View Full Version : Magical tableware

2018-04-18, 09:26 PM
So, I DM a game and recently my players decided to crush some crystalized magic between two meteors and see what happened. I kind of instinctively said that the metal from the two meteors formed a complete set of tableware(plates, bowls, cutlery, soup tureen, etc...), in addition to having them make a bunch of saves versus weird magic.

So, now I'm trying to figure out what magical properties their new table settings have, and I am rather stumped. The party has a character with the Gourmand feat from UA and does pay attention to having quality sustenance, so I don't want to make it anything too dangerous, but I do want to reward them for their decision to experiment.

What does the playground think would be cool/useful?

2018-04-18, 09:32 PM
For some reason I am thinking of the sorcerers apprentice... With the fork and spoon constantly feeding the character.


2018-04-18, 10:34 PM
They dance and sing with French accents.

BBQ Pork
2018-04-18, 10:57 PM
Nothing too powerful?

The forks and spoons can be commanded to dance, as an entertainment piece.

The butter knife, upon command, spreads the condiment of choice on the surface you wish. While this may make hardtack more palatable and sandwich-making easier, you can also call upon it for such things as to butter (or olive oil) a floor (as fast as you can slowly swipe the knife across the surface) to make it slippery. You must make the appropriate spreading motion with the knife to make it work.

The steak knife, with a flourish of your hand, can become many (5 or 6?) knives, which can then be used as normal daggers.

The gravy boat can enlarge, to the size of a 4-person boat. It can be used to block a doorway or tipped on it's side as shelter from rain. It is fine for rowing across a slow river, but is not indestructible though. It is just a much thicker ceramic when enlarged. (Heck, if in RL, people can have pumpkin regattas, why not?)

The soup tureen fills itself daily, but always has a different type of soup each day. Mondays are Tomato Soup, Friday is Chowder, etc. If appropriate for your campaign, perhaps one day per week it is empty for a day of fasting for a particular religion? There will be a limit to the amount of food it can produce, but it will be enough to feed at least a party of 4.

The plates can be thrown as weapons, and treat as being as durable as steel for this purpose, and return, like boomerangs.

The cups act as normal cups, but turn black if there is anything poisonous in them.

The bowls? If 4 or more people are fed with these bowls during an evening meal, one bowl at random will have a silver coin materialize at the bottom as soon as the bowl is filled. All poisons introduced into the bowl will be neutralized, and the person eating the meal with the coin at the bottom of the bowl will be healed 5HP or cured of 1 disease or ailment. He or his fellows can decide what to do with the coin he finds at the bottom, which will be 1 normal SP.

Is a tablecloth included? Said tablecloth can do the following trick once per day:
If you fold it over a set of tableware (of any type, including this one), it will fold flat, as an interdimensional space (See: bag of holding, portable hole, etc.) but only for tableware. It can then fold as small as a handkerchief. When unfolded, the tableware will be perfectly clean.

BBQ Pork
2018-04-18, 11:10 PM
Give PCs a simple weapon and they'll simply stab people with it. Give them tools and gadgets and they'll RP with them, and solve puzzles.

2018-04-18, 11:57 PM
Nothing too powerful?

The forks and spoons can be commanded to dance, as an entertainment piece.

The butter knife, upon command, spreads the condiment of choice on the surface you wish. While this may make hardtack more palatable and sandwich-making easier, you can also call upon it for such things as to butter (or olive oil) a floor (as fast as you can slowly swipe the knife across the surface) to make it slippery. You must make the appropriate spreading motion with the knife to make it work.

The steak knife, with a flourish of your hand, can become many (5 or 6?) knives, which can then be used as normal daggers.

The gravy boat can enlarge, to the size of a 4-person boat. It can be used to block a doorway or tipped on it's side as shelter from rain. It is fine for rowing across a slow river, but is not indestructible though. It is just a much thicker ceramic when enlarged. (Heck, if in RL, people can have pumpkin regattas, why not?)

The soup tureen fills itself daily, but always has a different type of soup each day. Mondays are Tomato Soup, Friday is Chowder, etc. If appropriate for your campaign, perhaps one day per week it is empty for a day of fasting for a particular religion? There will be a limit to the amount of food it can produce, but it will be enough to feed at least a party of 4.

The plates can be thrown as weapons, and treat as being as durable as steel for this purpose, and return, like boomerangs.

The cups act as normal cups, but turn black if there is anything poisonous in them.

The bowls? If 4 or more people are fed with these bowls during an evening meal, one bowl at random will have a silver coin materialize at the bottom as soon as the bowl is filled. All poisons introduced into the bowl will be neutralized, and the person eating the meal with the coin at the bottom of the bowl will be healed 5HP or cured of 1 disease or ailment. He or his fellows can decide what to do with the coin he finds at the bottom, which will be 1 normal SP.

Is a tablecloth included? Said tablecloth can do the following trick once per day:
If you fold it over a set of tableware (of any type, including this one), it will fold flat, as an interdimensional space (See: bag of holding, portable hole, etc.) but only for tableware. It can then fold as small as a handkerchief. When unfolded, the tableware will be perfectly clean.

This is amazing, and I want it in my game.
It sounds like a hilarious opportunity for RP with the whole party.

2018-04-19, 12:34 AM
This is amazing, and I want it in my game.
It sounds like a hilarious opportunity for RP with the whole party.

And it might look a little like this:


2018-04-19, 12:48 AM
A spoon that makes anything stirred by it taste great. Royal chefs will be killing each other for this.

The fork of horripilation. It gives the ability to spend a spell slot to give an extra 1d6 damage on sneak attack.

Knife of sadism. Whisperings in your head tell you to cut kill and cause as much pain possible grants 1 temp hp when playing with yours"food".

Teacup of change. Randomized disguise self or alter self if cast upon the drinker most of the time to some strange effect.

The ladle of destruction. When the command word "let there be soup" is spoken the lade enlarges and can be used as a maul+1.

Salt/pepper shaker. The opponent must roll a wisdom saving throw to avoid becoming salty and depressed.

Tablecloth of smothering. When used the napkin will animate and try to choke out the user.

The set gives the attuned Compulsive cutlery hoarding and the ability cast animate object once per long rest

2018-04-19, 04:31 PM
Nothing too powerful?

The forks and spoons can be commanded to dance, as an entertainment piece.

The butter knife, upon command, spreads the condiment of choice on the surface you wish. While this may make hardtack more palatable and sandwich-making easier, you can also call upon it for such things as to butter (or olive oil) a floor (as fast as you can slowly swipe the knife across the surface) to make it slippery. You must make the appropriate spreading motion with the knife to make it work.

The steak knife, with a flourish of your hand, can become many (5 or 6?) knives, which can then be used as normal daggers.

The gravy boat can enlarge, to the size of a 4-person boat. It can be used to block a doorway or tipped on it's side as shelter from rain. It is fine for rowing across a slow river, but is not indestructible though. It is just a much thicker ceramic when enlarged. (Heck, if in RL, people can have pumpkin regattas, why not?)

The soup tureen fills itself daily, but always has a different type of soup each day. Mondays are Tomato Soup, Friday is Chowder, etc. If appropriate for your campaign, perhaps one day per week it is empty for a day of fasting for a particular religion? There will be a limit to the amount of food it can produce, but it will be enough to feed at least a party of 4.

The plates can be thrown as weapons, and treat as being as durable as steel for this purpose, and return, like boomerangs.

The cups act as normal cups, but turn black if there is anything poisonous in them.

The bowls? If 4 or more people are fed with these bowls during an evening meal, one bowl at random will have a silver coin materialize at the bottom as soon as the bowl is filled. All poisons introduced into the bowl will be neutralized, and the person eating the meal with the coin at the bottom of the bowl will be healed 5HP or cured of 1 disease or ailment. He or his fellows can decide what to do with the coin he finds at the bottom, which will be 1 normal SP.

Is a tablecloth included? Said tablecloth can do the following trick once per day:
If you fold it over a set of tableware (of any type, including this one), it will fold flat, as an interdimensional space (See: bag of holding, portable hole, etc.) but only for tableware. It can then fold as small as a handkerchief. When unfolded, the tableware will be perfectly clean.

This stuff would be a godsend in something like OotA, where resources are scarce.

The bowls, cups, soup tureen, and steak knives would be especially useful.