View Full Version : Multiplatform Thinking of finally playing Skyrim. What version to choose?

No brains
2018-04-24, 09:09 PM
The PC version has all of the mods, but I'm not sure how many of them are really worth it. I don't need Randy Savage or Tank Engines replacing dragons. Are there any must-have mods?

I'm curious about trying a console version because my PC isn't a great pick for games. I would like to see the environment rendered well without melting my platform. Can console versions do this?

Can console controllers handle the controls well? Is Skyrim best when played on a keyboard?

Last, are there any pieces of BS that I should be careful about? Besthesda games can have weird bugs and I would like a heads up if I can run into anything weird like the impossible to complete vampire cure quest in some versions of Oblivion.

Any opinions?

Ashen Lilies
2018-04-24, 09:49 PM
I play with a controller even on my PC version so I can attest that the controller is fine. It's a harder to aim (magic or combat archery) with a controller than it is with a mouse, especially against moving targets. If you're playing stealth archer, melee, stealth archer, or stealth archer, there shouldn't be much of an issue.

Mando Knight
2018-04-24, 10:05 PM
If your PC isn't up to snuff, the Xbox One version is probably the second-best choice due to its better mod selection than PS4.

The most essential mod (IMO) is the Unofficial Patch, available on both P (https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/2947658)C (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/266) and Xbox One (https://bethesda.net/en/mods/skyrim/mod-detail/2947804). Beyond that, I'd wait until you play the game a bit before deciding on what other mods to download, so you have an idea on what you'd like to change.

2018-04-24, 10:15 PM
A controller works fine on any version of Skyrim. The PC version has the most mods, but it requires the most work to get them set up. IMHO it is worth the work, but it is work. The XBOX 360 and XBOX One versions are fine also. I suggest playing through it at least once without any mods. If you must mod it, the Unofficial Patch is required. There is a good selection of mods for the XBOX One version, so you can't really go wrong with that.

2018-04-25, 01:10 AM
There are a large number of mods that make Skyrim so much better, like SkyUI, that at this point playing without them is just inflicting unnecessary suffering on yourself. Mods are relatively easy to utilize using a mod manager program. Skyrim shouldn't put that much burden on your PC, even with a fair number of mods, considering how old the game is now - if your PC can so much as boot up pretty much anything made in the past five years it ought to run Skyrim just fine.

For my money, aside from simply game quality of life improvements like SkyUI or the Improved Map Mod, the best mods are those that provide additional content in terms of lands or quests. Falskaar, for instance, is basically an entire fan-made DLC area.

Note that whether or not you mod, there are certain tweaks that are necessary to make Skyrim run properly on a modern multi-core system.

2018-04-25, 05:21 AM
Most mods aren't silly stuff, really. At least the popular ones. There's mods for better UI, better graphics, better map layouts, more fleshed out cities and NPCs, anything. There's really no reason not to get them. Most of my Bethesda games have up to 200 mods on them and I'm a lore purist.

2018-04-25, 08:29 AM
The PC version has all of the mods, but I'm not sure how many of them are really worth it. I don't need Randy Savage or Tank Engines replacing dragons. Are there any must-have mods?

SkyUI, Unofficial Skyrim Patch and SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) are particularly helpful. I like the Special Edition because it does not randomly CTD like the 32 bit version when you Alt-Tab.

For gameplay I like Ordinator and Imperious Races of Skyrim but I would highly suggest to play unmodded for your first playthrough.

I'm curious about trying a console version because my PC isn't a great pick for games. I would like to see the environment rendered well without melting my platform. Can console versions do this?

Can console controllers handle the controls well? Is Skyrim best when played on a keyboard?

Skyrim is badly optimized and this does not improve on consoles (again, Special Edition has less frame rate drops but it still runs like molasses on my decent computer once heavy lighting is on screen.

I like Skyrim with a keyboard more but that is partly because some shooter elements (magic, archery) works better on computer. A simple reason why I would not advise the console version is the use of the console to cirumnavigate bugs.

Last, are there any pieces of BS that I should be careful about? Besthesda games can have weird bugs and I would like a heads up if I can run into anything weird like the impossible to complete vampire cure quest in some versions of Oblivion.

Any opinions?

Yes but the unofficial skyrim patch deals with 99% of the typical problems.

There is just a wildly debated thing in Skyrim. The whole world scales to your character's level. If you reach Level 20 with just pickpocketing and are just as fragile as a Lv 1 Warrior, the monsters will start to crush you. Comparatively, if you only level combat skills combat is a cakewalk (you have a difficulty setting for your game though).

But also quest rewards scale: There are for example 5 versions of the Nightingale Bow so I personally like to install "fixed quest rewards" as a mod because I do not want to push my main quests to the 40+ levels.

And if you pick enchanting and blacksmithing, your character becomes broken no matter which other skills you choose. (Comparatively you can cheese the game also by brewing potions that boost your restoration and then activate a standing stone, increasing its power (because it is a restoration school effect). Or you can brew potions that increase enchanting. With that you can enchant gear, that boosts alchemy. With that you can look your character's power to infinity.

2018-04-26, 05:15 AM
Like others have said, mods are definitely worth it, even if only for fixes. If you decide to play through once unmodded, there's the option later to add even dlc-sized quest mods for some variety.

As for the controller, I've always played on PC with a 360 controller and had no issues. The only thing I would bring up is that keyboard has hotkeys (I think?) which you dont have access to on a controller. It wasnt until my latest unarmored mage character that involves having to constantly switch between different defensive, buffing and offensive spells that I have found this an annoyance, but still perfectly playable.

2018-04-26, 05:15 PM
Sadly with the advent of SkyUI's favorite's menu, I don't think Categorized Favorites Menu was ported, which is too bad because it was an amazing alternative to the fairly awful default one.

2018-04-30, 08:14 AM
I play with a controller even on my PC version so I can attest that the controller is fine. It's a harder to aim (magic or combat archery) with a controller than it is with a mouse, especially against moving targets. If you're playing stealth archer, melee, stealth archer, or stealth archer, there shouldn't be much of an issue.

Wait, there are people who don't play stealth archer? :smallconfused:

No brains
2018-04-30, 11:25 AM
Since Stealth Archer is so highly recommended, should I choose that build when I play my un-modded run, or would a mod improve the stealth archer experience?

2018-04-30, 11:38 AM
Since Stealth Archer is so highly recommended, should I choose that build when I play my un-modded run, or would a mod improve the stealth archer experience?

I've played with a fair amount of mods, mostly focused on graphical improvements, and can't think of any that directly affected the archery experience. I wouldn't bother about it for a first playthrough. Shooting people off of bridges from 100 yards away is a heck of a good time without tossing any mods in. If you're going to use any mods at all, stick to the Unofficial Patch and SkyUI for your first time, and experiment with the rest of them after you've had some experience in the game.

Personal favorites include Immersive Armors, Total Character Makeover, and LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons.

Make sure you get Skryim Special Edition if you're getting it on PC. I use Nexus Mods.

No brains
2018-04-30, 12:56 PM
So far it seems like XBONE would be a good platform for me because I don't quite trust my electric typewriter for gaming. This leaves mods open as an option and the controller won't affect the experience much.

2018-04-30, 02:11 PM
Stealth archer is just too easy. With a bit of time, it becomes so incredibly overpowered it's very nearly one shotting dragons out of the sky.

I prefer Mages or Warriors. More challenge in them.

Honest Tiefling
2018-04-30, 05:53 PM
Since Stealth Archer is so highly recommended, should I choose that build when I play my un-modded run, or would a mod improve the stealth archer experience?

Stealth archers become VERY OP...but then again, isn't that the fun of these games? I suggest trying to build a warrior in light armor. Stealth elements are necessary (or make it much easier) for some quests, so having good stealth is nice. If it's too much, just dual-wield instead.

If you want a challenge, don't do it. If you want to do hilarious things, do it and just stab a few folks as you wish.

As for mods, I suggest trying out the companion mods. They vary wildly in tone, but are much nicer then dragging along a cardboard cut-out in my opinion.

2018-04-30, 10:38 PM
Stealth archery isn't so much a problem balancingwise if you cannot hit the target, like me. :smalleek:

2018-05-01, 08:25 AM
You know Skyrim is the odd duck of the series when the Mage is less OP than the Archer.

Who remembers the reality-breaking magic options in Morrowind?

2018-05-01, 08:30 AM
I keep hearing good things about Skyrim VR, clearly you should get that version.

2018-05-01, 08:34 AM
i keep hearing good things about skyrim vr, clearly you should get that version.

Stop right there, criminal scum!

2018-05-01, 08:45 AM
The original Skyrim is 7 years old. Surely your computer can handle it?

The game is fine without mods though. If you want to play it on console it's good enough. In my experience these types of games are fine on console as long as you haven't actually played the PC version so that the change in control scheme isn't quite so bothersome.

2018-05-01, 02:42 PM
Honestly, I've never used the unofficial patches and never had any problems without them. You get the occasional weirdness I suppose, like rivers running sideways. But that's not exactly game breaking for me.

Skyrim is arguably better on controller.

2018-05-01, 03:42 PM
Arguably, it's not. Unless you're doing a third-person only archer where you'll never hit anything anyway so it doesn't matter that you can't aim.

2018-05-01, 03:57 PM
Wait, there are people who don't play stealth archer? :smallconfused:

Well, when you're getting bored of skulking about in the same caves/forts/towers/ruins, sometimes a good fast rampage is all you need. Especially when the only loot that seems to show up are burnt books and dribblings of septims and crappy half-stone potions.

2018-05-01, 06:03 PM
Arguably, it's not. Unless you're doing a third-person only archer where you'll never hit anything anyway so it doesn't matter that you can't aim.

I can aim just fine with a controller. I can also ACTUALLY USE dual weapons and destroy everything.

2018-05-01, 06:41 PM
Stealth archer is slow. Skulking around and picking off one enemy at a time takes forever. Maximizing alchemy, blacksmithing, and enchanting allows for nigh-invincibility against everything but particularly nasty bosses, and slaughtering your way through dungeons in melee is simply faster. This is relevant on higher difficulties with extremely spongy high-level enemies.

2018-05-01, 07:24 PM
I play with Wildcat installed, which makes enemies much squishier but also more powerful. Of course blocking makes them extremely tough, but if you can get behind them...

2018-05-04, 11:21 AM
If you want my opinion on mods, I would say do a couple of builds in just vanilla Skyrim. That way your more equipped to fully understand the full affects of all the mods, (there are some mods that can change your gameplay experience in ways you might not fully understand.
Honestly for unmoved gameplay, I personally believe that all the consoles are equal, but if your planning on using mods... that yeah console.

2018-05-06, 01:05 PM
I usually play on PS3 because I'm too broke to get it for anything else, but I do suggest you try it vanilla before trying out mods.

2018-05-22, 03:33 AM
Stealth archer is definately fun times, especially with effects that multiply sneak attack damage. It's just feels so rewarding to get into the right position and snipe away at a room, taking them out without them ever knowing your there.

Later on, I added mods that increased the number of companions, making stealth nonviable, but then there was a different kind of fun of turning dungeons into pitched battles with me plus 5 companions plus summons sometimes, against equally large numbers of enemies.