View Full Version : Pathfinder Options for Hunter Animal Companion

2018-04-25, 03:56 PM
I'm currently building a gestalt character for a game on mythweaver's that I'm looking to apply to, am using Unchained Rogue//Hunter as my class basis. What I'm wondering is if there is a decent way feat wise that I can use to allow my animal companion to either use Feint's or Dirty Tricks in place of one or two of it's natural attacks in order to help set up my character being able to get Sneak Attack while I'm still at range.

I know at level 9 I'd be able to allow it to pick up Quick Dirty Trick as a feat to help with part of the issue, but since we're starting at level 3 I'm not sure where I can start at for this.

Feat Taxes are being used for this game, and I was very much interested in trying to apply some of the more interesting team work feats to this build as well since if my character picks it up the animal gets it to, which is part of the reason I'm looking at feinting as an option instead of just using dirty trick only. (there's a teamwork feat that allows for my hunter to get an AoO when ever the animal succeeds with feinting.

Currently the animals I'm looking at using were either

A: The small cat taking the Feytouched Archetype to allow it to get a +2 Str, Dex, and Con at levels 4 and 7 to make use of it's starting 21 dex and agile maneuvers

B: The big cat, and pretty much not worrying as much about feinting or dirty tricks since at level 7 I can just shoot at what ever it pounces and manages to grab so long as i have the required feats for shooting into melee (basically the thing I'll most likely use if it's pretty much impossible to make option a work)

or C: If I can't make option a work and the dm allows for dinosaurs to be a thing, I'll just pick up the Anklosaurus to help be a tank and shoot anything he manages to stun after level 7.

Kurald Galain
2018-04-25, 04:23 PM
Dirty tricks are so much better than feints that you really don't need both.

I think the small cat would be most fun to play. Anything with pounce would be the most DPR, of course.

2018-04-25, 04:41 PM
Really the only reason why I was looking at Feints to begin with was because of Improved Feint Partner,

I figured as a ranged rogue having the ability to get a free SA when ever I managed to get the Animal Companion to feint seemed like it might be nice, not sure how much of a trap that might be though.

2018-04-29, 08:13 PM
If you want to put dirty trick on your animal companion, consider the kitsune style feat tree. Intensive as all heck, but if you boost your animal's INT to 3, they can learn any feat they are physically capable of using.

For sneak attack, feinting or sneak attack can satisfy the condition, but feinting is less useful overall and less powerful as Kurald said. If you are going ranged improved feint partner won't provoke an AoO to my knowledge, unless you are going for snap shot, or have some kind of weapon that can use ranged and adjacent. So better to dirty trick.

Second big cat for pounce and tons of DPR, but small cat has advantages for scout and similar hijinks