View Full Version : Shadows of the Blood War (IC)

2018-04-22, 04:21 AM

Out-of-Character (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?556938-Shadows-of-the-Blood-War-(OOC)) and Maps (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RUKfv6Qa1YRHfL3AdFOGB6e2RLtJSzP3gvSrLlx6jF0/edit?usp=sharing)

Before the Storm

The City of Doors

Sigil, the City of Doors, may be beheld in all its glory from any district. The city, snugly contorted around the inner edge of a hollowed-out torus, is more vertical than it is horizontal. Streets and rows of buildings curve towards the sky, then around to complete the colossal, mind-bending loop. What lies in the immediate vicinity is no less confounding. The city's labyrinthine layout, with densely packed and haphazardly constructed houses, shops, and offices, joined by narrow, winding alleyways and arching, stone bridges, ensures it is easy to lose one's sense of direction. What recognizable major thoroughfares there are, are walked not only by the common races—humans, elves, dwarves, and the like—but also by the monstrous, ranging from the mild, involving horns, scales, fur, tails, and hooves, in varying mixtures, to the extreme, with demonic fiends and shining angels taking frequent strolls down the shopping lanes.

Sigil is a truly massive city. While one can 'see' its distant points, they are mere mosaics of colors, patchworks of tiled rooftops and lazy wisps of chimney smoke. One can always smell food, ash, and dirt, sometimes to nauseating degrees. The 'sky', or what passes for one, is a featureless gray affair, with poor excuses for clouds drifting through them. There is no sun, but there is a bright ambient light, giving the city something like a day-night cycle.

It is not hard in this city to find a guide, or 'tout' in local dialect. There are six wards, in no particular order: Clerk's Ward, Guildhall Ward, the Hive, the Lady's Ward, Lower Ward, and Market Ward. Any tout will also point out who, precisely, the 'Lady' of her eponymous ward is: the Lady of Pain, the de facto ruler of Sigil, who rules absolutely.

"How absolutely?" an aspiring troublemaker might ask.

"Absolute enough that the powers—the gods, prime—leave her be, lest they wind up in the dead-book like the rest of the berks who bring iron to Her Serenity."

Point taken. One does not cross the Lady of Pain.

A native or visitor to Sigil, who obeys the Lady's laws, will find that Sigil is otherwise a rich place of opportunity, a world unto its own, but from where possibilities radiate outwards into the rest of the planes. The City of Doors does not derive its nickname only from the countless portals to other worlds which may be found in its secluded corners and dark halls, but also from the fact that new beginnings may be found here, doorways to new lives.


A sprawling compound in Market Ward, towering at least six stories high, Chirper's Inn is the preeminent entertainment center in Sigil. Its reputation for its food, luxury, and entertainment has kept its name circulating even in planes far from Sigil and the Outlands. Unsurprising, for the establishment's connections to suppliers, designers, artists, and wizards is on a planar scale, far exceeding what can be attained on any material world.

Its facade is an elegant townhouse construction writ large, though 'colossal' would be more accurate. A sign out front reads 'Chirper's' in gold-leaf script. On a nearby board is a collage of posters, advertising in small portions posted jobs and rare food items, but primarily showcasing recent and upcoming entertainers.

At noon, the halls of Chirper's are relatively quiet, with sober diners and overnight guests being its primary customer base. Its interior manages to be sparkling clean, despite the mess left after the festivities every night, and is quite comfortable, with wooden sconce lamps and paneled walls, colorfully stylish and wonderfully plush furnishings, and polite and helpful staff ready to cater to one's every needs.

All can wait. Our protagonists have come here to meet with Noto Korabas.

Noto the Broker

Noto, as far as anyone could gather, is the Bureau Chief of Planar Affairs for the Fraternity of Order. He is a wizened, graying human man, somewhat unpleasant to look at, bespectacled and stern in appearance. Nonetheless, however he may look, he is known for his friendly character and openness to outsiders. More importantly, he takes a great interest in the Blood War, and is willing to give direction to newcomers and veterans alike.

Not for free, of course. He is, after all, an information broker of sorts, and the Fraternity is unlikely to part with anything valuable out of charity.

Our protagonists, having come to Sigil to speak with Noto, have managed to set up a meeting with him. After nearly two weeks, he agrees to a meeting time and place.

And so it is that our protagonists file into a room, located in a corner of Chirper's far from any revelry so that its patrons may speak undisturbed. The room is nonetheless well-appointed, and has a circular table in its center with cushioned chairs arrayed around it.

At the far corner is the unmistakable Noto Korabas, stroking his beard and reading a copy of The Tempus Sigilian.

2018-05-02, 06:14 AM
Eilyra finds herself feeling rather impatient, not an uncommon event for her, but still, frustrating. There she was, quietly visiting a nearby reagent merchant(Disguised, of course), when she overhears some of the other customers talking. They mentioned that the Blood War was heating up once more, and that... sparked interest. She found herself making her purchases, and departing for her cave with rather more alacrity than her wont, for this... this was an alternative. The Blood War... the never ending battle between the demons and the devils. A place of great opportunities for those fortunate enough to seize them, and of death for those who were not. But... if anything, I'd say luck was on my side. I survived Sarya's betrayal, and I saw her dead, along with most of the house. If I am to restore it, I'm going to need to build up a reputation, which means power, and wealth. And probably lawyers. Currently... it's rather slow going. I can't put together an improved spellbook without months more of effort, and I can't gather resources, since I can't disguise myself for long enough. But the Blood War? I wouldn't need to. However... I think going straight to the hells is a terrible idea, so... an alternative. Sigil? It's connected, and I'll be able to gather more recent information, and possibly enlist some allies who might make things simpler, and more complicated. But information is going to be key, so Sigil. Now, the elf-gates... they'll connect to Sigil, and I should still be keyed, if I can remember where... The next couple of days pass quickly for Eilyra, focused as she was on packing up, and making her way to the gate(And then searching for it, when it turned out to have moved), but then, she was there. Sigil. The City of Doors. The greatest city in the multiverse. And the most powerful. It didn't take her long to locate a Tout, although arranging a meeting with a broker, Noto, took a bit more doing. While working on arranging the meeting, Eilyra works odd jobs to make ends meet while she waits, and, as it turns out, she was the first to arrive.

Selecting a chair to sit in, Eilyra demurely places her tail in her lap as she waits, presenting quite the vision. Her pale skin is accentuated by her burning gold hair and black horns, and her green and gold dress certainly doesn't detract from her beauty. Her leathery wings stick out from the sides of her chairs, and her greatswords rests between them. A pouch rests at her side, carried easily. Her beauty, otherworldly though it might be, is there to see. To speak, or not to speak... he's remaining silent, so others are definitely coming, so... no.

2018-05-02, 09:19 AM

Khorvir moved through the crowd with his signature swagger. He was far from the most dangerous being in Sigil. Hells, he probably wasn’t the most dangerous being on that particular street. But he moved like he was, and that was important. People didn’t actually get out of his way, because there were far too many for that, but they did give him just that little bit of personal space, as if the air just around the seven-foot Orc was furnace-hot. Although some of the people on the street would have liked that,actually.

More than his size, though, it was the air of barely-restrained violence about him. There were Ta’anari who liked violence less than Khorvir, although admittedly not many, and his attitude showed. His tusk caps winked menacingly in the sun, as if he were walking around with two naked blades glued to his face. He stared suspiciously up at the sign for “Chirper’s” before entering, although to be fair, irritated suspicion seemed to be his default expression. The expression only deepened as he stepped inside the doors. The place seemed pleasant and comfortable, and neither were concepts that Khorvir trusted.

He passed through the common room and into the private back room. He was one of the first to arrive, and looked around with his usual squinty glare. “I am Khorvir.” He growled, in the way of a man who trusts words less than he trusts cheerful gilt-painted signs. “And I have come because I heard there is the chance for a good fight. If there is not, that’s all right, because I will make one.” He didn’t actually reach back and touch the massive axe slung over his shoulder, yet he somehow contrived to draw attention to it all the same. Then he pulled it free, and in one smooth motion set it against the wall, before taking a seat at the table. Not being one for formalities, he swung his great head from side to side, looking for a servant. “I will have mead. And something to eat. Preferably something with some fight still in it, but I have noticed that most people around here do not have the stomach for good cuisine.” He pronounced this last word “kwee zeen,” but he said it with a smile, of a sort.

2018-05-02, 09:18 PM
Belegond "The Red Sword" Dardrinsson

Dar had been living in Sigil for a while now, coming on two years, it was the best place to find good honest work, honest work to hunt evil spell casters that is. The only good work there is.

Only, Sigil had a few quirks, other than the vertigo inducing scenery, the jaw dropping locale, the esoteric denizens. No, it was what came along with all of that, it was the ideas, the philosophies, the beliefs of all these living things, all culminating in a veritable mixing pot of thoughts and emotions.

It was enough to make Dar sick.

And she made it worse.

He looked up for a moment as he walked along the street, expecting the Lady of Pain to appear directly before him for thinking those thoughts, who knows, no one said she couldn't read thoughts, gods feared her, so why not?

She made it, so that these people, these ideas, and philosophies could take root, which annoyed Dar, the organizations in Sigil was the worst part. He could rub elbows with a drow sorceress, sure, he'd love to tear her throat out and have it dried for his shelf at home, but the factions, the ideologies that were allowed to infest Sigil? Well that was damn annoying.

And now, now he had to go meet one of them. His ability was blowing up around him, as it usually did in Sigil, the denizens here were of a motley assortment, and usually, most, if not the majority, had spell like abilities. It was the evil ones that pinged to his fine tuned senses, and there were a lot of them.

One in particular drew his attention as he followed her to the same place he was going. He didn't need no tout to find the Chirper's Inn, hells he could have been one himself. But he had long ago, decided that coincidences were not mere happenstance. Either a god, which was ruled out by Our-Lady-in-Power, was dabbling with your fate, or fate itself, that intangible essence that drew the multiverse's strings, was playing with yours.

Sighing, because he knew he would see her where he was going, he entered the inn, into the back room, and without batting an eye, saw the winged caster sitting demurely in the room with her devilish tail in her hands. He nodded politely to her.

But there was more, another, seeking perhaps the same thing Dar was? Perhaps not. Dar decided as he heard the feral orc speak, most likely blood and violence, not something he couldn't find with lesser Ta’anari.

He noted the large axe, and tried to not touch his own, strapped on his back, apparently, Axe envy was a real thing.

+10 on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects
+2 on saving throws against poison
+1 on attack rolls against aberrations
+4 dodge to AC vs Giants
+2 on Appraise checks that are related to stone or metal items.
+2 on Craft checks that are related to stone or metal
+4 on ability checks made to resist being bull rushed or tripped
Darkvision 60 ft
Constant nondetection (as the spell)
Immune to mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, patterns, phantasms, and morale effects; as the spell Mindblank[dismissible])

2018-05-03, 07:18 AM
Sitting calmly, Eilyra's attention is drawn by the harsh growls of the second individual to arrive, and her head turns, to look him over. Her expression is fairly bland, with a slight smile, although the effect is somewhat spoiled by the cold look in her golden eyes. Hm... heavy armor, large axe, rings and tattoos everywhere... seems like the typical orcish thug. Still, if I can keep him aimed at my enemies, he could be useful. If not, well, I just need to make sure he has other priorities than myself.. Moments later, her eyes leave Khorvir, as another newcomer enters. And, better yet, the dwarf gives her a nod, prompting a smile from her(Although it doesn't expose her teeth), and a warmer appearance to her golden eyes. A dwarven warrior? Those don't usually leave their holds often... a renegade? Or simply a wanderer. Still, fine armor, well cared for. An axe, equally well taken care of... seems to be much more reliable than the other. Appearances might be deceiving, but dwarves tend to have a sense of honor, while orcs do not. However, Belegond's appearance doesn't hold her attention long, and her gaze returns to Noto.

2018-05-03, 11:36 AM

The scent in the air changes at every step, a moisture of the planes, dark sulphur fighting with misty celestial breeze; that too, is a sign of this city, of its identity that consists on not having a real identity.

In the endless flow of strangers, people looking around, running, walking, flying, crawling to their ends, the creature known as Ae'hdan had a full morning before reaching Chirper's. First the lesson with Factor Khalagr of the sensates, then the duel with Balegh the Half-Satyr, then he feigned interest in eating, when those nuns of the brothel asked for his presence at their sacred lunch.

At least now he gets to be alone. Well, if not alone, at least somewhat by himself. Fortunately, Chirper's is not too much crowded by now, especially if you know where *not* to walk.

The Kalashtar uses one of the gems embedded in his body as a supernatural compass, many a time the idea of working as a tout tempted him, but many more times he remembered how much a crowd and the need of money can distract the pure mind from its pursuits.
Still, now he walks toward war. Still, he searches what his ancestors always tried to flee from.

With many thoughts playing around themselves like dolphins in the ocean, Ae'hdan enters Noto's room. He looks at those already present, a brutish orc that seem in constant search of a fight, a stout and quiet figure already seated, and a woman who looks like she may be at ease in Baator even more then Sigil. "An interesting company" thinks the Kalashtar, before looking at the Guvner who called him here.
He doesn't greet anybody, but quietly walks toward the farthest seat, and accomodates himself, still looking at Noto.

2018-05-03, 12:52 PM
The sheets are snuggly warm- but the strange light of Sigil filters in through the shutters, and no matter how good her luxurious room's soundproofing is, the faint sounds of the lunch rush filter up through the floorboards. Eria sits up, yawns, and stretches like a cat. Today is a lazy morning, after all: Noto was nice enough to schedule the meet directly downstairs from her room at Chirper's, so she still has plenty of time. It's still just- she glances at the wall clock-

"wha- Bwaaah! 11:50?"

She sits bolt upright and stumbles clumsily out of her bed, still wiping sleep from her eyes. Maybe she shouldn't have had that third shot of Dragon Punch Whiskey last night, even if there was a certain something about the giztherai tending bar. Eria hastily throws her clothes on and quickly cleans herself up, muttering a brief prayer of thanks to dual-faced Aureon for prestidigitation She nearly rushes out of her room before she feels the cool breeze on her scalp, calms down a bit, and spends another few minutes putting her wig on and hiding the scars and the odd skin tone with makeup and cunningly-arranged clothes. Sometimes she wonders if she should still bother, in Sigil- the beings who walk the streets are strange enough that no one would bat an eye at her true appearance. But thus far, the habits of a lifetime have prevailed.


As Khorvir voices his desire for something good and rare, a tiny slip of a girl pipes up at his elbow.

"Get the velociraptor kebab, then. They really do it right here- grilled in this this great spice mix with cinnamon, cumin and chiles, come to the table seared but still dripping with blood."

She gives the half-orc a beaming smile and pulls up a chair to sit next to him, surveying the others as they come to the table. She really is a tiny thing- just big enough that she's clearly a petite human rather than a halfling, but a head shorter than even Eilyra. She wears a smart-looking white garment that vaguely resembles a military dress uniform, and carries neither weapon nor any kind of magical device.

So are we supposed to know each other already? If not, did Noto tell us all that we should expect others at the meeting, or should this come as a surprise to us?

HP: 69/69

AC: 21 (Touch 13, flat-footed 19, +5 vs. ranged: shield not out)

Fort: +11
Ref: +8
Will: +12

Southern Magician uses: 0/6
Metamagic Specialist uses: 0/5
Escalation uses: 0/4
Widen Spell uses: 0/7
Racial Feather Fall uses: 0/3
Amulet of Tears charges: 0/3
Healing Belt charges: 0/3
Eternal Wand of Heart of Air charges: 1/3
Minor Schema of Enduring Flight charges: 0/1
Disguise kit uses: 1/10

Spell slots used:
0th: 1/6
1st: 0/8
2nd: 0/8
3rd: 0/7
4th: 0/7
5th: 1/7
6th: 0/3

10 taken and a Disguise Kit used to conceal my surgical scars and inhuman features: DC 37 Spot check required to peirce, DC 27 with illusion negation

2018-05-03, 02:43 PM

Khorvir met Dar's eye. It wasn't especially challenging, as looks go, just an acknowledgement that Khorvir saw his hand move towards his axe. He nodded in acknowledgement, one warrior to another, his hand staying where it was. There was no need for violence yet, and Khorvir, despite his appearance, didn't go in for threat and bluster. When it was time for violence, there was violence. Everything else was just hot air. Eilirya got a frank looking-over as well. He could feel her regard, and the sentiment of dismissal in it. He was used to that, too. Being who and what he was, certain reactions were common, and Khorvir knew them without really having a name for it. To her, I am a tool. Let it be so. And for Aeh'dan, another nod.

When the tiny girl spoke up, Khorvir showed his teeth - an Orcish grin, but a grin nonetheless. "Thank you. I will do that." He said, polite enough. There would have been a time he would have sneered at such a tiny creature. But he'd been in Sigil long enough to learn caution, if not always wisdom. It was better to smile, sometimes. Enemies would come in time. They always did. That there would be work for his axe was the one certainty in this life.

2018-05-04, 06:46 AM
Once more, as two more people entered the room, Eilyra turns to examine them, revealing her burning golden eyes. Kalashtar. Probably psionic, because they all seem to be. But it doesn't seem to be reading my mind, so possibly not. And... a tall halfling? Or very short human. She's here, so magic user. Could be useful. After a few moments, her eyes return to Noto once more. And how many more? We have two combatants, a psion, myself, and a magic user. That leaves a thief, or a cleric, if Noto invited people to cover all the bases. Which means that they're either late, or too good for my preferences.

2018-05-05, 04:59 PM
Noto the Broker

Folding up his copy of The Tempus Sigilian, Noto clears his throat and taps a bell, summoning several servers. Within moments, the orders are placed, and steaming plates of (presumably velociraptor?) kebabs, sausages, and vegetable quiches are delivered, alongside jugs of fresh-squeezed plum juice, still foaming at the brim, and clay pots of fragrant black tea. The servers bow in a practiced fashion and leave.

"This is... not all of us," says Noto. His voice is hoarse but easily heard, each word carefully enunciated. "But it'll do. I'm sure you won't mind that I organized a group meeting. There's little I can offer you individually, but as a group... Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am Noto Korabas, a bureau chief in the Fraternity of Order. I specialize in the Blood War and, ah, what is known about the War—" he jabs his finger at The Tempus Sigilian "—even by a periodical of this quality, as this is ordinarily a quality publication, is still mostly hearsay and rumor. Neither the baatezu, tanar'ri, nor yugoloths share information willingly, and the mortal factions whom they have recruited are not privy to the inner circle of decision-makers.

"Where are you in all this? Well you are capable, easily a cut above most who fight in the War. No side would waste an opportunity to recruit you. But before I offer suggestions, I would like to first hear if you are already interested in a particular... group."

2018-05-05, 08:50 PM

A second much shorter orc enters the room, ducking his head slightly so that neither his topknot nor his longbow catches on the door frame. The leather straps that cross his chest creak slightly as they do so, sending ripples across his silky shirt iridescent blue.

Facing Noto, he places one chunky fist against a flat palm, and bows, his back ramrod straight.

Master Noto, He Who Commands the Desk of the Problems of Many Realities, for the Order of Those Who Would Be as Brothers. He straightens. Please forgive my tardy arrival. I... His words, clear and precise and clipped, as if from long practice, suddenly stop for a moment. He continues, his voice softer, ...I had not realised how far from home I really am.

He stands stiffly, his eyes flicking around the room. After a few moments, he moves to an empty chair next to Eria, and sits in it. His eyes flick to the two large axes, and he somewhat self-consciously adjusts his own no-datchi, a long elegant curved weapon. The handle is decorated with tightly wound white and black cotton, that forms a pattern of perfect white diamonds against the black.

2018-05-06, 07:35 AM
It takes but a moment for the half demon to speak, her musical voice almost seeming out of place, coming from a demon. "Based on what I know, I would say that the Yugoloths would be the best choice. Mercenaries can be trusted to maximize their income, and" Her words pause for a moment, but not a long moment. I or we? We. Getting group-think going can only help my chances. " We should be a valuable asset. The Tanar'ri are reliably short sighted, and treacherous, and the baatezu are reliably treacherous and self centered." While she speaks, her tail twitches, although her grip on it proves to be sufficient to keep it in her lap.

2018-05-06, 09:50 AM
Soliton waits a few heartbeats, then clears his throat.

As mercenaries, we may find a better fit with other mercenaries. However, I see no reason to deal directly with demons or devils, an area in which I have only modest knowledge, and in which their experience is legendary. Might it not be better to join an existing mercenary group that already serves in the war, taking advantage of an existing relationship rather than forging a new one?

He pauses, a thick tongue slipping out to lick one his tusks, as if by nervous habit.

I'd also suggest we choose a group that is likely to make good use of our talents. Stealth, reconnaissance, targeted strikes. The role of mercenaries in front-line assaults is glorious, but often very brief.

2018-05-06, 12:07 PM
The tiny girl in white digs into the sausages with enthusiasm, washing them down with black tea.

"The way you put it is interesting. If no one knows much about the Blood War but hearsay and rumor, then perhaps there's money in intelligence gathering. There are likely parties that would pay a fair amount for up-to-date information on the goings-on of the War- the Tempus Sigilian, the archons..."

She gestures towards Noto.

"Possibly even the Fraternity of Order?"

She chews on a sausage for a moment, then swallows as an idea occurs to her.

"Of course, there's also selling information on each side's troop movements to the other. And also, I don't know a whole lot about the internal politics of either side of the Blood War, but if I remember correctly, both of them can have issues with internal cohesion. If we could sell information about a stinging defeat on the part of the forces of Duke of Hell A to Duke of Hell B, there's another possible source of income.

Not sure how we'd go about developing the kind of contacts neccesary to do that, though."

2018-05-06, 12:43 PM
Eilyra is careful to keep her face calmly pleasant as she listens to the others in the meeting reveal their penchant for stealthy operations. If they're as good at information gathering, stealth, and sabotage as they seem to be suggesting they were, why are they here? The Blood War offers little opportunity for such tactics. It's simply too large, and too poorly organized. And while the newcomer seems to be some sort of rogue, and might have the needed skills, the small wizard? She sounds like someone who'd love to do something, but has no idea how to see it done. I think it's time to nip this in the bud. It takes Eilyra a moment to consider how to best word things, and she soon turns towards the small girl. "Dear, I know you mean well, but might I suggest that you consider the rest of us?" She pauses, and gestures to Khorvir and Belegong. "We have two warriors in plate, which tends to not be stealthy." Without missing a beat, she gestures to Ae'hdan. "The Kalashtar might be able to read minds, but rarely have I seen psions or wizards with skill in stealth, beyond an invisibility spell. Which, I might add, is unlikely to be reliable, as many demons and devils have the ability to ignore such things." She leans back, with a smile, and gestures to herself. "While I have my talents, stealth is not among them." Her eyes shift over to Soliton as she continues. "Our newest arrival doesn't quite seem to have that furtive look to him either." She pauses, and sighs. "Our talents, I suspect, are going to be far more valuable when acting on information, than gathering it. Which means allying with a group that can gather that information." She smiles once more, and looks back to Noto. "Since Noto was kind enough to set this up, I imagine he might have some thoughts in that direction. Alternatively, perhaps we should introduce ourselves, and mention what our talents are, before making grand plans?" Her opinion voiced, the half fiend settles back in her chair, letting her expression drift back towards serenity as she reaches for a kebab and some plumb juice. As she bites into her newly acquired kebab, the pointed nature of her teeth is revealed.

2018-05-06, 03:05 PM
As the others speak, Ae'hdan thanks the servants for the food but declines to eat, concentrating instead on observing all those present in the room.

"Many believe that the Yugoloths are a creation of balance, where a relentless dedication to evil gave birth to a spawn of creatures capable of overcoming the intrinsic differences between the Blood War enemies. Others think that they predated the War itself, and that their mischievous nature fanned the fires behind it. Either way, I must voice my curiousness about them.

That said, our resident expert on the lower planes said something quite reasonable: I can, indeed, uncover informations of many kind, but my path is not one walked into darkness, as much as in the minds of people.
What I think our patron Noto here may have already considered is not what each of us can do on his own, but what all of us are going to do, together." The Kalashtar turns toward their host, trying to understand if he got to the point.

2018-05-06, 10:40 PM
Eria chuckles.

"No, no, I didn't mean for us to devote ourselves to sneaking around and spying in the traditional sense. But there's more to military intelligence than what can be gathered from that kind of thing: a firsthand account of how a battle went from the perspective of a mercenary who participated in it can be quite valuable to all kinds of people, for all kinds of reasons. I was thinking more about intelligence-gathering and reportage as a way to squeeze more income out of mercenary work than about making it our primary line of business.

As for who to work with, I agree with those who are inclined towards the yugoloths."

She takes a sip of tea and leans back into her chair, sampling a chunk of one of the kebabs with a happy sigh.

"As far as my talents go...Illusions are a strength. There are ways to make them work even against true seeing under certain circumstances. The latest spell I've learned to work with also bears mention: it projects a large field that alerts me to attempts to teleport into it, while considerably delaying their arrival. I'm given to understand that a great many of senior demons and devils are teleporters, so that should be very handy.

I'm a capable and agile flyer, speedier and more maneuverable than most. My greatest specialty, though, is long-range, wide-area bombardment magic."

2018-05-07, 04:45 PM
As yet more came into the room, Bel couldn't help but smirk at the odd assortment of all gathered, as if, they were selected from a larger whole, cherry picked for unique skill sets, and abilities that married well with one another.

He raised his brow towards Noto Not as senile as all the other Guvners

Listening, he smirked again, this group, for lack of a better term what were they anyway, an adventuring group? he'd seen stranger, he listened, and began to shake his head slightly as they preemptively started arguing.

"You lot didn't hear his question? It was a simply one, let me rephrase it, which group, baatezu, tanar'ri, or yugoloth do you prefer? If any. He isn't done jawing, simply cut himself short by asking a question. I'd say, you make quick and answer the man, else we might never know why he bought us here in the first place." He looked to Noto "I have no preference." He said simply.

Bunch of prancing peackocks in this one...

2018-05-08, 03:34 AM
Noto the Broker

Noto holds up his palms. "I believe I've heard enough... you're the independent sort, and there is wisdom in that, but there are also certainly drawbacks. I won't delve too much into the... general strategy here, to risk boring my audience. Nor—" he nods at Soliton "—do I begrudge you for your lateness, as I am often... late to my own lectures. I am glad you made it at all.

"Now, as Miss Berlinetta correctly observes, I will... first offer employment by the Fraternity of Order. Our pay is a meager one-hundred and twenty gold paid biweekly... that is, every two weeks, but we do not tithe... your findings, which is to say, you keep what you find. You will be employed as... so-called A1 Researchers, and you will attempt to report on the going-ons of the... War. Present interests of the Fraternity include... the so-called 'ships of chaos', mysterious joint tanar'ri-Doomguard ventures which have been making baatezu lives very... difficult.

"Now, if you were employed under the Fraternity, I'd have you work together... under my bureau. However, I brought you together because the information I have to share, may be shared with all, and I'd rather not... waste time with individual meetings. You may pursue your own manners of employment, which is not... inconsistent for those with your talents.

"If you seek infernal employment, you should speak to the generals of the Three Commands, respectively Alusiel, Kobbis, and Bel of the First, Second, and Third Commands. Kobbis is an... unfriendly fiend, and Bel is an archduke, so I would advise Alusiel, who as a... fallen angel would be more open to individuals such as... yourselves. Nonetheless, there is precedent for the other Commands to... take in non-infernals, and even abyssals, on contracts.

"If it is abyssal employment you seek, you should journey to the town of Styros on the very first... layer of the Abyss, Pazunia. You should have no trouble avoiding the press-gangs, and... you may be able to negotiate a contract with a passing marilith, or even balor, seeking mercenaries for upcoming conflicts. Abyssals are rather finicky with upholding deals, but... when it comes to the Blood War, they have learned not to cheat too many dangerous mercenaries. Be on your guard nonetheless!

"If you wish to assist the yugoloths are mercenaries... there are two main options. Either speak to an ultroloth in Khin-Oin, on the Gray Waste, or to an arcanoloth on Gehenna... in the aptly named Tower of Arcanaloths. They have both taken mortal mercenary companies in the past... and continue to do so today. I confess I know little of their politics, so you must determine the... safest path for yourself.

"Finally, you may find yourself more interested in working... among mortals like ourselves. Loosely allied with the tanar'ri are the Dustmen, the Revolutionary League, and the Fated. Allied with the baatezu are the Sign of One and the Mercykillers. Then there is the Doomguard, dealing with both sides... like the blasted fools they are.

"There are more esoteric groups which offer involvement with the War... there's the modrons, the celestial band called the Swords of Vengeance, the githyanki General Deva'xi and her undefeated mercenary army, and the former grand marshal under the Infernal First Command, a human named Imidd Mór who went missing... after a brilliant victory almost a decade ago, only to reappear half a year back, in Styros of all places.

"If you are interested in any group, I'm happy to provide further information, but know that while I... offer this information for free, I also come with a business proposition—take it or leave it, but it is why I'm... so generous with details. But that is for a later time, when we are finished discussing your... futures."

2018-05-08, 05:52 AM
Eilyra pauses in her devouring of the kebab as Noto speaks, and listens, her tail flickering with interest, despite being held down. Interesting. Working for their Order... the pay is meager, but it would be an excellent way to get our heads below the trees, especially if these ships of chaos are what I think they are. It sounds like the infernals and abyssals are actively seeking recruits, which I always seem to translate to wall fodder. Gaining their interest in another fashion might well be for the best. That said, the loths seem to be the best option, since they're not actively recruiting, so we probably wouldn't be used as wall fodder, with some care. Equally so, the factions are getting involved... that, I think is not likely to be a good idea. I don't see the Lady liking the Blood War being brought here, and if there's one things both sides are good at, it's opening new fronts. But that last group... modrons and the Swords of Vengeance are definitely out, but the githyanki and this Immid Mor might be worth investigating. Immid would offer the chance to get in on things from the ground up, as it were, and undefeated mercenaries seems like it might be safer. All the wealth and power in the planes is useless if we're dead, after all. And this business proposition... he must really, really want us to do it, which suggests that it'll be high risk, and probably information based. Definitely worth hearing him out, and if it isn't suicide, doing it. After he finishes, she calmly looks Noto in the eyes, before speaking once more. "It sounds like working for your Fraternity for a short time might be worthwhile, as first hand experience is worth rather a lot, and it sounds like the work would be fairly neutral, so we'd be free to seek other employment based on what we find. The demons and devils sound like a poor oppertunity, since it sounds rather like they're seeking wall-fodder, but the yugoloths might not be. That said... can you offer us more information on General Deva'xi and Imidd Mor?"

2018-05-08, 10:37 AM
Bel listens and nods with a grin "The she-deamon is correct, I think being under your employ would be the best choice...however, I'm getting the feeling you are leaving out some of the more important particulars...."

He's happy to wait however, this lot seems like they like to argue more than doing things.

2018-05-08, 06:30 PM

Khorvir watched the words flow back and forth. It wasn't that he was stupid, particularly. He could, in fact, be cunning at times, and he had a way with people. But too many words had a tendency to buzz around in Khorvir's head like skullflies. He shook his head and cleared his nose like a horse. A particularly proud and noble horse, he quickly corrected in the silence of his own head. Which, right now, was not as silent as he would have liked.

"The spoils are ours? That's good. It's how it should be. Besides, better to pay for results" Khorvir said with a tusky grin that left no doubt as to what he considered a positive result. To Khorvir, this all seemed fairly straightforward. He would be paid a good sum of gold, and he would get to sharpen his edge in the most brutal conflict in the multiverse. He would rise to the challenge, or else he would break and fall. Although in his heart, Khorvir knew that there was no chance he would fall. He was destined - of course, that didn't mean he could afford to be stupid. After considering the options, he nodded. "I also agree. Working for you seems like the best deal so far. Sometimes people who work too much with paper lie, but such lies always come out in the end." He said. It was strange, because there was no particular threat to his words - just the sure and certain promise that, if he was betrayed and survived the betrayal, he would get revenge or die trying.

2018-05-08, 07:13 PM
Noto the Broker

Noto frowns. "In general... you shouldn't expect to be fodder." He sips from his tea. "If you were, I wouldn't have recommended you speak to the higher-ups. But I digress, there are... good reasons not to work for the infernals or abyssals. As for Deva'xi and Mór, I can only share the little which I know to be... true, for most what we hear of them is pure hearsay.

"Deva'xi was born in Tu'narath, said to possess a sort of divine linkage with the One in the Void. This linkage supposedly gives her significant powers of prescience, and as a result... she's rather impossible to defeat. Or so the conventional narrative goes. It did not take her long to raise a mercenary army, and as far as we of the Fraternity can tell, she does indeed remain... undefeated. Many mercenaries have sought to join under her banner. Most have been declined, but I suspect she would be willing to accept... present company under her wing. At the moment she fights under the tanar'ri banner, though that is likely to change with the cycles.

"Imidd Mór was a scholar and explorer from a distant plane. At some point he chose to resettle on the Demiplane of Union, and he became known to our worlds. I confess, his studies are.... quite esoteric, but if you are interested, you may wish to read his monograph Layers and Arcana Abstracta, or the more accessible Concepts of Shadow. In any case, near two decades ago, he is suddenly named... Grand Marshal of the First Command by the infernal legions. Rumors were certainly flying... We were all wondering why a mortal was dignified so by the baatezu. He nonetheless proved a competent commander.

"In the one-hundred and twenty-fifth year of Factol Hashkar's reign, Mór and Deva'xi... fought on the Spires of Rajzak. Well, the books will tell you it was Mór against the balor Kyzikos, but... it was the abyssal ally Deva'xi who was the true threat here. Despite being outnumbered ten-to-one, and facing the general... who knew no defeat, Mór somehow forced a draw in their position. The stalemate held for many months... at which point Deva'xi's contract term ended. After she withdrew her army, Mór handily defeated Kyzikos' remaining force... and claimed a layer of the Abyss for the infernal lords, a powerful symbolic and strategic victory.

"He left, leaving the First Command under General Alusiel. Just as suddenly... as he was thrust into power, he vanished from all knowledge. Then about a year ago, he resurfaced... on the banks of Styx, and since then he's been building his own mercenary force in Styros for purposes unknown.

"Nevertheless, if you are interested in working with the Fraternity rather than... with directly involved interests, I would be happy to induct you... right as soon as we are done with this meeting. But please, do discuss among yourselves."

2018-05-08, 11:25 PM
'Ships of chaos'... could someone have imported the idea of elemental airships? I don't think I've seen any since I arrived, except maybe for that thing that they called a 'spelljammer.' Certainly I haven't seen any soarwood goods in any of the markets here, and goodness knows they've had everything else under the sun.

Eria frowns in thought for a moment, then speaks up.

"I favor working with the Fraternity of Order, with the gith Deva'xi, with Inmidd Mór, and with the yugoloths, in about that order of preference."

2018-05-09, 05:34 AM
Continuing to eat her kebab, Eilyra smiles inwardly at the agreement of the warriors. That settles that rather nicely, I think. And I've made some progress in cementing myself as the leader, which is always good. And Noto doesn't think we'd be fodder? Clearly, he hasn't dealt with demons much. Sacrificing their allies to preserve their own troops is what they do, and while I think I'd be resistant to such, it doesn't change the general role. Be the distraction, be the heavy attack, do the things that would inflict high casualties. But, it doesn't matter much. Now, Mor and Deva'xi seem interesting. Mor using esoteric studies, and being hired to immediately take command, as a scholar? And then succeeding in defeating the precognitive general? Why do I think Mor found out a way to counter precognition, or even turn it against the wielder? It would explain Deva'xi's defeat. For all that Noto described it as a stalemate... at ten to one odds, she should have won, unless Mor's forces were substantially more powerful. And he took a liking to it? And is building his own mercenary force? I think I'll be doing my best to keep an eye on him. Once she finishes delicately taking a sip of the plum juice, Eilyra's melodious voice is heard once more. "Would you have a copy of Layers I might borrow? I think we're agreed on working for the Fraternity for some period of time, before picking sides." Finished talking, Eilyra leans back in her chair once more, continuing to keep her tail under control.

2018-05-09, 11:26 AM

Khorvir's brow furrowed, and his expression changed. It was like watching continents slowly drift into a new configuration, complete with a subtle grinding as he worked to assimilate all the information. He muttered to himself for a few moments, then raised his head and spoke up. "So you say." He said, shrugging. "I know your reputation, Noto, and that of some of the others here. But words are words, and we will see where we stand when the metal meets the meat." There was no rancor, nor even any particular distrust. Just a species of stolid patience.

"Is there any evidence for where Deva'xi's power came from? Her story sounds like a good one. But a good story can be a clever lie. Maybe she found some mystical item or learned a good trick somewhere, and she spread the story of her ancestry to give explanation. I have been to many prime worlds, and the story of a divine origin is common among small princes and warlords. Saying "oh, I am the child of a god and rule by right" keeps the sheep in line as well as a wall of blades. I doubt Deva'xi is like them, because an incompetent would not last so long commanding in the Blood War, I think, but that does not mean the tale she tells is the true one."

2018-05-09, 03:00 PM

He strips off his gloves, jet black and rather stretched and worn, but with a pattern of tiny stars clearly visible, and folds them carefully into his belt.

I would favour working with your, Fraternity? He says, mildly. Although the word 'induct' rather leapt out at me. Would we be required to join the Order, accept its precepts, stay within its dwellings?

A long arm reaches out, to snag a decorated teapot sitting neglected, next to the bread rolls. With careful precision he pours out a practiced cupful.

Failing that, I would of course like to work with this enigmatic Inmidd Morr, or if he is not available, his master Alusiel.

He takes up the tiny cup, and cradles it carefully in one hoary hand, his black blunt claws folding around it, as making a cage to prevent escape.

If those can not be contenanced, then maybe this general Deva'xi will take us in? If not, then we could try the Yugoloths.

He breathes in, the thin thread of steam visibly disappearing up cavernous nostrils.

Either way, I would appreciate a chance to read this book. Once you've finished, of course, Mistress.

2018-05-10, 01:55 AM
Listening to Noto explanation and his newfound companions opinions, Ae'hdan ponders on the different options. He shrugs briefly when Noto express distaste for the doomguards actions. "Their reason are often their own," he thinks to himself, "but are rarely foolish. That's a facet of truth many in the fraternity fail to grasp."

After a while, the Kalashtar express his opinion. "I concur with the others that starting with the Fraternity of Order reccomendation can be more useful for us, especially since our companionship has been set up by you... or so it seems. As for our perspective employers, I'm intrigued by Githyanki culture, and would be interested in getting to know more first hand about this Deva'xi general. Failing that, the human called Inmidd Mór can be another interesting choice. In all honesty, I'm intrigued by this war, but I'm not in love with the perspective of working too directly with the denizens of the lower planes. No offense intended." He concludes, looking at Eilyra.

2018-05-10, 04:50 AM
Continuing to listen, Eilyra nods to Soliton. "Certainly. It should be an interesting read." At Ae'hdan's words, Eilyra smiles toothily at the Kalashtar's words, her voice calm. "No offense taken. Demons and devils have a fairly accurate reputation for being treacherous. Sure, devils stick to the letters of the agreements, but no one makes agreements that can't be changed by verbal twisting." She sighs, and leans forwards, her hands steepling on the table in front of her even as her tail slips out behind her, the tip twitching back and forth. Her voice becomes lower, conveying a sense of honesty. "So long as you're willing to work with me, I don't see any problems. As a half demon, I am far less prone to their tendency towards reveling in chaos."

2018-05-10, 11:18 AM
Bel shakes his head slowly side to side.

It was almost as bad as some of his relatives arguing about how best to beat metal.

"Noto, I fear you are a great scholar, but a manager of people you are not. Given the opportunity, I'm sure this lot, without a leader, or specific direction, would argue the principles of their specific choice till the Lady herself got tired of us all. I believe the general consensus is that we wish to work with you, what then, is there to talk about?"

You notice he has not moved from his cross armed stance, nor taken any refreshment or food.

2018-05-10, 03:40 PM
As Bel speaks, the Kalasthar decide to answer him, turning at the dwarf: "In a sense, inaction is an action in itself, and can speak many things about those who choose it."
He falls silent again, still waiting for Noto to make his reasons known. Or, at least, somewhat clearer.

2018-05-10, 04:56 PM

"When there's too much inaction, I chop a few holes in things." Said the hulking orc. His tone was cheerful, even breezy - as much as any voice coming out of that throat could be described as "breezy." "That usually makes something happen."

2018-05-10, 07:37 PM
Noto the Broker

"Alas, a copy of Layers is quite an... investment." Noto strokes his mustache. "The Fraternity keeps a copy somewhere in its Tower Archives, on the upper floors of the City Court—that being our headquarters... on Sigil. If you induct into the Fraternity, you may borrow that copy if it's available. Or you may purchase your own at the Great Bazaar, though the going rate varies anywhere... from eight-hundred to several thousand gold, depending on binding, transcription, and... translation qualities. Concepts is quite a bit cheaper, and we have several copies in our archives.

"But I digress. I am glad you are willing to work for the Fraternity. Nor have you overlooked my mention of 'induction'. You will... be fully fledged Fraternity members. Don't worry about sitting through our introductory... spiels or lecture-exam sequences, I can grant you exemption and I'm certain you don't need them. That said, I nonetheless invite you to devote a week or two to sitting in on our classes; I guarantee... you will learn something.

"Here is the relevant contract. You need... only sign it." He rummages through a satchel and produces a large scroll, every centimeter of its surface covered with dense legal language. "I'd assure you there are no tricks in this document, but I trust... you are intelligent enough to discern this for yourself." He sets a jar of ink and a feather quill on the table.

The contract is barely comprehensible to the untrained eye. It seems the Fraternity has a gift for legalese, as the contract's conditions are written as conjunctions of complex clauses and precise, obscure considerations, bordering on the ridiculous. It is hard to maintain a focused line of thought from one sentence to the next. Finishing a paragraph leaves one with a lingering headache and no more enlightenment than confusion.

Soliton is capable of discerning the meaning from the document's language. As promised by Noto, it is curiously devoid of tricks, and the complex language works to every party's benefit. Indeed, what complexity there is appears to guard against tricks, and amusingly, the specificity of the clauses seems to suggest some segment of Fraternity scholars do nothing but think of ways to break their own contracts—and they have become very good at it.

The terms are indeed simple when it comes down to the basic details. The signatories are guaranteed their wage of twelve platinum and status as so-called 'A1 Research Officers'. Signatories are considered official employees of the Fraternity of Order, gaining benefits such as free access to the City Court in Lady's Ward, two free classes every semester, and the assistance of certain lower ranking ("A2 and below") Fraternity members. Employment may be terminated at any time by any party. Additional payment for services rendered is given at the discretion of the bureau chief.

Duties are assigned on a seasonal basis by bureau chiefs or the factol himself. It appears every loophole to get away from one's duties is covered; the contract even considers the possibilities of undeath, astral projections, simulacra, and curiously, even reincarnations as outer planar beings, in addition to hundreds of other complications.
Noto continues speaking. "I will now...mention your first duties. We of the Fraternity are interested in two matters, the... construction and origins of the so-called ships of chaos, and the most likely... locations of the next ground war between the baatezu and tanar'ri. Fulfilling either objective will earn each individual involved... five hundred platinum. Fulfilling both will double that. Less-than-complete fulfillment of objectives will pay only a fraction, as per my discretion.

"Regardless of whether... or not you induct into the Fraternity, this offer remains on the table. We at the Fraternity do not mind contracting... outside help."

2018-05-11, 05:35 PM
Ignoring her impatient would be allies, Eilyra frowns at Noto's answer, but her words are sharp, and focused. Why so expensive? Amanuensis should be capable of copying it, given time. Unless that's been lost to the ages. And language might be a problem. "Does Layers contain magical text? And what language was it written in, Orginally?" After asking her question, she continues to listen. Classes? Depending on what they teach, they might be useful. Or dreadfully boring. Or both, which are the worst. And a contract...
After receiving the contract, Eilra reads through it. This... has to be one of the most complicated contracts I've ever read. Not willing to admit that she couldn't understand something, Eilyra tries to re-read it, hoping it might make more sense the second time around.

[roll0] Know: Nobility

While re-reading, she continues to listen to Noto, and muses on his goals. Finding a shipyard somewhere in the planes, and predicting where a war across all the hells will strike next. He certainly doesn't ask for much. And I swear, this damn contract is designed to be as obfuscating as possible.

Might Eilyra have any ideas on where spelljammers or other planar craft might be built?
[roll1] Know: Planes.
I... don't think she'd be able to pull togeather an accurate picture of the Blood War, but maybe a hint, or a guess?
[roll2] Planes, [roll3] History.

2018-05-11, 08:48 PM
Soliton Beaugard aka 'Sol-Tan the Destroyer'

Soliton is silent for a long time, reading the document, rotating it occasionally, his tea forlornly cooling. Eventually he looks up, blinking, as if surprised that the room is still there.

Seems reasonable enough. We get pay, possible bonus, status within the Order as... ah... "Research Officers", administrative recognition from the City, the ability to get help from minions ... hm, 'if available' so we'd have to poach them from another regiment, I mean, project. Two free classes a semester? We can leave at any time, they can kick us out any time...

He turns the sheet over, handling the paper with practiced delicacy in his thick hands.

Most of it is making sure we actually do the tasks we're set, and blocking all the loopholes they could think of. He pauses. For either side. He frowns, as if the concept of fairness troubles him. No mental domination, gross physical control, life draining or soul stealing... No requirements to pledge souls, spirits or progeny in perpetuity. It looks pretty good.

He shrugs.

I've served under far worse. I'll sign it.

2018-05-11, 11:12 PM
"Alas, a copy of Layers is quite an... investment."... the going rate varies anywhere... from eight-hundred to several thousand gold, depending on binding, transcription, and... translation qualities."

What the...oh, right! No printing. As phantasmagoric as this place can get, it's easy to forget that we've got things at home that they can struggle to match here.

Don't worry about sitting through our introductory... spiels or lecture-exam sequences, I can grant you exemption and I'm certain you don't need them.

Eria blinks, hides her reaction behind a fixed smile, and very carefully does not glance at the mountain of meat sitting next to her.

That musclehead's never seen the inside of a lecture hall. I'd lay better-than-even odds that he couldn't spell 'lecture'.

When the contract comes along, she makes a valiant couple of attempts at getting through it before finally giving up, asking Soliton a few basic clarifying questions, and trusting his judgement. She does take the basic precaution of analyzing it with a Detect Magic- inherently magic contracts are rare but not unheard of, and few of them do anything she'd care to be subjected to. Finally, she signs.

Two questions, then. First: do you have leads for us to begin chasing down this information, or are we expected to be entirely self-directed in getting it?

Second, how carefully are we expected to conceal our affiliation with the Order? Obviously some degree of subterfuge will be involved- barging into a layer of the Abyss and shouting 'we're from the Fraternity of Order and we're here to find out things you'd rather not be known' is not going to get us anywhere- but if, for instance, there would be substantial diplomatic implications between the Order and the fiends if our mission should become known, that somewhat changes the approach."

HP: 69/69

AC: 21 (Touch 13, flat-footed 19, +5 vs. ranged: shield not out)

Fort: +11
Ref: +8
Will: +12

Southern Magician uses: 0/6
Metamagic Specialist uses: 0/5
Escalation uses: 0/4
Widen Spell uses: 0/7
Racial Feather Fall uses: 0/3
Amulet of Tears charges: 0/3
Healing Belt charges: 0/3
Eternal Wand of Heart of Air charges: 1/3
Minor Schema of Enduring Flight charges: 0/1
Disguise kit uses: 1/10

Spell slots used:
0th: 2/6
1st: 0/8
2nd: 0/8
3rd: 0/7
4th: 0/7
5th: 1/7
6th: 0/3

10 taken and a Disguise Kit used to conceal my surgical scars and inhuman features: DC 37 Spot check required to peirce, DC 27 with illusion negation

2018-05-12, 02:55 AM
Noto the Broker

Noto sips his tea. "Layers is highly technical and contains many... diagrams. Not to mention, its text is certainly... magical, in its own way, though not in the same sense a scroll is magical. You will have to speak to a better wizard than I, alas... for I do not grasp the nuances of copying the text, which I am told is a very intricate task.

"As for the original language, I believe it was written first in Windsong, a language spoken only in Pandemonium. Indeed... one of my colleagues shared with me an apocryphal anecdote that Mór initially attempted to write his groundbreaking manuscript in blink dog language, only to find... it lacked the words to even properly formulate his ideas. But we do know Concepts was originally written on lead slabs in Qualith, which doesn't help the impression that Mór enjoyed... making life difficult for the rest of us." He chuckles.

"Again, I digress. Unfortunately, to answer your more immediate questions, I will have to say, 'I don't know.' What I can say is our strategic experts at the Court believe... the two sides already know where they will be fighting, as the troop buildup seems to reflect a specific line of planning. Moreover, that this means you... are only trying to identify one particular battlefield. This is unfortunately not my area of expertise, so I cannot... comment on the accuracy of the logic. You should speak with Staff Officer Naralie at the Court if you'd like to understand the reasoning, though she is specifically a strategist, not a planar researcher, so... what advice she can give will be very limited.

"More generally, you should seek a way into the good graces of someone in a commanding role... on any side of the conflict. You may exercise your judgment on whether to hide your Fraternity... affiliation. For my part, I recommend you avoid mentioning it at all unless... it's to your obvious advantage. Nobody but those in this room and anyone foolish enough to... eavesdrop on us know you are our employees, and by tomorrow when I file the contract only our factol and the other bureau chiefs will know as well. You are... agents of the Court, so do not disgrace us.

"Finally, on the matter of the ships of chaos, I confess all I can think of is to search the Armory. You may... have some luck speaking to specialized shipwrights in the region, however. The Great Bazaar should be your first stop if you... believe this will be a fruitful approach."

Many of the more advanced races maintained small fleets of spelljammers. It stands to reason that the relevant shipyards may be found in any major society. Perhaps Eilyra should search her local knowledge to determine whether any such shipyards may be found in Sigil or other major population centers across the multiverse.

Eilyra is familiar with the general concept of the Blood War, an ancient feud between the baatezu and tanar'ri. She is also aware that celestials once counted themselves as major players in the War, but that era ended as quickly as it had begun. She knows that long ago, the baatezu managed to slay a tanar'ri-aligned deity called Thuon, leading to a Godmoot in which the divines agreed to avoid participating directly in the War.

The Blood War has rarely seen either the baatezu or tanar'ri gain a significant advantage over the other, and when it does happen, the advantage is quickly negated by the balancing hand of fate. This is one of the major factors which led to the prolonging of the War. The yugoloths have been involved in the War for as long as anyone could remember, but the spate of mortal mercenaries seeking their fortunes in the struggle is very much a recent development. It was the factions of Sigil which took the first tentative steps to mortal participation in the War, as a pure matter of ideology, but the mercenaries soon emulated the factions' behaviors and joined themselves.

The most recent conflict is the Battle of Othrys, on the first layer of Carceri, with Archgeneral Bel himself leading the baatezu forces against the Chained Claw, a council of balors, and their tanar'ri legions. Bel had lost due to the tanar'ri's possession of ships of chaos, the titan allies the balors had recruited, and General Deva'xi harassing the infernal sidelines. It was nonetheless a close fight, for the archdevil himself took the field. That was many months ago, and since then all sides have been biding their time, building their forces, and engaging in otherwise non-notable skirmishes.
The contract has no magical aura about it.

2018-05-12, 08:27 AM
Deliberately written in obscure languages, in a hard to read fashion, with possibly magical diagrams included. This is sounding more and more like he wrote it to hide something, but what? "That's certainly makes Layers seem to be more interesting."
She trails off, and finishes reading her contract, and nods in agreement with the orc. "It does seem to seek to cover all the bases, and then some." With someone who knew what they were doing(She hoped), Eilyra signs the contract as well.

[roll0] know: Local, regarding local shipyards.(Or abandoned ones.)
[roll1] know: Planes(regarding the Doomguard)

2018-05-12, 12:14 PM

Khorvir grunted and pondered. At some point, a large plate of smoking meat and a large stein of something that foamed had been delivered, and he set to with a will. The meat was liberally slathered in a rich dark sauce, and he licked it from his fingers with gusto. The idea of him taking an entrance exam was laughable. "Hah! Fully-fledged members, yes, but we don't have to take the exams." He gave Noto a direct look, then turned his gaze down to the contract. He stared at it, his expression suggesting that the contract was a compilation of filthy stories about his mother. Khorvir looked up at Noto, his eyes narrowed, then back at the contract. "Words made into a set of chains." he growled "I will work for you, but I'm not selling anyone my soul. I keep my word when it is given, and I expect the same of others." He said, folding his arms sternly across his chest.

2018-05-12, 01:51 PM

The Kalashtar reads carefully the contract. Many of the Order's speeches are known to him, and he is able to recognize different parts of and clauses, finding them appropriate to their task. Still, he feels like something in the contract eludes him.
"Words can bind a man, doubt can bind every soul." He says when Khorvir shows his dislike for written formalities; then, he signs the contract.

2018-05-15, 02:31 PM
Noto the Broker

Noto takes and stashes the contract. "My spoken terms... remain for non-signatories, that is, the two payments of five-hundred platinum upon completion of either task. But as you will not be Fraternity... members, I cannot give you a wage, or any of the benefits of membership." After some moments of counting coins, he places a pouch on the table containing four-hundred and eighty gold pieces. "First week's payment is paid immediately, as is usual for Fraternity contracts. Do not... expect another payment for four weeks. I believe our business is done." He stands and bows. "And I wish you... the best of luck." He pulls a waiter from the adjoining hall, paying for everyone the collective balance owed to Chirper's. Then he leaves.

Market Ward

Wide, cobblestone roads flanked by shop windows and vendor tents. Carts laden with spices, cloths, gems (this often accompanied by a procession of heavily armed guards), books, blades, and everything in-between. The aroma of grilled meats and strong spirits. The chatter of countless voices, in near as many languages. Human, dwarf, and elf, bariaur, fiend, and beast, any and all races from across the planes walk side-by-side. A deva haggles with a gnome. A human and an ogre shout their bids at a streetside auction. Such is the variety of the Market Ward.

Small alleys branch off from the main streets, leading to small communities of specialized shops or gated townhouses. While crowded and noisy, it is clear from the well paved roads, the continually lit cast iron lamps, and the calming and elegant facades of the buildings that the Market Ward is not a cheap place to live. Those who reside in the district's townhouses each have several servants, who can be seen scurrying through the buildings' windows and arches.

Nonetheless, the streets are populated with all sorts, from the poor and ragged to the wealthy and fashionable. Here more than anywhere else status is forgotten—and matters of coin rule the day.

Chirper's Inn is located right in the middle of the Market Ward.

There should be spelljammer shipyards, both operating and abandoned, nearby in the Great Bazaar's vicinity.

The Doomguard reside in the Armory on the border of the Lady's Ward and the Lower Ward. They also maintain four citadels on various quasielemental planes. At the head of this faction is Factol Pentar, and beneath her are the Greater Doomlords, who preside over the Armory and citadels. Ostensibly, the Doomguard is interested only in the elimination of order, and so too does it promote wanton destruction. A more nuanced and correct view is that the Doomguard view the transition from order to entropy a natural fact of the multiverse, and that wanton destruction is fundamentally unnecessary, though undoubtedly some factioneers still enjoy causing trouble if only to witness the resulting chaos.

2018-05-15, 03:11 PM
Waiting calmly until after Noto leaves, Eilyra starts to split the coins four ways, the soft clink of the heavy metal the only sound filling the suddenly silent room. She works quickly, her dexterous fingers practically dancing among the coins, and before long, she finishes, and she places one hundred and twenty of the coins into her belt pouch. After she finishes, she speaks, the melody of her voice a sharp contrast to her demonic appearance. "Well, that was certainly an interesting introduction. Since you're all still here, I presume you're definitely interested?" She pauses, to look around the room, seeking any objections, before she continues. "Five hundred platinum each for either task is quite the sum, especially if we can manage to find other sources of funding to go with it." She smiles momentarily, before she pushes her chair back, so she can look at each of her would be allies in the eyes. Show a secret now, build some trust? Risky, but if I don't want this endeavor to end badly, I'll need their trust. And trust goes both ways, so... full introduction. That also avoids awkwardness later. Her voice takes on a heavy note of seriousness as she continues. "Still, introductions are in order. I am Lady Eilyra Dlardrageth, of House Dlardrageth. It would be best if you kept my name and house concealed, however, as my Sister ruined my house's reputation rather thoroughly. So you may call me Eilyra." She pauses for a moment, and offers a brief smile, before she continues, sounding rather less dire. "As you've probably guessed, I'm equally skilled with blade or spell. I also have an excellent memory, which is full of all sorts of interesting bits of information. Such as some good starting locations for tracking down the Ships of Chaos." With that, the demonic elf falls silent once more, clearly waiting for a response. Only the steady flicking of her tail betrays her emotions.

2018-05-15, 04:46 PM
Bel grunts softly, but signs nonetheless.

Otherwise he stays quiet, frowning at it all.

"Well then, perhaps thats where we start?"

2018-05-15, 11:31 PM

Khorvir shrugged, accepting those terms. He doubted he would get any others. That was the trouble with working with members of the Fraternity - they were rigid and inflexible, or else clever little stoats who use the warp and weft of words to try and trap people. That thought made Khorvir smile. The thing about words was that they could only trap you if you let them. The strength of the magistrate lay only in the weakness of those who obeyed them. Oh, they could send guards after him, but then it was a contest of steel. And there, Khorvir was master. Khorvir nodded at Eilyra. He didn't quite trust her, for Khorvir still suspected that she saw him only as dumb muscle, but she had a way of introducing herself. As for the dwarf - well, he seemed solid enough.

"I am in. I have no interest in joining their order, but I will take their coin happily enough. And as you said, what they pay might be the least of what we earn. If we are lucky and clever. I am Khorvir. I kill things with my Axe. As to where we start - we find someone who knows where the ships will be and make them tell us."

2018-05-16, 01:05 PM
Soliton cradles his steaming cup.

I am Soliton, known as Sol-Tan the Destroyer, Grand Marshal of the Legion of Doom. The Legion serves as a military enforcement arm for the Tyrant of Kal-Tesh. A potent ruler locally, but I am very far from home. I am here with instructions to involve myself in the Blood War so as to seek out possible otherworldly allies for the Tyrant.

I myself am a reasonable swordsman but would not consider myself an expert. Similarly, I have no formal training in magic, due to...

He takes a single, noisy, slurp of tea, and then carefully sets it down.

...the inherent limits of my species, but I have improvised a few tricks, particularly channeling magical power through my blade. Working with a proper magus should be... illluminating.

2018-05-16, 03:07 PM
Eria takes her share of the coin and finishes up her cup of tea.

"I discussed my talents earlier, but to reiterate: I'm a sorceress. Good at flight, illusions, and wide-area boom. Also a powerful anti-teleportation spell. A few other tricks, but nothing worth mentioning right now...oh! Except mind-reading, that's obviously useful in an information-gathering context."

As the group leaves Chirper's, she floats a foot or so off the ground and bobs alongside the rest of the group, which does a lot to alleviate the height difference.

"If we're discussing where to go next, then by all means let's discuss it. I'm from a somewhat out-of-the-way Prime, and I have a suspicion about how we'd build a Chaos Ship back home. It's probably not what's going on, but disproving it should be simple enough. We'll need to speak with a dealer in specialty lumber.

After that...well, I've got a contact within the forces of Hell. An ice devil. Gelugons are mid-high level commanders and strategists, aren't they? If they or any of their underlings have had to fight a chaos ship at any point, getting a firsthand account of its capabilities from those on the receiving end would be quite valuable for us.

Our 'relationship', though...it's complicated. The attempt to contact them could just end in a fight. I'd prefer to save that lead for last..."

Eria glances at Khorvir.

"...but if we find ourselves needing to blow off some steam, we might need to head there earlier."

2018-05-16, 04:01 PM
Eilyra listens to the conversations, and quickly decides that it's time to ante up. Especially since Eria seemed like she was considering stealing her thunder. She smiles gently, before speaking, her voice cool, but confident, like a lecturer. "The Ships of Chaos, I'm assuming, are spelljammers. Now, a spelljammer is normally a ship that's been fitted with a magical artifact, one that allows it to fly, and travel the planes. They're not common, but many of the powers have them, as they're quite useful. If the Ships of Chaos, or Socks, as it's much faster, are spelljammers, it means that the Doomguard has been able to buy, steal, or build them. Socks aren't terribly complicated to build, except for the helms, which are. I'd suggest we start in the Great Bazaar, as there are several shipyards in that area, both active, and abandoned. They might have heard about someone hiring workers, or reactivating an old yard. Alternatively, the Doomguard might have quietly taken over an abandoned yard." She pauses for a moment, to take a breath, before she continues. "That should be fairly simple to investigate. However, there are additional possibilities. They might have outfitted one or more of their planar forts as shipyards, or they might have found a portal to one in the Armory, which wouldn't surprise me." She stops speaking, and shrugs. "It's a start, anyway. As for determining where the next battle is going to take place... I imagine the Doomguard'll have a good idea, so we might find it while investigating the Socks, or we could follow up with Eria's plan, and see if we can compel a summoned or captured demon or devil to talk. My main concern about such a plan is that it would show our hand, whereas when investigating the spelljammer yards, we can look into purchasing one, as having one would allow us to charge far more for our assistance in the war." Finishes talking, she leans back once more, to wait for a response.

2018-05-16, 06:19 PM
Soliton stares into the middle distance.

I know there are ships that ply the astral plane. Are those the same as these spelljammers that you're talking about?

His gaze comes back to the people around him.

And do these ships need to be so special? A large warship, made to fly, with the ability to cross planar boundaries. Or even several large warships, one of which can open a portal for others. That would give the necessary speed of redeployment, which is all we know of their capabilities. I would suggest we seek out this Staff Officer Naralie, and see if she can give us some kind of description or account of what they look like, and why they are respected.

2018-05-16, 06:51 PM
At Soliton's initial question, Eilyra nods. "Most likely." As he continues, however, she frowns, and shakes her head. "As I said, the ships are just that. Ships. Many are converted seafaring vessels. A ship purpose built would be more effective, of course, but also more expensive. What makes them special are the Helms, which provide the motive force, and keep the air breathable. A spell of Gate, or Plane Shift, or other similar magic can be used to travel between planes. However, Plane Shift is fairly limited as far as how much can be brought, and there is little control over where you come out, which is undesirable. Gate is also less useful than you'd think in the Blood War, as the demons and devils routinely block gates into their realms. There are also size limitations and stability issues, which means that any gate is a short lived thing, impractical for large scale troop deployment. Additionally, there are not many who have the power to use it. Rare and expensive though they are, Spelljammer Helms are more practical for point incursions. That said, this Naralie might be able to offer useful information."

2018-05-17, 11:25 AM
"I think there's a way to apply an enchantment to a whole building such that it can transport itself to another plane. That would permit troop movements on a large scale.

There's no reason in principle why you *couldn't* apply such an enchantment to a flying ship, and it would help get around the imprecision of Plane Shift- make the shift, then fly to a designated rendezvous point. Not practical on spatially infinite planes, but still possibly feasible.

If I'm remembering my textbook on wondrous architecture correctly, though, such a ship would be just about worth its weight in rubies. Not the kind of thing I'd be willing to risk in a military action."

Eria shakes herself.

"But I'm getting off track. Too much speculation, not enough action. I like this plan- check with Naralie to see what's already known about...socks..."

She chuckles slightly.

"...then investigate any spelljamming shipyards in Sigil, followed by a talk with a lumber dealer, then possibly try to find my ice devil. Let's go."

2018-05-17, 12:51 PM
Soliton nods.

To Staff Officer Naralie, then, to discover what she knows about the characteristics of such a craft. And then perhaps to the people most likely to have built it?

He falls in step with Eria, somehow managing to match his own loping stride with her shorter one, only appearing a little awkward.

I think I recognise what you were referring to? The creation of arcane architecture? I hadn't considered that it was so expensive, which may be why it is so rare. But I was thinking more of specifically naval enchantment. The transfer of an entire ship between planes. Combined with some means of flight, an elemental binding might be easiest, it could possibly work.

He looks over in Eilyra's direction

However, the Mistress is correct. Even using elemental affinities to guide the craft through planar transit, it would still be a dangerously inaccurate means of travel. These spelljammers are a more likely solution, particularly since General Deva'xi might be able to safeguard passage through the astral.

2018-05-18, 07:13 AM
With nothing more to add, Eilyra strides confidently along, her tail following behind her, heading towards the City Court.

2018-05-18, 07:19 AM
City Court

Everyone knows the so-called 'Guvners'—that is, the Fraternity—are headquartered at the City Court. For many, this association is enough to ruin the Fraternity's image. After all, a day at court is never a good day, and to be brought to court means to risk losing one's coins or freedoms. Most Cagers steer clear of the Court, even those who are utterly innocent, for such is the subconscious effect the Court has on passerbys.

The City Court is located at the very heart of Lady's Ward. Here the streets are wide, smoothly paved, and frequently patrolled by well-armed and armored guards. It is also quieter, with only light, polite chatter and the steady clops of passing carriages, and the pedestrians, though still as varied in their racial and species composition as they were in Market Ward, are well-dressed, either in elegant livery or the colorful designs of the latest fashions. To be here is either to be important or to be having something important done, and most everyone dresses the part.

The sidewalks are lined with elegant brass lamps and flower beds, adding a sweet aroma to the Sigilian air. The buildings here are mostly built gracefully in classic style, with large gated gardens or yards, elaborate congregations of towers and spires, and arches and fountains in inviting proximity, the barely muffled gentle spray of water reminding one of more 'natural' planes. Nonetheless, nowhere in Sigil besides the underground can one flee from the ever-present gray skies, with the chimney smoke of the Lower Ward's countless industries visible, if quite distant.

The Court itself is a grand marble structure flanked by ornate colonnades. It stands in the middle of a sprawling plaza. Many courtiers, clerks, and regular folk from all around Sigil are present, chatting in groups with the sort of grim mannerism one would expect near a place where weighty decisions are made. Nonetheless, the easily spotted Fraternity factioneers themselves bumble around in the sort of air-headed way they are often stereotyped as being. To them, the Court is not a place that invites trepidation, but their home—a place of learning and comfort, where they may exercise their devotions to their books and scrolls.

The Court occupies several blocks but each of its rooms are spacious and have lofty ceilings. In the middle of the Court rises a great marble tower.

Within, one is assaulted immediately by the sounds of many dozens of footsteps across the marble floors. The robed Guvners walk side-by-side, the armored Harmonium guards stand at attention by each doorway, and the rest of the visitors clump apprehensively as they wander to their eventual destinations, where they are to await their fates.

Our protagonists quickly obtain directions, bringing them to the quieter, sparsely populated sections of the Court, with narrower, carpeted hallways, wood-paneled walls, and calming sconce lamps. Eventually they find only Harmonium and Fraternity members, the former patrolling and the latter performing clerical work or studying scholarly tomes. As they ascend a spiraling marble staircase, the Harmonium too vanish, leaving only the robed Guvners.

One such office branching from a particularly cloistered hall is a messy affair, if also a simple one, with a sturdy and wide desk and matching chair, several bookshelves brimming with thick volumes and loose pages, and stacks of journals and monographs sitting on the floor. There appear to be no chairs for visitors, though there is a chalkboard, with strategic diagrams drawn on it.

Behind a mountain of papers at the desk, barely visible, is none other than Naralie, a bespectacled young gnomish woman whose Fraternity robes are ill-fit.

"Yes, yes." Naralie looks up briefly to appraise the new arrivals before returning to her documents. "I don't know my visitors, but I'd hazard a guess they know me. Based on your attire and arms, I'd like to preemptively dash any hopes of getting me to send you on a quest. I have neither the interest nor the coin to afford your murderous rampages."

2018-05-18, 07:39 AM
With her fine clothing, Eilyra looks less strange in the Lady's Ward as she did in the Markey district, but her confidence seems to apply an effective "Don't bother me" aura. She doesn't do more than glance at the fine statuary, or other decorations, beyond perhaps a brief sniff at their ornate nature. Still, she keeps her frustrations under control as the group is bounced around the City Court, eventually finding their goal, Naralie, and her short tempered introduction. She's talking for someone else, I think. Some sort of alarm system? Shouldn't be a problem. Looking slightly uncomfortable, Eilyra nods, and speaks, her voice cool, but not unkind. "Understandable. Rampages can get expensive quickly. However, in this case, it's more a question of what you can do for us. We've been employed to find out more about the Ships of Chaos, and to see if we can't predict where the Blood War will be expanding to next. Your name came up as a part of that investigation, and we were hoping you might be willing to share what you know on the subject." As she finishes speaking, Eilyra smiles, in a clear effort to be friendly.

2018-05-19, 05:33 PM

If Eilyra was in her element here, Khorvir was not. Inasmuch as anyone ever looked out-of-place in the City of Doors, Khorvir did here. His heavy plate was covered in elaborate engravings - each one a pictographic representation of some dead or victory. There were also lots of skulls and blood and sundry carnage. It would have been ridiculous, such an exaggerated parody of a "tough orc," but Khorvir was imposing enough that even the most jaded Sigilite probably wouldn't snigger at his panoply until Khorvir was out of hearing. He was acting up the dumb thug a bit, he knew, but this group already had several would-be leaders. Most of what he would have said strategically had already been covered, and he saw no need to recover already-trod ground just to rub his scent on the plan. He planned to be a warlord one day, but one had to know when to lead, and when to follow.

At the mention of murderous rampages, Khorvir leered."Personally, I don't always need to be paid. Sometimes a good rampage is its own reward."

2018-05-19, 06:27 PM
Soliton ducks his head, while slapping a fist against an open palm.

We understand that you can not afford us. However, you have been recommended to us due to your skills and understanding of the strategy of the Blood War. Because of this, the Mistress has questions. Can you please help us?

2018-05-20, 12:00 AM
City Court

The gnome raises an eyebrow. "Not going to introduce yourselves? Well, no matter, the only answer I can give is 'I don't know'." She sets down her documents and clears her throat, and speaks as though to a lecture hall. "What I can tell you is educated conjecture.

"Ships of chaos perform two vital functions, the first being they are mobile aerial siege platforms, and the second that they emit an arcane field improving the general effectiveness of nearby chaos-aligned forces. Regarding the former, due to the way these planar wars are waged, it's important to convert sieges into victories quickly. Massing large armies only occurs on the 'surface' layers of the battlegrounds, where portals are aplenty and planar effects aren't too intense. Entrenched fortresses in 'deeper' regions are too difficult to 'march' against, thus making the ships of chaos invaluable in the hit-and-run tactics necessary to capture them.

"As for the arcane field, it is an unusually powerful effect and I am certain it is a stolen magic. Perhaps it's my prejudice speaking, but I do not believe the Sinkers can produce such arcana themselves." She frowns. "Indeed, it seems unlikelier the more I think about it. You could speak Bureau Chief Ruvyn in Research. He has done some work in studying the magics of the Blood War, though it's far removed from his specialty. Unfortunately, I believe he's out on an expedition, so I can hardly say when you'll get the chance.

"Now, your second question—the next battleground of the Blood War. That's a question I think many folk would like answered, and what I can promise is, there will almost certainly be a central, focused campaign in the future. The troop buildup is far too organized for all parties involved, being distributed across the usual planes, and as General Deva'xi would say, 'There is only one river to a delta,' which is to mean this 'river' has a singular direction. The three possibilities to consider are—" she absentmindedly rubs half-dry ink on her chin as she muses "—the high commands for both the tanar'ri and baatezu know where they will next do battle, the tanar'ri have become aware of the baatezu massing troops and have decided to do the same, or the baatezu noticed the tanar'ri 'levying' local demons in the Abyss' immediate layers and started preparing for troop deployments.

"We can disregard the third possibility, I think. If the first possibility holds, it will be in neutral, strategically important territory. A naive prime might say it's a precursor to an invasion of Sigil. I think it's accurate that it's a precursor to some invasion, but not of Sigil. Her Serenity would probably not approve of that." Naralie smiles wanly to herself, having seemingly forgotten her audience. "If it's the second possibility, then the balor lords have finally organized, and on relatively short notice too—no, that's certainly not what happened. So we're left with the first. Such clarity of purpose indicates that both sides know where they will be doing battle, and it will be on ground presently held neither by tanar'ri nor baatezu."

Naralie shakes her head as her focus returns. "Well, there's my little summary patter. I hope it didn't bore you too much. Any other questions?"

2018-05-20, 12:03 PM
This is the first that Eria's seen the City Courts- she's been staying out of trouble. Sometimes she feels awkward because the bright white uniform she wears feels too formal, but here she looks right at home.

Not being familiar with the place, she lets Elyria take the lead, but raises an eyebrow at the approach she chooses.

What, we're not going to identify ourselves as having been hired by the Fraternity to learn about chaos ships? That's an interesting choice, bordering on paranoid. Still, I'll go with it.

"Have there been enough eyewitness accounts of the chaos ships to get a decent idea of their outward appearance? Their size, the variety of siege weapons they mount, any visual manifestations of the magic that keeps them afloat or emanates from them to enhance the demons?"

She thinks for a moment, then adds one more question.

"Oh, and who else might we want to talk to if we were interested in speaking with someone who's seen them in action?"

2018-05-21, 10:11 AM
City Court

"Questions better posed to Chief Ruvyn. Or perhaps to the Sinkers, though I doubt the average Sinker knows a ship of chaos from a canoe." Naralie shrugs. "Or find yourself an infernal or abyssal, or speak to a yugoloth mercenary or a mercenary who served under Deva'xi, Yura, Mór, Knopf, Fellhammer, or Altin. What I hear, though can't confirm, is that they have catapults with a seemingly infinite supply of giant rocks, and that they appear as seaborne ships but for the whole flying thing. 'Big as a leviathan' is how I've heard their size described, but soldiers are notoriously bad at reporting, and I don't think they know how large a leviathan actually is."

'Arcane field' may perhaps be lay terminology referring to an area effect that is either permanent or long-lasting enough that it seems as such. What immediately comes to mind from past studies are the mythals of Toril, though they do not quite match as mythals in Toril are tied to fixed locations and not moving objects such as ships. Other possible but not quite fitting explanations, also from past studies, are large radius spells with duration extending metamagics or obscure artifacts or rituals (the catch-all explanation). Perhaps some creativity might be necessary to discern the true magic behind the curtain.

What has been heard here is not enough to fix a precise notion of what kind of magic is at play.
It is, unfortunately, not immediately clear what is being referred to by 'arcane field'.
'Arcane field' may perhaps be lay terminology referring to an area effect that is either permanent or long-lasting enough that it seems as such.

2018-05-21, 10:24 AM
Eilyra seems unsurprised by Naralie's answer. That settles that then, Spelljammers. Not sure how they're keeping from being buried in teleports, but perhaps an anti-teleportation field? And they either have a skilled caster, or are using a magical item of some sort. Magical items seem to be more likely, but we won't know until we find where they're being constructed. Which means we need a timeframe. I think we need to know when the first one was built, and then look at Doomguard activities a few months before hand. I don't think it'd take more than a few months to build a ship, possibly less. Enchanting might take longer, however there might have been helms in storage, or something. Sympathy might help? Forming bonds, encouraging her to be more forthcoming? Doubtful, but it doesn't cost me anything, so, why not. It doesn't take long for her to formulate additional questions, and to respond, her voice filled with sympathy. "Soldiers do tend to be rather... extravagant with their reports." Sympathy delivered, Eilyra's voice shifts into a coolly focused tone, reminiscent of a researcher after information. Her tail flicks back and forth behind her, like a cat with something interesting in sight. "Do you know when the first ship was reported?" I could say more, but... no point in giving her information. Tit for tat is all well and good, but I don't think we can afford to take the risk.

2018-05-22, 01:12 AM

Khorvir laughed at the gnome's comment. "I saw what they called a Leviathan once, on a little prime called Mannspielheim. I'd joined a pack of sea-raiders for a couple of seasons. Point is, it was two, perhaps three hundred feet, from toothy maw to spiked tail-tip. But then, I don't know if that's the sort of leviathan they were talking about. All sorts of things, down in the deeps." He paused. "Come to it, I haven't fought a war undersea yet. I shall remember that." Despite Khorvir's rambling, he was paying attention. It was an interesting conversation, because it was about war. Her opinions on planar warfare had made him nod in approval - mobility was always of primary concern. Ways of reliably moving large forces through the planes were rare, and it was a lesson he planned to capitalize on in the future.

"Mmmm... the question to answer is "why are these ships so new?" Why do they emerge now, given how useful they are."

2018-05-22, 11:27 AM
Eria relaxes fractionally.

Eyewitness reports can be less than perfect, it's true- but a giant, burning ring perpindicular to the deck would be difficult to miss. No elemental ring, conventional artillery rather than magefire cannons or siege staves. It's not an airship as I know it.

She blinks, then frowns.

...but as much of a relief it is to know that no one back home is selling weaponry to an army of demons, it also means I have no special insight as to what the damn things are or where they're coming from. That's irritating.

2018-05-22, 08:48 PM
City Court

Naralie sips her tea. "The first reported sightings of the ships of chaos was, let me think, the Khalas Campaign of the one-hundredth and twenty-fourth year of Factol Hashkar's reign. If I recall correctly, the participants were, on one side, the balor lord Mazzonel, the githyanki Deva'xi, the ultroloth M'trenz Ro, and on the other, the infernal generals Hanariel and Phanior, the modron secundus Exarch Delta, and the half-elf Fellhammer. The lawful forces suffered a complete rout as a result of the campaign due to the split-strike doctrine enabled by the ships of chaos.

"Though," she adds, "Blood War being what it is, one shouldn't assume the ships were created then. Since none were present in the Chamada Campaign of one-hundred and twenty-two, we have an upper bound on their age—I don't think the abyssals have the discipline to keep strategic advantages a secret, not at this scale. As for why we didn't see the ships in earlier conflicts, this ties into my hypothesis that the abyssals, or more precisely, their Doomguard allies, will only ever produce a finite number of ships. If they cannot produce such magic on their own, and have only bound existing, 'stolen', magic to their ships, then this would explain why the infernal realms aren't swarming with invasion fleets.

"That said, perhaps 'stolen' doesn't quite give credit where it's due. Being able to divert powerful magics is a sign that the Sinkers have non-trivial capabilities that are not to be underestimated."

2018-05-23, 12:56 PM
Eria nods and steps forward with a brilliant smile.

"You've been very helpful to us: thank you kindly, miss Naralie."

She rummages in a pocket of her Haversack for a moment, coming up with an embossed card which she places on the desk.

"This is the number for my mailbox at Chirper's."

Her grin turns cheeky, and a bit of humor creeps in to her voice.

"The thing about murderous rampages, you see, is that no one ever thinks they need one until they really, really do. Should you ever find yourself in the market, look me up: I'll give you a good deal."

2018-05-24, 05:31 AM
Considering the Sigil date system, Eilyra smiles Naralie. It isn't a nice smile. More the smile of a predator who's found a trail leading to their prey. Three to five years ago? I don't remember any acquisitions of significance in that time period, but I've been focusing on more recent events than history. So, let's see if she continues to be a mine of information, or if I'm going to need to go somewhere else to learn more. "Naralie, before we go... would you know if the Doomguard has made any significant acquisitions in the last three to five years?" After she finishes, she falls silent, her earlier smile fading away as she reigns in her emotions. Her tail, however, continues to flick back and forth, almost like a metronome.

2018-05-24, 08:41 AM
City Court

"I don't keep track of the Sinkers," says Naralie with a snort, "I can think of better pastimes. Well, there's this rumor going on about them kidnapping random modrons off the streets. Do modrons count as 'acquisitions'? In any case, I'm always happy to lecture on my area of specialty. Any brother or sister of the Fraternity would talk your head off given the opportunity." She nonetheless accepts the address given by Eria.

2018-05-24, 08:53 AM
Eilyra frowns, clearly not happy with Naralie's answer, but after a moment, she nods, slightly. "I can understand that. Do you know who would have been tracking the actions of the Doomguard? Or possibly someone who is familiar with Myth Drannor law, and would be able to present an argument?"

2018-05-24, 07:29 PM
City Court

"Bureau chiefs Rubyn or Korabas would be your best bet on Sinker movements, though I confess we see minimal value there to begin with so I wouldn't get your hopes up. To the Doomguards' credit, they truly embody their ethos of chaos to the point where I'm certain they have very little idea of their own plans.

"Now, as for legal experts—" Naralie chuckles "—you may have observed that the Fraternity makes a court their home. That said, legal affairs are beyond me and the name 'Myth Drannor' is not one I know. Speak to Bureau Chief Jamis of the Ad Hoc Bureau of Courts. She'll know where to direct you."

2018-05-25, 06:03 AM
Noting the names, Eilyra smiles kindly at Naralie, and nods. "Thank you. Might you be able to offer directions to Rubyn or Korabas?"

Assuming she is, Eilyra listens to them, and then sets about guiding the group to the nearest one, with hopes of getting more information along the way.

2018-05-25, 01:29 PM
City Court

Naralie frowns. "I believe Bureau Chief Korabas had a meeting or two today, and as for Bureau Chief Ruvyn, he's out on an expedition. Good luck finding them."

2018-05-25, 01:39 PM
Hearing this, Eilyra frowns. Unfortunate. But... the Fraternity is a law group. Mostly. So... documents? Or seconds? There should be options. But... that would mean going through a lot of paperwork, but... I do have followers, so they can do it. "Do you know who he's meeting with, or when? Or might we be able to look through their records, or ask their subordinates?" Her tail's flicking seems to take on a slightly more dangerous air as Eilyra's patience starts running out.

2018-05-25, 07:17 PM
City Court

"Talking to their subordinates is always plausible," says Naralie, "and our records, while strictly only accessible to Fraternity members, are curated by archivists who might be able to be convinced to help." Naralie gives directions to the Court Archives and to the respective bureau departments where the named bureau chiefs work. "As for who Bureau Chief Korabas is meeting with, I can hardly say. He's always talking to his various friends-of-friends-of-friends about the Blood War." She frowns. "In fact, his interests aren't so far removed from yours. You'd make fast friends."

2018-05-25, 08:31 PM
Finally! Some chances at obtaining actually useful information! If the Doomguard took a Shipyard, or even pulled off a raid on one in the time frame, well, we have a destination. And better yet, we should be able to split up. Hm... We have the archivists... That'll take some intelligent, with some knowledge of history and the planes, and some persuasion. We also have both Rubyn and Korabas, as well as my own concerns. So, if I can take care of my tasks, before following up with Korabas? With any luck, he'll be around. That leaves Archivists, and Rubyn to handle. Now, the Kalashtar's been giving off wise old monk vibes, so he's probably a good choice for the Archives, and Khorvir probably isn't going to have the patience for it. Soliton claims to be a Grand Marshal, so he's also a good choice for investigating the Doomguard's recent moves, so that's Rubyn taken care of. That leaves the sorceress, so she should go with the Kalashtar. Having thought things through quite quickly, Eilyra smiles toothily at Naralie. "Wonderful. Thank you for all your help today, Naralie."
With that, she turns to depart, her tail swishing behind her as she heads out the door.
Once in the hallway, she pauses, and waits for her followers to catch up, before she starts speaking, her voice low, and urgent. "It looks like we've got three leads to follow, and all of them are here. I think splitting up makes sense here, since the different leads are going to need different skills. Khorvir, why don't you and Soliton pay Bureau Chief Rubyn a visit? I think both of you should have the experience to discuss military movements, yes?" Without pausing for a moment, her golden eyes flicker over to Eria. "Eria, I think you and our reclusive friend" Her eyes flick to Ae'hdan. " Are going to have more luck in the archives than the rest of us. Can you see if you can get anything out of them? Ideally, an idea of the Doomguard's acquisitions from about five years ago, forwards. With any luck, one of us will be able to dig up a definitive lead. I'll be making sure I don't have any assassins after me. We'll meet near Chief Korabas's offices, so we can approach him together? Hopefully, his meeting will be resolved by then." She pauses, and smiles briefly. "Any questions?"

2018-05-27, 01:21 PM
Eria thinks for a moment, then nods.

”Sure! Sounds good. Once we’ve gotten what we can from the archivists, let’s meet back at Chirper’s to have dinner and plan next steps.”

She turns as if to leave, then pauses.

“...one question, actually. You didn’t mention our new membership with the Fraternity in that conversation. Do you think that’s what we should all be doing? It’s true that it could make things tough for us if word of our mission gets out, but around here it could open a lot of doors.”

2018-05-27, 01:36 PM
Eilyra nods at Eira's initial question, her melodic voice quite calm. "After we speak with Chief Korabas, certainly." Her eyes flicker towards Ae'hdan, to see if he was going to follow, but before she can say anything else, Eria's voice chimes in once more, prompting a frown. "I didn't see any reason why we needed mention our affiliation, as she seemed quite eager to answer. She might have had more information, but I didn't get the feeling that she was holding anything back. It would be better if we could keep our affiliation quiet, even here, as, well..." Her voice trails off for a moment, before she continues, her voice a little softer. "The Fraternity doesn't seem to be very good at keeping secrets. And it could make things harder in the future. Hopefully Noto can, but..." She shrugs, before she continues, her voice brighter. "All we can do is hope."

2018-05-29, 03:46 PM
"Well, we can do a little more than that. Let's see, now..."

Eria takes an appraising look at Ae'hdan, squints for a moment, adjusts her hat- and suddenly, she's dressed in the kalashtar's cool blues and greens, with the same black hair and blank white eyes, a similar horned circlet. She could pass for his daughter.

"If we're going to hide who we are and what we're after, this should help.

Ae'hdan, what do you say we tell them we're representatives of the Tashalatora monastery, here to follow up on the hypercognitions of the temple elders- who say that our temple is fated to come under attack by the chaos ships some time in the next decade?"

2018-05-30, 02:33 PM
City Court, Research

Two sorts of people walk this wing's halls: the gowned scholars of the Fraternity of Order and the armored adventurers who gather information for them. For once our protagonists are not out of place.

Footsteps echo in the large chambers. Giant maps of innumerable worlds cover the walls. Offices are marked with brass plaques in various tongues. There is soft chatter among the scholars and adventurers, observing the norm of not raising one's voice beyond what is necessary. Thick volumes and scrolls fill shelves and loose parchments of complex glyphs and diagrams scatter over tables and sometimes floors as well. Studying the material is a Knowledge (the planes) check.

Discussions in precise, technical form happen around chalkboards with matching drawings. Adventurers are debriefed in excruciating detail though they seem not to mind—perhaps they are used to this. Listening in is a (surprise) Listen check.

A bariaur clerk carrying a handheld chalkboard and a chalk approaches Khorvir and Soliton, her hooves stepping in even pace. She says, "I know our retainers and you are not one of them. I assume you're looking for something?"

City Court, Archives

Underground is a quiet hall, walls half-paneled with mahogany and the rest covered in deep wallpaper, flanked by unending rows of wooden doors, all shut tight. Brass sconces and chandeliers gently light the richly carpeted way. Aside from the busy shuffle of a few gowned Fraternity factioneers there is little activity here. Occasionally a door will open, a brother or sister will step through, and the door will close immediately after with a muffled thud.

Eria and Ae'hdan are dressed appropriately and do not stand out overmuch. This might have been an error as there is no indication of where they should start and no one present seems to think they need help. Gather Information check to ask around, Search check to work without disturbing passersby, or Listen check to try to hear what is happening on the other side of the doors.

Eria notices there are doors at the end of the hall receiving a not-insignificant amount of traffic by what appears to be older, perhaps higher ranking, Fraternity officials. They walk in a silent procession through the doors to what is probably a different wing of the archives, if the interior layout is anything to judge by.

City Court, Main Hall

City folk mill about, humanoids in groups of acquaintances and lawyers but the more monstrous alone and brooding. Footsteps echo and mingle loudly on marble. Large, flanking doorways to courtrooms open and shut loudly at regular intervals. Harmonium guards wearing distinctive red armor and wielding cold iron axes and hammers patrol the halls and cover the entrances and exits. Gowned Fraternity of Order clerks and scribes, the only ones who seem at ease here, chat casually in the halls, though occasionally an officious Fraternity judge makes an appearance, silencing those they walk by as they move from courtroom to office and vice versa.

Eilyra finds herself standing before a deva handing out pamphlets. "Murder? Arson? Theft? Seek the legal counsel of Tabbris and Xaphkiel and let your worries be spirited away! Place not your future in the hands of mortal rhetoric or infernal loophole abusers. The only ones you can trust with your future are celestials and there are no better celestial lawyers than Tabbris and Xaphkiel!" The deva shoves a pamphlet in Eilyra's hands without a hint of irony.

2018-05-30, 03:03 PM
Walking back into the magnificently decorated main hall, Eilyra pauses, to take a look around, not quite sure what to look for yet, when the deva standing in front of her speaks. Celestials? Might not be a bad plan. For all that they make me uncomfortable, they might be more able to convince Coronal Miritar of my innocence in this than anyone else. Of course, they claim to specialize in murder, arson, and theft, and needing to advertise probably isn't the best indicator of their talents, but at worst, they might be able to direct me to someone who can help me to reclaim my property. It's a start. Before she can continue thinking, the deva, perhaps mistaking her thought for interest, thrusts a pamphlet at her, which she promptly looks at, to see what it might say.

2018-05-31, 05:24 PM
Soliton eyes the bariaur with interest, but not alarm. If anything, he seems more nervous of Khorvir. He gives a tight, measured bow, his back ramrod straight, fist pressed against open palm.

My colleague and I are seeking Bureau Chief Rubyn, and more generally, information about recent military movements in the Blood War, and the significance of the same. Are you able to assist?

2018-05-31, 08:11 PM
City Court, Research

The bariaur blinks. "Assist? No. Yes. Maybe. Bureau Chief Ruvyn is presently on an expedition and he will be gone for some time. Interest in the Blood War has waned in recent years and our records are not so extensive. Also, not all our records are publicly accessible. Do you have a specific inquiry?"

The documents represent the Fraternity of Order's chief area of research, the Axioms, the fundamental laws which govern existence. Since accessing an Axiom was immensely difficult, achieved only through the occasional breakthrough, most of what research there is, is indirect, in-depth mathematical studies of physical and alchemical processes. Nonetheless, any progress towards an Axiom is a great achievement, for it is believed that knowing an Axiom gave one deific control over certain aspects of the universe, even if only briefly.

Only a sliver of the research deals with current events. Trade ledgers, import and export volumes, political announcements, the sort. Disappointing.

City Court, Main Hall

The pamphlet repeats more or less what Eilyra has heard, with the addition of an address in Clerk's Ward. There is a sketch of two angels standing side by side, proud and determined but not overbearing. Perhaps an improvement from most angels. Two Knowledge (the planes) checks to identify.

2018-06-01, 08:29 PM
Soliton nods. Well, we wanted to discuss recent events in the war with someone knowledgeable. Particularly with regards to the actions of the, ahhh, Doomguard?

2018-06-02, 09:25 AM
Having looked through the pamphlet, Eilyra turns her golden eyes on the deva, burning with curiosity. Her voice is level, as she keeps a firm grip on her instincts. "Could you tell me more about the sorts of cases Tabbris and Xaphkiel take? And their areas of expertise?"

2018-06-02, 12:00 PM
At the archives, Ae'hdan takes the lead, buttonholing a Fraternity member who doesn't seem too busy to ask their help with navigating the publicly-accessible portions of their records.

Gather Information: [roll0]
Aid Another from Eria: [roll1]

If that doesn't get them what they need, they split up and do what they can to track down what they need themselves- though neither of them is very much at home with a research task like this.

Ae'hdan Search: [roll2]
Eria Search: [roll3]

Eria, at least, doesn't go snooping into the business of the higher-ranking factioneers. Most secrets are mundane and uninteresting, and if the Fraternity's senior members had leads on the information she's been hired to track down, presumably they'd have conveyed it to her in the briefing.

2018-06-02, 02:01 PM
City Court, Research

"Funny you should ask," says the bariaur, "I was just thinking we needed someone to look into that for us. Well, the Bureau Chief was, at least." She taps her board thoughtfully, then suddenly she stands up straight. "Well, even if we did have the dark on the Doomguard, we wouldn't share it with random outsiders, so..."

City Court, Archives

Eria and Aeh'dan quickly learn that the archives were, in fact, completely out of bounds for non-Fraternity members. The fact that there have been no guards to stop them was because the Fraternity did not think anyone would bother stealing the more mundane records, which are publicly accessible anyways—but only after making a formal inquest through an official court archivist. As for the records of greater interest, the ones kept in the back archives under lock and key, these can also be requested through the archivist, but even if the requests are granted, there is a fee.

Now having marked themselves as outsiders, Eria and Aeh'dan find themselves being escorted by one such archivist. "Nobody ever bothers coming down here," says the archivist, a tired-looking halfling, "and most of these are court transcripts. Lots and lots of transcripts. So we don't bother with security for most of these halls. Nobody cares about them. Occasionally we get a berk who thinks stealing records will keep us from knowing their crimes, but it never works, it's like they haven't heard of printing presses. Anyways, I digress. What records did you need? I assume you were sent down here and didn't just stumble into our basement by accident? That never happens."

City Court, Main Hall

Eilyra recognizes Tabbris and Xaphkiel to be respectively a justice archon and a planetar.

The deva turns and impassively replies, "Tabbris and Xaphkiel have always felt the justice of the Mercykillers to be heavy-handed. Criminals who face harsh sentencing, whether innocent or guilty, are advised to seek skilled barristers lest they receive more punishment they deserve—the innocent doubly advised." The deva shakes his head sadly. "Tabbris is more closely attuned to such matters and is an impassioned defender of the rights of all beings. Xaphkiel mostly theorizes and writes, but she will engage particularly landmark cases. Neither have much time to spread the word, so I do it in their stead."

2018-06-02, 02:06 PM
Eilyra frowns slightly at the deva's explanation. Landmark? I suppose my case might be, but that leaves the real question... do they have the expertise to handle it? Sigil, sure. But Myth Drannor? I don't even know how they've set up their laws. As the heir to Dlardrageth, and since I've never been attained for treason or any other crimes, I should be able to reclaim my families property, minus whatever Sarya and Mother managed to get confiscated. Which might not be much, but... After a few moments, she tries to smile once more, politely, before she speaks. "Do you know if they might handle cases on other planes? I'm fairly confident that my case would be fairly unique, but I'm not sure if they would have the right sort of expertise to handle it."

2018-06-03, 06:39 PM
Soliton nods. I believe we will be able give such a person information that will pursuade them to help us. We may be able to help them as much as they aid us. But it would need to be someone knowledgeable and up to date in this particular area.

2018-06-05, 11:52 AM
City Court, Research

The bariaur raises an eyebrow and leaves. Within a minute, an elf man appears, out of place in the library setting with his boots, breeches, and vest. The elf offers his hand. "Hey, cutter. They call me Imli, short for Imlidran. I'm the nearest thing to a factions expert the Guvners got. Factions of the Cage, that is—I'm no planewalker."

City Court, Main Hall

The deva's expression remains passive and tone neutral, but his pause clearly indicates wonder. "Have you considered seeking a more local expert in law, in whichever plane you hail from?" His eyes flicker across Eilyra's form. "Or perhaps your plane has no law? Then I suspect even the greatest legal scholars would not be able to assist you." He returns his gaze to the room. An angelic equivalent of a shrug, perhaps. "There are many who practice law in Sigil whose expertise lies outside the planar city. You may wish to search Advocates' Row, where most such experts conduct their daily routines, or hire a tout or escort who may pass along an appropriate name." He gives directions to Advocates' Row and the Escorts and Touts Guild. The former is a Gather Information check.

2018-06-05, 12:37 PM
Eilyra frowns at the deva's answer, and she returns the pamphlet. "Perhaps." She starts to walk away, speaking as she does so, her tail's agitated flickering betraying her emotional state. "Good luck finding other customers." Leaving the unhelpful deva behind her, Eilyra makes her way towards the Advocates' Row, before starting her search for someone that might actually be useful.
She doesn't seem to be particularly happy.

[roll0] Gather info(Looking for someone trustworthy who would be able to represent her in Myth Drannor.)
[roll1] time

2018-06-05, 10:05 PM

Khorvir follows quietly. Gathering information from people isn't his strong suit, after all - he prefers requisitioning information by pummeling it out of a dying foe. But, needs must when the Tanar'ri crack the whips. "How will this advocate help us with the Ships? I do not trust advocates. Laws exist only where honor is dead."