View Full Version : 3.5 Soulknife Guides anywhere?

2018-04-21, 01:22 AM
I tried to search google for any guides for building a Soulknife, but I only ended up finding links to the old WotC forum, which doesn't exist anymore.

I was wondering if someone has archived the guide before WotC tore their forum down.

Note: I'm not interested for the DSP's Pathfinder Version, because if I end up playing a Soulknife, I have permit to use the "vanilla" version from SRD/XPH only, and nothing external. Not even Complete Psionics.

2018-04-21, 02:05 AM
I tried to search google for any guides for building a Soulknife, but I only ended up finding links to the old WotC forum, which doesn't exist anymore.

I was wondering if someone has archived the guide before WotC tore their forum down.

Note: I'm not interested for the DSP's Pathfinder Version, because if I end up playing a Soulknife, I have permit to use the "vanilla" version from SRD/XPH only, and nothing external. Not even Complete Psionics.

Ooh man, those are hard conditions...Play a psychic warrior instead, you'll be better off

2018-04-21, 02:13 AM
The Wayback Machine has an old copy (https://web.archive.org/web/20130824072627/http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872658/The_Soulknife_Handbook).

2018-04-21, 03:31 AM
Ooh man, those are hard conditions...Play a psychic warrior instead, you'll be better off

I am currently playing a PsyWar. But I wish to try each four basic psionic classes eventually.

Thing is, for me, our ongoing series of campaigns (Pathfinder Chronicles Adventure Paths in chronological order) is kind of going down the memory lane, and I've decided to -once more - try out the old 3.5 classes while I still can. Once we're done with the first four AP's which were written specifically for 3.5, we're switching to (official, no 3rd Party) Pathfinder Rules and continue from there.

The Wayback Machine has an old copy (https://web.archive.org/web/20130824072627/http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872658/The_Soulknife_Handbook).

Thanks! This should sate my needs just fine.