View Full Version : What are the best 1st-5th level spells to have prepared for trap filled dungeons?

Ancient Words
2018-04-25, 10:47 AM
We have a party entering the trap filled and deadly final tomb in a recent published Adventure's League Adventure.

Tomb of Annihilation Tomb of the Nine Gods

For dungeons filled with traps, what are the most useful and creative use of 1st-5th level spells to have prepared to avoid traps and why?

Willie the Duck
2018-04-25, 10:57 AM
Goodberry (still gotta eat and drink).

Otherwise, are you a player or the DM?

2018-04-25, 10:59 AM
Mage Hand!

2018-04-25, 11:08 AM
Conjure minor elementals(4th) to summon kamikaze mephits and set off traps from a safe location.

2018-04-25, 11:30 AM
Silent Image, Minor Image, prestidigitation, Phantasmal force.

Or in other words. Trap? What trap? All I see is a lovely clean room that smells faintly of a spring flowers.

2018-04-25, 01:18 PM
Detect magic is great especially as a ritual. Unseen servant. Find familiar. Death ward. Freedom of movement. Guidance. Augery, dispel magic, clairvoyance, arcane eye, sanctuary, revivify, commune.

I'm sure there are more but those seem very useful to me.

2018-04-25, 02:09 PM
Summon spells, especially ones that are reasonably humanlike. a level 3 slot for a druid gets you 4 apes that will trip traps ahead of you and yell back how they are dying. Not for the feint of heart though.

Fly and spider climb. Not being where the trap expects you to be can spare you from some trap triggers.

Tensers disk. Its a thing that lets you float above many traps with many people for a ritual cast. Combines well with fly.

Leo's hut. It is a really effective way to prevent damage if you can afford the cast time. you can put it up ritually, let someone try something dumb, then they can run back in and be pretty protected. Doesnt move though.

Enhance ability. Some traps require checks, advantage is good on those. Advantage on wis checks is equal to +5 passive, and it lasts a fair while.

Those are just some ideas off the top of my head.

2018-04-25, 02:27 PM
With the shape earth cantrip you could roll earth along in front of the party in sufficient quantity to find most traps. Probably have to bring it in with you though.

2018-04-25, 02:49 PM
Conjure animals to bring in fodder. Conjure up 8 CR1/4 critters and send them down the halls one at a time. They clear it out for you.

Joe dirt
2018-04-25, 02:59 PM
The best cannon fodder by far is unseen servant...

Unseen servant.... order it to "clean" the room and everything in it. before u go in...

Each unseen servant can drag 60 lb sack because it has a strength of 2 so have it drag a sack around to activate pit traps.

plus its a ritual so u can have 6 at a time with no spell slots used.

For locked doors look for a crack at the top/bottom of door or bring a drill and u can summon an unseen servant to unlock it from inside. Because all u need is sight to cast unseen servant

Beyond that
cast detect magic... also a ritual this will help on magic traps, enough said

light spell cantrip can be cast on small stone and thrown in dark places to light them up

Find familiar... get the bat for 1 reason it has echolocation blindsight for invisible foes and traps... unless u are a gish then go for owl to gain help action