View Full Version : Help me make a Pitbull

2018-04-20, 07:42 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm gonna play in a game with the following people

Human Monk/Fighter
Aasimar Light cleric
Dragonborn Paladin conquest
Human Warlock Hexblade
Goliath barbarian

So i'm gonna be the 6th player which mean i can play pretty much whatever i want since all the roles are pretty much filled. After i bought ''Montrous Race'' on the DM's guild (which i highly recommand) i thought it would be fun to play a dog, more specificly a pitbull, a medium size huge pitbull full of love.

The racial traits are the following:

+1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution
Bite 1d8 damage (considered unarmed strike)
Keen hear/smell: Advandage on Perception check
No hands
Speak Common
Feat of my choice

Looking at that, making a melee character seems obvious but a super smart 200 pounds Mystic Pitbull sounds also very fun!
Using the bite as unnarmed strike sounds great with the monk, but there's already a Monk, using it for melee sounds good too, but theres already a Barbarian.

So what are you guys thinking? I can play pretty much anything as im still gonna be a huge puppy and that is fun in itself, so just tell me some fun build i might have missed!

Honest Tiefling
2018-04-20, 08:09 PM
Monk. No hands, no weapons for most martial classes.

If you want to be a snuggly dog of death, I suggest a bard or rogue. You are lacking much buffing, and you could probably howl for bard song. Having a dog sneak around makes sense because you have a disguise...You're a dog!

2018-04-20, 08:12 PM
Monk. No hands, no weapons for most martial classes.
As there is already a Monk i thought it would be redundant,but it's true it would be great

If you want to be a snuggly dog of death, I suggest a bard or rogue. You are lacking much buffing, and you could probably howl for bard song. Having a dog sneak around makes sense because you have a disguise...You're a dog!
I didnt even think about rogue or bard, can you Sneak Attack with an unarmed strike? Bard is SO great i didnt even think of it hahah. Howling and barking sounds fun!

Honest Tiefling
2018-04-20, 08:15 PM
I didnt even think about rogue or bard, can you Sneak Attack with an unarmed strike?

Apparently not, as it is not an finesse or ranged weapon. That was me getting confused with previous editions. However, I think this is one of those cases that you should ask the DM, as that would seem like a common house rule. Your character can't take advantage of magical gear after all, as I doubt most armor would fit them.

You have a blaster, a skirmisher and what looks like three melee. A controller or support, like the bard, seems like a good idea to me. Druid might be another choice.

2018-04-20, 08:30 PM
OH I should've mentionned my DM told me i can wear armor at x3 the price, also he's very cool so sneak attacking with bite shouldnt be a problem,but i agree that a support character is a great idea, i just loved the idea of a giant ball of death.

Honest Tiefling
2018-04-20, 08:34 PM
I feel like College of Lore would lend itself better to the party dynamic, but the College of Shadows or Glamour would be more hilarious. Yes, the 200 pound pitbull WOULD like to go for a walk and get some belly rubs, thank you.

2018-04-21, 12:53 AM
How does this not scream Barbarian? Wolf Totem is fitting.

2018-04-21, 03:09 AM
A Mystic pitbull that has been "Awakened" sounds pretty cool.

2018-04-21, 04:39 AM
Zealot barbarian! A frothing pious dog of massive proportions, swole af!

2018-04-21, 04:40 AM
Moon druid who wild shapes into a humanoid form for a reverse lycanthrope

Go warlock, and fluff eldritch blast from force to thunder - your bark is worse than your bite.

Beastmaster ranger, but instead of an animal companion get a hapless low level gnome or halfling

2018-04-21, 06:06 AM
Hi everyone!
I'm gonna play in a game with the following people

So i'm gonna be the 6th player which mean i can play pretty much whatever i want since all the roles are pretty much filled. After i bought ''Montrous Race'' on the DM's guild (which i highly recommand) i thought it would be fun to play a dog, more specificly a pitbull, a medium size huge pitbull full of love.

The racial traits are the following:

Looking at that, making a melee character seems obvious but a super smart 200 pounds Mystic Pitbull sounds also very fun!
Using the bite as unnarmed strike sounds great with the monk, but there's already a Monk, using it for melee sounds good too, but theres already a Barbarian.

So what are you guys thinking? I can play pretty much anything as im still gonna be a huge puppy and that is fun in itself, so just tell me some fun build i might have missed!

beastmaster ranger with a chihuaha as companion!

2018-04-21, 11:39 AM
It's fun to think that, at level 1, a dog can be Skilled, or Alert, or even Observant.

2018-04-21, 11:40 AM
A brute fighter with tavern brawler

A Fat Dragon
2018-04-21, 11:47 AM
Dogino Assasserino.

2018-04-22, 11:41 AM
If your DM will allow you to sneak attack with your bite, then go rogue/shadow monk. Ultimately shadowmonk is so cool, imagine a dog just jumping through shadows to get the humans food.