the remains of bows and swords on the walls.

On the back wall of the room is a crystal living statue of an elf that not moving but look at you...

The 2 two handed sword that glows with continual light still dimming..


2018-05-12, 08:51 PM

"Probably won't be a big surprise to you guys, but the sword are displaying some lingering magic. I myself can't handle that kind of blade, but it would be wise to bring them with us. Also, that statue over there is leaving me uncomfortable. Not sure what it entails... Gago, have you ever seen something like that?

Getting closer to the statue, the mage tries to identify it's nature.

Academic knowledge for sword #1: [roll0] VS 45
Academic knowledge for sword #2: [roll1] VS 45
Academic knowledge for statue: [roll2] VS 45

Edit: What the hell are these rolls???? I will reroll them in the OOC

Suspected magic items can be identified with a successful Academic
Knowledge Test. The exact Academic Knowledge used depends on the
nature of the item and the Test Difficulty should be determined based
on the fame (or infamy) of the item. If a magic item does not specify a
test difficulty then the difficulty is Average (+0%). Possible Academic
Knowledges for such tests include Daemonology, Genealogy/Heraldry,
History, Magic, Necromancy, and Runes. The GM may require a great
deal of research time or special facilities for such tests.
Magic items are described in the following format:
ITem name
Academic Knowledge: This entry specifies the Academic Knowledge
needed to identify the item and the Test Difficulty.
Powers: Explains the game effects of the item. Common abilities
include bonuses to Characteristics or skills, talent use, and the
replication of spell effects.
History: The background of the item.

2018-05-13, 09:12 AM

Quickly moving away from the statue:

"Unless you are ready for another fight, be careful on your next move. This statue is known as an Eternal Guardian. It watches over something precious and look back into your soul. Powerful magic, way more powerful than me. On the other hands, the sword power were link to the skeltons "lifeforce". They are still magic, but I don't know for how long. In any case, something is afoot, be careful."

2018-05-13, 12:04 PM

Pondering on what the mage just said, Otto suggests:

Maybe we can use the weapons against the statue before they loose their power. Maybe what it is watching over is something that could help us with finding the family or getting rid of chaos and whatever haunts this place... or we could just leave the statue alone.

2018-05-13, 06:14 PM

"What is it watching? We searched the whole room and found nothing."

Looking at one of the weapons.

"Here let me take a look at one of those sword."

I'll grab of the sword and check it. I'll verify the balance, the sharpness, the durability of the hilt. I will do a couple of thrust and swing.

[roll0] vs I'm not sure what. I'm trained in 2 hand weapon and I have the Dwarf craft which give me +10% to Smith.

2018-05-13, 08:15 PM

After Grimwold's discovery, Gago stays near the wall and looks at the statue closely:
"I've only heard stories about these guardians. Unfortunately, none of the stories were very consistent on its power... The way it keeps looking at us is very disconcerting though. I have half a mind to blindfold it!"

"Leaving it alone is probably the safest option, but then again, it must be guarding something of value, something that could be instrumental in our respective quests. And ... something that I would not want goblins or any other monsters to use against us, now that the entrance is opened for all!

Otto's suggestion to use the weapons against it seems logical. Grimwold, do you know if this would work?

Looking at Kazad for any suspicious signs:
"Kazad, was it? I see that you've already taken one of the swords. How does it feel? Is it brimming with power? Are you feeling anything strange?"

2018-05-14, 06:58 AM

Answering to Gago's inquiry:

"I'm sorry I'm still an apprentice in this area. It's always worth a try, but aside your point of retrieving what the statue is watching over to prevent the goblin of using it against us, I would leave it there. If it come to it, I can try to send some small magic dart at it, but I'm not convince how useful I'll be in that kind of encounter."

2018-05-14, 07:25 AM

When the dwarf takes the sword to study it, the crystal statue charges the dwarf and chills all the adventurers in its draft of movement...

The crystal elf flies to the dwarf and strikes powerfully.

[roll0] VS 67 - DMG [roll1]
if successfully strike - chill - -10/-1 to all stats (Except HP)

All those in the room and those in the door (Gago, Otto and the Dwarf for example) must do a will power test

Initiative - FIGHT

2018-05-14, 07:49 AM

"This seems to be nice weap ... ****!!!... TO ARMS COMPANION!!.. it seems like I screwed up once more."

Dodge Attempt
[roll0] vs 28 (Agi (already adjusted for mail))

[roll1] vs 36 ( Add +10% vs fear, terror and Intimitade. I'm also resistant to magic which is another +10%. I'm not sure if its stack in this particular case.)

Health : 5/14
Stats: Ag: 38-10=28 (mail), Wp: 36, Int 32.
Insanity Points: 0
Fate point: 1
Fortune points: 0/1
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor.

2018-05-14, 07:43 PM

Karzad is crushed by the guardian's crystal sword, cold and terror invade him, he abandons everything behind, let the glowing sword dropped and runs as fast as possible to the rope bridge followed by his 4 companions suffering from the same emanated terror produced by the Guardian.

Only Otto and Gago managed to keep their calm against the chilled wind that almost cold their blood, they notice that the Elf statue does not pursue the dwarf disturbance, but instead returns to his base…

Those who failed the WP =1 IP + run

All are scrambling to go as fast as possible on the bridge to cross it ...
Agility at +20 test to avoid tripping while being pushed by friends.

[roll0] vs AG – Grimwold
[roll1] vs AG – Karzad
[roll2] vs AG - Dolwen
[roll3] vs AG - Ingwald
[roll4] vs AG - Vyktor

(1d100-20)[77] vs AG – Grimwold
(1d100-20)[67] vs AG – Karzad
(1d100-20)[17] vs AG - Dolwen
(1d100-20)[42] vs AG - Ingwald
(1d100-20)[64] vs AG - Vyktor

whoever fails has a second chance at +20 (AG) to catch up by falling..
Good luck & role play IC while running for your miserable life...

Round : 1
Crystal Guardian.....: 71
Gago.....................: 66 <-----Active Player
Dolwen.................: 55
Vyktor...................: 42
Grimwold..............: 44
Karzad.................: 30
Otto.....................: 28
Ingwald ...............: 22

2018-05-14, 08:33 PM

For the first time of his long life Karzad felt terror. He heard of the feeling... be it from a veteran that faced an abominable foe or from a women who almost died while giving birth. He always tough of it as nothing more than lack of courage but now he knew, he knew the feeling of having his innards grasped by the cold hand of terror.

The dwarf fled the scene as fast as he could, all logical tough fled his mind, only one thing still had importance ... to flee.

After 20 feet of running on the bridge his left foot bump on a plank sending the dwarf scrambling head first to the side of the bridge... seeing the chasm approach Karzad tried to grab anything that could prevent him from falling to his death.

[roll0] vs 28 Agi

If this fail I'd use my only fate point to stay alive :)

2018-05-14, 09:50 PM

Awestruck, Gago finally witnesses the power of the guardian. Somehow able to hold on to his sanity, he sees most of his allies run off in terror while the statue simply returns to its base after karzad drops the glowing sword.

The statue's eyes still seem to follow him, but Gago backs off to help his allies. As he steps away, he makes sure to keep an eye on the statue and stays clear of the glowing sword for now.

Seeing Otto nearby:
"Ha! You were also able to keep your cool in this situation! The sword is definitely powerful! The guardian obviously doesn't want us to touch it! For now, I suggest we help our allies before they run off and attract more goblins, or whatever else is in this cave. But make sure to keep your eye on the statue in case it decides to attack again!"

After a brief delay, he adds:
"I'm not sure how to stop this terror! Would you know how? "

Seeing Karzad trip and fall near the bridge:
"Karzad, fear not! I'm coming to help you!"

I go towards Karzad and try to help him up if I can. If i'm able to, I also try to restrain him so that he doesn't continue running.

2018-05-15, 09:41 AM

The Shallyan was about to say something when the statue activate. He feels the monster presence and terror fills his mind,
"I'm gonna die.... i'm gonna die."
His body react before he can even try to regain control of himself and he start to run away toward the bridge. Most of his new allies also are getting there and being fast and having lost all control he try to get passed one of them, but loose his footing and try to grab the ropes not to fall.

Ok so I failed the terror check.... the reroll for the terror check, the first agi+10..... will I miss also the catch yourself not to die roll?
Let's see [roll0] vs AGI (39) Oppsss.. made +20 insteaed of -20... so if we take 82 - 40 = 42... = fail.

So if it means I fall to my death, I guess a fate point is in order here (confirm if it is the case Timlaff please

Also, I forgot to roll the WP to stop the panic (or gain an IP)... I made it OOC = saved!

2018-05-15, 11:01 AM

Always keeping an eye on the statue, watching Karzad picking up the sword to size it up, the mage literally freezes when the guardians moves in to hit the sword bearer. After the initial shock his reflex pushes him to runs but his feet won't budge. Seeing the statue returning to the initial position and most of his friends running away in terror, the mage carefully moves out of the room trying to be invisible to the statue, hoping to make no noise at all...

Reroll terror check with luck point in OOC, Save!

Moving as slow as possible, still shaking to the other room.

2018-05-15, 11:29 AM

The panic literally grabbed the group by the heart, Gago managed to catch Karzad before he fell down the bridge, Dolwen as he ran to the other side of the bridge without looking back before recovering his spirits, others has more difficulty to reach the other side...

Vyktor slips, pushes through Grimwold, but manages to cling to the rock of the wall by falling off the bridge with Ingwald's help.

The calm takes over, Vyktor managed easily to went back up to the bridge because the walls are very hanging and it is not difficult to climb.

The adventurers look at each other and give each other a nervous laugh as they wonder what could have been so terrifying.

The wind of terror no longer floats and the peace of mind returns to the warriors' body...

Falling damage for Vyktor : [roll0] (T & Armor count)

2018-05-15, 12:30 PM

Eyes wide open, a mix of awe and fear:

"In the name of the Winds of Magic, what was that!!! For sure the goblins are not behind this, and I'm not to worried for them to acquire whatever the statue is guarding. I'm no coward, but I definetely know when to admit I've vanquished. I say we forget about this and keep pressing forward by going down the stair. I'm quite confident the farmer's family is not in that hidden room..."

2018-05-15, 12:38 PM

Once everyone is back together, Otto tells the others:

"Maybe the guardian is guarding the swords, maybe they are what is important here and could help us on our journey. Also, since elf warriors were carrying them, maybe only elves can carry them or else the statue attacks. I think it's worth a shot.

I suggest Dolwen or Gago try to grab a sword, or at the very least to start with try to kick one away in the chimney room. We could also setup a rope close to the statue's legs so that if does indeed attack again, it might trip over and give the elf the time to get away before the statue gets to it."

Otto gives his theory as he looks after Karzad's injury from the statue.

Heal check: vs Int 47 (Trained),
if successful: heal [roll]1d10 W

2018-05-15, 12:48 PM

"God dammit am I that hard to heal? Just put the damn needle there and pull it there and close that damn wound."

Letting out a big sigh.

"Sorry guys, I'm still shake up from that encounter.... Vyktor would you mind taking a look at that new slash?"

Thinking about the statue the dwarf continue.

"I would prefer we solve this mystery before moving on, tying the statue down is a good idea, there is a lot of thing we could do to prevent pain and fear."

2018-05-15, 01:23 PM

"I like the idea of tying a rope around its legs. But we should be careful while doing that. I'm not entirely sure it will let us touch it to be honest. If it is safe to touch, I would also suggest blindfolding it and maybe moving the barrels from the secret storage room between it and us. Any other ideas?"

Once we've healed our injuries and prepared our plans, I don't mind taking the initial test and briskly moving the sword away from the statue."

2018-05-15, 01:39 PM

Vyktor climb back up, visibly shaken and simply lump down against the wall, shaking like a leaf in a small breeze.

When Otto mention trying to pick up the sword again, Vyktor say,
"If you wanna try to take these weapon agian, let me know, I'll move away, I dont wanna be affected by that ..... thing again.". The human stare return to the ledge, realising he nearly died because he couldnt keelp his cool.

It is Karzad plea for help that stir Vyktor out of his dark toughts. "Of c ourse, I can, come here, I'll look at your wounds." The man take a last look at the statue and simply move out of sigh, far enough not to see it anymore and pulls out his bandages and start curing the dwarf.

Let see if you are really cursed Karzad.

[roll0] VS heal (56)
if success [roll1]

2018-05-15, 04:11 PM

While talking to his new allies about potential strategies, a thought occurs to him:
"Wait... maybe Dolwen or I could speak to it in Elvish? It might recognize us as kin? From what I can tell, it doesn't seem to care if we talk amongst ourselves. I daresay it should be safe to try. Any objections?"

2018-05-15, 04:21 PM

Listening to Gago, Otto then answers:

"That's a great idea Gago, it's worth trying for sure. And given it is not greenskin, I think Karzad will actually let you do it instead of charging in.

2018-05-15, 05:36 PM

Making a gesture to stop his friends conversation the dwarf point to his ear and then to the chimney.

In a tone that is more breath than voice he whisper.

"Possible greenskin."

He then walk toward the stair to try to listen in case some greenskin would be coming from there as well.

[roll0] vs 52 (int +acute hearing)

Health : 5/14
Stats: Ag: 38-10=28 (mail), Wp: 36, Int 32.
Insanity Points: 1
Fate point: 1
Fortune points: 0/1
Temporary effect: -10 to Ag due to wearing mail armor. -10/-1 to stats from Chill Strike (still in effect?)

2018-05-15, 06:10 PM

While the companions make a plan and the wounded look after themselves assisted by Vyktor, the dwarf inspects the others exits...

There is noise at the bottom of the stairs, like in the ceiling well... Something approaching...

Perception check, if success = you heard noise too

2018-05-15, 07:16 PM
The Shallayn listen and say in a hushed voice,
"Karzad is right, something is coming."

Vyktor position himself near a wall with his quarterstaff at the ready.