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2018-04-24, 10:51 AM
Cryptid Hunters: Episode 1, Human Tastes

The team is resting after a difficult job involving a chupacabra, when they get a message from their manager.

Someone from the town of Ashfield, MA claims that there is a man eating monster in western Massachusetts. Find out what it is and bring it to our field office in Springfield, MA. We want this one alive.

-Albert Rosburg

You are currently in a motel just outside of Chattenooga, TN. Getting to Ashfield will take the better part of a day. If the team left right away and drove through the night, you could probably make it to Massachusetts by tomorrow morning.

What were you doing when the message came in?
What difficulty directly effected you during the last mission?
What do you suggest the team do regarding the note from your employer?

2018-04-24, 03:23 PM
Mats Neuer, Monstrous (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23009079&postcount=4)

Mats sits at the bar of SueBob’s Diner. It's early morning. Coffee and a hot breakfast to start. Hashbrowns instead of grits. Bacon and sausage. Caloric intake isn't something Mats struggles with. His biology burns fat and builds muscle in a phenomenal way. Any time spent in the gym and Mats would look like Schwarzenegger from the 80's.

The iPhone vibrates. It's Rosburg. He wants us to pursue some flesh eater in New England. What could be worse? He wants this one caged, fed, and ready for processing. "What a cherry. Might as well solve the missionaries and cannibals problem while we're at it." Mats speaks under his breath. The last gig was taxing enough. Physically demanding is tossing a Civic at a chupacabra. That goatsucker deserved every inch of pain it received. Mats needs time to recover. A few days on a sofa with a dozen or so Klonopin.

Mats silences the phone. He will finish his breakfast and dive back into his notes. Someone from the team will come and get him when the time is right. He'll go with the flow.

2018-04-24, 05:26 PM
David Carpenter, Spooky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23006285&postcount=2)

The vibration of his phone startles David awake. He's always been a light sleeper. And his dreams have been fitful since the chupacabra incident.

The dreams always end the same way, in one of the last moments of the team's fight against the chupacabra. David is lying prone on the ground, bloodied and battered, looking up at the beast. Out of nowhere he feels a surge of strength, and suddenly the chupacabra is flying back through the air. In that moment, flailing helplessly, the creature looks more comical than threatening. Feeling another surge of power, David twisted with his mind. He remembers the chupacabra's pitiful scream. He remembers the pop as its body bent in ways it was never meant to. Most of all, he remembers how good it felt to hurt something.

Shaking his head to banish these thoughts, David looks at his phone, squinting against its glare in the dark room. A new mission from Rosburg. Man-eater, western Massachusetts. The man sure sends the team on the choicest missions. Still, maybe a change of scenery will do David some good.

David texts the team: "I'm ready to go." Then he snaps his phone closed and replaces it on the bed stand. David sinks back into bed, hoping for a bit more sleep, but not really counting on it.

2018-04-24, 07:43 PM
Marcus D'Artagan
Suddenly awoken by the ringing from his phone, Marcus rubbed his tired eyes. He still ached all over from the last job. Those Chupacabras took a lot of blood out of him with their vicious claws and teeth. He hated those goat sucking bastards. Their bites always seemed to bleed forever. He still had bandages to cover some of the scratches. After taking some more Tylenol, he looks at his phone. "Ugh. A new job already. I guess the van is going to get a good workout." Marcus got dressed and stepped out of his motel room. He walks over to his van, takes out his toolkit, and begins to make sure the cage and the van is properly maintained.

2018-04-25, 11:22 AM
Sean Farrant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23011870&postcount=6)

"And that's how the Carter administration brought about the 8th sign of the Apocalypse and guaranteed the end the Mayan long count collender- no calendar-... wait, hold on a sec, got a call comin' through-" Sean quickly answers his knock-off Chinese android.

Sean is at a local dive. It is well past the posted closing time, but as long as you don't make too much noise, the bartenders don't mind making some decent tips in cash. And besides, after seeing all the things a chupacabra can do, he wants to take a load off.

"Man-eater you say!" Sean slams another tequila shot. "As long as it doesn't debone its victims and leave loose skin bags around I'm sure I'll be alright-" he sucks on a lime wedge to exorcise the awful cheap tequila taste. This is a lot easier than his last job. And besides, he can sleep all this off in the van ride up to Maine. That's a long ways from where he is now.

"Don't forget to hydrate" one of the more annoying voices tells him, and Sean quietly asks for another water. S'pose I'll call Marcus and let him know where to pick me up.

2018-04-25, 01:01 PM
Sam Delaune (Spell-Slinger) (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23009337&postcount=5)

Sam is face-down in a pile of notes on the small desk that's been made in the allocated 2 ft2 of the van. Sleep had been elusive, so Sam had turned instead to writing down everything about the chupacabra they'd seen.

Sam's apparently indestructible flip phone buzzes violently. Sam groans, grabs the phone, and reads the first message, followed closely by the one from David. After a few minutes, Sam finishes rousing from sleep and stumbles out of the van to help Marcus get the rust bucket ready to go.

2018-04-26, 11:46 AM
Episode 1

As Sean steps out of the bar, he realizes it is mid-morning...far later than he had initially thought. Luckily, the motel is only a block down the road, so he is able to find his way to the van and spots Marcus giving the vehicle a once-over.

David appears from a motel room on the second floor. He looks down to see Sean stumble-walking toward Marcus and the van. A door to the van opens and Sam steps out.

Sam squints his eyes as they adjust to the daylight and looks in Sean's direction. However his attention shifts to the diner across the street from the motel. He spots Mats calmly enjoying breakfast.

From his vantage, Mats can see his four compatriots congregating toward the van in the motel parking lot.

Marcus looks over the vehicle and determines that it is ready to go.

This is the pilot episode, so a quick introduction to your characters for the viewing audience would be nice :smallwink:

We'll head out on the road and get you to Massachusetts after your next set of posts, but feel free to add any RP you want.

2018-04-27, 11:39 AM
Sean Farrant (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23011870&postcount=6)

Fortunately for Sean, he was reminded to drink a sufficient amount of water. While he is still drunk, he isn't yet in a huge deal of pain. Instead he is merely exhausted for the moment. Sean waves a quick hello and mutters "Mornin'" to Marcus. As he walks over, he just asks: "It alright to take a quick nap here?" He points to his normal spot in the van: the middle seat in the second row bench. Without waiting for an answer, he crawls in and takes the moment to spread out across the seat and closes his eyes.

"Guess we're goin' to Main-no-Massashusetts next?" He was reminded about the correct postal code eventually.

2018-04-28, 03:55 PM
David Carpenter, Spooky (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23006285&postcount=2)

Seeing that most of the team is already by the van, David hops down the stairs to join them with a skip in his step. Having spent most of his life in captivity, driving across the country is still an exciting novelty for David. Just before he reaches the van, something occurs to him and he makes a beeline for the Dunkin' Donuts across the street instead.

A few minutes later, David emerges with a tray of coffees and sacks of bagels and donuts dangling from his arms. "Mornin' boys! Breakfast time!", he calls out cheerfully. Then he settles into the front passenger seat with a mouthful of donut, eager to see what the day holds.

I was taken from my family at a young age. For most of my life, I was held by a shadowy organization as a subject for study and experimentation. After escaping, I've stayed on the move (to keep a step ahead of that organization) and am constantly scouring the web for word of the paranormal (hoping it will lead to my real family).