View Full Version : Rogue

2018-04-19, 09:59 AM
Can you help me with feats for a player of mine who is a rogue. She wants a feat to boost sneak attack damage and and a drive-by type of attack. Anything to help her is welcome too

2018-04-19, 10:04 AM
Spring Attack (Requires +4 BAB and Mobility, which requires Dodge) will allow you to move before and after an attack, as long as you don't exceed the distance allowed by a single move action.
A rogue can get it by 6th level.

I'm not sure if there are feats that boost sneak attack, but multiple books let you trade out sneak attack dice for other abilities.

2018-04-19, 10:15 AM
Martial Stance from Tome of Battle can get you +2d6 Sneak Attack.

You will need Martial Study with a Shadow Hand maneuver as a prerequisite, but that's not a wasted feat itself by any means. It will net you Hide as a class skill for all your classes plus a maneuver that you can use once per encounter. Cloak of Deception gives you invisibility for one turn, so is a great choice for sneak attack builds.

EDIT: Of course, if she just takes a single level dip in Swordsage she can pick up the stance and some other benefits, without needing to spend any feats.

2018-04-19, 10:16 AM
Craven (Champions of Ruin, p.17) adds 1 point of damage to your sneak attack damage for every character level you have.
After that you want to increase the number of sneak attack die you have, or increase the number of attacks per round you can make.

2018-04-19, 10:26 AM
If Pathfinder is okay, Accomplished Sneak Attacker (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/accomplished-sneak-attacker/) will get you an additional +1d6 that stacks with any other sources she has, as long as she isn't currently at half character level for her SA.

2018-04-19, 11:21 AM
In addition to Craven, Dragonfire Strike (Dragon Magic) increases SA damage by +1d6 and makes it [fire] damage. It requires the dragonblood subtype. Sacred Strike (BoED) doesn't increase the number of dice but does increase the die type to Xd8 against evil creatures. Foe Specialist (Miniatures Handbook) can increase sneak attack against one type of enemy (similar to Ranger's Favored Enemy categories).

2018-04-19, 01:40 PM
At lvl 9 (+6 BAB) she can pick up Staggering Strike. It's a great way to shut down an opponent. The save is based on damage done, which should be substantial at that point, and costs no sneak attack dice to use. Another option I like is Sickening Strike, no save and -2 to almost everything.

There's a Rogue handbook floating around here somewhere that I'd point you too if I had the link. A quick google search should find it.

2018-04-19, 01:55 PM
There's a Rogue handbook floating around here somewhere that I'd point you too if I had the link. A quick google search should find it.

This one is the best handbook for rogues I could find. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?156350-3-5-The-Rogue-Handbook-A-Fistful-of-d6)

You should be able to find a bunch of feats and builds and combos to increase SA damage exponentially.

2018-04-20, 02:47 AM

Mythic Shadow epic destiny increases the die by one step, at 21st or at 12th

3rd party Traps & Treachery by Fantasy Flight Games has improved sneak attack, increases the die by one step

2018-04-20, 01:58 PM
My top Rogue-specific feats are Craven, Staggering Strike, and Savvy Rogue. Craven is the best damage booster you're going to find. Staggering Strike is a nice debuff that combos well with Craven. And Savvy Rogue makes your Crippling Strike effective even against enemies that are immune to sneak attack, which is great. I also like Sickening Strike a lot—it's a nice, efficient, no-save debuff.