View Full Version : Rules Q&A Can a barbarian make a bite attack for 0 damage?

2018-04-23, 06:39 PM
Is there anything in the rules about a barbarian adding a second attack which is a bite attack, but having it do no damage? Asking for a friend who really wants to bite the enemy and is playing right now and cannot post himself.

2018-04-23, 06:42 PM
Unarmed attacks deal 1 damage. Anyone can make an unarmed attack in place of a weapon attack.

2018-04-23, 06:44 PM
I’d guess you can bite as an unarmed attack for 1 damage (plus strength and misc modifiers) but cannot ‘dual wield’ your bite so no free or bonus action. It would be bludgeoning damage by the base rules.

2018-04-23, 06:45 PM
It can't be a bonus attack for two weapon fighting since it isn't a melee weapon, but you can certainly replace a regular attack with any unarmed strike (bite, kick, knee, elbow, butt bump, whatever) for 1 damage plus strength bonus

2018-04-23, 06:47 PM
If a player in my games wants to bite, I say yes, go for it, that's an unarmed attack. It does 1+STR damage.

They don't get it for free, however - it requires the Attack action.

2018-04-23, 07:21 PM
What about in combat licking?

2018-04-23, 07:43 PM
What about in combat licking?

Depends on the target. If you are going down on a ghoul, you'll have to make a Con save. Plus, it's just nasty.

2018-04-23, 07:58 PM
My friend says his barbarian is a dwarf with a Con of 20 and an Int of 7. Being nasty is kinda his milieu.

2018-04-23, 08:00 PM
Sounds like an item interaction to me, you get one of those free a round

2018-04-24, 04:59 AM
Is there anything in the rules about a barbarian adding a second attack which is a bite attack, but having it do no damage? Asking for a friend who really wants to bite the enemy and is playing right now and cannot post himself.
As has already been said, he can make an unarmed attack in the place of a weapon attack. Every character is proficient in unarmed attacks, so there would be no penalty to the attack roll, but the attack would deal only 1 bludgeoning damage, plus his Strength modifier. If he's raging, he can add his rage bonus, too. If he takes the Tavern Brawler feat or dips a level into monk, then the damage of his unarmed attacks increases to 1d4 + his Strength modifier.

What about in combat licking?
This would depend on what exactly he was trying to accomplish by this. Is it an Intimidation check? By default, it costs an Action to perform an ability check. Is it an attack? Then it counts as an unarmed attack. Is it just for flavor? Then it costs nothing.

I can't really think of why you would lick someone, unless either you are a cute, fluffy animal (dwarf doesn't count) or it's an intimidation tactic, but if you could be more specific it might help pin down how to work it out mechanically.

2018-04-24, 06:02 AM
You can attempt to do everything you want in D&D.

Are you playing D&D like a freaking MMORPG? Are you limiting your imaginations to "my actions are limited by class design"?

If the Barbarian wants to do an unarmed Bite attack, sure as hell he can. Out of the box thinking, and Bravo for bringing it to the table!

Be a good sport and look up how Unarmed Attacks work. 1 damage+Str. Also look up Rage (if it's ongoing), as he might be profiting from that as well.

And no, you don't get to bite for 0 damage, unless you "pretend" to bite. Or you consiously try to bite and not to damage.

Making an attack roll means you consiously make an effort to damage. It's different if he misses the attack roll though.

Falcon X
2018-04-24, 07:45 AM
I say do it.
A combat round is supposed to simulate all the flourishes and dodges of a fight. A little non-damaging nip can fit in with that.

As long as it does t get absurd. Remember that a round is roughly 6 seconds of time.

2018-04-24, 08:18 AM
- second attack? Yes, if he's level 5 so he has Extra Attack. This states you can "attack twice whenever you take the Attack action". Doesn't specify it has to be an actual weapon, or the same weapon for both attacks.

- do no damage? Only if it's an erotic nibble (unless it's BDSM). Otherwise, it deals damage according to unarmed attack rules (which according to the PHB is 1+STR). I agree with it being bludgeoning, unless the Barbarian has made it a habit to file his teeth - then it'd be piercing. And in case of the latter, I might also consider it to be an improvised weapon rather than an unarmed attack, raising its damage to 1d4+STR.

- lick attack? That's not an attack. It doesn't do damage. If he wants to lick an opponent, I'd consider it to be an improvised action and let him do so besides his normal actions. Although depending on the context, the Barbarian and/or the opponent will need to roll for consequences*. For instance, if the opponent is a dainty Elf Wizard who is licked by a sweaty and bloody Half-Orc, then I'd have them roll for Intimidation. Is the opponent a Ghoul as suggested, then the Barbarian will have to make a CON save. Is the opponent a Succubus, then I could make it roll for WIS or be so aroused by the Barbarian she decides to jump him.

*) my Barbarian once used a similar action. I had him stare down his current opponent, and without taking his eyes off him, he licked the blood off the edge of his waraxe. My DM had me roll for Intimidation, which I aced on so hard the opponent tried to flee. Good times.

the secret fire
2018-04-24, 08:47 AM
My friend says his barbarian is a dwarf with a Con of 20 and an Int of 7. Being nasty is kinda his milieu.


Not sure you know what "milieu" means, my man.

2018-04-24, 08:52 AM
-*) my Barbarian once used a similar action. I had him stare down his current opponent, and without taking his eyes off him, he licked the blood off the edge of his waraxe. My DM had me roll for Intimidation, which I aced on so hard the opponent tried to flee. Good times.
Did he have you make a Con check for all the diseases from your opponents you just tried to give yourself? :smallyuk:

Hopefully it was Demi/human opponents, and not humanoids. Licking goblin or Orc blood? /shudder

2018-04-24, 10:37 AM
Is it just for flavor? Then it costs nothing.

I see what you did there.

2018-04-24, 11:57 AM
I can't really think of why you would lick someone, unless either you are a cute, fluffy animal (dwarf doesn't count) or it's an intimidation tactic, but if you could be more specific it might help pin down how to work it out mechanically.

I occasionally fluffed my Warlock's celestial imp familiar using the Help action as flying up invisibly to a creature and licking the back of their ear.

It seemed like it would be suitably distracting.

2018-04-24, 04:20 PM

Not sure you know what "milieu" means, my man.

It means "the physical or social environment in which something happens." What's confusing? The OP was talking about my barbarian. He used the word correctly. "Nasty" would definitely be the physical and social environment in which he operates.

Anyway, he licks things so that he will know how they taste. Why is that so difficult for everyone? Maybe he is a synesthete. You don't know! He isn't, but his point remains. You didn't know.